Georg Cuntor breaks the number line!
(too old to reply)
John Gabriel
2015-09-12 06:42:38 UTC
Part 1: Cantor breaks the number line!

Part 2: Cantor produces first major fallacy!

Part 3: Cantor gives every point a NAME!

Part 4: Cantor discovers EQUAL infinities!

Part 5: God reveals the transfinite numbers to Cantor!

Epilogue - Cantor's delusions:
Dan Christensen
2015-09-12 14:01:40 UTC
Part 1...
What you should know about the Psycho Troll John Gabriel, in his own words:

JG's God Complex:

"I am the Creator of this galaxy."
-- March 19, 2015

"I am the last word on everything."
-- May 6, 2015

"Whatever I imagine is real because whatever I imagine is well defined."
-- March 26, 2015

"Unless I think it's logic, it's not... There are no rules in mathematics... As I have repeatedly stated, if there were to be rules, I'd be making the rules."
-- March 17, 2015

JG's Final Solution:

"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different." (Like JG's morals?)
-- March 18, 2015

"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not allow you...

"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...

(Note: When repeatedly asked if they should have gotten Jews like Albert Einstein, JG has refused to comment. You figure it out, folks.)

"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014

"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming." (Charming fellow.)
-- July 9, 2014

JG's Just Plain Stupid:

"1/0 is not undefined."
-- May 19, 2015

"1/3 does NOT mean 1 divided by 3 and never has meant that"
-- February 8, 2015

"The square root of 2 and pi are NOT numbers."
-- May 28, 2015

"By definition, a line is the distance between two points."
-- April 13, 2015

"So, 'is a member of' = 'is a subset of.'"
-- May 16, 2015

"There is no such thing as a continuous real number line."
-- March 24, 2015

"Indeed, there is no such thing as an instantaneous speed -- certainly not with respect to the calculus." (Note: Instantaneous speed is indicated by the speedometer in a car. Another Jewish conspiracy, JG?)
-- March 17, 2015

"Proofs had nothing to do with calculus."
-- May 30, 2015

In his wacky system, JG cannot even prove that 2+2=4. It seems unlikely he would have anything worthwhile to say about mathematics. On the contrary, it seems he is deliberately trying to mislead and confuse any newcomers here.

A special word of caution to students: Do not attempt to use JG's "system" in any course work in any high school, college or university on the planet. You will fail miserably. His system is certainly no "shortcut" to success in mathematics. It is truly a dead-end.


Download my DC Proof 2.0 software at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Archimedes Plutonium
2015-09-13 10:15:44 UTC
Dan asks if G. Polya is qualified to teach Calculus
I don't usually engage the trolls directly. I compile lists of their typical rantings and post them as a warning to others who may be taken in, wasting their valuable time or worse. I don't usually post more than one such warning per thread.

G. Polya

--- quoting HOW TO SOLVE IT, G. Polya, Princeton Univ. Press, 
pages 166-167 ---

3. Indirect proof. The prime numbers, or primes, are the numbers 
2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,... which cannot be resolved into 
smaller factors, although they are greater than 1. (The last clause 
excludes the number 1 which, obviously, cannot be resolved into 
smaller factors, but has a different nature and should not be 
counted as a prime.) The primes are the "ultimate elements" into 
which all integers (greater than 1) can be decomposed. For instance, 
630 = 2x3x3x5x7 is decomposed into a product of five primes. 
Is the series of primes infinite or does it end somewhere? It is 
natural to suspect that the series of primes never ends. If it ended 
somewhere, all integers could be decomposed into a finite number of 
ultimate elements and the world would appear "too poor" in a manner 
of speaking. Thus arises the problem of proving the existence of an 
infinity of prime numbers. 
This problem is very different from elementary mathematical 
problems of the usual kind and appears at first inaccessible. Yet, 
as we said, it is extremely unlikely that there would be a last 
prime, say P. Why is it so unlikely? 
Let us face squarely the unlikely situation in which, 
hypothetically, supposedly, allegedly, there is a last prime P. Then 
we could write down the complete series of primes 2,3,5,7,11, . . .P. 
Why is this so unlikely? What is wrong with it? Can we point out 
anything that is definitely wrong? Indeed, we can. We can construct 
the number Q = (2x3x5x7x11x...xP) +1. This number Q is greater than 
P and therefore, allegedly, Q cannot be a prime. Consequently, Q 
must be divisible by a prime. Now, all primes at our disposal are, 
supposedly, the numbers 2,3,5,...P but Q, divided by any of these 
numbers, leaves the rest 1; and so Q is not divisible by any of the 
primes mentioned which are hypothetically, all the primes. Now, there 
is something that is definitely wrong; Q must be either a prime or it 
must be divisible by some prime. Starting from the supposition that 
there is a last prime P we have been led to a manifest absurdity. 
How can we explain this? Our original supposition must be wrong; 
there cannot be a last prime P. And so we have succeeded in proving 
that the series of prime numbers never ends. 
Our proof is a typical indirect proof. (It is a famous proof too, 
due to Euclid; see Proposition 20 of Book IX of the Elements.) 
We have established our theorem (that the series of primes never 
ends) by disproving its contradictory opposite (that the series of 
primes ends somewhere) which we have disproved by deducing from it 
a manifest absurdity. Thus we have combined indirect proof with 
"reductio ad absurdum"; this combination is also very typical." 

--- end quoting HOW TO SOLVE IT, G. Polya, Princeton Univ. Press ---

Apparently in the 20th century there was no clear precision definition 
of series versus sequence, for we see both Polya and G.H.Hardy 
and some others using the term "series" when it at best is described 
as a sequence of primes. And later on in this book of Correcting Math, a precision 
of Series versus Sequence is given which is very important for the 
Riemann Hypothesis 
in that it is a pseudo hypothesis since it never precision defined 
Series as it relates 
to the Euler encoding and the Riemann zeta function.

Precision mathematics is not a hallmark or cornerstone of 20th century 
and just as the world experienced hippie-ism and laissez faire 
attitudes and 
marijuana smoking, one can say that much if not most of 20th century 
itself was "marijuana-mathematics" with all its ill-defined notions 
passing off as math, worst being infinity.

Polya makes the usual 3 mistakes, although Polya, half-heartedly defines prime first off, but seems to have forgotten his definition of prime by the time he reaches his "multiply the lot and add 1".

First, Polya thought Euclid gave a 
indirect proof but in actuality, Euclid gave a direct proof of 
IP by increasing set cardinality. Secondly, Polya did not realize the 
pure clarity and absoluteness of Logic that once "multiply the lot and 
add 1" is formed it 
must be necessarily the new prime that discharges the initial 
and leads to the contradiction. Polya sort of like Paulos and Peterson 
juggle with 
Euclid's number when formed, and juggle because they never had their 
first step 
as the definition of prime which would have pinpointed Euclid's number 
as necessarily 
a new prime, and second mistake, instead of understanding this "multiply the lot and add 1" as necessarily a new prime, Polya goes on to make a prime factor search.

And thirdly, if Polya had been required by the new 
standard that you must provide both a Direct alongside an Indirect 
Method proof of Euclid IP, it is likely that Polya would have 
delivered a mistake-free proof. But such was the ill-defining of 
of the 20th century, the sort of hippie mathematics that was so 
prevalent, but 
can anyone blame them considering they were under the awful threat of 
war in the Cold War, or the malaise of the Vietnam war, so you may as well have much ill-defining, 

Let me discuss something that Polya brilliantly mentions in his above. 
I want to complain about something which I have not complained 
enough about. Why is it that so many authors are so irritatingly 
worried about the number 1 in Euclid's IP, as if some obsessive 
compulsion disorder. Probably because Euclid was worried about 
1 in his proof for he mentions 1 often. If Euclid mentions "1" in his 
proof, it is probably because his proof is Ancient, and not because 
it is any key element of the proving 
technique.  But in modern day times 
whenever a person attempting Euclid IP Indirect that mentions 
1 unit as having any significance in the proof is a logic-misfit. And 
is added reason that Symbolic Logic should be a prerequisite course 
anyone wanting to major in mathematics, so that they fully understand 
what is needed and not needed in a proof of mathematics. 
Polya does mention 1 unit, but to his credit points out why 
it is logically-wacko to worry about 1 unit in Euclid's IP indirect.
When Polya mentions the prime series in this sentence: 
"primes, are the numbers 
2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,... which cannot be resolved into 
smaller factors, although they are greater than 1. (The last clause 
excludes the number 1 which, obviously, cannot be resolved into 
smaller factors"
Or when Hardy mentions the prime sequence (not series) 2,3,5,7,.. 
Then no-one cares anymore about 1 or 1 unit as being involved in 
the proof itself that a mentioning of the sequence eliminates the 1 
But try telling that to those in mathematics that never took a 
Logic course, who get fixated on some 
irrelevant thing and then making themselves a perpetual pest over the 
Proofs in mathematics do not require us listing all the facts and 
information of things gone before. And novices of mathematics 
often commit this error. That a proof of 
mathematics should be deplete of irrelevancies. One irrelevancy of 
Euclid IP is the fact of "1". Another irrelevancy in Euclid IP is the 
fact of what is composite. Novices of Euclid IP often dwell on "1" and 
"composite". When doing a mathematics proof we do not need to 
throw in all of mathematical knowledge that has come before. We 
only have to throw in the bare essentials of the proof. And a strict 
in Symbolic Logic would teach many want-to-be mathematician what a 
needs and does not need.

Direct method--- 
 Definition of prime. Given any finite set of primes we can augment 
 that set with one more new prime and thus since 
 we augment *any finite set* means it is infinite. Given a 
set of finite primes we 
multiply the lot and add 1, call it W+1. Either W+1 is prime or W+1 has a prime factor not 
 in the original finite set because W+1 is not 
divisible by any of those finite listed primes. QED

Indirect method--- 
 Definition of prime. Suppose set of all primes is finite with P_k its 
last and largest prime. Multiply the lot and add 1, call it W+1. This 
new number W+1 is necessarily prime 
because of the definition-of-prime. 
 Contradiction since W+1 is larger than P_k. Hence set of 
 all primes is infinite. QED

AP1990s Survey
AP1990s Survey
Many of AP's postings can be safely ignored as well. But once he starts peddling his mathematical snake oil promising an "easier way" for students to do calculus, for example, I think they really ought to be warned about him.
Yeah, I probably have too much time on my hand and should get out more. Sigh...
Dan seems to have lost sight that sci.math is about math, not about hatred of people and plastering hate-sheets all over the place, but when a person is insane, insanity is where "no reasoning can enter" and only repetitive hate sheets. Even if a poster like John Gabriel is wrong in everything he says about calculus, at least the reader deserves to judge for himself/herself, and not have a lunatic predator like Dan Christensen stigmatizing and branding other people.

Dan Christensen
2015-09-13 11:41:46 UTC
Dan asks...
When he's not lying like this, AP is spewing nonsense such as:

"0 is an infinite irrational number."
-- Archimedes Plutonium, June 28, 2015

"0 appears to be the last and largest finite number"
-- Archimedes Plutonium, sci.math, June 9, 2015

Link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/sci.math/$20AP$20axioms$20of$20Numbers$20versus$20Peano-Dedekind/sci.math/SRq9-cHtTY0

"0/0 must be equal to 1."
-- Archimedes Plutonium, sci.math, June 9, 2015

Link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sci.math/%220$2F0$20must$20be$20equal$20to$201%22%7Csort:date/sci.math/U6x4PEojzhs/BzlroMhJnNgJ

"The last and largest finite number is 10^604."
-- Archimedes Plutonium, sci.math, June 3, 2015

Link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/sci.math/largest$20AND$20authorname$3A%22Archimedes$20Plutonium%22$20AND$20before$3A2015$2F06$2F07/sci.math/9ZlZKMFEt-Q

AP is perhaps the most famous math crank on the internet. The insanity goes way back. In his heyday some decades ago, he wrote...

"The totality, everything that there is [the universe], is only 1 atom of plutonium. There is nothing outside or beyond this one atom of plutonium."
-- Ludwig (aka Archimedes) Plutonium, sci.math, April 4, 1994

Link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/sci.math/faq$20and$20atom$20AND$20universe$20AND$20before$3A1996$2F01$2F01/sci.math/lIIVtZjeGhk

A word of caution to students: Do not attempt to use AP's "system" in any course work in any high school, college or university on the planet. You will fail miserably. His goofy system is certainly no "shortcut" to success in mathematics. On the contrary, it is a dead end and would be a complete waste of your time.


Download my DC Proof 2.0 software at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Archimedes Plutonium
2015-09-15 05:03:55 UTC
Dan asks if John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy are qualified to teach Calculus

       ($ $)

On Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 6:41:57 AM UTC-5, Dan Christensen wrote:
(Dan is trying for a new world record of plastering a million repetitive hate sheets on someone)
I don't usually engage the trolls directly. I compile lists of their typical rantings and post them as a warning to others who may be taken in, wasting their valuable time or worse. I don't usually post more than one such warning per thread.
 --- quoting THE BOOK OF NUMBERS John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy, Springer-Verlag, 1996, pages 133-135 ---

There Are Always New Primes!
It's not obvious that the sequence of primes continues indefinitely. 
There might come a stage, perhaps, when the sieving process stops 
because all the numbers have been struck out. However, Euclid also 
proved that the primes do indeed continue forever.
Imagine that all the primes you know are
       2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.
Then we'll show that there must be another one. Multiply your 
primes together and add 1 to get the larger number
      2x3x5x7x11x13 + 1 = 30031.
This number is certainly bigger than 1. What is the smallest number, 
bigger than 1, that divides it exactly? This must be a prime, 
otherwise one of its factors would be a smaller candidate. But it 
can't be one of the old primes 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, or 13, since 
each of these leaves remainder 1 when divided into 30031. So 
we've found a new prime. 
Sometimes the big number here is already prime, but sometimes, 
as in the previous example, it isn't:
  1 + 1 = 2 is prime 
  2 + 1 = 3 is prime 
  2x3 + 1 = 7 is prime 
  2x3x5 + 1 = 31 is prime 
  2x3x5x7 + 1 = 211 is prime 
  2x3x5x7x11 + 1 = 2311 is prime 
2x3x5x7x11x13 + 1 = 30031 = 59x509 
  2x3x5x7x11x13x17 + 1 = 510511 = 19x97x277, 
2x3x5x7x11x13x17x19 + 1 = 9699691 = 347x27953.
The next few prime numbers of the form 2x3x5x...xp + 1 are for p = 
31, 379, 1019, 1021, and 2657.
Although we've known since Euclid that the primes get as large 
as you like, it was quite a long time before mathematicians could 
explicitly point to some very big ones.

--- end quoting THE BOOK OF NUMBERS John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy, 
Springer-Verlag, 1996, pages 133-135 ---

Conway and Guy have a mixed up version of both direct and indirect. 
Trouble is that Conway and Guy are more wrapped up in showing number 
examples then in actually giving a proof. Do they mean by "Imagine" as 
a substitute for "Suppose" as in a reductio ad absurdum? But if they 
did mean a 
indirect method proof then their 30031 is necessarily a new prime 
under the reductio ad absurdum. So theirs is a mixed up proof that 
ends as invalid.

What they are trying to say is that given any finite 
set of primes can always be augmented with a new prime which is 
set theory cardinality increase. So if they started their proof above 
by saying "Given any finite set of primes, a new prime can be found to 
augment that set which proves primes are infinite." Rather than start 
with a 
reductio ad absurdum clause of "Imagine that all the primes you know 
are 2, 3, 
5, 7, 11, 13." 
So I think Conway and Guy imagined Euclid's IP as Indirect method by 
starting off with what they started off with, supported by the fact that 30031 is not prime and a worrisome fact if Conway and Guy are doing an Indirect and not knowing the logic of indirect method. In a Direct method, they needed no focus upon 30031, unless theirs was a Indirect Method for which they did not understand how to prove the statement.

Here is another example of where two authors, if they had provided 
both a 
direct and indirect proof of Euclid IP, they perhaps would not have 
run into trouble and had a clear and valid result, not only to the 
readers but 
to themselves. The word obfuscation comes to mind for the above 
So let me harp on that commonsense approach that everyone doing a 
Infinitude of Primes proof should adopt. To supply two proofs, both 
the Direct 
method and Indirect method, so that the methods guides the authors and 
less likely to make mistakes and errors.

Here are my abbreviated renditions simultaneously:

Direct method--- 
 Definition of prime. Given any finite set of primes we can augment 
 that set with one more new prime and thus since 
 we augment *any finite set* means it is infinite. Given a 
set of finite primes we 
multiply the lot and add 1, call it W+1. Either W+1 is prime or W+1 has a prime factor not 
 in the original finite set because W+1 is not 
divisible by any of those finite listed primes. QED

Indirect method--- 
 Definition of prime. Suppose set of all primes is finite with P_k its 
last and largest prime. Multiply the lot and add 1, call it W+1. This 
new number W+1 is necessarily prime 
because of the definition-of-prime. 
 Contradiction since W+1 is larger than P_k. Hence set of 
 all primes is infinite. QED

And finally, let me comment that if Conway had spent more time on Logic and doing Euclid Infinitude of Primes proof with simultaneous direct and indirect, he may have seen the valid Indirect leads to a proof of Infinitude of Twin Primes, and so could have made history by proving infinitude of twin primes instead of AP. And also, a proof of Infinitude of Twin Primes for Conway would have been a far vastly more benefit to mathematics than the fakery silly "surreal numbers" that Conway plastered into mathematics. Math never needs fake concepts like "surreals", but math always can use someone with logic to clean up the existing math.

AP1990s Survey
Many of AP's postings can be safely ignored as well. But once he starts peddling his mathematical snake oil promising an "easier way" for students to do calculus, for example, I think they really ought to be warned about him.
Yeah, I probably have too much time on my hand and should get out more. Sigh...
Dan seems to have lost sight that sci.math is about math, not about hatred of people and plastering hate-sheets all over the place, but when a person is insane, insanity is where "no reasoning can enter" and only repetitive hate sheets.
Download my DC Proof 2.0  snip the ad crap of a scatterbrain
Visit my Math Blog at http://w  snip the ad crap of a scatterbrain
Dan wants no changes in the small world he lives in, so that he wants you to accept a Calculus with an Integral as the area of a line segment, as if a line segment has area.

Someone stupid in math, never wants any math to be changed or corrected or fixed.

In my opinion, Dan is no better than the oil companies trying to persuade people that Global Warming is not real. Why do they do that-- because of the money involved. Or, Dan is no better than those that want to remove Darwin Evolution from school, and have you buy their Creation books and downloads.

Students and readers-- put Dan in your filter or block for he is one of the worst failures of math, that math produces and ranks amoung those of John Gabriel and Pentcho Valev, all three should be Google "hidden for abuse".

