8000 BC ?
(too old to reply)
2015-11-09 01:31:50 UTC
8000 BC ?

Square root of 2 = 1.4142...

1.4142... * 1 = Square root of 2
1.4142... * 2 = Square root of 8
1.4142... * 3 = Square root of 18
1.4142... * 4 = Square root of 32

Of course each result is the hypotenuse of a developing square
2015-11-09 02:09:28 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
8000 BC ?
Square root of 2 = 1.4142...
1.4142... * 1 = Square root of 2
1.4142... * 2 = Square root of 8
1.4142... * 3 = Square root of 18
1.4142... * 4 = Square root of 32
Of course each result is the hypotenuse of a developing square
Of course! Now I get it. This is the true foundation of the New Calculus.
Please append this information to every post of one "John Gabriel", as a
service to him, and to spread illumination in the world of mathematics.

Also, it removes the stench of plagiarism that might otherwise dog it.
John Gabriel
2015-11-09 05:52:13 UTC
scat removed
SHHHHHH, baboon. Respond only when your master addresses you, idiot!
William Elliot
2015-11-09 02:18:39 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Square root of 2 = 1.4142...
1.4142... * 1 = Square root of 2
1.4142... * 2 = Square root of 8
1.4142... * 3 = Square root of 18
1.4142... * 4 = Square root of 32
a.sqr r = sqr ra^2
2015-11-09 02:24:35 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
8000 BC ?
Square root of 2 = 1.4142...
1.4142... * 1 = Square root of 2
1.4142... * 2 = Square root of 8
1.4142... * 3 = Square root of 18
1.4142... * 4 = Square root of 32
Of course each result is the hypotenuse of a developing square
Maybe like this:

Square with sides of 1 has a diagonal of 1 4/10.
Square with sides of 2 has a diagonal of 2 8/10
William Elliot
2015-11-09 03:53:05 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Square with sides of 1 has a diagonal of 1 4/10.
Square with sides of 2 has a diagonal of 2 8/10
The length of a diagonal of a square with sides of length n is n.sqr 2.
Pythagorean Theorem.

Empty mind empties empty space into empty set.
2015-11-09 04:05:25 UTC
Post by William Elliot
The length of a diagonal of a square with sides of length n is n.sqr 2.
Pythagorean Theorem.
But was a complete understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem unknown at 8000 BC ?

For instance, they used a water bubble and a plumb bob to layout a square on the side of a wall. Then they measured a diagonal of 1 and 4/10. Then once the number is official they just work with the number all across the land
John Gabriel
2015-11-09 05:51:07 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Post by William Elliot
The length of a diagonal of a square with sides of length n is n.sqr 2.
Pythagorean Theorem.
But was a complete understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem unknown at 8000 BC ?
For instance, they used a water bubble and a plumb bob to layout a square on the side of a wall. Then they measured a diagonal of 1 and 4/10. Then once the number is official they just work with the number all across the land
This applet explains how the Pythagoreans understood exactly what is square root of 2. The morons of today have strayed off the path of common sense.

Dan Christensen
2015-11-09 06:05:15 UTC
This applet...
What you should know about the Psycho Troll John Gabriel, in his own words:

JG's God Complex:

"I am the Creator of this galaxy."
-- March 19, 2015

"I am the last word on everything."
-- May 6, 2015

"Whatever I imagine is real because whatever I imagine is well defined."
-- March 26, 2015

"Unless I think it's logic, it's not... There are no rules in mathematics... As I have repeatedly stated, if there were to be rules, I'd be making the rules."
-- March 17, 2015

JG's Final Solution:

"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different." (Like JG's morals?)
-- March 18, 2015

"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not allow you...

"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...

(Note: When repeatedly asked if they should have gotten Jews like Albert Einstein, JG has refused to comment. You figure it out, folks.)

"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014

"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming." (Charming fellow.)
-- July 9, 2014

JG's Just Plain Stupid:

"1/0 is not undefined."
-- May 19, 2015

"1/3 does NOT mean 1 divided by 3 and never has meant that"
-- February 8, 2015

"The square root of 2 and pi are NOT numbers."
-- May 28, 2015

"By definition, a line is the distance between two points."
-- April 13, 2015

"So, 'is a member of' = 'is a subset of.'"
-- May 16, 2015

"There is no such thing as a continuous real number line."
-- March 24, 2015

"Indeed, there is no such thing as an instantaneous speed -- certainly not with respect to the calculus." (Note: Instantaneous speed is indicated by the speedometer in a car. Another Jewish conspiracy, JG?)
-- March 17, 2015

"Proofs had nothing to do with calculus."
-- May 30, 2015

In his wacky system, JG cannot even prove that 2+2=4. It seems unlikely he would have anything worthwhile to say about mathematics. On the contrary, it seems he is deliberately trying to mislead and confuse any newcomers here.

A special word of caution to students: Do not attempt to use JG's "system" in any course work in any high school, college or university on the planet. You will fail miserably. His system is certainly no "shortcut" to success in mathematics. It is truly a dead-end.


Download my DC Proof 2.0 software at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
William Elliot
2015-11-09 07:14:57 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Post by William Elliot
The length of a diagonal of a square with sides of length n is n.sqr 2.
Pythagorean Theorem.
But was a complete understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem unknown at 8000 BC ?
For instance, they used a water bubble and a plumb bob to layout a square on
the side of a wall. Then they measured a diagonal of 1 and 4/10. Then once
the number is official they just work with the number all across the land .
Whose "they"?
2015-11-09 08:51:49 UTC
Post by William Elliot
Whose "they"?
The subject concerns the five million people who were in the world at 8000 BC and what they could do.

Since the Babylonians in 7289 BC had the diagonal of a square to several decimal places and since that is more accurate than they could measure, they must have had the Pythagorean pattern
Simon Roberts
2015-11-09 09:27:29 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Post by William Elliot
Whose "they"?
The subject concerns the five million people who were in the world at 8000 BC and what they could do.
Since the Babylonians in 7289 BC had the diagonal of a square to several decimal places and since that is more accurate than they could measure, they must have had the Pythagorean pattern
wow, thanks, i mean that. i should look into all this. it supports my God theory.
2015-11-09 04:34:54 UTC
Okay, at 7289 BC they were at lot better than a suppposed Square Root of 2 = 1 & 4/10 .

2015-11-09 15:05:54 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Okay, at 7289 BC they were at lot better than a suppposed Square Root of 2 = 1 & 4/10 .
You are confusing the numbering and the dating of the tablet.
Babylon is not that old.

-William Hughes
2015-11-10 00:37:12 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
You are confusing the numbering and the dating of the tablet.
Babylon is not that old.
Yeah, I am interested in Mesopotamia at the earliest construction of square or rectangular houses.

This is later in history:

(They had the Square Root of 2 to more decimal places than they could measure but they only had a square and not a rectangle.)

So I am back to my premise that the diagonal of a 1 by 1 square was likely measured as 1 & 4/10 at around 8000 BC.

I attempted to work with it:

1.4142 * 1 = Square Root of 2
1.4142 * 2 = Square Root of 8
1.4142 * 2.4 = Square Root of 11.52
1.4142 * 2.45 = Square Root of 12.005
1.4142 * 2.5 = Square Root of 12.5
1.4142 * 3 = Square Root of 18

Then for a rectangle with sides of 3 & 4

Square Root of 12 = 1.4142 * 2.45 = 3.4648
(3 + 4) / 2 = 3.5
3.5 - 3.4648 = 0.0352
3.5 + 0.0352 = 3.5352
1.4142 * 3.5352 = 4.994
