contract killing of Gabriel simpler ?
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2014-08-18 17:16:03 UTC
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
John Gabriel
2014-08-18 18:19:30 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
2014-08-18 21:30:05 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
and less than 100 rand in country, even have a website,
send bitcoin donations to ***@paypal.com

so you are reading all the posts of course,
you narssistic creep brain roting flys maggots green goo pus stinky
fungi noudles illegal drugs too early in life, mama was a zoo keeper
2014-08-19 00:26:07 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
You're right Gabriel. 500 is far overpriced.
John Gabriel
2015-06-03 06:39:05 UTC
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
You're right Gabriel. 500 is far overpriced.
I thought I'd refresh this comment because monkeys on this forum have short memories. Chuckle. Ooooh, I am sooooo scared. :-)
John Gabriel
2015-06-03 06:42:11 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
You're right Gabriel. 500 is far overpriced.
I thought I'd refresh this comment because monkeys on this forum have short memories. Chuckle. Ooooh, I am sooooo scared. :-)
In fact I am going to refresh this comment at least once a day from now on - just to remind the local baboons.
Eram semper recta
2022-07-07 02:56:35 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
Some of these vile reptiles complained to Academia.edu that I was attacking them while in actual truth they were attacking me as is clearly visible in this OP. I place their names here for the record. The starred names participated in the death threats against me.

(*) Prof. Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Prof. Jack Huizenga (Harvard Alumnus)
Prof. David Ullrich (Oklahoma State)
(*) Dan Christensen (A vicious Troll from sci.math)
(*) Jean Pierre Messager (a psychopath aka Python from sci.math)
Zelos Malum (sci.math contributor and fundamentalist mainstream academic)
Denis Muller (Author of logical phalluses blog)
James R Meyer (Author of How to recognize cranks)
Mark Chu Carroll (Author of Good Math, Bad Math)
Anders Kaesorg (MIT)
Jan Burse (sci.math contributor from Switzerland)
RationalWiki (The libel on this site is mind-numbing)
Wikipedia: I think of the many administrators who have crossed my path and disparaged my character and my great work – the New Calculus. It goes back as far as Arthur Rubin, winner of the Putnam competitions. To my knowledge, this fool has accomplished exactly nothing in his long spanned career. There are many other scumbags and ignoramuses on Wikipedia from which I was banned several years ago.
Quora: There are literally thousands of stupid academics on this site.
Reddit: The libel on this site is prolific. If I were able to sue for each lie, I would be a very rich man.

There are many other sites out there – all by individuals who hate me and are jealous of my work.
Eram semper recta
2022-07-07 02:59:15 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
Some of these vile reptiles complained to Academia.edu that I was attacking them while in actual truth they were attacking me as is clearly visible in this OP. I place their names here for the record. The starred names participated in the death threats against me.
(*) Prof. Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Prof. Jack Huizenga (Harvard Alumnus)
Prof. David Ullrich (Oklahoma State)
(*) Dan Christensen (A vicious Troll from sci.math)
(*) Jean Pierre Messager (a psychopath aka Python from sci.math)
Zelos Malum (sci.math contributor and fundamentalist mainstream academic)
Denis Muller (Author of logical phalluses blog)
James R Meyer (Author of How to recognize cranks)
Mark Chu Carroll (Author of Good Math, Bad Math)
Anders Kaesorg (MIT)
Jan Burse (sci.math contributor from Switzerland)
RationalWiki (The libel on this site is mind-numbing)
Wikipedia: I think of the many administrators who have crossed my path and disparaged my character and my great work – the New Calculus. It goes back as far as Arthur Rubin, winner of the Putnam competitions. To my knowledge, this fool has accomplished exactly nothing in his long spanned career. There are many other scumbags and ignoramuses on Wikipedia from which I was banned several years ago.
Quora: There are literally thousands of stupid academics on this site.
Reddit: The libel on this site is prolific. If I were able to sue for each lie, I would be a very rich man.
There are many other sites out there – all by individuals who hate me and are jealous of my work.
Gilbert Strang is aka Port564
Jean Pierre Messager is known as YBM, Python, JPM and various other aliases.
The stupid troll Dan Christensen doesn't have any other aliases to my knowledge. It's impossible to verify whether this is a real name or not.
2022-07-07 04:27:27 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
Some of these vile reptiles complained to Academia.edu that I was attacking them while in actual truth they were attacking me as is clearly visible in this OP. I place their names here for the record. The starred names participated in the death threats against me.
(*) Prof. Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Prof. Jack Huizenga (Harvard Alumnus)
Prof. David Ullrich (Oklahoma State)
(*) Dan Christensen (A vicious Troll from sci.math)
(*) Jean Pierre Messager (a psychopath aka Python from sci.math)
Zelos Malum (sci.math contributor and fundamentalist mainstream academic)
Denis Muller (Author of logical phalluses blog)
James R Meyer (Author of How to recognize cranks)
Mark Chu Carroll (Author of Good Math, Bad Math)
Anders Kaesorg (MIT)
Jan Burse (sci.math contributor from Switzerland)
RationalWiki (The libel on this site is mind-numbing)
Wikipedia: I think of the many administrators who have crossed my path and disparaged my character and my great work – the New Calculus. It goes back as far as Arthur Rubin, winner of the Putnam competitions. To my knowledge, this fool has accomplished exactly nothing in his long spanned career. There are many other scumbags and ignoramuses on Wikipedia from which I was banned several years ago.
Quora: There are literally thousands of stupid academics on this site.
Reddit: The libel on this site is prolific. If I were able to sue for each lie, I would be a very rich man.
There are many other sites out there – all by individuals who hate me and are jealous of my work.
Who are you?
Alan Mackenzie
2022-07-07 07:13:39 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will
remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
Some of these vile reptiles complained to Academia.edu that I was
attacking them while in actual truth they were attacking me as is
clearly visible in this OP. I place their names here for the record.
The starred names participated in the death threats against me.
John, nobody cares.
Post by Eram semper recta
(*) Prof. Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Prof. Jack Huizenga (Harvard Alumnus)
Prof. David Ullrich (Oklahoma State)
(*) Dan Christensen (A vicious Troll from sci.math)
(*) Jean Pierre Messager (a psychopath aka Python from sci.math)
Zelos Malum (sci.math contributor and fundamentalist mainstream academic)
Denis Muller (Author of logical phalluses blog)
James R Meyer (Author of How to recognize cranks)
Mark Chu Carroll (Author of Good Math, Bad Math)
Anders Kaesorg (MIT)
Jan Burse (sci.math contributor from Switzerland)
RationalWiki (The libel on this site is mind-numbing)
Wikipedia: I think of the many administrators who have crossed my path
and disparaged my character and my great work – the New Calculus. It
goes back as far as Arthur Rubin, winner of the Putnam competitions. To
my knowledge, this fool has accomplished exactly nothing in his long
spanned career. There are many other scumbags and ignoramuses on
Wikipedia from which I was banned several years ago.
Quora: There are literally thousands of stupid academics on this site.
Reddit: The libel on this site is prolific. If I were able to sue for
each lie, I would be a very rich man.
There are many other sites out there – all by individuals who hate me
and are jealous of my work.
No. Nobody hates you - you're just not that important. Nobody is
jealous of your work - it just isn't significant.
Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).
2022-07-07 08:22:55 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
Some of these vile reptiles complained to Academia.edu that I was attacking them while in actual truth they were attacking me as is clearly visible in this OP. I place their names here for the record. The starred names participated in the death threats against me.
(*) Prof. Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Prof. Jack Huizenga (Harvard Alumnus)
Prof. David Ullrich (Oklahoma State)
(*) Dan Christensen (A vicious Troll from sci.math)
(*) Jean Pierre Messager (a psychopath aka Python from sci.math)
Zelos Malum (sci.math contributor and fundamentalist mainstream academic)
Denis Muller (Author of logical phalluses blog)
James R Meyer (Author of How to recognize cranks)
Mark Chu Carroll (Author of Good Math, Bad Math)
Anders Kaesorg (MIT)
Jan Burse (sci.math contributor from Switzerland)
RationalWiki (The libel on this site is mind-numbing)
Wikipedia: I think of the many administrators who have crossed my path and disparaged my character and my great work – the New Calculus. It goes back as far as Arthur Rubin, winner of the Putnam competitions. To my knowledge, this fool has accomplished exactly nothing in his long spanned career. There are many other scumbags and ignoramuses on Wikipedia from which I was banned several years ago.
Quora: There are literally thousands of stupid academics on this site.
Reddit: The libel on this site is prolific. If I were able to sue for each lie, I would be a very rich man.
There are many other sites out there – all by individuals who hate me and are jealous of my work.
How pathetic are you to think all of this shit? 😂
All I have done is pointing out how retarded you are!
Eram semper recta
2023-01-14 16:59:52 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.

Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Eram semper recta
2023-01-14 17:02:07 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
Eram semper recta
2023-02-01 02:20:25 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
The fucking bastard Jean Pierre Messager is constantly trying to have my article called One General derivative for all functions removed from Academia.edu. His latest excuse is that it contains a link to this thread!

Jean, you vile piece of shit, this is going to remain on sci.math forever and nothing you can do will see it removed.
Eram semper recta
2023-02-01 02:27:48 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
The fucking bastard Jean Pierre Messager is constantly trying to have my article called One General derivative for all functions removed from Academia.edu. His latest excuse is that it contains a link to this thread!
Jean, you vile piece of shit, this is going to remain on sci.math forever and nothing you can do will see it removed.
In this link, the reptile gloats about convincing Academia to remove one of my articles called One General derivative formula for all functions:


I post it here for cross-reference.
Eram semper recta
2023-02-01 17:42:46 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
The fucking bastard Jean Pierre Messager is constantly trying to have my article called One General derivative for all functions removed from Academia.edu. His latest excuse is that it contains a link to this thread!
Jean, you vile piece of shit, this is going to remain on sci.math forever and nothing you can do will see it removed.
I post it here for cross-reference.
Eram semper recta
2023-02-01 17:43:36 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
The fucking bastard Jean Pierre Messager is constantly trying to have my article called One General derivative for all functions removed from Academia.edu. His latest excuse is that it contains a link to this thread!
Jean, you vile piece of shit, this is going to remain on sci.math forever and nothing you can do will see it removed.
I post it here for cross-reference.
Python is JEAN PIERRE MESSAGER, the fucking reptile who is constantly writing you and asking you to delete my articles.
Eram semper recta
2023-02-01 17:44:43 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
The fucking bastard Jean Pierre Messager is constantly trying to have my article called One General derivative for all functions removed from Academia.edu. His latest excuse is that it contains a link to this thread!
Jean, you vile piece of shit, this is going to remain on sci.math forever and nothing you can do will see it removed.
I post it here for cross-reference.
Python is JEAN PIERRE MESSAGER, the fucking reptile who is constantly writing you and asking you to delete my articles.
Jean Pierre Messager is a criminal for taking part in planning a contract killing of me (JOHN GABRIEL).
Eram semper recta
2023-02-01 17:45:44 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I am replying to this just so no one can delete this comment. It will remain as evidence. Death threats are taken very seriously.
It is now January 14th, 2023 and I refresh this thread to remind new visitors to sci.math that the scum on this news group were not only actively issuing death threats but also planning how to execute the same.
Port563 is the handle used by that idiot MIT Professor Gilbert Strang, a closet homosexual and a non-mathematician.
Refreshing this thread is probably a reason I am still here. Strang's henchman is Pierre Jean Messager, a piece of shit from France who goes by many aliases: YBM, JPM, etc.
The fucking bastard Jean Pierre Messager is constantly trying to have my article called One General derivative for all functions removed from Academia.edu. His latest excuse is that it contains a link to this thread!
Jean, you vile piece of shit, this is going to remain on sci.math forever and nothing you can do will see it removed.
I post it here for cross-reference.
Python is JEAN PIERRE MESSAGER, the fucking reptile who is constantly writing you and asking you to delete my articles.
Jean Pierre Messager is a criminal for taking part in planning a contract killing of me (JOHN GABRIEL).
YBM and JPM are all Jean Pierre Messager aliases.
John Gabriel
2015-06-03 12:48:47 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Or maybe I'll refresh it more than once per day...
2015-06-03 14:19:13 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Or maybe I'll refresh it more than once per day...

You are advertising for your own "termination" (whatever that may mean)?

Wow - but kind of figures.

Guess you must know what you are doing. (-:

Why not do it a hundred times a day, and spread it around the newsgroups a
bit more to increase the eyefall?

There's mad, there's stark raving loony, and then there's the idiot John
2015-10-31 19:37:15 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Or maybe I'll refresh it more than once per day...
Gabriel, abandon the continuous destroying of Sci-math before someone
free us of your obnoxious trash.
John Gabriel
2015-06-03 18:38:52 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
2015-06-04 00:52:05 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
FAR overpriced sure. This is a scandal. Your life is not worth 2¢.
John Gabriel
2015-06-04 04:28:51 UTC
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
FAR overpriced sure. This is a scandal. Your life is not worth 2¢.
How about I contact your Employer and tell them what a "fine" ass you are?
2015-06-04 09:41:58 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
FAR overpriced sure. This is a scandal. Your life is not worth 2¢.
How about I contact your Employer and tell them what a "fine" ass you are?
So predictable, yawn.

At least the idiot Harris (JSH) could do basic algebra, had an undergrad
degree (though in physics and from something one step up from a degree mill)
and did his venomous RL attacks with some _class_.

Onlookers, please note it is Gabriel himself who is spamming the newsgroups
with an apparent solicitation for himself being "elimniated". Evidently
he views it as a joke. Or perhaps, attention-whore that he is, he placed
the original advertisement himself. Yes, he is (more than) mad enough.

He won't dare to contact the institution, but if he does, P, let me know
here and I will have representatives of 2 of the top 3 maths institutions
in the world contact them and set the issue straight. As well as get
our team to accelerate the efforts to get this monster into the jacket
he deserves.
John Gabriel
2015-06-04 12:28:42 UTC
Post by Port563
He won't dare to contact the institution, but if he does, P, let me know
here and I will have representatives of 2 of the top 3 maths institutions
in the world contact them and set the issue straight.
Really? Watch me.

Logiciels Libres chez Alcôve

is where Jean-Pierre Messager works. I will be in contact with them soon.
2015-06-04 14:53:07 UTC
Post by Port563
He won't dare to contact the institution, but if he does, P, let me know
here and I will have representatives of 2 of the top 3 maths institutions
in the world contact them and set the issue straight.
Really? Watch me.

Logiciels Libres chez Alcôve

is where Jean-Pierre Messager works. I will be in contact with them soon.


Do that in any negative way, asshole, and you will spend much of the rest
of your life wishing you had a time machine to undo your action...
John Gabriel
2015-06-04 19:01:40 UTC
"John Gabriel" <> wrote...
Post by Port563
He won't dare to contact the institution, but if he does, P, let me know
here and I will have representatives of 2 of the top 3 maths institutions
in the world contact them and set the issue straight.
Really? Watch me.
Logiciels Libres chez Alcôve
is where Jean-Pierre Messager works. I will be in contact with them soon.
Do that in any negative way, asshole, and you will spend much of the rest
of your life wishing you had a time machine to undo your action...
I shall do it and in a way that it causes maximum damage. Baboon that you are!

I piss and shit on your threats as I do you!
John Gabriel
2015-06-04 19:13:18 UTC
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
FAR overpriced sure. This is a scandal. Your life is not worth 2¢.
I have reported you to your HR. You have the baboon Port563 to thank for this!
2015-06-04 20:49:15 UTC
P, he is almost certainly lying.

Not that you have done anything wrong, merely commenting on the pricing
within the spamming advertisement that he himself deliberately (re-?)placed.

But, communicate with dev.null(at)mit.edu if you need to. The other
interesting addresses you find in the headers are either bogus, spamtrapped
or directed at a moron, so don't use them.

By the way, my surname is not "Null", but the combination was irresistible.

(Ignore the server messages you may get).
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
FAR overpriced sure. This is a scandal. Your life is not worth 2¢.
I have reported you to your HR. You have the baboon Port563 to thank for
John Gabriel
2015-11-13 13:00:09 UTC
Post by Port563
P, he is almost certainly lying.
But, communicate with dev.null(at)mit.edu if you need to.
Turns out baboon has been lying all the time:

John Gabriel
2015-06-05 00:22:46 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by YBM
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Comment refreshed because of rampant baboon activity and trolling.
FAR overpriced sure. This is a scandal. Your life is not worth 2¢.
I have reported you to your HR. You have the baboon Port563 to thank for this!
One more thing Pierrie, you should be careful how you behave when you need a job. Your obscene language, threats and vile wishes just make you look bad to your employer. That you even associate yourself with pure scum, the likes of coward Port563 is very, very bad for your reputation.

You can't say I didn't warn you!! Chuckle.
John Gabriel
2015-10-25 03:26:57 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
This was first posted just over a year ago. Seems the signatories to the death threats against John Gabriel have failed. They are:

Dan Christensen

Port563's name appears more than all the others. Christensen deleted his original comments but I have a record of those too. Sorry Danny, you are going to be nailed. It's going to teach you a lesson you will never forget.

Remember to bend over when you pick up the soap! Chuckle.
Brian Tenneson
2015-10-31 18:56:04 UTC
Records can be faked. There are even records that indicate you are intelligent. o_O
2015-10-31 21:28:59 UTC
Post by Brian Tenneson
Records can be faked. There are even records that indicate you are intelligent. o_O
Hahaha! (-;

Personally, I think the attention-whore with NPD (Narcissistic Personality
Disorder) had faked this message in the first place...

Why else would any person with even the remotest possible claim to some
degree of sanity keep advertising and re-advertising what he alleges is a
Mafia-type contract on himself??

John Gabriel, madder than a puddle-full of Kentucky bullfrogs.

And utterly ignorant of mathematics.
Dan Christensen
2015-10-31 23:19:19 UTC
Post by Port563
Post by Brian Tenneson
Records can be faked. There are even records that indicate you are intelligent. o_O
Hahaha! (-;
Personally, I think the attention-whore with NPD (Narcissistic Personality
Disorder) had faked this message in the first place...
Why else would any person with even the remotest possible claim to some
degree of sanity keep advertising and re-advertising what he alleges is a
Mafia-type contract on himself??
John Gabriel, madder than a puddle-full of Kentucky bullfrogs.
Only the month before, Psycho Troll Boy posted:

"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014

"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014

It shouldn't surprise anyone if "Nomen Nescio" (Latin for: I do not know his name) is yet another of JG's many aliases. He apparently got booted from the Quora forum for having 4 different aliases there.

2015-11-01 00:35:32 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by Port563
Post by Brian Tenneson
Records can be faked. There are even records that indicate you are intelligent. o_O
Hahaha! (-;
Personally, I think the attention-whore with NPD (Narcissistic Personality
Disorder) had faked this message in the first place...
Why else would any person with even the remotest possible claim to some
degree of sanity keep advertising and re-advertising what he alleges is a
Mafia-type contract on himself??
John Gabriel, madder than a puddle-full of Kentucky bullfrogs.
"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas
them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's
exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014
"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your
kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014
It shouldn't surprise anyone if "Nomen Nescio" (Latin for: I do not know
his name)
is yet another of JG's many aliases. He apparently got booted from the
Quora forum
for having 4 different aliases there.
Leave aside Quora, Dan - what about his deceptive multiple IDs -here- in
sci.math ?

Please examine the proof in my post, made several minutes ago, entitled
"Collection of recent forgeries written and published by John Gabriel
***@gmail.com" and with MID <n13m82$q3v$***@dont-email.me>.

The matter is very serious indeed, as I explain there. I am cutting dobie's
daily ration in half, just in case a violently-inclined baboon, filled as we
can easily prove with numerous death fantasies (documented at length, e.g.
for academics to be gassed and murdered) and of doing actual grievous injury
to others, certainly including you and I. Or did he think we were going to
stand idly by while he released his "piss and shit" onto us?
John Gabriel
2015-11-09 15:11:20 UTC
Post by Port563
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by Port563
Post by Brian Tenneson
Records can be faked. There are even records that indicate you are
intelligent. o_O
Hahaha! (-;
Personally, I think the attention-whore with NPD (Narcissistic Personality
Disorder) had faked this message in the first place...
Why else would any person with even the remotest possible claim to some
degree of sanity keep advertising and re-advertising what he alleges is a
Mafia-type contract on himself??
John Gabriel, madder than a puddle-full of Kentucky bullfrogs.
"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas
them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's
exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014
"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your
kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014
It shouldn't surprise anyone if "Nomen Nescio" (Latin for: I do not know
his name)
is yet another of JG's many aliases. He apparently got booted from the
Quora forum
for having 4 different aliases there.
Leave aside Quora, Dan - what about his deceptive multiple IDs -here- in
sci.math ?
Please examine the proof in my post, made several minutes ago, entitled
"Collection of recent forgeries written and published by John Gabriel
The matter is very serious indeed, as I explain there. I am cutting dobie's
daily ration in half, just in case a violently-inclined baboon, filled as we
can easily prove with numerous death fantasies (documented at length, e.g.
for academics to be gassed and murdered) and of doing actual grievous injury
to others, certainly including you and I. Or did he think we were going to
stand idly by while he released his "piss and shit" onto us?
Nobody gives a SHIT what you consider. I personally piss and shit on what you think moron!!!

I will take every last penny you have, you vile cowardly bastard. Don't you dare accuse me of terrorism. That is enough for me to put you away for a long time. Filthy jew. If you were attacked, gassed and burned, I would stand by idly and watch with glee in my eyes.

Putrid dog! SHUT THE FUCK UP. Get off this forum. You have nothing on me you imbecile. But I have YOUR death threats - a real threat here:


No matter how much you beg me, I will fucking have your arse in the slammer.

You better shut the fuck up about accusing others of being terrorists.

Dead dog!

No one is interested in your childish outbursts. Fuck off from this forum and take that filthy rag Dan Christensen with you.
Dan Christensen
2016-08-11 12:31:40 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Dan Christensen
Signatories, Troll Boy??? Get real!
Post by John Gabriel
Port563's name appears more than all the others. Christensen deleted his original comments but I have a record of those too. Sorry Danny, you are going to be nailed. It's going to teach you a lesson you will never forget.
Yeah, right. You have a reputation for setting up multiple user accounts in at the same forum for whatever reasons -- they can't be honest. (I understand your 4 user-id's at Quora got you were banned there.) I'm guessing Nomen and Amber are among your many aliases here, Troll Boy.
John Gabriel
2015-11-09 15:14:43 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
This is a real threat. I have never made any threats of killing others. Of course I wish the bastards who wrote these comments die a miserable death, but I won't have any part of it.

Threat: a statement saying you will be harmed if you do not do what someone wants you to do.

No chance of dumb baboon understanding what that means. But who cares. He just better shut his arsehole with the accusations of me being a terrorist which is outright false.

Filthy, lying, libeling jew. The pedophile Dan Christensen is in cahoots with this homosexual Port563.
John Gabriel
2015-11-10 04:59:37 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Sooner or later, Baboon Port563 is going to piss off one of his "friends" on this forum and that will make me very happy. I'll let the Baboon wonder why... Chuckle.
John Gabriel
2015-11-10 17:09:16 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Sooner or later, Baboon Port563 is going to piss off one of his "friends" on this forum and that will make me very happy. I'll let the Baboon wonder why... Chuckle.
Read this comment carefully - it might make you $10000 USD richer.
John Gabriel
2015-11-13 12:39:54 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Refreshed - 2015-11-13
Ken Quirici
2015-11-13 15:23:10 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I think John Gabriel is seriously mistaken about his beliefs, but I can't belief that your post was not flagged for abuse and all of his responses were. Is there some bias here? How can you suggest murdering someone and not be flagged for abuse? Amazing. Who's in charge here?
John Gabriel
2015-11-13 15:27:58 UTC
Post by Ken Quirici
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I think John Gabriel is seriously mistaken about his beliefs, but I can't belief that your post was not flagged for abuse and all of his responses were. Is there some bias here? How can you suggest murdering someone and not be flagged for abuse? Amazing. Who's in charge here?
A death threat is not just bias, it's a felony in the USA.
In charge here is USENET. They don't care.

Sci.math is the home of the Academic Nazis. You can't express your opinion about mathematics without being threatened by death.

BTW: You know nothing about my beliefs and they are not important where math is being discussed.
Dan Christensen
2015-11-13 16:28:20 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Ken Quirici
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
I think John Gabriel is seriously mistaken about his beliefs, but I can't belief that your post was not flagged for abuse and all of his responses were. Is there some bias here? How can you suggest murdering someone and not be flagged for abuse? Amazing. Who's in charge here?
A death threat is not just bias, it's a felony in the USA.
In charge here is USENET. They don't care.
Sci.math is the home of the Academic Nazis. You can't express your opinion about mathematics without being threatened by death.
JG's own Final Solution:

"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different." (Like JG's morals?)
-- March 18, 2015

"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not allow you...

"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...

(Note: When repeatedly asked if they should have gotten Jews like Albert Einstein, JG has refused to comment. You figure it out, folks.)

"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014

"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014

You were saying, Troll Boy?
2015-11-13 16:42:59 UTC
There is much more and much of it more recent:

"So, was the murder of 1.5 million Jews justified (...) who is to say what
is wrong or right." - John Gabriel, March 17, 2015

"I piss and shit on you pedophile! jews like you should be gassed and
burned!" - John Gabriel, November 8, 2015

"It would really please me tremendously if I heard someone impaled you
upside down. Shut the fuck up you dirty jew!" - John Gabriel, November 10,

Much more. Time for an update, Dan, to the relatively mild material you
keep putting out - unless you are a Closet Gabriel-Supporter or Apologist,
that is. (-;

And yes, perhaps "Ken Quirici" needs filling-in on the likely authorship of
the lead post. BB itself.
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Ken Quirici
I think John Gabriel is seriously mistaken about his beliefs,
but I can't belief that your post was not flagged for abuse and
all of his responses were. Is there some bias here? How can you
suggest murdering someone and not be flagged for abuse? Amazing.
Who's in charge here?
A death threat is not just bias, it's a felony in the USA.
In charge here is USENET. They don't care.
Sci.math is the home of the Academic Nazis. You can't express your
opinion about mathematics without being threatened by death.
JG's own Final Solution:

"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of
view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different."

-- March 18, 2015

"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots
didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not
allow you...

"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...

"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them
and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam
should be allowed to live."

-- July 13, 2014
John Gabriel
2015-11-13 18:43:02 UTC
Post by Port563
"So, was the murder of 1.5 million Jews justified (...) who is to say what
is wrong or right." - John Gabriel, March 17, 2015
And so what? Justice is seen from different perspectives. Allow me to make this even simpler so that a baboon like you can understand.

Do you eat beef? Let us pretend that you do. From your perspective, there is nothing unjust about eating beef. But if you were a bovine, do you think that your view of justice would be the same?
Post by Port563
"I piss and shit on you pedophile! jews like you should be gassed and
burned!" - John Gabriel, November 8, 2015
I don't hate Jews, but I do hate YOU! You are a disgusting liar. A vile and filthy creature who is such a coward that all he can do is throw stones at a caged lion. I would say anything to annoy and piss you off. I piss and sit on you!! Do you get that now? Chuckle. You have been spreading rumours about me which are going to bite you in the butt. In time my little baboon, in time.
If you have balls, try contacting me off line.
Post by Port563
"It would really please me tremendously if I heard someone impaled you
upside down. Shut the fuck up you dirty jew!" - John Gabriel, November 10,
It really would please me. As I said, if I had known you in 1944, I would have stood by idly while they gassed and incinerated you. You don't like inconvenient truths because it's in your jewish character to lie.
Post by Port563
And yes, perhaps "Ken Quirici" needs filling-in on the likely authorship of
the lead post. BB itself.
No one gives a fuck about Quirici. Who the hell is he anyway? Did someone appoint him as a judge?
2015-11-13 19:09:11 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Do you eat beef?
Beef and pork are different, bushmeat-eating Baboon Boy. Sigh.
Post by John Gabriel
I don't hate Jews
Post by John Gabriel
, but I do hate YOU! You are a disgusting liar.
However, not one lie by me can be found by you. Your claimed inability to
read message headers, and the libels you commit as a consequence, for
example attributing posts not made by me to me, are your problem - and will
be made a very big problem for you. Problems, problems, like everything
else to do with your miserable, frustrated, f-a-i-l-e-d life. (-;
Post by John Gabriel
A vile and filthy creature who is such a coward that all he can do is
stones at a caged lion.
Wrong on both counts. You are a Baboon, not a lion. And you are not yet
caged. Give us time.
Post by John Gabriel
I would say anything to annoy and piss you off. I piss and sit on you!!
Is one of the keys on your (presumably) urine-soaked keyboard
malfunctioning, or have you added a new threat to your repertoire?
Post by John Gabriel
If you have balls, try contacting me off line.
But I have - and successfully.

Post by John Gabriel
if I had known you in 1944
- then I'd have been alive, and you wouldn't have been. Next idiotic
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Port563
And yes, perhaps "Ken Quirici" needs filling-in on the likely
authorship of the lead post. BB itself.
No one gives a fuck about Quirici. Who the hell is he anyway?
Did someone appoint him as a judge?
Your non-denial of your authorship of the said alleged "death threat" is
noted and retained.

As to Quirici, he may well prove to be your warden. If you were smarter,
you'd be a lot politer.

Carry on.

You've dropped all your disgusting "nigger" attacks. Why, BB?
John Gabriel
2015-11-13 19:34:56 UTC
Post by Port563
Post by John Gabriel
Do you eat beef?
Beef and pork are different, bushmeat-eating Baboon Boy. Sigh.
Post by John Gabriel
I don't hate Jews
Post by John Gabriel
, but I do hate YOU! You are a disgusting liar.
However, not one lie by me can be found by you. Your claimed inability to
read message headers, and the libels you commit as a consequence, for
example attributing posts not made by me to me, are your problem - and will
be made a very big problem for you. Problems, problems, like everything
else to do with your miserable, frustrated, f-a-i-l-e-d life. (-;
Post by John Gabriel
A vile and filthy creature who is such a coward that all he can do is
stones at a caged lion.
Wrong on both counts. You are a Baboon, not a lion. And you are not yet
caged. Give us time.
Post by John Gabriel
I would say anything to annoy and piss you off. I piss and sit on you!!
Is one of the keys on your (presumably) urine-soaked keyboard
malfunctioning, or have you added a new threat to your repertoire?
Post by John Gabriel
If you have balls, try contacting me off line.
But I have - and successfully.
Post by John Gabriel
if I had known you in 1944
- then I'd have been alive, and you wouldn't have been. Next idiotic
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Port563
And yes, perhaps "Ken Quirici" needs filling-in on the likely
authorship of the lead post. BB itself.
No one gives a fuck about Quirici. Who the hell is he anyway?
Did someone appoint him as a judge?
Your non-denial of your authorship of the said alleged "death threat" is
noted and retained.
As to Quirici, he may well prove to be your warden. If you were smarter,
you'd be a lot politer.
Carry on.
You've dropped all your disgusting "nigger" attacks. Why, BB?
I don't even have to respond to this scat for others to know who is telling the truth and who is a liar. Thanks for nailing yourself big time moron. Chuckle.
2015-11-13 23:54:13 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Port563
Post by John Gabriel
Do you eat beef?
Beef and pork are different, bushmeat-eating Baboon Boy. Sigh.
Post by John Gabriel
I don't hate Jews
Post by John Gabriel
, but I do hate YOU! You are a disgusting liar.
However, not one lie by me can be found by you. Your claimed inability to
read message headers, and the libels you commit as a consequence, for
example attributing posts not made by me to me, are your problem - and will
be made a very big problem for you. Problems, problems, like everything
else to do with your miserable, frustrated, f-a-i-l-e-d life. (-;
Post by John Gabriel
A vile and filthy creature who is such a coward that all he can do is
throw stones at a caged lion.
Wrong on both counts. You are a Baboon, not a lion. And you are not yet
caged. Give us time.
Post by John Gabriel
I would say anything to annoy and piss you off. I piss and sit on you!!
Is one of the keys on your (presumably) urine-soaked keyboard
malfunctioning, or have you added a new threat to your repertoire?
Post by John Gabriel
If you have balls, try contacting me off line.
But I have - and successfully.
Post by John Gabriel
if I had known you in 1944
- then I'd have been alive, and you wouldn't have been. Next idiotic
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Port563
And yes, perhaps "Ken Quirici" needs filling-in on the likely
authorship of the lead post. BB itself.
No one gives a fuck about Quirici. Who the hell is he anyway?
Did someone appoint him as a judge?
Your non-denial of your authorship of the said alleged "death threat" is
noted and retained.
As to Quirici, he may well prove to be your warden. If you were smarter,
you'd be a lot politer.
Carry on.
You've dropped all your disgusting "nigger" attacks. Why, BB?
I don't even have to respond to this
for others to know who is telling the truth and who is a liar.
And that is a correct statement. Bravo! (-;

I forgot to note that my students probably find it side-splitting that the
baboon looks into the mirror and sees a (caged) lion. I have made a mental
note to ask them.
John Gabriel
2015-11-14 01:00:40 UTC
Post by Port563
I don't even have to respond to this for others to know who is telling the truth and who is a liar.
And that is a correct statement. Bravo! (-;
Great to see you are finally admitting that you are a liar.
Post by Port563
I forgot to note that my students probably find it side-splitting that the
baboon looks into the mirror and sees a (caged) lion. I have made a mental
note to ask them.
You have no students. I can't bring myself to accept that someone as hopelessly incompetent as you can be teaching anything, never mind mathematics.

That you are a lying coward and blowhard makes it so much more apparent.
John Gabriel
2015-11-13 18:35:42 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different." (Like JG's morals?)
-- March 18, 2015
I said that.
Post by Dan Christensen
"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not allow you...
"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...
I said that.
Post by Dan Christensen
"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014
I said that to get at you and baboon boy. It worked very well. I don't regret it.
Post by Dan Christensen
"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014
I never said that yet you keep repeating it because you are a vile dirty piece of shit.

The reason you are attacking my character is that you can't refute any of my math and the best way to get others to dislike me, is to do exactly what you have been doing.

Well, it has backfired on you. My ratings have only gone up and continue to increase.

What you should do, is learn not to repeat the mistakes of the Nazis whom you pretend to hate so much. Why, you are such a Nazi yourself and here you are denigrating their memory.

Why should I have the same opinion as you? What makes you think you have the right to force me off this forum because I disagree with your views? What gives you the right to post libel, lies and distortions in every comment of mine? yes, it's an unmoderated forum, but your actions have come back to haunt you!

My advice is that you cease immediately to attack others with different views. It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong.

Finally, no one needs to interact with you or respond to your comments. No one is under any obligation to debate you. Say what you like about the math, but leave that person's character out of your filthy mouth. Ever heard of addressing the topic and not attacking the individual? I guess not.
Dan Christensen
2015-11-13 19:21:45 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Dan Christensen
"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different." (Like JG's morals?)
-- March 18, 2015
I said that.
Post by Dan Christensen
"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not allow you...
"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...
I said that.
Post by Dan Christensen
"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014
I said that to get at you and baboon boy. It worked very well. I don't regret it.
Post by Dan Christensen
"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014
I never said that yet you keep repeating it because you are a vile dirty piece of shit.
The time for plausible denials has long past, Troll Boy. Your fingerprints are all over this one.
Post by John Gabriel
The reason you are attacking my character is that you can't refute any of my math
Ha, ha! You can't even prove that 2+2=4 in your goofy system. You continue to insist that 1 -:- 3 =/= 1/3, that the square root 2 is not a number -- the list goes on and on. Your program is dead in the water, Troll Boy. You are looking like a completely idiot here.
Post by John Gabriel
...and the best way to get others to dislike me, is to do exactly what you have been doing.
You are your own worst enemy in that regard, Troll Boy. (See above.) You are delusional if do you really believe that the rest of the world secretly shares you fawning admiration of Hitler and his methods, and that they would support your extermination of all your critics and their children. You have worked long and hard to construct this psychotic persona of yours, Troll Boy -- your only "success" to date as far as I can tell.
Post by John Gabriel
Well, it has backfired on you. My ratings have only gone up and continue to increase.
You ARE delusional.
Post by John Gabriel
What you should do, is learn not to repeat the mistakes of the Nazis whom you pretend to hate so much. Why, you are such a Nazi yourself and here you are denigrating their memory.
"Denigrating" their memory??? You just can't help yourself, can you, Troll Boy?

John Gabriel
2015-11-13 19:36:27 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Dan Christensen
"Hitler was a genius and a very talented artist... As from a moral point of view, again his actions can't be judged, because his morals are different." (Like JG's morals?)
-- March 18, 2015
I said that.
Post by Dan Christensen
"I will point out a few facts about Hitler that most of you arrogant idiots didn't know or refused to acknowledge because your Jewish overlords do not allow you...
"Unfortunately, Hitler's henchmen got the wrong Jews...
I said that.
Post by Dan Christensen
"It would be a very good idea to round up all the academic idiots, gas them and incinerate the useless lot. Only those that pass John Gabriel's exam should be allowed to live."
-- July 13, 2014
I said that to get at you and baboon boy. It worked very well. I don't regret it.
Post by Dan Christensen
"All those who don't accept New Calculus, you better say goodbye to your kids... Because John Gabriel is coming."
-- July 9, 2014
I never said that yet you keep repeating it because you are a vile dirty piece of shit.
The time for plausible denials has long past, Troll Boy. Your fingerprints are all over this one.
Post by John Gabriel
The reason you are attacking my character is that you can't refute any of my math
Ha, ha! You can't even prove that 2+2=4 in your goofy system.
Noooo, noooo, noooo. I will not fall for that one again. I do not debate fools. I only ridicule them. Chuckle.
Post by Dan Christensen
You continue to insist that 1 -:- 3 =/= 1/3, that the square root 2 is not a number -- the list goes on and on. Your program is dead in the water, Troll Boy. You are looking like a completely idiot here.
Post by John Gabriel
...and the best way to get others to dislike me, is to do exactly what you have been doing.
You are your own worst enemy in that regard, Troll Boy. (See above.) You are delusional if do you really believe that the rest of the world secretly shares you fawning admiration of Hitler and his methods, and that they would support your extermination of all your critics and their children. You have worked long and hard to construct this psychotic persona of yours, Troll Boy -- your only "success" to date as far as I can tell.
Post by John Gabriel
Well, it has backfired on you. My ratings have only gone up and continue to increase.
You ARE delusional.
Post by John Gabriel
What you should do, is learn not to repeat the mistakes of the Nazis whom you pretend to hate so much. Why, you are such a Nazi yourself and here you are denigrating their memory.
"Denigrating" their memory??? You just can't help yourself, can you, Troll Boy?
John Gabriel
2016-08-11 07:38:54 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Brian Tenneson
2016-08-11 11:35:47 UTC
He is creating a new account to issue threats and then playing the victim in the main account.
Dan Christensen
2016-08-11 13:16:47 UTC
Post by Brian Tenneson
He is creating a new account to issue threats and then playing the victim in the main account.
Note: The death threats received yesterday from "Bas" and JG (5 hours apart) have same IP.

NNTP-Posting-Host: 2602:306:cedb:6f20:9052:8a6b:b75d:c522 (Bas)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 2602:306:cedb:6f20:9052:8a6b:b75d:c522 (John Gabriel)

Links to originals on Google Groups:

Looks like JG is indeed up to his old tricks.

Thanks, Python!
John Gabriel
2016-08-11 14:15:24 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by Brian Tenneson
He is creating a new account to issue threats and then playing the victim in the main account.
Note: The death threats received yesterday from "Bas" and JG (5 hours apart) have same IP.
NNTP-Posting-Host: 2602:306:cedb:6f20:9052:8a6b:b75d:c522 (Bas)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 2602:306:cedb:6f20:9052:8a6b:b75d:c522 (John Gabriel)
Looks like JG is indeed up to his old tricks.
Thanks, Python!
Yes. You are up to the same old shit - using forged headers again.

Troll that you are. But you will never stop me from commenting here. Your bullying has no effect on me and your lies are transparent to everyone.
Dan Christensen
2016-08-11 14:42:49 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by Brian Tenneson
He is creating a new account to issue threats and then playing the victim in the main account.
Note: The death threats received yesterday from "Bas" and JG (5 hours apart) have same IP.
NNTP-Posting-Host: 2602:306:cedb:6f20:9052:8a6b:b75d:c522 (Bas)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 2602:306:cedb:6f20:9052:8a6b:b75d:c522 (John Gabriel)
Looks like JG is indeed up to his old tricks.
Thanks, Python!
Yes. You are up to the same old shit - using forged headers again.
No forged headers, Troll Boy. They are straight from the Google Groups. Read `em and weep. Everyone is onto you now.

John Gabriel
2018-01-10 02:55:46 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
This message needs to be refreshed also: 1/9/2018

Hate to disappoint you bastards and Prof. Gilbert Strang of MIT (alias Port563), but I am still around and will be long after you are all gone. Chuckle.

You are all on my kill-file. WM and Bassam's posts are visible. Sometimes I look at other comments for entertainment and to ridicule you only.
Eram semper recta
2020-03-09 18:59:16 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
This thread needs to be refreshed so that those new to sci.math can see who the felons are:

Port563 (pseudonym used by Prof. Gilbert Strang of MIT. I wrote a letter to his boss and he ceased to post any more of his drivel on sci.math again)

Dan Christensen - still here unfortunately.

Nomen Nescio - this cunt has gone under cover or has also ceased to post on here.

Shitbag Jean Pierre Messager aka YBM aka JPM and now more recently as Python is also still around.

Some douchebag called Amber was trying to get donations on Paypal.

And there are several others too, but the instigators are the ones mentioned above.
Eram semper recta
2020-03-13 17:29:24 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Port563 (pseudonym used by Prof. Gilbert Strang of MIT. I wrote a letter to his boss and he ceased to post any more of his drivel on sci.math again)
Dan Christensen - still here unfortunately.
Nomen Nescio - this cunt has gone under cover or has also ceased to post on here.
Shitbag Jean Pierre Messager aka YBM aka JPM and now more recently as Python is also still around.
Some douchebag called Amber was trying to get donations on Paypal.
And there are several others too, but the instigators are the ones mentioned above.
It's very important to keep this thread alive as there is still remnant scum on this forum from the time the death threats were made. See above for details.
Eram semper recta
2020-03-13 17:42:48 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Hey dumb bastard!

More than 4 years later and I have once again been vindicated.

The initial responses to my New Calculus were venomous and based on personal dislike of me, rather than any serious study on the part of those fools who sought to disparage my work and character.

The sweetest revenge was realised in the form of my new theorem which was discovered in early January 2020 and proves the mainstream formulation of calculus is flawed:


How I used this theorem to show that mainstream calculus can be done without ill-formed concepts such as infinity, infinitesimals and the rot of limit theory:


Had I not discovered the first rigorous formulation of calculus in human history, this theorem may not have been realised for a few more thousand years!

The theorem is gifted to the world courtesy of the New Calculus:

Eram semper recta
2022-02-13 06:31:39 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Hey dumb bastard!
More than 4 years later and I have once again been vindicated.
The initial responses to my New Calculus were venomous and based on personal dislike of me, rather than any serious study on the part of those fools who sought to disparage my work and character.
Had I not discovered the first rigorous formulation of calculus in human history, this theorem may not have been realised for a few more thousand years!
Although I have no idea who was "Nomen Nescio", I suspect it was an insignificant nobody. It was a student of Gilbert Strang who revealed that Port563 was his alias.

Eight years later I am still here. Observe the absolute intensity of hatred aimed at me by the vile baboons on this newsgroup.

For the record, YBM is Jean Pierre Messager, a prize scumbag (and dismal failure) from France. Probably a filthy Jew himself. Then of course the local troll Dan Christensen still frequents the newsgroup. The criminal Dan Christensen cost me two teaching jobs and blacklisted me all over the United States making it impossible for me to work as a teacher in the US again.

Despite all the persecution, the libel, the lies, the hatred, the filth, the ignorance and stupidity of mainstream math academia, I delivered the final blow to their bullshit formulation of calculus in January 2020:


Whilst this reformulation is not the rigorous New Calculus, it was realised from it. The reformulation produces identical results to the flawed mainstream calculus without any use of infinity, infinitesimals or the circular rot of limit theory.
Dan Christensen
2022-02-13 06:49:10 UTC
STUDENTS BEWARE: Don't be a victim of JG's fake math
The initial responses to my New Calculus ...
When will YOU learn, Troll Boy?

JG here claims to have a discovered a shortcut to mastering calculus without using limits. Unfortunately for him, this means he has no workable a definition of the derivative of a function. It blows up for functions as simple f(x)=|x|. Or even f(x)=0. As a result, he has had to ban 0, negative numbers and instantaneous rates of change rendering his goofy little system quite useless. What a moron!

Forget calculus. JG has also banned all axioms because he cannot even derive the most elementary results of basic arithmetic, e.g. 2+2=4. Such results require the use of axioms, so he must figure he's now off the hook. Again, what a moron!

Even at his advanced age (60+?), John Gabriel is STILL struggling with basic, elementary-school arithmetic. As he has repeatedly posted here:

"There are no points on a line."
--April 12, 2021

"Pi is NOT a number of ANY kind!"
--July 10, 2020

"1/2 not equal to 2/4"
--October 22, 2017

“1/3 does NOT mean 1 divided by 3 and never has meant that”
-- February 8, 2015

"3 =< 4 is nonsense.”
--October 28, 2017

"Zero is not a number."
-- Dec. 2, 2019

"0 is not required at all in mathematics, just like negative numbers."
-- Jan. 4, 2017

“There is no such thing as an empty set.”
--Oct. 4, 2019

“3 <=> 2 + 1 or 3 <=> 8 - 5, etc, are all propositions” (actually all are meaningless gibberish)
--Oct. 22, 2019

No math genius our JG, though he actually lists his job title as “mathematician” at Linkedin.com. Apparently, they do not verify your credentials.

Though really quite disturbing, interested readers should see: “About the spamming troll John Gabriel in his own words...” (lasted updated March 10, 2020) at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/sci.math/PcpAzX5pDeY/1PDiSlK_BwAJ


Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog a http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Chris M. Thomasson
2022-07-07 21:16:31 UTC
Post by Eram semper recta
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
Hey dumb bastard!

If you are receiving death threats, you need to contact law enforcement,
Eram semper recta
2023-12-12 13:35:53 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
googleposting cunt Gabriel can be elimniated easiest by contract
in SA everything is possible cost no more than 500 US
They wanted me dead almost 10 years ago. Through a coordinated online effort, Gilbert Strang, Jean Pierre Messager and their numerous lackeys systematically destroyed my reputation.

Well, I am still here and apparently only getting stronger.

In your fucking faces, you dogs!!!!! I will have the last laugh.