(too old to reply)
Pentcho Valev
2015-08-02 11:10:37 UTC
"Thrust measurements of the EmDrive defy classical physics' expectations", said the researchers, who have been testing the highly controversial electromagnetic space propulsion technology. They posted on the Nasa Spaceflight forum that when lasers were fired into the EmDrive's resonance chamber, some of the laser beams had travelled faster than the speed of light..."

"But recently, Paul March, a NASA engineer, successfully tested the EM Drive and was able to demonstrate that laser beams fired through the EM Drive's resonance chamber exhibited fluctuations in velocity. This resulted in some beams appearing to surpass the speed of light."

Paul March seems to be an unperson now - you cannot find his words on the Internet:

George Orwell: "Withers, however, was already an unperson. He did not exist : he had never existed."

James Franson and Miles Padgett have also become unpersons in Einstein's schizophrenic world, even though their works were published in the New Journal of Physics and Science respectively:

"The scientific world is known for formulating theories which are sometimes accepted through confirmation by experiment and sometimes rejected and changed to more appropriate ones as new evidence sprouts forth. However, some theories have been firmly established and contesting them would seem quite peculiar. This is what physicist James Franson attempted to do. His paper published in the New Journal of Physics has created a buzz among physicists: he has brought evidence that implies that the speed of light as known by the theory of general relativity, which was phrased by Einstein, is not what it has always been thought to be. According to his results, the speed of light would be slower than the previous calculations.

Wrong Speed of Light = Everything is wrong about what we know of the universe

The theory of general relativity purports that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant at 299,792,458 metres per second. The speed of light is critical to a great number of other calculations when it comes to determinations concerning the universe. If this is wrong, imagine the domino effect that this would trigger, tumbling over other calculations as well."

"Physicists manage to slow down light inside vacuum (...) ...even now the light is no longer in the mask, it's just the propagating in free space - the speed is still slow. (...) "This finding shows unambiguously that the propagation of light can be slowed below the commonly accepted figure of 299,792,458 metres per second, even when travelling in air or vacuum," co-author Romero explains in the University of Glasgow press release."

"The speed of light is a limit, not a constant - that's what researchers in Glasgow, Scotland, say. A group of them just proved that light can be slowed down, permanently."

Glasgow researchers slow the speed of light

Challenging the constancy of the speed of light is regarded as the worst crime in Einstein's schizophrenic world:

Faster Than the Speed of Light, Joao Magueijo: "If there's one thing every schoolboy knows about Einstein and his theory of relativity, it is that the speed of light in vacuum is constant. No matter what the circumstances, light in vacuum travels at the same speed - a constant that physicists denote by the letter c: 300,000 km per second, or as Americans refer to it, 186,000 miles per second. The speed of light is the very keystone of physics, the seemingly sure foundation upon which every modern cosmological theory is built, the yardstick by which everything in the universe is measured. (...) The only aspect of the universe that didn't change was the speed of light. And ever since, the constancy of the speed of light has been woven into the very fabric of physics, into the way physics equations are written, even into the notation used. Nowadays, to "vary" the speed of light is not even a swear word: It is simply not present in the vocabulary of physics."

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Pentcho Valev
Dan Christensen
2015-08-02 12:34:23 UTC
Pentcho Valev FAQ


John Baez, "The Crackpot Index"

Pentcho Valev
2015-08-02 21:31:52 UTC
In Einstein's schizophrenic world, the countless demonstrations of superluminal motion are immediately forgotten:

July 19, 2000: "For generations, physicists believed there is nothing faster than light moving through a vacuum -- a speed of 186,000 miles per second. But in an experiment in Princeton, N.J., physicists sent a pulse of laser light through cesium vapor so quickly that it left the chamber before it had even finished entering. The pulse traveled 310 times the distance it would have covered if the chamber had contained a vacuum. Researchers say it is the most convincing demonstration yet that the speed of light -- supposedly an ironclad rule of nature -- can be pushed beyond known boundaries, at least under certain laboratory circumstances. (...) The results of the work by Wang, Alexander Kuzmich and Arthur Dogariu were published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature."

Nature 406, 277-279 (20 July 2000): "...a light pulse propagating through the atomic vapour cell appears at the exit side so much earlier than if it had propagated the same distance in a vacuum that the peak of the pulse appears to leave the cell before entering it."

How do Einsteinians manage to immediately forget such embarrassing results? By practicing crimestop of course:

"Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2015-08-03 18:42:31 UTC
In Einstein's schizophrenic world, reports of superluminal motion (there are countless of them) should involve some idiotic explanation of why Divine Albert's Divine Theory is not affected (sometimes a simple declaration, e.g. "it's not going to turn Einstein's theory on its head", is enough):

"Scientists in PML's Quantum Measurement Division have produced the first superluminal light pulses made by using a technique called four-wave mixing, creating two separate pulses whose peaks propagate faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. (...) NIST scientists emphasized that, while the information detection could be advanced, no information could actually travel faster than the speed of light and that, consequently, principles like causality in special relativity were always respected in these experiments."

"The technique developed at NIST is called four-wave mixing, and it works by altering some parts of each individual light pulse. This makes the light move forward faster than it normally would when traveling through a vacuum. (...) The physicists explain that the new research does not violate Albert Einstein's theory on general relativity - which states that the speed of light in a vacuum is the fastest achievable in the Universe. They say that a sort of loophole exists in this theory. By careful tuning of the light source and advanced calculations, it is possible to nudge portions of the light pulses so that they arrive at their destination ahead or behind the main pulse. (...) With four-wave mixing, the NIST investigators produced laser pulses that arrived at their destination a full 50 nanoseconds faster than photons traveling through a vacuum."

"According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, light travelling in a vacuum is the universal speed limit. That's a well-established rule - but it is one that scientists like to flirt with the idea of breaking. Including researchers at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), who have been trying to exploit a loophole in the rule, that could see something travel faster than light. That thing is information, and the loophole relies on forcing one pulse to propagate through a second one. If the second pulse is moving at a speed close to the speed of light, it should in theory be possible to make the first one travel faster than the speed of light. Which is pretty much exactly what the researchers from NIST have done, if you read their paper in Physical Review Letters. (...) So yes, something did move faster than the speed of light, and it was real this time. And, yes, it is impressive in a very abstract physical science kinda way, but it's not going to turn Einstein's theory on its head, nor revolutionise physics. So I wouldn't get too excited."

"Astrophysicists, led by Frederick Jenet of the University of Texas at Brownsville, have been monitoring a pulsar, PSR B1937+21, which is about 10,000 light years from Earth. (...) They found that pulses closer to the center arrived earlier than the normal timing, which suggests they had travelled faster than the speed of light. (...) The faster-than-light pulses do not violate Einstein's theory because technically the pulse carries no information."

"Electric signals can be transmitted at least four times faster than the speed of light using only basic equipment that would be found in virtually any college science department. Scientists have sent light signals at faster-than-light speeds over the distances of a few metres for the last two decades - but only with the aid of complicated, expensive equipment. Now physicists at Middle Tennessee State University have broken that speed limit over distances of nearly 120 metres, using off-the-shelf equipment costing just $500. (...) While the peak moves faster than light speed, the total energy of the pulse does not. This means Einstein's relativity is preserved, so do not expect super-fast starships or time machines anytime soon."

"This is exactly what the EPFL team has demonstrated. Using their Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) method, the group was able to slow a light signal down by a factor of 3.6, creating a sort of temporary "optical memory." They were also able to create extreme conditions in which the light signal travelled faster than 300 million meters a second. And even though this seems to violate all sorts of cherished physical assumptions, Einstein needn't move over - relativity isn't called into question, because only a portion of the signal is affected."

Pentcho Valev
