Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-08 06:23:46 UTC
AP's 334th book of science-- Similarities in the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump-- where they get crowds stirred up to commit violence on the rest of American society and thus Democracy crumbles into a bully dictatorship-- how Trump threatens judges, prosecutors, Supreme Court Justices if they do not rule in his favor.
Hitler was a bully, violent bully to put his supporters to act out violence on the rest of the people of Germany and that is how you destroyed the Weimar Republic. Trump is taking the same tactic and Trump started it with violence of 6Jan2021. Has trump parked some of his violent supporters near the homes of the Supreme Court, and pestering and threatening them should they think of voting not in favor of Trump. For Trump supporters certainly threatened every judge and prosecuter in his long list of indictments.
This is how a democracy falls-- when a bully stirs up the crowds to do violence.
Biden has his censor in sci.math reCAPTcha testing toy, has blocked AP from making any new threads in sci.math, for Biden believes AP should not have any new thread in sci.math but rather Biden seems to instruct his censor to fill sci.math with blocks of 20 spam-mill posts every hour on the hour of Ebook spam and Asia slot machines spam. So AP is left with no option other than posting the in a old thread.
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 11:43:17 AM (13 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Did you know that Germany before Hitler was a democracy? Not too many people know that. But Germany in what is called the Wiemar Republic was a democracy, just like the USA is a democracy, a representative government form.
The first president in 1919 was Friedrich Ebert, the second was Paul von Hindenburg.
The first chancellor in 1919 was Philipp Scheidemann the last of course was Hitler who destroyed the democracy.
Many many parallels and similarities with the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump in America.
For the grab of "power" is always one of the most sought after grabs in a lifetime. There is the desire to live then eat, then mate, but the most sought for all is "power".
As one wise person said "Power is absolute and is absolute corruption"
I write this book as the encroachment of my own personal life is rapidly being encroached upon with "cloud and reCAPTcha" tools for gaining Absolute Power.
I no longer have my music from Apple, all because the "cloud" is easy to penetrate by governments. I recently realized why there was such a delay in sending myself pictures I had taken on my iphone. The delay is because the picture is in the cloud and being viewed by governments around the world.
There is no privacy in taking pictures anymore since the "cloud" is seen by any and all governments.
Google is closing shop on most Usenet newsgroups like sci.math and sci.physics. They close on 22Feb2024, but in the meantime, in January it is almost impossible for AP to even get a post into sci.math and sci.physics because every post attempt has a reCAPTcha test stuck to the post before it is accepted. The excuse here is it is "checking to see if you are a robot". What took AP 3 minutes to write a post to sci.math, now takes AP 5 minutes taking reCAPTcha tests that just spin AP round and round endlessly and the post is never accepted. This reCAPTcha is manned by government employees how have paid workers and lists of people who they do not want posts in sci.math or sci.physics.
In Hitler's rise to power, Germany had TV back then, and the reCAPTcha parallelism was that the Nazis wanted only broadcasts of what was going to show the Nazi party in the brightest light. The excuse in the 1930s for German reCAPTcha tests, was that they poised these tests to purify the Aryan soul. The excuse in 2024 is that reCAPTcha tests to see if you are a robot.
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 12:16:55 PM (12 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Just yesterday in the news, the PBS Newshour news, was reporting that Trump had called up Congress persons who were ready to sign a deal on border security and aid to Ukraine, but Trump called them up to tell them to drop the deal and let the border be unsecure just so that Trump can run on the issue in his campaign. In other words, Trump comes first and the hell with the American people.
Similarity here to Hitler-- the Aryan master race --- where Hitler declares himself "Fuhrer" instead of just chancellor from Hindenburg, and destroys the Democracy and turns Germany into a Totalitarian dictatorship. Not much different from Trump calling up Congress and telling them to break the deal of border security so that Trump can run on border security in the 2024 election.
Also in the news of 25Jan2024 was news that the Georgia legal case of where Trump ruined election results, that Trump has personally attacked the prosecutor of that case, not only the prosecutor but judges in all of Trump trials are under the threat of Trump whipping up his crowd of supporters to go out and attack judical persons. This parallels the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s with their KristalNacht attacks.
Democracies tend to be peaceful and abhor violence and chaos. Democracies rely on strong Judical systems.
Dictators which Trump is verging into rely on threats of violence, rely on disorder, chaos, and a tearing down of the Judical System.
What brought the Nazis into power was the Threat of Violence. Trump is ever increasingly relying on people to commit violence on his behalf. Why the Insurrection of Jan 6 storming the USA Capitol building is a clear parallel to KristalNacht Germany.
Every judge, every prosecutor of Trump is threatened by Trump and his crowds. And this threat is starting to seep into every American citizen by the "cloud and reCAPTcha". There will come a day if Trump gets his way, where any critic of Trump has to pass a reCAPTcha test just to watch TV, or find out the Weather, or get into their bank account on line. A day will come where all Trump critics, have to pass a reCAPTcha test, just to open the door to their house.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 2:51:03 PM (12 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
The moment a political office holder in a democracy uses people to commit violence on other people-- they are unfit for office and have committed insurrection.
Democracies are about peace and tranquility and rule of law.
Dictators are about "power and control" and cause constant stirring up of violence and threat of violence.
Jan 6, 2021 of the Capitol Attack was insurrection and a breakdown of Democracy. It fell short of Hitler's announcing himself as "Fuhrer" and throwing the German Democracy into the dumpster.
But the Trump insurrection continues to this very day, where he threatens judges in courts and prosecutors and juries in his many indictments.
A Trump second term in White House, will undoubtedly have Trump remove the Judicial System from American Democracy and then announce himself as Fuhrer Trump or Supreme Leader Trump.
Israel's Netanyahu last year in 2023 tried to get rid of its Judicial System with loud and angry protests ensuing, for Netanyahu wanted Absolute Power so that Israel's democracy is only in name but King Netanyahu with absolute power rule.
Any democracy in the world, where its leader starts violence and threatening others in that society is on course to losing its democracy and become a petty dictator.
In Nazi Germany, instruments and tools to control crowds were used, the TV, and only broadcasts showing the Nazi party in "good light" was shown on TV while others were attacked and blamed for everything that went wrong.
By 2024 here in America, we have a new media of computers and social platforms. The government can easily spy on all its citizens if it wants to. But recently the government has a new tool in reCAPTcha that can deny people of any social events.
Just today, AP tried to post a subject of math into sci.math forum. The post took AP 3 minutes to write up and as AP hit the send button, up comes a reCAPTcha test, where I have to pick out squares where a bus or motorcycle or car etc are in. And if I fail the test, I lose my entire writing. Some government bureaucrat administering the reCAPTcha test just stole my writing never for me to be seen again, if I had not copied it beforehand.
Hitler's Nazi Germany if it had survived into modern times would have been proud of reCAPTcha, for a tool like that can be attached to almost any form of communication, to your phone, to your email, to your bank account, to your car, to your house. Where one group of Nazi's controls all the other people in society, in even the smallest of actions during the course of the day-- watching your favorite show on TV, but before you can-- you have to pass a reCAPTcha test.
Or imagine writing out a email, all finished with important information to your friend or loved one, and you hit the "send" button, only to see a spin around reCAPTcha, designed for you to fail, and then you lose your entire email that slithered off into nowhere land of some govt bureaucrat watching you and now reading your email.
Oh yes, the people running these reCAPTcha are saying they are checking for robots, but what really is going on here is Nazi minded power thugs are wasting time in your life and stealing your information.
In Trump's first term, he often wrote posts to sci.math and sci.physics complaining that he hated the guts of AP. If Trump has a 2nd term, what will Trump send out this time.........

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 3:06:20 PM (12 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
A Trump 2nd term in office where he vaporizes the Judiciary branch of government.
Also in the news of 25Jan2024, my there was a lot of news on the mischief that Trump causes.
The news was about Governor Greg Abbott of Texas who ordered his state law enforcement to erect barb wire fencing and keep illegal immigrants out.
Well, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Biden administration to remove the fencing and let Federal agents handle the situation.
But the Governor of Texas is not listening and still has the barb wire in place.
And ironic that Trump wants to use the border issue in his campaign and really does not want Gov.Abbott to solve the problem.
But this only goes to show how degenerative American politics has become. Where Trump not only has followers that commit violence on other citizens and Trump constantly threatening judges and prosecutors and Trump even having Governors such as Greg Abbott committing insurrection by blocking Federal agents at the border.
Once Hitler gained a seat in the Weimar German Republic, it was only a short few steps to overturn the entire Republic and declare himself "Fuhrer".
Once Trump gained grassroot followers who would do Trump's bidding to threaten judges or critics and then Trump gains support from Congress persons like Jim Jordan or governors like Greg Abbott, is only a few steps away where Trump declares himself Supreme Leader and throws our democracy into the dumpster.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 2, 2024, 7:58:33 PM (5 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Alright, I am going to get a new modern age definition of a Fascist or Nazi dictatorship rather than the old political science definition that says something like this-- (Wikipedia)-- a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race and a strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Sorry, I did not live through the rise of fascism or nazism to know first hand of how events unfolded, but here in America from 2016 onwards is the rise of fascism and nazism in America in the likes of Trump and one can easily see with their own eyes how fascism and nazism takes hold and destroys the democracy it was burn from.
The KristalNacht of Nazi Germany is no different than Trump's Jan 6, 2021. For the modern day definition of fascism and nazism is short and to the point-- whenever a leader can get a large number of people in a society to bid his calling of violence on other members of that same society, then the government of that country is no longer a democracy but a fascist nazi dictatorship.
Here in America, we hold out the hope that by 8 February, the US Supreme Court "nips in the bud" the rise of Trump, the first American fascist nazi dictator, and that the Supreme Court declares Trump committed insurrection to overturn the American democracy. For Trump is probably sending out signals already of threats of violence on the Supreme Court members if they do not rule favorably on Trump.
For it is seen already of Trump violent supporters attacking the prosecutor and judge in the Georgia election case, making mockery of the judicial system.
Trump in a second term in the White House will likely end US Democracy, for the definition of insurrection and fascism and nazism, is a sense and general feeling in society-- that unless you worship at the feet of Trump, he will send violent people after you.
Broadly speaking, that is how Hitler gained power and destroyed the Weimar Republic of Democracy. Hitler got a large band of supporters willing gleefully to do violence on behalf of Hitler.
On 8 February, we have a chance, for the chances are narrowing, to put an end to the Trump threat of dismantling American democracy and turning America into a internal civil war of Trump violent gangs threatening most Americans. For we have the chance that the Supreme Court finally puts Trump ambitions of violent power from ever holding public office ever again.
I do not know the German history in detail. Whether there was some opportune time to stop the rise of Hitler from gaining Nazism. The concept Nazi is just that-- do as the dictator says or he sends a gang of violent thugs after you. Everything else is plaster propaganda for the underlying mechanism-- do as the dictator says or you will meet violent thugs.
So hopefully, the USA Supreme Court can easily see that all the judges and prosecutors across all of America are challenged with Trump, as Trump ever more calls on his supporters to commit violence or simply threaten violence.
Please, US Supreme Court, on 8Feb, announce that Trump is barred from ever holding office in the USA.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 3, 2024, 3:04:35 PM (4 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Forms of Government from lowliest to highest.
1) Bully in charge.
2) Military dictatorship where the bully heads a army, navy, air force.
3) Fascism, Nazi where the bully seizes power by having a large supporter party of smaller bullies who threaten and intimate and commit violence on the larger society. Examples: Russia, China, North Korea, Iran. Bully is just a abbreviation for dictator.
4) Democracy, either parliamentary or USA style where "rule of law" still keeps bullies out, but take immense effort to keep bullies out as was seen on 6Jan2021.
5) Highest form of government is Science Council and the EU is centimetering its way into a full fledged Science Council.
AP hopes that the USA Supreme Court has enough intelligence and smarts to disqualify Trump from ever holding political office in the USA, for if the Supreme Court fails on 8Feb2024 with a decision on the Trump insurrection of the Capitol Storming, then the USA is heading for a Trump dictatorship a fascism and Nazi dictatorship and the end of the US Constitutional Democracy, for Trump has found the secret magic potion of that of having supporters who are willing and able to commit violence on other Americans as seen in 6Jan2021.
And Insurrection can easily be defined as that of which a bully causes other people to fight and hate the rest of society.
DEFINITION of Fascism and Nazi in lowest terms:: A bully who has supporters willing to commit violence on others in a society in the bully's bidding.
Witness:: Every judicial trial pending Trump, he threatens not only the judges but the prosecuters and the victims. His politcal crowd pester, harass, threaten all courts where Trump is scheduled.
If Trump makes it a 2nd term, he will be a bully dictator Fascist Nazi president. But he needs to complete the circle for full dictatorship-- a Military Dictator. And it was alarmingly awful in Trump's term of 2016-2020 for the generals with control of the nuclear buttons and a sitting president Trump with a childish mind in control of USA military. Some generals had to teach the entire chain of command-- do not listen to Trump-- listen to me (the prudent general). And the prudent general even had to call his counterpart in China on several occasions where Trump spouted off the mouth--missiles are coming soon. Where the general had to keep calling China and saying-- Trump was drunk inebriated.
So the challenge of Trump in a 2nd term is arrest full bully control of the USA Military, and the bully Trump does that by a Reverse Tommy Tuberville ploy. Tommy was set up to see how to arrest control of the military for a 2nd Trump term in office. A Reverse-Tommy-Tuberville is where Trump as president demotes all generals, demotes them to say private or sargent and then replaces those vacant seats with a Trump appointed bully. This is to have a completion of not only Trump as Fascist Nazi bully, but Trump as a Military Coup bully, and puts Trump as a Fuhrer of the USA, very much like Hitler in Nazi Germany.
Once Trump completes the Circle of Fascist bully then Military Coup bully, Trump will want to demonstrate his full power over the USA by having his puppet bully generals call in all nuclear laden submarines with their nuclear ICBM deterrence. Call all those submarines back to the USA to be put in port. Showing Russia and China, that the USA is now in prostate prone position ready to be mounted by Russia and China.
Trump calling Russia::
Trump: How you doing my buddy Putin?
Putin:: Ya, we want Alaska back and clear out the Ukraine Nazis in Alaska.
Trump:: Yes, Mr. Putin, take Alaska, in fact take Hawaii for they did not vote for me in 2024.
China calling Trump::
Xi:: Thanks for putting all your submarines in overhaul in ports.
Trump:: No problem.
Xi:: Thought I let you know we will invade Taiwan on Wednesday.
Trump:: Thanks
Postscript:: Every democracy in this world is in serious danger when its political leaders pit a violent faction of their party pit them against the rest of the members of that society. For on the day of 6 Jan 2021, America was no longer a Constitutional Democracy but was in control by a President Trump who was a bully dictator.
AP hopes the US Supreme Court can see the same on 8 February 2024 decision.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 3, 2024, 5:09:45 PM (4 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
The 14th Amendment -- prohibits anyone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the U.S. government from holding elected office if that person had taken an oath "to support the Constitution of the United States".
Insurrection-- 18 U.S. Code 2383-- simply put, this law makes it illegal to incite, assist with, or participate in a rebellion against US laws and authority.
The 14th Amendment is far far more than keeping out Civil War Rebel Confederates from holding office when enacted in 1860s.
At heart, at stake here, is one bully person using a group of people to go and threaten, harrass, pester, even commit violence on the general public at large.
Trump's Republican Party has degenerated into one of threatening and pestering judges, lawyers, civilians across America. Not only was 6 January 2021 a show of force by bully Trump to threaten every Congress person, but ends up killing police officers.
Insurrection is simple to define and see --- when a bully has other people commit threats, and violence, by simply the bidding of the bully.
This is how Germany lost the Weimar Democratic Republic, for Hitler had enough thugs to go out and violently attack the rest of society and KrystalNacht is the equivalent of 6 January 2021 in America.
A 2nd term in office for Trump will mean Republican bullies will not show up at your doorstep and ask for your vote, but will punch you in the stomach if you do not contribute to the party and vote for them.
Fascism and Nazi dictatorship is easily transitioned into from a Democracy, the moment you have a bully that whips and stirs up the crowds to go and threaten and commit violence on the rest of society.
So the 14th Amendment when interpreted by the Supreme Court on 8Feb2024, should not be boxed in with Civil War Rebels, but should be seen for the broader more general view of Insurrection-- where a bully calls on his followers to do threats and violence upon all Americans who are not kissing the feet of Trump.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 3, 2024, 10:54:05 PM (4 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
So at this rate in the campaign for US President, I see as the most sick race ever laid before a nation of 500 million people where we have the old octagenarian dumb Biden who cannot even remember what day of the week it is and lost his presidency to 10 rogue Republicans that will never pass any legislation, so why not step down and let Kamala have the Presidency and tackle these 10 rogue Republicans, for Biden surely will not, and the old octagenarian to be insane Trump who wants to turn America into a dictatorship if elected. Not much of a choice there and AP feels duty bound to always vote. So I just will have to write in Congress person or Governor with a lot of science background, for example Nuclear engineer Elaine Luria of Virginia looks promising, for both Biden and Trump are unfit for office.
I had wished Mitt Romney changes his mind and runs for office, but looking and seeing Mitt is also too old for President at age 77. For I think the age limit for public office in high stakes federal elections is age 74 where you resign and no-one is older than 75 in federal level.
Sad that the US has 500 million people and we end up with two -- too old to serve and one is insane with the 6Jan2021 insurrection.
But I am glad I figured out the Mechanism that causes a Democracy to slide into a dictatorship. That Mechanism is easy to see and Trump highlights the mechanism. To create a rally platform of hate spew, and where millions are willing to threaten and cause violence to the rest of the American population.
For a single day in 6 January 2021, the US was briefly, no longer a Constitutional Democracy, but was on that day a Fascist Nazi Dictatorship with Trump in charge, resulting in the death of 9 people and the assaults on 174 police officers.
The Mechanism is clear to see to all, and is the same mechanism that brought Hitler to power in Weimar German Democracy. Hitler got supporters around him who would go out and threaten and commit violence on any and all citizens on behalf of Hitler. When a person (bully) gets mob crowd support who will attack others in the society-- it no longer is a democracy but a dictatorship.
If Trump gets into power a second time, I have no doubt he will dismantle the Judiciary system, by simply having his followers park near the homes of people Trump does not like. We see this already in the many court cases indicting Trump. Threats on judges, threats on prosecutors. For the mechanism to sink a democracy, is simply have followers do dirty work on the rest of the society.
Hitler was a criminal and put in prison for the Bavaria Beer Hall Putsch, which killed 16 Nazis, 4 police officers, and 1 bystander. Not much different than Trump's 6Jan2021, only Trump is still a free man. But it exposes the Mechanism, the mechanism of how stable democracies become dictatorships-- a willingness of supporters to threaten and kill all other members of a society.
Never before in American History, did we have a bully like Trump who seeks admiration and support so that he can send his followers out and threaten with violence every person of that society.
I do not know, does Trump watch old Hitler rally films, where Hitler is just fomenting violence, and reading off a huge list of persons to target??? As far as I know, since I have no time for a Trump nonsense rally, is that Trump just reads off a hate list on his mind, fomenting and stirring the crowd to target those people.
The new phenomenon here in the USA of swatting, where Nikki Haley has been swatted twice now, is that from Trump fomented followers doing the swatting????
The US democracy was resilient enough in a first term of Trump, where government employees never really obeyed Trump, and ignored him. But if Trump gets into office now, I am afraid US Democracy is simply not resilient enough for a 2nd time around with Trump as his supporter crowd gets more testy, more angry, more violent.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 4, 2024, 12:11:56 PM (3 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
So in Hitler's Germany, Hitler led a 1923 insurrection of Munich Beer Hall Putsch leading to the death of 16 Nazis, 4 police officers and 1 bystander. And Hitler was found guilty and had to serve 5 years in prison, but was released 9 months later. A breakdown of the German legal system had started, not unlike the breakdown of the US Judiciary system of 2024.
Here in US we see the Georgia indictment of election tampering where the prosecutor and judge are threatened by Trump supporters. Where the prosecutor now has to recount all the dating boyfriends in her life, and perhaps the judge has to list all the dating girl-boy friends in life. We can extrapolate that Trump supporters are parked-near all the 9 supreme court justices homes and watching and monitoring and where Trump wants to know all the girl-boy friends each supreme court justice had during their lifetime. Perhaps so that Jim Jordan in the House can start proceedings for his court of law, the Jim Jordan neosupreme court.
And then we hear news that Governor Abbott of Texas who has his state militia guarding the Mexico border was called to pull back his troops by the USA Supreme Court Ruling, but Governor Abbott still not recognizing that ruling and still has his troops there.
And then we hear that Elon Musk wants to pay himself from his Tesla car company, pay himself $56 billion dollars for a year's worth of work, and the Delaware courts nullifying his pay as too excessive, and so what does Musk do?? Musk is now running to Texas and incorporating in Texas.
So just like the rise of Hitler in the Weimar Democracy of Germany, that rise of bully Hitler, is where Hitler gains supporters, each in himself a bully which systematically tears down the entire Judicial System of Weimar Germany and makes a mockery of the rule of law.
Is Trump bullies now requiring a complete dating history of the 9 Supreme Court Justices before they rule on 8February on the Trump Insurrection of 6Jan2021? Will Chief Justice Roberts have to list all his dates of girlfriends in his entire life, before he rules on the Trump Insurrection. Is Jim Jordan neocourt already gearing up to indict before the House the 9 Justices?
Is Elon Musk fleeing to Texas with his $56. billion to use to pay all Trump allies such as Rudy and pay off their fines and legal fees??
Hitler gained power by destroying the judiciary and legal system of Germany in early 1920s, and the same is going on here in the USA, with Trump supporters systematically destroying the courts and legal system of the US.
Democracies rarely withstand a bully who gets ruffian and violent supporters who then threaten every person who stands in opposition to the bully. Campaign rallies become just hate lists of people who the bully wants his ruffian supporters to attack. When Trump says "clean the swamp", what he means is destroy the American democracy system.
Democracies are delicate governments with fairness and liberty and freedom of its people. But bullies want power and they plan to destroy the democracy, starting with the legal system. Bullies rise to power by threatening and committing violence upon all other members of the society, and that is how they destroy the democracy. Can the US Supreme Court on 8Feb2024 rule that Trump can never hold office again from the 14th Amendment? Or has the US Supreme Court caved into threats of violence against them-- if they do not favor Trump?
P.S. I hope that Mitt Romney runs for President this year and although he is 77 years old, still, he makes a better president by a million times better than Trump or Biden. Please run Mitt, and give many of us a choice of a decent president, whether as Republican or Independent. AP needs someone to vote for come November 2024.
Biden has his censor in sci.math reCAPTcha testing toy, has blocked AP from making any new threads in sci.math, for Biden believes AP should not have any new thread in sci.math but rather Biden seems to instruct his censor to fill sci.math with blocks of 20 spam-mill posts every hour on the hour of Ebook spam and Asia slot machines spam. So AP is left with no option other than posting the in a old thread.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium
Hitler was a bully, violent bully to put his supporters to act out violence on the rest of the people of Germany and that is how you destroyed the Weimar Republic. Trump is taking the same tactic and Trump started it with violence of 6Jan2021. Has trump parked some of his violent supporters near the homes of the Supreme Court, and pestering and threatening them should they think of voting not in favor of Trump. For Trump supporters certainly threatened every judge and prosecuter in his long list of indictments.
This is how a democracy falls-- when a bully stirs up the crowds to do violence.
Biden has his censor in sci.math reCAPTcha testing toy, has blocked AP from making any new threads in sci.math, for Biden believes AP should not have any new thread in sci.math but rather Biden seems to instruct his censor to fill sci.math with blocks of 20 spam-mill posts every hour on the hour of Ebook spam and Asia slot machines spam. So AP is left with no option other than posting the in a old thread.
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 11:43:17 AM (13 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Did you know that Germany before Hitler was a democracy? Not too many people know that. But Germany in what is called the Wiemar Republic was a democracy, just like the USA is a democracy, a representative government form.
The first president in 1919 was Friedrich Ebert, the second was Paul von Hindenburg.
The first chancellor in 1919 was Philipp Scheidemann the last of course was Hitler who destroyed the democracy.
Many many parallels and similarities with the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump in America.
For the grab of "power" is always one of the most sought after grabs in a lifetime. There is the desire to live then eat, then mate, but the most sought for all is "power".
As one wise person said "Power is absolute and is absolute corruption"
I write this book as the encroachment of my own personal life is rapidly being encroached upon with "cloud and reCAPTcha" tools for gaining Absolute Power.
I no longer have my music from Apple, all because the "cloud" is easy to penetrate by governments. I recently realized why there was such a delay in sending myself pictures I had taken on my iphone. The delay is because the picture is in the cloud and being viewed by governments around the world.
There is no privacy in taking pictures anymore since the "cloud" is seen by any and all governments.
Google is closing shop on most Usenet newsgroups like sci.math and sci.physics. They close on 22Feb2024, but in the meantime, in January it is almost impossible for AP to even get a post into sci.math and sci.physics because every post attempt has a reCAPTcha test stuck to the post before it is accepted. The excuse here is it is "checking to see if you are a robot". What took AP 3 minutes to write a post to sci.math, now takes AP 5 minutes taking reCAPTcha tests that just spin AP round and round endlessly and the post is never accepted. This reCAPTcha is manned by government employees how have paid workers and lists of people who they do not want posts in sci.math or sci.physics.
In Hitler's rise to power, Germany had TV back then, and the reCAPTcha parallelism was that the Nazis wanted only broadcasts of what was going to show the Nazi party in the brightest light. The excuse in the 1930s for German reCAPTcha tests, was that they poised these tests to purify the Aryan soul. The excuse in 2024 is that reCAPTcha tests to see if you are a robot.
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 12:16:55 PM (12 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Just yesterday in the news, the PBS Newshour news, was reporting that Trump had called up Congress persons who were ready to sign a deal on border security and aid to Ukraine, but Trump called them up to tell them to drop the deal and let the border be unsecure just so that Trump can run on the issue in his campaign. In other words, Trump comes first and the hell with the American people.
Similarity here to Hitler-- the Aryan master race --- where Hitler declares himself "Fuhrer" instead of just chancellor from Hindenburg, and destroys the Democracy and turns Germany into a Totalitarian dictatorship. Not much different from Trump calling up Congress and telling them to break the deal of border security so that Trump can run on border security in the 2024 election.
Also in the news of 25Jan2024 was news that the Georgia legal case of where Trump ruined election results, that Trump has personally attacked the prosecutor of that case, not only the prosecutor but judges in all of Trump trials are under the threat of Trump whipping up his crowd of supporters to go out and attack judical persons. This parallels the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s with their KristalNacht attacks.
Democracies tend to be peaceful and abhor violence and chaos. Democracies rely on strong Judical systems.
Dictators which Trump is verging into rely on threats of violence, rely on disorder, chaos, and a tearing down of the Judical System.
What brought the Nazis into power was the Threat of Violence. Trump is ever increasingly relying on people to commit violence on his behalf. Why the Insurrection of Jan 6 storming the USA Capitol building is a clear parallel to KristalNacht Germany.
Every judge, every prosecutor of Trump is threatened by Trump and his crowds. And this threat is starting to seep into every American citizen by the "cloud and reCAPTcha". There will come a day if Trump gets his way, where any critic of Trump has to pass a reCAPTcha test just to watch TV, or find out the Weather, or get into their bank account on line. A day will come where all Trump critics, have to pass a reCAPTcha test, just to open the door to their house.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 2:51:03 PM (12 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
The moment a political office holder in a democracy uses people to commit violence on other people-- they are unfit for office and have committed insurrection.
Democracies are about peace and tranquility and rule of law.
Dictators are about "power and control" and cause constant stirring up of violence and threat of violence.
Jan 6, 2021 of the Capitol Attack was insurrection and a breakdown of Democracy. It fell short of Hitler's announcing himself as "Fuhrer" and throwing the German Democracy into the dumpster.
But the Trump insurrection continues to this very day, where he threatens judges in courts and prosecutors and juries in his many indictments.
A Trump second term in White House, will undoubtedly have Trump remove the Judicial System from American Democracy and then announce himself as Fuhrer Trump or Supreme Leader Trump.
Israel's Netanyahu last year in 2023 tried to get rid of its Judicial System with loud and angry protests ensuing, for Netanyahu wanted Absolute Power so that Israel's democracy is only in name but King Netanyahu with absolute power rule.
Any democracy in the world, where its leader starts violence and threatening others in that society is on course to losing its democracy and become a petty dictator.
In Nazi Germany, instruments and tools to control crowds were used, the TV, and only broadcasts showing the Nazi party in "good light" was shown on TV while others were attacked and blamed for everything that went wrong.
By 2024 here in America, we have a new media of computers and social platforms. The government can easily spy on all its citizens if it wants to. But recently the government has a new tool in reCAPTcha that can deny people of any social events.
Just today, AP tried to post a subject of math into sci.math forum. The post took AP 3 minutes to write up and as AP hit the send button, up comes a reCAPTcha test, where I have to pick out squares where a bus or motorcycle or car etc are in. And if I fail the test, I lose my entire writing. Some government bureaucrat administering the reCAPTcha test just stole my writing never for me to be seen again, if I had not copied it beforehand.
Hitler's Nazi Germany if it had survived into modern times would have been proud of reCAPTcha, for a tool like that can be attached to almost any form of communication, to your phone, to your email, to your bank account, to your car, to your house. Where one group of Nazi's controls all the other people in society, in even the smallest of actions during the course of the day-- watching your favorite show on TV, but before you can-- you have to pass a reCAPTcha test.
Or imagine writing out a email, all finished with important information to your friend or loved one, and you hit the "send" button, only to see a spin around reCAPTcha, designed for you to fail, and then you lose your entire email that slithered off into nowhere land of some govt bureaucrat watching you and now reading your email.
Oh yes, the people running these reCAPTcha are saying they are checking for robots, but what really is going on here is Nazi minded power thugs are wasting time in your life and stealing your information.
In Trump's first term, he often wrote posts to sci.math and sci.physics complaining that he hated the guts of AP. If Trump has a 2nd term, what will Trump send out this time.........

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Jan 26, 2024, 3:06:20 PM (12 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
A Trump 2nd term in office where he vaporizes the Judiciary branch of government.
Also in the news of 25Jan2024, my there was a lot of news on the mischief that Trump causes.
The news was about Governor Greg Abbott of Texas who ordered his state law enforcement to erect barb wire fencing and keep illegal immigrants out.
Well, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Biden administration to remove the fencing and let Federal agents handle the situation.
But the Governor of Texas is not listening and still has the barb wire in place.
And ironic that Trump wants to use the border issue in his campaign and really does not want Gov.Abbott to solve the problem.
But this only goes to show how degenerative American politics has become. Where Trump not only has followers that commit violence on other citizens and Trump constantly threatening judges and prosecutors and Trump even having Governors such as Greg Abbott committing insurrection by blocking Federal agents at the border.
Once Hitler gained a seat in the Weimar German Republic, it was only a short few steps to overturn the entire Republic and declare himself "Fuhrer".
Once Trump gained grassroot followers who would do Trump's bidding to threaten judges or critics and then Trump gains support from Congress persons like Jim Jordan or governors like Greg Abbott, is only a few steps away where Trump declares himself Supreme Leader and throws our democracy into the dumpster.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 2, 2024, 7:58:33 PM (5 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Alright, I am going to get a new modern age definition of a Fascist or Nazi dictatorship rather than the old political science definition that says something like this-- (Wikipedia)-- a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race and a strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Sorry, I did not live through the rise of fascism or nazism to know first hand of how events unfolded, but here in America from 2016 onwards is the rise of fascism and nazism in America in the likes of Trump and one can easily see with their own eyes how fascism and nazism takes hold and destroys the democracy it was burn from.
The KristalNacht of Nazi Germany is no different than Trump's Jan 6, 2021. For the modern day definition of fascism and nazism is short and to the point-- whenever a leader can get a large number of people in a society to bid his calling of violence on other members of that same society, then the government of that country is no longer a democracy but a fascist nazi dictatorship.
Here in America, we hold out the hope that by 8 February, the US Supreme Court "nips in the bud" the rise of Trump, the first American fascist nazi dictator, and that the Supreme Court declares Trump committed insurrection to overturn the American democracy. For Trump is probably sending out signals already of threats of violence on the Supreme Court members if they do not rule favorably on Trump.
For it is seen already of Trump violent supporters attacking the prosecutor and judge in the Georgia election case, making mockery of the judicial system.
Trump in a second term in the White House will likely end US Democracy, for the definition of insurrection and fascism and nazism, is a sense and general feeling in society-- that unless you worship at the feet of Trump, he will send violent people after you.
Broadly speaking, that is how Hitler gained power and destroyed the Weimar Republic of Democracy. Hitler got a large band of supporters willing gleefully to do violence on behalf of Hitler.
On 8 February, we have a chance, for the chances are narrowing, to put an end to the Trump threat of dismantling American democracy and turning America into a internal civil war of Trump violent gangs threatening most Americans. For we have the chance that the Supreme Court finally puts Trump ambitions of violent power from ever holding public office ever again.
I do not know the German history in detail. Whether there was some opportune time to stop the rise of Hitler from gaining Nazism. The concept Nazi is just that-- do as the dictator says or he sends a gang of violent thugs after you. Everything else is plaster propaganda for the underlying mechanism-- do as the dictator says or you will meet violent thugs.
So hopefully, the USA Supreme Court can easily see that all the judges and prosecutors across all of America are challenged with Trump, as Trump ever more calls on his supporters to commit violence or simply threaten violence.
Please, US Supreme Court, on 8Feb, announce that Trump is barred from ever holding office in the USA.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 3, 2024, 3:04:35 PM (4 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Forms of Government from lowliest to highest.
1) Bully in charge.
2) Military dictatorship where the bully heads a army, navy, air force.
3) Fascism, Nazi where the bully seizes power by having a large supporter party of smaller bullies who threaten and intimate and commit violence on the larger society. Examples: Russia, China, North Korea, Iran. Bully is just a abbreviation for dictator.
4) Democracy, either parliamentary or USA style where "rule of law" still keeps bullies out, but take immense effort to keep bullies out as was seen on 6Jan2021.
5) Highest form of government is Science Council and the EU is centimetering its way into a full fledged Science Council.
AP hopes that the USA Supreme Court has enough intelligence and smarts to disqualify Trump from ever holding political office in the USA, for if the Supreme Court fails on 8Feb2024 with a decision on the Trump insurrection of the Capitol Storming, then the USA is heading for a Trump dictatorship a fascism and Nazi dictatorship and the end of the US Constitutional Democracy, for Trump has found the secret magic potion of that of having supporters who are willing and able to commit violence on other Americans as seen in 6Jan2021.
And Insurrection can easily be defined as that of which a bully causes other people to fight and hate the rest of society.
DEFINITION of Fascism and Nazi in lowest terms:: A bully who has supporters willing to commit violence on others in a society in the bully's bidding.
Witness:: Every judicial trial pending Trump, he threatens not only the judges but the prosecuters and the victims. His politcal crowd pester, harass, threaten all courts where Trump is scheduled.
If Trump makes it a 2nd term, he will be a bully dictator Fascist Nazi president. But he needs to complete the circle for full dictatorship-- a Military Dictator. And it was alarmingly awful in Trump's term of 2016-2020 for the generals with control of the nuclear buttons and a sitting president Trump with a childish mind in control of USA military. Some generals had to teach the entire chain of command-- do not listen to Trump-- listen to me (the prudent general). And the prudent general even had to call his counterpart in China on several occasions where Trump spouted off the mouth--missiles are coming soon. Where the general had to keep calling China and saying-- Trump was drunk inebriated.
So the challenge of Trump in a 2nd term is arrest full bully control of the USA Military, and the bully Trump does that by a Reverse Tommy Tuberville ploy. Tommy was set up to see how to arrest control of the military for a 2nd Trump term in office. A Reverse-Tommy-Tuberville is where Trump as president demotes all generals, demotes them to say private or sargent and then replaces those vacant seats with a Trump appointed bully. This is to have a completion of not only Trump as Fascist Nazi bully, but Trump as a Military Coup bully, and puts Trump as a Fuhrer of the USA, very much like Hitler in Nazi Germany.
Once Trump completes the Circle of Fascist bully then Military Coup bully, Trump will want to demonstrate his full power over the USA by having his puppet bully generals call in all nuclear laden submarines with their nuclear ICBM deterrence. Call all those submarines back to the USA to be put in port. Showing Russia and China, that the USA is now in prostate prone position ready to be mounted by Russia and China.
Trump calling Russia::
Trump: How you doing my buddy Putin?
Putin:: Ya, we want Alaska back and clear out the Ukraine Nazis in Alaska.
Trump:: Yes, Mr. Putin, take Alaska, in fact take Hawaii for they did not vote for me in 2024.
China calling Trump::
Xi:: Thanks for putting all your submarines in overhaul in ports.
Trump:: No problem.
Xi:: Thought I let you know we will invade Taiwan on Wednesday.
Trump:: Thanks
Postscript:: Every democracy in this world is in serious danger when its political leaders pit a violent faction of their party pit them against the rest of the members of that society. For on the day of 6 Jan 2021, America was no longer a Constitutional Democracy but was in control by a President Trump who was a bully dictator.
AP hopes the US Supreme Court can see the same on 8 February 2024 decision.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 3, 2024, 5:09:45 PM (4 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
The 14th Amendment -- prohibits anyone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the U.S. government from holding elected office if that person had taken an oath "to support the Constitution of the United States".
Insurrection-- 18 U.S. Code 2383-- simply put, this law makes it illegal to incite, assist with, or participate in a rebellion against US laws and authority.
The 14th Amendment is far far more than keeping out Civil War Rebel Confederates from holding office when enacted in 1860s.
At heart, at stake here, is one bully person using a group of people to go and threaten, harrass, pester, even commit violence on the general public at large.
Trump's Republican Party has degenerated into one of threatening and pestering judges, lawyers, civilians across America. Not only was 6 January 2021 a show of force by bully Trump to threaten every Congress person, but ends up killing police officers.
Insurrection is simple to define and see --- when a bully has other people commit threats, and violence, by simply the bidding of the bully.
This is how Germany lost the Weimar Democratic Republic, for Hitler had enough thugs to go out and violently attack the rest of society and KrystalNacht is the equivalent of 6 January 2021 in America.
A 2nd term in office for Trump will mean Republican bullies will not show up at your doorstep and ask for your vote, but will punch you in the stomach if you do not contribute to the party and vote for them.
Fascism and Nazi dictatorship is easily transitioned into from a Democracy, the moment you have a bully that whips and stirs up the crowds to go and threaten and commit violence on the rest of society.
So the 14th Amendment when interpreted by the Supreme Court on 8Feb2024, should not be boxed in with Civil War Rebels, but should be seen for the broader more general view of Insurrection-- where a bully calls on his followers to do threats and violence upon all Americans who are not kissing the feet of Trump.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 3, 2024, 10:54:05 PM (4 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
So at this rate in the campaign for US President, I see as the most sick race ever laid before a nation of 500 million people where we have the old octagenarian dumb Biden who cannot even remember what day of the week it is and lost his presidency to 10 rogue Republicans that will never pass any legislation, so why not step down and let Kamala have the Presidency and tackle these 10 rogue Republicans, for Biden surely will not, and the old octagenarian to be insane Trump who wants to turn America into a dictatorship if elected. Not much of a choice there and AP feels duty bound to always vote. So I just will have to write in Congress person or Governor with a lot of science background, for example Nuclear engineer Elaine Luria of Virginia looks promising, for both Biden and Trump are unfit for office.
I had wished Mitt Romney changes his mind and runs for office, but looking and seeing Mitt is also too old for President at age 77. For I think the age limit for public office in high stakes federal elections is age 74 where you resign and no-one is older than 75 in federal level.
Sad that the US has 500 million people and we end up with two -- too old to serve and one is insane with the 6Jan2021 insurrection.
But I am glad I figured out the Mechanism that causes a Democracy to slide into a dictatorship. That Mechanism is easy to see and Trump highlights the mechanism. To create a rally platform of hate spew, and where millions are willing to threaten and cause violence to the rest of the American population.
For a single day in 6 January 2021, the US was briefly, no longer a Constitutional Democracy, but was on that day a Fascist Nazi Dictatorship with Trump in charge, resulting in the death of 9 people and the assaults on 174 police officers.
The Mechanism is clear to see to all, and is the same mechanism that brought Hitler to power in Weimar German Democracy. Hitler got supporters around him who would go out and threaten and commit violence on any and all citizens on behalf of Hitler. When a person (bully) gets mob crowd support who will attack others in the society-- it no longer is a democracy but a dictatorship.
If Trump gets into power a second time, I have no doubt he will dismantle the Judiciary system, by simply having his followers park near the homes of people Trump does not like. We see this already in the many court cases indicting Trump. Threats on judges, threats on prosecutors. For the mechanism to sink a democracy, is simply have followers do dirty work on the rest of the society.
Hitler was a criminal and put in prison for the Bavaria Beer Hall Putsch, which killed 16 Nazis, 4 police officers, and 1 bystander. Not much different than Trump's 6Jan2021, only Trump is still a free man. But it exposes the Mechanism, the mechanism of how stable democracies become dictatorships-- a willingness of supporters to threaten and kill all other members of a society.
Never before in American History, did we have a bully like Trump who seeks admiration and support so that he can send his followers out and threaten with violence every person of that society.
I do not know, does Trump watch old Hitler rally films, where Hitler is just fomenting violence, and reading off a huge list of persons to target??? As far as I know, since I have no time for a Trump nonsense rally, is that Trump just reads off a hate list on his mind, fomenting and stirring the crowd to target those people.
The new phenomenon here in the USA of swatting, where Nikki Haley has been swatted twice now, is that from Trump fomented followers doing the swatting????
The US democracy was resilient enough in a first term of Trump, where government employees never really obeyed Trump, and ignored him. But if Trump gets into office now, I am afraid US Democracy is simply not resilient enough for a 2nd time around with Trump as his supporter crowd gets more testy, more angry, more violent.

Archimedes Plutonium<***>
Feb 4, 2024, 12:11:56 PM (3 days ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
So in Hitler's Germany, Hitler led a 1923 insurrection of Munich Beer Hall Putsch leading to the death of 16 Nazis, 4 police officers and 1 bystander. And Hitler was found guilty and had to serve 5 years in prison, but was released 9 months later. A breakdown of the German legal system had started, not unlike the breakdown of the US Judiciary system of 2024.
Here in US we see the Georgia indictment of election tampering where the prosecutor and judge are threatened by Trump supporters. Where the prosecutor now has to recount all the dating boyfriends in her life, and perhaps the judge has to list all the dating girl-boy friends in life. We can extrapolate that Trump supporters are parked-near all the 9 supreme court justices homes and watching and monitoring and where Trump wants to know all the girl-boy friends each supreme court justice had during their lifetime. Perhaps so that Jim Jordan in the House can start proceedings for his court of law, the Jim Jordan neosupreme court.
And then we hear news that Governor Abbott of Texas who has his state militia guarding the Mexico border was called to pull back his troops by the USA Supreme Court Ruling, but Governor Abbott still not recognizing that ruling and still has his troops there.
And then we hear that Elon Musk wants to pay himself from his Tesla car company, pay himself $56 billion dollars for a year's worth of work, and the Delaware courts nullifying his pay as too excessive, and so what does Musk do?? Musk is now running to Texas and incorporating in Texas.
So just like the rise of Hitler in the Weimar Democracy of Germany, that rise of bully Hitler, is where Hitler gains supporters, each in himself a bully which systematically tears down the entire Judicial System of Weimar Germany and makes a mockery of the rule of law.
Is Trump bullies now requiring a complete dating history of the 9 Supreme Court Justices before they rule on 8February on the Trump Insurrection of 6Jan2021? Will Chief Justice Roberts have to list all his dates of girlfriends in his entire life, before he rules on the Trump Insurrection. Is Jim Jordan neocourt already gearing up to indict before the House the 9 Justices?
Is Elon Musk fleeing to Texas with his $56. billion to use to pay all Trump allies such as Rudy and pay off their fines and legal fees??
Hitler gained power by destroying the judiciary and legal system of Germany in early 1920s, and the same is going on here in the USA, with Trump supporters systematically destroying the courts and legal system of the US.
Democracies rarely withstand a bully who gets ruffian and violent supporters who then threaten every person who stands in opposition to the bully. Campaign rallies become just hate lists of people who the bully wants his ruffian supporters to attack. When Trump says "clean the swamp", what he means is destroy the American democracy system.
Democracies are delicate governments with fairness and liberty and freedom of its people. But bullies want power and they plan to destroy the democracy, starting with the legal system. Bullies rise to power by threatening and committing violence upon all other members of the society, and that is how they destroy the democracy. Can the US Supreme Court on 8Feb2024 rule that Trump can never hold office again from the 14th Amendment? Or has the US Supreme Court caved into threats of violence against them-- if they do not favor Trump?
P.S. I hope that Mitt Romney runs for President this year and although he is 77 years old, still, he makes a better president by a million times better than Trump or Biden. Please run Mitt, and give many of us a choice of a decent president, whether as Republican or Independent. AP needs someone to vote for come November 2024.
Biden has his censor in sci.math reCAPTcha testing toy, has blocked AP from making any new threads in sci.math, for Biden believes AP should not have any new thread in sci.math but rather Biden seems to instruct his censor to fill sci.math with blocks of 20 spam-mill posts every hour on the hour of Ebook spam and Asia slot machines spam. So AP is left with no option other than posting the in a old thread.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium