On 04/28/2024 08:24 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On 04/27/2024 09:01 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> On 04/25/2024 10:46 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>> On 04/22/2024 10:06 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>> On 04/20/2024 11:24 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>>> Well I've been thinking about the re-routine as a model of cooperative
>>>>> multithreading,
>>>>> then thinking about the flow-machine of protocols
>>>>> NNTP
>>>>> IMAP <-> NNTP
>>>>> HTTP <-> IMAP <-> NNTP
>>>>> Both IMAP and NNTP are session-oriented on the connection, while,
>>>>> HTTP, in terms of session, has various approaches in terms of HTTP 1.1
>>>>> and connections, and the session ID shared client/server.
>>>>> The re-routine idea is this, that each kind of method, is memoizable,
>>>>> and, it memoizes, by object identity as the key, for the method, all
>>>>> its callers, how this is like so.
>>>>> interface Reroutine1 {
>>>>> Result1 rr1(String a1) {
>>>>> Result2 r2 = reroutine2.rr2(a1);
>>>>> Result3 r3 = reroutine3.rr3(r2);
>>>>> return result(r2, r3);
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> The idea is that the executor, when it's submitted a reroutine,
>>>>> when it runs the re-routine, in a thread, then it puts in a
>>>>> ThreadLocal,
>>>>> the re-routine, so that when a re-routine it calls, returns null as it
>>>>> starts an asynchronous computation for the input, then when
>>>>> it completes, it submits to the executor the re-routine again.
>>>>> Then rr1 runs through again, retrieving r2 which is memoized,
>>>>> invokes rr3, which throws, after queuing to memoize and
>>>>> resubmit rr1, when that calls back to resubmit r1, then rr1
>>>>> routines, signaling the original invoker.
>>>>> Then it seems each re-routine basically has an instance part
>>>>> and a memoized part, and that it's to flush the memo
>>>>> after it finishes, in terms of memoizing the inputs.
>>>>> Result 1 rr(String a1) {
>>>>> // if a1 is in the memo, return for it
>>>>> // else queue for it and carry on
>>>>> }
>>>>> What is a re-routine?
>>>>> It's a pattern for cooperative multithreading.
>>>>> It's sort of a functional approach to functions and flow.
>>>>> It has a declarative syntax in the language with usual
>>>>> flow-of-control.
>>>>> So, it's cooperative multithreading so it yields?
>>>>> No, it just quits, and expects to be called back.
>>>>> So, if it quits, how does it complete?
>>>>> The entry point to re-routine provides a callback.
>>>>> Re-routines only return results to other re-routines,
>>>>> It's the default callback. Otherwise they just callback.
>>>>> So, it just quits?
>>>>> If a re-routine gets called with a null, it throws.
>>>>> If a re-routine gets a null, it just continues.
>>>>> If a re-routine completes, it callbacks.
>>>>> So, can a re-routine call any regular code?
>>>>> Yeah, there are some issues, though.
>>>>> So, it's got callbacks everywhere?
>>>>> Well, it's just got callbacks implicitly everywhere.
>>>>> So, how does it work?
>>>>> Well, you build a re-routine with an input and a callback,
>>>>> you call it, then when it completes, it calls the callback.
>>>>> Then, re-routines call other re-routines with the argument,
>>>>> and the callback's in a ThreadLocal, and the re-routine memoizes
>>>>> all of its return values according to the object identity of the
>>>>> inputs,
>>>>> then when a re-routine completes, it calls again with another
>>>>> ThreadLocal
>>>>> indicating to delete the memos, following the exact same
>>>>> flow-of-control
>>>>> only deleting the memos going along, until it results all the
>>>>> memos in
>>>>> the re-routines for the interned or ref-counted input are
>>>>> deleted,
>>>>> then the state of the re-routine is de-allocated.
>>>>> So, it's sort of like a monad and all in pure and idempotent
>>>>> functions?
>>>>> Yeah, it's sort of like a monad and all in pure and idempotent
>>>>> functions.
>>>>> So, it's a model of cooperative multithreading, though with no yield,
>>>>> and callbacks implicitly everywhere?
>>>>> Yeah, it's sort of figured that a called re-routine always has a
>>>>> callback in the ThreadLocal, because the runtime has pre-emptive
>>>>> multithreading anyways, that the thread runs through its
>>>>> re-routines in
>>>>> their normal declarative flow-of-control with exception handling, and
>>>>> whatever re-routines or other pure monadic idempotent functions it
>>>>> calls, throw when they get null inputs.
>>>>> Also it sort of doesn't have primitive types, Strings must always
>>>>> be interned, all objects must have a distinct identity w.r.t. ==, and
>>>>> null is never an argument or return value.
>>>>> So, what does it look like?
>>>>> interface Reroutine1 {
>>>>> Result1 rr1(String a1) {
>>>>> Result2 r2 = reroutine2.rr2(a1);
>>>>> Result3 r3 = reroutine3.rr3(r2);
>>>>> return result(r2, r3);
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> So, I expect that to return "result(r2, r3)".
>>>>> Well, that's synchronous, and maybe blocking, the idea is that it
>>>>> calls rr2, gets a1, and rr2 constructs with the callback of rr1 and
>>>>> it's
>>>>> own callback, and a1, and makes a memo for a1, and invokes whatever is
>>>>> its implementation, and returns null, then rr1 continues and invokes
>>>>> rr3
>>>>> with r2, which is null, so that throws a NullPointerException, and rr1
>>>>> quits.
>>>>> So, ..., that's cooperative multithreading?
>>>>> Well you see what happens is that rr2 invoked another
>>>>> re-routine or
>>>>> end routine, and at some point it will get called back, and that will
>>>>> happen over and over again until rr2 has an r2, then rr2 will memoize
>>>>> (a1, r2), and then it will callback rr1.
>>>>> Then rr1 had quit, it runs again, this time it gets r2 from the
>>>>> (a1, r2) memo in the monad it's building, then it passes a non-null r2
>>>>> to rr3, which proceeds in much the same way, while rr1 quits again
>>>>> until
>>>>> rr3 calls it back.
>>>>> So, ..., it's non-blocking, because it just quits all the time, then
>>>>> happens to run through the same paces filling in?
>>>>> That's the idea, that re-routines are responsible to build the
>>>>> monad and call-back.
>>>>> So, can I just implement rr2 and rr3 as synchronous and blocking?
>>>>> Sure, they're interfaces, their implementation is separate. If
>>>>> they don't know re-routine semantics then they're just synchronous and
>>>>> blocking. They'll get called every time though when the re-routine
>>>>> gets
>>>>> called back, and actually they need to know the semantics of returning
>>>>> an Object or value by identity, because, calling equals() to implement
>>>>> Memo usually would be too much, where the idea is to actually function
>>>>> only monadically, and that given same Object or value input, must
>>>>> return
>>>>> same Object or value output.
>>>>> So, it's sort of an approach as a monadic pure idempotency?
>>>>> Well, yeah, you can call it that.
>>>>> So, what's the point of all this?
>>>>> Well, the idea is that there are 10,000 connections, and any time
>>>>> one of them demultiplexes off the connection an input command message,
>>>>> then it builds one of these with the response input to the
>>>>> demultiplexer
>>>>> on its protocol on its connection, on the multiplexer to all the
>>>>> connections, with a callback to itself. Then the re-routine is
>>>>> launched
>>>>> and when it returns, it calls-back to the originator by its
>>>>> callback-number, then the output command response writes those back
>>>>> out.
>>>>> The point is that there are only as many Theads as cores so the
>>>>> goal is that they never block,
>>>>> and that the memos make for interning Objects by value, then the
>>>>> goal is
>>>>> mostly to receive command objects and handles to request bodies and
>>>>> result objects and handles to response bodies, then to call-back with
>>>>> those in whatever serial order is necessary, or not.
>>>>> So, won't this run through each of these re-routines umpteen times?
>>>>> Yeah, you figure that the runtime of the re-routine is on the
>>>>> order
>>>>> of n^2 the order of statements in the re-routine.
>>>>> So, isn't that terrible?
>>>>> Well, it doesn't block.
>>>>> So, it sounds like a big mess.
>>>>> Yeah, it could be. That's why to avoid blocking and callback
>>>>> semantics, is to make monadic idempotency semantics, so then the
>>>>> re-routines are just written in normal synchronous flow-of-control,
>>>>> and
>>>>> they're well-defined behavior is exactly according to flow-of-control
>>>>> including exception-handling.
>>>>> There's that and there's basically it only needs one Thread, so,
>>>>> less Thread x stack size, for a deep enough thread call-stack. Then
>>>>> the
>>>>> idea is about one Thread per core, figuring for the thread to
>>>>> always be
>>>>> running and never be blocking.
>>>>> So, it's just normal flow-of-control.
>>>>> Well yeah, you expect to write the routine in normal
>>>>> flow-of-control, and to test it with synchronous and in-memory
>>>>> editions
>>>>> that just run through synchronously, and that if you don't much
>>>>> care if
>>>>> it blocks, then it's the same code and has no semantics about the
>>>>> asynchronous or callbacks actually in it. It just returns when it's
>>>>> done.
>>>>> So what's the requirements of one of these again?
>>>>> Well, the idea is, that, for a given instance of a re-routine,
>>>>> it's
>>>>> an Object, that implements an interface, and it has arguments, and it
>>>>> has a return value. The expectation is that the re-routine gets
>>>>> called
>>>>> with the same arguments, and must return the same return value. This
>>>>> way later calls to re-routines can match the same expectation,
>>>>> same/same.
>>>>> Also, if it gets different arguments, by Object identity or
>>>>> primitive value, the re-routine must return a different return value,
>>>>> those being same/same.
>>>>> The re-routine memoizes its arguments by its argument list,
>>>>> Object
>>>>> or primitive value, and a given argument list is same if the order and
>>>>> types and values of those are same, and it must return the same return
>>>>> value by type and value.
>>>>> So, how is this cooperative multithreading unobtrusively in
>>>>> flow-of-control again?
>>>>> Here for example the idea would be, rr2 quits and rr1 continues, rr3
>>>>> quits and rr1 continues, then reaching rr4, rr4 throws and rr1 quits.
>>>>> When rr2's or rr3's memo-callback completes, then it calls-back
>>>>> rr1. as
>>>>> those come in, at some point rr4 will be fulfilled, and thus rr4 will
>>>>> quit and rr1 will quit. When rr4's callback completes, then it will
>>>>> call-back rr1, which will finally complete, and then call-back
>>>>> whatever
>>>>> called r1. Then rr1 runs itself through one more time to
>>>>> delete or decrement all its memos.
>>>>> interface Reroutine1 {
>>>>> Result1 rr1(String a1) {
>>>>> Result2 r2 = reroutine2.rr2(a1);
>>>>> Result3 r3 = reroutine3.rr3(a1);
>>>>> Result4 r4 = reroutine4.rr4(a1, r2, r3);
>>>>> return Result1.r4(a1, r4);
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> The idea is that it doesn't block when it launchs rr2 and rr3, until
>>>>> such time as it just quits when it tries to invoke rr4 and gets a
>>>>> resulting NullPointerException, then eventually rr4 will complete
>>>>> and be
>>>>> memoized and call-back rr1, then rr1 will be called-back and then
>>>>> complete, then run itself through to delete or decrement the ref-count
>>>>> of all its memo-ized fragmented monad respectively.
>>>>> Thusly it's cooperative multithreading by never blocking and always
>>>>> just
>>>>> launching callbacks.
>>>>> There's this System.identityHashCode() method and then there's a
>>>>> notion
>>>>> of Object pools and interning Objects then as for about this way that
>>>>> it's about numeric identity instead of value identity, so that when
>>>>> making memo's that it's always "==" and for a HashMap with
>>>>> System.identityHashCode() instead of ever calling equals(), when
>>>>> calling
>>>>> equals() is more expensive than calling == and the same/same
>>>>> memo-ization is about Object numeric value or the primitive scalar
>>>>> value, those being same/same.
>>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#identityHashCode-java.lang.Object-
>>>>> So, you figure to return Objects to these connections by their session
>>>>> and connection and mux/demux in these callbacks and then write those
>>>>> out?
>>>>> Well, the idea is to make it so that according to the protocol, the
>>>>> back-end sort of knows what makes a handle to a datum of the sort,
>>>>> given
>>>>> the protocol and the protocol and the protocol, and the callback is
>>>>> just
>>>>> these handles, about what goes in the outer callbacks or outside the
>>>>> re-routine, those can be different/same. Then the single writer
>>>>> thread
>>>>> servicing the network I/O just wants to transfer those handles, or, as
>>>>> necessary through the compression and encryption codecs, then write
>>>>> those out, well making use of the java.nio for scatter/gather and
>>>>> vector
>>>>> I/O in the non-blocking and asynchronous I/O as much as possible.
>>>>> So, that seems a lot of effort to just passing the handles, ....
>>>>> Well, I don't want to write any code except normal flow-of-control.
>>>>> So, this same/same bit seems onerous, as long as different/same has a
>>>>> ref-count and thus the memo-ized monad-fragment is maintained when all
>>>>> sorts of requests fetch the same thing.
>>>>> Yeah, maybe you're right. There's much to be gained by re-using
>>>>> monadic
>>>>> pure idempotent functions yet only invoking them once. That gets into
>>>>> value equality besides numeric equality, though, with regards to going
>>>>> into re-routines and interning all Objects by value, so that inside
>>>>> and
>>>>> through it's all "==" and System.identityHashCode, the memos, then
>>>>> about
>>>>> the ref-counting in the memos.
>>>>> So, I suppose you know HTTP, and about HTTP/2 and IMAP and NNTP here?
>>>>> Yeah, it's a thing.
>>>>> So, I think this needs a much cleaner and well-defined definition, to
>>>>> fully explore its meaning.
>>>>> Yeah, I suppose. There's something to be said for reading it again.
>>>> ReRoutines: monadic functional non-blocking asynchrony in the language
>>>> Implementing a sort of Internet protocol server, it sort of has
>>>> three or
>>>> four kinds of machines.
>>>> flow-machine: select/epoll hardware driven I/O events
>>>> protocol-establishment: setting up and changing protocol (commands,
>>>> encryption/compression)
>>>> protocol-coding: block coding in encryption/compression and wire/object
>>>> commands/results
>>>> routine: inside the objects of the commands of the protocol,
>>>> commands/results
>>>> Then, it often looks sort of like
>>>> flow <-> protocol <-> routine <-> protocol <-> flow
>>>> On either outer side of the flow is a connection, it's a socket or the
>>>> receipt or sending of a datagram, according to the network interface
>>>> and
>>>> select/epoll.
>>>> The establishment of a protocol looks like
>>>> connection/configuration/commencement/conclusion, or setup/teardown.
>>>> Protocols get involved renegotiation within a protocol, and for example
>>>> upgrade among protocols. Then the protocol is setup and established.
>>>> The idea is that a protocol's coding is in three parts for
>>>> coding/decoding, compression/decompression, and
>>>> (en)cryption/decryption,
>>>> or as it gets set up.
>>>> flow->decrypt->decomp->decod->routine->cod->comp->crypt->flow-v
>>>> flow<-crypt<-comp<-cod<-routine<-decod<-decomp<-decrypt<-flow<-
>>>> Whenever data arrives, the idea goes, is that the flow is interpreted
>>>> according to the protocol, resulting commands, then the routine derives
>>>> results from the commands, as by issuing others, in their protocols, to
>>>> the backend flow. Then, the results get sent back out through the
>>>> protocol, to the frontend, the clients of what it serves the protocol
>>>> the server.
>>>> The idea is that there are about 10,000 connections at a time, or more
>>>> or less.
>>>> flow <-> protocol <-> routine <-> protocol <-> flow
>>>> flow <-> protocol <-> routine <-> protocol <-> flow
>>>> flow <-> protocol <-> routine <-> protocol <-> flow
>>>> ...
>>>> Then, the routine in the middle, has that there's one processor, and on
>>>> the processor are a number of cores, each one independent. Then, the
>>>> operating system establishes that each of the cores, has any number of
>>>> threads-of-control or threads, and each thread has the state of
>>>> where it
>>>> is in the callstack of routines, and the threads are preempted so that
>>>> multithreading, that a core runs multiple threads, gives each thread
>>>> some running from the entry to the exit of the thread, in any given
>>>> interval of time. Each thread-of-control is thusly independent,
>>>> while it
>>>> must synchronize with any other thread-of-control, to establish common
>>>> or mutual state, and threads establish taking turns by mutual
>>>> exclusion,
>>>> called "mutex".
>>>> Into and out of the protocol, coding, is either a byte-sequence or
>>>> block, or otherwise the flow is a byte-sequence, that being serial,
>>>> however the protocol multiplexes and demultiplexes messages, the
>>>> commands and their results, to and from the flow.
>>>> Then the idea is that what arrives to/from the routine, is objects in
>>>> the protocol, or handles to the transport of byte sequences, in the
>>>> protocol, to the flow.
>>>> A usual idea is that there's a thread that services the flow, where,
>>>> how
>>>> it works is that a thread blocks waiting for there to be any I/O,
>>>> input/output, reading input from the flow, and writing output to the
>>>> flow. So, mostly the thread that blocks has that there's one thread
>>>> that
>>>> blocks on input, and when there's any input, then it reads or transfers
>>>> the bytes from the input, into buffers. That's its only job, and only
>>>> one thread can block on a given select/epoll selector, which is any
>>>> given number of ports, the connections, the idea being that it just
>>>> blocks until select returns for its keys of interest, it services each
>>>> of the I/O's by copying from the network interface's buffers into the
>>>> program's buffers, then other threads do the rest.
>>>> So, if a thread results waiting at all for any other action to complete
>>>> or be ready, it's said to "block". While a thread is blocked, the
>>>> CPU or
>>>> core just skips it in scheduling the preemptive multithreading, yet it
>>>> still takes some memory and other resources and is in the scheduler of
>>>> the threads.
>>>> The idea that the I/O thread, ever blocks, is that it's a feature of
>>>> select/epoll that hardware results waking it up, with the idea that
>>>> that's the only thread that ever blocks.
>>>> So, for the other threads, in the decryption/decompression/decoding and
>>>> coding/compression/cryption, the idea is that a thread, runs through
>>>> those, then returns what it's doing, and joins back to a limited
>>>> pool of
>>>> threads, with a usual idea of there being 1 core : 1 thread, so that
>>>> multithreading is sort of simplified, because as far as the system
>>>> process is concerned, it has a given number of cores and the system
>>>> preemptively multithreads it, and as far as the virtual machine is
>>>> concerned, is has a given number of cores and the virtual machine
>>>> preemptively multithreads its threads, about the thread-of-control, in
>>>> the flow-of-control, of the thing.
>>>> A usual way that the routine muliplexes and demultiplexes objects in
>>>> the
>>>> protocol from a flow's input back to a flow's output, has that the
>>>> thread-per-connection model has that a single thread carries out the
>>>> entire task through the backend flow, blocking along the way, until it
>>>> results joining after writing back out to its connection. Yet, that has
>>>> a thread per each connection, and threads use scheduling and heap
>>>> resources. So, here thread-per-connection is being avoided.
>>>> Then, a usual idea of the tasks, is that as I/O is received and flows
>>>> into the decryption/decompression/decoding, then what's decoded,
>>>> results
>>>> the specification of a task, the command, and the connection, where to
>>>> return its result. The specification is a data structure, so it's an
>>>> object or Object, then. This is added to a queue of tasks, where
>>>> "buffers" represent the ephemeral storage of content in transport the
>>>> byte-sequences, while, the queue is as usually a first-in/first-out
>>>> (FIFO) queue also, of tasks.
>>>> Then, the idea is that each of the cores consumes task specifications
>>>> from the task queue, performs them according to the task specification,
>>>> then the results are written out, as coded/compressed/crypted, in the
>>>> protocol.
>>>> So, to avoid the threads blocking at all, introduces the idea of
>>>> "asynchrony" or callbacks, where the idea is that the "blocking" and
>>>> "synchronous" has that anywhere in the threads' thread-of-control
>>>> flow-of-control, according to the program or the routine, it is current
>>>> and synchronous, the value that it has, then with regards to what it
>>>> returns or writes, as the result. So, "asynchrony" is the idea that
>>>> there's established a callback, or a place to pause and continue,
>>>> then a
>>>> specification of the task in the protocol is put to an event queue and
>>>> executed, or from servicing the O/I's of the backend flow, that what
>>>> results from that, has the context of the callback and
>>>> returns/writes to
>>>> the relevant connection, its result.
>>>> I -> flow -> protocol -> routine -> protocol -> flow -> O -v
>>>> O <- flow <- protocol <- routine <- protocol <- flow <- I <-
>>>> The idea of non-blocking then, is that a routine either provides a
>>>> result immediately available, and is non-blocking, or, queues a task
>>>> what results a callback that provides the result eventually, and is
>>>> non-blocking, and never invokes any other routine that blocks, so is
>>>> non-blocking.
>>>> This way a thread, executing tasks, always runs through a task, and
>>>> thus
>>>> services the task queue or TQ, so that the cores' threads are always
>>>> running and never blocking. (Besides the I/O and O/I threads which
>>>> block
>>>> when there's no traffic, and usually would be constantly woken up and
>>>> not waiting blocked.) This way, the TQ threads, only block when there's
>>>> nothing in the TQ, or are just deconstructed, and reconstructed, in a
>>>> "pool" of threads, the TQ's executor pool.
>>>> Enter the ReRoutine
>>>> The idea of a ReRoutine, a re-routine, is that it is a usual procedural
>>>> implementation as if it were synchronous, and agnostic of callbacks.
>>>> It is named after "routine" and "co-routine". It is a sort of
>>>> co-routine
>>>> that builds a monad and is aware its originating caller, re-caller, and
>>>> callback, or, its re-routine caller, re-caller, and callback.
>>>> The idea is that there are callbacks implicitly at each method
>>>> boundary,
>>>> and that nulls are reserved values to indicate the result or lack
>>>> thereof of re-routines, so that the code has neither callbacks nor any
>>>> nulls.
>>>> The originating caller has that the TQ, has a task specification, the
>>>> session+attachment of the client in the protocol where to write the
>>>> output, and the command, then the state of the monad of the task, that
>>>> lives on the heap with the task specification and task object. The TQ
>>>> consumers or executors or the executor, when a thread picks up the
>>>> task,
>>>> it picks up or builds ("originates") the monad state, which is the
>>>> partial state of the re-routine and a memo of the partial state of the
>>>> re-routine, and installs this in the thread local storage or
>>>> ThreadLocal, for the duration of the invocation of the re-routine. Then
>>>> the thread enters the re-routine, which proceeds until it would block,
>>>> where instead it queues a command/task with callback to re-call it to
>>>> re-launch it, and throw a NullPointerException and quits/returns.
>>>> This happens recursively and iteratively in the re-routine implemented
>>>> as re-routines, each re-routine updates the partial state of the monad,
>>>> then that as a re-routine completes, it re-launches the calling
>>>> re-routine, until the original re-routine completes, and it calls the
>>>> original callback with the result.
>>>> This way the re-routine's method body, is written as plain declarative
>>>> procedural code, the flow-of-control, is exactly as if it were
>>>> synchronous code, and flow-of-control is exactly as if written in the
>>>> language with no callbacks and never nulls, and exception-handling as
>>>> exactly defined by the language.
>>>> As the re-routine accumulates the partial results, they live on the
>>>> heap, in the monad, as a member of the originating task's object the
>>>> task in the task queue. This is always added back to the queue as
>>>> one of
>>>> the pending results of a re-routine, so it stays referenced as an
>>>> object
>>>> on the heap, then that as it is completed and the original re-routine
>>>> returns, then it's no longer referenced and the garbage-collector can
>>>> reclaim it from the heap or the allocator can delete it.
>>>> Well, for the re-routine, I sort of figure there's a Callstack and a
>>>> Callback type
>>>> class Callstack {
>>>> Stack<Callback> callstack;
>>>> }
>>>> interface Callback {
>>>> void callback() throws Exception;
>>>> }
>>>> and then a placeholder sort of type for Callflush
>>>> class Callflush {
>>>> Callstack callstack;
>>>> }
>>>> with the idea that the presence in ThreadLocals is to be sorted out,
>>>> about a kind of ThreadLocal static pretty much.
>>>> With not returning null and for memoizing call-graph dependencies,
>>>> there's basically for an "unvoid" type.
>>>> class unvoid {
>>>> }
>>>> Then it's sort of figure that there's an interface with some defaults,
>>>> with the idea that some boilerplate gets involved in the Memoization.
>>>> interface Caller {}
>>>> interface Callee {}
>>>> class Callmemo {
>>>> memoize(Caller caller, Object[] args);
>>>> flush(Caller caller);
>>>> }
>>>> Then it seems that the Callstack should instead be of a Callgraph, and
>>>> then what's maintained from call to call is a Callpath, and then what's
>>>> memoized is all kept with the Callgraph, then with regards to
>>>> objects on
>>>> the heap and their distinctness, only being reachable from the
>>>> Callgraph, leaving less work for the garbage collector, to maintain the
>>>> heap.
>>>> The interning semantics would still be on the class level, or for
>>>> constructor semantics, as with regards to either interning Objects for
>>>> uniqueness, or that otherwise they'd be memoized, with the key being
>>>> the
>>>> Callpath, and the initial arguments into the Callgraph.
>>>> Then the idea seems that the ThreaderCaller, establishes the Callgraph
>>>> with respect to the Callgraph of an object, installing it on the
>>>> thread,
>>>> otherwise attached to the Callgraph, with regards to the ReRoutine.
>>>> About the ReRoutine, it's starting to come together as an idea, what is
>>>> the apparatus for invoking re-routines, that they build the monad of
>>>> the
>>>> IOE's (inputs, outputs, exceptions) of the re-routines in their
>>>> call-graph, in terms of ThreadLocals of some ThreadLocals that callers
>>>> of the re-routines, maintain, with idea of the memoized monad along the
>>>> way, and each original re-routine.
>>>> class IOE <O, E> {
>>>> Object[] input;
>>>> Object output;
>>>> Exception exception;
>>>> }
>>>> So the idea is that there are some ThreadLocal's in a static
>>>> ThreadGlobal
>>>> public class ThreadGlobals {
>>>> public static ThreadLocal<MonadMemo> monadMemo;
>>>> }
>>>> where callers or originators or ReRoutines, keep a map of the Runnables
>>>> or Callables they have, to the MonadMemo's,
>>>> class Originator {
>>>> Map<? extends ReRoutineMapKey, MonadMemo> monadMemoMap;
>>>> }
>>>> then when it's about to invoke a Runnable, if it's a ReRoutine, then it
>>>> either retrieves the MonadMemo or makes a new one, and sets it on the
>>>> ThreadLocal, then invokes the Runnable, then clears the ThreadLocal.
>>>> Then a MonadMemo, pretty simply, is a List of IOE's, that when the
>>>> ReRoutine runs through the callgraph, the callstack is indicated by a
>>>> tree of integers, and the stack path in the ReRoutine, so that any
>>>> ReRoutine that calls ReRoutines A/B/C, points to an IOE that it
>>>> finds in
>>>> the thing, then it's default behavior is to return its memo-ized value,
>>>> that otherwise is making the callback that fills its memo and
>>>> re-invokes
>>>> all the way back the Original routine, or just its own entry point.
>>>> This is basically that the Originator, when the ReRoutine quits out,
>>>> sort of has that any ReRoutine it originates, also gets filled up by
>>>> the
>>>> Originator.
>>>> So, then the Originator sort of has a map to a ReRoutine, then for any
>>>> Path, the Monad, so that when it sets the ThreadLocal with the
>>>> MonadMemo, it also sets the Path for the callee, launches it again when
>>>> its callback returned to set its memo and relaunch it, then back up the
>>>> path stack to the original re-routine.
>>>> One of the issues here is "automatic parallelization". What I mean by
>>>> that is that the re-routine just goes along and when it gets nulls
>>>> meaning "pending" it just continues along, then expects
>>>> NullPointerExceptions as "UnsatisifiedInput", to quit, figuring it gets
>>>> relaunched when its input is satisfied.
>>>> This way then when routines serially don't depend on each others'
>>>> outputs, then they all get launched apiece, parallelizing.
>>>> Then, I wonder about usual library code, basically about Collections
>>>> and
>>>> Streams, and the usual sorts of routines that are applied to the
>>>> arguments, and how to basically establish that the rule of re-routine
>>>> code is that anything that gets a null must throw a
>>>> NullPointerException, so the re-routine will quit until the arguments
>>>> are satisfied, the inputs to library code. Then with the Memo being
>>>> stored in the MonadMemo, it's figured that will work out regardless the
>>>> Objects' or primitives' value, with regards to Collections and Stream
>>>> code and after usual flow-of-control in Iterables for the for loops, or
>>>> whatever other application library code, that they will be run each
>>>> time
>>>> the re-routine passes their section with satisfied arguments, then as
>>>> with regards to, that the Memo is just whatever serial order the
>>>> re-routine passes, not needing to lookup by Object identity which is
>>>> otherwise part of an interning pattern.
>>>> void rr1(String s1) {
>>>> List<String> l1 = rr2.get(s1);
>>>> Map<String, String> m1 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
>>>> l1.stream().forEach(s -> m1.put(s, rr3.get(s)));
>>>> return m1;
>>>> }
>>>> See what I figure is that the order of the invocations to rr3.get() is
>>>> serial, so it really only needs to memoize its OE, Output|Exception,
>>>> then about that putting null values in the Map, and having to check the
>>>> values in the Map for null values, and otherwise to make it so that the
>>>> semantics of null and NullPointerException, result that satisfying
>>>> inputs result calls, and unsatisfying inputs result quits, figuring
>>>> those unsatisfying inputs are results of unsatisfied outputs, that will
>>>> be satisfied when the callee gets populated its memo and makes the
>>>> callback.
>>>> If the order of invocations is out-of-order, gets again into whether
>>>> the
>>>> Object/primitive by value needs to be the same each time, IOE, about
>>>> the
>>>> library code in Collections, Streams, parallelStream, and Iterables,
>>>> and
>>>> basically otherwise that any kind of library code, should throw
>>>> NullPointerException if it gets an "unexpected" null or what doesn't
>>>> fulfill it.
>>>> The idea though that rr3 will get invoked say 1000 times with the rr2's
>>>> result, those each make their call, then re-launch 1000 times, has that
>>>> it's figured that the Executor, or Originator, when it looks up and
>>>> loads the "ReRoutineMapKey", is to have the count of those and whether
>>>> the count is fulfilled, then to no-op later re-launches of the
>>>> call-backs, after all the results are populated in the partial monad
>>>> memo.
>>>> Then, there's perhaps instead as that each re-routine just checks its
>>>> input or checks its return value for nulls, those being unsatisfied.
>>>> (The exception handling thoroughly or what happens when rr3 throws and
>>>> this kind of thing is involved thoroughly in library code.)
>>>> The idea is it remains correct if the worst thing nulls do is throw
>>>> NullPointerException, because that's just a usual quit and means
>>>> another
>>>> re-launch is coming up, and that it automatically queues for
>>>> asynchronous parallel invocation each the derivations while resulting
>>>> never blocking.
>>>> It's figured that re-routines check their inputs for nulls, and throw
>>>> quit, and check their inputs for library container types, and checking
>>>> any member of a library container collection for null, to throw quit,
>>>> and then it will result that the automatic asynchronous parallelization
>>>> proceeds, while the re-routines are never blocking, there's only as
>>>> much
>>>> memory on the heap of the monad as would be in the lifetime of the
>>>> original re-routine, and whatever re-calls or re-launches of the
>>>> re-routine established local state in local variables and library code,
>>>> would come in and out of scope according to plain stack unwinding.
>>>> Then there's still the perceived deficiency that the re-routine's
>>>> method
>>>> body will be run many times, yet it's only run as many times as result
>>>> throwing-quit, when it reaches where its argument to the re-routine or
>>>> result value isn't yet satisfied yet is pending.
>>>> It would re-run the library code any number of times, until it results
>>>> all non-nulls, then the resulting satisfied argument to the following
>>>> re-routines, would be memo-ized in the monad, and the return value of
>>>> the re-routine thus returning immediately its value on the partial
>>>> monad.
>>>> This way each re-call of the re-routine, mostly encounters its own
>>>> monad
>>>> results in constant time, and throws-quit or gets thrown-quit only when
>>>> it would be unsatisfying, with the expectation that whatever
>>>> throws-quit, either NullPointerException or extending
>>>> NullPointerException, will have a pending callback, that will queue
>>>> on a
>>>> TQ, the task specification to re-launch and re-enter the original or
>>>> derived, re-routine.
>>>> The idea is sort of that it's sort of, Java with non-blocking I/O and
>>>> ThreadLocal (1.7+, not 17+), or you know, C/C++ with non-blocking I/O
>>>> and thread local storage, then for the abstract or interface of the
>>>> re-routines, how it works out that it's a usual sort of model of
>>>> co-operative multithreading, the re-routine, the routine "in the
>>>> language".
>>>> Then it's great that the routine can be stubbed or implemented agnostic
>>>> of asynchrony, and declared in the language with standard libraries,
>>>> basically using the semantics of exception handling and convention of
>>>> re-launching callbacks to implement thread-of-control flow-of-control,
>>>> that can be implemented in the synchronous and blocking for unit tests
>>>> and modules of the routine, making a great abstraction of
>>>> flow-of-control.
>>>> Basically anything that _does_ block then makes for having its own
>>>> thread, whose only job is to block and when it unblocks, throw-toss the
>>>> re-launch toward the origin of the re-routine, and consume the next
>>>> blocking-task off the TQ. Yet, the re-routines and their servicing the
>>>> TQ only need one thread and never block. (And scale in core count and
>>>> automatically parallelize asynchronous requests according to satisfied
>>>> inputs.)
>>>> Mostly the idea of the re-routine is "in the language, it's just plain,
>>>> ordinary, synchronous routine".
>>> Protocol Establishment
>>> Each of these protocols is a combined sort of protocol, then according
>>> to different modes, there's established a protocol, then data flows in
>>> the protocol (in time).
>>> stream-based (connections)
>>> sockets, TCP/IP
>>> sctp SCTP
>>> message-based (datagrams)
>>> datagrams, UDP
>>> The idea is that connections can have state and session state, while,
>>> messages do not.
>>> Abstractly then there's just that connections make for reading from the
>>> connection, or writing to the connection, byte-by-byte,
>>> while messages make for receiving a complete message, or writing a
>>> complete message. SCTP is sort of both.
>>> A bit more concretely, the non-blocking or asychronous or vector I/O,
>>> means that when some bytes arrive the connection is readable, and while
>>> the output buffer is not full a connection is writeable.
>>> For messages it's that when messages arrive messages are readable, and
>>> while the output buffer is not full messages are writeable.
>>> Otherwise bytes or messages that pile up while not readable/writeable
>>> pile up and in cases of limited resources get lost.
>>> So, the idea is that when bytes arrive, whatever's servicing the I/O's
>>> has that the connection has data to read, and, data to write.
>>> The usual idea is that an abstract Reader thread, will give any or all
>>> of the connections something to read, in an arbitrary order,
>>> at an arbitrary rate, then the role of the protocol, is to consume the
>>> bytes to read, thus releasing the buffers, that the Reader, writes to.
>>> Inputting/Reading
>>> Writing/Outputting
>>> The most usual idea of client-server is that
>>> client writes to server then reads from server, while,
>>> server reads from client then writes to client.
>>> Yet, that is just a mode, reads and writes are peer-peer,
>>> reads and writes in any order, while serial according to
>>> that bytes in the octet stream arrive in an order.
>>> There isn't much consideration of the out-of-band,
>>> about sockets and the STREAMS protocol, for
>>> that bytes can arrive out-of-band.
>>> So, the layers of the protocol, result that some layers of the protocol
>>> don't know anything about the protocol, all they know is sequences of
>>> bytes, and, whatever session state is involved to implement the codec,
>>> of the layers of the protocol. All they need to know is that given that
>>> all previous bytes are read/written, that the connection's state is
>>> synchronized, and everything after is read/written through the layer.
>>> Mostly once encryption or compression is setup it's never toredown.
>>> Encryption, TLS
>>> Compression, LZ77 (Deflate, gzip)
>>> The layers of the protocol, result that some layers of the protocol,
>>> only indicate state or conditions of the session.
>>> SASL, Login, AuthN/AuthZ
>>> So, for NNTP, a connection, usually enough starts with no layers,
>>> then in the various protocols and layers, get negotiated to get
>>> established,
>>> combinations of the protocols and layers. Other protocols expect to
>>> start with layers, or not, it varies.
>>> Layering, then, either is in the protocol, to synchronize the session
>>> then establish the layer in the layer protocol then maintain the layer
>>> in the main protocol, has that TLS makes a handsake to establish a
>>> encryption key for all the data, then the TLS layer only needs to
>>> encrypt and decrypt the data by that key, while for Deflate, it's
>>> usually the only option, then after it's setup as a layer, then
>>> everything other way reads/writes gets compressed.
>>> client -> REQUEST
>>> RESPONSE <- server
>>> In some protocols these interleave
>>> client -> REQUEST1
>>> client -> REQUEST2
>>> RESPONSE1A <- server
>>> RESPONSE2A <- server
>>> RESPONSE1B <- server
>>> RESPONSE2B <- server
>>> This then is called multiplexing/demultiplexing, for protocols like IMAP
>>> and HTTP/2,
>>> and another name for multiplexer/demultiplexer is mux/demux.
>>> So, for TLS, the idea is that usually most or all of the connections
>>> will be using the same algorithms with different keys, and each
>>> connection will have its own key, so the idea is to completely separate
>>> TLS establishment from TLS cryptec (crypt/decryp), so, the layer need
>>> only key up the bytes by the connection's key, in their TLS frames.
>>> Then, most of the connections will use compression, then the idea is
>>> that the data is stored at rest compressed already and in a form that it
>>> can be concatenated, and that similarly as constants are a bunch of the
>>> textual context of the text-based protocol, they have compressed and
>>> concatenable constants, with the idea that the Deflate compec
>>> (comp/decomp) just passes those along concatenating them, or actively
>>> compresses/decompresses buffers of bytes or as of sequences of bytes.
>>> The idea is that Readers and Writers deal with bytes at a time,
>>> arbitrarily many, then that what results being passed around as the
>>> data, is as much as possible handles to the data. So, according to the
>>> protocol and layers, indicates the types, that the command routines, get
>>> and return, so that the command routines can get specialized, when the
>>> data at rest, is already layerized, and otherwise to adapt to the more
>>> concrete abstraction, of the non-blocking, asynchronous, and vector I/O,
>>> of what results the flow-machine.
>>> When the library of the runtime of the framework of the language
>>> provides the cryptec or compec, then, there's issues, when, it doesn't
>>> make it so for something like "I will read and write you the bytes as of
>>> making a TLS handshake, then return the algorithm and the key and that
>>> will implement the cryptec", or, "compec, here's either some data or
>>> handles of various types, send them through", it's to be figured out.
>>> The idea for the TLS handshake, is basically to sit in the middle, i.e.
>>> to read and write bytes as of what the client and server send, then
>>> figuring out what is the algorithm and key and then just using that as
>>> the cryptec. Then after TLS algorithm and key is established the rest is
>>> sort of discarded, though there's some idea about state and session, for
>>> the session key feature in TLS. The TLS 1.2 also includes comp/decomp,
>>> though, it's figured that instead it's a feature of the protocol whether
>>> it supports compression, point being that's combining layers, and to be
>>> implemented about these byte-sequences/handles.
>>> mux/demux
>>> crypt/decrypt
>>> comp/decomp
>>> cod/decod
>>> codec
>>> So, the idea is to implement toward the concrete abstraction of
>>> nonblocking vector I/O, while, remaining agnostic of that, so that all
>>> sorts the usual test routines yet particularly the composition of layers
>>> and establishment and upgrade of protocols, is to happen.
>>> Then, from the byte sequences or messages as byte sequences, or handles
>>> of byte sequences, results that in the protocol, the protocol either way
>>> in/out has a given expected set of alternatives that it can read, then
>>> as of derivative of those what it will write.
>>> So, after the layers, which are agnostic of anything but byte-sequences,
>>> and their buffers and framing and chunking and so on, then is the
>>> protocol, or protocols, of the command-set and request/response
>>> semantics, and ordering/session statefulness, and lack thereof.
>>> Then, a particular machine in the flow-machine is as of the "Recognizer"
>>> and "Parser", then what results "Annunciators" and "Legibilizers", as it
>>> were, of what's usually enough called "Deserialization", reading off
>>> from a serial byte-sequence, and "Serialization, writing off to a serial
>>> byte-sequence, first the text of the commands or the structures in these
>>> text-based protocols, the commands and their headers/bodies/payloads,
>>> then the Objects in the object types of the languages of the runtime,
>>> where then the routines of the servicing of the protocol, are defined in
>>> types according to the domain types of the protocol (and their
>>> representations as byte-sequences and handles).
>>> As packets and bytes arrive in the byte-sequence, the Recognizer/Parser
>>> detects when there's a fully-formed command, and its payload, after the
>>> Mux/Demux Demultiplexer, has that the Demultiplexer represents any given
>>> number of separate byte-sequences, then according to the protocol
>>> anything their statefulness/session or orderedness/unorderedness.
>>> So, the Demultiplexer is to Recognize/Parse from the combined input
>>> byte-stream its chunks, that now the connection, has any number of
>>> ordered/unordered byte-sequences, then usually that those are ephemeral
>>> or come and go, while the connection endures, with the most usual notion
>>> that there's only one stream and it's ordered in requets and ordered in
>>> responses, then whether commands gets pipelined and requests need not
>>> await their responses (they're ordered), and whether commands are
>>> numbers and their responses get associated with their command sequence
>>> numbers (they're unordered and the client has its own mux/demux to
>>> relate them).
>>> So, the Recognizer/Parser, theoretically only gets a byte at a time, or
>>> even none, and may get an entire fully-formed message (command), or not,
>>> and may get more bytes than a fully-formed message, or not, and the
>>> bytes may be a well-formed message, or not, and valid, or not.
>>> Then the job of the Recognizer/Parser, is from the beginning of the
>>> byte-sequence, to Recognize a fully-formed message, then to create an
>>> instance of the command object related to the handle back through the
>>> mux/demux to the multiplexer, called the attachment to the connection,
>>> or the return address according to the attachment representing any
>>> routed response and usually meaning that the attachment is the user-data
>>> and any session data attached to the connection and here of the
>>> mux/demux of the connection, the job of the Recognizer/Parser is to work
>>> any time input is received, then to recognize and parse any number of
>>> fully-formed messages from the input, create those Commands according to
>>> the protocol, that the attachment includes the return destination, and,
>>> thusly release those buffers or advance the marker on the Input
>>> byte-sequence, so that the resources are freed, and later
>>> Recognizings/Parsing starts where it left off.
>>> The idea is that bytes arrive, the Recognizer/Parser has to determine
>>> when there's a fully-formed message, consume that and service the
>>> buffers the byte-sequence, having created the derived command.
>>> Now, commands are small, or so few words, then the headers/body/payload,
>>> basically get larger and later unboundedly large. Then, the idea is that
>>> the protocol, has certain modes or sub-protocols, about "switching
>>> protocols", or modes, when basically the service of the routine changes
>>> from recognizing and servicing the beginning to ending of a command, to
>>> recognizing and servicing an arbitrarily large payload, or, for example,
>>> entering a mode where streamed data arrives or whatever sort, then that
>>> according to the length or content of the sub-protocol format, the
>>> Recognizer's job includes that the sub-protocol-streaming, modes, get
>>> into that "sub-protocols" is a sort of "switching protocols", the only
>>> idea though being going into the sub-protocol then back out to the main
>>> protocol, while "switching protocols" is involved in basically any the
>>> establishment or upgrade of the protocol, with regards to the stateful
>>> connection (and not stateless messages, which always are according to
>>> their established or simply some fixed protocol).
>>> This way unboundedly large inputs, don't actually live in the buffers of
>>> the Recognizers that service the buffers of the Inputters/Readers and
>>> Multiplexers/Demultiplexers, instead define modes where they will be
>>> streaming through arbitrarily large payloads.
>>> Here for NNTP and so on, the payloads are not considered arbitrarily
>>> large, though, it's sort of a thing that sending or receiving the
>>> payload of each message, can be defined this way so that in very, very
>>> limited resources of buffers, that the flow-machine keeps flowing.
>>> Then, here, the idea is that these commands and their payloads, have
>>> their outputs that are derived as a function of the inputs. It's
>>> abstractly however this so occurs is the way it is. The idea here is
>>> that the attachment+command+payload makes a re-routine task, and is
>>> pushed onto a task queue (TQ). Then it's figured that the TQ represents
>>> abstractly the execution of all the commands. Then, however many Task
>>> Workers or TW, or the TQ that runs itself, get the oldest task from the
>>> queue (FIFO) and run it. When it's complete, then there's a response
>>> ready in byte-sequences are handles, these are returned to the
>>> attachment.
>>> (The "attachment" usually just means a user or private datum associated
>>> with the connection to identify its session with the connection
>>> according to non-blocking I/O, here it also means the mux/demux
>>> "remultiplexer" attachment, it's the destination of any response
>>> associated with a stream of commands over the connection.)
>>> So, here then the TQ basically has the idea of the re-routine, that is
>>> non-blocking and involves the asynchronous fulfillment of the routine in
>>> the domain types of the domain of object types that the protocol adapts
>>> as an adapter, that the domain types fulfill as adapted. Then for NNTP
>>> that's like groups and messages and summaries and such, the objects. For
>>> IMAP its mailboxes and messages to read, for SMTP its emails to send,
>>> with various protocols in SMTP being separate protocols like DKIM or
>>> what, for all these sorts protocols. For HTTP and HTTP/2 it's usual HTTP
>>> verbs, usually HTTP 1.1 serial and pipelined requests over a connection,
>>> in HTTP/2 mutiplexed requests over a connection. Then "session" means
>>> broadly that it may be across connections, what gets into the attachment
>>> and the establishment and upgrade of protocol, that sessions are
>>> stateful thusly, yet granularly, as to connections yet as to each
>>> request.
>>> Then, the same sort of thing is the same sort of thing to back-end,
>>> whatever makes for adapters, to domain types, that have their protocols,
>>> and what results the O/I side to the I/O side, that the I/O side is the
>>> server's client-facing side, while the O/I side is the
>>> server-as-a-client-to-the-backend's, side.
>>> Then, the O/I side is just the same sort of idea that in the
>>> flow-machine, the protocols get established in their layers, so that all
>>> through the routine, then the domain type are to get specialized to when
>>> byte-sequences and handles are known well-formed in compatible
>>> protocols, that the domain and protocol come together in their
>>> definition, basically so it results that from the back-end is retrieved
>>> for messages by their message-ID that are stored compressed at rest, to
>>> result passing back handles to those, for example a memory-map range
>>> offset to an open handle of a zip file that has the concatenable entry
>>> of the message-Id from the groups' day's messages, or a list of those
>>> for a range of messages, then the re-routine results passing the handles
>>> back out to the attachment, which sends them right out.
>>> So, this way there's that besides the TQ and its TW's, that those are to
>>> never block or be long-running, that anything that's long-running is on
>>> the O/I side, and has its own resources, buffers, and so on, where of
>>> course all the resources here of this flow-machine are shared by all the
>>> flow-machines in the flow-machine, in the sense that they are not shared
>>> yet come from a common resource altogether, and are exclusive. (This
>>> gets into the definition of "share" as with regards to "free to share,
>>> or copy" and "exclusive to share, a.k.a. taking turns, not cutting in
>>> line, and not stealing nor hoarding".)
>>> Then on the O/I side or the backend side, it's figured the backend is
>>> any kind of adapters, like DB adapters or FS adapters or WS adapters,
>>> database or filesystem or webservice, where object-stores are considered
>>> filesystem adapters. What that gets into is "pools" like client pools,
>>> connection pools, resource pools, that a pool is usually enough
>>> according to a session and the establishment of protocol, then with
>>> regards to servicing the adapter and according to the protocol and the
>>> domain objects that thusly implement the protocol, the backend side has
>>> its own dedicated routines and TW's, or threads of execution, with
>>> regards to that the backend side basically gets a callback+request and
>>> the job is to invoke the adapter with the request, and invoke the
>>> callback with the response, then whether for example the callback is
>>> actually the original attachment, or it involves "bridging the unbounded
>>> sub-protocol", what it means for the adapter to service the command.
>>> Then the adapter is usually either provided as with intermediate or
>>> domain types, or, for example it's just another protocol flow machine
>>> and according to the connections or messaging or mux/demux or
>>> establishing and upgrading layers and protocols, it basically works the
>>> same way as above in reverse.
>>> Here "to service" is the usual infinitive that for the noun means "this
>>> machine provides a service" yet as a verb that service means to operate
>>> according to the defined behavior of the machine in the resources of the
>>> machine to meet the resource needs of the machine's actions in the
>>> capabilities and limits of the resources of the machine, where this "I/O
>>> flow-machine: a service" is basically one "node" or "process" in a usual
>>> process model, allocated its own quota of resources according to the
>>> process and its environment model in the runtime in the system, and
>>> that's it. So, there's servicing as the main routine, then also what it
>>> means the maintenance servicing or service of the extended routine.
>>> Then, for protocols it's "implement this protocol according to its
>>> standards according to the resources in routine".
>>> You know, I don't know where they have one of these anywhere, ....
>> So, besides attachment+command+payload, also is for indicating the
>> protocol and layers, where it can inferred for the response, when the
>> callback exists or as the streaming sub-protocol starts|continues|ends,
>> what the response can be, in terms of domain objects, or handles, or
>> byte sequences, in terms of domain objects that can result handles to
>> transfer or byte-sequences to read or write,
>> attachment+command+payload+protocols "ACPP" data structure.
>> Another idea that seems pretty usual, is when the payload is off to the
>> side, about picking up the payload when the request arrives, about when
>> the command, in the protocol, involves that the request payload, is off
>> to the side, to side-load the payload, where usually it means the
>> payload is large, or bigger than the limits of the request size limit in
>> the protocol, it sort of seems a good idea, to indicate for the
>> protocol, whether it can resolve resource references, "external", then
>> that accessing them as off to the side happens before ingesting the
>> command or as whether it's the intent to reference the external
>> resource, and when, when the external resource off to the side, "is",
>> part of the request payload, or otherwise that it's just part of the
>> routine.
>> That though would get into when the side effect of the routine, is to
>> result the external reference or call, that it's figured that would all
>> be part of the routine. It depends on the protocol, and whether the
>> payload "is" fully-formed, with or without the external reference.
>> Then HTTP/2 and Websockets have plenty going on about the multiplexer,
>> where it's figured that multiplexed attachments, or "remultiplexer
>> attachment", RMA, out from the demultiplexer and back through the
>> multiplexer, have then that's another sort of protocol machine, in terms
>> of the layers, and about whether there's a thread or not that
>> multiplexing requires any sort of state on otherwise the connections'
>> attachment, that all the state of the multiplexer is figured lives in a
>> data structure on the actual attachment, while the logic should be
>> re-entrant and just a usual module for the protocol(s).
>> It's figured then that the attachment is a key, with respect to a key
>> number for the attachment, then that in the multiplexing or muxing
>> protocols, there's a serial number of the request or command. There's a
>> usual idea to have serial numbers for commands besides, for each
>> connection, and then even serial numbers for commands for the lifetime
>> of the runtime. Then it's the usual metric of success or the error rate
>> how many of those are successes and how many are failures, that
>> otherwise the machine is pretty agnostic that being in the protocol.
>> Timeouts and cancels are sort of figured to be attached to the monad and
>> the re-routine. It's figured that for any command in the protocol, it
>> has a timeout. When a command is received, is when the timeout countdown
>> starts, abstractly wall-clock time or system time. So, the ACPP has also
>> the timeout time, so, the task T has an ACPP
>> attachment-command-payload-protocol and a routine or reroutine R or RR.
>> Then also it has some metrics M or MT, here start time and expiry time,
>> and the serial numbers. So, how timeouts work is that when T is to be
>> picked up to a TW, first TW checks whether M.time is past expiry, then
>> if so it cancels the monad and results returning howsoever in the
>> protocol the timeout. If not what's figured is that before the
>> re-routine runs through, it just tosses T back on the TQ anyway, so that
>> then whenever it comes up again, it's just checked again until such time
>> as the task T actually completed, or it expires, or it was canceled, or
>> otherwise concluded, according to the combination of the monad of the
>> R/RR, and M.time, and system time. Now, this seems bad, because an
>> otherwise empty queue, would constantly be thrashing, so it's bad. Then,
>> what's to be figured is some sort of parameter, "toss when", that then
>> though would have timeout priority queues, or buckets of sorts with
>> regards to tossing all the tasks T back on the TQ for no other reason
>> than to check their timeout.
>> It's figured that the monad of the re-routine is all the heap objects
>> and references to handles of the outstanding command. So, when the
>> re-routine is completed/canceled/concluded, then all the resources of
>> the monad should be freed. Then it's figured that any routine to access
>> the monad is re-entrant, and so that it results that access to the monad
>> is atomic, to build the graph of memos in the monad, then that access to
>> each memo is atomic as after access to the monad itself, so that the
>> access to the monad is thread-safe (and to be non-blocking, where the
>> only thing that happens to the monad is adding re-routine paths, and
>> getting and setting values of object values and handles, then releasing
>> all of it [, after picking out otherwise the result]).
>> So it's figured that if there's a sort of sweeper or closer being the
>> usual idea of timeouts, then also in the case that for whatever reason
>> the asynchronous backend fails, to get a success or error result and
>> callback, so that the task T
>> T{
>> RMA attachment; // return/remultiplexer attachment
>> PCP command; // protocol command/payload
>> RR routine; // routine / re-routine (monad)
>> MT metrics; // metrics/time
>> }
>> has that timeouts, are of a sort of granularity. So, it's not so much
>> that timeouts need to be delivered at a given exact time, as delivered
>> within a given duration of time. The idea is that timeouts both call a
>> cancel on the routine and result an error in the protocol. (Connection
>> and socket timeouts or connection drops or closures and so on, should
>> also result cancels as some form of conclusion cleans up the monad's
>> resources.)
>> There's also that timeouts are irrelevant after conclusion, yet if
>> there's a task queue of timeouts, not to do any work fishing them out,
>> just letting them expire. Yet, given that timeouts are usually much
>> longer than actual execution times, there's no point keeping them around.
>> Then it's figured each routine and sub-routine, has its timing, then
>> it's figured to have that the RR and MT both have the time, then as with
>> regards to, the RR and MT both having a monad, then whether it's the
>> same monad what it's figured, is what it's figured.
>> TASK {
>> RMA attachment; // return/remultiplexer attachment
>> PCP command; // protocol command/payload
>> RRMT routine; // routine / re-routine, metrics / time (monad)
>> }
>> Then it's figured that any sub-routine checks the timeout overall, and
>> the timeouts up the re-routine, and the timeout of the task, resulting a
>> cancel in any timeout, then basically to push that on the back of the
>> task queue or LIFO last-in-first-out, which seems a bad idea, though
>> that it's to expeditiously return an error and release the resources,
>> and cancel any outstanding requests.
>> So, any time a task is touched, there's checking the attachment whether
>> it's dropped, checking the routine whether it's canceled, with the goal
>> of that it's all cleaned up to free the resources, and to close any
>> handles opened in the course of building the monad of the routine's
>> results.
>> Otherwise while a command is outstanding there's not much to be done
>> about it, it's either outstanding and not started or outstanding and
>> started, until it concludes and there's a return, the idea being that
>> the attachment can drop at any time and that would be according to the
>> Inputter/Reader or Recognizer/Parser (an ill-formed command results
>> either an error or a drop), the routine can conclude at any time either
>> completing or being canceled, then that whether any handles are open in
>> the payload, is that a drop in the attachment, disconnect in the
>> [streaming] command, or cancel in the routine, ends each of the three,
>> each of those two, or that one.
>> (This is that the command when 'streaming sub-protocol' results a bunch
>> of commands in a sub-protocol that's one command in the protocol.)
>> The idea is that the RMA is only enough detail to relate to the current
>> state in the attachment of the remultiplexing, the command is enough
>> state to describe its command and payload and with regards to what
>> protocol it is and what sub-protocols it entered and what protocol it
>> returns to, and the routine is the monad of the entire state of the
>> routine, either value objects or open handles, to keep track of all the
>> things according to these things.
>> So, still it's not quite clear how to have the timeout in the case that
>> the backend hangs, or drops, or otherwise that there's no response from
>> the adapter, what's a timeout. This sort of introduces re-try logic to
>> go along with time-out logic.
>> The re-try logic, involves that anything can fail, and some things can
>> be re-tried when they fail. The re-try logic would be part of the
>> routine or re-routine, figuring that any re-tries still have to live in
>> the time of the command. Then re-tries are kind of like time-outs, it's
>> usual that it's not just hammering the re-tries, yet a usual sort of
>> back-off and retry-count, or retry strategy, and then whether that it
>> involves that it should be a new adapter handle from the pool, about
>> that adapter handles from the pool should be round-robin and when there
>> are retry-able errors that usually means the adapter connection is
>> un-usable, that getting a new adapter connection will get a new one and
>> whether retry-able errors plainly enough indicate to recycle the adapter
>> pool.
>> Then, retry-logic also involves resource-down, what's called
>> circuit-breaker when the resource is down that it's figured that it's
>> down until it's back up. [It's figured that errors by default are _not_
>> retry-able, and, then as about the resource-health or
>> backend-availability, what gets involved in a model of critical
>> resource-recycling and backend-health.]
>> About server-push, there's an idea that it involves the remultiplexer
>> and that the routine, according to the protocol, synthesizes tasks and
>> is involved with the remultiplexer, to result it makes tasks then that
>> run like usual tasks. [This is part of the idea also of the mux or
>> remux, about 1:many commands/responses, and usually enough their
>> serials, and then, with regards to "opportunistic server push", how to
>> drop the commands that follow that would otherwise request the
>> resources. HTTP/2 server-push looks deprecated, while then there's
>> WebSocket, which basically makes for a different sort of use-case
>> peer-peer than client-server. For IMAP is the idea that when there are
>> multiple responses to single commands then that's basically in the
>> mux/remux. For pipelined commands and also for serial commands is the
>> mux/remux. The pipelined commands would result state building in the
>> mux/remux when they're returned disordered, with regards to results and
>> the handles, and 'TCB' or 'TW' driving response results.]
>> So, how to implement timeout or the sweeper/closer, has for example that
>> a connection drop, should cancel all the outstanding tasks for that
>> connection. For example, undefined behavior of whatever sort results a
>> missed callback, should eventually timeout and cancel the task, or all
>> the tasks instances in the TQ for that task. (It's fair enough to just
>> mark the monads of the attachment or routine as canceled, then they'll
>> just get immediately discarded when they come up in the TQ.) There's no
>> point having timeouts in the task queue because they'd either get
>> invoked for nothing or get added to the task queue long after the task
>> usually completes. (It's figured that most timeouts are loose timeouts
>> and most tasks complete in much under their timeout, yet here it's
>> automatic that timeouts are granular to each step of the re-routine, in
>> terms of the re-routine erroring-out if a sub-routine times-out.)
>> The Recognizer/Parser (Commander) is otherwise stateless, the
>> Inputter/Reader and its Remultiplexer Attachment don't know what results
>> Tasks, the Task Queue will run (and here non-blockingly) any Task's
>> associated routine/re-reroutine, and catch timeouts in the execution of
>> the re-routine, the idea is that the sweeper/closer basically would only
>> result having anything to do when there's undefined behavior in the
>> re-routine, or bugs, or backend timeouts, then whether calls to the
>> adapter would have the timeout-task-lessors or "TTL's", in its task
>> queue, point being that when there's nothing going on that the entire
>> thing is essentially _idle_, with the Inputter/Reader blocked on select
>> on the I/O side, the Outputter/Writer or Backend Adapter sent on the O/I
>> side, the Inputter/Reader blocked on the O/I side, the TQ's empty (of,
>> the protocol, and, the backend adapters), and it's all just pending
>> input from the I/O or O/I side, to cascade the callbacks back to idle,
>> again.
>> I.e. there shouldn't be timeout tasks in the TQ, because, at low load,
>> they would just thrash and waste cycles, and at high load, would arrive
>> late. Yet, it is so that there is formal un-reliability of the routines,
>> and, formal un-reliability of the O/I side or backend, [and formal
>> un-reliability of connections or drops,] so some sweeper/closer checks
>> outstanding commands what should result canceling the command and its
>> routines, then as with regards to the backend adapter, recycling or
>> teardown the backend adapter, to set it up again.
>> Then the idea is that, Tasks, well enough represent the outstanding
>> commands, yet there's not to be maintaining a task set next to the task
>> queue, because it would use more space and maintenance in time than the
>> queue itself, while multiple instances of the same Task can be in the
>> Task queue as point each to the state of the monad in the re-routine,
>> then gets into whether it's so, that, there is a task-set next to the
>> task-queue, then that concluding the task removes it from the set, while
>> the sweeper/closer just is scheduled to run periodically through the
>> entire task-set and cancel those expired, or dropped.
>> Then, having both a task-set TS and task-queue TQ, maybe seems the thing
>> to do, where, it should be sort of rotating, because, the task-queue is
>> FIFO, while the task-set is just a set (a concurrent set, though as with
>> regards to that the tasks can only be marked canceled, and resubmitted
>> to the task queue, with regards to that the only action that removes
>> tasks from the task-set is for the task-queue to result them being
>> concluded, then that whatever task gets tossed on the task queue is to
>> be inserted into the task-set).
>> Then the task-set TS would be on the order of outstanding tasks, while,
>> the task-queue TQ would be on the order of outstanding tasks'
>> re-routines.
>> Then the usual idea of sweeper/closer is to iterate through a view of
>> the TS, check each task whether its attachment dropped or command or
>> routine timed-out or canceled, then if dropped or canceled, to toss it
>> on the TQ, which would eventually result canceling if not already
>> canceled and dropping if dropped.
>> (Canceling/Cancelling.)
>> Most of the memory would be in the monads, also the open or live handles
>> would be in the routine's monads, with the idea being that when the task
>> concludes, then the results, that go out through the remultiplexer,
>> should be part of the task.
>> TASK {
>> RMA attachment; // return/remultiplexer attachment
>> PCP command; // protocol command/payload
>> RRMT routine; // routine / re-routine, metrics / time (monad)
>> RSLT result; // result (monad)
>> }
>> It's figured that the routine _returns_ a result, which is either a
>> serializable value or otherwise it's according to the protocol, or it's
>> a live handle or specification of handle, or it has an error/exception
>> that is expected to be according to the protocol, or that there was an
>> error then whether it results a drop according to the protocol. So, when
>> the routine and task concludes, then the routine and metrics monads can
>> be released, or de-allocated or deleted, while what live handles they
>> have, are to be passed back as expeditiously as possible to the
>> remultiplexer to be written to the output as on the wire the protocol,
>> so that the live handles can be closed or their reference counts
>> decremented or otherwise released to the handle pool, of a sort, which
>> is yet sort of undefined.
>> The result RSLT isn't really part of the task, once the task is
>> concluding, the RRMT goes right to the RMA according to the PCP, that
>> being the atomic operation of concluding the task, and deleting it from
>> the task-set. (It's figured that outstanding callbacks unaware their
>> cancel, of the re-routines, basically don't toss the task back onto the
>> TQ if they're canceled, that if they do, it would just sort of
>> spuriously add it back to the task-set, which would result it being
>> swept out eventually.)
>> TASK {
>> RMA attachment; // return/remultiplexer attachment
>> PCP command; // protocol command/payload
>> RRMT routine; // routine / re-routine, metrics / time (monad, live
>> handles)
>> }
>> TQ // task queue
>> TS // task set
>> TW // task-queue worker thread, latch on TQ
>> TZ // task-set cleanup thread, scheduled about timeouts
>> Then, about what threads run the callbacks, is to get figured out.
>> TCF // thread call forward
>> TCB // thread call back
>> It's sort of figured that calling forward, is into the adapters and
>> backend, and calling back, is out of the result to the remultiplexer and
>> running the remultiplexer also. This is that the task-worker thread
>> invokes the re-routines, and the re-routine callbacks, are pretty much
>> called by the backend or TCF, because all they do is toss back onto the
>> TQ, so that the TW runs the re-routines, the TCF is involved in the O/I
>> side and the backend adapter, and what reserves live handles, while the
>> TCB returns the results through the I/O side, and what recycles live
>> handles.
>> Then it's sort of figured that the TCF result thread groups or whatever
>> otherwise results whatever blocks and so on howsoever it is that the
>> backend adapter is implemented, while TCB is pretty much a single
>> thread, because it's driving I/O back out through all the open
>> connections, or that it describes thread groups back out the I/O side.
>> ("TCB" not to be confused with "thread control block".)
>> Nonblocking I/O, and, Asynchronous I/O
>> One thing I'm not too sure about is the limits of the read and write of
>> the non-blocking I/O. What I figure is that mostly buffers throughout
>> are 4KiB buffers from a free-list, which is the usual idea of reserving
>> buffers and getting them off a free-list and returning them when done.
>> Then, I sort of figure that the reader, gets about a 1MiB buffer for
>> itself, with the idea being, that the Inputter when there is data off
>> the wire, reads it into 1MiB buffer, then copies that off to 4KiB
>> buffers.
>> BFL // buffer free-list, 1
>> BIR // buffer of the inputter/reader, 1
>> B4K // buffer of 4KiB size, many
>> What I figure that BIR is "direct memory" as much as possible, for DMA
>> where native, while, figuring that pretty much it's buffers on the heap,
>> fixed-size buffers of small enough size to usually not be mostly sparse,
>> while not so small that usual larger messages aren't a ton of them, then
>> with regards to the semantics of offsets and extents in the buffers and
>> buffer lists, and atomic consumption of the front of the list and atomic
>> concatenation to the back of the list, or queue, and about the
>> "monohydra" or "slique" data structure defined way above in this thread.
>> Then about writing is another thing, I figure that a given number of
>> 4KiB buffers will write out, then no longer be non-blocking while
>> draining, about the non-blocking I/O, that read is usually non-blocking
>> because if nothing is available then nothing gets copied, while write
>> may be blocking because the UART or what it is remains to drain to write
>> more in.
>> I'm not even sure about O_NONBLOCK, aio_read/aio_write, and overlapped
>> I/O.
>> Then it looks like O_NONBLOCKING with select and asynchronous I/O the
>> aio or overlapped I/O, sort of have different approaches.
>> I figure to use non-blocking select, then, the selector for the channel
>> at least in Java, has both read and write interest, or all interest,
>> with regards to there only being one selector key per channel (socket).
>> The issue with this is that there's basically that the Inputter/Reader
>> and Outputter/Writer are all one thread. So, it's figured that reads
>> would read about a megabyte at a time, then round-robin all the ready
>> reads and writes, that for each non-blocking read, it reads as much as a
>> megabyte into the one buffer there, copies the read bytes appending it
>> into the buffer array in front of the remux Input for the attachment,
>> tries to write as many as possbile for the buffer array for the write
>> output in front of the remux Output for the attachment, then proceeds
>> round-robin through the selector keys. (That each of those is
>> non-blocking on the read/write a.k.a. recv/send then copying from the
>> read buffer into application buffers is according to as fast as it can
>> fill a free-list given list of buffers, though that any might get
>> nothing done.)
>> One of the issues is that the selector keys get waked up for read, when
>> there is any input, and for write, when the output has any writeable
>> space, yet, there's no reason to service the write keys when there is
>> nothing to write, and nothing to read from the read keys when nothing to
>> read.
>> So, it's figured the read keys are always of interest, yet if the write
>> keys are of interest, mostly it's only one or the other. So I'd figure
>> to have separate read and write selectors, yet, it's suggested they must
>> go together the channel the operations of interest, then whether the
>> idea is "round-robin write then round-robin read", because all the
>> selector keys would always be waking up for writing nothing when the way
>> is clear, for nothing.
>> Then besides non-blocking I/O is asynchronous I/O, where, mostly the
>> idea is that the completion handler results about the same, ..., where
>> the completion handler is usually enough "copy the data out to read,
>> repeat", or just "atomic append more to write, repeat", with though
>> whether that results that each connection needs its own read buffers, in
>> terms of asynchronous I/O, not saying in what order or whether
>> completion handlers, completion ports or completion handlers, would for
>> reading each need their own buffer. I.e., to scale to unbounded many
>> connections, the idea is to use constant size resources, because
>> anything linear would grow unbounded. That what's to write is still all
>> these buffers of data and how to "deduplicate the backend" still has
>> that the heap fills up with tasks, that the other great hope is that the
>> resulting runtime naturally rate-limits itself, by what resources it
>> has, heap.
>> About "live handles" is the sort of hope that "well when it gets to the
>> writing the I/O, figuring to transfer an entire file, pass it an open
>> handle", is starting to seem a bad idea, mostly for not keeping handles
>> open while not actively reading and writing from them, and that mostly
>> for the usual backend though that does have a file-system or
>> object-store representation, how to result that results a sort of
>> streaming sub-protocol routine, about fetching ranges of the objects or
>> otherwise that the idea is that the backend file is a zip file, with
>> that the results are buffers of data ready to write, or handles, to
>> concatenate the compressed sections that happen to be just ranges in the
>> file, compressed, with concatenating them together about the internals
>> of zip file format, the data at rest. I.e. the idea is that handles are
>> sides of a pipe then to transfer the handle as readable to the output
>> side of the pipe as writeable.
>> It seems though for various runtimes, that both a sort of "classic
>> O_NONBLOCKING" and "async I/O in callbacks" organizations, can be about
>> same, figuring that whenever there's a read that it drives the Layers
>> then the Recognizer/Parser (the remux if any and then the
>> command/payload parser), and the Layers, and if there's anything to
>> write then the usual routine is to send it and release to recycle any
>> buffers, or close the handles, as their contents are sent.
>> It's figured to marshal whatever there is to write as buffers, while,
>> the idea of handles results being more on the asynchronous I/O on the
>> backend when it's filesystem. Otherwise it would get involved partially
>> written handles, though there's definitely something to be said for an
>> open handle to an unbounded file, and writing that out without breaking
>> it into a streaming-sub-protocol or not having it on the heap.
>> "Use nonblocking mode for this operation; that is, this call to preadv2
>> will fail and set errno to EAGAIN if the operation would block. "
>> The goal is mostly being entirely non-blocking, then with that the
>> atomic consume/concatenate of buffers makes for "don't touch the buffers
>> while their I/O is outstanding or imminent", then that what services I/O
>> only consumes and concatenates, while getting from the free-list or
>> returning to the free-list, what it concatenates or consumes. [It's
>> figured to have buffers of 4KiB or 512KiB size, the inputter gets a 1MiB
>> direct buffer, that RAM is a very scarce resource.]
>> So, for the non-blocking I/O, I'm trying to figure out how to service
>> the ready reads, while, only servicing ready writes that also have
>> something to write. Then I don't much worry about it because ready
>> writes with nothing to write would result a no-op. Then, about the
>> asynchronous I/O, is that there would always be an outstanding or
>> imminent completion result for the ready read, or that, I'm not sure how
>> to make it so that reads are not making busy-work, while, it seems clear
>> that writes are driven by there being something to write, then though
>> not wanting those to hammer when the output buffer is full. In this
>> sense the non-blocking vector I/O with select/epoll/kqueue or what, uses
>> less resources for services that have various levels of load,
>> day-over-day.
>> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/machines
>> https://clojure.org/reference/transducers
>> https://chamibuddhika.wordpress.com/2012/08/11/io-demystified/
>> With non-blocking I/O, or at least in Java, the attachment, is attached
>> to the selection key, so, they're just round-robin'ed. In asynchronous
>> (aio on POSIX or overlapped I/O on Windows respectively), in Java the
>> completion event gets the attachment, but doesn't really say how to
>> invoke the async send/recv again, and I don't want to maintain a map of
>> attachments and connections, though it would be alright if that's the
>> way of things.
>> Then it sort of seems like "non-blocking for read, or drops, async I/O
>> for writes". Yet, for example in Java, a SocketChannel is a
>> SelectableChannel, while, an AsyncSocketChannel, is not a
>> SelectableChannel.
>> Then, it seems pretty clear that while on Windows, one might want to
>> employ the aio model, because it's built into Windows, then as for the
>> sort of followup guarantees, or best when on Windows, that otherwise the
>> most usual approach is "O_NONBLOCKING" for the socket fd and the fd_set.
>> Then, what select seems to guarantee, is, that, operations of interest,
>> _going to ready_, get updated, it doesn't say anything about going to
>> un-ready. Reads start un-ready and writes start ready, then that the
>> idea is that select results updating readiness, but not unreadiness.
>> Then the usual selector implementation, for the selection keys, and the
>> registered keys and the selected keys, for the interest ops (here only
>> read and write yet also connect when drops fall out of it) and ready ops.
>> Yet, it doesn't seem to really claim to guarantee, that while working
>> with a view of the selection keys, that if selection keys are removed
>> because they're read-unready (nothing to do) or nothing-to-write
>> (nothing to do), one worries that the next select round has to have
>> marked any read-ready, while, it's figured that any something-to-write,
>> should add the corresponding key back to the selection keys. (There's
>> for that if the write buffer is full, it would just return 0 I suppose,
>> yet not wanting to hammer/thrash/churn instead just write when ready.)
>> So I want to establish that there can be more than one selector,
>> because, otherwise I suppose that the Inputter/Reader (now also
>> Outputter/Writer) wants read keys that update to ready, and write keys
>> that update to ready, yet not write keys that have nothing-to-do, when
>> they're all ready when they have nothing-to-do. Yet, it seems pretty
>> much that they all go through one function, like WSPSelect on Windows.
>> I suppose there's setting the interest ops of the key, according to
>> whether there's something to write, figuring there's always something to
>> read, yet when there is something to write, would involve finding the
>> key and setting its write-interest again. I don't figure that any kind
>> of changing the selector keys themselves is any kind of good idea at
>> all, but I only want to deal with the keys that get activity.
>> Also there's an idea that read() or write() might return -1 and set
>> EAGAIN in the POSIX thread local error number, yet for example in the
>> Java implementation it's to be avoided altogether calling the unready as
>> they only return >0 or throw an otherwise ambiguous exception.
>> So, I'm pretty much of a mind to just invoke select according to 60
>> seconds timeout, then just have the I/O thread service all the selection
>> keys, what way it can sort of discover drops as it goes through then
>> read if readable and write if write-able and timeout according to the
>> protocol if the protocol has a timeout.
>> Yet, it seems instead that when a read() or write() returns until read()
>> or write() returns 0, there is a bit of initialization to figure out,
>> must be. What it seems that selection is on all the interest ops, then
>> to unset interest on OP_WRITE, until there is something to write, then
>> to set interest on OP_WRITE on the selector's keys, before entering
>> select, wherein it will populate what's writable, as where it's
>> writable. Yet, there's not removing the key, as it will show up for
>> OP_READ presumably anyways.
>> Anyways it seems that it's alright to have multiple selectors anyways,
>> so having separate read and write selectors seems fine. Then though
>> there's two threads, so both can block in select() at the same time.
>> Then it's figured that the write selector is initialized by deleting the
>> selected-key as it starts by default write-able, and then it's only of
>> interest when it's ever full on writing, so it comes up, there's writes
>> until done and its' deleted, then that continues until there's nothing
>> to do. The reads are pretty simple then and when the selected-keys come
>> up they're read until nothing-to-do, then deleted from selected-keys.
>> [So, the writer thread is mostly only around to finish unfulfilled
>> writes.]
>> Remux: Multiplexer/Demultiplexer, Remultiplexer, mux/demux
>> A command might have multiple responses, where it's figured it will
>> result multiple tasks, or a single task, that return to a single
>> attachment's connection. The multiplexer mostly accepts that requests
>> are mutiplexed over the connection, so it results that those are
>> ephemeral and that the remux creates remux attachments to the original
>> attachment, involved in any sort of frames/chunks. The compression layer
>> is variously before or after that, then encryption is after that, while
>> some protocols also have encryption of a sort within that.
>> The remux then results that the Recognizer/Parser just gets input, and
>> recognizes frames/chunks their creation, then assembling their contents
>> into commands/payloads. Then it's figured that the commands are
>> independent and just work their way through as tasks and then get
>> chunked/framed as according to the remux, then also as with regards to
>> "streaming sub-protocols with respect to the remux".
>> Pipelined commands basically result a remux, establishing that the
>> responses are written in serial order as were received.
>> It's basically figured that 63 bit or 31 bit serial numbers would be
>> plenty to identify unique requests per connection, and connections and
>> so on, about the lifetime of the routine and a serial number for each
>> thing.
>> IO <-> Selectors <-> Rec/Par <-> Remux <-> Rec/Par <-> TQ/TS <-> backend
> Well I figure that any kind of server module for the protocol needs the
> client module.
> Also it's sort of figured that a client adapter has a similar usual
> approach to the non-blocking I/O to get figured out, as what with
> regards to then usual usage patterns of the API, and expecting to have a
> same sort of model of anything stateful the session, and other issues
> involved with the User-Agent, what with regards to the things how a
> client is, then as with regards to it has how it constructs the commands
> and payloads, with the requests it gets of the commands and partial
> payloads (headers, body, payload), how it's to be a thing.
> Also it's figured that there should be a plain old stdin/stdout that
> then connects to one of these things instead of sockets, then also for
> testing and exercising the client/server that it just builds a pair of
> unidirectional pipes either way, these then being selectable channels in
> Java or otherwise the usual idea of making it so that stdin/stdout are a
> connection.
> With regards to that then it looks like TLS (1.2, 1.3, maybe 1.1) should
> be figured out first, then a reasonably involved multiplexing, then as
> with regards to something like the QUIC UDP multiplexing, then about how
> that sits with HTTP/2 style otherwise semantics, then as with regards to
> SCTP, and this kind of thing.
> I.e., if I'm going to implement QUIC, first it should be SCTP.
> The idea of the client in the same context as the server, sort of looks
> simple, it's a connection pool, then as with regards to that usually
> enough, clients call servers not the other way around, and clients send
> commands and receive results and servers receive commands and send
> results. So, it's the O/I side.
> It's pretty much figured that on protocols like HTTP 1.1, and otherwise
> usual adapters with one session, there's not much considered about
> sessions that bridge adapter connections, with the usual idea that
> multiple client-side connections might be a session, and anything
> session-stateful is session-stateful anywhere in the back-end fleet,
> where it's figured usually that any old host in the backend picks up any
> old connection from the front-end.
> Trying to figure out QUIC ("hi, we think that TCP/IP is ossified because
> we can't just update Chrome and outmode it, and can't be bothered to
> implement SCTP and get other things figured out about unreliable
> datagrams multiplexing a stream's multiplex connection, or changing IP
> addresses"), then it seems adds a sort of selectable-channel abstraction
> in front of it, in terms of anything about it being a session, and all
> the datagrams just arriving at the datagram port. (QUIC also has
> "server-initiated" so it's a peer-to-peer setup not a client-server
> setup.) Then it's figured that anything modeling QUIC (over UDP) should
> be side-by-side SCTP over UDP, and Datagram TLS DTLS.
> So, TLS is ubiquitous, figuring if anybody actually wants to encrypt
> anything that it's in the application layer, then there's this ALPN to
> get it associated with protocols, or this sort of "no-time for a TLS
> handshake, high-five", TLS is ubiquitous, to first sort of figure out
> TLS, then for the connections, then about the multiplexing, about kinds
> of stateful stream datagram, sessions. ("Man in the middle? Here let me
> NAT your PAC while you're on the phone.")
> As part of a protocol, there's either TLS always and it precedes
> entering otherwise the protocol, or, there's STARTTLS, which is figured
> then to for for the duration barring "switching protocols". It's assumed
> that "streaming-sub-protocols" are "assume/resume" protocol, while
> "switching protocols" is "finish/start".
> Then, there's a simple sort of composition of attributes of protocols,
> and profiles of protocols after capabilities and thus profiles of
> protocols in effect.
> In Java the usual idea of TLS is called SSLEngine. Yet, SSLEngine is
> sort of organized around blocking calls, or "sitting on the socket". It
> doesn't really have a way to feed it the handshake, get the master key,
> then just encrypt everything following with that. So it's figured that
> as a profile module, it's broken apart a bit the TLS protocol, then
> anything to do with certificates or algorithms is in java.security or
> javax.security anyways. Then AEAD is just a common way to make encrypted
> frames/chunks. It's similar with Zip/Deflate, and that it should be
> first-class anyways because there's a usual idea to use zip files as
> file system representation of compresssed, concatenable data at rest,
> for mostly transferring static constant at what's the compressed data at
> rest. The idea of partially-or-weakly encrypted data at rest is a good
> dog but won't hunt as above, yet the block-cipher in the usual sense
> should operate non-blockingly on the buffers. Not sure about "TLS Change
> Cipher".
> So, TLS has "TLS connection state", it's transport-layer. Then, what
> this introduces is how to characterize or specify frames, or chunks, in
> terms of structs, and alignment, and fixed-length and variable-length
> fields, of the most usual sorts of binary organizations of records, here
> frames or chunks.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690
> The ASN.1 encoding, abstract syntax notation, is a very usual way to
> make a bunch of the usual things like for other ITU-T or ITU-X
> specifications, like X.509 the certificates and so on. Then if the
> structure is simple enough, then all the OID's have to get figured out
> as basically the OID's are reserved values and constants according to
> known kinds of contents, and in the wild there are many tens of
> thousands of them, while all that's of interest is a few tens or less,
> all the necessary things for interpreting TLS X.509 certificates and
> this kind of thing. So, this is a usual way to describe the structures
> and nested structures of any organization of data on the wire.
> Then, frames and chunks, basically are octets, of a very usual sort of
> structure as "header, and body", or "frame" or "chunk", where a frame
> usually has a trailer, header-body-trailer. The headers and trailers are
> usually fixed length, and one of the fields is the size or length of the
> variable-length body. They're sometimes called blocks.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1951 (Deflate)
> Deflate has Huffman codes then some run-length encoding, for most of the
> textual data it's from an alphabet of almost entirely ISO646 or ASCII,
> and there's not much run-length at all, while the alphabets of base32 or
> base64 might be very usual, then otherwise binary data is usually
> already compressed and to be left alone.
> There's basically to be figured if there's word-match for commonly or
> recently used words, in the about 32K window of the Deflate block,
> mostly otherwise about the minimal character sets and its plain sorted
> Huffman table the block. The TLS plaintext blocks are limited to 2^14 or
> about 16K, the Deflate non-compressed blocks are limited to about 64K,
> the compressed blocks don't have length semantics, only
> last-block/end-of-block. The Deflate blocks have a first few bits that
> indicate block/last-block, then there's a reserved code end-of-block.
> The TLS 1.2 with Deflate says that Deflate state has to continue
> TLS-block over TLS block, while, it needn't, for putting Deflate blocks
> in TLS blocks closed, though accepting Deflate blocks over consecutive
> TLS blocks. For email messages it's figured that the header is a block,
> the separator is a block, and the body is a block. For HTTP it's figured
> the header is a Defalte block, the separator is a Deflate block, and the
> body is a Deflate block. The commands and results, it's figured at
> Deflate blocks. This way then they just get concatenated, and are
> self-contained. It's figured that decompression, recognize/parse, copies
> into plaintext, as whatever has arrived, after encryption, block-ciphers
> the block into what's either the TLS 1.2 (not TLS 1.3) or mostly only
> the application protocol has as compression, Deflate. (Data is
> lsb-to-msb, Huffman codes msb-to-lsb. 256 = 0x100 =
> 1_0000_0000_0000_0000b is end-of-block. ) For text data it would seem
> better to reduce the literal range overall, and also to make a Huffman
> table of the characters, which are almost always < 256 many, anyways.
> I.e., Deflate doesn't make a Huffman table of the alphabet of the input,
> and the minimum length of a duplicate-coded word is 3.
> "The Huffman trees for each block are independent
> of those for previous or subsequent blocks; the LZ77 algorithm may
> use a reference to a duplicated string occurring in a previous block,
> up to 32K input bytes before." -
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1951#section-2
> Zip file format (2012):
> https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/digformatspecs/APPNOTE%2820120901%29_Version_6.3.3.txt
> https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000354.shtml
> "The second mechanism is the creation of a hidden index file containing
> an array that maps file offsets of the uncompressed file, at every chunk
> size interval, to the corresponding offset in the Deflate compressed
> stream. This index is the structure that allows SOZip-aware readers to
> skip about throughout the file."
> - https://github.com/sozip/sozip-spec/blob/master/sozip_specification.md
> It's figured that if the zip file has a length check and perhaps a
> checksum attribute for the file, then besides modifications then
> So, the profiles in the protocols, or capabilities, are variously called
> extensions, about the mode of the protocol, and sub-protocols, or just
> the support of the commands.
> Then, there's what's "session", in the connection, and
> "streaming-sub-protocols", then sorts, "chained-sub-protocols" ("command
> sequence"), where streaming is for very large files where chained is for
> sequences of commands so related, for examples SMTP's MAIL-RCPT-DATA and
> MAIL-RCPT-RSET. Then the usual connection overall is a chained protocol,
> from beginning and something like HELO/EHLO to ending and something like
> QUIT. In HTTP for example, there's that besides upgrades which is
> switching, and perhaps streaming-sub-protocols for large files, and
> something like CORS expectations about OPTIONS, there are none, though
> application protocol above it like "Real REST", may have.
> Then, in "session", are where the application has from the server any of
> its own initiated events, these results tasks as for the attachment.
> The, "serial-sub-protocol" is when otherwise unordered commands, have
> that a command must be issued in order, and also, must be completed
> before the next command, altogether, with regards to the application and
> session.
> About driving the inputter/reader, it's figured the Reader thread, TIR,
> both services the input I/O, then also drives the remux remultiplexer
> and also drives the rec/par
> recognizer/parser, and the decryption and the decompression, so that its
> logic is to offload up to a megabyte from each connection, copying that
> into buffers for each connection, then go through each of those, and
> drive their inputs, constructing what's rec/par'ed and releasing the
> buffers. It results it gets a "set" of ready inputs, and there's an idea
> that the order those get served should be randomized, with the idea that
> any connection is as likely as any other to get their commands in first.
> Writing the Code
> The idea of writing the code is: the least amount. Then, the protocol
> and its related protocols, and its data structures and the elements of
> its recognition and parsing, should as possible be minimal, then at
> compile time, the implementation, derived, resulting then according to
> the schema in "abstract syntax", files and classes and metadata, that
> that interfaces and base classes are derived, generated, then that the
> implementations are composed as of those.
> (The "_" front or back is empty string,
> "_" inside is " " space,
> "__" inside is "-" dash,
> "___" inside is "_" underscore,
> and "____" inside is "." dot.)
> class SMTP {
> extension Base {
> enum Specification { RFC821, RFC1869, RFC2821, RFC5321 }
> }
> extension SIZE {
> enum Specification {RFC1870 }
> enum Result { SIZE }
> }
> extension CHECKPOINT {
> enum Specification {RFC1845 }
> }
> extension CHUNKING {
> enum Specification {RFC3030 }
> }
> extension PIPELINING {
> enum Specification {RFC2920 }
> }
> extension _8BITMIME {
> enum Specification {RFC6152 }
> enhanced _8BITMIME {
> enum Command {EHLO, MAIL}
> enum Result {_8BITMIME}
> }
> }
> extension SMTP__AUTH {
> enum Specification {RFC4954 }
> command {AUTH}
> }
> extension START__TLS {
> enum Specification {RFC3207}
> enum Command { STARTTLS }
> }
> extension DSN {
> enum Specification {RFC3461 }
> }
> extension RFC3865 {
> enum Specification {RFC3865}
> enhanced RFC3865 {
> enum Command {EHLO, MAIL, RCPT }
> enum Result {NO__SOLICITING, SOLICIT }
> }
> }
> extension RFC4141 {
> enum Specification {RFC4141 }
> enhanced RFC4141 {
> enum Command {EHLO, MAIL }
> enum Result {CONPERM, CONNEG }
> }
> }
> // enum Rfc {RFC3207, RFC6409 }
> }
> class POP3 {
> enum Rfc {RFC1939, RFC 1734 }
> extension Base {
> enum Specification {RFC1939 }
> class States {
> enum Command {USER, PASS, APOP, QUIT}
> }
> , TOP, UIDL}
> }
> class UPDATE {
> enum Command {QUIT}
> }
> }
> }
> }
> class IMAP {
> enum Rfc { RFC3501, RFC4315, RFC4466, RFC4978, RFC5256, RFC5819,
> RFC6851, RFC8474, RFC9042 }
> extension Base {
> enum Specification {RFC3501}
> class States {
> class Any {
> enum Command { CAPABILITY, NOOP, LOGOUT }
> }
> class NotAuthenticated {
> }
> class Authenticated {
> }
> class Selected {
> }
> }
> }
> class NNTP {
> enum Rfc {RFC3977, RFC4642, RFC4643}
> extension Base {
> enum Specification {RFC3977}
> }
> extension NNTP__COMMON {
> enum Specification {RFC2980 }
> }
> extension NNTP__TLS {
> enum Specification {RFC4642}
> enum Command {STARTTLS }
> }
> extension NNTP__AUTH {
> enum Specification {RFC4643}
> enum Command {AUTHINFO}
> }
> extension RFC4644 {
> enum Specification {RFC4644}
> }
> enum RFC8054 {
> enum Specification {RFC8054}
> enum Command {COMPRESS}
> }
> }
> class HTTP {
> extension Base {
> enum Specification {RFC2616, RFC7321, RFC9110}
> }
> }
> class HTTP2 {
> enum Rfc {RFC7540, RFC8740, RFC9113 }
> }
> class WebDAV { enum Rfc { RFC2518, RFC4918, RFC3253, RFC5323}}
> class CardDAV { enum Rfc { RFC6352}}
> class CalDAV { enum Rfc { RFC4791}}
> class JMAP {}
> Now, this isn't much in the way of code yet, just finding the
> specifications of the standards and looking through the history of their
> evolution in revision with some notion of their forward compatibility in
> extension and backward compatibility in deprecation, and just
> enumerating some or most of the commands, that according to the state of
> connection its implicit states, and about the remux its
> connection-multiplexing, what are commands as discrete, what either
> layer the protocol, switch the protocol, make states in the session, or
> imply constructed tasks what later result responses.
> Then it's not much at all with regards to the layers of the protocol,
> the streams in the protocol, their layers, the payload or parameters of
> the commands, the actual logic of the routines of the commands, and the
> results of the commands.
> For something like HTTP, then there gets involved that besides the
> commands, then the headers, trailers, or other: "attributes", of
> commands, that commands have attributes and then payloads or parameters,
> in their protocol, or as about "attachment protocol (state) command
> attribute parameter payload", is in the semantics of the recognition and
> parsing, of commands and attributes, as with regards to parameters that
> are part of the application data, and parameters that are part of
> attributes.
> Recognizer/Parser
> The Recognizer/Parser or recpar isn't so much for the entire object
> representation of a command, where it's figured that the command +
> attributes + payload is for the application itself, as for recognizing
> the beginnings through the ends of commands, only parsing so much as
> finding well-formedness in the command + attributes (the parameters,
> and, variously headers, or, data, in the wire transmission of the body
> or payload), and, the protocol semantics of the command, and the
> specific protocol change or command task(s) to be constructed, according
> to the session and state, of the connection or its stream, and the
> protocol.
> For the layers or filters, of the cryptec or compec, mostly the
> recognition is from the frames/chunks/blocks, while in the plaintext,
> involves the wire representation of the command, usually a line, its
> parameters on the command line, then if according to headers, and when
> content-length or other chunking, is according to headers, or a
> stop-bit, for example, the dot-stuffing. When for example trailers
> follow, is assumed to be defined by the protocol, then as what the
> recpar would expect.
> Then, parsing of the content is mostly in the application, about the
> notion that the commands reflect tasks of routines of a given logic its
> implementation, command and parameters are a sort of data structure
> specific to the command, that headers and perhaps trailers would be a
> usual sort of data structure, while the body, and perhaps headers and
> trailers, is a usual sort of data structure, given to the commands.
> The recpars will be driven along with the filters and by the TIR thread
> so must not block and mostly detect a shallow well-formedess. It's
> figured that the implementation of the task on the body, does
> deserialization and otherwise validation of the payload.
> The TIR, if it finds connection/stream errors, writes the errors as
> close streams/connections directly to TCB, 'short-circuit', while
> engaging Metrics/Time.
> The deserialization and validation of the payload then is as by a TW
> task-worker or into the TCF call-forward thread.
> The complement to Recognizer/Parser, is a Serializer/Passer, which is
> the return path toward the Writer/Outputter, as the TCB call-back
> thread, of directly serializable or passable representations of results,
> according to that the command and task, has a particular ordering,
> format, and wire format, the output. The idea is that results a byte
> sequences or transferrable handles that goes out the remux and streams
> to the connection according to the remultiplexer attachment to the
> outbound connection.
> The notion of callbacks generally, basically results the employment of
> uni-directional or half-duplex pipes, and a system selector, thus that
> as callbacks are constructed to be invoked, they have a plain input
> stream that's ignored except for the selector, then that the idea is
> there's an attachment on the pipe that's the holder for the
> buffers/handles. That is, the idea is that in Java there's
> java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider, and openPipe, then that the Pipe
> when constructed has that its reference is stored in a synchronous pipe
> map of the TCB, with an associated attachment that when a callback
> occurs, the pipe attachment has set the buffers/handlers or exception
> the result, then simply sends a byte to the pipe, which the TCB picks up
> from waiting on the pipe selector, deregisters and deletes the pipe, and
> writes the results out the remux attachment, and returns to select() on
> the pipe provider, that ultimately the usually no-work-to-do Writer
> thread, sees any remaining output on its way out, among them releasing
> the buffers and closing the handles.
> If there's very much a hard limit on pipes, then the idea is to just
> have the reference to the remux attachment and output to write in the
> form of an address in the bytes written on the call-back pipe, in this
> way only having a single or few long-lived call-back pipes, that TCB
> blocks and waits on in select() when there's nothing to do, otherwise
> servicing the writing/outputting in the serial order delivered on the
> pipe, only having one SelectionKey in the Selector from the
> SelectorProvider for the uni-directional pipe, with only read-ops
> interest. Pipes are system objects and have limits on the count of
> pipes, and, the depth of pipes. So, according to the that, could result
> just an outputter/writer queue for a usually-nothing-to-do writer
> thread, whether the TCB has a queue to consume, and a pipe-reader thread
> that fills the queue, notify()'s the TCB as wait()'s on it, and
> re-enters select() then for however it's so that at idle, all threads
> are blocked in select(), or wait(), toward "0% CPU", and "floor RAM", at
> idle. (... And all usual calls are non-blocking.)
> For TW and TCF to "reach idle", or "rest at idle", basically has for
> wait() and notify() in Java, vis-a-vis, pipe() and select() in
> system-calls. (... Which idle at rest in wait() and wakeup and aren't
> interrupted any notify() or notifyAll().) This is a design using mostly
> plain and self-contained data structurse, and usual system calls and
> library network and synchronization routines, which Java happens to
> surface, so, it's not language or runtime-specific.
> The callbacks on the forward side, basically are driven by TCF which
> services the backend and adapters, those callbacks on the re-routines
> pretty much just results the TW tasks, those then in their results
> resulting the TCB callbacks as above. It's figured some adapters won't
> have non-blocking ways, then either to give them threads, or, to
> implement a queue as up after the pipe-selector approach, for the TCF
> thread and thread group, and the back-end adapters.
> It's figured for streaming-sub-protocols that backend adapters will be
> entirely non-blocking also, resulting a usual sort of approach to
> low-load high-output round-trip throughput, as what TCF (thread call
> forward) returns to TTW (thread task worker) returns to TCB (thread call
> back) off the TS and TQ (task set and task queue). Then also is a usual
> sort of direct TIR to TCF to TCB approach, or bridging adapters.
Protocol Establishment and Upgrade
It's figured each connection, is according to a bound listening socket,
the accepter to listen and accept or TLA.
Each connection, starts with a "no protocol", that buffers input and
responds nothing.
Then, the protocol goes to a sort of "CONNGATE" protocol, where rules
apply to allow or deny connections, then there's a "CONNDROP" protocol,
that any protocol goes to when a connection drops, then as whether
according to the protocol it dropped from, either pending writes are
written or pending writes are discarded.
For CONNGATE is that there's the socket or IP address of the connection,
that rules are according to that, for example local subnet, localhost,
local pod IP, the gateway, as matching reverse DNS,
or according to records in DNS or a lookup, or otherwise well-known
connections to allow, or anything else or unreachable addresses or
suspected spammer addresses, to deny. This is just a usual command
CONNGATE and task then to either go to the next protocol after
a CONNOPEN, according to the address and port, or go to CONNDENY and
CONNDROP, this way having usual events about connections.
Along with CONNGATE is a sort of extension protocol, "ROLL FOLD GOLD
COLD SHED HOLD", this has for these sorts beginnings.
ROLL: open, it's usual protocol
FOLD: open, it's new client or otherwise anything not usual
GOLD: open, it's expected client with any priority
COLD: drop, silently, close
SHED: drop, the server is overloaded, or down, try to return a response
"server busy", close
HOLD: "drop", passive-aggressive, put in a protocol CONNHOLD, discard
input and dribble
"Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate."
The message-oriented instead of connection-oriented or UDP datagrams
instead of TCP sockets, has that each message that arrives, gets
multiplexed then as with regards to whether it builds
streams, on one listening port. So, there's a sort of default protocol
of DGOPEN and DGDROP, then the sort of default protocol that multiplexes
datagrams according to session and client,
then a usual way that datagrams are handled as either individual
messages or chunks of a stream, whether there's a remux involved or it's
just the fixed-mux attachment, whatever else results the protocol. Each
datagram that arrives is associated with its packet's socket address.
This way there's a usual sort of notion of changing protocols, so that a
protocol like TLS-HANDSHAKE, or TLS-RENEGOTIATE, is just a usual
protocol in usual commands, then as with regards to the establishment
of the security of TLS according to the protocol, then resulting the
block-ciphers and options of TLS is according to the options of the
protocol, with regards then the usual end of TLS is a sort of
TLS-ALERT, protocol, that then usually enough to a CONNDROP, protocol.
So, there are sort of, "CONN" protocol, and, issues with "STRM" and "MESG".
The protocol establishment and upgrade, has basically that by default,
commands are executed and completed serially in the order they arrive,
with regards to each connection or message, that thusly the
establishment of filters or layers in the protocol is just so
configuring the sequence of those in the attachment or as about the
remux attachment, as with regards, to notions of connections and
streams, and, layers per connection, and, layers per stream.
Then, "TLS" protocol, is a usual layer. Another is "SASL", about the state.
As a layer, TLS, after the handshake, is mostly just the frames and
block-encipherment either way, and in TLS 1.2 maybe compression and
decompression, though, that's been left out of TLS 1.3. In the remux,
like for HTTP/2 or HTTP/3, or "HTTP over SCTP" or what, then for
something like HTTP/2, TLS is for the connection then ignorant the
streams, while for something like HTTP/3, it's a sort of user-space
instead of kernel-space transport protocol itself, then it's figured
that the "TLS high-five" as of Datagram TLS, is per stream, and agnostic
the connection, or listener, except as of new streams.
The compression, or "transport-layer compression", is pretty universally
Deflate, then what gets involved with Deflate, is a 32Kib look-back
window, that any code in deflate, is either a literal byte, or a
look-back distance and length, copying bytes. So, that involves that in
otherwise the buffers, that anything that gets compressed or
decompressed with Deflate, or the "compec", ("codec", "cryptec",
"compec"), always has to keep around a 32 Kib look-back window, until
the end of a Deflate block, where it is truncatable, then as to grow a
new one.
Mostly here then the compression may be associated with TLS, or
otherwise at the "transport layer" it's associated stream-wise, not
connection-wise, and mostly it is according to the "application layer",
when and where compression starts and ends in the commands and/or the
payloads. Then a usual idea is as much as possible to store the data at
rest in a compressed edition so it can be consumed as concatenated.
This way this sort of "Multiple Protocol Server" is getting figured out,
in design at least, then with the idea that with a good design, it's
Remultiplexer and Connections and Streams
The Remultiplexer is about the most complicated concept, with the idea
of the multiplexer and demultiplexer inbound then the multiplexer
and demultiplexer outbound, from and to the outward-facing multiplexer
and demultiplexer, and from and to the backend-facing multiplexer
and demultiplexer, that last bit though being adapter pools.
So, it's figured, that throughout the system, that there's the
identifier of the system, by its host, and, the process ID, and there's
identification of events in time, by system time, then that everything
else gets serial numbers, basically numbers that increment serially for
each connection, message, command, response, error, and here for the
remultiplexer for the streams, in protocols like HTTP/2 or WebSocket
with multiple streams, or for whatever are message-oriented protocols,
those multiple streams.
In this way, the attachment, it's an object related to the connection,
then the remultiplexer attachment, is the attachment then also
related to any stream.
The idea is that the serial numbers don't include zero, and otherwise
are positive integers, then sometimes the protocols have natural
associations of the client-initiated and server-initiated streams,
one or the other being even or odd, say, while, also internally is
that each would have their own sort of namespace and serial number.
Very similarly, the re-routines, have the serial numbers their issuance
and invocations, then the tree of sub-re-routines, has that those are
serially numbered also, with regards to that any one of those comes
into being according to that the runtime, as one process its space,
somehow must vend serial numbers, and in a non-blocking way.
Then, these are involved with the addressing/routing scheme of
the callbacks or the routines, then also, with metrics/timing,
of the things and all the things. The idea is that the callbacks
are basically an object reference to an attachment, or monad
of the re-routines, then a very general sort of association to
the ring buffer of streams that come and go, or just a list of
them, and the monad of the re-routine, which is course has
that it's always re-run in the same order, so the routing scheme
to the attachment and addressing scheme to the monad,
is a common thing.
In the protocol, there are "states" of the protocol.
The "session", according to the protocol, is quite abstract.
It might be per-connection, per-stream, or across or bridging
connections or streams. A usual sort of idea is to avoid any
state in the session at all, because, anything state-ful at all
makes that the distributed back-end needs a distributed
session, and anything outside the process runtime doesn't
have the synchronization to its memory barriers. It's similar
with issues in the "domain session" or "protocol session"
with regards to vending unique identifiers or guaranteeing
deduplication according to unique identifiers, "client session",
with anything at all relating the client to the server, besides
the contents of the commands and results.
So, in the protocol, there are "states" of the protocol. This
is usually enough about sequences or chains of commands,
and as well with regards to entering streaming-sub-protocols.
So, it's sort of figured, that "states" of the protocol, are
sub-protocols, then with usually entering and exiting the
sub-protocols, that being "in the protocol".
Then, there are "profiles" of the protocol, where the protocol
has a sort of "base protocol", which is always in effect, and
then any number of "protocol extensions", then as whether
or not those are available, and advertised, and/or, exercised,
or excluded. A profile then is whatever of those there are,
for a command and stream and connection and the server,
helping show protocol profile coverage according to that.
Here then it's a usual idea that "CONNDROP" is always an
extension of the protocol, because the network is formally
un-reliable, so any kind of best-effort salvage attempt any
other error that modeled by the protocol, goes to CONNDROP.
Then, it's also a usual idea that any other error, than modeled
by the protocol, has a sort of UNMODELED protocol,
though as with regards to that the behavior is CONNDROP.
Then, for streams and messages, gets to that CONNDROP,
and "STREAMDROP" and "MESSAGEDROP", sort of vary,
those though being usual sorts catch-all exceptions,
where the protocol is always in a sort of protocol.