Archimedes Plutonium
2024-01-26 18:26:35 UTC
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science
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Archimedes Plutonium<***>
11:43 AM (1 hour ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Did you know that Germany before Hitler was a democracy? Not too many people know that. But Germany in what is called the Wiemar Republic was a democracy, just like the USA is a democracy, a representative government form.
The first president in 1919 was Friedrich Ebert, the second was Paul von Hindenburg.
The first chancellor in 1919 was Philipp Scheidemann the last of course was Hitler who destroyed the democracy.
Many many parallels and similarities with the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump in America.
For the grab of "power" is always one of the most sought after grabs in a lifetime. There is the desire to live then eat, then mate, but the most sought for all is "power".
As one wise person said "Power is absolute and is absolute corruption"
I write this book as the encroachment of my own personal life is rapidly being encroached upon with "cloud and reCAPTcha" tools for gaining Absolute Power.
I no longer have my music from Apple, all because the "cloud" is easy to penetrate by governments. I recently realized why there was such a delay in sending myself pictures I had taken on my iphone. The delay is because the picture is in the cloud and being viewed by governments around the world.
There is no privacy in taking pictures anymore since the "cloud" is seen by any and all governments.
Google is closing shop on most Usenet newsgroups like sci.math and sci.physics. They close on 22Feb2024, but in the meantime, in January it is almost impossible for AP to even get a post into sci.math and sci.physics because every post attempt has a reCAPTcha test stuck to the post before it is accepted. The excuse here is it is "checking to see if you are a robot". What took AP 3 minutes to write a post to sci.math, now takes AP 5 minutes taking reCAPTcha tests that just spin AP round and round endlessly and the post is never accepted. This reCAPTcha is manned by government employees how have paid workers and lists of people who they do not want posts in sci.math or sci.physics.
In Hitler's rise to power, Germany had TV back then, and the reCAPTcha parallelism was that the Nazis wanted only broadcasts of what was going to show the Nazi party in the brightest light. The excuse in the 1930s for German reCAPTcha tests, was that they poised these tests to purify the Aryan soul. The excuse in 2024 is that reCAPTcha tests to see if you are a robot.
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***>
12:16 PM (1 minute ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Just yesterday in the news, the PBS Newshour news, was reporting that Trump had called up Congress persons who were ready to sign a deal on border security and aid to Ukraine, but Trump called them up to tell them to drop the deal and let the border be unsecure just so that Trump can run on the issue in his campaign. In other words, Trump comes first and the hell with the American people.
Similarity here to Hitler-- the Aryan master race --- where Hitler declares himself "Fuhrer" instead of just chancellor from Hindenburg, and destroys the Democracy and turns Germany into a Totalitarian dictatorship. Not much different from Trump calling up Congress and telling them to break the deal of border security so that Trump can run on border security in the 2024 election.
Also in the news of 25Jan2024 was news that the Georgia legal case of where Trump ruined election results, that Trump has personally attacked the prosecutor of that case, not only the prosecutor but judges in all of Trump trials are under the threat of Trump whipping up his crowd of supporters to go out and attack judical persons. This parallels the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s with their KristalNacht attacks.
Democracies tend to be peaceful and abhor violence and chaos. Democracies rely on strong Judical systems.
Dictators which Trump is verging into rely on threats of violence, rely on disorder, chaos, and a tearing down of the Judical System.
What brought the Nazis into power was the Threat of Violence. Trump is ever increasingly relying on people to commit violence on his behalf. Why the Insurrection of Jan 6 storming the USA Capitol building is a clear parallel to KristalNacht Germany.
Every judge, every prosecutor of Trump is threatened by Trump and his crowds. And this threat is starting to seep into every American citizen by the "cloud and reCAPTcha". There will come a day if Trump gets his way, where any critic of Trump has to pass a reCAPTcha test just to watch TV, or find out the Weather, or get into their bank account on line. A day will come where all Trump critics, have to pass a reCAPTcha test, just to open the door to their house.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s. Why, did you know that because of the "cloud" every picture I take on my camera-- whether private personal picture-- is also viewed by the governments around the world, whether I like it or not, and that is because of the "cloud" for the cloud is open to governments. I now no longer have my Apple payed and bought for music, as a govt. bureaucrat felt like disabling AP's music, ever since AP rewrote "Chariots of Fire" as a praise hymnal "How Great Thou Art". And it is no wonder govt. wants Google newsgroups to collapse and fold, for the govt. hates it when they are not in "overwhelming force in control of what they think science education should be and what is taught as science". For the govt. reCAPTcha has now -- disallowed AP from making a new thread in sci.math and sci.physics, and that AP has to post in any old thread not AP's own, in order to get out a single post at all. Govt. bureaucrats love it when they can fully strangle its citizens, especially scientists.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium
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Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***>
11:43 AM (1 hour ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Did you know that Germany before Hitler was a democracy? Not too many people know that. But Germany in what is called the Wiemar Republic was a democracy, just like the USA is a democracy, a representative government form.
The first president in 1919 was Friedrich Ebert, the second was Paul von Hindenburg.
The first chancellor in 1919 was Philipp Scheidemann the last of course was Hitler who destroyed the democracy.
Many many parallels and similarities with the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump in America.
For the grab of "power" is always one of the most sought after grabs in a lifetime. There is the desire to live then eat, then mate, but the most sought for all is "power".
As one wise person said "Power is absolute and is absolute corruption"
I write this book as the encroachment of my own personal life is rapidly being encroached upon with "cloud and reCAPTcha" tools for gaining Absolute Power.
I no longer have my music from Apple, all because the "cloud" is easy to penetrate by governments. I recently realized why there was such a delay in sending myself pictures I had taken on my iphone. The delay is because the picture is in the cloud and being viewed by governments around the world.
There is no privacy in taking pictures anymore since the "cloud" is seen by any and all governments.
Google is closing shop on most Usenet newsgroups like sci.math and sci.physics. They close on 22Feb2024, but in the meantime, in January it is almost impossible for AP to even get a post into sci.math and sci.physics because every post attempt has a reCAPTcha test stuck to the post before it is accepted. The excuse here is it is "checking to see if you are a robot". What took AP 3 minutes to write a post to sci.math, now takes AP 5 minutes taking reCAPTcha tests that just spin AP round and round endlessly and the post is never accepted. This reCAPTcha is manned by government employees how have paid workers and lists of people who they do not want posts in sci.math or sci.physics.
In Hitler's rise to power, Germany had TV back then, and the reCAPTcha parallelism was that the Nazis wanted only broadcasts of what was going to show the Nazi party in the brightest light. The excuse in the 1930s for German reCAPTcha tests, was that they poised these tests to purify the Aryan soul. The excuse in 2024 is that reCAPTcha tests to see if you are a robot.
334th book of science in AP's queue line-- Similarities between rise of Hitler and rise of Trump, rise of "cloud & reCAPTcha" //political science
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***>
12:16 PM (1 minute ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Just yesterday in the news, the PBS Newshour news, was reporting that Trump had called up Congress persons who were ready to sign a deal on border security and aid to Ukraine, but Trump called them up to tell them to drop the deal and let the border be unsecure just so that Trump can run on the issue in his campaign. In other words, Trump comes first and the hell with the American people.
Similarity here to Hitler-- the Aryan master race --- where Hitler declares himself "Fuhrer" instead of just chancellor from Hindenburg, and destroys the Democracy and turns Germany into a Totalitarian dictatorship. Not much different from Trump calling up Congress and telling them to break the deal of border security so that Trump can run on border security in the 2024 election.
Also in the news of 25Jan2024 was news that the Georgia legal case of where Trump ruined election results, that Trump has personally attacked the prosecutor of that case, not only the prosecutor but judges in all of Trump trials are under the threat of Trump whipping up his crowd of supporters to go out and attack judical persons. This parallels the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s with their KristalNacht attacks.
Democracies tend to be peaceful and abhor violence and chaos. Democracies rely on strong Judical systems.
Dictators which Trump is verging into rely on threats of violence, rely on disorder, chaos, and a tearing down of the Judical System.
What brought the Nazis into power was the Threat of Violence. Trump is ever increasingly relying on people to commit violence on his behalf. Why the Insurrection of Jan 6 storming the USA Capitol building is a clear parallel to KristalNacht Germany.
Every judge, every prosecutor of Trump is threatened by Trump and his crowds. And this threat is starting to seep into every American citizen by the "cloud and reCAPTcha". There will come a day if Trump gets his way, where any critic of Trump has to pass a reCAPTcha test just to watch TV, or find out the Weather, or get into their bank account on line. A day will come where all Trump critics, have to pass a reCAPTcha test, just to open the door to their house.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s. Why, did you know that because of the "cloud" every picture I take on my camera-- whether private personal picture-- is also viewed by the governments around the world, whether I like it or not, and that is because of the "cloud" for the cloud is open to governments. I now no longer have my Apple payed and bought for music, as a govt. bureaucrat felt like disabling AP's music, ever since AP rewrote "Chariots of Fire" as a praise hymnal "How Great Thou Art". And it is no wonder govt. wants Google newsgroups to collapse and fold, for the govt. hates it when they are not in "overwhelming force in control of what they think science education should be and what is taught as science". For the govt. reCAPTcha has now -- disallowed AP from making a new thread in sci.math and sci.physics, and that AP has to post in any old thread not AP's own, in order to get out a single post at all. Govt. bureaucrats love it when they can fully strangle its citizens, especially scientists.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium