VOTE: Dr. Lars Edstrom, Looney Maroon Award to
(too old to reply)
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-01-23 23:35:48 UTC
I do not recall posting this. Is it a forgery. A forgery I tried to get nana to remove but they were not listening at the time. Tim Skirvin was away. Can someone please delete or remove. In those early years I had a "rash of forgeries in my name", and apparently few understood that Archimedes Plutonium was my legal name.
(posted to all potentially interested newsgroup readership)
This is the official ballot for the November 1997 Looney Maroon Award.
These are the nominations I am placing before all for your rejection or
approval by vote for this highly dubious honor. Also to be voted upon
are the candidates for Looney Maroon Lifetime Achievement, known
affectionately as the Bobo Award. This month we have a peculiar
assortment coming from the scientific sector. This author long
believed it was only a matter of time before they started writing
their own pages in the book of Usenet idiocy.
As Supreme Dictator of this award I have decided on 1 executive LMA
designation for the month, who shall be revealed when the awards are
officially announced. By virtue of losing by only 1 vote the last round,
Dr. Stanley Prusiner has been automatically placed on this month's
Bobo Award ballot.
You may vote as many times as you wish, but only one vote shall be
counted. Dead people may vote, provided you can give the me sufficient
evidence to prove the vote actually *came* from you.
To the kooks, may I say, may the best loon win. Any flamage of the
Supreme Dictator shall result in public archive for ridicule, whenever
the hell the LMA is able to acquire a Truly Official Website.
May whatever god you believe in, have mercy on your soul.
[ ] Dr. Lars Edstrom, a member of the
Nobel award committee at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden
[ ] Dr. Gerd Faltings
[ ] Dr. Murray Gell Mann
[ ] Dr. Andrew Wiles
[ ] Dr H W Bishop, University Sunderland
[ ] Mr W J B Arden, University Sunderland
[ ] Dr. Alan Sandage
[ ] Stanley Prusiner
Remember, these criteria are just the humble opinions of the nominators,
not any expert diagnosis of dimentia idiotica.
Dr. Lars Edstrom (nominated by, um, Dr. Murray Gell-Mann, red hair)
It was only a matter of time before this Resident Kook of the sci.*
hierarchy made his way into the bounds of abject lunacy. Oddly enough,
[X] Show intelligence off the deep end of the bell curve
[X] Consistently say things that are hideously nonsensical
[X] Prove themselves wrong while pretending to be an "expert"
[X] Exhibit a passion for metaphorically banging their head against a wall
[X] Be profoundly ignorant
[X] Persistently refuse to allow themselves to be enlightened
[X] Demonstrate a gift for false prophecy
- What can I say that hasn't ALREADY been said?
- His fool scheme to move the moon down to the face of the earth for
mining purposes. This fact alone was cause sufficient for this author
to place him on the LMA ballot. The fact that he actually BELIEVES
this to be possible is truly something to see. In any event, it gives
a whole new definition to "SURF'S UP!!!" This scheme, of which official
name this author has unfortunately forgotten, has been nominated to
run against alt.mcdonalds.crew for the Victor Von Frankenstein
"Weird Science" award, coming in December
Mr W J B Arden (nominated by Stu Fraser)
It was also only a matter of time before someone from AOL managed to
find their way here as well, if not already. Mr W J B Arden, who has been
assumed to be male, is a frequenter of sci.physics, sci.physics.new-theories,
and sci.physics.relativity. He maintains a website at the address of
Univ. Sunderland, which has a front door which will
not open until after the visitor submits their comments about what is
inside. While this alone is enough to warrant executive LMA decoration,
[ ] Show intelligence off the deep end of the bell curve
[X] Consistently say things that are hideously nonsensical
[X] Prove themselves wrong while pretending to be an "expert"
[X] Exhibit a passion for metaphorically banging their head against a wall
[X] Be profoundly ignorant
[ ] Persistently refuse to allow themselves to be enlightened
[X] Demonstrate a gift for false prophecy
- Has a hard time forming coherent, much less LOGICAL, sentences
- Has applied for patent on his Anti-Gravity Device (AGD), a gyroscopic
contraption which he claims to have built and tested. The AGD has
nothing to do with anti-gravity, but does supposedly generate thrust in
the up direction. Undoubtedly a Kook with a future in the sexual aids
- Mr W J B Arden has "documented" experiments where this thrust is
measured. No data is reported as such, but there *are* ASCII art
diagrams of what he saw. Open your undergraduate physics textbook to
the chapter on angular momentum and follow along as Mr W J B Arden derives
you may not reach the same conclusions as your host
- Also has designs for a spaceship powered by this device. It is peculiarly
unfortunate that the links aren't active yet, but he has made quite an
effort to list the features of the spaceship
- Several other topics discussed over why many aspects of established
scientific thought are WRONG (one divided by infinity equals zero
divided by infinity, therefore according to God, who lives at infinity, zero
and one are the same), and more
- The only reason category #6 isn't checked is because nobody has actually
tried to enlighten him. This is NOT to say he's an enlightened individual
Gerd Faltings (nominated by Andrew Wiles)
I saw this one coming for quite some time; it was only going to be so
[ ] Show intelligence off the deep end of the bell curve
[X] Consistently say things that are hideously nonsensical
[X] Prove themselves wrong while pretending to be an "expert"
[X] Exhibit a passion for metaphorically banging their head against a wall
[X] Be profoundly ignorant
[X] Persistently refuse to allow themselves to be enlightened
[ ] Demonstrate a gift for false prophecy
- Suffice to say, the only Usenet poster who has successfully gotten
both the Cabal(tinc) and the Kook Kabal to write him off as a Net.Kook.
This, in and of itself, is quite truly a noteworthy accomplishment. He
and the Brownlister are the only two people to have successfully
managed to get people on both sides annoyed with he
Alan Sandage (nominated by Stanley Prusiner)
The second entire organization to be nominated for the LMA in
history. And actually, the only one whose USERS were also nominated.
This makes this author wary about possible future attempts to make
[X] Show intelligence off the deep end of the bell curve
[X] Consistently say things that are hideously nonsensical
[X] Prove themselves wrong while pretending to be an "expert"
[X] Exhibit a passion for metaphorically banging their head against a wall
[XXX] Be profoundly ignorant
[X] Persistently refuse to allow themselves to be enlightened
[ ] Demonstrate a gift for false prophecy
- As the nominator put it, "Lets get em on the list early, no use waiting
for them to have to Earn the award." Just as well, this author thinks
Dr. Lars Edstrom (nominated by Gerd Faltings)
This man is the incarnate epitome of why the Bobo Award was created to
exist. Dr. Lars Edstrom story began when Sam got him kicked off of
(1 of only 2 subscribers vile enough to even get Gell-Mann against them).
Wiles didn't take too kindly to this, so he decided to mailbomb the
ENTIRE news.admin.net-abuse.email group forging Sam's name and every
organization he posted from. This got Monolith, Concentric and the law
enforcement officials on track against him. His actions resulted in a
direct IDP of enterprise.net, from which he committed the vandalism.
But could he stop there? Noooooo. Apparently refusing to give up on
framing Faltings, despite the fact that the net-abuse personally were
becoming VERY annoyed with him, he went took a triple backflip dive
off the deep end. Saying "bleat-bleat, Stu NOT got the keys to the jeep"
he CONTINUED on his suicidal crusade. Needless to say it is incomprhensible
why he would want to directly take on one of the most wicked programming
script writers on the net, much less an entire group devoted to flushing
out just such anonymous abusers as him. Eventually, he got everyone and
his dog in NANAE wanting to ground his hide deep into the earth, including
Yours Truly who was a favorite early target of his (at least until I said
how glad I was at seeing him ruined as a businessman; apparently he
*might* have been a sensitive type. Maybe he was worried a White Hat
might be as far off the deep end as he was. Who knows?).
Edstrom's actions got him thrown in jail. His possessions have been
seized. The laws in England will no doubt be severe. And he thought he
was safe behind a cell phone when in fact he was giving the authorities
a homing beacon the whole time. Sad. Getting thrown in jail for your
holy crusade is the ultimate achievement in the loon arts, which is why
Wiles is on this ballot today.
/\ Mimetic Engineering Newsgroup Troops Antispam Lieutenant
\ /\ Known as James - Send Email By Subtracting Remove Phrase
\/ \ Unit CXCIX of the SubGenius Police - http://www.sputum.com/
Gee, is their a film to follow?
I have maintained for several years now to split apart the entire alt
hierarchy from that of the sci newsgroups and to make them altogether
Alt newsgroups contribute nothing worthwhile to the *serious minded
newsgroups* and is a waste of time
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-01-24 00:36:10 UTC
I do not recall posting this. Is it a forgery? A forgery I tried to get nana to remove but they were not listening at the time. Perhaps Tim Skirvin was away at his new job in Batavia. Can someone please delete or remove. In those early years I had a "rash of forgeries in my name", and apparently few understood that Archimedes Plutonium was my legal name. Many thought my name was a fake name and so ever brat tried to brandish my name. But now I see this thread in a Google search.

Please remove the forgery.
