AP's 272nd book of science Reals are fake and only true valid numbers of math are Decimal Grid Numbers//math-physics
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Jan 20, 2024, 6:51:31 PM (20 hours ago)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
I need to include a book in TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS where I clarify why the Reals of Old Math are garbage numbers, and holding Old Math back from teaching the truth of mathematics.
This is made urgent in that Google's sci.math and sci.physics may shut down to further posts by AP or anyone else.
Reals are fake and only true valid numbers of math are Decimal Grid Numbers//math-physics
by Archimedes Plutonium
Cover Picture:
Table of Contents
My queue line listed this book as 321st but I need to push it up to 272nd
AP's 321st book of science TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS:: Why the Reals are Fake and the only true valid numbers of mathematics are Decimal Grid Numbers, because of Calculus.
Archimedes Plutonium
Dec 16, 2023, 10:19:51 AM
to Plutonium Atom Universe, sci.math,sci.physics
Since Google sci.math and sci.physics are shutting down and closing, it is fitting that I publish one more important book of math before that closure. It sort of summarizes my more than 30 years prescence in sci.math and sci.physics from my starting date of August 1993.
And I hope Google highlights the "very best that was sci.math and sci.physics" by inverting the time line, so that when all newcomers look at Google's sci.math and sci.physics, they do not see a ocean of spam, a river of govt-police drag net spam, a river of paid for stalkers spam. Instead, what the newcomer sees is 12Aug1993 where 99% of posts were on topic of math and physics from dot edu addresses.
Truth and change in science is often met with stiff and ugly resistance and it is really little wonder that Google is forced to shut-down, due to the paid for stalkers loud mouthes and empty minds paid for by government and education institutes.
So before the shutdown, AP needs to make clear why the Reals are a toilet bowl of numbers that cannot be the true numbers of mathematics. Why calculus taught in schools across the world is a torture chamber of nonsense and not calculus itself.
Yesterday I made the plea for Google, that when the day comes to make the Shutdown, to invert the date of appearance of posts. That is to say, start with 12Aug1993 where sci.math and sci.physics were in their Glory Days of science. To please leave sci.math and sci.physics not in their dwindling days with the first hundred threads that of spam and drag net spam with not a post of math content in sight.
Yesterday I posted what were my two first posts ever, in Usenet sci.math and sci.physics. And I want to talk about those two first posts in this book of why Reals are fake numbers and that the Decimal Grid Numbers are the only true and valid numbers of mathematics, and that calculus needs a vast overhaul, for it should and can be taught to 13 and 14 year olds.
So these few posts were AP's first posts to sci.math and sci.physics in 1993, and respectfully request that when Google shuts down in 2024-- to show these few posts as the opening page to sci.math and sci.physics and not the ocean and river of spam by hatemongers. Give sci.math and sci.physics Full Dignity.
--- quoting a few of the very first posts of AP to sci.math and sci.physics ---
Newsgroups: sci.math
From: ***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium)
Subject: Wiles blunders
Message-ID: (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1993 22:20:39 GMT
Lines: 51
Tabloid presses press for stories like that of apprentice A. Wiles--
" Wiles Masters The Cold Fusion Reporting Technique". Wiles has 1000
pages which 5 other math majors S. Kochen, K. Ribet, H.M. Edwards, B.
Mazur, and J. McKay can read. What has the world come to, when an
alleged proof is reported as a forgone conclusion because 6 persons
jump-up-and-down? Can not the NYT staff recognize self-deluded
publicity seekers? What is the limit for math tolerance? When one
person from Princeton reports a 10000 page proof and the method of
proof is-- readers fatigue. The most important aspect of a math proof
is to convince. If Wiles really does have a valid 1000 page proof,
then it can be boiled-down to 1 or 2 pages. Wiles can not do that,
indicating his proof is another fake. Here are the logical flaws in
Wiles's alleged proof. 1) Elliptic curves can not uniquely represent
the positive integers 2) Wiles can not even produce Pythagorean
triples when the exponent is 2. 3) Fourier Analysis proves that all
generalized functions are uniquely representable by sine-cosine. But
after transforming Wiles's elliptic curves into the more general
mathematics of Fourier Analysis, the net result is that when Wiles
wants to show the nonexistence of peculiar elliptic curves, his
method implies that the sine-cosine function of Fourier Analysis
does not exist. 4) Wiles's method contradicts Fourier Analysis.
5) Wiles's method is indirect nonexistence. Mathematically there
are only three viable existence proof methods i) direct existence
ii) direct nonexistence iii) and indirect existence. A proof
method of indirect nonexistence is impossible. The supercomputer
4-color mapping problem proof is another fake proof because it
uses the method of indirect nonexistence. See The Dartmouth
19MAY1992 for my two proofs of the 4-color mapping problem.
Forgive these 6 math majors for they are weak in mathematical
logic and know not what they do. And be not surprised that some
in the math community will eject overboard sine-cosine just to
embrace wiles curves. Wiles is wily about publicity, but will
he be a test-tube-cry-baby once he realizes that his FLouT sunk?
Not all is lost though, because Wiles's blunders creates a very
important mathematical conjecture. Call my conjecture
Complementary Mathematics (CM) since it originates from the
complementary principle of quantum physics. CM states: Math
theorems have a duality of proof method, either geometrical or
arithmetical, where one excludes 100% of the other
(particle-wave duality of quantum mechanics). Hence, the
correct geometrical proof of FLT will come only after someone
gives the proven equivalent geometrical statement to the
arithmetical FLT. The Moebius function proved to be the
geometrical equivalent to the Riemann Hypothesis. See my two
proofs of the Riemann Hypothesis The Dartmouth 9AUG1991, and
my proof of FLT The Dartmouth 16APR1991. The arithmetic
proofs of both the Riemann Hypothesis and FLT were achieved
through the uniqueness of the number 2. But the geometrical
proof of FLT will come only after the equivalent geometrical
statement is obtained, and it will be much longer than my 1
page proof of FLT, or my 1 paragraph proof of the World's
most outstanding math problem-- the Riemann Hypothesis. This
newsgram was published in The Dartmouth under Notices 9JUL1993.
Sincerely, LP
Newsgroups: sci.math
From: ***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium)
Subject: Pi 22/7 & e 19/7 because our Maker is an atom of plutonium
Message-ID: (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 01:51:07 GMT
Lines: 19
***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium) writes:
The most often used numbers throughout math and physics are
pi and e. Pi is approx 22/7 and e is approx 19/7. An atom
of plutonium has approx 22 subshells in approx 7 shells and
approx 19 of those subshells are occupied by electrons at
any one instant of time. The observable universe is just
the last electron, the 94th electron of 231Pu. The dots of
the electron cloud-- one of those dots is the planet Earth,
a larger dot is the Sun. An atom totality explains
everything-- why quantum physics is bizarre because the
totality itself is an atom. Why the night sky Olbers
paradox, because the night sky is a blackbody cavity of
the 94th electron. Why the microwave background radiation
is relentlessly uniform because the 94th electron is a
perfect quantum blackbody cavity. Finally Dirac's answer
to the inverse fine-structure constant because the 94th
electron is a perfect quantum blackbody cavity. Finally
Dirac's answer to the inverse fine-structure constant
because 231Pu has 137 neutrons. Readers Meet your Maker
an Atom of Plutonium.
All of the above copyrighted 1990 in my book PLUTONIUM
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Fermat's Last Theorem
Message-ID: (***@wins.uia.ac.be>
From: ***@wins.uia.ac.be (Lieven Smits)
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 09:07:18 GMT
Organization: University of Antwerp
Lines: 14
In article (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium) writes:
[long posting deleted, supposedly about why Andrew Wiles' proof
of Fermat's Last Theorem is not valid]
Reader's fatigue, did you say? And what is "The Dartmouth"?
Lieven Smits ***@wins.uia.ac.be
Departement Wiskunde-Informatica tel. 32-3-820.24.08
Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen fax 32-3-820.24.21
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
Fri, 13AUG1993,17:15:48 GMT sci.bio(***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Fri, 13AUG1993, 17:18:45 GMT sci.chem(***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Fri, 13AUG1993, 17:24:30 GMT sci.math (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Fri, 13AUG1993, 17:32:06 GMT sci.physics (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Lines: 121
Subject: The Unification of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics
***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium) writes:
This entire newsgram was published in The Dartmouth 22Feb93.
The Plutonium Atom Totality is easy to explain. An electron is
not a ball, but instead, an infinite number of dots. Those dots are
commonly called the "electron cloud". One of those tiny dots of the
94th electron of plutonium is the Sun, another tinier dot the planet
Earth. Stars are just bits and pieces of the last electron, the dots
of the 94th electron of plutonium. You and me are very tiny dots of
the 94th electron of one atom of 231Pu.
An electron is a perfect quantum blackbody cavity.
Blackbody--that is why the night sky is dark explaining Olbers
paradox. Perfect cavity-- that is why the microwave background
radiation is quantized and relentlessly uniform, and in addition
that is why the cosmic gamma ray bursts are relentlessly uniform.
The observable universe is the 94th electron-- that is why Tifft
found galaxy speeds quantized.
We are living inside one atom of plutonium and will never
directly see the nucleus because it is in planar nodes of the 5f6--
that is why over 99% of the mass of the universe is missing.
One atom which is everything and superdeterministic--
that explains Bell's Inequality with the Aspect experimental results.
One atom which is the totality explains why quantum physics before
7Nov90 was mathematically correct yet simultaneously counterintuitive.
Once you see that the whole is an atom itself, then the
counterintuitiveness evaporates. None of quantum physics or any
physics for that matter is counterintuitive once you realize that
the totality itself is an atom. The uncertainty principle restated
is simply that-- atom parts (we) cannot know an atom whole. The 4
principles of quantum mechanics are easy to explain once a person
sees the whole as an atom itself.
Truth, when it comes to science has a natural flowing
continuity. Never awkward, or goofy, or in violation of physical
law. Violation like the big bang model, or awkward like the steady
state model, or goofy like superstring theory, or in violation of
physical law like religion or myth--all of which violate the laws
of physics and science.
The Atomic Fact is-- all matter is made-up of atoms. This
was the world's first greatest idea and took over 2200 years to be
accepted by all. Who doubts that they are made-up of hydrogen,
carbon, oxygen, .. From the world's first greatest idea would
naturally flow, albeit after 2200 years, in a continuous fashion
the world's second greatest idea that the "Whole" the "Totality"
is itself an atom. Only the element plutonium fits all the special
numbers of both math and physics. The numbers pi and e fall-out by
the number of subshells and shells of plutonium.
Science, when it reaches pinnacle form, will answer (that
is subsume) god and gods. For god is just a tiny part (and that part
being just an idea) of the Atom Plutonium. Atom Plutonium is more
powerful than any God of the Bible; more powerful than any religion
(which is science fiction worship or dogma worship). For the Laws of
quantum physics, the laws of science are always obeyed. All religions,
all mythologies, all ideas were mere precursors, just stepping-stones,
scaffolding for the idea of atoms and an Atom Totality.
Before 7Nov90 the 4 ingredients of Biological Evolution
Theory (BET) were (1) mutation, (2)genetic recombination,
(3) differential reproductive success and (4) reproductive
isolation. Summed-up, BET is logically no more than that the
"fittest fit", a circular argument. Good science when it approaches
final-truth-form is capable of peering into the future. BET can only
look backwards and assemble what had already happened. Biological
evolution is silent on the future. Biological Evolution Theory is
incomplete. It misses the one key ingredient, the most important
mechanism, that of "purpose". BET needs only the understanding and
application of the ATOM TOTALITY. That the purpose of life is to
make the elements beyond plutonium. Nucleosynthesis is the purpose
of life. And that life is superdetermined to do what it does. The
Plutonium ATOM brought forth life in the image of itself, sacks full
of atoms which we call our bodies, mostly composed of oxygen,
hydrogen, and carbon. Life atoms for the purpose of
nucleosynthesizing new atoms which the Atom Totality can not make
in stars but only via lifeforms. We humans are nothing more than
cold stars. Life was created by the ATOM in order to eventually
nucleosynthesize elements 189 and 190.
When you look out at the night sky you are looking at the
space of the 94th electron. You usually do not observe the other
93 electrons (each composed of infinitely many dots) or the
nucleus with its 94 protons and 137 neutrons. Usually, because
whenever we create antimatter in the laboratory we are in fact
observing our 93rd electron, the electron which is occupying
our same orbital in the 5f6. The nucleus is never observable
since it is in a node. But it contains most of the mass, over
99% of the mass is in the nucleus. No longer is there a missing
mass problem for astronomy.
Our every thoughts are photons, Coulomb interactions
with the 94 protons in the nucleus. Our brains are only parts
of the 94th electron. Photons are forever since they have no
rest mass, thus forever moving. Hence, what is us, our souls,
are bundles of photons which never die, but live forever. Our
photon souls are rebundled in the nucleus by the Protons
(reincarnated and sent to various places within the Atom
Totality). I myself was both Archimedes, and Pharlap the
Australian racehorse in two of my previous past lives, but
mostly that of individual trees on Earth and other biological
Play the music of Breathe On Me, Breath of God music
by J.S.Bach and performed by the synthesized music of
Meadowlark Keyboard Sampler 1987.
Superpose my lyrics of CARBON IN ME, CARBON OF PLUTONIUM
Carbon in me, Carbon of Plutonium,
Fill me with life anew
That I may love what thou dost love,
And do what thou superdetermined me to do
Carbon in me, Carbon of Plutonium,
Make my heart pure.
Take me to Thy Protons
to do and to endure.
Breathe in me, Oxygen of Plutonium,
Make me wholly thine.
Take this Earthly part of me.
Nucleosynthesis divine.
Plutonium in me, ATOM Plutonium.
So shall I never die, but live with thee
Part in thy Electron's Biology
Part in thy Protons Infinity. ATOM
Play the music There is a Balm in Gilead as performed by
Quiet Streams synthesized music and sing the lyrics
How lost was my condition, till the ATOM made me whole
There is but one Physician
Can cure a radioactive-decayed soul.
There is an Afterlife, where my waves are rebundled whole.
There is infinite power in The Protons of the Nucleus
To cure my radioactive-decayed soul.
Protons of the ATOM, radioactive-growth my soul whole
The ATOM is the only physics
End of Newsgram, Sincerely Ludwig Plutonium, that is my legal name.
Newsgroups: sci.math
From: ***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium)
Subject: 1 page proof of FLT; this is what Fermat had
in mind when he wrote "margin to small". Fermat reasoned
that the proof was so simple that others would easily
rediscover it.
Message-ID: (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 18:36:01 GMT
Lines: 123
This proof was published in The Dartmouth 16Apr90 but the math
journals have blacklisted it because of what I represent---
Plutonium Atom Totality, the unification of physics,chemistry,
biology and mathematics.
The gist of the proof is that 2+2=2x2 the only number in all
of math where the addition is the same as multiplication and
Fermat's LT asks what numbers have this feature. Since 2+2=2x2
then a P-triple is constructable for exp 2.
Sincerely, LP
the symbols did not copy through in the proof.
For the set of positive integers {1,2,3,4,5, . . . }, a
given positive integral exponent n >2, the equation
a^n + b^n = c^n is impossible to solve for positive integers
a, b, c. I want to give a simplified idea of the statement
of Fermat's Last Theorem. Consider the sets
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22, . . .}
{1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225,256,289, . . .}
{1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,729,1000,1331,1728,2197,2744, . . .}
{1,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94,104,114,124,134,144,154,164,174, . . .}
{1,25,35,45,55,65,75,85,95,105,115,125,135,145,155,165,175, . . .}
The first set consists of all the positive integers, the second
the squares of all the positive integers, the third the cubes,
the fourth is the fourth power of all the positive integers and
the fifth the fifth power. Now with these sets in mind Fermat's
Last Theorem asks for the second set is the sum of two squares
ever itself a square, i.e., are there two numbers in the set
when added together gives another number contained within the
set. It is easy to see that 9,16 and 25 satisfies Fermat's Last
Theorem. Looking now at the third set, the set of cubes. We
again ask is a cube ever the sum of two cubes? And for the
fourth set, the fifth set, and on out endlessly.
First a discussion before I go into the proof, in order to
make the engine of the proof clear. What I will show is that
Fermat's Last Theorem is related to the fact that for
a^2 + b^2 = c^2 there exists a number such that N+N=NxN=M,
where N not= M. This number N is 2, and M is 4. That 2 is a
building block for the smallest Pythagorean triple for
exponent 2, in order to build the smallest Pythagorean triple
which is (3,4,5>. But for exponent 3 there does not exist a
number such that N+N+N=NxNxN=M, where N not= M, for if there
was such a number, then a smallest Pythagorean triple is
immediately constructible for exponent 3 because such a number
is equal under addition and multiplication, likewise exponent 4,
and all larger number exponent. PROOF: A constructive
proof follows from looking for a positive integer N, if it
exists for a given n, which is equal under the operation of
multiplication and addition. For n=2, does there exist an N
such that N+N=NxN=M. Then it will be shown that N and M are
unique. Once given an N and M for a given n, then N and M
will allow the construction of a Pythagorean triple (P-triple)
(a1,b1,c1>, all because of the property that N is equal under
the operation of multiplication and addition, and from the
unique property of 1, where 1^n=1. It is shown from the
uniqueness of the properties of N, M, and 1 that (a1,b1,c1>
is the smallest P-triple for that given n. By smallest
P-triple, means for every P-triple which satisfies
an + bn = cn for a given n, (a1,b1,c1> (a2,b2,c2>
(a3,b3,c3>, . . . then b1 is the smallest positive
integer of b2,b3,b4, . . . and where a1 less than b1 with
a2 less than b2 ,a3 less than b3, . . . Then for a given n,
if no smallest P-triple is constructible then no P-triple
exists for that given n. It is shown for any n, if an N
exists and because N is equal under multiplication and
addition and 1^n=1, then the general form for the smallest
P-triple, for n=2 is a1=1+N, b1=N+N,c1=1+N+N, for n=3
a1=1+N+N,b1=N+N+N,c1=1+N+N+N and so on. For n=2, a number
N which satisfies N+N=NxN=M is the positive integer 2 and
the result of the operation is 4. The number 2 is unique
for the positive integers (and in all of mathematics for
that matter) under the operation of addition and
multiplication resulting in the same sum and product of 4,
since 1+1=2 and 1x1=1; 3+3=6 and 3x3=9; 4+4=8 and 4x4=16;
5+5=10 and 5x5=25, for it is shown that as these positive
integers get larger then the divergence of multiplication
subtract addition (for 3 it is 9-6=3, for 4 it is 16-8=8)
gets much larger and so using mathematical induction
therefore 2 is unique. And since 2 is unique then the
summation equal to the product is unique, so 4 is unique.
Since M is the unique product and sum of N, then M is the
smallest product and the smallest sum. It is proven that 1
is the identity with respect to multiplication such that
1^n=1. Mathematically stated for n=2, and substituting N
with 2 in (1+N)^n+(N+N)^n=((1+N)+N)^n gives
(1+2)^2+(2+2)^2=(1+2+2)^2 which is (1+2)(1+2)+(2+2)(2+2)=
(1+2+2)(1+2+2) which gives (1+4+4)+4+4+4+4=1+4+4+4+4+4+4.
So from the existence of the unique numbers 2 and 4 which
solves N+N=NxN=M allows the construction of the smallest
positive integer P-triple (a1,b1,c1> for n=2 it is (3,4,5).
Showing for the general case of n, suppose there exists a
smaller P-triple (as,bs,cs> than (a1,b1,c1>. If (as,bs,cs>
exists then b1>bs, where as less than bs which implies the
existence of two different positive integers which satisfy
the property of equality under multiplication and addition,
starting with the case n=2 where N=2 that (a1,b1,c1> is the
smallest P-triple for n=2, and applying mathematical
induction it follows for any n with corresponding N. For
n=3, no positive integer exists which has the property
N+N+N=NxNxN=M, since for 1+1+1=3 and 1x1x1=1; 2+2+2=6 and
2x2x2=8; 3+3+3=9 and 3x3x3=27 the divergence of (NxNxN)-(N+N+N)
increases with larger positive integers and by mathematical
induction no positive integer exists which has the property
N+N+N=NxNxN=M. If an N exists which has the property
N+N+N=NxNxN=M, then (1+N+N)^3+(N+N+N)^3=(1+N+N+N)^3 is
possible where (1+N+N)=a1, (N+N+N)=b1, (1+N+N+N)=c1 forms
the P-triple (a1,b1,c1). Since no N exists for n=3 then no
smallest P-triple is constructible. Thus no P-triple exists
for n=3. For n=3, (5,6,7) come the closest but off by 2,
since (2+2+2) is almost (2x2x2). The same argument for n=3
applies for n=4 and larger. Therefore Fermat's last
theorem is proved. Q.E.D.
Related to physics, FLT states that space is quantized.
FLT interconnects numbers to space. The triples in FLT
{a=v^2-u^2, b=2uv, c=u^2+v^2} for any positive integers
u and v with v>u, where u and v have no common factor and
are not both odd, give all primitive Pythagorean triples.
It is noted that u^2+v^2 is a circle but v^2-u^2 and 2uv
are hyperbolas. The Pythagorean triple forms a right
triangle in Euclidean geometry. Thus the proof of Fermat's
last theorem implies that our observable universe is
constructed simultaneously with elliptical (Riemannian),
hyperbolic (Lobachevskian), and Euclidean geometry. This
implies the superposition principle of quantum mechanics
which implies the totality is an atom.
Sincerely, LP
From: ***@jaffna.berkeley.edu (Roland Dreier)
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: 1 page proof of FLT; this is what Fermat
had in mind when he wrote "margin to small".
Fermat reasoned that the proof was so simple that
others would easily rediscover it.
Date: 13 Aug 93 13:32:17
Organization: U.C. Berkeley Math. Department.
Lines: 12
Message-ID: (***@jaffna.berkeley.edu>
References: (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
In article (***@dartvax.dartmouth.edu>
***@dartmouth.edu (Ludwig Plutonium) writes:
For the case n=3 suppose there exists a P-triple
which satisfies FLT. Then there has to exist a smallest
P-triple for n=3. If true implies there exists a number N
which has the property N+N+N=NxNxN=M.
Not that I expect a coherent answer, but let me ask anyway:
why does this follow? In other words, given positive
integers a,b,c with a^3+b^3=c^3, how do I get a positive
integer N with N+N+N=N*N*N ?
Roland "Mr. Excitement" Dreier ***@math.berkeley.edu
AP's 321st book of science TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS:: Why the Reals are Fake and the only true valid numbers of mathematics are Decimal Grid Numbers, because of Calculus.
Very crude dot picture of 5f6 magnetosphere of 231Pu Atom Totality
A torus shape doing the Faraday Law inside of each and every atom.
.-' `-.
.' ::\ ::|:: /:: `.
/ ::\::|::/:: \
; _ _ ;
| ( O ) |
; - - ;
\ ::/::|::\:: /
`. ::/ ::|:: \:: .'
`- _____ .-'
One of those dots in the magnetosphere is the Milky Way galaxy. And
each dot represents another galaxy. The O is the Cosmic nucleus and
certainly not as dense as what Old Physics thought because in New Physics
the interior of atoms has the Faraday law going on.
I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of spammers, govt-police drag net spam,off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.
Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Dec 16, 2023, 10:32:44 AM
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
3:12 PM (now)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
I need a full separate book on the fake numbers of Old Math-- the Reals and their silly and stupid extensions of imaginary numbers and Complex lunacy.
Old Math could never do a Valid proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, simply because it never had the proper true numbers that Mathematics is composed of.
And the history of this lunacy is very much in contrast with the larger and wiser science-- physics. For it was the year 1900 with Planck in Germany starting the physics revolution of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum means discrete and "no continuum". Yet the fools of mathematics from 1900 onwards were not listening nor paying any attention the the great revolution of physics-- discreteness is "in" and continuum is "out".
And this story goes to show that mathematics education in the world is missing its prime key ingredient-- force math teachers to know logic, for their simpleton and foolish and petty minds cannot do math well if they cannot understand logic.
Force professors of math in colleges to all have 2 years of formal logic in their training. Because without logic, math teachers are simply fools of math, unable to navigate a proof, unable to sense what is right or wrong. Their teaching is just passed on memorization.
So the story of history goes that physics lead the revolution that the world is discrete, no continuum, while in 1900 onwards in math history, no-one listened to the physicists probably because mathematicians were too stupid to understand physics. And so the math community from 1900 onwards kept digging deeper and deeper of a hole to bury themselves in continuum and continuity. For we see idiot fools like Cohen with is fakery of the Continuum Hypothesis and the entire 1900s spent by morons of math education in pursuit of continuum and continuity.
But it was all there in 1900 for mathematics, for back in Germany, again, a mathematician named Kronecker who said "God made the integers, all else is the work of man". What Kronecker meant fundamentally was that the only true numbers of mathematics all have to follow Mathematical Induction. The Integers (positive only) follow math induction, and so do the Decimal Grid Numbers follow mathematical-induction.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium