Post by wijSince the fuckable spam, I can't post message to several groups. I have no way
not to put this message to this functioning group.
I am using Firefox on linux, the response is "you do not have permission to post to this group".
I googled info. on internet, and led to install Thunderbird, but in vail.
So, how should I do to post messages to those failed group?
The best way is using a Usenet (newsgroups) client like Thunderbird. You have to configure the
client to point to a Usenet server, and typically you will need to register an account with that
server. Then you can run Thunderbird, connect to the server, and request the list of groups hosted
on that server (groups like sci.math, comp.lang.c, whatever). You select the groups to which you
wish to subscribe and click a "subscribe" button. The group will appear under your subscribed
groups, the when you click that groupit will download the latest articles from the group and you can
read them or post responses etc.. Wikipedia also has a list somewhere of newsreader clients you
could use if for some reason you don't like Thunderbird, but Thunderbird should work if properly
installed and configured.
Most likely you have not sorted out your Usenet server? Wikipedia has a list of such servers,
including a number of free servers. Typically you may need to go to that server's web page first,
to register an account, even if the server is free. The web page for the server will also give you
the details on how to configer your newsreader client to access the server - you need to enter the
settings like the DNS name for the server, what port number it uses, whether the communication is
encrypted, and whether a userid/pwd needs to be provided.
Several users here use Thunderbird, so that shouldn't be a problem. Eternal September is one free
server that some people here use, and that combined with Thunderbird should all work fine for you...
(Alternatively, some ISPs provide their own Usenet server for customers, as part of their ISP
package, although that's not so common these days...)
Google is due to break all links with Usenet groups some time in February, so you need to get the
above sorted by then, or you won't be able to post to ANY Usenet groups any more! (Some Google
Groups are internal to GG, i.e. not Usenet groups, so if you use any of those they should not be
then directing last posts until Google Groups quits Usenet, along through it.