Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-14 03:21:52 UTC
AP's 338th book of science-- Either the Jewish religion reform or go extinct in its rascist philosophy-- religion should come from the "heart" not from the gametes-zygote-cervix of a woman
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Hate to say it, how blissfully ignorant I was of the Jewish religion, Judaism, up into my late 40s of age. For it was in my 40s posting on the Usenet sci.math and sci.physics that I learned how rascist of a religion is the Jewish religion.
I posted in the late 1990s that Feynman did not want to be listed as Jewish under any account, because Feynman believed in science, in Darwin Evolution, not some religion fairy tale.
But then, someone on the Usenet posted back, informing me it was far worse than that. The Feynman never had a say in what his religion was, or could be, because in Jewish religion, you are automatically Jew and can never change that, because all persons born from a Jewish mother are here and forever a Jew.
Now, I write this book because Israel is about to commit genocide in Gaza in order to steal the Gaza land and connect up back with the land that King David in Ancient history ruled.
I write this book because our Sun has gone Red Giant Phase and will destroy all of Earth and kill all life on Earth unless we move out to Europa. So that we must have full attention on going to Europa and colonizing it and then move as much of Earth life out to Europa. We cannot be bothered with stupid ancient minds with stupid ancient dreams of stitching together a Ancient land. For no land is worth anything once Sun has gone Red Giant Phase.
And in recent years 2023, 2024, this tiny nation of Israel can spark a Nuclear World War 3 with its abhorrent practice of stealing land.
So I write this book to make sure everyone is on the same page of history, to move beyond the constant propaganda and irrelevancies emitted from the Israel government for their killing of 30,000 Palestinian children in Gaza and trying to push the rest into Egypt so they can steal the land.
No religion on Earth should be based on who they were borne from. No religion.
Religion comes from the heart, of a person, his/her fiber of morals and ideals, not from the gametes zygote and cervic of some women.
The Jewish religion of ideas of Chosen People and of Chosen Land, is utterly rascist and anti-religion. Those premisses of chosen people and chosen land is hate speech, not religion.
In this book I am going to use the book The New World of Philosophy by Kaplan as a reference guide.
If we had the same situation in the Middle East as we have now. Only if Buddhists were the Israel nation and the Palestinians the same as they are now, then the Buddhists would have built a 2 state solution around 1950.
If we had Muslims in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
If we had Christians in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
If we had Taoist in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
If we had Hindi in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
The only religion on Earth with Palestine and Israel in Conflict, the only religion on Earth that wants to steal Palestine all for themselves, and never a 2 state solution is the greedy selfish indoctrinated Chosen People wanting their delusional Chosen Land, and to hell with anyone else on Earth. Judaism is a rascist and stealing religion, not a religion from the heart or of the heart.
AP, King of Science
AP's 338th book of science-- Either the Jewish religion reform or go extinct in its rascist philosophy-- religion should come from the "heart" not from the gametes-zygote-cervic of a woman.
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***>
9:18 PM (now)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now for the Jewish religion to reform is super super easy, if only they be willing to. Although we must consider the generations of propaganda the modern Jew has been subjected to. But reform is super easy. Much easier to reform the Jewish religion than for math professors to admit slant cut of cone is Oval not ellipse or for math professors to teach super easy calculus by making the Polynomial the only valid function then calculus becomes the simple add or subtract 1 from exponent for the integral and derivative.
Easy Reformation of Jewish Religion.
The repulsive elements, the repulsive and rascist elements are the "chosen people" and the "chosen land".
So really all that needs to be done in a reformation of Judaism, (by the way has there ever been a reformation in Judaism or would this be a first?), so all we need do here is Replace the term "chosen people" with something far more accurate-- the Wandering People. And replace the term "chosen land or promised land" with something more akin to modern reality-- the Wandering People gone International. For Jews live in almost all countries.
Now the reformation needs to be to revise all books of Torah and cut out any reference to Chosen People, to Promised Land and to Chosen Land. Every Jewish Bible revised. And every synagogue sermon or lecture never say "chosen people, or promised land or chosen land".
One thing that is troubling about Jewish life can be seen even on TV, where the "Stories from the Stage" ads are often run. One of those "Stories from the Stage" is a Jewish woman talking about Jewish life and she says -- all electronics were not used or automobiles used that day and in the sermon was talked about "how to handle the other". Meaning that if not a Jew-- how to handle this person who God rejects, and God only accepts and loves the chosen humans-- the Jews.
This is hugely troubling and the more so that Jews themselves never seem to understand that if you treat them (Gentiles) as God rejects because Jews are the only chosen by God, troubling troubling.
And so, I think Jews with Judaism never understand how awful ugly and hateful it is to classify a person as a God reject and only Jews are worthy of fair treatment.
As if AP, a gentile in the eyes of Jews, that AP exists on Earth so that Jews can strip AP of valued assets and enrich Jews and to hell with AP for he is a God reject gentile.
Troubling troubling and that Jews seem blissfully ignorant that if you preach and practice a religion that divides everyone as God chosen or a God reject, when you classify the world in such a rascist view, no wonder you have hatred come back to you.
So in the Reform of Judaism, announce to the World that Jewish Religion is undergoing reform where you replace Chosen people with Wandering People and you replace Chosen or Promised Land with International Wandering People. Do this for the Torah and any other bible like books of Judaism. Scrub it out of the history books. And do it in all synagogue sermons or preaching.
Cleanse Judaism of its hate speech of rascism.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Hate to say it, how blissfully ignorant I was of the Jewish religion, Judaism, up into my late 40s of age. For it was in my 40s posting on the Usenet sci.math and sci.physics that I learned how rascist of a religion is the Jewish religion.
I posted in the late 1990s that Feynman did not want to be listed as Jewish under any account, because Feynman believed in science, in Darwin Evolution, not some religion fairy tale.
But then, someone on the Usenet posted back, informing me it was far worse than that. The Feynman never had a say in what his religion was, or could be, because in Jewish religion, you are automatically Jew and can never change that, because all persons born from a Jewish mother are here and forever a Jew.
Now, I write this book because Israel is about to commit genocide in Gaza in order to steal the Gaza land and connect up back with the land that King David in Ancient history ruled.
I write this book because our Sun has gone Red Giant Phase and will destroy all of Earth and kill all life on Earth unless we move out to Europa. So that we must have full attention on going to Europa and colonizing it and then move as much of Earth life out to Europa. We cannot be bothered with stupid ancient minds with stupid ancient dreams of stitching together a Ancient land. For no land is worth anything once Sun has gone Red Giant Phase.
And in recent years 2023, 2024, this tiny nation of Israel can spark a Nuclear World War 3 with its abhorrent practice of stealing land.
So I write this book to make sure everyone is on the same page of history, to move beyond the constant propaganda and irrelevancies emitted from the Israel government for their killing of 30,000 Palestinian children in Gaza and trying to push the rest into Egypt so they can steal the land.
No religion on Earth should be based on who they were borne from. No religion.
Religion comes from the heart, of a person, his/her fiber of morals and ideals, not from the gametes zygote and cervic of some women.
The Jewish religion of ideas of Chosen People and of Chosen Land, is utterly rascist and anti-religion. Those premisses of chosen people and chosen land is hate speech, not religion.
In this book I am going to use the book The New World of Philosophy by Kaplan as a reference guide.
If we had the same situation in the Middle East as we have now. Only if Buddhists were the Israel nation and the Palestinians the same as they are now, then the Buddhists would have built a 2 state solution around 1950.
If we had Muslims in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
If we had Christians in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
If we had Taoist in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
If we had Hindi in Israel instead of Jews, they would have built a 2 state solution with Palestinians circa 1950.
The only religion on Earth with Palestine and Israel in Conflict, the only religion on Earth that wants to steal Palestine all for themselves, and never a 2 state solution is the greedy selfish indoctrinated Chosen People wanting their delusional Chosen Land, and to hell with anyone else on Earth. Judaism is a rascist and stealing religion, not a religion from the heart or of the heart.
AP, King of Science
AP's 338th book of science-- Either the Jewish religion reform or go extinct in its rascist philosophy-- religion should come from the "heart" not from the gametes-zygote-cervic of a woman.
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***>
9:18 PM (now)
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now for the Jewish religion to reform is super super easy, if only they be willing to. Although we must consider the generations of propaganda the modern Jew has been subjected to. But reform is super easy. Much easier to reform the Jewish religion than for math professors to admit slant cut of cone is Oval not ellipse or for math professors to teach super easy calculus by making the Polynomial the only valid function then calculus becomes the simple add or subtract 1 from exponent for the integral and derivative.
Easy Reformation of Jewish Religion.
The repulsive elements, the repulsive and rascist elements are the "chosen people" and the "chosen land".
So really all that needs to be done in a reformation of Judaism, (by the way has there ever been a reformation in Judaism or would this be a first?), so all we need do here is Replace the term "chosen people" with something far more accurate-- the Wandering People. And replace the term "chosen land or promised land" with something more akin to modern reality-- the Wandering People gone International. For Jews live in almost all countries.
Now the reformation needs to be to revise all books of Torah and cut out any reference to Chosen People, to Promised Land and to Chosen Land. Every Jewish Bible revised. And every synagogue sermon or lecture never say "chosen people, or promised land or chosen land".
One thing that is troubling about Jewish life can be seen even on TV, where the "Stories from the Stage" ads are often run. One of those "Stories from the Stage" is a Jewish woman talking about Jewish life and she says -- all electronics were not used or automobiles used that day and in the sermon was talked about "how to handle the other". Meaning that if not a Jew-- how to handle this person who God rejects, and God only accepts and loves the chosen humans-- the Jews.
This is hugely troubling and the more so that Jews themselves never seem to understand that if you treat them (Gentiles) as God rejects because Jews are the only chosen by God, troubling troubling.
And so, I think Jews with Judaism never understand how awful ugly and hateful it is to classify a person as a God reject and only Jews are worthy of fair treatment.
As if AP, a gentile in the eyes of Jews, that AP exists on Earth so that Jews can strip AP of valued assets and enrich Jews and to hell with AP for he is a God reject gentile.
Troubling troubling and that Jews seem blissfully ignorant that if you preach and practice a religion that divides everyone as God chosen or a God reject, when you classify the world in such a rascist view, no wonder you have hatred come back to you.
So in the Reform of Judaism, announce to the World that Jewish Religion is undergoing reform where you replace Chosen people with Wandering People and you replace Chosen or Promised Land with International Wandering People. Do this for the Torah and any other bible like books of Judaism. Scrub it out of the history books. And do it in all synagogue sermons or preaching.
Cleanse Judaism of its hate speech of rascism.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.!forum/plutonium-atom-universe
Archimedes Plutonium