Richard Hachel
2025-01-18 09:48:19 UTC
Really, relativity is asinine, and those who seek to deplatform and
drive out others are the most asinine.
There is some truth in what you out others are the most asinine.
I will never understand this hatred of others that fills usenet and
networks in general.
We are not looking for the good, the true, the beautiful, but to crush the
Especially if the other has a big dick.
It is very strange, someone told me: "I read on usenet what a bunch of
morons think of a guy like you. It is appalling".
We do not seek to understand, to teach, to help, to progress.
Not at all, not at all, not at all.
We seek to crush like cockfights do.
It is obviously stupid, but it is nonetheless real.