Psychology of why math professors cannot admit truth of conic-sections that the slant cut of cone is Oval, never ellipse-- because admission of the truth implies those math professors were cackling idiot-failures in geometry. So they run and hide.
(too old to reply)
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-04 21:51:46 UTC
My 3rd published book

AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Ever since Ancient Greek Times it was thought the slant cut into a cone is the ellipse. That was false. For the slant cut in every cone is a Oval, never an Ellipse. This book is a proof that the slant cut is a oval, never the ellipse. A slant cut into the Cylinder is in fact a ellipse, but never in a cone.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 11, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1621 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 20 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

Proofs Ellipse is never a Conic section, always a Cylinder section and a Well Defined Oval definition//Student teaches professor series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Last revision was 14May2022. This is AP's 68th published book of science.

Preface: A similar book on single cone cut is a oval, never a ellipse was published in 11Mar2019 as AP's 3rd published book, but Amazon Kindle converted it to pdf file, and since then, I was never able to edit this pdf file, and decided rather than struggle and waste time, decided to leave it frozen as is in pdf format. Any new news or edition of ellipse is never a conic in single cone is now done in this book. The last thing a scientist wants to do is wade and waddle through format, when all a scientist ever wants to do is science itself. So all my new news and thoughts of Conic Sections is carried out in this 68th book of AP. And believe you me, I have plenty of new news.

In the course of 2019 through 2022, I have had to explain this proof often on Usenet, sci.math and sci.physics. And one thing that constant explaining does for a mind of science, is reduce the proof to its stripped down minimum format, to bare bones skeleton proof. I can prove the slant cut in single cone is a Oval, never the ellipse in just a one sentence proof. Proof-- A single cone and oval have just one axis of symmetry, while a ellipse requires 2 axes of symmetry, hence slant cut is always a oval, never the ellipse.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B081TWQ1G6
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 21, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 827 KB
• Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 51 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

#12-2, My 11th published book

World's First Geometry Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus// Math proof series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Last revision was 15Dec2021. This is AP's 11th published book of science.
Actually my title is too modest, for the proof that lies within this book makes it the World's First Valid Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, for in my modesty, I just wanted to emphasis that calculus was geometry and needed a geometry proof. Not being modest, there has never been a valid proof of FTC until AP's 2015 proof. This also implies that only a geometry proof of FTC constitutes a valid proof of FTC.

Calculus needs a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. But none could ever be obtained in Old Math so long as they had a huge mass of mistakes, errors, fakes and con-artist trickery such as the "limit analysis". And very surprising that most math professors cannot tell the difference between a "proving something" and that of "analyzing something". As if an analysis is the same as a proof. We often analyze various things each and every day, but few if none of us consider a analysis as a proof. Yet that is what happened in the science of mathematics where they took an analysis and elevated it to the stature of being a proof, when it was never a proof.

To give a Geometry Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus requires math be cleaned-up and cleaned-out of most of math's mistakes and errors. So in a sense, a Geometry FTC proof is a exercise in Consistency of all of Mathematics. In order to prove a FTC geometry proof, requires throwing out the error filled mess of Old Math. Can the Reals be the true numbers of mathematics if the Reals cannot deliver a Geometry proof of FTC? Can the functions that are not polynomial functions allow us to give a Geometry proof of FTC? Can a Coordinate System in 2D have 4 quadrants and still give a Geometry proof of FTC? Can a equation of mathematics with a number that is _not a positive decimal Grid Number_ all alone on the right side of the equation, at all times, allow us to give a Geometry proof of the FTC?

Cover Picture: Is my hand written, one page geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the world's first geometry proof of FTC, 2013-2015, by AP.

Product details
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 14, 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1309 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 154 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #128,729 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#134 in Calculus (Books)
#20 in Calculus (Kindle Store)

#12-3, My 24th published book

World's First Proof of Kepler Packing Problem KPP // Math proof series, book 3
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

There has been a alleged proof of KPP by Thomas Hales, but his is a fakery because he does not define what infinity actually means, for it means a borderline between finite and infinite numbers. Thus, KPP was never going to be proven until a well-defined infinity borderline was addressed within the proof. And because infinity has a borderline means that in free space with no borderlines to tackle and contend with, the 12 kissing point density that is the hexagonal close packed is the maximum density. But the truth and reality of Kepler Packing is asking for maximum packing out to infinity. That means you have to contend and fight with the packing of identical spheres up against a wall or border. And so, in tackling that wall, we can shift the hexagonal closed pack to another type of packing, a hybrid type of packing in order to get "maximum packing". So no proof ever of KPP is going to happen unless the proof tackles a infinity border wall. In free-space, a far distance away from a wall barrier of infinity border, then, hexagonal closed pack reigns and is the packing in all of free space-- but, the moment the packing gets nearby the walls of infinity border, then, we re-arrange the hexagonal closed pack to fit in more spheres. Not unlike us packing a suitcase and then rearranging to fit in more.

Cover picture: is a container and so the closed packing must be modified once the border is nearly reached to maximize the number of spheres.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07NMV8NQQ
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 20, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1241 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 60 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

#12-4, My 28th published book

World's First Valid Proof of 4 Color Mapping Problem// Math proof series, book 4
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Now in the math literature it is alleged that Appel & Haken proved this conjecture that 4 colors are sufficient to color all planar maps such that no two adjacent countries have the same color. Appel & Haken's fake proof was a computer proof and it is fake because their method is Indirect Nonexistence method. Unfortunately in the time of Appel & Haken few in mathematics had a firm grip on true Logic, where they did not even know that Boole's logic is fakery with his 3 OR 2 = 5 with 3 AND 2 = 1, when even the local village idiot knows that 3 AND 2 = 5 with 3 OR 2 = either 3 or 2 depending on which is subtracted. But the grave error in logic of Appel & Haken is their use of a utterly fake method of proof-- indirect nonexistence (see my textbook on Reductio Ad Absurdum). Wiles with his alleged proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is another indirect nonexistence as well as Hales's fake proof of Kepler Packing is indirect nonexistence.
Appel & Haken were in a time period when computers used in mathematics was a novelty, and instead of focusing on whether their proof was sound, everyone was dazzled not with the logic argument but the fact of using computers to generate a proof. And of course big big money was attached to this event and so, math is stuck with a fake proof of 4-Color-Mapping. And so, AP starting in around 1993, eventually gives the World's first valid proof of 4-Color-Mapping. Sorry, no computer fanfare, but just strict logical and sound argument.

Cover picture: Shows four countries colored yellow, red, green, purple and all four are mutually adjacent. And where the Purple colored country is landlocked, so that if it were considered that a 5th color is needed, that 5th color should be purple, hence, 4 colors are sufficient.

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PZ2Y5RV
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 23, 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1183 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 34 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

#12-5, My 6th published book

World's First Valid Proofs of Fermat's Last Theorem, 1993 & 2014 // Math proof series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Last revision was 29Apr2021. This is AP's 6th published book.

Preface: Truthful proofs of Fermat's Last Theorem// including the fake Euler proof in exp3 and Wiles fake proof.

Recap summary: In 1993 I proved Fermat's Last Theorem with a pure algebra proof, arguing that because of the special number 4 where 2 + 2 = 2^2 = 2*2 = 4 that this special feature of a unique number 4, allows for there to exist solutions to A^2 + B^2 = C^2. That the number 4 is a basis vector allowing more solutions to exist in exponent 2. But since there is no number with N+N+N = N*N*N that exists, there cannot be a solution in exp3 and the same argument for higher exponents. In 2014, I went and proved Generalized FLT by using "condensed rectangles". Once I had proven Generalized, then Regular FLT comes out of that proof as a simple corollary. So I had two proofs of Regular FLT, pure algebra and a corollary from Generalized FLT. Then recently in 2019, I sought to find a pure algebra proof of Generalized FLT, and I believe I accomplished that also by showing solutions to Generalized FLT also come from the special number 4 where 2 + 2 = 2^2 = 2*2 = 4. Amazing how so much math comes from the specialness of 4, where I argue that a Vector Space of multiplication provides the Generalized FLT of A^x + B^y = C^z.

Cover Picture: In my own handwriting, some Generalized Fermat's Last Theorem type of equations.

As for the Euler exponent 3 invalid proof and the Wiles invalid FLT, both are missing a proof of the case of all three A,B,C are evens (see in the text).

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PQKGW4M
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 12, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1503 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 156 pages
• Best Sellers Rank: #4,327,817 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #589 in Number Theory (Kindle Store)
◦ #3,085 in Number Theory (Books)

#12-6, 19th published book

World's First Proof of Collatz Conjecture// Math proof series, book 6
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Last revision was 14May2022. This is AP's 19th published book.

Preface: Old Math's Collatz conjecture, 1937, was this: If you land on an even number, you divide by 2 until you come to an odd number. If you come to or land on an odd number, you do a 3N+1 then proceed further. The conjecture then says that no matter what number you start with, it ends up being 1.

What the Collatz proof of math tells us, is that so very often mathematicians pose a conjecture in which their initial formulation of the conjecture is murky, obfuscation and poorly designed statement. Such poorly designed statements can never be proven true or false. An example that comes to mind of another poorly designed conjecture is the No Odd Perfect Conjecture, in which the statement is obfuscation of factors. So for the odd number 9, is it 1+3, or is it 1+ 3 + 3. So when a mathematics conjecture is full of obfuscation and error in the statement, then these type of conjectures never have a proof. And takes a person with a logical mind to fix and straighten out the conjecture statement and then provide a proof, thereof.

A return to my Collatz proof in 2022, allowed me a second proof of Collatz with only 3N+1, in a mathematical induction proof, using the Decimal Grid System of Numbers. The true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid System Numbers and this allows a Collatz proof of stand alone 3N+1.

Cover picture: when I think of Collatz, I think of a slide, a slide down and so my French curve is the best slide I can think of, other than a slide-ruler, but a slide ruler is slide across.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PS98K5H
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 16, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1990 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 113 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #212,131 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #4 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #9 in Number Theory (Kindle Store)
◦ #32 in Number Theory (Books)

#12-7, My 20th published book
World's First Proofs that No Perfect Cuboid Exists// Math proof series, book 7
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Someone on the Internet posed the unproven No Perfect Cuboid, and so I took up the challenge. I am usually a sucker for geometry riddles, more so than number theory. So I obliged. Then by 2014 I proved the matter and looking back at it now in 2019, I really really do not see what all the fuss was about-- that it was not that hard not hard at all. You just have to look carefully at sets of 4 right triangles and find an Impossibility Construction, why you cannot have those 4 right triangles all with positive integer numbers for their 3 sides. But the proof method is so hugely important in math-- impossibility of construction. And, please, do not confuse that method with Reductio Ad Absurdum, for RAA is not a valid proof method in mathematics (see my logic book on RAA). But, the method of Impossible Construction, although it might look like RAA, is totally different and fully valid in all aspects.

But now, in hindsight in March 2019, writing this up, I see a very close connection of No Perfect Cuboid to that of Generalized Fermat's Last Theorem with its equation of A^x + B^y = C^z and the way I proved Generalized FLT was with "condensed rectangles" and the No Perfect Cuboid is a 3rd Dimension object but it is 4 rectangles of 4 right triangles we inspect. And we can pursue that connection between Generalized FLT and No Perfect Cuboid further, but not now.

Cover Picture: Is that of 4 rectangular boxes, 2 of which are cubes sitting atop a book page of the Cubic Set for the Transuranium Atoms, from the textbook "The Elements Beyond Uranium" , Seaborg, Loveland, 1990. I am always looking for connections.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 16, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1382 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 61 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

#12-8, My 21st published book

World's First Proofs of Mathematics Oldest Unsolved Problems: No Odd Perfect and Finiteness of Perfect Numbers // Math proof series, book 8
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Last revision was 26Apr2021. And this is AP's 21st published book.

Preface: Now my history with these proofs goes back to 1991 to 1993, and have been finessing the proofs ever since. Some math proofs just nag nag and nag you. They just cannot be settled still. Their proof is a tiny tiny sliver of impossibility that is easily overlooked. Like an optical illusion that you are mislead into, or like those pictures where you look at it one way and you see a young lady and another way you see a very old lady.

Now the No Odd Perfect Number is not a important proof in mathematics but mostly a spectacle for it does not teach much beyond making proper correct definitions. And murky definitions is what held a proof of No Odd Perfect, other than 1, held it back. The murky definition of factors, do we include 1 or not include, for example the odd number 9, do we include 3 twice or once for that we have 1* 9 and we have 3*3 and Old Math looked at that as 1 + 3, whereas I would look at that as 1 + 3 + 3. So when you have messy definitions, murky and messy, of course no proof will be found in over 2,000 years.

Cover Picture: Shows our modern day new reality of the situation where the definition of "perfect" was a Ancient Greek idea, steeped in murky messy idea of factors and when to add factors, that no longer is suitable for mathematics.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PN1CPRP
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 16, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1534 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 28 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

#12-9, My 15th published book

World's First Proofs of Infinitude of Twin-Primes, and Polignac Proved // Math proof series, book 9
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Last revision was September 2023. And this is AP's 15th published book of science.

Preface: Much has changed in the general ideas of Logical Math Proofs, since 1991, when I first wrote a proof of Infinitude of Twin Primes. And by 2023, as I revise this book, I need to incorporate those changes. Even my outlook on what Primes are in mathematics, as a vague and incoherent set.
Many in math would be surprised to hear me say that Primes of mathematics is a vague incoherent set. But from 1991 when I first penned a Old Math proof of Infinitude of Twin Primes, so much has changed about what is a valid math proof and what are these curious numbers we call Primes. This book is my history of my encounter and battling of a very old conjecture-- the infinitude of twin primes.

Cover Picture: Is a picture of the first five twin-primes.

Product details
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 15, 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1664 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
Print length ‏ : ‎ 38 pages

#12-10, 16th published book

World's First Proofs of Goldbach, Legendre, Staircase Conjectures// Math proof series, book 10
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Last revision was September 2023. And this is AP's 16th published book of science.

Preface: AP proved the Goldbach Conjecture starting 1993 where the Algebra Columns is the bedrock-key of the proof involved. The Algebra Column Array is the tool and no-one was going to prove Goldbach unless they had that tool, which the 2014 post of mine makes the array tool crystal clear. So starting 1993, I posted to sci.math about Array or Algebra Column which as a tool would render all proofs of this nature. The Goldbach conjecture historically dates back to 1742, and the Legendre conjecture dates 1752-1833. The Staircase conjecture is a wholly new conjecture proposed by AP circa 2016.

Cover: Is an Algebra Column Array sequence starting with 6 Array and then 8 Array.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PS6MR48
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 15, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1743 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 44 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #148,852 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#4 in Number Theory (Kindle Store)
#38 in Number Theory (Books)
#7 in One-Hour Science & Math Short Reads

#12-11, My 25th published book.

Disproof of Riemann Hypothesis // Math proof series, book 11
by Archimedes Plutonium

Last revision was January 2024. This is AP's 25th published book of science.

Preface: The Riemann Hypothesis was a conjecture never able to be proven and for good reason, for it was the last symptom of a rampant disease inside of mathematics. Old Math did not have the true numbers that compose mathematics. Old Math had a rag-tag ugly collection of fake numbers with their Reals, their Negative numbers compounded with Rationals compounded with Irrationals and then adding on the Imaginary. These are fake numbers, when the true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers. Because Old Math uses fake numbers, is the reason that a Riemann Hypothesis ever is borne out of a fake number system and just languished, languished. You cannot prove something riddled in fakery. Below I demonstrate why having fake numbers in math, creates fake conjectures, and creates fake proofs, fake theorems, and creates a conjecture that can never be proven-- simply because the true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Number System. Quantum Physics proved in year 1900 with Planck that physics is discrete, not a continuum. But Old Math was too stupid of a community to follow physics example, and thus Old Math went deeper and deeper into the pit of dark falsehood with their Reals and ever more continuity and continuum.

Cover picture: Riemann Hypothesis deals with fake numbers of mathematics. When what is needed is the true numbers-- Decimal Grid Numbers. We learn Decimal Grid Numbers when very young, when just toddlers, wood counting blocks. All the true numbers of mathematics come from Mathematical Induction-- counting. Mathematical Induction is utterly absent in the Riemann Hypothesis, when it should be central to the hypothesis. There never exists a Riemann Hypothesis when the true numbers of mathematics are Decimal Grid Numbers.

Table of Contents

1) My history behind the Riemann Hypothesis disproof.

2) By 2011, I realized the Zeta functions were never equal in the Riemann Hypothesis.

3) True numbers of mathematics are Decimal Grid Numbers, a discovery by me in 2013.

4) True Numbers of mathematics are Decimal Grid Numbers and are discrete, not continuous for they have holes of empty space between one and the next number.

5) Old Math never well-defined Series equality, especially for Euler Zeta and Riemann Zeta.

6) My first disproof of Riemann Hypothesis as seen in 2016.

7) Subtraction Fallacy of Zetas.

8) By late 2023, I found a better explanation of the Subtraction Paradox with years of a calendar.

9) Was the Prime Number Theorem and Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, also fake conjectures and proofs?

10) Is there a Geometry disproof of the Riemann Hypothesis-- yes quite simple and easy!

11) Ongoing commentary and reflection back.

12) The Summary of Riemann Hypothesis and its Disproof.

Product details
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 20, 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1492 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 80 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #5,118,638 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #643 in Number Theory (Kindle Store)
◦ #1,398 in One-Hour Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #3,559 in Number Theory (Books)

#12-12, My 152nd published book.
The 6th Regular Polyhedron-- hexagonal faces at infinity is nonexistent // Math proof series, book 12
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Last revision was 2Aug2022. And this is AP's 152nd published book of science.

Preface: I started this book in September 2021, and not until July 2022, did I uncover my gross error-- the nonexistence of the 6th Regular Polyhedron. I so much wanted there to be a 6th regular polyhedron and looking in the Internet, the world wide web, are many images of a cell of 7 regular hexagons, a central hexagon surrounded by 6 more regular hexagons tiling a sphere surface. Plenty of these images, but the tipping point for me is the Goldberg polyhedron, here again the cell of 7 regular hexagons tiling a sphere surface. And so, using that 7 cell as supporting evidence of the existence of a 6th Regular Polyhedron, AP proceeds to publish such. Even though I knew of the University of Utah beware caution web page stating that a vertex of 3 regular polygons is an angle of 120 +120+120= 360 degrees and thus laying flat as a plane, no bending, hence no tiling a sphere.

So I published this book in Sept2021, and not until July2022, needing a coordinate system of points on a sphere for my Ecology book "_Complete Ecology_ with Generalized Faraday Law and revised food chain // Ecology science". That I finally realize my mistake-- Uof U completely correct, and why on Earth did I want to believe Goldberg polyhedron and all those fake geometry images of regular hexagons tiling a sphere surface. This is a massive computer problem of our times, in that it is super easy to make optical illusions in geometry and filling web sites with fake geometry images.

Well, AP was fooled and fell victim to computer graphics showing where a sphere surface tiling of a central regular hexagon and surrounded by 6 more regular hexagons. There are many pictures and images of a sphere tiling on the Internet of 7 regular hexagons, a central one and surrounded and encircled by 6 more regular hexagons. There is even geometry of what is called Goldberg polyhedron with more pictures and images, all deceptive, all wrong. So this book ends up about the theme of how deceptive computer imaging can be, and not what AP hoped for-- the existence of a regular polyhedra with regular hexagon faces.

If it were true that a cell of 7 regular polygons has a bend to it, so that it can eventually circle around a sphere surface, then my first publication of this book would have been true. But instead, the truth is the nonexistence of the 6th Regular Polyhedron.

Cover Picture: is my iphone photograph of a soccer ball of 20 hexagons, 12 pentagons; and a glass ball covered by netting of tiny hexagons. Both objects I use in experiments of trying to prove the 6th Regular Polyhedron only it is nonexistent as I eventually found in July 2022.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09K4PWKVK
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 21, 2021
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 853 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 91 pages

#12-13, My 207th published book.

Building the Axioms of Mathematics, thereby the Rational Numbers are proven fake// Math proofs

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Kindle edition)

Preface: In this, my 207th published book of science, I detail what the first three axioms (postulates) of mathematics Algebra-Numbers must be. And by doing so, I discover that Time is an essential ingredient in mathematics for the first axiom of Algebra-Numbers is the creation of Counting Numbers which is not a concept of quantity but a concept of Ordered Sequence, which is Time. And Time-- an Ordered-Sequence comes way before Quantity. Of course, in this book I prove the Rationals of Old Math are fake numbers,--- what I mean by fake, is that they are not primal numbers but derivations, derivates of primal numbers -- the Decimal Grid Numbers. Old Math Rationals are simply a division exercise unfinished by a lazy person. And since Rationals are fake numbers, secondary numbers means the Reals of Old Math are fake numbers since the Reals are built from Rationals. 

I have written a remarkable book here. I started out with the intent of proving that Rational Numbers were not the true numbers of mathematics, but a unfinished division exercise, by lazy persons doing math. A proof came in my work. But what I discovered that is so remarkable, is that the Axioms of Numbers require a Order Sequence first, and only secondly does Quantity pop-out and enter the picture. This Order-Sequence is of course Time in physics.

Cover Picture: My iphone photograph of a Google search hits on "Euclid postulates axioms".

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BGH88WFT
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 25, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 563 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 34 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

#12-14, My 160th published book.

MATHOPEDIA-- List of 82 fakes and mistakes of Old Math// mathematics & logic
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

A Mathopedia is like a special type of encyclopedia on the subject of mathematics. It is about the assessment of the worth of mathematics and the subject material of mathematics. It is a overall examination and a evaluation of mathematics and its topics.

The ordering of Mathopedia is not a alphabetic ordering, nor does it have a index. The ordering is purely that of importance at beginning and importance at end.

The greatest use of Mathopedia is a guide to students of what not to waste your time on and what to focus most of your time. I know so many college classes in mathematics are just a total waste of time, waste of valuable time for the class is math fakery. I know because I have been there.

Now I am going to cite various reference sources of AP books if anyone wants more details and can be seen in the Appendix at the end of the book.

I suppose, going forward, mathematics should always have a mathopedia, where major parts of mathematics as a science are held under scrutiny and question as to correctness. In past history we have called these incidents as "doubters of the mainstream". Yet math, like physics, can have no permanent mainstream, since there is always question of correctness in physics, there then corresponds questions of correctness in mathematics (because math is a subset of physics). What I mean is that each future generation corrects some mistakes of past mathematics. If anyone is unsure of what I am saying here, both math and physics need constant correcting, of that which never belonged in science. This then converges with the logic-philosophy of Pragmatism (see AP's book of logic on Pragmatism).

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09MZTLRL5 and ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09ZWFLKHC
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 2, 2021
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1155 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 70 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

y  z
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Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium

More people reading and viewing AP's newsgroup than viewing sci.math, sci.physics. So AP has decided to put all NEW WORK, to his newsgroup. And there is little wonder because in AP's newsgroups, there is only solid pure science going on, not a gang of hate spewing misfits blighting the skies.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium

Psychology of why math professors cannot admit truth of conic-sections that the slant cut of cone is Oval, never ellipse-- because admission of the truth implies those math professors were cackling idiot-failures in geometry. So they run and hide.
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-10 20:35:28 UTC
Why math professors will not make calculus super easy as add or subtract 1 from exponent of a polynomial, for the only valid function of math is the polynomial-- they want calculus a torture chamber for job security.

Why if calculus were made super easy, half the math departments in colleges would be pink slipped.

My 134th published book of science.

Introduction to TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 1 for ages 5 through 26, math textbook series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

The 134th book of AP, and belatedly late, for I had already written the series of TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS in a 7 volume, 8 book set. This would be the first book in that 8 book set (one of the books is a companion book to 1st year college). But I suppose that I needed to write the full series before I could write the Introduction and know what I had to talk about and talk about in a logical progression order. Sounds paradoxical in a sense, that I needed to write the full series first and then go back and write the Introduction. But in another sense, hard to write an introduction on something you have not really fully done and completed. For example to know what is error filled Old Math and to list those errors in a logical order requires me to write the full 7 volumes in order to list in order the mistakes.

Cover Picture: Mathematics begins with counting, with numbers, with quantity. But counting numbers needs geometry for something to count in the first place. So here in this picture of the generalized Hydrogen atom of chemistry and physics is a torus geometry of 8 rings of a proton torus and one ring where my fingers are, is a equator ring that is the muon and thrusting through the proton torus at the equator of the torus. So we count 9 rings in all. So math is created by atoms and math numbers exist because atoms have many geometry figures to count. And geometry exists because atoms have shapes and different figures.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08K2XQB4M
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 24, 2020
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 576 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 23 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #224,974 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #3 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #23 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
◦ #182 in Calculus (Books)

#5-2, My 45th published book.

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 2 for ages 5 to 18, math textbook series, book 2
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon Kindle edition)

Last revision was 2NOV2020. And this is AP's 45th published book of science.

Preface: Volume 2 takes the 5 year old student through to senior in High School for their math education.

This is a textbook series in several volumes that carries every person through all his/her math education starting age 5 up to age 26. Volume 2 is for age 5 year old to that of senior in High School, that is needed to do both science and math. Every other math book is incidental to this series of Teaching True Mathematics.

It is a journal-textbook because Amazon's Kindle offers me the ability to edit overnight, and to change the text, almost on a daily basis. A unique first in education textbooks-- almost a continual overnight editing. Adding new text, correcting text. Volume 2 takes the 5 year old student through to senior in High School for their math education. Volume 3 carries the Freshperson in College for their math calculus education.

Cover Picture: The Numbers as Integers from 0 to 100, and 10 Grid when dividing by 10, and part of the 100 Grid when dividing by 100. Decimal Grid Numbers are the true numbers of mathematics. The Reals, the rationals & irrationals, the algebraic & transcendentals, the imaginary & Complex, and the negative-numbers are all fake numbers. For, to be a true number, you have to "be counted" by mathematical induction. The smallest Grid system is the Decimal 10 Grid.

Product details
Publication date ‏ : ‎ May 2, 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 2024 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 423 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #235,426 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#15 in General Geometry
#223 in Geometry & Topology (Books)

#5-3, 55th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 3 for age 18-19, 1st year College Calculus, math textbook series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Last revision was 25Jun2021. And this is AP's 55th published book of science.

Teaching True Mathematics, by Archimedes Plutonium 2019

Preface: This is volume 3, book 3 of Teaching True Mathematics, designed for College Freshperson students, 1st year college students of age 18-19. It is the continuation of volume 2 for ages 5 through 18 years old.

The main major topic is the AP-EM equations of electricity and magnetism, the mathematics for the laws of electricity and magnetism; what used to be called the Maxwell Equations of Physics. The 1st Year College Math has to prepare all students with the math for all the sciences. So 1st year college Math is like a huge intersection station that has to prepare students with the math they need to do the hard sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, etc. What this means is, 1st year college is calculus that allows the student to work with electricity and magnetism. All the math that is needed to enable students to do electricity and magnetism. In Old Math before this textbook, those Old Math textbooks would end in 1/3 of the text about Arclength, vector space, div, curl, Line Integral, Green's, Stokes, Divergence theorem trying to reach and be able to teach Maxwell Equations. But sadly, barely any Old Math classroom reached that 1/3 ending of the textbook, and left all those college students without any math to tackle electricity and magnetism. And most of Old Math was just muddle headed wrong even if they covered the last 1/3 of the textbook. And that is totally unacceptable in science. This textbook fixes that huge hole and gap in Old Math education.

And there is no way around it, that a course in 1st year College Calculus is going to do a lot of hands on experiment with electricity and magnetism, and is required of the students to buy a list of physics apparatus-- multimeter, galvanometer, coil, bar magnet, alligator clip wires, electromagnet, iron filing case, and possibly even a 12 volt transformer, all shown in the cover picture. The beginning of this textbook and the middle section all leads into the ending of this textbook-- we learn the AP-EM Equations and how to use those equations. And there is no escaping the fact that it has to be hands on physics experiments in the classroom of mathematics.

But, do not be scared, for this is all easy easy easy. For if you passed and enjoyed Volume 2 TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, then I promise you, you will not be stressed with Volume 3, for I go out of my way to make it clear and understandable.

Warning: this is a Journal Textbook, meaning that I am constantly adding new material, constantly revising, constantly fixing mistakes or making things more clear. So if you read this book in August of 2019, chances are it is different when you read it in September 2019. Ebooks allow authors the freedom to improve their textbooks on a ongoing basis.

The 1st year college math should be about the math that prepares any and all students for science, whether they branch out into physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, or math, they should have all the math in 1st year college that will carry them through those science studies. I make every attempt possible to make math easy to understand, easy to learn and hopefully fun.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07WN9RVXD
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ August 16, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1390 KB
• Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 236 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #1,377,070 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #411 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
◦ #2,480 in Calculus (Books)

#5-4, 56th published book

COLLEGE CALCULUS GUIDE to help students recognize math professor spam from math truth & reality// math textbook series, book 4 Kindle Edition

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

#1 New Releasein 15-Minute Science & Math Short Reads

This textbook is the companion guide book to AP's Teaching True Mathematics, 1st year College. It is realized that Old Math will take a long time in removing their fake math, so in the interim period, this Guide book is designed to speed up the process of removing fake Calculus out of the education system, the fewer students we punish with forcing them with fake Calculus, the better we are.
Cover Picture: This book is part comedy, for when you cannot reason with math professors that they have many errors to fix, that 90% of their Calculus is in error, you end up resorting to comedy, making fun of them, to prod them to fix their errors. To prod them to "do right by the students of the world" not their entrenched propaganda.
Length: 54 pages

Product details
File Size: 1035 KB
Print Length: 64 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 18, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #253,425 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#38 in 90-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#318 in Calculus (Books)
#48 in Calculus (Kindle Store)

#5-5, 72nd published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 4 for age 19-20 Sophomore-year College, math textbook series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Preface: This is volume 4, book 5 of Teaching True Mathematics, designed for College Sophomore-year students, students of age 19-20. It is the continuation of volume 3 in the end-goal of learning how to do the mathematics of electricity and magnetism, because everything in physics is nothing but atoms and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. To know math, you have to know physics. We learned the Calculus of 2nd dimension and applied it to the equations of physics for electricity and magnetism. But we did not learn the calculus of those equations for 3rd dimension. So, you can say that Sophomore year College math is devoted to 3D Calculus. This sophomore year college we fill in all the calculus, and we start over on all of Geometry, for geometry needs a modern day revision. And pardon me for this book is mostly reading, and the students doing less calculations. The classroom of this textbook has the teacher go through page by page to get the students comprehending and understanding of what is being taught. There are many hands on experiments also.

Cover Picture shows some toruses, some round some square, torus of rings, thin strips of rings or squares and shows them laid flat. That is Calculus of 3rd dimension that lays a ring in a torus to be flat in 2nd dimension.
Length: 105 pages

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0828M34VL
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 2, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 952 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 105 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #242,037 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #36 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
◦ #219 in Calculus (Books)

#5-6, 75th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 20-21 Junior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2019

This is volume 5, book 6 of Teaching True Mathematics, designed for College Junior-year students, students of age 20-21. In first year college Calculus we learned calculus of the 2nd dimension and applied it to the equations of physics for electricity and magnetism. And in sophomore year we learned calculus of 3rd dimension to complete our study of the mathematics needed to do the physics of electricity and magnetism. Now, junior year college, we move onto something different, for we focus mostly on logic now and especially the logic of what is called the "mathematical proof". Much of what the student has learned about mathematics so far has been given to her or him as stated knowledge, accept it as true because I say so. But now we are going to do math proofs. Oh, yes, we did prove a few items here and there, such as why the Decimal Grid Number system is so special, such as the Pythagorean Theorem, such as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with its right-triangle hinged up or down. But many ideas we did not prove, we just stated them and expected all students to believe them true. And you are now juniors in college and we are going to start to prove many of those ideas and teach you "what is a math proof". Personally, I myself feel that the math proof is overrated, over hyped. But the math proof is important for one reason-- it makes you better scientists of knowing what is true and what is a shaky idea. A math proof is the same as "thinking straight and thinking clearly". And all scientists need to think straight and think clearly. But before we get to the Mathematics Proof, we have to do Probability and Statistics. What you learned in Grade School, then High School, then College, called Sigma Error, now becomes Probability and Statistics. It is important because all sciences including mathematics needs and uses Probability and Statistics. So, our job for junior-year of college mathematics is all cut out and ahead for us, no time to waste, let us get going.

Cover Picture: is a sample of the Array Proof, a proof the ellipse is not a conic but rather a cylinder cut wherein the oval is the slant cut of a cone, not the ellipse.

Length: 175 pages

Product details
ASIN : B0836F1YF6
Publication date : December 26, 2019
Language : English
File size : 741 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Print length : 175 pages
Lending : Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #3,768,255 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #3,591 in Probability & Statistics (Kindle Store)
◦ #19,091 in Probability & Statistics (Books)

#5-7, 89th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 6 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 7 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

Last revision was 6Feb2021.
Preface: This is the last year of College for mathematics and we have to mostly summarize all of mathematics as best we can. And set a new pattern to prepare students going on to math graduate school. A new pattern of work habits, because graduate school is more of research and explore on your own. So in this final year, I am going to eliminate tests, and have it mostly done as homework assignments.

Cover Picture: Again and again, many times in math, the mind is not good enough alone to think straight and clear, and you need tools to hands-on see how it works. Here is a collection of tools for this senior year college classes. There is a pencil, clipboard, graph paper, compass, divider, protractor, slide-ruler. And for this year we spend a lot of time on the parallelepiped, showing my wood model, and showing my erector set model held together by wire loops in the corners. The plastic square is there only to hold up the erector set model.

Length: 110 pages

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B084V11BGY
Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 15, 2020
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 826 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 110 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #224,965 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #345 in Mathematics (Kindle Store)
◦ #373 in Physics (Kindle Store)
◦ #2,256 in Physics (Books)

#5-8, 90th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 7 for age 22-26 Graduate school, math textbook series, book 8 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

Last revised 1NOV2020. This was AP's 90th published book of science.

Preface: This is College Graduate School mathematics. Congratulations, you made it this far. To me, graduate school is mostly research, research mathematics and that means also physics. So it is going to be difficult to do math without physics. Of course, we focus on the mathematics of these research projects.

My textbook for Graduate school is just a template and the professors teaching the graduate students are free of course to follow their own projects, but in terms of being physics and math combined. What I list below is a template for possible projects.

So, in the below projects, I list 36 possible research projects that a graduate student my like to undertake, or partake. I list those 36 projects with a set of parentheses like this (1), (2), (3), etc. Not to be confused with the chapters listing as 1), 2), 3), etc. I list 36 projects but the professor can offer his/her own list, and I expect students with their professor, to pick a project and to monitor the student as to his/her progresses through the research. I have listed each project then cited some of my own research into these projects, below each project is an entry. Those entries are just a help or helper in getting started or acquainted with the project. The entry has a date time group and a newsgroup that I posted to such as sci.math or plutonium-atom-universe Google newsgroups. Again the entry is just a help or helper in getting started.

Now instead of picking one or two projects for your Graduate years of study, some may select all 36 projects where you write a short paper on each project. Some may be bored with just one or two projects and opt for all 36.

Cover Picture: A photo by my iphone of a page on Permutations of the Jacobs book Mathematics: A Human Endeavor, 1970. One of the best textbooks ever written in Old Math, not for its contents because there are many errors, but for its teaching style. It is extremely rare to find a math textbook written for the student to learn. Probably because math professors rarely learned how to teach in the first place; only learned how to unintentionally obfuscate. The page I photographed is important because it is the interface between geometry's perimeter or surface area versus geometry's area or volume, respectively. Or, an interface of pure numbers with that of geometry. But I have more to say on this below.
Length: 296 pages

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B085DF8R7V
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 1, 2020
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 828 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 296 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #224,981 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #13 in General Geometry
◦ #213 in Geometry & Topology (Books)

#5-9, 221st published book

An Education Ladder Guideline for teaching mathematics and a Test to see if you are cut out to be a mathematician//Teaching True Mathematics
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: This book is written to improve math education in school and at home. Trouble is, you cannot improve math education if the professors of mathematics have much of their teachings in error. So I write this book mostly as a test for math professors because to shine a light on math professor failure is the best way to improve math teaching, and thereby improve school curriculums especially colleges and universities. But others, such as laypersons are welcomed to join in. And it is the laypersons and students that will make the greatest amount of use of this book because math professors are usually stubborn and idiotic and hard to change for the better. And so when students and laypersons keep asking questions of their math professors, their brainwashing and thus poor teaching, they eventually come around to the truth and then change their bad behavior and bad misunderstanding; to proper true mathematics.

Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of a rubber washer inside a plastic cone. The washer is at a steep slant angle to the cone perpendicular. Notice the washer near the apex is fully touching the side of the cone, but the washer directed towards the base has not yet cut through the side of the cone, and you can see a rainbow or a crescent shape of area where the washer will intersect the side of the cone, (where my two finger are), making a total figure of a Oval, never the ellipse. I was taking this picture as one person, so I had the iphone camera in one hand and the cone in another hand, and had to use a rubber washer to stay in place. The same green plastic cone used in this picture appears in both of my published books of the proof slant cut of cone is oval, never the ellipse.

My 3rd published book with the same green cone on cover.
AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

My 68th published book with the same green cone on cover.
Proofs Ellipse is never a Conic section, always a Cylinder section and a Well Defined Oval definition//Student teaches professor series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 16, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 551 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 65 pages

#5-10, 160th published book

MATHOPEDIA-- List of 82 fakes and mistakes of Old Math// mathematics & logic
by Archimedes Plutonium

A Mathopedia is like a special type of encyclopedia on the subject of mathematics. It is about the assessment of the worth of mathematics and the subject material of mathematics. It is a overall examination and a evaluation of mathematics and its topics.

The ordering of Mathopedia is not a alphabetic ordering, nor does it have a index. The ordering is purely that of importance at beginning and importance at end.

The greatest use of Mathopedia is a guide to students of what not to waste your time on and what to focus most of your time. I know so many college classes in mathematics are just a total waste of time, waste of valuable time for the class is math fakery. I know because I have been there.

Now I am going to cite various reference sources of AP books if anyone wants more details and can be seen in the Appendix at the end of the book.

I suppose, going forward, mathematics should always have a mathopedia, where major parts of mathematics as a science are held under scrutiny and question as to correctness. In past history we have called these incidents as "doubters of the mainstream". Yet math, like physics, can have no permanent mainstream, since there is always question of correctness in physics, there then corresponds questions of correctness in mathematics (because math is a subset of physics). What I mean is that each future generation corrects some mistakes of past mathematics. If anyone is unsure of what I am saying here, both math and physics need constant correcting, of that which never belonged in science. This then converges with the logic-philosophy of Pragmatism (see AP's book of logic on Pragmatism).

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09MZTLRL5 and ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09ZWFLKHC
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 2, 2021
• Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ May 8, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1154 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 71 pages

y  z
|  /
| /
|/______ x

Very crude dot picture of 5f6 magnetosphere of 231Pu Atom Totality.

A torus shape doing the Faraday Law inside of each and every atom. The Cosmos of Astronomy looks like this.
       .-'               `-.      
   .'     ::\ ::|:: /::   `.
 /        ::\::|::/::        \               
;             _ _             ;
|      ___( O )___      |     
;               - -             ;
 \         ::/::|::\::         /      
   `.     ::/ ::|:: \::      .'             
      `-    _____   .-'
One of those dots in the magnetosphere is the Milky Way galaxy. And
each dot represents another galaxy. The O is the Cosmic nucleus and
certainly not as dense as what Old Physics thought because in New Physics
the interior of atoms has the Faraday law with the donut hole occupied by neutrons as storage capacitors.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-12 16:08:02 UTC
Psychological reason math professors cannot admit the truth about conic sections-- for in 2016 AP discovered that it is impossible for a cone with its 1 axis of symmetry for slant cut to then have 2 axes of symmetry that a ellipse requires-- you need a cylinder slant cut to produce a ellipse. Cone yields Oval, not ellipse, but here it is 2024 almost 10 years later and math professors denying the truth and keep on propaganda of cone is ellipse conic. What is the psychology of math professor denial?? One can only guess that for a math professor to admit the truth, is akin to admission they were a stupid idiot of geometry most of their life, and educators never want to face that reality, so they keep teaching the absurd and muddle headed wrong.

*Psychological reason math professors keep calculus classrooms torture chambers-- for if they taught super easy calculus--then half of college and university math departments will be laid off since Calculus is supereasy to learn-- no more vomiting ..

No more calculus torture chambers of vomiting and nervous breakdowns, because Calculus is really really so easy. All it is, is add or subtract 1 from a polynomial exponent and every student can add or subtract 1. For the Polynomial is the Only Valid Function of mathematics and the polynomial obeys the Power Rule. That is why AP can teach calculus in Junior High School.

Old Math accepts every lousy contraption as a function. Thousands and thousands of contraptions especially the hideous trig functions. While New Math tells you to convert your contraption to a polynomial, then you can bring it into the classroom of calculus.

Why do not math professors teach the Polynomial is the only valid function? It is because of job security, for if math professors taught the super easy calculus, the department of math at colleges and universities would shrink by half-- so easy is the New Calculus.

My 134th published book of science.

Introduction to TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 1 for ages 5 through 26, math textbook series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

The 134th book of AP, and belatedly late, for I had already written the series of TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS in a 7 volume, 8 book set. This would be the first book in that 8 book set (one of the books is a companion book to 1st year college). But I suppose that I needed to write the full series before I could write the Introduction and know what I had to talk about and talk about in a logical progression order. Sounds paradoxical in a sense, that I needed to write the full series first and then go back and write the Introduction. But in another sense, hard to write an introduction on something you have not really fully done and completed. For example to know what is error filled Old Math and to list those errors in a logical order requires me to write the full 7 volumes in order to list in order the mistakes.

Cover Picture: Mathematics begins with counting, with numbers, with quantity. But counting numbers needs geometry for something to count in the first place. So here in this picture of the generalized Hydrogen atom of chemistry and physics is a torus geometry of 8 rings of a proton torus and one ring where my fingers are, is a equator ring that is the muon and thrusting through the proton torus at the equator of the torus. So we count 9 rings in all. So math is created by atoms and math numbers exist because atoms have many geometry figures to count. And geometry exists because atoms have shapes and different figures.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08K2XQB4M
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 24, 2020
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 576 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 23 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #224,974 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #3 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #23 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
◦ #182 in Calculus (Books)

#5-2, My 45th published book.

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 2 for ages 5 to 18, math textbook series, book 2
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon Kindle edition)

Last revision was 2NOV2020. And this is AP's 45th published book of science.

Preface: Volume 2 takes the 5 year old student through to senior in High School for their math education.

This is a textbook series in several volumes that carries every person through all his/her math education starting age 5 up to age 26. Volume 2 is for age 5 year old to that of senior in High School, that is needed to do both science and math. Every other math book is incidental to this series of Teaching True Mathematics.

It is a journal-textbook because Amazon's Kindle offers me the ability to edit overnight, and to change the text, almost on a daily basis. A unique first in education textbooks-- almost a continual overnight editing. Adding new text, correcting text. Volume 2 takes the 5 year old student through to senior in High School for their math education. Volume 3 carries the Freshperson in College for their math calculus education.

Cover Picture: The Numbers as Integers from 0 to 100, and 10 Grid when dividing by 10, and part of the 100 Grid when dividing by 100. Decimal Grid Numbers are the true numbers of mathematics. The Reals, the rationals & irrationals, the algebraic & transcendentals, the imaginary & Complex, and the negative-numbers are all fake numbers. For, to be a true number, you have to "be counted" by mathematical induction. The smallest Grid system is the Decimal 10 Grid.

Product details
Publication date ‏ : ‎ May 2, 2019
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 2024 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 423 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #235,426 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#15 in General Geometry
#223 in Geometry & Topology (Books)

#5-3, 55th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 3 for age 18-19, 1st year College Calculus, math textbook series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Last revision was 25Jun2021. And this is AP's 55th published book of science.

Teaching True Mathematics, by Archimedes Plutonium 2019

Preface: This is volume 3, book 3 of Teaching True Mathematics, designed for College Freshperson students, 1st year college students of age 18-19. It is the continuation of volume 2 for ages 5 through 18 years old.

The main major topic is the AP-EM equations of electricity and magnetism, the mathematics for the laws of electricity and magnetism; what used to be called the Maxwell Equations of Physics. The 1st Year College Math has to prepare all students with the math for all the sciences. So 1st year college Math is like a huge intersection station that has to prepare students with the math they need to do the hard sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, etc. What this means is, 1st year college is calculus that allows the student to work with electricity and magnetism. All the math that is needed to enable students to do electricity and magnetism. In Old Math before this textbook, those Old Math textbooks would end in 1/3 of the text about Arclength, vector space, div, curl, Line Integral, Green's, Stokes, Divergence theorem trying to reach and be able to teach Maxwell Equations. But sadly, barely any Old Math classroom reached that 1/3 ending of the textbook, and left all those college students without any math to tackle electricity and magnetism. And most of Old Math was just muddle headed wrong even if they covered the last 1/3 of the textbook. And that is totally unacceptable in science. This textbook fixes that huge hole and gap in Old Math education.

And there is no way around it, that a course in 1st year College Calculus is going to do a lot of hands on experiment with electricity and magnetism, and is required of the students to buy a list of physics apparatus-- multimeter, galvanometer, coil, bar magnet, alligator clip wires, electromagnet, iron filing case, and possibly even a 12 volt transformer, all shown in the cover picture. The beginning of this textbook and the middle section all leads into the ending of this textbook-- we learn the AP-EM Equations and how to use those equations. And there is no escaping the fact that it has to be hands on physics experiments in the classroom of mathematics.

But, do not be scared, for this is all easy easy easy. For if you passed and enjoyed Volume 2 TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, then I promise you, you will not be stressed with Volume 3, for I go out of my way to make it clear and understandable.

Warning: this is a Journal Textbook, meaning that I am constantly adding new material, constantly revising, constantly fixing mistakes or making things more clear. So if you read this book in August of 2019, chances are it is different when you read it in September 2019. Ebooks allow authors the freedom to improve their textbooks on a ongoing basis.

The 1st year college math should be about the math that prepares any and all students for science, whether they branch out into physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, or math, they should have all the math in 1st year college that will carry them through those science studies. I make every attempt possible to make math easy to understand, easy to learn and hopefully fun.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07WN9RVXD
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ August 16, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1390 KB
• Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 236 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #1,377,070 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #411 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
◦ #2,480 in Calculus (Books)

#5-4, 56th published book

COLLEGE CALCULUS GUIDE to help students recognize math professor spam from math truth & reality// math textbook series, book 4 Kindle Edition

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

#1 New Releasein 15-Minute Science & Math Short Reads

This textbook is the companion guide book to AP's Teaching True Mathematics, 1st year College. It is realized that Old Math will take a long time in removing their fake math, so in the interim period, this Guide book is designed to speed up the process of removing fake Calculus out of the education system, the fewer students we punish with forcing them with fake Calculus, the better we are.
Cover Picture: This book is part comedy, for when you cannot reason with math professors that they have many errors to fix, that 90% of their Calculus is in error, you end up resorting to comedy, making fun of them, to prod them to fix their errors. To prod them to "do right by the students of the world" not their entrenched propaganda.
Length: 54 pages

Product details
File Size: 1035 KB
Print Length: 64 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 18, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #253,425 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#38 in 90-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#318 in Calculus (Books)
#48 in Calculus (Kindle Store)

#5-5, 72nd published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 4 for age 19-20 Sophomore-year College, math textbook series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Preface: This is volume 4, book 5 of Teaching True Mathematics, designed for College Sophomore-year students, students of age 19-20. It is the continuation of volume 3 in the end-goal of learning how to do the mathematics of electricity and magnetism, because everything in physics is nothing but atoms and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. To know math, you have to know physics. We learned the Calculus of 2nd dimension and applied it to the equations of physics for electricity and magnetism. But we did not learn the calculus of those equations for 3rd dimension. So, you can say that Sophomore year College math is devoted to 3D Calculus. This sophomore year college we fill in all the calculus, and we start over on all of Geometry, for geometry needs a modern day revision. And pardon me for this book is mostly reading, and the students doing less calculations. The classroom of this textbook has the teacher go through page by page to get the students comprehending and understanding of what is being taught. There are many hands on experiments also.

Cover Picture shows some toruses, some round some square, torus of rings, thin strips of rings or squares and shows them laid flat. That is Calculus of 3rd dimension that lays a ring in a torus to be flat in 2nd dimension.
Length: 105 pages

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0828M34VL
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 2, 2019
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 952 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 105 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #242,037 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #36 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
◦ #219 in Calculus (Books)

#5-6, 75th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 20-21 Junior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2019

This is volume 5, book 6 of Teaching True Mathematics, designed for College Junior-year students, students of age 20-21. In first year college Calculus we learned calculus of the 2nd dimension and applied it to the equations of physics for electricity and magnetism. And in sophomore year we learned calculus of 3rd dimension to complete our study of the mathematics needed to do the physics of electricity and magnetism. Now, junior year college, we move onto something different, for we focus mostly on logic now and especially the logic of what is called the "mathematical proof". Much of what the student has learned about mathematics so far has been given to her or him as stated knowledge, accept it as true because I say so. But now we are going to do math proofs. Oh, yes, we did prove a few items here and there, such as why the Decimal Grid Number system is so special, such as the Pythagorean Theorem, such as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with its right-triangle hinged up or down. But many ideas we did not prove, we just stated them and expected all students to believe them true. And you are now juniors in college and we are going to start to prove many of those ideas and teach you "what is a math proof". Personally, I myself feel that the math proof is overrated, over hyped. But the math proof is important for one reason-- it makes you better scientists of knowing what is true and what is a shaky idea. A math proof is the same as "thinking straight and thinking clearly". And all scientists need to think straight and think clearly. But before we get to the Mathematics Proof, we have to do Probability and Statistics. What you learned in Grade School, then High School, then College, called Sigma Error, now becomes Probability and Statistics. It is important because all sciences including mathematics needs and uses Probability and Statistics. So, our job for junior-year of college mathematics is all cut out and ahead for us, no time to waste, let us get going.

Cover Picture: is a sample of the Array Proof, a proof the ellipse is not a conic but rather a cylinder cut wherein the oval is the slant cut of a cone, not the ellipse.

Length: 175 pages

Product details
ASIN : B0836F1YF6
Publication date : December 26, 2019
Language : English
File size : 741 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Print length : 175 pages
Lending : Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #3,768,255 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #3,591 in Probability & Statistics (Kindle Store)
◦ #19,091 in Probability & Statistics (Books)

#5-7, 89th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 6 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 7 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

Last revision was 6Feb2021.
Preface: This is the last year of College for mathematics and we have to mostly summarize all of mathematics as best we can. And set a new pattern to prepare students going on to math graduate school. A new pattern of work habits, because graduate school is more of research and explore on your own. So in this final year, I am going to eliminate tests, and have it mostly done as homework assignments.

Cover Picture: Again and again, many times in math, the mind is not good enough alone to think straight and clear, and you need tools to hands-on see how it works. Here is a collection of tools for this senior year college classes. There is a pencil, clipboard, graph paper, compass, divider, protractor, slide-ruler. And for this year we spend a lot of time on the parallelepiped, showing my wood model, and showing my erector set model held together by wire loops in the corners. The plastic square is there only to hold up the erector set model.

Length: 110 pages

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B084V11BGY
Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 15, 2020
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 826 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 110 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #224,965 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #345 in Mathematics (Kindle Store)
◦ #373 in Physics (Kindle Store)
◦ #2,256 in Physics (Books)

#5-8, 90th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 7 for age 22-26 Graduate school, math textbook series, book 8 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

Last revised 1NOV2020. This was AP's 90th published book of science.

Preface: This is College Graduate School mathematics. Congratulations, you made it this far. To me, graduate school is mostly research, research mathematics and that means also physics. So it is going to be difficult to do math without physics. Of course, we focus on the mathematics of these research projects.

My textbook for Graduate school is just a template and the professors teaching the graduate students are free of course to follow their own projects, but in terms of being physics and math combined. What I list below is a template for possible projects.

So, in the below projects, I list 36 possible research projects that a graduate student my like to undertake, or partake. I list those 36 projects with a set of parentheses like this (1), (2), (3), etc. Not to be confused with the chapters listing as 1), 2), 3), etc. I list 36 projects but the professor can offer his/her own list, and I expect students with their professor, to pick a project and to monitor the student as to his/her progresses through the research. I have listed each project then cited some of my own research into these projects, below each project is an entry. Those entries are just a help or helper in getting started or acquainted with the project. The entry has a date time group and a newsgroup that I posted to such as sci.math or plutonium-atom-universe Google newsgroups. Again the entry is just a help or helper in getting started.

Now instead of picking one or two projects for your Graduate years of study, some may select all 36 projects where you write a short paper on each project. Some may be bored with just one or two projects and opt for all 36.

Cover Picture: A photo by my iphone of a page on Permutations of the Jacobs book Mathematics: A Human Endeavor, 1970. One of the best textbooks ever written in Old Math, not for its contents because there are many errors, but for its teaching style. It is extremely rare to find a math textbook written for the student to learn. Probably because math professors rarely learned how to teach in the first place; only learned how to unintentionally obfuscate. The page I photographed is important because it is the interface between geometry's perimeter or surface area versus geometry's area or volume, respectively. Or, an interface of pure numbers with that of geometry. But I have more to say on this below.
Length: 296 pages

Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B085DF8R7V
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 1, 2020
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 828 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 296 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #224,981 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #13 in General Geometry
◦ #213 in Geometry & Topology (Books)

#5-9, 221st published book

An Education Ladder Guideline for teaching mathematics and a Test to see if you are cut out to be a mathematician//Teaching True Mathematics
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: This book is written to improve math education in school and at home. Trouble is, you cannot improve math education if the professors of mathematics have much of their teachings in error. So I write this book mostly as a test for math professors because to shine a light on math professor failure is the best way to improve math teaching, and thereby improve school curriculums especially colleges and universities. But others, such as laypersons are welcomed to join in. And it is the laypersons and students that will make the greatest amount of use of this book because math professors are usually stubborn and idiotic and hard to change for the better. And so when students and laypersons keep asking questions of their math professors, their brainwashing and thus poor teaching, they eventually come around to the truth and then change their bad behavior and bad misunderstanding; to proper true mathematics.

Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of a rubber washer inside a plastic cone. The washer is at a steep slant angle to the cone perpendicular. Notice the washer near the apex is fully touching the side of the cone, but the washer directed towards the base has not yet cut through the side of the cone, and you can see a rainbow or a crescent shape of area where the washer will intersect the side of the cone, (where my two finger are), making a total figure of a Oval, never the ellipse. I was taking this picture as one person, so I had the iphone camera in one hand and the cone in another hand, and had to use a rubber washer to stay in place. The same green plastic cone used in this picture appears in both of my published books of the proof slant cut of cone is oval, never the ellipse.

My 3rd published book with the same green cone on cover.
AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

My 68th published book with the same green cone on cover.
Proofs Ellipse is never a Conic section, always a Cylinder section and a Well Defined Oval definition//Student teaches professor series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 16, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 551 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 65 pages

#5-10, 160th published book

MATHOPEDIA-- List of 82 fakes and mistakes of Old Math// mathematics & logic
by Archimedes Plutonium

A Mathopedia is like a special type of encyclopedia on the subject of mathematics. It is about the assessment of the worth of mathematics and the subject material of mathematics. It is a overall examination and a evaluation of mathematics and its topics.

The ordering of Mathopedia is not a alphabetic ordering, nor does it have a index. The ordering is purely that of importance at beginning and importance at end.

The greatest use of Mathopedia is a guide to students of what not to waste your time on and what to focus most of your time. I know so many college classes in mathematics are just a total waste of time, waste of valuable time for the class is math fakery. I know because I have been there.

Now I am going to cite various reference sources of AP books if anyone wants more details and can be seen in the Appendix at the end of the book.

I suppose, going forward, mathematics should always have a mathopedia, where major parts of mathematics as a science are held under scrutiny and question as to correctness. In past history we have called these incidents as "doubters of the mainstream". Yet math, like physics, can have no permanent mainstream, since there is always question of correctness in physics, there then corresponds questions of correctness in mathematics (because math is a subset of physics). What I mean is that each future generation corrects some mistakes of past mathematics. If anyone is unsure of what I am saying here, both math and physics need constant correcting, of that which never belonged in science. This then converges with the logic-philosophy of Pragmatism (see AP's book of logic on Pragmatism).

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09MZTLRL5 and ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09ZWFLKHC
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 2, 2021
• Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ May 8, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1154 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 71 pages

y z
| /
| /
|/______ x

Very crude dot picture of 5f6 magnetosphere of 231Pu Atom Totality.

A torus shape doing the Faraday Law inside of each and every atom. The Cosmos of Astronomy looks like this.
.-' `-.
.' ::\ ::|:: /:: `.
/ ::\::|::/:: \
; _ _ ;
| ___( O )___ |
; - - ;
\ ::/::|::\:: /
`. ::/ ::|:: \:: .'
`- _____ .-'

One of those dots in the magnetosphere is the Milky Way galaxy. And
each dot represents another galaxy. The O is the Cosmic nucleus and
certainly not as dense as what Old Physics thought because in New Physics
the interior of atoms has the Faraday law with the donut hole occupied by neutrons as storage capacitors.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium

*Psychological reason math professors keep calculus classrooms torture chambers-- for if they taught super easy calculus--then half of college and university math departments will be laid off since Calculus is supereasy to learn-- no more vomiting ..
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-16 08:22:06 UTC
Pallab Ghosh starts to tell the truth of physics failures who throw away research money on Morons Peter Higgs-CERN-Sheldon Glashow- Fabiola Gianotti, Harry Cliff when they fail to even do proper Water Electrolysis or build a drone to fly to ISS

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 6, 2024, 2:02:40 PM (9 days ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe

Pallab Ghosh starts to tell the truth of physics failures who throw away research money on Morons Peter Higgs-CERN-Sheldon Glashow- Fabiola Gianotti, Harry Cliff when they fail to even do proper Water Electrolysis or build a drone to fly to ISS

reporter:: So they say you found a particle that does nothing, does nothing for science, now you want more money to find another do nothing particle.

Higgs boson:: It gave me a Nobel prize, that is what science is all about-- handing out prizes.

reporter:: Not really Higgs-- science is about making sure Water is H4O or H2O if you physics failures had the brains to finish water electrolysis by actually weighing the mass of hydrogen compared to oxygen. For you failures stop short with checking the volume.

Higgs boson:: we looked at volume and hydrogen was twice that of oxygen.

reporter:: But you never bothered to weigh the mass which shows you to be incompetent and moronic in experimentation, for Water is likely to be H4O, not H2O, and you are too stupid to find out. And why not spend the CERN money on test-flying a drone to the International Space Station as a new way of traveling in Space instead of the dangerous blast-rocket, for your higgs boson did nothing for science or humanity but self ingratuate yourself with a prize. Why, Higgs, you failed physics so badly, that you cannot even entertain the idea that JJ Thomson found not the electron in 1897 but rather the Dirac magnetic monopole and the real true electron is the muon stuck inside a 840MeV proton torus doing the Faraday law. And it is this physics that powers the Sun and stars, not fusion, for the polar ice caps are melting far far faster than what fossil fuel burning amounts to. For not only are you a physics loser Peter Higgs but a physics polluter that wastes valuable time in your nonsense colliders and stupid ideas, when our attention should be focused on drones that fly to Europa and build a permanent colony on Europa before the Sun kills us all on Earth.

--- quoting BBC ---
By Pallab Ghosh and Kate Stephens
BBC News, Cern, near Geneva

Researchers at the world's biggest particle accelerator in Switzerland have submitted proposals for a new, much larger, supercollider.
Its aim is to discover new particles that would revolutionise physics and lead to a more complete understanding of how the Universe works.
If approved, it will be three times larger than the current giant machine.
But its £12bn price tag has raised some eyebrows, with one critic describing the expenditure as "reckless".
That money - which is only the initial construction cost - would come from member nations of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) including the UK, and some experts have questioned whether it makes economic sense.

The biggest achievement of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was the detection of a new particle called the Higgs Boson in 2012. But since then its ambition to track down two holy grails of physics - dark matter and dark energy - have proved elusive and some researchers believe there are cheaper options.
• Revamped hadron collider switched on for physics revolution
• Scientists close in on fifth force of nature
• Machine finds tantalising hints of new physics
The new machine is called the Future Circular Collider (FCC). Cern's director general, Prof Fabiola Gianotti, told BBC News that, if approved, it will be a "beautiful machine".
"It is a tool that will allow humanity to make enormous steps forwards in answering questions in fundamental physics about our knowledge of the Universe. And to do that we need a more powerful instrument to address these questions," she said.
--- end quoting BBC---

SLAC: Chi-Chung Kao
CERN: Eliezer Rabinovici, Fabiola Gianotti
Fermi Lab: Lia Merminga

NSF Dr.Panchanathan, Harvard's Sheldon Glashow, Peter Higgs, Harry Cliff ever ask the question, which is the atom's true electron-- muon or 0.5MeV particle which AP says is the Dirac magnetic monopole while the real electron is a muon stuck inside a 840MeV proton torus doing the Faraday law. In fact so stupid is this list of so called physicists that they went through life believing the slant cut in single cone is a ellipse, when in reality it is a Oval of 1 axis of symmetry for the cone has 1 axis of symmetry but ellipse requires 2 axes of symmetry. The minds of all these so called physicists are not good enough to be doing physics. In fact, so stupid in science and math are all these people that when told in High School or College that a slant cut in single cone is a ellipse, they believed it, and believe in it to this day without so much as ever questioning the idea that a single cone and oval have just 1 axis of symmetry while ellipse requires 2 axes of symmetry, and yet many on this list were awarded science prizes. Maybe for ignorance of science but not for truth of science.

1) Too stupid to question if Thomson found Dirac's magnetic monopole and not the electron of atoms.
2) Too stupid to realize that in the Rutherford,Geiger, Marsden Experiment when you have increase in velocity of bounce back alpha particles means head on collision with a larger proton torus, hence, the interior of gold atoms are toruses, no nucleus.
3) Too stupid in logic to understand subatomic particles have jobs and tasks to do, not sit around on beaches sipping lemonade what Old Physics says. The proton is a 8 ring torus with muon as electron inside doing the Faraday law producing new electricity.
4) Too stupid to understand stars and our Sun shine not from fusion but from Faraday law of each and every atom inside that star.

5) think a slant cut in single cone is a ellipse when it is proven to be a Oval, never the ellipse. For the cone and oval have 1 axis of symmetry, while ellipse has 2.
6) think Boole logic is correct with AND truth table being TFFF when it really is TTTF in order to avoid 2 OR 1 =3 with AND as subtraction
7) can never do a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and are too ignorant in math to understand that analysis of something is not proving something in their "limit hornswaggle"
8) too stupid in science to ask the question of physics-- is the 1897 Thomson discovery of a 0.5MeV particle actually the Dirac magnetic monopole and that the muon is the true electron of atoms stuck inside a 840MeV proton torus doing the Faraday law. Showing that Peter Higgs, Sheldon Glashow, Ed Witten, John Baez, Roger Penrose, Arthur B. McDonald are sapheads when it comes to logical thinking in physics with their do nothing proton, do nothing electron.
9) too stupid in science experiment to even weigh the mass of hydrogen versus oxygen in water electrolysis, but stopping short with checking the volume, how lazy and stupid can you be???
Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez,
Peter Higgs, Rainer Weiss, Kip S. Thorne, Barry C. Barish
David J. Thouless_, F. Duncan M. Haldane, John M. Kosterlitz, Takaaki Kajita
Arthur B. McDonald
Francois Englert
Saul Perlmutter
Brian P. Schmidt
Adam G. Riess
Makoto Kobayashi
Toshihide Maskawa_
Yoichiro Nambu_
John C. Mather
George F. Smoot
Roy J. Glauber_
David J. Gross
Hugh David Politzer
Frank Wilczek
Raymond Davis Jr. _
Masatoshi Koshiba_
Riccardo Giacconi_
Gerardus 't Hooft
Martinus J.G. Veltman_
Jerome I. Friedman
Henry W. Kendall_
Richard E. Taylor_
Carlo Rubbia
Simon van der Meer_
William Alfred Fowler_
Kenneth G. Wilson_
James Watson Cronin_
Val Logsdon Fitch_
Sheldon Lee Glashow
Steven Weinberg_
little fishes
Layers of error thinking physics Re: 2-Comparative Analysis of failures of Logic with failures of Physics// one thinks 3 OR 2 =5 with 3 AND 2 = subtraction of either 3 or 2, while the other thinks proton to electron is 938MeV vs .5MeV when truly it is 840MeV to 105MeV
Physical Review Letters: Proton Mass
Yi-Bo Yang, Jian Liang, Yu-Jiang Bi, Ying Chen, Terrence Draper, Keh-Fei Liu, Zhaofeng Liu
more and more layers of error thinking physics
Edward Witten
John Baez
Brian Greene
Lisa Randall
Alan H. Guth
Michael E. Brown
Konstantin Batygin
Ben Bullock
Larry Harson
Mark Barton, PhD in Physics, The University of Queensland, physicist with National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Answered Aug 26, 2013 · Author has 8.7k answers and 10.3m answer views
None at all - he was a raving nutter.
Richard A. Muller, crank at Berkeley
Jennifer Kahn, Discover, science hater
Eric Francis Coppolino, newsreporter hatred of science, George Witte, St.Martin's Press science hater
Toby Howard, The Guardian, science hater
#2-1, 137th published book
Introduction to AP's TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS// Physics textbook series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)
#1 New Release in Electromagnetic Theory
This will be AP's 137th published book on science. And the number 137 is special to me for it is the number of QED, Quantum Electrodynamics as the inverse fine structure constant. I can always remember 137 as that special constant of physics and so I can remember where Teaching True Physics was started by me.
Time has come for the world to have the authoritative textbooks for all of High School and College education. Written by the leading physics expert of the time. The last such was Feynman in the 1960s with Feynman Lectures on Physics. The time before was Maxwell in 1860s with his books and Encyclopedia Britannica editorship. The time is ripe in 2020 for the new authoritative texts on physics. It will be started in 2020 which is 60 years after Feynman. In the future, I request the physics community updates the premier physics textbook series at least every 30 years. For we can see that pattern of 30 years approximately from Faraday in 1830 to Maxwell in 1860 to Planck and Rutherford in about 1900, to Dirac in 1930 to Feynman in 1960 and finally to AP in 1990 and 2020. So much happens in physics after 30 years, that we need the revisions to take place in a timely manner. But also, as we move to Internet publishing such as Amazon's Kindle, we can see that updates can take place very fast, as editing can be a ongoing monthly or yearly activity. I for one keep constantly updating all my published books, at least I try to.
Feynman was the best to make the last authoritative textbook series for his concentration was QED, Quantum Electrodynamics, the pinnacle peak of physics during the 20th century. Of course the Atom Totality theory took over after 1990 and all of physics; for all sciences are under the Atom Totality theory.
And as QED was the pinnacle peak before 1990, the new pinnacle peak is the Atom Totality theory. The Atom Totality theory is the advancement of QED, for the Atom Totality theory primal axiom says -- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but Electricity and Magnetism.
Length: 64 pages
Product details
• File Size : 790 KB
• Publication Date : October 5, 2020
• Word Wise : Enabled
• Print Length : 64 pages
• Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Language: : English
• Lending : Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #430,602 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #39 in Electromagnetic Theory
◦ #73 in Electromagnetism (Kindle Store)
◦ #74 in 90-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#2-2, 145th published book
TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS//Junior High School// Physics textbook series, book 2
Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)
What I am doing is clearing the field of physics, clearing it of all the silly mistakes and errors and beliefs that clutter up physics. Clearing it of its fraud and fakeries and con-artistry. I thought of doing these textbooks starting with Senior year High School, wherein I myself started learning physics. But because of so much fraud and fakery in physics education, I believe we have to drop down to Junior year High School to make a drastic and dramatic emphasis on fakery and con-artistry that so much pervades science and physics in particular. So that we have two years in High School to learn physics. And discard the nonsense of physics brainwash that Old Physics filled the halls and corridors of education.
Product details
• Publication date : November 29, 2020
• Language: : English
• File size : 682 KB
• Text-to-Speech : Enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Word Wise : Enabled
• Print length : 78 pages
• Lending : Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #185,995 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #42 in Two-Hour Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #344 in Physics (Kindle Store)
◦ #2,160 in Physics (Books)
#2-3, 146th published book
TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS// Senior High School// Physics textbook series, book 3
Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)
I believe that in knowing the history of a science is knowing half of that science. And that if you are amiss of knowing the history behind a science, you have only a partial understanding of the concepts and ideas behind the science. I further believe it is easier to teach a science by teaching its history than any other means of teaching. So for senior year High School, I believe physics history is the best way of teaching physics. And in later years of physics courses, we can always pick up on details. So I devote this senior year High School physics to a history of physics, but only true physics. And there are few books written on the history of physics, so I chose Asimov's The History of Physics, 1966 as the template book for this textbook. Now Asimov's book is full of error and mistakes, and that is disappointing but all of Old Physics is full of error. On errors and mistakes of Old Physics, the best I can do is warn the students, and the largest warning of all is that whenever someone in Old Physics says "electron" what they are talking about is really the Dirac magnetic monopole. And whenever they talk about the Rutherford-Bohr model of the atom, they are talking about huge huge grave mistakes, for the true atom is protons as 8 ringed toruses with a muon stuck inside of a proton doing the Faraday law and producing those magnetic monopoles as electricity. I use Asimov's book as a template but in the future, I hope to rewrite this textbook using no template at all, that is if I have time in the future.
Cover Picture: Is the book The History of Physics, by Isaac Asimov, 1966 and on top of the book are 4 cut-outs of bent circles representing magnetic monopoles which revolutionizes modern physics, especially the ElectroMagnetic theory.
Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08RK33T8V
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 28, 2020
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 794 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 123 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #4,167,235 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #15,099 in Physics (Kindle Store)
◦ #91,163 in Physics (Books)
#2-4, 151st published book
TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS// 1st year College// Physics textbook series, book 4
Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)
Preface: This is AP's 151st book of science published. It is one of my most important books of science because 1st year college physics is so impressionable on students, if they should continue with physics, or look elsewhere for a career. And also, physics is a crossroad to all the other hard core sciences, where physics course is mandatory such as in chemistry or even biology. I have endeavored to make physics 1st year college to be as easy and simple to learn. In this endeavor to make physics super easy, I have made the writing such that you will see core ideas in all capital letters as single sentences as a educational tool. And I have made this textbook chapter writing follow a logical pattern of both algebra and geometry concepts, throughout. The utmost importance of logic in physics needs to be seen and understood. For I have never seen a physics book, prior to this one that is logical. Every Old Physics textbook I have seen is scatter-brained in topics and in writing. I use as template book of Halliday & Resnick because a edition of H&R was one I was taught physics at University of Cincinnati in 1969. And in 1969, I had a choice of majors, do I major in geology, or mathematics, or in physics, for I will graduate from UC in 1972. For me, geology was too easy, but physics was too tough, so I ended up majoring in mathematics. If I had been taught in 1969 using this textbook that I have written, I would have ended up majoring in physics, my first love. For physics is not hard, not hard at all, once you clear out the mistakes and the obnoxious worthless mathematics that clutters up Old Physics, and the illogic that smothers much of Old Physics.
Maybe it was good that I had those impressions of physics education of poor education, which still exists throughout physics today. Because maybe I am forced to write this book, because of that awful experience of learning physics in 1969. Without that awful experience, maybe this textbook would have never been written by me.
Cover picture is the template book of Halliday & Resnick, 1988, 3rd edition Fundamentals of Physics and sitting on top are cut outs of "half bent circles, bent at 90 degrees" to imitate magnetic monopoles. Magnetic Monopoles revolutionizes physics education, and separates-out, what is Old Physics from what is New Physics.
Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09JW5DVYM
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 19, 2021
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1035 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 386 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Best Sellers Rank: #4,874,333 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #526 in Electromagnetic Theory
◦ #1,321 in Electromagnetism (Kindle Store)
◦ #9,546 in Electromagnetism (Books)
#2-5, 174th published book
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) Kindle Edition
Preface: At the moment this is a physics book for 2nd year College. But as the months and years go by I intend to convert it into a textbook of about 200 to 300 pages. It is mostly about thermodynamics for in my own college education 1968-1972 at University of Cincinnati, I took physics thermodynamics in the 2nd year (if memory has not failed me).
Cover-Picture: Is a iphone photograph of the Chemistry textbook I used at UC 1968-1972 with my own paper cut-outs of magnetic monopoles. Pictured are 4 bent circles, bent at 90degrees from diameter and each bent circle is a individual magnetic monopole.
Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09TKL4HMC
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 27, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 675 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 41 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
#2-6, 177th published book
TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS, Architecture of Atoms, 3rd year College
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) Kindle Edition
Preface: I come to teaching physics for 3rd year College as the Architecture of Atoms. My writing style will be prose-narrative, until I add on exercise problems and convert it into a textbook. The 1st year College, has to be the equations and laws of electricity and magnetism. For the primal-axiom over all of physics is-- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. The 2nd year College is thermodynamics. And now the 3rd year College physics has to teach the Architecture, the geometry of the inside and exterior surface of the atom. One of the greatest faults, misery, and anti-science teaching of Old Physics is their denial that subatomic particles have to be something more than tiny balls tiny spheres that do-nothing, perform nothing, function as nothing. That the proton and neutron and true electron=muon, has to be matter with a function and purpose and design and task and job. This is a year of physics teaching of the architecture of the atom.
Cover Picture: A iphone photograph of my book chemistry book, a long time favorite of mine of CHEM ONE, 2nd edition, Waser, Trueblood, Knobler, 1980, and page 307 of that book. Why this page? Because it was instrumental in my discovery of the true Architecture of Atoms. Not many professors of chemistry or physics dive into the Shrodinger Equation that results in a meaningful teaching of "matter waves". Matter waves are the heart of understanding the geometry of Atomic Architecture.
Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09VFH9QST
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 12, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 823 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 74 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
#2-7, 178th published book
TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS, Architecture of Light Waves & Energy, 4th year College
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Kindle edition)
Preface: This is 4th year College Physics and the important ideas of physics to learn as last year undergraduate school is the architecture and geometry of the Light Wave & Energy in physics. This is New Physics and not Old Physics. New Physics is defined as physics that knows and uses the true electron of atoms is the muon stuck inside a 840MeV proton torus and doing the Faraday law, creating new electrical energy that is storaged in the neutrons of atoms until they grow from 1eV into 945MeV and then create a new higher atomic numbered atom or emitted as radioactivity. Old Physics mistakenly identified the electron of atoms as the 0.5MeV particle that AP calls the Dirac magnetic monopole. In 3rd year College we studied the architecture of the interior of atoms. In 4th year College we study the architecture of Light Waves & Energy.
The template book for 4th year College is Feynman's 1985 book of QED.
Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of the template book for this book. Feynman's 1985 QED, quantum electrodynamics, showing my plastic toy model of DNA and my cut-outs of 4 bent circles that each bent circle represents one magnetic monopole. I arranged the monopoles into a single strand of a cycloid wave.
Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09W58XGDW
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 21, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 824 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 66 pages
• Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
My 250th published book.

TEACHING TRUE CHEMISTRY; H2 is the hydrogen Atom and water is H4O, not H2O// Chemistry

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Prologue: This textbook is 1/2 research history and 1/2 factual textbook combined as one textbook. For many of the experiments described here-in have not yet been performed, such as water is really H4O not H2O. Written in a style of history research with date-time markers, and fact telling. And there are no problem sets. This book is intended for 1st year college. Until I include problem sets and exercises, I leave it to the professor and instructor to provide such. And also, chemistry is hugely a laboratory science, even more so than physics, so a first year college student in the lab to test whether Water is really H4O and not H2O is mighty educational.

Preface: This is my 250th book of science, and the first of my textbooks on Teaching True Chemistry. I have completed the Teaching True Physics and the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series. But had not yet started on a Teaching True Chemistry textbook series. What got me started on this project is the fact that no chemistry textbook had the correct formula for water which is actually H4O and not H2O. Leaving the true formula for hydroxyl groups as H2O and not OH. But none of this is possible in Old Chemistry, Old Physics where they had do-nothing subatomic particles that sit around and do nothing or go whizzing around the outside of balls in a nucleus, in a mindless circling. Once every subatomic particle has a job, task, function, then water cannot be H2O but rather H4O. And a hydrogen atom cannot be H alone but is actually H2. H2 is not a molecule of hydrogen but a full fledged Atom, a single atom of hydrogen.

Cover Picture: Sorry for the crude sketch work but chemistry and physics students are going to have to learn to make such sketches in a minute or less. Just as they make Lewis diagrams or ball & stick diagrams. My 4-5 minute sketch-work of the Water molecule H4O plus the subatomic particle H, and the hydrogen atom H2. Showing how one H is a proton torus with muon inside (blue color) doing the Faraday law. Protons are toruses with many windings. Protons are the coils in Faraday law while muons are the bar magnets. Neutrons are the capacitors as parallel plates, the outer skin cover of atoms.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 21, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 788 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 168 pages

Pallab Ghosh starts to tell the truth of physics failures who throw away research money on Morons Peter Higgs-CERN-Sheldon Glashow- Fabiola Gianotti, Harry Cliff when they fail to even do proper Water Electrolysis or build a drone to fly to ISS

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
7:57 PM (1 minute ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
Instead of giving CERN any more money, give all that money to MIT and others working on Ion Thruster space vehicles. Humanity needs a safe way to travel to outer space and once there, to travel among the planets and their satellites.

Money for CERN with its mindless particles that are mostly science fiction b.s. whose only purpose is to give Nobel prizes to goonclod physics professors like Peter Higgs is money down the drain.

What Humanity needs most of all, is replace the Dangerous, unheathly, polluting Blasting Rockets as space travel.

MIT is working on the ion thruster vehicle. If we combine ion thruster with lithium battery space vehicles, I bet we can ride the Solar Wind out to Europa and back.

And I bet we can climb from Earth surface all the way to the Space Station on a hybrid ion thruster plus lithium battery.

So, please, let us stop throwing away Time and Money on goonclod science of CERN, and build a new space travel vehicle.


Sometimes Biden's censors overdose on testosterone steroids in reCAPTcha blocking AP from posting a new thread, so AP has to post in a old existing thread in order not waste time on reCAPTcha b.s.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-04-14 21:46:34 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Pallab Ghosh starts to tell the truth of physics failures who throw away research money on Morons Peter Higgs-CERN-Sheldon Glashow- Fabiola Gianotti, Harry Cliff when they fail to even do proper Water Electrolysis or build a drone to fly to ISS
Propellor-driven craft do not work in a vacuum.
Do you know why?

2024-04-15 07:23:08 UTC
Post by Earle
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Pallab Ghosh starts to tell the truth of physics failures who throw away research
money on Morons Peter Higgs-CERN-Sheldon Glashow- Fabiola Gianotti, Harry Cliff
when they fail to even do proper Water Electrolysis or build a drone to fly to ISS
Actually, E.S.A. has drones that do that trip. They just don't use
wings or blades.
Post by Earle
Propellor-driven craft do not work in a vacuum.
It's just one of those quantum dreams that flash up when I'm in
half-sleep but if someone was to make thin, strong and massively
*huge* propellers, say miles in length, could *those* work at the very
low orbital height of the station?

After all, it's not entirely a vacuum. Not really. Not a complete
Post by Earle
Do you know why?
Some of us do but still ...

There's the Solar Wind. If it can blow around the tails of comets
then it is a real physical *thing* that actually exists. That would
seem to indicate that were we to build truly insane propellers ...

Is anyone enough of an aerodynamicist to be able to work out how big
we'd need? And whether we could build a motor powerful enough to
rotate them?

I *know* it's daft, idiotic and totally nuts but so was Ingenuity and
she flew for months. :)


Add-on: would the tips be Relativistic? Would we need nuclear engines
to drive them? Would the propellers be larger than the planet itself?
And could it actually be made to work?

I'm guessing that that's a bloody big "NO!" there? :)
Post by Earle
Add-on too: If it were within the realms of physical possibility
(which someone with a better education in aerodynamics will no doubt
prove it isn't) such a machine would make interplanetary trips quite
nice. We could launch from the Earth's surface with the blades mostly
furled and retracted, extending them further and further as the
ambient pressure reduced and having them fully deployed as we used the
Solar Winds around the more distant worlds.

Make the blades large enough and spin them fast enough and possibly
even inter-Galactic flight would work. There's "air" out in the vast
reaches between the star clouds. Not much but perhaps enough?

Spitfires with colossal blades attacking the Death Star? [Image from
"Dr. Who" and now I need breakfast.] (Hmmm, would the Spitfire blades
be *larger* than the Death Star, in diameter, not mass?) (If solid
enough, could the blades become buzz-saws? No missiles needed? Just
carve her up like a chicken?)

Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-16 22:43:51 UTC
AP's 339th book of science-- You cannot tell the full truth of Science if you cannot tell the truth in History; your own history; for then Science also becomes a Liaring

I am fond of this subject matter. For I see a human being's mind doing science, heavy science-- research, experimentation, observation, obeying all the rules of the scientific method. And in spite of it all, and after the work is done, the human being cannot tell the truth of the history of events, cannot acknowledge the truth.

This bothers me extremely bothers me.

So I read the first sentences of Wikipedia on the historical event of 9-11 that killed some of the finest firefighters, police and 1st responders in the world, in New York City and some on hijacked airplanes-- civilians over Pennsylvania.

And I read the first paragraph in Wikipedia saying this::

The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated Islamist suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001. That morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners scheduled to travel from the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions of the East Coast to California.... The September 11 attacks killed nearly 3,000 people, the most deadly terrorist attack in human history, ....
--- end quoting Wikipedia on 9/11 in part ---

AP considers that a travesty of the truth of writing history.

Here is what AP considers to be the valid truth writing that all history books and Wikipedia and modern electronic pages should list 9-11.

AP truth telling of history::

The September 11 attack on America that killed some 3,000 and medically injuring thousands more was started by Ariel Sharon's dream of reclaiming all of Ancient King David's land which included all of West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza strip. And for Israel to achieve its goal of stealing this land Israel Occupyied this land caging in the Palestinians as if they were animals in a cage. Then Israel under Sharon started to do Illegal Settlement building instead of the Two State Solution promised the Palestinians. So that Israel was Occupying and now out right stealing the land from underneath the Palestinians and killing many Palestinians in the process.

The illegal settlement building so enraged the Arab world that many young Arabs lined up to commit suicide, figuring that suicide was far better than having your family shot by Israelis and land stolen from under your families feet, and being Occupied like a caged animal all your life. Suicide was better than Israeli occupation.

And so we have Arabs lining up to commit suicide rather than a life of worse than death.
--- end of what AP believes is the full history truth of 9/11, not the propagandized Israel version that dupes and suckers every American to side with Israel as it continues to destroy the Palestinians because the King David's land still has Palestinians living on that land.---

AP wants truth in all science and you cannot have truth in science if you cannot even have ***full truth in history****. I want all the American history books and history books around the globe on 9-11 to print the AP full truth history of 9-11.


AP's 339th book of science-- You cannot tell the full truth of Science if you cannot tell the truth in History; your own history; for then Science also becomes a Liaring

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-18 09:13:50 UTC
AP's 278th book of science starts a series on Experiments of Science that need a Logic- OverView of mistakes, grave errors and simple stupidity of reasoning starting with Magnetism.
Skip to first unread message

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 6:03:00 PM (9 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
AP's 278-289th books of science on correcting and chronicling famous experiments of science. I find it appalling of the many mistakes made in famous science experiments and am here to do something about it-- correction and redo the experiment over

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
3:38 PM (2 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
AP's 278-289th books of science on correcting and chronicling famous experiments of science. I find it appalling of the many mistakes made in famous science experiments and am here to do something about it-- correction and redo the experiment over

I thought I do a series of books of famous science (some infamous) experiments. If for no other purpose than to prod those in science to redo the experiment with keener mind and eye. Because of the horrid lack of logic in water electrolysis-- for water is really H40 and not H2O that the experiment was stopped short of completion-- stopped by looking at volume when it naturally needs to stop only after the mass of hydrogen versus oxygen are weighed and proving AP correct-- water is really H4O since all atoms need at least one capacitor-- one neutron. So the Hydrogen atom is truly H2 and not H, for H has no capacitor. And where H2 is not a molecule but actually a Atom.

It is appalling logic in most old experiments of science that nearly all of them need a second check up and a logically trained mind to see what was done and to see what was interpreted. The Rutherford-Geiger-Marsden experiment on gold foil scattering from alpha particles comes up with an absurd interpretation-- Atoms have nuclei when in truth, in reality-- Atomic interiors are proton toruses with a muon circumnavigating inside the proton torus producing electricity in the Faraday law.

So these books are vital and essential into puting logical reasoning and order into long past done experiments who have stupid conclusions and have anti-science conclusions.

AP's 278th book of science// Correcting & Chronicling the most famous Science Experiments// Experiments-physics-chemistry
by Archimedes Plutonium

Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

Michelson-Morley experiment 1887.

JJ Thomson experiment of electron 1897.

Millikan-Fletcher 1909 electric monopole oil drop.

Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden gold leaf scattering experiment 1908-1913.

Harvard's Hau slow light experiment 1999-2001 slow light experiments.

CERN's higgs boson of Standard Model farce 2011-2013.

AP's 278-289th books of science on correcting and chronicling famous experiments of science. I find it appalling of the many mistakes made in famous science experiments and am here to do something about it-- correction and redo the experiment over


Very crude dot picture of 5f6 magnetosphere of 231Pu Atom Totality.

A torus shape doing the Faraday Law inside of each and every atom. The Cosmos of Astronomy looks like this.
.-' `-.
.' ::\ ::|:: /:: `.
/ ::\::|::/:: \
; _ _ ;
| ___( O )___ |
; - - ;
\ ::/::|::\:: /
`. ::/ ::|:: \:: .'
`- _____ .-'

One of those dots in the magnetosphere is the Milky Way galaxy. And
each dot represents another galaxy. The O is the Cosmic nucleus and
certainly not as dense as what Old Physics thought because in New Physics
the interior of atoms has the Faraday law with the donut hole occupied by neutrons as storage capacitors.

I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of spammers, govt-police drag net spam,off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
4:20 PM (2 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
--- quoting Google hits of "new form of magnetism" ---

A new kind of magnetism has been measured for the first time. Altermagnets, which contain a blend of properties from different classes of existing magnets, could be used to make high capacity and fast memory devices or new kinds of magnetic computers.3 days ago

The existence of a new kind of magnetism has been confirmed

New Scientist
https://www.newscientist.com › article › 2417255-the-exi...

Researchers discover new kind of magnetism

Science | AAAS
https://www.science.org › content › article › researchers...

Feb 6, 2024 — Physicists now know that magnetic materials glean their power from the behavior of the atoms inside them. But magnetism still holds secrets.

Scientists Just Discovered a New Type of Magnetism

https://www.wired.com › Science › Quanta Magazine

Jan 28, 2024 — In 2020, researchers created Nagaoka ferromagnetism in a tiny system containing just three electrons, one of the smallest possible systems in ...

Scientists discover strange new form of magnetism

New Atlas
https://newatlas.com › physics › magnetism-strange-n...

Nov 19, 2023 — Scientists at ETH Zurich have discovered a new type of magnetism. Experiments show that an artificially produced material becomes magnetic ...

A New Form Of Magnetism Could Make For More Powerful ...

https://www.iflscience.com › a-suspected-alternative-...

Scientists discover new type of magnetism never seen before

Interesting Engineering
https://interestingengineering.com › Science

3 days ago — Called altermagnetism, this type of magnetism was confirmed through work conducted in collaboration with the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Altermagnetism: A new type of magnetism, with broad ...

https://phys.org › Physics › Condensed Matter

3 days ago — Altermagnetism: A new type of magnetism, with broad implications for technology and research ... There is now a new addition to the magnetic ...

Scientists have found a new kind of magnetic material

The Economist
https://www.economist.com › 2024/01/24 › scientists...

Jan 24, 2024 — A new type of magnetic material may, it seems, have been hiding under their noses. Most people are familiar with ferromagnets. These have a ...

New type of magnetism splits from convention

https://www.nature.com › news & views

by C Autieri · 2024 — Magnetic materials with zero net magnetization fall into two classes: conventional antiferromagnets and altermagnets.

A new kind of magnetism | ETH Zurich

ETH Zürich
https://ethz.ch › eth-news › news › 2023/11 › a-new-ki...

Nov 16, 2023 — ETH Zurich researchers have detected a new type of magnetism in an artificially produced material. The material becomes ferromagnetic through ...

Scientists Have Discovered a New Type of Magnetism

https://scitechdaily.com › unraveling-quantum-mysteri...

ETH Zurich scientists have identified a novel ferromagnetism in a custom-engineered moiré material, challenging traditional magnetic theories. This magnetism, ...

The existence of a new kind of magnet has been confirmed

Scientists Discovered a New Type of Magnetism

https://www.atlas.edu.tr › Atlas Blog

In 1966, Japanese physicist Yosuke Nagaoka envisioned a type of magnetism produced by the seemingly unnatural dance of electrons within a hypothetical material.
Missing: form ‎| Show results with: form

Scientists find new form of magnetism in engineered material

Interesting Engineering
https://interestingengineering.com › Science

Nov 20, 2023 — In a groundbreaking exploration of materials science, researchers from ETH Zurich have unveiled a revolutionary form of ferromagnetism within an ...

Experimental Evidence for a New Type of Magnetism

American Physical Society
https://physics.aps.org › articles

by R Wilkinson · 2024 — Spectroscopic data suggest that thin films of a certain semiconducting material can exhibit altermagnetism, a new and fundamental form of ...

New type of magnetism unveiled in an iconic material

https://www.sciencedaily.com › releases › 2021/10

Oct 5, 2021 — Scientists have made a path-breaking discovery in strontium ruthenate -- with potential for new applications in quantum electronics.

'Magnetic graphene' forms a new kind of magnetism

University of Cambridge
https://www.cam.ac.uk › research › news › magnetic-g...

Feb 8, 2021 — 'Magnetic graphene' forms a new kind of magnetism · Researchers have identified a new form of magnetism in so-called magnetic graphene, which ...

--- end quoting some Google hits on this new form of magnetism ---

AP writes:: But is it really "new" or is it from the fact that Old Physics never understood magnetism logically in the first place. That there is __no repulsion__ in magnetism but only Attraction. That magnetism does ___not allow same space occupancy___. For which dullards of logic get confused with their dumb repell force???

So what AP is saying is that if Magnetism has only a Attraction force, never a repelling force. And that when we put north pole to north pole-- that is not repel at all. That is ___no same space occupancy___.

And now, in modern times February 2024 with news of Altermagnetism, is the fleet of dumb physicists just starting to catch up logically that their altermagnetism is not new, but a side show of the fact that magnets are Attract Only and have __no same space occupancy__.

I suspect this is the case-- the dumb Old Physics physicists are now catching up with Logic that you have no repel force in magnetism, and these dumb physicists are beginning to understand that Altermagnets is a form of ___no same space occupancy___. That the dumb physicists of OId Physics are starting to realize the truth of magnetism and are not finding a "new magnetism" but rather, finding their stupid errors of the past.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 6:17:45 PM (9 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
I was fed up with the Old Physics, Old Chemistry community of do-nothing error filled professors who simply cannot even review and re-do experiments, simple experiments to see if what they are teaching in colleges and universities is true science or merely memorized fake science. The question most on my mind was water, whether it is H4O or H2O and seeing no physics or chemistry professor so to speak "shake a leg" and find out the truth, I decided to write this series of science experiment books. I write from the perspective of LOGIC as the judge of whether scientists have a good experiment with truthful answers or whether scientists have a experiment with false conclusions. I start with magnetism because in the news recently of February 2024 is news of a new form of magnetism.

Is it truly new form of magnetism, or, as AP asks, is it just part of the misunderstanding of magnetism that there never is a repel force in magnetism, only an attraction force in magnetism. But that magnetism obeys the Pauli Exclusion Principle that of ___no same space occupancy___ which is the Pauli Exclusion Principle. But most people are weak in logic and when they see a sort of push back when drawing a north pole near a north pole, they think--- repel repel repel.

Not logical enough in mind to consider that you have repel but you have a phenomenon that is Not Repel but looks like repel in the phenomenon of ____ no same space occupancy___.

You see, a person with a Logical Mind can recognize these are two different phenomenon-- repel is one, but no same space occupancy is different and is not repel. So one can immediately recognize that for 3,000 years we have known about magnetism, that we have confused and mixed up these two distinct ideas--- repel and different is ___ no same space occupancy___.

And so horribly mixed up and confused is the modern day physicist over this distinction, that when the modern day physicist finds this new material called Altermagnetism, he/she has not yet even straightened out in their mind that there is no repel in magnetism, and confusing that with Altermagnetism.

AP, King of Science
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 7:37:58 PM (7 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
The Chronicling list keeps going and hopefully I will not forget any important experiment in the next few months as I publish each one of these. I hate to forget someone.
AP's 278th book of science// Correcting & Chronicling the most famous Science Experiments// Experiments-physics-chemistry
by Archimedes Plutonium

Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis. Here I should include the history that two of the most famous scientists did water electrolysis-- Davy and Faraday, but both can be excused because a weighing scale of the accuracy needed was never available in the early 1800s to weigh the masses of hydrogen to oxygen. It is after precision scales were made that chemists and physicists became fools and derelict of duty.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

Michelson-Morley experiment 1887.

JJ Thomson experiment of electron 1897.

Millikan-Fletcher 1909 electric monopole oil drop.

Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden gold leaf scattering experiment 1908-1913.

How stars make their energy-- Harkins, 1921 Eddington, Atkinson-Houtermans, Blackett, Oliphant, Bethe all making claims the the Sun and Stars energy comes from fusion of light elements into heavier elements. But AP sees a huge flaw of logic in this reasoning for fusion is dependent on rare probabilities, yet Sun and Stars are so reliable and so constant in outpouring of energy which apparently increases over time (not decrease) as evidenced in Red Giant stars, that AP says the main bulk of star energy is the Faraday law perhaps as high as 90-99% of star energy. For the Faraday law is a constant energy source.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 8:09:07 PM (7 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe

The list keeps growing.

1927 Lemaitre and Big Bang, when a tiny bit of Logic was needed to form the Atom Totality theory. But the chemical elements of plutonium had never be yet discovered by 1927. Still, Lemaitre could have researched the literature going back to the Ancient Greeks with their Democritus Cosmic Atom. And if Lemaitre had used a bit of Logical Reasoning could have figured out AP's Atomic Theory Syllogism-- all things are made up of atoms-- the universe is a thing -- hence the Universe must be a single Cosmic Atom in order to preserve the Atomic Theory to its furthest theoretical reach. The greatest theory of science cannot be restricted to a smaller domain, but must be universal.

1954, Yang-Mills, Chien-Shiung, Glashow, Weinberg-Salam-Higgs in the Standard Model of physics, a thoroughly disgusting and fake theory of physics, when all that was required for a true theory is notice the proton and neutron were within sigma error of 9 times the mass of muon.

1965, Penzias & Wilson, Smoot & Mather on Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. A tiny bit of a logical mind would have helped here, enormously. For if the observations are coming in as Quantum Mechanics, means the Universe itself is Quantum Mechanics as the interior inside of one big Cosmic Atom. I do not know if the Bible has any good quotes of how some people search the world over for answers, when the answer is there in front of their face all along. The Universe is not a stupid silly Big Bang. The Universe is a single atom for all all matter is made up-- one of the atoms in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

Harvard's Hau slow light experiment 1999-2001 slow light experiments.

CERN's higgs boson of Standard Model farce 2011-2013.

AP, King of Science, especially physics and logic
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 9:21:31 PM (6 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
List keeps growing, but nothing is more important to science than Experiment, experiment and more experiment. I failed to include biology so far, and here so, I include biology.

AP's 278th book of science// Correcting & Chronicling the most famous Science Experiments// Experiments-physics-chemistry
by Archimedes Plutonium

Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis. Here I should include the history that two of the most famous scientists did water electrolysis-- Davy and Faraday, but both can be excused because a weighing scale of the accuracy needed was never available in the early 1800s to weigh the masses of hydrogen to oxygen. It is after precision scales were made that chemists and physicists became fools and derelict of duty.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

Michelson-Morley experiment 1887.

JJ Thomson experiment of electron 1897.

Millikan-Fletcher 1909 electric monopole oil drop.

Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden gold leaf scattering experiment 1908-1913.

How stars make their energy-- Harkins, 1921 Eddington, Atkinson-Houtermans, Blackett, Oliphant, Bethe all making claims the the Sun and Stars energy comes from fusion of light elements into heavier elements. But AP sees a huge flaw of logic in this reasoning for fusion is dependent on rare probabilities, yet Sun and Stars are so reliable and so constant in outpouring of energy which apparently increases over time (not decrease) as evidenced in Red Giant stars, that AP says the main bulk of star energy is the Faraday law perhaps as high as 90-99% of star energy. For the Faraday law is a constant energy source.

The list keeps growing.

1927 Lemaitre and Big Bang, when a tiny bit of Logic was needed to form the Atom Totality theory. But the chemical elements of plutonium had never be yet discovered by 1927. Still, Lemaitre could have researched the literature going back to the Ancient Greeks with their Democritus Cosmic Atom. And if Lemaitre had used a bit of Logical Reasoning could have figured out AP's Atomic Theory Syllogism-- all things are made up of atoms-- the universe is a thing -- hence the Universe must be a single Cosmic Atom in order to preserve the Atomic Theory to its furthest theoretical reach. The greatest theory of science cannot be restricted to a smaller domain, but must be universal.

1953 is a culmination of discovery via experiments and research observations of DNA, the genetic coding of life. The list of contributors is extremely long, and a shame all of them should have been awarded the Nobel prize, not just three of them. The logic shortfall in the discovery of DNA and its time period after 1953, is that no-one in biology or the other sciences realized that the geometry of DNA resembles the geometry of pure Light Waves in Physics, and that Light waves of physics is "Perfect DNA". And that light waves in the environment communicates with DNA in plants and animals.

1954, Yang-Mills, Chien-Shiung, Glashow, Weinberg-Salam-Higgs in the Standard Model of physics, a thoroughly disgusting and fake theory of physics, when all that was required for a true theory is notice the proton and neutron were within sigma error of 9 times the mass of muon.

1964 with the John Bell Inequality in Quantum Mechanics gives rise to quantum entanglement and often referred to as Superdeterminism for the sake of biology. Experiments carried out by Aspect et al circa 1982 proved true the Bell Inequality of entanglement. How this relates to biology is it makes Darwin Evolution be a rule, not a theory of science. It makes biology be quantum mechanics and thus, biology, physics are parts of the Atom Totality theory. The logic mistakes here are simply the denial of acceptance. The many scientists who agree everything is correct and clear, but who cannot admit Superdeterminism replaces Darwin Evolution, nor admit that Light Waves are perfect DNA. Denial by scientists is often, a disease that is incurable in science. Much like mathematicians who deny slant cut of cone is oval, not ellipse.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 10:30:54 PM (5 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 9:21:31 PM UTC-6 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
List keeps growing, but nothing is more important to science than Experiment, experiment and more experiment. I failed to include biology so far, and here so, I include biology.

Alright, almost ready to write this series of books on science experiments and to point out the gaps and holes in Logic in each, the blaring mistakes.

But I need to include superconductivity, for recently I made a major discovery in superconductivity which highlights the errors of missing elements.

And I probably will combine some of these listed experiments as they are pretty much similar such as DNA and superdeterminism of Bell Inequality. Probably combine Cavendish and Millikan experiments. Probably combine Double Slit experiment with the Harvard's Dr. Hau slow light for the fundamental flaw in both are looking at light as straightline arrows with a front tip and and tail end, when in truth they are closed loop circuits of pencil ellipse.

Once I finish this series, I should write a series on how Psychology Frame of Mind holds back so many math professors and mathematicians from doing "good honest true mathematics" and how a twisted mind of psychological makes them losers of mathematics. A fate far worse than in physics where we have lapses of logical judgement.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 11:00:02 PM (4 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe


Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis. Here I should include the history that two of the most famous scientists did water electrolysis-- Davy and Faraday, but both can be excused because a weighing scale of the accuracy needed was never available in the early 1800s to weigh the masses of hydrogen to oxygen. It is after precision scales were made that chemists and physicists became fools and derelict of duty.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

Michelson-Morley experiment 1887.

JJ Thomson experiment of electron 1897.

Millikan-Fletcher 1909 electric monopole oil drop.

Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden gold leaf scattering experiment 1908-1913.

1911 and later 1986 experiments in Superconductivity, starting with Onnes where he discoveries conductivity with no resistance when in cold temperature. Then in 1986 Bednorz & Muller with high temperature superconductors. My 270th book of science--
2nd Law of Thermodynamics is connected to Superconductivity-- Explained as New Ohm's Law// Physics research
by Archimedes Plutonium

1921, and how stars make their energy-- Harkins, 1921 Eddington, Atkinson-Houtermans, Blackett, Oliphant, Bethe all making claims the the Sun and Stars energy comes from fusion of light elements into heavier elements. But AP sees a huge flaw of logic in this reasoning for fusion is dependent on rare probabilities, yet Sun and Stars are so reliable and so constant in outpouring of energy which apparently increases over time (not decrease) as evidenced in Red Giant stars, that AP says the main bulk of star energy is the Faraday law perhaps as high as 90-99% of star energy. For the Faraday law is a constant energy source.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
3:03 AM (now)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
The list keeps growing bigger. I need my new insights into what superconductivity actually is, and it comes directly out of the Faraday law of Maxwell Equations which Feynman talked about the conundrum of 2 phenomenon. Where I get the sine of an angle of thrust. If the sine is that of 90 degrees I have the full current with no resistance as superconductivity. In other words, the pencil ellipse becomes straightline perpendicularity allowing for superconductivity. This is really really exciting for it also is the most beautiful explanation of the 4 seasons, why we have winter cold and summer hot and in between. All due to sine of angle that the Sun rays hit Earth. We can demonstrate this easily in front of a heater. If I hold me hand perpendicular, the most heat is felt. If I hold my hand at an angle only a fraction of the heat is felt. If I hold my hand on edge to the heater almost no heat is felt.

In this series of books I need to outline what Fallacy of Logic the mistakes that were made. For instance the fallacy of logic for the mistakes on the Faraday law is that the Maxwell Equations should all come from New Ohm's law, all four laws coming out of New Ohm's law and not each made up helter skelter. See AP's Teaching True Physics.

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 11:00:02 PM UTC-6 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:


Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis. Here I should include the history that two of the most famous scientists did water electrolysis-- Davy and Faraday, but both can be excused because a weighing scale of the accuracy needed was never available in the early 1800s to weigh the masses of hydrogen to oxygen. It is after precision scales were made that chemists and physicists became fools and derelict of duty.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

1845-1860s Neumann- Maxwell the formal math laws of Faraday magnetic induction to produce electricity from thrusting magnetic field.

Two phenomena
Faraday's law is a single equation describing two different phenomena: the motional emf generated by a magnetic force on a moving wire (see the Lorentz force), and the transformer emf generated by an electric force due to a changing magnetic field (described by the Maxwell–Faraday equation).
James Clerk Maxwell drew attention to this fact in his 1861 paper On Physical Lines of Force. In the latter half of Part II of that paper, Maxwell gives a separate physical explanation for each of the two phenomena.
A reference to these two aspects of electromagnetic induction is made in some modern textbooks. As Richard Feynman states:
So the "flux rule" that the emf in a circuit is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit applies whether the flux changes because the field changes or because the circuit moves (or both) ...
Yet in our explanation of the rule we have used two completely distinct laws for the two cases – v × B for "circuit moves" and ∇ × E = −∂tB for "field changes".
We know of no other place in physics where such a simple and accurate general principle requires for its real understanding an analysis in terms of two different phenomena.
— Richard P. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics


AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-19 22:41:27 UTC
AP's 278th book of science starts a series on Experiments of Science that need a Logic- OverView of mistakes, grave errors and simple stupidity of reasoning starting with Magnetism.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Feb 17, 2024, 6:03:00 PM (2 days ago)

AP's 278-289th books of science on correcting and chronicling famous experiments of science. I
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Feb 17, 2024, 6:17:45 PM (2 days ago)

I was fed up with the Old Physics, Old Chemistry community of do-nothing error filled professors who
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Feb 17, 2024, 7:37:58 PM (2 days ago)

The Chronicling list keeps going and hopefully I will not forget any important experiment in the next
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Feb 17, 2024, 8:09:07 PM (2 days ago)

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 7:37:58 PM UTC-6 Archimedes Plutonium wrote: The Chronicling list
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Feb 17, 2024, 9:21:31 PM (2 days ago)

List keeps growing, but nothing is more important to science than Experiment, experiment and more
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Feb 17, 2024, 10:30:54 PM (2 days ago)

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 9:21:31 PM UTC-6 Archimedes Plutonium wrote: List keeps growing,
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 17, 2024, 11:00:02 PM (2 days ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe


Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis. Here I should include the history that two of the most famous scientists did water electrolysis-- Davy and Faraday, but both can be excused because a weighing scale of the accuracy needed was never available in the early 1800s to weigh the masses of hydrogen to oxygen. It is after precision scales were made that chemists and physicists became fools and derelict of duty.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

Michelson-Morley experiment 1887.

JJ Thomson experiment of electron 1897.

Millikan-Fletcher 1909 electric monopole oil drop.

Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden gold leaf scattering experiment 1908-1913.

1911 and later 1986 experiments in Superconductivity, starting with Onnes where he discoveries conductivity with no resistance when in cold temperature. Then in 1986 Bednorz & Muller with high temperature superconductors. My 270th book of science--
2nd Law of Thermodynamics is connected to Superconductivity-- Explained as New Ohm's Law// Physics research
by Archimedes Plutonium

1921, and how stars make their energy-- Harkins, 1921 Eddington, Atkinson-Houtermans, Blackett, Oliphant, Bethe all making claims the the Sun and Stars energy comes from fusion of light elements into heavier elements. But AP sees a huge flaw of logic in this reasoning for fusion is dependent on rare probabilities, yet Sun and Stars are so reliable and so constant in outpouring of energy which apparently increases over time (not decrease) as evidenced in Red Giant stars, that AP says the main bulk of star energy is the Faraday law perhaps as high as 90-99% of star energy. For the Faraday law is a constant energy source.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 18, 2024, 3:03:38 AM (yesterday)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
The list keeps growing bigger. I need my new insights into what superconductivity actually is, and it comes directly out of the Faraday law of Maxwell Equations which Feynman talked about the conundrum of 2 phenomenon. Where I get the sine of an angle of thrust. If the sine is that of 90 degrees I have the full current with no resistance as superconductivity. In other words, the pencil ellipse becomes straightline perpendicularity allowing for superconductivity. This is really really exciting for it also is the most beautiful explanation of the 4 seasons, why we have winter cold and summer hot and in between. All due to sine of angle that the Sun rays hit Earth. We can demonstrate this easily in front of a heater. If I hold me hand perpendicular, the most heat is felt. If I hold my hand at an angle only a fraction of the heat is felt. If I hold my hand on edge to the heater almost no heat is felt.

In this series of books I need to outline what Fallacy of Logic the mistakes that were made. For instance the fallacy of logic for the mistakes on the Faraday law is that the Maxwell Equations should all come from New Ohm's law, all four laws coming out of New Ohm's law and not each made up helter skelter. See AP's Teaching True Physics.

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 11:00:02 PM UTC-6 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:


Ancient Greek magnetism-- Lodestone. And also considering a new form of magnetism in recent news.

Ben Franklin kite flying in lightning storm 1700s

Jan Deiman- Adrian van Troostwijk, 1778 water electrolysis. Here I should include the history that two of the most famous scientists did water electrolysis-- Davy and Faraday, but both can be excused because a weighing scale of the accuracy needed was never available in the early 1800s to weigh the masses of hydrogen to oxygen. It is after precision scales were made that chemists and physicists became fools and derelict of duty.

Cavendish Gravity Constant experiment 1798.

Double Slit Experiment 1801 with Thomas Young.

Ohm's law 1827.

1845-1860s Neumann- Maxwell the formal math laws of Faraday magnetic induction to produce electricity from thrusting magnetic field.

Two phenomena
Faraday's law is a single equation describing two different phenomena: the motional emf generated by a magnetic force on a moving wire (see the Lorentz force), and the transformer emf generated by an electric force due to a changing magnetic field (described by the Maxwell–Faraday equation).
James Clerk Maxwell drew attention to this fact in his 1861 paper On Physical Lines of Force. In the latter half of Part II of that paper, Maxwell gives a separate physical explanation for each of the two phenomena.
A reference to these two aspects of electromagnetic induction is made in some modern textbooks. As Richard Feynman states:
So the "flux rule" that the emf in a circuit is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit applies whether the flux changes because the field changes or because the circuit moves (or both) ...
Yet in our explanation of the rule we have used two completely distinct laws for the two cases – v × B for "circuit moves" and ∇ × E = −∂tB for "field changes".
We know of no other place in physics where such a simple and accurate general principle requires for its real understanding an analysis in terms of two different phenomena.
— Richard P. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 18, 2024, 5:18:31 PM (23 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe

Alright, I need to make a Experiment myself, a world class experiment probably far more important than any on those long list below. The experiment involves heat and Light Waves and electricity and magnetism and why we have winter and summer. We are taught this lesson in Junior High School science but taught sloppily, never well enough that we can remember the cause of winter. For the complexity of the science involved makes teaching this subject difficult.

And it is this complexity of science that has evaded our understanding of Superconductivity. For if we analyzed how Sun Light Waves heat Earth, we can understand how superconductivity happens and why it exists. But first--- the full explanation of Winter.

We know from Junior High School that the tilt on axis of Earth is the cause of the 4 seasons, but we rarely are taught the particular details of how this occurs. So I want to make a Experimental Model.

And several Models.

The first model is on a cold wintry day, you have a space heater-- a warm electric heater with grill fins in between and you put your hands between the fins to instantly warm them. Now you have your hand and fingers perpendicular to the grill fins to get the most heat. But now you tilt your fingers and hands and you feel less and less heat.

Now we shift to the AP Model Experiment of the entire Globe of Earth and we use a package of new pencils, of 4 by 4 or 16 pencils in all in a plastic package. We pretend each pencil is a Light Wave from the Sun as heat. Now if those 16 pencils hits directly overhead on Earth would maximize density of 16 and that spot on Earth would be the hottest that day. But now those same 16 heading for a northern latitude on Earth in Winter has to contend with the curvature of Earth itself, but also has to contend with a axis tilt of Earth by 23 degrees. So we have a multitude of variables that we cannot use a simple math of a trigonometry function.

So on the Equator, all 16 pencil tips would hit the Equator with maximum density and all impacts would impart their total energy in the form of heat, and the Equator is really hot in this direct hit. But the polar region in winter, of those 16 pencils as Sun heat Light Waves, how many impact directly? How many impact at an angle?

Hard to believe, but the explanation of why summer and winter is this analysis but also; how Superconductivity works.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Feb 18, 2024, 10:11:33 PM (18 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
AP's Model of why Earth has Winters and Summers, due to Earth as sphere and tilt of axis 23 degrees.

So I get out the box of 16 pencils and pretend they are Sun Light Waves each. When they strike land in the tropics they come in packed maximum density 4 by 4 for a surface area of 16. Now when those same 16 Light Waves strike the Polar Region because the surface of Earth is curved, the curvature of Earth, plus the tilt in axis in winter of 23 degrees we have a different situation where the 16 light waves are spread out and hit Earth in a area of 16 by 16 = 256.

Now let us do this Model in Celsius. A typical tropical temperature would be 25 Celcius. So we have a ratio of this.

256 25Celsius
------- ---------------
16 XCelsius

Solving the ratio we have 256X = 400 Celsius
X the polar temperature is thus 400/256 = 1.5 Celsius, just shy of water freezing.

A similar model relates to the Faraday law as we thrust a bar magnet through a coil. But what if the bar magnet is at a slant to the coil perpendicular? Then we have to factor a fractional electric current production.

Now how does this relate to superconductivity? We see in a capacitor or battery as holding static electric current because the plates are perpendicular to the current held. If we short circuit the battery, all the current rushes out with superconduction, and no loss of electricity. If the capacitor or battery are not perfectly perpendicular then the current inside gradually wear away as internal heat. The cold temperatures needed to create superconductivity is to make all the plates perpendicular. For as the electricity is moving around inside the capacitor or battery it needs to keep hitting the walls perpendicular. Back to the Model, by perpendicular hitting of the walls or bouncing off the walls, all 16 of the Light Waves or electric current monopoles hit the walls as a maximum density of 16, none are thinned out into 256. (Sort of reminds me of Snell's law that the bent light means resistance and loss of electric current.)

More later.....

AP, King of Science
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
1:33 AM (15 hours ago)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
Superconductivity is much like Snell's law of optics, only with angle of incidence equals angle of reflection of a 90 degree angle in, and 90 degree angle out. Like a mirror reflection where none of the electric waves get absorbed while inside the capacitor or battery. Where roundness is turning into straightline geometry of rectangles. As the waves of electric current keep reflecting off the walls at 90 degrees.

In fact the Snell's law of Old Physics is rather a waste of time to study for although we can see the rays moving in and out of a block of glass to air and vice versa, where Snell's law is really important is Sun Light Waves striking Earth and how much of those waves warm Earth, and how magnetic lines of force in bar magnet thrust through coil in Faraday law goes to making electric current, or how much a battery can store electric current by having the electricity strike the parallel plates at 90 degrees where they are reflected back with no resistance.

So superconductivity is the most important phenomenon of Light Waves striking at 90 degrees in Snell's law. Much like the image in a mirror is 90 degree reflections, energy in equals energy out.

My 270th book of science talks of superconductivity and its prevalence in biology. However I never made a mathematical formula in that book, and hope to by discussing this topic now.

--- quoting my 270th book of science ---

2nd Law of Thermodynamics is connected to Superconductivity-- Explained as New Ohm's Law// Physics research

by Archimedes Plutonium

Preface: When I went to college 1968-72 and studied physics and math, I learned thermodynamics as a major branch of physics. It was only recently in 2023-24 that I began to see a different picture of thermodynamics. That every major band width of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, radio, microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, soft x-rays, hard x-rays, gamma rays, did the realization come to me that thermodynamics is merely a detailed study of one of those band widths-- infrared band of the EM Spectrum. Up until now, I had thought thermodynamics was a physics study that stood out from other branches of physics. But no, thermodynamics is a minor part of the EM Spectrum. And as much as thermodynamics enjoys its status as a major branch of physics, we must realize, that radio wave band is another branch just as important as thermodynamics infrared band. And the other bands -- microwave, visible, ultraviolet, soft and hard x-rays, gamma rays all should have a branch of physics study as does thermodynamics infrared band.

Cover picture: Is my iphone photograph of a Google search for "Right-Hand-Rule" which very much defines the New Ohm's Law and 2nd law of thermodynamics and expresses the meaning of vector dot product and vector cross product.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
4:36 PM (now)

to Plutonium Atom Universe
The mathematical law governing superconductivity is a extremely simple law, one of the most simple in all of physics, perhaps the rock-bottom most simple law of physics-- Snell's law, the law of reflection.

angle theta_1 equals angle theta_2 Law of Reflection

index_1* sine angle theta_1 = index_2* sine angle theta_2 Law of Refraction

When I learned Snell's law in High School Physics, my reaction in my mind was that of "what is all the fuss about"?

When I went to University a year or two later and seeing Snell's law again, my reaction was again-- "And this is a law of physics, seems like it has no meat on its bones, unlike gravity or Coulomb law."

And now I understand why Snell's law is impoverished of meaning, impoverished of depth and meaning. For it is not the full law until you recognize it is missing Superconductivity.

Superconductivity is inside of Snell's laws of Optics, where the sine angle is 90 degrees or its inverse 0 degrees for cosine angle and both come to a value of 1. All the electricity inside a battery or capacitor is released and no electricity is lost to resistance when you multiply by 1.

--- quoting excerpts from a recent book I wrote, my 271st book of science ---
Recalibrating physics units to one another, Calculus derivative, velocity, New Ohm's law // physics-math

by Archimedes Plutonium

Preface: A mystery paradox exists between math calculus and physics, in that math has just 3 dimensions for its maximum geometry description-- which is volume, yet physics maximum description of energy as in kinetic energy has just 2 dimensions of mass times meters^2/seconds^2. This is a paradox if left unresolved. This book aims to solve the mystery so that both physics energy and math volume are both 3rd dimension. And what results in this mystery solving is a recalibration of all the units of physics.

Cover Picture: My photograph of several important Physics units of Linear momentum and its derivative with respect to time is Force, while Angular momentum derivative with respect to time is Energy. Notice especially in this photograph of a computer screen at an angle. For I am able to get what looks like a graphing of what a graph paper looks like. So is this natural in physics optics to be able to retrieve a Graphing Grid System?

Here we are asking what is (B*E) to equal kg*meter^2 /sec^2. Since vector dot product is the same as vector cross product, only difference is where we take the angle, whether cosine or sine of a triangle to get area of two equal triangles that forms a parallelogram.

The direction AP is headed for is to make equal the ultimate units of 3D in geometry is volume making the ultimate units of volts in physics also be 3D.

That unification of volume to voltage requires Volts = current*(B*E) as similar to Volume = Length * Width * Depth.

The way I do that in this book is consider volume as a length of area, the area is width* depth and multiplied by length is volume. For physics, B*E is similar to width*depth and when multiplied the B*E is a parallelogram whose area is two triangles that compose the parallelogram. The area of one of these two triangles follows the formula Area = A cross B (sine angle) while the other complimentary triangle follows Area = A dot B (cosine of compliment angle of sine). So if the sine angle is 30 degrees the compliment angle is 60 degrees for cosine.

What I am heading for is the final units formula of Voltage is Volt = A*(magnetic field * electric field) written as A ((1/A)(meters/sec) * (A)(meters/sec). Which leaves me with Voltage = A(meters^2/seconds^2) a final configuration of energy.

In Geometry, volume is 3D and is the final configuration. In physics we need to end at 3D and be energy, and Voltage = A(meters^2/seconds^2 does just that.

But in New Physics, I need to recalibrate Ampere A and Coulomb C so that this final configuration makes sense.
--- end quoting from my 271st book of science ---

AP, King of Science

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
Ross Finlayson
2024-02-19 23:09:23 UTC
Dunham on Archimedes:

"In this fashion, the pre-Archimedean mystery regarding
circumferences, circular areas, and spherical volumes
was resolved. No longer were three different constants
needed to address these three different matters; all
three rested upon knowledge of pi. Archimedes had
exhibited a stunning unity among them."

-- Dunham, "Journey through Genius"
Ross Finlayson
2024-12-26 19:19:01 UTC
Post by Ross Finlayson
"In this fashion, the pre-Archimedean mystery regarding
circumferences, circular areas, and spherical volumes
was resolved. No longer were three different constants
needed to address these three different matters; all
three rested upon knowledge of pi. Archimedes had
exhibited a stunning unity among them."
-- Dunham, "Journey through Genius"
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-20 00:45:10 UTC
Post by Ross Finlayson
"In this fashion, the pre-Archimedean mystery regarding
circumferences, circular areas, and spherical volumes
was resolved. No longer were three different constants
needed to address these three different matters; all
three rested upon knowledge of pi. Archimedes had
exhibited a stunning unity among them."
-- Dunham, "Journey through Genius"
Why thank you Ross and Dunham, in my former reincarnation life.

Today, 2,200 years later, I unify the Polynomial function as the only valid function of mathematics with the Calculus derivative and the Calculus integral, so that Calculus is made super easy-- just add or subtract 1 to exponent for the derivative and integral. But it takes time for stupid math professors to confess and admit the truth, especially after they spent their entire career in preaching their memorized phony dogma.


My 205th published book of science.

Faraday Law is inverse projective-geometry of Coulomb-gravity Law//Physics-Math

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon-Kindle edition)

Last revision was 24Nov2022. And this is AP's 205th published book of science.

Preface: This book discusses the symmetry of the 4 differential laws of Electromagnetic theory, the Faraday law, Ampere-Maxwell law, Coulomb-gravity law and the Transformer law. This book also dives into the numbers of importance of physics and math, the 1/137, the pi, the pi subtract 2.71... and much more.

Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of 840 windings of slinky toy to form a torus that is the proton torus of physics of its 840MeV with a muon stuck inside at 105MeV doing the Faraday law.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BG46FS62
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 21, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 370 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 35 pages
• Best Sellers Rank: #1,557,587 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #195 in One-Hour Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #3,692 in Physics (Kindle Store)
◦ #4,382 in Mathematics (Kindle Store)

#32-2, 212th published book

The Color paradox of Physics explained-- White Light the addition of dark colors// Physics-Math

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: I have made known many times that my new goal, my new mission of science is progress on the concept of reincarnation, is it true, or nonexistent? In keeping with that mission I need to build up the sciences that perhaps can help that mission. One science topic is green plants and the color spectrum. And there seems to be strange and odd facts on the physics color spectrum, such as how is it possible that white light is broken up into 7 hues of color, all 7 being darker in color than white itself. This is a paradox and needs answers of how and why.

Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of a Google search of "white light prism color spectrum".

Table of Contents

1) My background history of this subject matter.

2) Paradoxes of science.

3) An experiment to prove whether or not green light is actually white light, just that our eye physiology makes them otherwise.

4) Numbers in the Visible EM Spectrum of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

5) The "white" in light is like the contrail of a airplane.

6) Solving the paradox of Color from Planck's "Black Body Radiation".

7) Pith dark black surrounding Mercury, because Light waves are black body waves.

8) The pure physics of light, but the biology of seeing color is different.

9) Green is green, and white is Blackbody with contrails, like that of titanium dioxide.

10) Summary.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 11, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 736 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 21 pages
• Best Sellers Rank: #609,958 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
◦ #17 in Physics of Optics
◦ #18 in 30-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
◦ #20 in Physics of Light (Kindle Store)

#32-3, 213th published book

Dimension proof, that 3rd is the last and final dimension// physics-math

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: While looking for some old posts of 1994, a chance encounter; I ran across a post about Dimension. It does not take much to stimulate me on research of dimensions. I have been trying to proof in both math and physics that dimension does _not exist_ beyond 3rd dimension. That 3rd dimension is the last and final dimension, and I began looking for such a proof/s ever since 1991. There was the familiar proof that everyone knows-- adding a new perpendicular to existing 3 perpendiculars is impossible, for a 4th perpendicular only repeats one of the three already existing perpendiculars. But I wanted more than that proof. I wanted a proof out of physics. For it is physics that has spearheaded this crazy phenomenon of 4th dimension and higher. I wanted a proof directly out physics that ends the debate and discussion of higher dimensions. Fortunately I ran across this Usenet post/email of 1994, which offers a clear guidance as to how that proof of physics must go.

Cover Picture: Is my computer graphic of 3rd dimension from the erection of 3 axes, the x, y, and z axes as 3 perpendiculars from one another, and that a 4th would only be a repeat of one of the three existing axes.

Table of Contents

1) My history on the subject matter of this book.

2) My best opportunity for a physics proof that 3rd Dimension is last and final dimension.

3) My math proof experience; how much?

4) The Proof: in math and physics, 3 and only 3 dimensions exist.

5) Physics proof is always worth more than a mathematics proof.

6) Proof of 3rd dimension is last and final, because Volume and Voltage is all inclusive.

7) Physics 3rd dimension derives Coulomb constant 1*10^10 kg*m^3*s^-4*A^-2 from mass of neutron.

8) Proton+muon rest mass to be more precisely that of 1.61...*10^-27 kg, rather than their current 1.672... prefix.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BJ23RYXF
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 12, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 974 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 34 pages

#32-4, 216th published book

Generalized Multiplication in Physics and unification of Thermodynamics to Electromagnetism // Physics-math

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: For too long of a time now, I have avoided clarity of my physics multiplication, especially Voltage = C*B*E where C= coulomb current, B is magnetic field and E is electric field. I have avoided being specific as to what the symbol of multiplication * means. For I wanted to teach General Multiplication, not multiplication specific to a case by case application. There are three forms of multiplication-- scalar, vector dot product and vector cross product. And here in this book I make clear and in detail what the symbol * of multiplication means in V = C*B*E and throughout physics in various instances of multiplication.

In the course of this work, I wandered over into Thermodynamics and was able to unify thermodynamics far better than ever before. Instead of writing a separate book on this thermodynamics work, I decided to keep it in this book. Of course, I need to go back to all my written textbooks of TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS and include the clarification of multiplication. Sorry I waited so long, but I knew in prior years, that I had to have the most general-multiplication and with passing years, understand better, for myself what the specific details of multiplication were. I knew the General Multiplication way back to 2016-2017, but not until 2022, can I say with accuracy, that I now can resolve the specific details of multiplication.

Cover Picture: My iphone photograph of a few equations in physics that are of the General Math form of A = B * C * D, which is one thing equal to the multiplication of three other things. Such as these below physics and math equations.

Voltage = C*B*E

Volume = L*W*H

Energy = m*c*c

PV = n*R*T

Force = m*v*(1/seconds)

Energy in quantum mechanics = n*h*f

Note: that (1/seconds) is frequency. And in n*h*f the f is frequency.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 31, 2022
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 499 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 32 pages

#32-5, 255th published book

The history of Old Physics; Old Logic; Old Math and those concepts of "old" well-defined // physics-math

Archimedes Plutonium

Preface: This is my 255th published book of science. I needed a book that well-defines what I mean by Old Physics and Old Math and Old Logic, since I use these terms so often in my prior 255 books so far published by September 2023. So I set this book aside as a well-defining of "old". Many times I have not stopped in my previous books to explain what Old Physics and Old Math and Old Logic means. And this book gives me that chance to detail what is meant by "old". When science of physics or math has new ideas that replace and toss out old ideas that no longer work is called a "science revolution". I became a science revolutionary soldier starting 1990 with the Atom Totality theory, but then new ideas and new theories kept coming and coming as the years passed by. So this book is a book to stop and explain in detail what is meant by Old Physics and Old Math and Old Logic. Explain to those, especially not in science, yet curious and intrigued and wish to know a little more about history of science as it often undergoes revolutions in science.

Cover Picture: I had no idea in early life up to age 40 that I would become a scientist, not to mention a Science Revolutionary leader, leading three or more science revolutions, one in physics and one in math and one in logic. The cover picture is the start of AP, the Revolutionary soldier in the war to change fake science to true science. The cover picture is two pictures in one--- dating to 1991 when living in New Hampshire and being on the cover of the school newspaper twice that year.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 7, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 950 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 84 pages

#32-6, My 257th published book of science.

Deriving G, Gravitational Constant 6.67*10^-11 m^3/(kg*s^2) from pure numbers of Electromagnetism// physics-math

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: This book is one of my fastest written books from start to finish in one week time. I read a SCIENCE NEWS magazine article on the Gravitational constant and 7 days later publish this book on my solution for that constant in terms of pure electromagnetic numbers. And in my derivation, I come up with a new constant of Nature, the AP constant of 0.256.

Cover picture: Is my iphone photograph of a page of that SCIENCE NEWS article showing the original physics measuring of Newton's gravity constant by the Cavendish Experiment.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CK4NQ7HS
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 28, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 544 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 43 pages

#32-7, My 271st published book of science.

Recalibrating physics units to one another, Calculus derivative, velocity, New Ohm's law // physics-math

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Kindle)

Preface: A mystery paradox exists between math calculus and physics, in that math has just 3 dimensions for its maximum geometry description-- which is volume, yet physics maximum description of energy as in kinetic energy has just 2 dimensions of mass times meters^2/seconds^2. This is a paradox if left unresolved. This book aims to solve the mystery so that both physics energy and math volume are both 3rd dimension. And what results in this mystery solving is a recalibration of all the units of physics.

Cover Picture: My photograph of several important Physics units of Linear momentum and its derivative with respect to time is Force, while Angular momentum derivative with respect to time is Energy. Notice especially in this photograph of a computer screen at an angle. For I am able to get what looks like a graphing of what a graph paper looks like. So is this natural in physics optics to be able to retrieve a Graphing Grid System?

Table of Contents

1) My history of this book.

2) Clarity of New Ohm's law rather than Old Ohm's law.

3) Derivative dy/dx clarity applied to Voltage/Resistance = current.

4) Force the derivative of linear momentum and voltage the derivative of angular momentum.

5) Is Voltage a form of pressure?

6) Best way to recalibrate magnet field and electric field with voltage.

7) A great mystery paradox of math and physics, math ends in volume cubed while physics ends in energy squared.

8) The cosine in general triangle area of 1/2 a*b(sine C).

9) What is scalar multiplication versus vector dot or cross product multiplication; parallelogram rule.

10) Unification of physics with math units, especially magnetic and electric fields.

11) Recalibrating Ampere with Coulomb.

12) List of Units thus recalibrated.

13) Unification of math calculus with physics units, especially electromagnetism.

14) A speculation of philosophy-religion of physics perpendicularity of magnetism to electricity.

15) Summary.

Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 18, 2024
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 1215 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 41 pages

#33-1, My 243rd published book

Dew research; tall grass research; rabbit girdling research; pruning dead tree limbs // horticulture research

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: As I start my 2023 summer, coming off the back of 3 years in a row drought, what is foremost on my mind is saving what trees and bushes and plants remaining from summers with little to no rain. It is painful to see what you built and cultivated dying before your eyes. Will 2023 end as the 4th year in a row of drought? And how much of a plant loss will I have? This book is about some questions and research into horticulture as I face my 4th year in a row of drought.

Cover Picture: My iphone photograph of a slice of Plutonium Atom National Park at the start of summer 2023, showing the dead sticks of hazelnut branches in a row, with only new shoot life at the base of hazelnuts, and showing some evergreen trees in background and showing tall grasses, to keep dew and moisture in.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C7VB9JQN
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 12, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 554 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 21 pages

#34-1, My 244th published book of science

Overhaul of Trigonometry: the nauseating math full of errors// Math-psychology-sociology

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: This is a math book of course, but much of it is about why professors of math are loathe to correct their glaring mistakes about trigonometry. So much of this book is about taking a microscope or telescope into the minds of math professors as to why they refuse to correct their errors of trigonometry, and thus, subsequently, students in High School or College suffer in mathematics.

Cover Picture: Is my iphone photograph of a Google search on trigonometry. I wanted to focus on trigonometry's only real use in the world-- that of telling all measures of a right triangle once given 1 angle other than the 90 degree angle, and given one side measure. Thus, the use of trigonometry is to tell the lengths of the other two sides. This was and is the only real use of trigonometry in mathematics, but in physics there are other uses of trigonometry. Also note in that photograph is a right-triangle inside a semicircle-- yet Old Math still makes the colossal error of saying that is a sinusoid curve when in truth it is a semicircle curve.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C97PSYZM
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 23, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 416 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 51 pages

#34-2, My 245th published book of science.

Overhaul & Revitalization of Calculus// Math-psychology-sociology
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: The purpose of this book is to move the dial on calculus education to where all of mathematics is easy, simple, clear, and understandable to even High School students. Where calculus is taught in early High School. All of this is possible when mistakes are corrected in Old Math. And when those mistakes are corrected, it is seen that calculus is just a tiny bit harder than learning the 4 operators of math-- add, subtract, multiply, divide. The last two operators of math are derivative and integral and not much harder to learn than add, subtract, multiply, divide. Provided, Old Math mistakes are corrected and or thrown out. We throw out the Reals as numbers of math and replace them with Decimal Grid Numbers. We throw out all functions of math, except polynomial functions. Anything else that looks like a function, we have to convert to a polynomial, first, over a interval, and then we can work with it. When we do this, and a little more, we end up with a mathematics and a calculus that is ultra simple, ultra easy, ultra clear, and fun to work with. But because of the psychology of math professors and the social environment of math careers, we have this ugly mess of math and especially calculus as torture chambers, nightmares and nervous breakdowns. So horrid has math education become, that most students steer clear of mathematics. When in truth, once the errors of Old Math are fixed, that math is really the easiest of the physical sciences. It is the psychology and sociology that has made math the worst science and filled with error.

Cover Picture: My cover picture is my iphone photograph of my own handwriting of Decimal Grid Numbers, the numbers that replace the Reals of Old Math, plus the types of polynomials, sitting a-top a sheet of graphing paper. Those three dots after the numbers and polynomials means they continue and I have room to show only three kinds. Calculus is after all, a science of geometry for derivative is rate of change of dy to dx, and integral is after-all the area under the function graph.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C9P5F755
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 27, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 530 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 116 pages

#34-3, My 251st published book of science.

UNLEARNING NEGATIVE NUMBERS--Math History like never before-- a logical history //math-psychology-social sciences

by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)

Preface: This is the third book in the overhaul of specific mathematics topics. Previously I wrote on a overhaul of trigonometry and then a book on the overhaul of calculus where the mistakes and errors are corrected. But not only do I point out the mistakes and errors of that math subject material, but why those mistakes and errors are not fixed immediately and true math being taught, rather than destructive error filled math pounded into the minds of our youth. So the psychology and sociology enters the picture as to why teachers and math professors and those in math education continue to teach stifling error filled math. Why there is no overview and appraisal of math education, but just same old -same old error filled math. Why it takes decades for math professors to realize the truth of math, then make an about-face and teach true math.

Cover Picture: My iphone photo of plums on a Google search. My plums are beginning to ripen and I thought of using them as a model for why negative numbers are phony. Numbers have to denote quantity, and if we subtract 1,000 plums in each of those picture frames; then how many plums do we have remaining? A negative quantity of plums? No. Numbers are quantity, the negative and positive signage is a direction, not quantity. Physics has no negative quantity, but has a direction opposite to a positive direction. In subtraction, one can never remove more than what is available and create a negative entity.

Product details
• ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CD4WJZ7F
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 28, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 576 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 50 pages

y  z
|  /
| /
|/______ x

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium

PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium

Very crude dot picture of 5f6 magnetosphere of 231Pu Atom Totality.

A torus shape doing the Faraday Law inside of each and every atom. The Cosmos of Astronomy looks like this.
       .-'               `-.      
   .'     ::\ ::|:: /::   `.
 /        ::\::|::/::        \               
;             _ _             ;
|      ___( O )___      |     
;               - -             ;
 \         ::/::|::\::         /      
   `.     ::/ ::|:: \::      .'             
      `-    _____   .-'
One of those dots in the magnetosphere is the Milky Way galaxy. And
each dot represents another galaxy. The O is the Cosmic nucleus and
certainly not as dense as what Old Physics thought because in New Physics
the interior of atoms has the Faraday law with the donut hole occupied by neutrons as storage capacitors.

I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of spammers, govt-police drag net spam,off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  
2024-03-25 22:53:09 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
My 3rd published book
AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)
Ever since Ancient Greek Times it was thought the slant cut into a cone is the ellipse. That was false. For the slant cut in every cone is a Oval, never an Ellipse. This book is a proof that the slant cut is a oval, never the ellipse. A slant cut into the Cylinder is in fact a ellipse, but never in a cone.
AP: You have discussed much about polynomial forms. What is the polynoial form of this relationship?
y = e^x
