2024-03-24 15:02:15 UTC
The purpose this text is for establishing the bases for computational algorithm.
This file https://sourceforge.net/projects/cscall/files/MisFiles/RealNumber-en.txt/download
may be updated anytime.
| Real Number |
n-ary Fixed-Point Number::= Number represented by a string of digits, the
string may contain a plus/minus sign or a point:
<fixed_point_number>::= [-,+] <dstr1> [ . <dstr2> ]
<dstr1>::= <nzd> [{ 0, <nzd> } <nzd>]
<dstr2>::= { 0, <nzd> } <nzd>
<nzd> ::= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) // 'digit' varys depending on n-ary
Two n-ary fixed-point number x,y are equal iff their form as mentioned above
are identical.
Real Nunmber(ℝ)::= {x| x is represented by n-ary fixed-point number. The string
of digits of x may be infinitely long }
Note: This definition implies that repeating decimals are irrational number.
Let's list a common magic proof in the way as a brief explanation:
(1) x= 0.999...
(2) 10x= 9+x // 10x= 9.999...
(3) 9x=9
(4) x=1
Ans: There is no axiom or theorem to prove (1) => (2).
Real number is just this simple. The limit theory is a methodology for finding
derivative, nothing to do with what the real number is (otherwise, a definition
like the above must be defined in advance. Otherwise, latter dedution will be
difficult not to contain circular-reasoning).
| Limit |
Limit::= lim(x->a) f(x)=L
L is defined as the limit (a number) while x approaches a (f(a) may not
be defined, although, while f is continuous, L=f(a)). L is a defined value,
not "if something infinitely close ... then equal" (no such logic).
Ex1: A= lim(n->∞) 1-1/n= lim(n->0+) 1-n= lim 0.999...=1
B= lim(n->∞) 1+1/n= lim(n->0+) 1+n= lim 1.000..?=1
Ex2: A=lim(x->ℵ₀) f(x), B=lim(x->ℵ₁) f(x) // ℵ₀,ℵ₁ being proper or not is
// another issue here. But problematic
// for "finally equal" interpretation.
Limit defines A=B, does not mean the contents of the limit are equal. If the
"x approaches..., then equal" notion is adopted, lots of logical issues arise.
Note: The equation of limit may be questionable
lim(x->c) (f(x)*g(x))= (lim(x->c) f(x))*(lim(x->c) g(x)):
Let A=lim(n->∞) (1-1/n)= 1
A*A*..*A= ... = lim(n->∞) (1-1/n)^n // 1=1/e ?
| Restoring Interpretation of Calculus |
Assume calculus is basically the area problem of a function: Let F compute the
the area of f. From the meaning of area, we can have:
(F(x+h)-F(x)) ≒ (f(x+h)+f(x))*(h/2) // h is a sufficiently small (test)offset
<=> (F(x+h)-F(x))/h ≒ (f(x+h)+f(x))/2 // the limit(h->0) of rhs is f(x)
Expected property of F: (1)Error |lhs-rhs| strictly decreases with the tiny
(test) offset h (2)When h=0, lhs=rhs.
Because the h in the lhs cannot be 0, the basic problem of calculus is
finding such a F (or f) that satisfies the expected porperty above...Thus,
D(f(x))= lim(h->0) (F(x+h)-F(x))/h = f(x)
Note: Hope that this interpretation can avoid the interpretation of infinity
/infinitesimal, and provide more correct foundation for some theories
, e.g. Zeno paradoxes, repeating decimal,...,and more (exponiential,
Cantor set, infinite series...).
This file https://sourceforge.net/projects/cscall/files/MisFiles/RealNumber-en.txt/download
may be updated anytime.
| Real Number |
n-ary Fixed-Point Number::= Number represented by a string of digits, the
string may contain a plus/minus sign or a point:
<fixed_point_number>::= [-,+] <dstr1> [ . <dstr2> ]
<dstr1>::= <nzd> [{ 0, <nzd> } <nzd>]
<dstr2>::= { 0, <nzd> } <nzd>
<nzd> ::= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) // 'digit' varys depending on n-ary
Two n-ary fixed-point number x,y are equal iff their form as mentioned above
are identical.
Real Nunmber(ℝ)::= {x| x is represented by n-ary fixed-point number. The string
of digits of x may be infinitely long }
Note: This definition implies that repeating decimals are irrational number.
Let's list a common magic proof in the way as a brief explanation:
(1) x= 0.999...
(2) 10x= 9+x // 10x= 9.999...
(3) 9x=9
(4) x=1
Ans: There is no axiom or theorem to prove (1) => (2).
Real number is just this simple. The limit theory is a methodology for finding
derivative, nothing to do with what the real number is (otherwise, a definition
like the above must be defined in advance. Otherwise, latter dedution will be
difficult not to contain circular-reasoning).
| Limit |
Limit::= lim(x->a) f(x)=L
L is defined as the limit (a number) while x approaches a (f(a) may not
be defined, although, while f is continuous, L=f(a)). L is a defined value,
not "if something infinitely close ... then equal" (no such logic).
Ex1: A= lim(n->∞) 1-1/n= lim(n->0+) 1-n= lim 0.999...=1
B= lim(n->∞) 1+1/n= lim(n->0+) 1+n= lim 1.000..?=1
Ex2: A=lim(x->ℵ₀) f(x), B=lim(x->ℵ₁) f(x) // ℵ₀,ℵ₁ being proper or not is
// another issue here. But problematic
// for "finally equal" interpretation.
Limit defines A=B, does not mean the contents of the limit are equal. If the
"x approaches..., then equal" notion is adopted, lots of logical issues arise.
Note: The equation of limit may be questionable
lim(x->c) (f(x)*g(x))= (lim(x->c) f(x))*(lim(x->c) g(x)):
Let A=lim(n->∞) (1-1/n)= 1
A*A*..*A= ... = lim(n->∞) (1-1/n)^n // 1=1/e ?
| Restoring Interpretation of Calculus |
Assume calculus is basically the area problem of a function: Let F compute the
the area of f. From the meaning of area, we can have:
(F(x+h)-F(x)) ≒ (f(x+h)+f(x))*(h/2) // h is a sufficiently small (test)offset
<=> (F(x+h)-F(x))/h ≒ (f(x+h)+f(x))/2 // the limit(h->0) of rhs is f(x)
Expected property of F: (1)Error |lhs-rhs| strictly decreases with the tiny
(test) offset h (2)When h=0, lhs=rhs.
Because the h in the lhs cannot be 0, the basic problem of calculus is
finding such a F (or f) that satisfies the expected porperty above...Thus,
D(f(x))= lim(h->0) (F(x+h)-F(x))/h = f(x)
Note: Hope that this interpretation can avoid the interpretation of infinity
/infinitesimal, and provide more correct foundation for some theories
, e.g. Zeno paradoxes, repeating decimal,...,and more (exponiential,
Cantor set, infinite series...).