Post by Chris M. ThomassonPost by sobriquetPost by Chris M. Thomasson
Oh yeah, that's nice. Actually, it reminds me one of my geometry shaders
in GLSL that can build my field in real time, usually 50-60 fps. The
shader starts from points in a field, then builds the lines in real time
on the GPU.
It was a coding exercise in 1985, on a Commodore 64,
to result little shooting and exploding fireworks,
in 8 bit color and 8 bit sound.
One of the coolest little kits was the radio shack micro setup,
it had about 20KB in a unit the size of a pack of cigarettes
and a little micro keyboard, connected to UHF on channel 2, or 3.
About 1987.
Pre-dated the Apple Newton about 10 years, about 1/10 the cost.
Especially the micro keyboard.
About 1986 is was a lot of fun to make screen-savers
with Turbo Pascal on the Apples.
Yet, Logo and his Turtle is still a thing.
Indeed, Happy 4'th, Happy 4'th of July: Independence Day, U.S.A.