List of 76 fakes and mistakes in Physics// 137th book// Introduction to AP's TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS series, by Archimedes Plutonium
Currently the list of fakes in physics is 76, but the list of fakes of physics should be about 100 or more, far larger than list of math fakes, for math is a list of 50, and is a closed subject and a subset of physics. And I thought the list in math would be larger than that of physics when somewhat finished, due to the fact that physics has experiments as judge while math has a country clubhouse of like minded fools-kooks as judges. When you have biased kook fools judging whether true or false, many errors will occur. But what I had not counted on, is the sheer volume or bulk of true math versus true physics. Physics I would reckon covers thousands upon thousands of more topics, whereas mathematics that is true math is a tiny tiny house of topics in comparison to physics. It is metaphorically like comparing the Sun as physics, to Earth as mathematics. So, yes, there are more mistakes in mathematics per volume of that subject than in physics, but because physics is so large a subject in what it covers, there are more chances of total errors. My list of errors in math is 50 at the moment, and so when somewhat complete, the list of errors in physics should be 100 or more.
1) Big Bang theory is a joke, never a reality. And a outright contradiction of the Atomic theory, that all matter is composed of atoms. For all matter can be interchanged with "all things". If all things are atoms, then the universe itself , we must admit if we are logical thinkers, is "a thing" and thus the universe must be a atom also. Big Bang contradicts Logic. And if science is anything, it is logical.
2) When you find in the world, a Generalization of All Matter is made up of Atoms. You have to go with the Logic as the truth. If all Matter is atoms, then the Whole of the Universe is Matter, you must continue to the conclusion that the Whole is also an Atom. If you do not make that conclusion, you have to thence say-- All Matter except the Universe, and that is a silly end conclusion.
3) I need the list to be logical in order of importance, at least try to be logically ordered. Big Bang baloney is number 1 because Atom Totality is number 1. The second greatest physics fallacy is their screwing up of the 1897 Thomson particle they called the electron of 0.5MeV when it is the Dirac magnetic monopole that Thomson had found. It would not be until 1936 that the true electron of atoms is discovered and called the muon. What the 1897 screw-up mis-identity shows most of all, is that physicists throughout the 20th century never had a handle on what angular momentum means. If you understand angular momentum, you would realize that a proton at 938MeV and electron at 0.5MeV cannot support the existence of a hydrogen atom, or any atom for that sake.
4) Direct consequence of muon being the true electron, determines that the proton is 840MeV and the muon is stuck inside the proton doing a Faraday Law of producing new electricity by turning Space into electromagnetism. This is Dirac's new radioactivity and is the creation of new mass, matter in Space. This means all stars shine not from fusion, but from Faraday Law. Not only do stars grow more massive and bigger, but that all astro-bodies grow bigger. Meaning the Nebular Dust Cloud theory is a gigantic hoax for the growing of the Solar System.
5) Stars shine not from fusion, but from the muon thrusting through its proton coil. Every atom inside a star and every proton in that star is making new electricity from its muon thrusting through its proton 8 ring coil tokamak.
6) A direct consequence that the muon is stuck inside the proton in all experiments, is this Logical Principle, that in physics, every particle or subatomic particle has a function, a job, a task. Principles of Science are some of the most important teachings and understandings in science. One has a logical hole in the head if they think you can have particles of physics, and those particles have no job, no function, no task to perform. Existence in physics means-- a job to do.
7) A New Periodic Table of Chemical Elements must emerge from a mistaken electron as 0.5MeV when it truly is 105MeV, the muon. Such a table is based not on a Lewis structure of 8 but rather on 6. There are 6 successive elements in a row, and only 6 in a row. See AP's book for details: Research Notebook of AP on True Chemistry Periodic Table of Elements based on 6, not the error-filled table of Old Chemistry, Chemistry Series, book 5.
8) The thoughts and images of electrons in Old Physics and Old Chemistry were horrendously error filled. The first place I see this huge error is in Feynman Lectures on Physics, not that I want to pick on Feynman for he is one of my heroes, but rather I chose Feynman because his Lectures have been translated into almost all languages and his books widely available and known. On page 14-10 of Volume 1, Feynman has a Figure 14-5. Field between parallel plates. And it shows something like this
+ + + + +
- - - - -
Many book show the electron as a "-" inside a circle. Many chemistry books show the electron as that minus sign inside a circle, especially their battery and electrochemical section. Sometimes they show an electron as e- with a arrow indicating the direction of motion such as e- -> or a proton as p+ ->.
All of this picturing is false, for the geometry of the magnetic monopole is a closed loop, like the familiar hoola-hoop we played with as a youngster. So in true physics, we no longer have electrons as particles but rather as closed loops.
The cover picture of TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS is a picture of a battery with closed loops of magnetic monopoles as electricity and also a capacitor as a stacked closed loops of magnetic monopoles.
In New Physics we have to get away from the image of particles of plus or minus. We have to get rid of that error filled image and picture, and see electricity as the sending of closed loops that take the shape of the entire electric circuit at the speed of light. Just as my Stihl chainsaw battery gets low on electricity, is because most of the stacked loops of magnetic monopoles have been served out and run the circuit.
9) Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse".
Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.
A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.
The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).
Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.
Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.
Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.
Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.
A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.
In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.
Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.
10) The mathematics used in New Physics recognizes that Calculus is the pinnacle peak of math, and so, the calculus in New Physics uses only polynomial functions, no trigonometry, no logarithmic, no exponential, nothing but polynomials are used in New Physics. That means if a function were not a polynomial in physics, we have to convert it to a polynomial function before we can use it. We use the Lagrange transform or what I call the Polynomial Transform which in its most simple form is shown.
For 2 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1), we produce the 1st degree polynomial, a straightline or line segment
P(x) = y0(x-x1) / (x0-x1)
+ y1(x-x0) / (x1-x0)
For 3 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2), we produce the 2nd degree polynomial, a compilation-curve
P(x) = y0(x-x1)(x-x2) / (x0-x1)(x0-x2)
+y1(x-x0)(x-x2) / (x1-x0)(x1-x2)
+y2(x-x0)(x-x1) / (x2-x0)(x2-x1)
11) Since all functions in physics are polynomials, means all calculus used in physics is simply the Power Rule for derivative and Power Rule for integral.
12) Since math is so simple with the all functions being only polynomials, that means all the trigonometry is removed out of calculus.
13) No-one in physics really understood what Angular Momentum means. If anyone thought he/she understood, would have recognized that the hydrogen atom cannot exist under a 938MeV proton and a 0.5MeV electron. There is not enough angular momentum in that ratio. The minimum angular momentum for the existence of the Hydrogen atom is a ratio of 8 to 1, where the proton is 840MeV and electron= muon = 105MeV. See AP's book two books on Angular Momentum for details (1) Elementary Angular-Momentum and Gravity//Physics series for High School Book 8 and (2) Raw Research into ANGULAR-MOMENTUM DYNAMICS// Physics focus series, book 1. Angular Momentum is tough because the human mind is stuck in linear momentum, an unbound system, but angular momentum is like an electric circuit, a closed loop and a bound system. Angular Momentum is much like gravity itself, for gravity is a reflection of angular momentum, tough tough physics, for it eluded the best physicists, Maxwell, Dirac, Feynman.
14) It is a credit to Dirac to keep looking for the magnetic monopole for one of the greatest principles in all of physics, and thus all of science is Symmetry. Dirac was logically repulsed to the idea that electricity was quantized, but that magnetism is not quantized without a magnetic monopole. The desire to have logic-- symmetry must be upheld that kept Dirac going. Sadly, Dirac did not live to see his magnetic monopole is everywhere, every every where. But the lesson is important-- logical principles such as symmetry transcend all other evidence. Most physicists were boo boo booing Dirac, but as long as he held to logic of symmetry, it was just a matter of time that he won.
15) Nebular Dust Cloud theory is purely a hoax, for the Universe has some 10^11 planet systems, and to think that Nebular Dust is spread so evenly throughout the Universe, when supernova are rare, is a colossal logic brain dump. Each and every atom is growing bigger in the universe every second and minute of the day, just as Dirac said in his "new radioactivities" in his book "Directions in Physics". Only a half brain would need something as stupid silly as a Nebular Dust Cloud, here, there, and everywhere.
16) Direct consequence of Faraday law going on inside each and every atom means the Sun will go Red Giant phase starting now and completed in 140 million years where Earth is like Venus-- not habitable by life. Before the end of 1 to 10 million years hence forward of August 2020, if humanity has not colonized Mars, Europa, Pluto, there is a good chance humanity goes extinct.
17) The most important number in all of science for humanity, is the number for the yearly increase in Solar radiation by our Sun. As of year 2020, NASA has the figure pegged at 0.005% yearly increase in total solar radiation. This easily explains a loss of total Insects on Earth at 25% total insect biomass for the past decade. This is a huge alarm bell, for it means, unless humanity makes its future home on Europa, Mars and Pluto, the entire human species goes extinct, and as the Sun further goes Red Giant, humanity must constantly go further out away from the Sun.
18) Let me stop there about the mis-identification of the true electron, and talk about Principles of Logic, principles of reasoning, for most physicists lack a good enough brain of logic to do physics. You cannot teach logical thinking, but have to be borne with a logical mind. That is why it is so rare. You can teach logical mistakes, but you cannot reshape a mind or form a mind that is pure in logic, that thinks logically. And of course, well, the deficiency of most scientists, is lack of a logical mind. The Primal Axiom of Physics and of all of science is -- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. You would be surprised that few in physics truly understands the full meaning of that. For example, Einstein never heard of this axiom and never would understand it if he did hear it. I say that because, Einstein went chasing after "gravity" and came up with his stupid silly elevator analogy.
19) Another Principle of Logic, and why all physicists, even my heroes of Dirac and Feynman never understood Angular Momentum. They all knew Linear Momentum. They all knew that gravity makes things go in circles or closed loops. So, the question of logic is. Is there such a thing as Linear Momentum, or is it a generalized fiction? Is linear momentum purely a fake with its mass x velocity? So you have gravity as pulling on everything, and universal. Can you even have such a thing as linear momentum in this understanding? No, because when you talk of linear momentum, you just have not found the correct size radius of the Universe pulling on your mass. Linear Momentum and mass x velocity is a generalized fiction of physics. There are other fictions in physics such as centrifugal force, but the belief in Linear Momentum and all the mathematics generalization of using Mass times Velocity has caused huge amount of other fakery to permeate through and saturate physics.
20) Keeping this list in logical order of importance would be to follow the great Primal Axiom of Physics-- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. So the first mistake was Big Bang, the second mistake was mis-identity of the true electron. Following mistakes of Old Physics is their Unification of Forces, and that they followed a science nitwit of Einstein with his General Relativity, rather than follow the giant of physics of James Clerk Maxwell and continue on with electricity and magnetism as being gravity. No, most of the physicists of the 20th century were airheads following a fakester of Einstein. This is as much a lesson in sociology as is physics. If you follow someone, you better be sure he/she is correct thoroughly correct. Otherwise it is just idiotic hero worship.
Einstein General Relativity-- Einstein was so stupid in physics, that he never realized the only particle of physics that was perfect -- was the photon of electricity and magnetism. In other words, to do a Unification of Forces is as simple as detecting of the Most Perfect Physics Particle. Hence, the unification of forces of physics means it all boils down to electricity and magnetism. So gravity is electricity and magnetism. Yet there was that nitwit of physics Einstein trying to equate a rising or lowering elevator to a simulation program of gravity, far far too stupid to just say-- gravity is electricity and magnetism. Einstein, with no logical brains to reason with. Einstein even hated quantum mechanics and Einstein ended up more as a physics deluded con-artist.
21) Black Holes-- invented by the most ignorant and stupid physicists whose imagination wants to violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle and gain fame and fortune with a brain that has no logical marbles at all. Black hole people were followers of the deluded Einstein with his General Relativity. If you believe in black-holes, you really do not belong in science, and so stupid, that you probably would even fail science fiction. A simple test of any scientist,-- do you believe in black holes-- and shown the exit door of science as a career.
22) Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- this was invented by a group of logical brain dead physicists looking at galaxy rotations and seeing that there was not enough mass in Newton's law of gravity to account for this fast rotation of galaxies, these physicists opted for fame and fortune, rather than admit Electricity and Magnetism, not Newton gravity, causes galaxy rotation. Here again is the power of sociology of follow a leader-- Einstein and his deluded General Relativity. Much of the 20th century physics was a waste of time in following the delusions of Einstein, when it should have followed Maxwell of 1860s then Bohr's quantum mechanics.
23) Doppler Red Shift one of the horrendous follies of modern physics and astronomy. Please see AP's book to get the truth behind Doppler redshift. Doppler redshift (blueshift) has nothing to do with motion of source and cannot tell you distance//(Physics series for High School Book 6)
by Archimedes Plutonium
What the Doppler redshift & blueshift really are-- heat and magnetism shifts of 8 Rings of the proton in hydrogen. We are far closer together in the Universe than what the idiotic doppler redshift says.
24) Standard Model of Old Physics-- logical tripe, mind-rot physics, another group of physicists grasping for fame and fortune. So dumb were they, their subatomic particles have no job no task no function for subatomic particles, and they needed a Dirac magnetic monopole, but too stupid to realize they had a muon that did nothing in the Standard Model. There Standard Model was all built around silly algebras, fancy algebras that meant nothing, but kooks of physics cannot resist fame and fortune and they glue onto tripe. And they assigned the 1897 Thomson 0.51MeV particle as the electron, when in truth the muon was the true electron. Standard Model physics is the dumbest collection of physicists the world has ever seen in particle physics. You really do not get any dumber than this in physics, when all you do is peddle push math Algebras and have particles that have no function, no task, no job. Airhead physics is what the Standard Model is, and was.
25) Generalization or Idealization in science is usually fakery it starts with the premiss that one knows what is going on and just trimming away all the rest of the universe to explain the situation. The opposite of Generalization or Idealization is that of Modeling. Modeling starts with the premiss we know little about something and use a model to try to fathom what is going on. You see the major difference? Generalization and Idealization assumes we know it all, and doing the generalization and idealization to make the explanation simple. But in fact we know little about the subject and the generalization and idealization makes the entire topic a fakery. A typical display of generalization/idealization is when the professor runs to the blackboard and draws a point particle and ascribes it with mass and velocity in a direction and then hammers out formulas. All as if we know everything about this item and just simplifying. Much of Old Physics is this generalization and idealization, for it is easy on the math. Only problem is, the generalization and idealization are not reality. Much of the mathematics and conclusions in Feynman Lectures on Physics are from generalization and idealization.
Modeling however is not arrogant but a recognition at the outset that we hope to discover truth and facts of the problem. So we model the problem with something better known. A great example of modeling is the photon or light wave modeled by the DNA and RNA of biology.
26) Principle of Modeling: when we are in the dark about some physics, it is required that we model that phenomenon to gain more knowledge of what truly is going on. This does not mean that models are correct, for many times the model leads to fakery. A good example is the planets going around the sun was used to model the atom interior as electrons going around a nucleus. It was a wrong model for the better model was a proton torus of rings and the electron muon thrusting through the rings in a Faraday law. The Principle of Modeling is a recognition we do not know the physical reality and are using a tool to model the phenomenon.
27) The photon or light wave is very complex and we have a great model of the photon as DNA or RNA of biology. Whenever we want to think about what a photon is, we project our thoughts upon DNA and RNA and model what the interior and exterior of light wave is. This idea that light wave and DNA are replicas of one another was invented by AP in the 1990s and AP wrote many books on this idea. It is present day research and it is the focus of attention of many concepts of physics, biology and other sciences. The idea that photon writ large is DNA, is a major advance in physics. Of course in Old Physics, there mistake was they had photon and light wave as a sinusoid ( a math curve that is nonexistent) and just an up and down buffoon bobbing. In AP's light wave = DNA offers rich structure, an interior and exterior.
28) Light wave can be both longitudinal as in radio waves or transverse as in waves higher in frequency than 17777 meters wavelength 17777 Hz frequency (the square root of speed of light).
29) Light is always a closed loop stretching all the way around back to its source. This gives what is called Quantum Entanglement. In Old Physics they viewed a light wave as having a head and a tail.
30) Light Waves modeled as DNA and RNA, especially the closed loop mitochondrial DNA makes us realize the rich internal structure of photons, light waves, and this is how first life began, as a materialized light wave spilling its internal structure inside a capacitor. In Old Physics their light wave was just a bobbing up and down of a point in space, no structure, no nothing.
31) Higgs Mechanism-- Peter Higgs is likely to go down in physics history as the "magnanimous buffoon of Standard Model physics". How stupid is Peter in mass mechanism? That fool never even knew what angular momentum was, or meant, and here his big mouth is wide open on mass creation. I say that because if anyone knew what angular momentum means in physics, they straight-away knows that a hydrogen atom cannot exist with proton 938MeV, electron 0.5MeV. For hydrogen atom to exist you need a ratio of proton = 840MeV, electron=muon= 105MeV. Higgs's electron of 0.5MeV, proton at 938MeV would make all hydrogen atoms dissolve on the spot, due to lack of angular momentum. And Old Physics gives such a buffoon a Nobel prize in physics. The Nobel prize no longer has any meaning with so many mistakes, in fact, in the future, it will be an embarrassment to win the Nobel prize, I for one refuse to have it and be put on a list of dumb fools of physics. I mean, well Archimedes Plutonium on a list with Einstein and Higgs. They should give the Nobel prize in physics to Hollywood airheads from now on out.
32) Cosmic Background Radiation, gravity waves, neutron stars, more and more physics mindrot. More and more "gone astray" from General Relativity and Big Bang b.s.
33) Let me switch to something entirely different-- Superconductivity. Sure, superconductivity exists, but the complaint is the ignorant interpretation as given by BCS theory, a interpretation of their 0.5MeV particles pairing together. When, all that Superconductivity is, is a Capacitor phenomenon. At a cold temperature, all the electricity stays put, no loss. And as soon as you connect the capacitor, it all flows, no resistance, no loss. Superconductivity is Capacitor perfection. That is why there is no AC superconductivity.
34) The viewpoint of electricity as particles or waves is fakery in Old Physics, with their electron as electricity when it is really magnetic monopoles as waves that is electricity.
35) Maxwell Equations needed refurbishing early in the 20th century when the age of electricity with Tesla and Edison was thriving. Trouble is, Old Physics was deep in distraction with Quantum Mechanics. The highest priority was to fix Maxwell Equations, not with the details of Quantum Mechanics, but then the age of atomic weapons plunged more interest in Quantum Mechanics and not electricity and magnetism. Also given the silly stupid General Relativity as fakery mixing up the waters even worse. But by the start of electric power stations circa 1895, which ironically, Thomson would discover a particle in 1897 which is the particle of electricity-- the magnetic monopole. So, why did Old Physics leave the Maxwell Equations of 1860s in a state of disrepair. The Maxwell Equations of 1860s were mostly mistakes except for Faraday law and Ampere law.
36) Maxwell Equations should have been based on Ohm's law. Take one of the laws of electricity and magnetism, the most simple in mathematical form and use it as basis foundation of all the other laws of EM. New Ohm's law V=iBL.
37) EM has no electric field, for the Voltage is the electric field. So that was a big mistake of Old Physics.
38) There is a magnetic monopole and it is often found to be the 0.5MeV particle. So Gauss's law was wrong.
39) Once you make New Ohm's law the basis of EM math and theory, then all the permutations of derivative of V= iBL serves as the newly revised Maxwell Equations.
40) And here we see again the Logical Weakness in making the Maxwell Equations, same logical weakness in forming the Unification of Forces in Physics. When you have a collection of items to unify into one or to unify into a synthesis, the basis of the unification or the basis of the synthesis is to chose the "most perfect item" and then have it form the rest. In the case of forces, we pick the most perfect interacting particle of the 4 forces and it naturally is the photon light wave, hence EM is the unification force and the other three forces are just a multiple of EM. In the case of Maxwell Equations of EM, we pick the most perfect math form of the laws, and it is not Coulomb's inverse square nor is it Faraday and Ampere with their division format. No, it is New Ohm's law math format of Voltage = current x magnetic field x angular momentum. A math form of A = BCD, like in geometry the volume of a rectangular box. The easiest most perfect math form is what to base your EM equations upon.
41) Once you have the Maxwell Equations based on V= iBL and all its calculus permutations, then we see that 1860's Maxwell Equations had many terms missing in Faraday law, in Ampere law even in the Capacitor Law of V' = (iBL)'.
42) Then we see that due to All is Atom and Atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism and the fact the highest equation in physics is of form V = iBL, we learning the stunning fact that mathematics volume is the highest equation in mathematics also. We see that in chemistry the Ideal Gas Law is really just a form of V= iBL.
43) From the revised equations of EM, based upon V = iBL we realize that calculus needs a 3rd dimension calculus, for the calculus of Old Math and Old Physics had no 3rd dimensional calculus at all. And what 3D Calculus turns out to be is the angular momentum and the force of gravity. AP's sophomore college textbook is devoted to the 3rd dimension calculus.
44) Having fixed calculus by extending it to the 3rd dimension, we realize that in astronomy where they never heard of 3D calculus, that the numbers on planet Mercury required there to be a mass of some kind of moon. Turns out, it is a Cloud of Magnetic Monopoles that is the moon of Mercury. AP names this cloud-moon as Willis.
45) In researching why dragonflies grew so gigantic in size, as a result of a different gravity on Earth, in that Earth was 1/8 the mass in the Devonian geological period, that gigantism can flourish in that sort of low gravity. AP proposes the Growing Earth theory of Dirac's "new radioactivity" all because muon thrusting through proton coil.
46) In news of 2020 that Earth lost 25% of the total insect biomass in the prior decade, and linking up that fact with the NASA data of a increase in Solar radiation of 0.005% per year for the past decade, implies that the Sun has initiated Red Giant phase. It is unclear whether the planet Earth is made uninhabitable in 1-10 million years or for sure in 140 million years. Old Physics pegged the Red Giant phase in 4 billion years. AP peggs the phase starting 2020. We will go extinct unless we can colonize Mars, Europa, Pluto.
47) In Old Physics, physics is seen as mostly algebra and calculus math. In New Physics, we see physics as math, divided into two dual houses. One is algebra calculus and the other is a geometry format. The algebra of Faraday law is i' = (V/(BL) )' the geometry description of Faraday law is "a thrusting bar magnet through a closed loop wire produces a electric current". Actually the geometry side of physics is far more instructive and far more of knowing what is truly going on. So Old Physics only stressed the algebra side of physics. New Physics stresses the geometry side as more important.
48) In Old Physics the Bohr model of the atom is all wrong. Bohr never assigned jobs, tasks, functions of subatomic particles. And Bohr was going from the shoddy interpretation of the Rutherford gold leaf experiment where it was claimed a nuclear center with tiny electrons orbiting the massive tiny nucleus. A sort of Sun solar system model, only this time the interior of atoms. Truth is, the muon and proton are doing a Faraday law and that requires a torus ring for the proton with muon inside thrusting through. No nucleus in New Physics. And we need to do over entirely the Rutherford experiment.
49) The interior of atoms are toruses of protons with muon inside making electricity from Space and then storage of the electricity in neutron capacitors. This is how every atom grows, and how the universe itself grows and becomes more massive with time.
50) A dumb duplication of concepts, Old Physics had. For Old Physics had electric field and had the same concept in voltage. Shows that no-one in Old Physics had a complete command of the subject. One could fault James Clerk Maxwell, but I rather credit him for synthesis of all the scattered laws of electricity and magnetism. But there was no reason that those in the 20th century let this huge error pass.
51) The huge error of "charge" in Old Physics. This was one of AP's most horrible error to get rid of. It comes from horses charging in the 18th century, the time of Ben Franklin and others. And we still have "horsepower" as power unit in physics, where we convert to watts in electricity. Charge is replaced in New Physics with a "vector direction". And come to think of it, logically, charge could not have been thrown out of Old Physics, until the Dirac magnetic monopole was widely known and recognized. Just as, we cannot understand in a weather storm the lightening bolt and what it is, until we know and are familiar with what electricity is. Of all the mistakes in Old Physics, one of the toughest to fix for AP was certainly that of "charge". A nice word that replaces "charge" is simple say "pole". Words like "juice" for electricity is abhorrent to a scientist, and so should be the word "charge".
52) Neutral currents in Old Physics in their unification of weak nuclear with electromagnetism was a joke. Once you have the 0.5MeV particle as the Dirac magnetic monopole, the "neutral current was a laughable joke.
53) Logic Principle: focus in on anything perfect in physics, such as the photon light wave is the only perfect particle of physics which leads to the EM unification of all the 4 forces of physics. But mathematics has a "perfect formula or equation" which is volume of Space. Volume of Space takes the form of V = A*B*C. Perfect math form for volume translates into physics as Voltage = iBL. But this perfect math form also translates into chemistry ideal gas law of P = nRT(1/Volume) which when reduced is of the form P = A*B*C, just like Voltage = iBL.
54) Physics and mathematics have at most 3 dimensions. There exists no 4th dimension, or higher. Dimension of space stops with the 3rd dimension.
55) The highest and most perfect math formulas of Physics are of form V = A*B*C, and where this volume type of formula V = ABC is energy and volume of Space.
56) Old Physics made a big mistake with Sound Waves. They made the mistake that Sound does not involve electricity and magnetism, the EM wave spectrum. To correct their mistake, all they needed to do is recognize what is called the DeBroglie pilot wave. A radio wave is the source of all Sound waves.
57) Old Physics screwed up badly on the concept of "mole" in physics and chemistry. All they really needed to say was divide the mass of the proton+muon into 1 gram. And the true number of mole is not 6.02*10^23 but is rather 5.98*10^23.
58) Old Physics and Old Chemistry screwed up badly on the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements because their table is based not upon the structure of the proton and muon but on the elusive particle of the magnetic monopole which is produced as a byproduct of the muon and proton. Old Chemistry had a Lewis structure based upon 8, when even those in chemistry could see that the P orbital has only 6 number, not 8. AP's New Periodic Table of Elements is based on 6, not 8.
59) All of radioactivity teaching in Old Physics must be revised since the 0.5MeV particle is not the electron of atoms but the Dirac magnetic monopole. Why is AP the first scientist to see that Faraday Law is the same as Radioactivity Disintegration Law.
60) Radioactive decay is a subject that needs massive overhaul in Old Physics for they got all the different subatomic particles mixed-up. The 0.5MeV particle is along with the positron, are magnetic monopoles and not decay but rather emission of electricity produced by Faraday law of muon and proton. And real radioactive decay of a hydrogen atom or helium atom etc etc must be viewed and taught in the perspective of breaking apart a many ringed toruses of protons. The collision of a neutron capacitor with a many ringed proton toruses is New Physics radioactivity.
61) Double Slit Experiment error: Old Physics thought of a light ray as ^v^v^v^v^v^ that is open ended, not closed. And that viewpoint of light causes all those impossible and unexplainable mysteries in the Double Slit Experiment. On the other hand, if you go to explain the Double Slit with light as a closed loop straight line segment, all the mysteries disappear. So the idea that all of the Double Slit Experiment strangeness is solved and resolved by simply recognizing light wave as a thin closed loop ray, whose source is part of the closed loop.
62) Old Physics along with Old Biology got photosynthesis wrong. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: summary of how it works-- air of CO2 molecules, Animal-CO2 (not Fire-CO2) enters the stoma opening to the magnesium atom capacitor. And sunlight shines on the capacitor. The sunlight is turned into electricity and stored inside the magnesium capacitor. So much electricity is stored that as a Animal-CO2 molecule touches the capacitor, it strips off the carbon C atom and leaves behind a O2 molecule. This stripped off C atom immediately comes in contact with water molecule H2O and with the capacitor energy is transformed into CH2O. This newly minted sugar hydrocarbon CH2O is stacked up forming a "tail" in the magnesium capacitor. This CH2O can be further combined with other CH2O molecules forming various other sugars such as C_6 H_12 O_6.
63) Logic Principle of Symmetry. The Dirac magnetic monopole was extremely extremely important for all of Physics, in a sense, all of physics falls apart if we have asymmetry in the major structure of atoms. Atoms are symmetrical. So to have quantization of electricity, you must have quantization of magnetism. Pure and simple.
64) Principle of Symmetry brings me again to the magnetic monopole. Of course, well, symmetry is what drove Dirac to know it exists, even though he faced a mountain of physics idiots. Principles of Logic are far better than observations and formulas and equations. For, notice, that the electricity had a pole and a opposite pole of what they called the positron versus their 0.5MeV particle. So they had two particles of opposite pole, but, they somehow wanted to be stupid about having two poles for magnetism. And this brings up a whole new Logic Principle.
65) Principle of Close Loop Symmetry, the Circuit of Physics. Electricity never never exists unless it is closed loop circuit. The electricity inside a capacitor is a closed loop. The electricity in a wire is a closed loop circuit. In order to have a closed loop circuit you must have a north pole and a south pole, a positron and its opposite direction particle what Old Physics called the 0.5MeV particle. So, by logic, if we have electricity having two poles, we must have magnetism with two poles. Since we have the existence of a positron pole, and the existence of its opposite pole in electricity, we likewise must have the existence of a north magnetic monopole and a south magnetic monopole. In fact, the positron itself is the north magnetic monopole and the Thomson particle of 0.5MeV is the south magnetic monopole.
When you do the Faraday Law, you peel off monopoles of magnetism and those monopoles form dipoles as electricity flow in the closed loop wire.
66) Let me change direction here for a moment and talk about mistakes and errors of mathematics used in Old Physics. Of course, well all the mathematics ever used in physics comes from a math form of A = B*C*D and that form is the math of volume of geometry space. It is the form of New Ohm's law and of the chemistry Ideal Gas Law. That form is the most highest math you will every need to know to do physics. A simple multiplication of three factors to make a fourth quantity. Of course, it gets a little more complicated when we do the derivative of A = B*C*D but not much complicated for our math in all of physics is polynomial functions. That means easy easy super easy derivative and integrals since it is easy because all polynomials are dispatched by the Power Rule of Calculus. So in New Physics we have no math to scare us with complexity or difficulty. Math in New Physics is so simple and easy, that by junior and senior year High School we can learn all the math we need to do everything in physics. And math after High School is just details of High School math.
Now I bring that up for an important reason, not just because I covered all of this in my series Teaching True Mathematics, but I bring it up because the Maxwell Equations of Old Physics were mired in error and mistakes and were utterly too hard for most people in college, even the professors of math and science. It was rare to find anyone in the physics dept of colleges who even were fluid in doing the Old Physics Maxwell Equations. And it was rare that any math professor could even teach the Maxwell Equations, simple because they never really understood them. In the Teaching True Mathematics by AP textbook series, I cover all the Maxwell Equations so that the student can master them by 1st year college. But these are no longer the Old Physics Maxwell Equations but the AP New Physics EM equation, far different from the historic classical Maxwell Equations. Far different and super easy and simple.
One of the reasons so many in Old Physics chose the path of the silly ignorant General Relativity, was because in GR, you still always use Newton's gravity and make just tiny slight changes. But in Maxwell Equations of 1860, you had four equations that most physicists, even Einstein never grasped. It was too hard for them. And that is probably the reason they ended up with a Gauss law of -- no magnetic monopole. But in New Physics AP's EM equations, we easily see Ampere's law derivative of magnetic field and from Faraday's law derivative of current, that the two are symmetrically the same, implying the two require a full closed loop circuit, further implying both need a two pole electricity and a two pole magnetism. Just as electric monopoles exist, so too must magnetic monopoles exist.
67) Sigma Error is part of probability and statistics theory, but was seen as a outlier in Old Physics. Seen as a practice, not as a internal feature of physics. And that is a shame because if someone had paid more attention to the practice of Sigma Error in experiments and observations, then the discovery the real proton is 840MeV not 938 and the real electron is the muon at 105MeV, would have been discovered earlier than AP's 2016-2017 discovery. AP's second most famous science discovery after the Atom Totality. For it was the notice of AP that 938 is close to 945, and that 105 subtract 940 is the proton mass in MeV, all well under Sigma Error.
68) Sigma Error Logic Principle in Physics: If we come so close in numbers to related phenomenon such as 945/938 = sigma error of 0.7%, then we take that as the true proton 840MeV, true electron is muon at 105MeV. The related phenomenon is 9 x 105 = 945, implying that there are 9 rings, 9 muon rings involved in proton and muon.
69) Divisional Numeric and Coefficient Relationship of Physics Constants. This is an extremely important math to physics relationship all invented by AP in the course of writing his books of science. An example here goes a long way in understanding. The Planck constant, the speed of light constant, the Boltzmann constant, the Fine Structure Constant all come easily from EM constant numbers. See my several books published on how they are derived.
70) The Light Wave as a closed loop circuit has not been understood in Old Physics. Their light wave was like an arrow with a front head and a rear tail. In New Physics the light wave is like a closed loop extension cord of electricity. Long and thin, but still a closed loop. This geometry is extremely important for it misguided Old Physics into thinking the Double Slit Experiment was mysterious when it was not. Misguided Old Physics into thinking "slow light" was mysterious when it was not for if you turn off the switch in a BEC slow light experiment, all the light disappears in the experiment, even the light inside the BEC. And quantum entanglement is now crystal clear as the connection all along the closed loop and the source.
71) We know half as much about the Tesla coil for wireless electricity transmission that we should know, by now. We spend far far too much time and money on superconductivity and fusion energy which is rumdummy science, because superconductivity is not the BCS b.s., no, but is merely capacitor theory. Superconductivity is just capacitor science, nothing more and we spend too much time and money on it, when we should be spending it on Tesla coil wireless electricity. The fusion energy is another huge squander of time and money, since the universe is a Faraday Law, not a fusion world. We should spend and devote our time on Tesla coil, especially when our Sun is now in a Red Giant phase which is quite noticeable in 2020 with the loss of 25% of insect biomass in the past 10 years.
72) Red Giant phase of stars starts once a star reaches a mass of 2*10^33 grams. Our Sun has initiated that phase and all life on Earth will go extinct or vanish unless it moves to the outskirts of the Solar System. We have evidence of this in the loss of 25% of all Insect biomass in just the past decade. Vast losses of song birds whose eyes cannot bear that amount of UV. And we see it in accelerated polar ice melt due to a 0.005% yearly rise in solar radiation.
73) The Old Physics mistake of thinking starpower is due to fusion is all wrong and such a big mistake that it may cost humanity the price of extinction and oblivion, should humanity not colonize Europa, Mars, Pluto in time.
74) A Titius-Bode Rule of Star Systems also has a 4 then 4 rule for mass, the first four are rocky planets, the next 4 are gas giants not because of the stupid silly General Relativity, but because all of physics is electricity and magnetism driven physics. Where the spacing of planets is a Titius-Bode Rule because that is a Balmer-Rydberg sequence of spectral lines also electricity and magnetism driven.
75) The Rydberg sequence predicts the most massive planet comes within the second 4 then 4 astrobodies.
76) The Rydberg constant is more precisely that of the pure scale number 10000000 m^-1 and not the number value 10973731 m^-1. This must be so because the speed of light is precisely the value of 3.16*10^8m/s as the coefficient is exactly the square root of 10 = 3.1622776...
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