Kibo Parry Moroney stalks "AnalButtfuckManure Attacks" Dartmouth's Philip J. Hanlon, Stanford's Marc Tessier-Lavigne with his 10 OR 6 = 16; his ellipse a conic when it never was; his proton to electron at 938 to 0.5 MeV when in truth..
(too old to reply)
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-14 15:56:31 UTC
Kibo Parry Moroney stalks "AnalButtfuckManure Attacks" Stanford's Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Persis S. Drell, Rutgers Jonathan Holloway with his 10 OR 6 = 16; his ellipse a conic when it never was; his proton to electron at 938 to 0.5 MeV when in truth it is 840 to 105 MeV, kibo says "Cult of Failure."

Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 13, 2020, 12:26 AM
Tunicate of Math and Sea Squirt of Physics
"I ate my brain"
"Rum Demon, Eat Pus Chili".
Michael Moroney wrote:
Aug 13, 2020, 11:10 PM
Mouse of Math and Shrimp of Physics
"signifying nothing."
Wow! I didn't know you enjoyed my anagrams that much! As I told you that if >you attacked me I strike back, and lawsuite threats are certainly attacks! So I
will have to crank up the anagram generators!!
then I walk into the courtroom with box after box marked with labels such as
"AnalButtfuckManure Attacks"
Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 13, 2020, 4:10 PM
spell "Cane him! Lime Turd Soup!".
Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 10, 2020, 5:42 PM
Math Failure
spell "Maul Hot Penis Cum Ride".
Michael Moroney stalked:
2:43 PM
Still the army of diseased cats?
He will corrupt the minds of your children!
Cult of Failure. He is trying to convince
students to worship his evil
"wasn't bolted down too tight in the first place"
flunked the math test of a lifetime-generation test
Aug 10, 2020, 10:13 PM
rearranged, spell "Oh Mum! Ride-A-Penis Cult!".
Hahahahahaha!!!!! Not only did Stupid
get his butt kicked big time,
he doesn't even realize he got his butt kicked!
Juno has been supplying excellent science for years! Hardly "crippled"!
AP writes: Dr. Panchanathan, please review the NSF funds, and see if NSF is paying for a crazy insane Kibo to stalk real scientists on Usenet for 27 years. A gross abuse of taxpayer dollars. Juno was crippled in mission at the outset because NASA never realized the full magnetic field of Jupiter.
And to have Kibo Parry Moroney a clown of science with his 938 is 12% short of 945, posting in sci.physics is a joke on whatever the science topic is.
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
Michael Moroney stalked:
1:42 PM
Well, nymshifter, it's quite easy to know if it's a nutjob posting, and that
it's guaranteed wrong. Same
as for a few others,
Also, if it's your current
nymshift of the week, guaranteed nutjob
Michael Moroney stalked:
1:08 AM
annoys himself with anagrams. He knows perfectly well that if he attacks
me he gets anagrams in response. Since he continues to attack me, I can only
conclude he actually enjoys the anagrams.
Michael Moroney stalked:
7:30 AM
"figures out" anything is
he'll pull an idea from his butt, then he sniffs it and admires it, then he
sniffs it and admires it some more, before he finally has a Megatard Moment
when he declares his idea, no matter how loony, to be The Truth. Science and
Math content: 0%. Evidence: 0%.
Kibo Parry Moroney stalker of 27 years of scientists, or, paid for stalker? The 27 year long stalking of AP by kibo Parry Moroney make one think that the NSF, National Science Foundation is paying for kibo Parry to stalk, paying him and World std perhaps $100 of taxpayer dollars for every stalking post that Kibo emits. So yes, if you are paid such easy money just to post ad hominem spam, then you too would probably want some of that almost free money.

---quoting Wikipedia ---
Many government and university installations blocked, threatened to block, or attempted to shut-down The World's Internet connection until Software Tool & Die was eventually granted permission by the National Science Foundation to provide public Internet access on "an experimental basis."
--- end quote ---


Dr. Panchanathan
France Anne Cordova
Subra Suresh
Arden Lee Bement Jr.
Rita R. Colwell
Neal Francis Lane
John Howard Gibbons 1993

Barry Shein, kibo parry std world
Jim Frost, Joe "Spike" Ilacqua

Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 3, 2020, 10:42:29 PM
Mouse of Math and Shrimp of Physics
"signifying nothing."
rearranged, spell "Erica: Nude mom, hip slut".
Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 3, 2020, 10:42:29 PM
Mouse of Math and Shrimp of Physics
"signifying nothing."
rearranged, spell "Erica: Nude mom, hip slut".
Michael Moroney stalked:
1:34 AM
to sci.physics
Physics Failure
"fruitcake of physics"
For it's the latest Megatard Moment
Even more megatatded than
his covid "cure" he pulled from his butt, sniffed it, admired its aroma
rearranged, spell "Mom: Epic hair, nude slut"
14-Nicholas Thompson, Wired magazine// Kibo Parry Moroney, stalker sickfuck gets published in Wired for his 938 is 12% short of 945, Yoo, Nick, why not publish John Baez or Steven Weinberg with his 938MeV proton, 0.5MeV electron which a hydrogen atom ceases to exist

Quoting Wikipedia—
In the early 1990s, as public awareness grew of the Internet and Usenet, Parry received publicity, including a cover story in Wired magazine..
Nicholas Thompson, editor in chief, Wired magazine

LIST of Failed Physicists because they still believe electron is 0.5MeV, in no order, and so very stupid are they in physics, for they could not even understand the physics of angular momentum of two particles 938 to 0.5 rather than 840 to 105 MeV so that a hydrogen atom can exist in a 840 to 105 ratio, never a 938 to 0.5 ratio

Peter Higgs
Rainer Weiss
Kip S. Thorne
Barry C. Barish
David J. Thouless
F. Duncan M. Haldane
John M. Kosterlitz
Takaaki Kajita
Arthur B. McDonald
Francois Englert
Saul Perlmutter
Brian P. Schmidt
Adam G. Riess
Makoto Kobayashi
Toshihide Maskawa
Yoichiro Nambu
John C. Mather
George F. Smoot
Roy J. Glauber
David J. Gross
Hugh David Politzer
Frank Wilczek
Raymond Davis Jr.
Masatoshi Koshiba
Riccardo Giacconi
Gerardus 't Hooft
Martinus J.G. Veltman
Jerome I. Friedman
Henry W. Kendall
Richard E. Taylor
Carlo Rubbia
Simon van der Meer
William Alfred Fowler
Kenneth G. Wilson
James Watson Cronin
Val Logsdon Fitch
Sheldon Lee Glashow
Steven Weinberg
little fishes
Max Tegmark
layers of error thinking physics Re: 2-Comparative Analysis of failures of Logic with failures of Physics// one thinks 3 OR 2 =5 with 3 AND 2 = 1 while the other thinks proton to electron is 938MeV vs .5MeV when truly it is 840MeV to 105MeV

Physical Review Letters: Proton Mass
Yi-Bo Yang, Jian Liang, Yu-Jiang Bi, Ying Chen, Terrence Draper, Keh-Fei Liu, Zhaofeng Liu
more and more layers of error thinking physics
John Baez
Brian Greene
Lisa Randall
Alan H. Guth
Michael E. Brown
Konstantin Batygin
Ben Bullock
Larry Harson
Mark Barton, PhD in Physics, The University of Queensland, physicist with National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Answered Aug 26, 2013 · Author has 8.7k answers and 10.3m answer views
None at all - he was a raving nutter.
Richard A. Muller, crank at Berkeley
Edward Witten


AP writes: Nicholas, so you give front cover to a 27 year long stalker like James Kibo Parry? Yoo, Nick, why not give front page coverage to John Baez, Steven Weinberg with his proton 938 MeV, electron 0.5 MeV which hydrogen atom would fall apart.

#1-3, 74th published book

HISTORY OF THE PROTON MASS and the 945 MeV //Atom Totality series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

In 2016-2017, AP discovered that the real proton has a mass of 840 MeV, not 938. The real electron was actually the muon and the muon stays inside the proton that forms a proton torus of 8 rings and with the muon as bar magnet is a Faraday Law producing magnetic monopoles. So this book is all about why researchers of physics and engineers keep getting the number 938MeV when they should be getting the number 840 MeV + 105 MeV = 945 MeV.

Cover Picture is a proton torus of 8 rings with a muon of 1 ring inside the proton torus, doing the Faraday Law and producing magnetic monopoles.
Length: 16 pages

Product details
File Size: 699 KB
Print Length: 16 pages
Publication Date: December 18, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

#8-1, 3rd published book

AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Ever since Ancient Greek Times it was thought the slant cut into a cone is the ellipse. That was false. For the slant cut in every cone is a Oval, never an Ellipse. This book is a proof that the slant cut is a oval, never the ellipse. A slant cut into the Cylinder is in fact a ellipse, but never in a cone.

Length: 21 pages

File Size: 1620 KB
Print Length: 21 pages
Publication Date: March 11, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

#8-2, 11th published book

World's First Geometry Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus// Math proof series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Calculus needs a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. But none could ever be obtained in Old Math where they had a ill-defined infinity; they had the fakery of Limit concept; and they had the fakery of a continuum.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus basically says the integral is inverse to the derivative and the derivative is inverse to the integral. By inverse is meant that you can go to one given the other and vice versa, such as add is the inverse of subtract, so if we had 10 + 4 = 14 then the inverse is subtract 4 and we have 14-4 = 10 back to 10 where we started from. And the geometry proof involves a rectangle and a right triangle hinged atop a trapezoid. You hinge it one direction you have dy*dx for area of a rectangle for integral area. You hinge it the other direction you have the dy/dx for slope or derivative from the trapezoid formed.

Sad that Old Math was so full of ill-defined concepts and fake concepts that never was a geometry proof of FTC ever possible in Old Math.

Length: 29 pages

Product details
File Size: 1225 KB
Print Length: 29 pages
Publication Date: March 14, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #128,729 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#134 in Calculus (Books)
#20 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
Professor Wordsmith
2020-08-14 16:06:56 UTC
"Ammo: Uncured Shit pile"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-14 16:18:28 UTC
Kibo Parry Moroney stalks "AnalButtfuckManure Attacks" Stanford's Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Persis S. Drell, Rutgers Jonathan Holloway with his 10 OR 6 = 16; his ellipse a conic when it never was; his proton to electron at 938 to 0.5 MeV when in truth it is 840 to 105 MeV, kibo says "Cult of Failure."

Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 13, 2020, 12:26 AM
Tunicate of Math and Sea Squirt of Physics
"I ate my brain"
"Rum Demon, Eat Pus Chili".
Michael Moroney wrote:
Aug 13, 2020, 11:10 PM
Mouse of Math and Shrimp of Physics
"signifying nothing."
Wow! I didn't know you enjoyed my anagrams that much! As I told you that if >you attacked me I strike back, and lawsuite threats are certainly attacks! So I
will have to crank up the anagram generators!!
then I walk into the courtroom with box after box marked with labels such as
"AnalButtfuckManure Attacks"
Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 13, 2020, 4:10 PM
spell "Cane him! Lime Turd Soup!".
Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 10, 2020, 5:42 PM
Math Failure
spell "Maul Hot Penis Cum Ride".
Michael Moroney stalked:
2:43 PM
Still the army of diseased cats?
He will corrupt the minds of your children!
Cult of Failure. He is trying to convince
students to worship his evil
"wasn't bolted down too tight in the first place"
flunked the math test of a lifetime-generation test
Aug 10, 2020, 10:13 PM
rearranged, spell "Oh Mum! Ride-A-Penis Cult!".
Hahahahahaha!!!!! Not only did Stupid
get his butt kicked big time,
he doesn't even realize he got his butt kicked!
Juno has been supplying excellent science for years! Hardly "crippled"!
AP writes: Dr. Panchanathan, please review the NSF funds, and see if NSF is paying for a crazy insane Kibo to stalk real scientists on Usenet for 27 years. A gross abuse of taxpayer dollars. Juno was crippled in mission at the outset because NASA never realized the full magnetic field of Jupiter.
And to have Kibo Parry Moroney a clown of science with his 938 is 12% short of 945, posting in sci.physics is a joke on whatever the science topic is.
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
Michael Moroney stalked:
1:42 PM
Well, nymshifter, it's quite easy to know if it's a nutjob posting, and that
it's guaranteed wrong. Same
as for a few others,
Also, if it's your current
nymshift of the week, guaranteed nutjob
Michael Moroney stalked:
1:08 AM
annoys himself with anagrams. He knows perfectly well that if he attacks
me he gets anagrams in response. Since he continues to attack me, I can only
conclude he actually enjoys the anagrams.
Michael Moroney stalked:
7:30 AM
"figures out" anything is
he'll pull an idea from his butt, then he sniffs it and admires it, then he
sniffs it and admires it some more, before he finally has a Megatard Moment
when he declares his idea, no matter how loony, to be The Truth. Science and
Math content: 0%. Evidence: 0%.
Kibo Parry Moroney stalker of 27 years of scientists, or, paid for stalker? The 27 year long stalking of AP by kibo Parry Moroney make one think that the NSF, National Science Foundation is paying for kibo Parry to stalk, paying him and World std perhaps $100 of taxpayer dollars for every stalking post that Kibo emits. So yes, if you are paid such easy money just to post ad hominem spam, then you too would probably want some of that almost free money.

---quoting Wikipedia ---
Many government and university installations blocked, threatened to block, or attempted to shut-down The World's Internet connection until Software Tool & Die was eventually granted permission by the National Science Foundation to provide public Internet access on "an experimental basis."
--- end quote ---


Dr. Panchanathan
France Anne Cordova
Subra Suresh
Arden Lee Bement Jr.
Rita R. Colwell
Neal Francis Lane
John Howard Gibbons 1993

Barry Shein, kibo parry std world
Jim Frost, Joe "Spike" Ilacqua

Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 3, 2020, 10:42:29 PM
Mouse of Math and Shrimp of Physics
"signifying nothing."
rearranged, spell "Erica: Nude mom, hip slut".
Michael Moroney stalked:
Aug 3, 2020, 10:42:29 PM
Mouse of Math and Shrimp of Physics
"signifying nothing."
rearranged, spell "Erica: Nude mom, hip slut".
Michael Moroney stalked:
1:34 AM
to sci.physics
Physics Failure
"fruitcake of physics"
For it's the latest Megatard Moment
Even more megatatded than
his covid "cure" he pulled from his butt, sniffed it, admired its aroma
rearranged, spell "Mom: Epic hair, nude slut"
14-Nicholas Thompson, Wired magazine// Kibo Parry Moroney, stalker sickfuck gets published in Wired for his 938 is 12% short of 945, Yoo, Nick, why not publish John Baez or Steven Weinberg with his 938MeV proton, 0.5MeV electron which a hydrogen atom ceases to exist

Quoting Wikipedia—
In the early 1990s, as public awareness grew of the Internet and Usenet, Parry received publicity, including a cover story in Wired magazine..
Nicholas Thompson, editor in chief, Wired magazine

LIST of Failed Physicists because they still believe electron is 0.5MeV, in no order, and so very stupid are they in physics, for they could not even understand the physics of angular momentum of two particles 938 to 0.5 rather than 840 to 105 MeV so that a hydrogen atom can exist in a 840 to 105 ratio, never a 938 to 0.5 ratio

Peter Higgs
Rainer Weiss
Kip S. Thorne
Barry C. Barish
David J. Thouless
F. Duncan M. Haldane
John M. Kosterlitz
Takaaki Kajita
Arthur B. McDonald
Francois Englert
Saul Perlmutter
Brian P. Schmidt
Adam G. Riess
Makoto Kobayashi
Toshihide Maskawa
Yoichiro Nambu
John C. Mather
George F. Smoot
Roy J. Glauber
David J. Gross
Hugh David Politzer
Frank Wilczek
Raymond Davis Jr.
Masatoshi Koshiba
Riccardo Giacconi
Gerardus 't Hooft
Martinus J.G. Veltman
Jerome I. Friedman
Henry W. Kendall
Richard E. Taylor
Carlo Rubbia
Simon van der Meer
William Alfred Fowler
Kenneth G. Wilson
James Watson Cronin
Val Logsdon Fitch
Sheldon Lee Glashow
Steven Weinberg
little fishes
Max Tegmark
layers of error thinking physics Re: 2-Comparative Analysis of failures of Logic with failures of Physics// one thinks 3 OR 2 =5 with 3 AND 2 = 1 while the other thinks proton to electron is 938MeV vs .5MeV when truly it is 840MeV to 105MeV

Physical Review Letters: Proton Mass
Yi-Bo Yang, Jian Liang, Yu-Jiang Bi, Ying Chen, Terrence Draper, Keh-Fei Liu, Zhaofeng Liu
more and more layers of error thinking physics
John Baez
Brian Greene
Lisa Randall
Alan H. Guth
Michael E. Brown
Konstantin Batygin
Ben Bullock
Larry Harson
Mark Barton, PhD in Physics, The University of Queensland, physicist with National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Answered Aug 26, 2013 · Author has 8.7k answers and 10.3m answer views
None at all - he was a raving nutter.
Richard A. Muller, crank at Berkeley
Edward Witten


AP writes: Nicholas, so you give front cover to a 27 year long stalker like James Kibo Parry? Yoo, Nick, why not give front page coverage to John Baez, Steven Weinberg with his proton 938 MeV, electron 0.5 MeV which hydrogen atom would fall apart.

#1-3, 74th published book

HISTORY OF THE PROTON MASS and the 945 MeV //Atom Totality series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

In 2016-2017, AP discovered that the real proton has a mass of 840 MeV, not 938. The real electron was actually the muon and the muon stays inside the proton that forms a proton torus of 8 rings and with the muon as bar magnet is a Faraday Law producing magnetic monopoles. So this book is all about why researchers of physics and engineers keep getting the number 938MeV when they should be getting the number 840 MeV + 105 MeV = 945 MeV.

Cover Picture is a proton torus of 8 rings with a muon of 1 ring inside the proton torus, doing the Faraday Law and producing magnetic monopoles.
Length: 16 pages

Product details
File Size: 699 KB
Print Length: 16 pages
Publication Date: December 18, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

#8-1, 3rd published book

AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Ever since Ancient Greek Times it was thought the slant cut into a cone is the ellipse. That was false. For the slant cut in every cone is a Oval, never an Ellipse. This book is a proof that the slant cut is a oval, never the ellipse. A slant cut into the Cylinder is in fact a ellipse, but never in a cone.

Length: 21 pages

File Size: 1620 KB
Print Length: 21 pages
Publication Date: March 11, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

#8-2, 11th published book

World's First Geometry Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus// Math proof series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Calculus needs a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. But none could ever be obtained in Old Math where they had a ill-defined infinity; they had the fakery of Limit concept; and they had the fakery of a continuum.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus basically says the integral is inverse to the derivative and the derivative is inverse to the integral. By inverse is meant that you can go to one given the other and vice versa, such as add is the inverse of subtract, so if we had 10 + 4 = 14 then the inverse is subtract 4 and we have 14-4 = 10 back to 10 where we started from. And the geometry proof involves a rectangle and a right triangle hinged atop a trapezoid. You hinge it one direction you have dy*dx for area of a rectangle for integral area. You hinge it the other direction you have the dy/dx for slope or derivative from the trapezoid formed.

Sad that Old Math was so full of ill-defined concepts and fake concepts that never was a geometry proof of FTC ever possible in Old Math.

Length: 29 pages

Product details
File Size: 1225 KB
Print Length: 29 pages
Publication Date: March 14, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #128,729 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#134 in Calculus (Books)
#20 in Calculus (Kindle Store)
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-16 16:19:40 UTC
Post by Professor Wordsmith
"Ammo: Uncured Shit pile"
Re: List 1-9 Re: List of fakery in physics 130th book// Introduction to AP's
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Run! Hide! Atomic Plumes!!".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-16 19:19:43 UTC
Post by Professor Wordsmith
"Ammo: Uncured Shit pile"
Michael Moroney
10:31 AM (4 hours ago)

Post by Professor Wordsmith
Re: List 1-9 Re: List of fakery in physics 130th book// Introduction to AP's
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Run! Hide! Atomic Plumes!!".
Professor Wordsmith
2020-08-16 19:22:13 UTC
"Chromium Panties Duel"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-18 07:32:51 UTC
Michael Moroney
Aug 17, 2020, 11:20:33 PM (3 hours ago)

Subject: 1-22 List of Physics fakeries// 130th book// Introduction to AP's
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Cute Rhino mauls me, Dip!".
"Chromium Panties Duel"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-20 08:23:31 UTC
Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


Old Math cared more about having a few kooks run out and about, getting fame and fortune by piling up incomprehensible trash onto mathematics, than it ever cared about going into a classroom and teaching math that everyone can understand. Of the four hard sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, there is no reason in the entire world, that math is the easiest of those 4 sciences. The only reason today, that math is not the easiest of those four sciences, is because after Descartes for 5 centuries now, mathematics was given over to kooks of math who sought for fame and fortune at the expense of keeping math simple and easy. Kooks of math filling up math so that math is now in 2020 a gaggle of kook ridden incomprehensible garbage. Ask your local kook math professor why he/she holds onto Boole logic with his 10 OR 4 = 14 when you know well that 10 AND 4 = 14. Ask your local kook math professor why he keeps teaching ellipse is a conic when you can show him on the spot with a paper cone and a lid that the slant cut is a oval, never a ellipse. And ask your local kook math professor why he/she never is able to give you a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. And the answer is always-- they are kooks of math, not mathematicians.

This list is ongoing, and is a bulletin-board of errors of Old Math and useful for Teaching True Mathematics. I insert this list as a guide. To show students what math to avoid, to steer away from, as a total fake and waste of time.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-21 10:40:14 UTC
Kook math professors with their fake trigonometry. They see a sine of unit circle radius 1 for hypotenuse, circle center at (1,0). They know sine = opposite/hypotenuse, they see sine is 0 at (0,0), they measure sine at (.7, 0) and find it is also a distance of the opposite side of right triangle as being a distance of 0.7.

Archimedes Plutonium
Aug 20, 2020, 4:00:12 PM
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium atom universe

Alright here is the hypocrite contradiction in Old Math on trigonometry. Take a graph paper put a circle center at (1,0) and draw for sine from x= 0 to 1. In our graph we get both sine and cosine for 45degree right triangle inside the circle be a value of 0.707. And we easily with ruler can see it true and this forms a semicircle wave. But Old Math sine then takes 90degrees to be not 1 but 3.14/2 and takes 45degrees to be 3.14/4 = 0.785. The total distortion of Old Math trigonometry is all because of the Logical fallacy, that you can make the x-axis different from the y-axis and still be considered mathematics. Far from the truth, because math always has all axis be the same to be "mathematics". Few in mathematics ever heard of the fallacy of logic called "ad hoc" or "arbitrary". None in math had the logical brains to realize that if all your trigonometry comes from right triangles swirling around inside a circle, that the graph of sine and cosine can be nothing but semicircle waves. I do not know if Logic has a formal name for this-- if it all comes from a circle, it can only end up being a circle graph.

Kook math professors with their fake trigonometry. They see a sine of unit circle radius 1 for hypotenuse, circle center at (1,0). They know sine = opposite/hypotenuse, they see sine is 0 at (0,0), they measure sine at (.7, 0) and find it is also a distance of the opposite side of right triangle as being a distance of 0.7. They see sine at (1,0) as being a full value of 1. They see cosine with circle center at (1,0) their definition of cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse, that cosine is 1 at (0,0), then cosine is .7 at (.7,0) then cosine is 0 at (1,0).

So, a normal person sees that trigonometry functions of sine and cosine are graphs of SEMICIRCLE waves. So where does that worthless kook math professor, physics professor, where does that kook mess up the trigonometry truth? He, she messes up, screws up by saying, I do not like 90degrees to be (1,0) circle center, but rather, a kook math professor wants to pull out of his her arse the idea that 90degrees is pi/2 or 3.14/2. Kooks never like the truth of the world. Kooks always mess things up. Kooks like what is called AD HOC in logic, or being "arbitrary". Kooks love being arbitrary and not follow logical commonsense.

Ask a normal person, is it reasonable that sine comes from opposite/hypotenuse with a right triangle inside a circle? Is it reasonable that the graph of sine is a semicircle. Of course the world over, students and normal people with a modicum of logical mind would say-- IF sine and cosine come from right triangles swirling around inside a circle, that the graph of sine and cosine will be semicircles.

But now you ask the college math professor or college physics professor and they were raised to be kooks that screw things up, they are not happy with unit circle radius 1 that 90 degrees is 1, that 45degrees is 0.7 and 0 degrees is 0 for sine. No, kook math and physics professors were toilet trained and milk fed from the tits of their kook teachers to mess up at this spot of trigonometry, to arbitrarily and AD HOC say that 90 degrees is 1.57 for unit circle, that 45 degrees is pi/4 and not 0.70 but rather 0.785.

All college math and physics professors were severely toilet trained to come up with Sinusoid wave for sine and cosine, and unable to tell the truth about sine and cosine. All of them were brainwashed and propagandized by their former teachers. Jill Pipher was thoroughly brainwashed by Ken Ribet who was thoroughly brainwashed by Robert L. Bryant, David Vogan, Eric M. Friedlander, and so on and so on.

These math and physics professors were far too stupid to not make the mistake of Ad Hoc and Arbitrary assignage. Far to stupid to even have a brain to think--"Hey, trig comes from definition and right-triangle inside a circle" WHY IS THE GRAPH NOT A CIRCLE.

No, a kook math or physics professor can never put 2 and 2 together and say SINE is a SEMICIRCLE wave.

Never can a kook math or physics professor say-- sinusoid is all a fiction, and only stupid vapid of even one logical marble in their brain would say sine is sinusoid.
How kook math and physics professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook imagination gone awry.
Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college math and physics professors, on their creation of the fictional sinusoid wave. Let us step through, step by step why math and physics professors are kooks of math in trigonometry. And no wonder they cannot see a slant cut in cone is a oval, never a ellipse.
you are going 180 degrees backward in your
quest to be addressed as a King.
Now we should not disparage the good colleges and universities in Iowa for failing at trigonometry, but we certainly should excoriate the AMS, the American Mathematical Society for not only failing math, but their corrupt outfit trying to suppress the truth. Jill Pipher has no excuse for keeping the fakery of trigonometry but she is probably so dumb, because she comes from a lineage of stupid kooks like Ribet, Vogan, Friedlander, who cannot even tell the difference from a oval and a ellipse. It is this entrenched ignorant stupidity that the AMS has become.
2-Jill does not have to be a geometry failure like Ken Ribet Re: 1- AMS, Jill Pipher, Ken Ribet, Robert L. Bryant, David Vogan, Eric M. Friedlander, why not go for the truth of mathematics-- the slant cut in cone is a oval, never the ellipse.
Re: olli.. says "physics illiterate person. So fucking sad." Univ of Iowa Bruce Harreld, Iowa State Univ Wendy Wintersteen//No wonder Univ of Iowa and Iowa State University have never confirmed real proton is 840MeV, real electron is muon at 105 MeV...
Alright, the student is going to have to get out a sheet of graph paper, a compass, a ruler, pencil obviously. Of course you can do it in your mind imagination but doing it actually on paper and pencil is more lasting.
So a kook math or physics professor, like Dr. Wiles, Hales, Tao or Stillwell who cannot tell the difference between a oval and a ellipse and thinks a slant cut in cone is a ellipse, are downright stupid failures of mathematics, but let us see how they totally screwed up on trigonometry. How they created a falsehood of the sinusoid wave, when such a stupid wave never existed. Sinusoid only exists in the mind of a math failure, a kook math professor.
So we have our graph paper and mark out a big enough 1 with a .1, .2, .3, etc tiny blocks on the paper. We need not be cramped here.
Now we are going to do both the sine and cosine all at once and find out exactly where the "kook math professor" went wrong.
So now you have ten blocks on x-axis to get from 0 to 1 and the same goes on the y-axis.
Now you place your compass needle on the coordinate point (1,0) and the radius of your circle is the unit circle or 1. Now you see that for sine, the compass pencil end is on (0,0) as you draw a quarter circle. With me so far? Both on paper and in mind?
Now the kook math professor defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse and we can draw right triangles as we move up on the quarter circle with the compass. And as the compass gets to 45 degrees, we can measure with our ruler the size of distance of that right triangle "opposite side" and it is 0.707 in 1000 Grid System. It is 0.7 in 10 Grid, and 0.70 in 100 Grid. The 100 Grid is all the accuracy we ever need in this exercise.
So the kook math professor made no mistake so far. He/she followed the definition they set out with-- that sine is opposite/hypotenuse where our hypotenuse is 1 in unit circle.
And we see their sine in quarter circle becomes 1 at (1,0) for the hypotenuse is the same as opposite side. And the kook math professor can do cosine also, for at (1,0), the cosine they defined as Adjacent/hypotenuse is 0, for the adjacent side distance is 0, but the opposite side distance for sine at (1,0) is 1. (Only keep in mind, when we do cosine we have to place the compass at (0,0) not (1,0)).
So, the kook math professor made no mistake at this stage of the trigonometry.
But now, here is where the kook math and physics professor makes his/her mistake. They literally go insane in their ad hoc mind, foolishly insane in logic.
They arbitrarily decide in their little mind, their kook mind, that 90 degrees is the number value pi/2. Sheer arbitrary and ad hoc. Why pi/2???? Well, a kook is an insane mind with no rhyme or reason.
Whereas 90 degrees is of number value 1 with unit circle.
Both sine and cosine when graphed from definitions of sine = opposite/hypotenuse, and cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse, are the right triangles inside a circle. The graph of sine and cosine must be a semicircle or in our case the quarter circle.
And here is where that idiot kook math professor fails, for he/she arbitrarily, sleight of hand, utter stupidity, is not happy with a 90 degrees being of number value 1 but wants to ad hoc say 90 degrees is pi/2 = 3.14/2 in 100 Grid is 1.57.
So, what that idiot kook math and physics professor does to create a sinusoid illusion, delusion, is that kook makes the x-axis be angles (all ad hoc mind you) while keeping the y-axis as normal mathematics.
YOU CANNOT DO THAT AND STILL BE MATHEMATICS. Anytime you make one axis different from another axis, you no longer are doing mathematics.
You cannot make the x-axis anything other than the numbers of mathematics. Trigonometry of a definition of sine = opposite/hypotenuse and where the value of sine is from a right triangle rotating inside the circle, the graph of that sine is always a SEMICIRCLE. Same goes for cosine.
Kook math professors cannot obey definitions, no, they have to break definitions to satisfy their kookish mind. To them, a pie chart of apples on one axis and chocolate cake on the other axis is pure math to them.
More later, but we realize full well how stupid idiotic kook math professors dreamed up a fiction of science with their sinusoid.
Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50. COLLEGE CALCULUS GUIDE to help students recognize math professor spam from math truth & reality//textbook math series, book 3
Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.
Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.
Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.
1) No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.
2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.
3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.
4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.
5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.
6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.
7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists.
How kook math professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook imagination gone awry.
Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college math professors on their creation of the fictional sinusoid wave. Let us step through, step by step why math professors are kooks of math in trigonometry. And no wonder they cannot see a slant cut in cone is a oval, never a ellipse.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.
9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.
10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.
11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.
12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.
13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.
14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).
15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).
16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.
17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.
18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).
19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.
20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.
21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.
22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.
23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.
24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.
25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.
26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.
27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.
28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.
29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.
30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.
31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.
32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.
33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.
34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.
35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.
36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.
37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.
38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.
39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.
40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.
41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.
42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.
43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.
44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.
45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.
46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.
47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.
48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.
49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.
50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.
True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.
I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-21 18:18:38 UTC
1-Kook math professors with their fake trigonometry. They see a sine of unit circle radius 1 for hypotenuse, circle center at (1,0). They know sine = opposite/hypotenuse, they see sine is 0 at (0,0), they measure sine at (.7, 0) and find it is also a distance of the opposite side of right triangle as being a distance of 0.7. They see sine at (1,0) as being a full value of 1. They see cosine with circle center at (1,0) their definition of cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse, that cosine is 1 at (0,0), then cosine is .7 at (.7,0) then cosine is 0 at (1,0).

Archimedes Plutonium
Aug 20, 2020, 4:00:12 PM
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium atom universe

Alright here is the hypocrite contradiction in Old Math on trigonometry. Take a graph paper put a circle center at (1,0) and draw for sine from x= 0 to 1. In our graph we get both sine and cosine for 45degree right triangle inside the circle be a value of 0.707. And we easily with ruler can see it true and this forms a semicircle wave. But Old Math sine then takes 90degrees to be not 1 but 3.14/2 and takes 45degrees to be 3.14/4 = 0.785. The total distortion of Old Math trigonometry is all because of the Logical fallacy, that you can make the x-axis different from the y-axis and still be considered mathematics. Far from the truth, because math always has all axis be the same to be "mathematics". Few in mathematics ever heard of the fallacy of logic called "ad hoc" or "arbitrary". None in math had the logical brains to realize that if all your trigonometry comes from right triangles swirling around inside a circle, that the graph of sine and cosine can be nothing but semicircle waves. I do not know if Logic has a formal name for this-- if it all comes from a circle, it can only end up being a circle graph.

So, a normal person sees that trigonometry functions of sine and cosine are graphs of SEMICIRCLE waves. So where does that worthless kook math professor, physics professor, where does that kook mess up the trigonometry truth? He, she messes up, screws up by saying, I do not like 90degrees to be (1,0) circle center, but rather, a kook math professor wants to pull out of his her arse the idea that 90degrees is pi/2 or 3.14/2. Kooks never like the truth of the world. Kooks always mess things up. Kooks like what is called AD HOC in logic, or being "arbitrary". Kooks love being arbitrary and not follow logical commonsense.

Ask a normal person, is it reasonable that sine comes from opposite/hypotenuse with a right triangle inside a circle? Is it reasonable that the graph of sine is a semicircle. Of course the world over, students and normal people with a modicum of logical mind would say-- IF sine and cosine come from right triangles swirling around inside a circle, that the graph of sine and cosine will be semicircles.

But now you ask the college math professor or college physics professor and they were raised to be kooks that screw things up, they are not happy with unit circle radius 1 that 90 degrees is 1, that 45degrees is 0.7 and 0 degrees is 0 for sine. No, kook math and physics professors were toilet trained and milk fed from the tits of their kook teachers to mess up at this spot of trigonometry, to arbitrarily and AD HOC say that 90 degrees is 1.57 for unit circle, that 45 degrees is pi/4 and not 0.70 but rather 0.785.

All college math and physics professors were severely toilet trained to come up with Sinusoid wave for sine and cosine, and unable to tell the truth about sine and cosine. All of them were brainwashed and propagandized by their former teachers. Jill Pipher was thoroughly brainwashed by Ken Ribet who was thoroughly brainwashed by Robert L. Bryant, David Vogan, Eric M. Friedlander, and so on and so on.

These math and physics professors were far too stupid to not make the mistake of Ad Hoc and Arbitrary assignage. Far to stupid to even have a brain to think--"Hey, trig comes from definition and right-triangle inside a circle" WHY IS THE GRAPH NOT A CIRCLE.

No, a kook math or physics professor can never put 2 and 2 together and say SINE is a SEMICIRCLE wave.

Never can a kook math or physics professor say-- sinusoid is all a fiction, and only stupid vapid of even one logical marble in their brain would say sine is sinusoid.
How kook math and physics professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook imagination gone awry.
Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college math and physics professors, on their creation of the fictional sinusoid wave. Let us step through, step by step why math and physics professors are kooks of math in trigonometry. And no wonder they cannot see a slant cut in cone is a oval, never a ellipse.
you are going 180 degrees backward in your
quest to be addressed as a King.
Now we should not disparage the good colleges and universities in Iowa for failing at trigonometry, but we certainly should excoriate the AMS, the American Mathematical Society for not only failing math, but their corrupt outfit trying to suppress the truth. Jill Pipher has no excuse for keeping the fakery of trigonometry but she is probably so dumb, because she comes from a lineage of stupid kooks like Ribet, Vogan, Friedlander, who cannot even tell the difference from a oval and a ellipse. It is this entrenched ignorant stupidity that the AMS has become.
2-Jill does not have to be a geometry failure like Ken Ribet Re: 1- AMS, Jill Pipher, Ken Ribet, Robert L. Bryant, David Vogan, Eric M. Friedlander, why not go for the truth of mathematics-- the slant cut in cone is a oval, never the ellipse.
Re: olli.. says "physics illiterate person. So fucking sad." Univ of Iowa Bruce Harreld, Iowa State Univ Wendy Wintersteen//No wonder Univ of Iowa and Iowa State University have never confirmed real proton is 840MeV, real electron is muon at 105 MeV...
Alright, the student is going to have to get out a sheet of graph paper, a compass, a ruler, pencil obviously. Of course you can do it in your mind imagination but doing it actually on paper and pencil is more lasting.
So a kook math or physics professor, like Dr. Wiles, Hales, Tao or Stillwell who cannot tell the difference between a oval and a ellipse and thinks a slant cut in cone is a ellipse, are downright stupid failures of mathematics, but let us see how they totally screwed up on trigonometry. How they created a falsehood of the sinusoid wave, when such a stupid wave never existed. Sinusoid only exists in the mind of a math failure, a kook math professor.
So we have our graph paper and mark out a big enough 1 with a .1, .2, .3, etc tiny blocks on the paper. We need not be cramped here.
Now we are going to do both the sine and cosine all at once and find out exactly where the "kook math professor" went wrong.
So now you have ten blocks on x-axis to get from 0 to 1 and the same goes on the y-axis.
Now you place your compass needle on the coordinate point (1,0) and the radius of your circle is the unit circle or 1. Now you see that for sine, the compass pencil end is on (0,0) as you draw a quarter circle. With me so far? Both on paper and in mind?
Now the kook math professor defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse and we can draw right triangles as we move up on the quarter circle with the compass. And as the compass gets to 45 degrees, we can measure with our ruler the size of distance of that right triangle "opposite side" and it is 0.707 in 1000 Grid System. It is 0.7 in 10 Grid, and 0.70 in 100 Grid. The 100 Grid is all the accuracy we ever need in this exercise.
So the kook math professor made no mistake so far. He/she followed the definition they set out with-- that sine is opposite/hypotenuse where our hypotenuse is 1 in unit circle.
And we see their sine in quarter circle becomes 1 at (1,0) for the hypotenuse is the same as opposite side. And the kook math professor can do cosine also, for at (1,0), the cosine they defined as Adjacent/hypotenuse is 0, for the adjacent side distance is 0, but the opposite side distance for sine at (1,0) is 1. (Only keep in mind, when we do cosine we have to place the compass at (0,0) not (1,0)).
So, the kook math professor made no mistake at this stage of the trigonometry.
But now, here is where the kook math and physics professor makes his/her mistake. They literally go insane in their ad hoc mind, foolishly insane in logic.
They arbitrarily decide in their little mind, their kook mind, that 90 degrees is the number value pi/2. Sheer arbitrary and ad hoc. Why pi/2???? Well, a kook is an insane mind with no rhyme or reason.
Whereas 90 degrees is of number value 1 with unit circle.
Both sine and cosine when graphed from definitions of sine = opposite/hypotenuse, and cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse, are the right triangles inside a circle. The graph of sine and cosine must be a semicircle or in our case the quarter circle.
And here is where that idiot kook math professor fails, for he/she arbitrarily, sleight of hand, utter stupidity, is not happy with a 90 degrees being of number value 1 but wants to ad hoc say 90 degrees is pi/2 = 3.14/2 in 100 Grid is 1.57.
So, what that idiot kook math and physics professor does to create a sinusoid illusion, delusion, is that kook makes the x-axis be angles (all ad hoc mind you) while keeping the y-axis as normal mathematics.
YOU CANNOT DO THAT AND STILL BE MATHEMATICS. Anytime you make one axis different from another axis, you no longer are doing mathematics.
You cannot make the x-axis anything other than the numbers of mathematics. Trigonometry of a definition of sine = opposite/hypotenuse and where the value of sine is from a right triangle rotating inside the circle, the graph of that sine is always a SEMICIRCLE. Same goes for cosine.
Kook math professors cannot obey definitions, no, they have to break definitions to satisfy their kookish mind. To them, a pie chart of apples on one axis and chocolate cake on the other axis is pure math to them.
More later, but we realize full well how stupid idiotic kook math professors dreamed up a fiction of science with their sinusoid.
Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50. COLLEGE CALCULUS GUIDE to help students recognize math professor spam from math truth & reality//textbook math series, book 3
Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.
Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.
Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.
1) No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.
2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.
3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.
4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.
5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.
6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.
7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists.
How kook math professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook imagination gone awry.
Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college math professors on their creation of the fictional sinusoid wave. Let us step through, step by step why math professors are kooks of math in trigonometry. And no wonder they cannot see a slant cut in cone is a oval, never a ellipse.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.
9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.
10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.
11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.
12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.
13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.
14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).
15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).
16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.
17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.
18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).
19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.
20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.
21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.
22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.
23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.
24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.
25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.
26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.
27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.
28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.
29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.
30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.
31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.
32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.
33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.
34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.
35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.
36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.
37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.
38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.
39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.
40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.
41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.
42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.
43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.
44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.
45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.
46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.
47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.
48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.
49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.
50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.
True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.
I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-29 02:01:29 UTC
Atom Totality Universe: Atom Totality Series book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Physics book that explains what the universe is, and how it works. This is a continuation of the Atomic Theory by Democritus in Ancient Greek times. It adds one more fact to the Atomic Theory. That the Universe itself is one gigantic big atom. It completes the logic of science that Dr. Feynman wrote-- all things are made up of atoms -- and so, to complete that idea -- all things and the universe itself is an atom.

Also, I revise the entire Maxwell Equations, and electrodynamics theory.

Cover Picture is my photograph of one of my earliest copyright title of this idea of Plutonium Atom Totality. It was on my cover for the copyrights to the Library of Congress in early 1990s. The discovery was made in November 7, 1990, and several articles published in Dartmouth College newspaper. I jam-packed full one picture as my earliest cover, trying to explain to people how the electron-dot-cloud of an atom is the stars and galaxies and astronomy all packed into one electron, in trying to get people to understand how all we see in the night sky is actually just one electron of a huge atom of plutonium. Very difficult to explain to people with no science training. And in this picture of early 1990s, I still had the name "Ludwig Plutonium" before legally changing it to "Archimedes Plutonium".
Length: 616 pages

Product details
File Size: 1089 KB
Print Length: 616 pages
Publication Date: March 11, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
 Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #578,229 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
                #1610 in Physics (Kindle Store)
                #8526 in Physics (Books)
                #18851 in Biological Sciences (Books)

#1-2, 48th published book

Plutonium Atom Totality Universe, Atom Totality Series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Cover picture: is what the interior and exterior of most atoms looks like once you apply Faraday's Law to subatomic particles.This picture is a coil of 88 rings torus with a smaller ring inside. The 88 coil rings represents 11 protons for each proton consists of 8 rings, in a Faraday Law magnetic induction coil and the smaller ring inside the 88 rings is a muon as a bar magnet thrusting through the proton coil, thereby, producing electricity. If I were to place 11 smaller rings inside the 88 torus ring, I would have a atom of sodium, since 11 protons and 11 muons. Every atom of the chemical periodic-table of elements, is shaped like one big torus of all its protons, and all its muons are inside at a perpendicular and connected together, and thrusting through the proton torus coil, doing a Faraday law producing magnetic monopoles, those particles such as 0.5MeV. The neutrons of every atom are skin coatings onto the proton torus coil, and the neutrons act as capacitors, storing the monopoles produced by the protons and muons in Faraday Law. This is how atoms grow, and this is how stars shine, for the Faraday law produces sunshine.

The goal and aim of the 8th edition of Atom Totality, 2017 was to iron out all the mathematics of Electricity and Magnetism so that the AP-Maxwell Equations embodied all the mathematics of physics. In other words, all of physics is handled by the AP-Maxwell Equations. But in the course of straightening out the EM math of physics, I made my second greatest science discovery-- that the real proton was 840MeV, real electron was the muon at 105MeV and that little particle we all thought was the electron since JJ Thompson discovered it in 1897, was in fact not the electron but was Dirac's magnetic monopole. I made that discovery in the midst of my writing the 8th edition (only goes to show that most of our best ideas come from organizing and placing our thoughts into order-- writing a book). And so this 9th edition goal and aim is to go back and fix the picture of atoms, their geometry, and incorporate that discovery, mostly by fixing the picture of what atoms exterior and interior geometry is, in light of the fact that there is the Faraday Law going on inside of atoms.
Length: 130 pages

Product details
File Size: 2366 KB
Print Length: 130 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: June 10, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #285,417 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#826 in Astronomy (Books)
#166 in Astronomy (Kindle Store)
#671 in Physics (Kindle Store)

#1-3, 74th published book

HISTORY OF THE PROTON MASS and the 945 MeV //Atom Totality series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

In 2016-2017, AP discovered that the real proton has a mass of 840 MeV, not 938. The real electron was actually the muon and the muon stays inside the proton that forms a proton torus of 8 rings and with the muon as bar magnet is a Faraday Law producing magnetic monopoles. So this book is all about why researchers of physics and engineers keep getting the number 938MeV when they should be getting the number 840 MeV + 105 MeV = 945 MeV.

Cover Picture is a proton torus of 8 rings with a muon of 1 ring inside the proton torus, doing the Faraday Law and producing magnetic monopoles.
Length: 16 pages

Product details
File Size: 699 KB
Print Length: 16 pages
Publication Date: December 18, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

#1-4, 105th published book

Atom Geometry is Torus Geometry // Atom Totality series, book 4 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Since all atoms are doing the Faraday Law inside them, of their thrusting muon into a proton coil in the shape of a geometry torus, then the torus is the geometry of each and every atom. But then we must explain the neutrons since the muon and proton are doing Faraday's Law, then the neutron needs to be explained in terms of this proton torus with muon inside, all three shaped as rings. The muon is a single ring and each proton is 8 rings. The neutron is shaped like a plate and is solid not hollow. The explanation of a neutron is that of a capacitor storing what the proton-muon rings produce in electricity. Where would the neutron parallel plates be located? I argue in this text that the neutron plates when fully grown from 1 eV until 945MeV are like two parallel plate capacitors where each neutron is part of one plate, like two pieces of bread with the proton-muon torus being a hamburger patty.

Cover Picture: I assembled two atoms in this picture where the proton torus with a band of muons inside traveling around and around the proton torus producing electricity. And the pie-plates represent neutrons as parallel-plate capacitors.
Length: 39 pages

Product details
File Size: 935 KB
Print Length: 39 pages
Publication Date: March 24, 2020
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,656,820 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#6413 in Mathematics (Kindle Store)
#315 in One-Hour Science & Math Short Reads
#4953 in Physics (Kindle Store)

#1-5, 112th published book

New Perspective on Psi^2 in the Schrodinger Equation in a Atom Totality Universe// Atom Totality series, book 5
Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

I first heard of the Schrodinger equation in college chemistry class. We never actually did any problem solving with the equation, and we were only told about it. Then taking physics my next year in college and after I bought the Feynman Lectures on Physics, just for fun for side reading, three volume set did I learn what this Schrodinger equation and the Psi^2 wavefunction was about. I am not going to teach the mathematics of the Schrodinger equation and the math calculations of the Psi or Psi^2 in this book, but leave that up to the reader or student to do that from Feynman's Lectures on Physics. The purpose of this book is to give a new and different interpretation of what Psi^2 is, what Psi^2 means. Interpretation of physics experiments and observations turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks in all of physics.

Cover Picture: a photograph taken of me in 1993, after the discovery of Plutonium Atom Totality, and I was 43 years old then, on a wintery hill of New Hampshire. It is nice that Feynman wrote a physics textbook series, for I am very much benefitting from his wisdom. If he had not done that, getting organized in physics by writing textbooks, I would not be writing this book. And I would not have discovered the true meaning of the Fine Structure Constant, for it was Feynman who showed us that FSC is really 0.0854, not that of 0.0072. All because 0.0854 is Psi, and Psi^2 is 0.0072.
Length: 20 pages

Product details
File Size: 1134 KB
Print Length: 20 pages
Publication Date: April 15, 2020
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,852,340 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#1297 in General Chemistry & Reference
#488 in 30-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#9574 in Physics (Kindle Store)

#2-1, 2nd published book

True Chemistry: Chemistry Series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Physics and chemistry made a mistake in 1897 for they thought that J.J. Thomson's small particle of .5MeV was the electron of atoms. By 2017, Archimedes Plutonium discovered that the rest mass of 940 for neutron and proton was really 9 x 105MeV with a small sigma-error. Meaning that the real proton is 840MeV, real electron is 105 MeV= muon, and that little particle Thomson discovered was in fact the Dirac magnetic monopole. Dirac circa 1930s was looking for a magnetic monopole, and sadly, Dirac passed away before 2017, because if he had lived to 2017, he would have seen his long sought for magnetic monopole which is everywhere.

Cover picture: shows two of my chemical models, one of CO and the other CO2

Length: 1150 pages

File Size: 1456 KB
Print Length: 1150 pages
Publication Date: March 11, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
                Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #590,212 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
                #181 in General Chemistry & Reference
                #1324 in General Chemistry
                #1656 in Physics (Kindle Store)
Michael Moroney
2020-08-29 02:04:24 UTC
Subject: Physics and chemistry made a mistake in 189
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Hail Cutie Demon's Rump".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-29 19:17:49 UTC
What causes Homosexuality: a theory// physics-psychology series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

After writing my book: Location of Brain Locus in Brain Locus Theory// physics-psychology series, book 2, I kept making analogies of the Brain Mind to a TV set rather than a radio. And because of recent reports that homosexuality was not a genetic caused condition. I set to look for what can be reversed in a TV that mimics or imitates homosexuality.

If we reverse the electrodes on a deflection coil of a TV, we reverse what appears on the screen.

The best analogy of a physical condition is often the inner workings of that condition.

Cover Picture: My photo of a Google Search of TV deflection coil.
Length: 31 pages

Product details
File Size: 1108 KB
Print Length: 31 pages
Publication Date: December 27, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #470,691 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#31 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#254 in Anatomy Science
#656 in Biology (Kindle Store)

Earth axis tilt of 23 degrees came 66 million years ago along with Mediterranean Sea//geology series book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

#1 New Release in One-Hour Science & Math Short Reads

Earth's axis tilt of 23 degrees came late in history for planet Earth some 66 million years ago when a asteroid bolide hit Earth, that caused not only the dinosaur extinction but carved out the Mediterranean Sea and moved the Europe Asian Laurasia supercontinent of Pangaea in plate tectonics. We have overwhelming proof of this axis tilt from 0 degrees to 23 degrees only in K-T boundary, for we have evidence that all the continents had living plants and animals which just could not be if the 23degree tilt had existed from Cambrian to Cretaceous. Australia alone since it was at the South Pole for much of its history yet still abundant in fossils that could only live in a warm climate.

Cover picture of me circa 1993, pointing at the Mediterranean Sea of Europe.
Length: 57 pages

Product details
File Size: 701 KB
Print Length: 57 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 25, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
                Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #307,373 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
                #62 in 90-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
                #446 in Geology (Books)
                #75 in Geology (Kindle Store)

I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium

#11-1, 8th published book

Brain=Mind=Radio-Receiver=Superdeterminism// physics-psychology series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Psychologists no longer need to find out how the brain and mind works, for this theory explains it.

This is undoubtedly one of my prettiest theories and one of my
prettiest books. The reason I say pretty is
because it comes totally out of the blue and 180 degrees opposite of
where all the scientists figuring out how
the mind works. All the scientists working on "the mind" think that
the mind comes from chemistry sloshing
around in the brain, inside the head. I say 180 degrees opposite, that
the mind comes from "out of the body".
The Brain Locus theory says every thought, and every action comes from
the Nucleus of the Atom Totality
via photons or neutrinos shot into every brain and ordering up that
"thought". In the Brain Locus theory
the mind is like a radio receiver that picks up radio messages. The
chemistry of the brain and head then
respond to the thought of the mind.

All thoughts and thus all actions were ordered up by the Protons and
Neutrons inside the Plutonium Atom Totality
Nucleus which then assembles that "thought" into a photon or neutrino
which is shot into the brain of the
recipient and thus committed to fulfill that "thought".
Length: 155 pages

                File Size: 1437 KB
                Print Length: 155 pages
                Publication Date: March 13, 2019
                Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
                Language: English
                ASIN: B07PRZY1LS
                Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Not Enabled 

                Word Wise: Enabled
                Lending: Enabled
                Screen Reader: Supported
                Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
                Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,201,481 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
                #1704 in Biology (Kindle Store)
                #3570 in Physics (Kindle Store)
                #13023 in Biology (Books)

#11-2, 69th published book

Location of Brain Locus in Brain Locus Theory// physics-psychology series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

In my first book of this series, I discussed the Brain Locus theory how the brain is a radio receiver and thinking is really an out-of-body experience, and a radio receiver has a crucial material called the crystal. Here in this 2nd book I want to explore where this crystal is actually located in the brain that lets us, and forces us to "think". In the first book of this series I made the analogy to a Radio, here I do the TV as the analogy. These two books are physics of thinking and is the ultimate of advanced psychology.

Cover Picture is a photo off my computer of a Google search of where the Brain Stem and Thalamus are located in the brain.
Length: 44 pages

Product details
File Size: 1060 KB
Print Length: 44 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: November 22, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B081W68V6B
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

#11-4, 49th published book

Science of "Being Happy" // physics-psychology series, book 4 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Rather a unique topic, to think that happiness has a science behind it. But in another one of my books "Science of Poetry" I discuss how every subject ends up having a physics explanation-- art, music, poetry, painting, and so here we include "happiness". The Science behind the state of mind of "being Happy".

Cover Picture: two pictures of me in early 1990s after having bicycle trekked from Teton National Park to New Hampshire, but a big smile of happiness on my face as I charted out a future course of action.

Length: 101 pages

Product details
File Size: 1348 KB
Print Length: 101 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: June 20, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #302,643 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#6630 in Counseling & Psychology
#3861 in Medical General Psychology
#11026 in Science & Math (Kindle Store)

Michael Moroney
2020-08-29 19:24:31 UTC
Subject: Science of "Being Happy" // physics-psycho
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Mice Hail Up Rust Demon".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-31 02:20:19 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney is the flat screen 12% tortured Moon Bear bile?

Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-31 22:18:05 UTC
Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers. And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Michael Moroney
2020-08-31 22:30:00 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Sams
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Trump Cinema, Is he Loud?".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-03 02:17:30 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Michael Moroney
2020-09-03 02:26:54 UTC
Subject: Re: Science of "Being Happy" // physics-psycho
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "A Luminous Retched Imp".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-01 21:25:09 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-18 18:55:30 UTC
Post by Professor Wordsmith
"Ammo: Uncured Shit pile"
Dan Christensen's profile photo
Dan Christensen
11:00 AM (3 hours ago)


WARNING TO STUDENTS: Don't be a victim of
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-20 16:51:10 UTC
How kook math professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook imagination gone awry.
Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college math professors on their creation of the fictional sinusoid wave. Let us step through, step by step why math professors are kooks of math in trigonometry. And no wonder they cannot see a slant cut in cone is a oval, never a ellipse.
Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50. COLLEGE CALCULUS GUIDE to help students recognize math professor spam from math truth & reality//textbook math series, book 3
Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.
Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.
Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.
1) No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.
2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.
3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.
4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.
5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.
6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.
7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists.
How kook math professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook imagination gone awry.
Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college math professors on their creation of the fictional sinusoid wave. Let us step through, step by step why math professors are kooks of math in trigonometry. And no wonder they cannot see a slant cut in cone is a oval, never a ellipse.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.
9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.
10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.
11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.
12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.
13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.
14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).
15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).
16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.
17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.
18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).
19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.
20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.
21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.
22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.
23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.
24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.
25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.
26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.
27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.
28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.
29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.
30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.
31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.
32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.
33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.
34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.
35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.
36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.
37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.
38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.
39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.
40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.
41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.
42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.
43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.
44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.
45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.
46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.
47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.
48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.
49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.
50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.
True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.
Michael Moroney
2020-08-20 16:54:30 UTC
Subject: How kook math professors dreamed up the sinusoid wave-- pure kook
imagination gone awry. Stepping through the ignorant math mistake by college
teach you some math and physics that are truly damaging to electrical engineering.
BEWARE! He will try to corrupt your knowledge with his broken physics and math. He
teaches bizarre false mathematics that are destructive to electrical engineering
education, that a sine wave is a semicircle or cycloid (depending on his mood) but
isn't sinusoidal, that there are no negative numbers, there are no complex numbers,
plus many, many other instances of bad math.

In addition, he'll try to teach some dangerous physics. In particular, he teaches
there are no electrons, he teaches that ordinary matter contains unstable muons
(with a 2.2 microsecond half-life!), that electrons are magnetic monopoles (which
violates Gauss' Law of Magnetism) and he gets the wrong mass of the proton, which he
claims are made up of 8 more unstable muons, despite the fact that the mass of 8
muons isn't the mass of a proton.

Boolean algebra is very important for electrical engineers during these days of
computers. One of his dangerous tricks is to teach false Boolean logic such as 3 AND
2 = 5. His method at doing this is particularly insidious. He'll post a false
statement that nobody believes, such as 3 OR 2 = 5, say that it is false (it is;
3 OR 2 = 3), but then he'll try to replace it with another similar false statement
such as 3 AND 2 = 5, in order to really confuse future computer scientists. It is
important for future computer scientists to remember that in the bitwise Boolean
logic used by computers, 3 OR 2 = 3 and 3 AND 2 = 2. Don't let Plutonium's bad logic
confuse you!

He has previously tried to corrupt our youth by posting his books on Usenet.
Fortunately, this has failed so far, perhaps in part due to the fact Usenet
is an old, dying medium few students even know of, much less use. However, Mr.
Plutonium has somehow duped Amazon into providing his dangerous books for free
on Kindle. This has greatly increased the risk to our students!

Nobody knows why he wishes to corrupt the minds of students like this. Perhaps he
wants everyone to be a failure at math and physics, just like he is. Perhaps he is
an agent of China, in order to make sure China will dominate the US trade economy.
Maybe he is a minion of Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Maybe he once peed on an
energized electric fence and has vowed revenge against electrical engineers ever
since. Since Plutonium once called for Russian robots to aid him at corrupting the
education of our children, it appears he must actually be an agent of Putin/Russia.

But the point is, stay away, if he offers to give or sell you a new dangerous book.
Especially now since they are available for free from otherwise legitimate Amazon.

In addition, Plutonium wants to usurp good Christians by trying to convince
students to worship his evil pagan Plutonium atom god. You can recognize
the symbol of this evil pagan cult, which is an ascii-art cosmic butthole.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-23 19:25:10 UTC
Kibo says
Math Failure
I ate my brain
Math Failure
Tunicate of Math and Sea Squirt of Physics
Michael Moroney
2020-08-23 19:28:25 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
1-Kook math professors with their fake trigonometry. They see a sine of unit circle
radius 1 for hypotenuse, circle center at (1,0). They know sine = opposite/hypotenuse,
teach you some math and physics that are truly damaging to electrical engineering.
BEWARE! He will try to corrupt your knowledge with his broken physics and math. He
teaches bizarre false mathematics that are destructive to electrical engineering
education, that a sine wave is a semicircle or cycloid (depending on his mood) but
isn't sinusoidal, that there are no negative numbers, there are no complex numbers,
plus many, many other instances of bad math.

In addition, he'll try to teach some dangerous physics. In particular, he teaches
there are no electrons, he teaches that ordinary matter contains unstable muons
(with a 2.2 microsecond half-life!), that electrons are magnetic monopoles (which
violates Gauss' Law of Magnetism) and he gets the wrong mass of the proton, which he
claims are made up of 8 more unstable muons, despite the fact that the mass of 8
muons isn't the mass of a proton.

Boolean algebra is very important for electrical engineers during these days of
computers. One of his dangerous tricks is to teach false Boolean logic such as 3 AND
2 = 5. His method at doing this is particularly insidious. He'll post a false
statement that nobody believes, such as 3 OR 2 = 5, say that it is false (it is;
3 OR 2 = 3), but then he'll try to replace it with another similar false statement
such as 3 AND 2 = 5, in order to really confuse future computer scientists. It is
important for future computer scientists to remember that in the bitwise Boolean
logic used by computers, 3 OR 2 = 3 and 3 AND 2 = 2. Don't let Plutonium's bad logic
confuse you!

He has previously tried to corrupt our youth by posting his books on Usenet.
Fortunately, this has failed so far, perhaps in part due to the fact Usenet
is an old, dying medium few students even know of, much less use. However, Mr.
Plutonium has somehow duped Amazon into providing his dangerous books for free
on Kindle. This has greatly increased the risk to our students!

Nobody knows why he wishes to corrupt the minds of students like this. Perhaps he
wants everyone to be a failure at math and physics, just like he is. Perhaps he is
an agent of China, in order to make sure China will dominate the US trade economy.
Maybe he is a minion of Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Maybe he once peed on an
energized electric fence and has vowed revenge against electrical engineers ever
since. Since Plutonium once called for Russian robots to aid him at corrupting the
education of our children, it appears he must actually be an agent of Putin/Russia.

But the point is, stay away, if he offers to give or sell you a new dangerous book.
Especially now since they are available for free from otherwise legitimate Amazon.

In addition, Plutonium wants to usurp good Christians by trying to convince
students to worship his evil pagan Plutonium atom god. You can recognize
the symbol of this evil pagan cult, which is an ascii-art cosmic butthole.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-24 00:39:34 UTC
Hominid Rectum Pus Ale says kibo Parry Moroney and his gang of paid for by NSF stalkers
Kibo Parry Moroney stalker of 27 years of scientists, or, paid for stalker? The 27 year long stalking of AP by kibo Parry Moroney make one think that the NSF, National Science Foundation is paying for kibo Parry to stalk, paying him and World std perhaps $100 of taxpayer dollars for every stalking post that Kibo emits. So yes, if you are paid such easy money just to post ad hominem spam, then you too would probably want some of that almost free money.

---quoting Wikipedia ---
Many government and university installations blocked, threatened to block, or attempted to shut-down The World's Internet connection until Software Tool & Die was eventually granted permission by the National Science Foundation to provide public Internet access on "an experimental basis."
--- end quote ---


Dr. Panchanathan , present day
France Anne Cordova
Subra Suresh
Arden Lee Bement Jr.
Rita R. Colwell
Neal Francis Lane
John Howard Gibbons 1993

Barry Shein, kibo parry std world
Jim Frost, Joe "Spike" Ilacqua
"Hominid Rectum Pus Ale"
"Ammo: Uncured Shit pile"
Michael Moroney
2020-08-24 01:54:57 UTC
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "He lied! I moan, cum, spurt!".
Michael Moroney
2020-08-24 02:01:29 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Nude Hitler Mosaic, Ump!"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-08-31 17:04:11 UTC
Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Michael Moroney
2020-08-31 21:22:08 UTC
Subject: List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math
[snip 50 Failures of Plutonium]

The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "I use No Child Rump Meat".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-01 00:03:09 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen 12% tortured Moon Bear bile?

Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Michael Moroney
2020-09-01 01:22:52 UTC
Subject: Re: Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen 12%
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Trump Cinema, Is he Loud?".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-03 17:07:40 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-03 19:56:38 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-04 01:30:43 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-04 20:36:48 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-05 00:14:22 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-05 18:26:46 UTC
Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Wade Bahr
2020-09-05 18:34:26 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard
core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology,
astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those
6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year
2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is
*_WHO and Ghebreyesus_*
Some do not hesitate to characterize WHO as "the most corrupt organization
in the world" whose director, the Eritrean Adhanom Ghebreyesus, seems
closely linked to Bill Gates, himself very concerned to "get seven billion
human beings vaccinated" with this chip that he designed not with health
as the goal, but population control for extremely dubious political
purposes - it is difficult to fail to mention this without betraying our

Indeed, Bill Gates is notorious for having paid huge sums of money to WHO,
which many claim helped appoint in 2017 – with the support of China –
someone with a genocidal past in his own country, who was a member of the
political bureau of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPFL), an
organization listed on the Department of US Homeland Security’s list of
terrorist organizations.

In 2017, an Amhara ethnic rights organization, the Amhara Professional
Union (APU), accused *Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus* of carrying out a
full-fledged *genocidal policy* through *_forced vaccination_*, chemical
sterilization and abortion, when holding the post of Ethiopian Minister of
Health between 2005 and 2012. The population of this ethnic group fell by
2.5 million between the 1997 and 2007 censuses. At the same time, the
other major Eritrean ethnic groups reportedly saw their population grow by
2.6 per cent annually.

The TPFL was also accused of plundering Ethiopia and using the 3.5 billion
dollars in aid received by Ethiopia (amounting to 60% of the national
budget) for political repression of opponents (belonging to two majority
ethnic groups). This extraordinary WHO director, who seems to be devoted
to the *_goals of Bill Gates_* and his Chinese friends, served as
Ethiopia's Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012, while at the same time
serving as director – from 2009 to 2011 – of of an AIDS, tuberculosis and
malaria programme funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Good
reason perhaps to question the surprising position of WHO regarding its
oft-repeated recommendation *not to use* anti-inflammatory drugs against
Covid-19 and the oft-repeated statement of this world body that "there is
no treatment to date" but that a vaccine is being studied.

The WHO Director, who as minister of health was caught red-handed covering
up three cholera outbreaks, will do what he is told. This is the driving
force behind this policy. WHO was, notably, established by the
Rockefellers. WHO tells you the procedure to follow and you follow it. You
follow the protocol. In the light of the history of the vaccine’s
promoters, God save us from it!

*_On Dr. Fauci_*
This troubled character is also a member of the board of directors of the
Global Alliance for Vaccination (GAVI), an organization that works for the
benefit of the pharmaceutical industry to impose multi-vaccination with
RFID chips on the whole earth.

*_On old people_*
The French government issued a government directive on 19 March 2020 to
stop accepting "frail" people over the age of 75 in hospitals, which
condemns our elderly to death in EHPADs [residental care homes for the
elderly], while at the same time this same government forbids the
application of Professor Raoult's protocol in the care homes and
authorizes by decree the administration of a very strong drug to sedate
the elderly (exactly the drug contraindicated for lung diseases). Treating
them is forbidden, but a treatment that will give rise to death is
authorized. Which means that we will let them die and no resuscitation
will be attempted. And when they die, without having been resuscitated,
they will be part of the losses due to COVID-19. "We are undoubtedly going
to have to make choices, to decide who we are going to treat as a
priority, and as far as the elderly are concerned, we are going to have to
make more difficult choices" – we are going to kill or allow these elderly
people to die, who are asked to sign non-resuscitation forms, or who are
targeted by government directives not to accept them in hospitals, not to
apply treatment that can cure them, but for whom an injection deemed to be
lethal is authorized. This means that, to alleviate the suffering of
vulnerable people "likely to be affected" by Covid-19 (therefore in
respiratory distress, thanks to SARS), they will be injected on
instructions from the executive with products having the effect of death
by suffocation. We emphasize that euthanasia is not allowed in France, but
that murder (intentional homicide with premeditation) is punishable by
life imprisonment, and that the accomplice is punishable by the same
penalties as the main perpetrator.
Complicity consists of acts of provocation, instructions given, and
provision of means, help and assistance. Reference to a decree will not
protect the perpetrators and accomplices from criminal proceedings. Both
criminally and morally, *_these are none other than murders_*.
"It is at best dangerous, and then constitutive of the crime of
endangering the life of others or of manslaughter (with the aggravating
circumstance of premeditation), at worst criminal – which is obviously the
case in such a context" (Dr. Nicole Delépine, Dr. Joseph Hardy).
Certain decision-makers seem disposed to abuse these elderly people in the
vilest way, elderly people who are told that the lockdown is there to
protect them.

Michael Moroney
2020-09-05 19:41:06 UTC
Subject: Re: Bringing in mass to spectral l
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Tumid Camel Penis Hour".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-05 22:53:56 UTC
Why does Dr. Hanlon, Tessier-Lavigne teach fake math of ellipse a conic when it never was, 10 OR 2 = 12, never a geometry proof of Fund. Theor. of Calculus. Are they proud of teaching fake math??

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series, Archimedes Plutonium, Kindle.

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Michael Moroney
2020-09-05 23:30:12 UTC
Subject: Why does Dr. Hanlon, Tessier-Lavigne teach fake math o
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Mom: Epic hair, nude slut".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-10 04:14:09 UTC
Boycott Samsung, Kibo Parry Moroney, is the flat screen composed of Moon Bear bile?
Kibo, is the flat screen composed of 12% tortured Moon Bear bile by Samsung?
Kibo, is 12% of the Samsung phone made from tortured Moon Bear bile?????
Kibo is it true
\\ ("`****/"). Tortured Moon Bear
\\ `0_ 0 ) `-.
\\ (_&_.)' ._ )
\\ `--' / /
\\ ==(li)===========
Is it true Kibo that they use tortured Moon Bears, their claws used by Samsung and Hyundai to make microprocessor chips
"I See A Child Rump Mount"
Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a paid-for evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears
2 million unconfirmed views of Nicholas Thompson's "Wired magazine" since Wired loves feature articles of creep-clown Kibo Parry Moroney, Yoo, Nick was it 2 million or 4 million views???
Skip to first unread message

Is Wired magazine's Nicholas Thompson going to cover the story this time around?
Wired loves covering the stalker Kibo Parry Moroney-- how many cover stories??

AP wonders: I guess the mission of Wired magazine is to highlight and spotlight the world's insane stalkers with front page coverage-- to give the "budding creep" a adrenalin rush to stalk some more innocent victims, am I right on that Nick?? Yoo Nick.

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
6:28 PM (1 hour ago)

Kibo Parry Moroney, not a comic, not a scientist, not a engineer but a evil stalker shithead that wants to torture more South Korean Moon Bears

Michael Moroney
Aug 4, 2020, 7:48:14 AM (yesterday)
Minnow of Math and Guppy of Physics
"signifying nothing"
AP>>Subject: Re: Kibo Parry Moroney asks Trump to give South Korea to North Korea,
AP>>Kibo what is the news?

kibo Parry Moroney>I just got this new Samsung monitor! It's cool, curved screen and everything!
But it's to replace another Samsung monitor which failed. Will you write
Samsung and tell them to add some more bear bile to the computer monitor
mfg. process, in order to keep them from failing early?

kibo Parry Moroney>Of course not! You won't do anything to help tortured bears! All you do is
rant and rave here impotently, which won't even stop the torture of a single
teddy bear! All you do is fail, fail fail!
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-11 22:09:39 UTC
Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake math like ellipse is a conic when it never was, or their 10 OR 2 = 12 Boole Logic which is miserably in error. Does Dartmouth & Stanford hate the Truth of math?

And why rush back to college when all they do in science is teach fake math like ellipse is a conic, why rush back for fakery. Where the math professors are so dumb and daffy they know Calculus is geometry, yet the fools can never do a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

And you rush back to College risking infection for this fakery???

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers. And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Dan Christensen
2020-09-11 23:08:20 UTC
Why is ...
Why is it you are ALWAYS going on about your home-erotic fantasies involving animal excrement, Archie Poo? (See original subject line in this thread.) No, we do NOT want to hear how steaming hot cow pies get you aroused!

WARNING TO STUDENTS: Don't be a victim of AP's fake math and science

AP is a malicious troll who really, REALLY wants you to fail in school just like he must have so long ago (in the 60's?). Then he would like to recruit you to his sinister Atom God Cult of Failure. Think I'm making this up? IN HIS OWN WORDS:

AP's fake math that can only be designed to promote failure in schools:

“Primes do not exist, because the set they were borne from has no division.”
--June 29, 2020 *** NEW ***

“The last and largest finite number is 10^604.”
--June 3, 2015

“0 appears to be the last and largest finite number”
--June 9, 2015

“0/0 must be equal to 1.”
-- June 9, 2015

“0 is an infinite irrational number.”
--June 28, 2015

“No negative numbers exist.”
--December 22, 2018

“Rationals are not numbers.”
--May 18, 2019

“The value of sin(45 degrees) = 1.” (Actually, sin(45 degrees) = 0.707. tan(45 degrees) = 1.)
--May 31, 2019

AP deliberately and repeatedly presented the truth table for OR as the truth table for AND:

“New Logic
T & T = T
T & F = T
F & T = T
F & F = F”
--November 9, 2019

According to AP's “chess board math,” an equilateral triangle is right-triangle.
--December 11, 2019

AP seeks aid of Russian agents to promote failure in schools:

"Please--Asking for help from Russia-- russian robots-- to create a new, true mathematics [sic]"
--November 9, 2017

And if that wasn't weird enough...

AP's sinister Atom God Cult

“The totality, everything that there is [the universe], is only 1 atom of plutonium [Pu]. There is nothing outside or beyond this one atom of plutonium.”
--April 4, 1994

“The Universe itself is one gigantic big atom.”
--November 14, 2019

“Since God-Pu is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Atom Plutonium!
Its truth is marching on.
It has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
It is sifting out the hearts of people before its judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer it; be jubilant, my feet!
Our God-Pu is marching on.”
--December 15, 2018 (Note: Pu is the atomic symbol for plutonium)

Are you ready, kids???


Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Professor Wordsmith
2020-09-06 00:21:53 UTC
"A Rump Mount Ice Shield"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-09 02:52:33 UTC
Why does Dr. Hanlon, Tessier-Lavigne teach fake math of ellipse a conic when it never was, 10 OR 2 = 12, never a geometry proof of Fund. Theor. of Calculus. Are they proud of teaching fake math??

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series, Archimedes Plutonium, Kindle.

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers. And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-10 18:24:42 UTC
List of 72 fakes and mistakes in Physics// 130th book// Introduction to AP's TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS series, by Archimedes Plutonium

Currently the list of fakes in physics is 72, but the list of fakes of physics should be about 100 or more, far larger than list of math fakes, for math is a list of 50, and is a closed subject and a subset of physics. And I thought the list in math would be larger than that of physics when somewhat finished, due to the fact that physics has experiments as judge while math has a country clubhouse of like minded fools-kooks as judges. When you have biased kook fools judging whether true or false, many errors will occur. But what I had not counted on, is the sheer volume or bulk of true math versus true physics. Physics I would reckon covers thousands upon thousands of more topics, whereas mathematics that is true math is a tiny tiny house of topics in comparison to physics. It is metaphorically like comparing the Sun as physics, to Earth as mathematics. So, yes, there are more mistakes in mathematics per volume of that subject than in physics, but because physics is so large a subject in what it covers, there are more chances of total errors. My list of errors in math is 50 at the moment, and so when somewhat complete, the list of errors in physics should be 100 or more.

1) Big Bang theory is a joke, never a reality. And a outright contradiction of the Atomic theory, that all matter is composed of atoms. For all matter can be interchanged with "all things". If all things are atoms, then the universe itself , we must admit if we are logical thinkers, is "a thing" and thus the universe must be a atom also. Big Bang contradicts Logic. And if science is anything, it is logical. 

2) When you find in the world, a Generalization of All Matter is made up of Atoms. You have to go with the Logic as the truth. If all Matter is atoms, then the Whole of the Universe is Matter, you must continue to the conclusion that the Whole is also an Atom. If you do not make that conclusion, you have to thence say-- All Matter except the Universe, and that is a silly end conclusion.

3) I need the list to be logical in order of importance, at least try to be logically ordered. Big Bang baloney is number 1 because Atom Totality is number 1. The second greatest physics fallacy is their screwing up of the 1897 Thomson particle they called the electron of 0.5MeV when it is the Dirac magnetic monopole that Thomson had found. It would not be until 1936 that the true electron of atoms is discovered and called the muon. What the 1897 screw-up mis-identity shows most of all, is that physicists throughout the 20th century never had a handle on what angular momentum means. If you understand angular momentum, you would realize that a proton at 938MeV and electron at 0.5MeV cannot support the existence of a hydrogen atom, or any atom for that sake. 

4) Direct consequence of muon being the true electron, determines that the proton is 840MeV and the muon is stuck inside the proton doing a Faraday Law of producing new electricity by turning Space into electromagnetism. This is Dirac's new radioactivity and is the creation of new mass, matter in Space. This means all stars shine not from fusion, but from Faraday Law. Not only do stars grow more massive and bigger, but that all astro-bodies grow bigger. Meaning the Nebular Dust Cloud theory is a gigantic hoax for the growing of the Solar System. 

5) Stars shine not from fusion, but from the muon thrusting through its proton coil. Every atom inside a star and every proton in that star is making new electricity from its muon thrusting through its proton 8 ring coil tokamak.

6) A direct consequence that the muon is stuck inside the proton in all experiments, is this Logical Principle, that in physics, every particle or subatomic particle has a function, a job, a task. Principles of Science are some of the most important teachings and understandings in science. One has a logical hole in the head if they think you can have particles of physics, and those particles have no job, no function, no task to perform. Existence in physics means-- a job to do.

7) A New Periodic Table of Chemical Elements must emerge from a mistaken electron as 0.5MeV when it truly is 105MeV, the muon. Such a table is based not on a Lewis structure of 8 but rather on 6. There are 6 successive elements in a row, and only 6 in a row. See AP's book for details: Research Notebook of AP on True Chemistry Periodic Table of Elements based on 6, not the error-filled table of Old Chemistry, Chemistry Series, book 5.

8) Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse".

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

9) The mathematics used in New Physics recognizes that Calculus is the pinnacle peak of math, and so, the calculus in New Physics uses only polynomial functions, no trigonometry, no logarithmic, no exponential, nothing but polynomials are used in New Physics. That means if a function were not a polynomial in physics, we have to convert it to a polynomial function before we can use it. We use the Lagrange transform or what I call the Polynomial Transform which in its most simple form is shown.

For 2 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1), we produce the 1st degree polynomial, a straightline or line segment

P(x) = y0(x-x1) / (x0-x1)
       + y1(x-x0) / (x1-x0)

For 3 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2), we produce the 2nd degree polynomial, a compilation-curve

P(x) = y0(x-x1)(x-x2) / (x0-x1)(x0-x2)
        +y1(x-x0)(x-x2) / (x1-x0)(x1-x2)
        +y2(x-x0)(x-x1) / (x2-x0)(x2-x1)
10) Since all functions in physics are polynomials, means all calculus used in physics is simply the Power Rule for derivative and Power Rule for integral.

11) Since math is so simple with the all functions being only polynomials, that means all the trigonometry is removed out of calculus.

12) No-one in physics really understood what Angular Momentum means. If anyone thought he/she understood, would have recognized that the hydrogen atom cannot exist under a 938MeV proton and a 0.5MeV electron. There is not enough angular momentum in that ratio. The minimum angular momentum for the existence of the Hydrogen atom is a ratio of 8 to 1, where the proton is 840MeV and electron= muon = 105MeV. See AP's book two books on Angular Momentum for details (1) Elementary Angular-Momentum and Gravity//Physics series for High School Book 8 and (2) Raw Research into ANGULAR-MOMENTUM DYNAMICS// Physics focus series, book 1. Angular Momentum is tough because the human mind is stuck in linear momentum, an unbound system, but angular momentum is like an electric circuit, a closed loop and a bound system. Angular Momentum is much like gravity itself, for gravity is a reflection of angular momentum, tough tough physics, for it eluded the best physicists, Maxwell, Dirac, Feynman.

13) It is a credit to Dirac to keep looking for the magnetic monopole for one of the greatest principles in all of physics, and thus all of science is Symmetry. Dirac was logically repulsed to the idea that electricity was quantized, but that magnetism is not quantized without a magnetic monopole. The desire to have logic-- symmetry must be upheld that kept Dirac going. Sadly, Dirac did not live to see his magnetic monopole is everywhere, every every where. But the lesson is important-- logical principles such as symmetry transcend all other evidence. Most physicists were boo boo booing Dirac, but as long as he held to logic of symmetry, it was just a matter of time that he won.

14) Nebular Dust Cloud theory is purely a hoax, for the Universe has some 10^11 planet systems, and to think that Nebular Dust is spread so evenly throughout the Universe, when supernova are rare, is a colossal logic brain dump. Each and every atom is growing bigger in the universe every second and minute of the day, just as Dirac said in his "new radioactivities" in his book "Directions in Physics". Only a half brain would need something as stupid silly as a Nebular Dust Cloud, here, there, and everywhere.

15) Direct consequence of Faraday law going on inside each and every atom means the Sun will go Red Giant phase starting now and completed in 140 million years where Earth is like Venus-- not habitable by life. Before the end of 1 to 10 million years hence forward of August 2020, if humanity has not colonized Mars, Europa, Pluto, there is a good chance humanity goes extinct. 

16) The most important number in all of science for humanity, is the number for the yearly increase in Solar radiation by our Sun. As of year 2020, NASA has the figure pegged at 0.005% yearly increase in total solar radiation. This easily explains a loss of total Insects on Earth at 25% total insect biomass for the past decade. This is a huge alarm bell, for it means, unless humanity makes its future home on Europa, Mars and Pluto, the entire human species goes extinct, and as the Sun further goes Red Giant, humanity must constantly go further out away from the Sun.

17) Let me stop there about the mis-identification of the true electron, and talk about Principles of Logic, principles of reasoning, for most physicists lack a good enough brain of logic to do physics. You cannot teach logical thinking, but have to be borne with a logical mind. That is why it is so rare. You can teach logical mistakes, but you cannot reshape a mind or form a mind that is pure in logic, that thinks logically. And of course, well, the deficiency of most scientists, is lack of a logical mind. The Primal Axiom of Physics and of all of science is -- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. You would be surprised that few in physics truly understands the full meaning of that. For example, Einstein never heard of this axiom and never would understand it if he did hear it. I say that because, Einstein went chasing after "gravity" and came up with his stupid silly elevator analogy.

18) Another Principle of Logic, and why all physicists, even my heroes of Dirac and Feynman never understood Angular Momentum. They all knew Linear Momentum. They all knew that gravity makes things go in circles or closed loops. So, the question of logic is. Is there such a thing as Linear Momentum, or is it a generalized fiction? Is linear momentum purely a fake with its mass x velocity? So you have gravity as pulling on everything, and universal. Can you even have such a thing as linear momentum in this understanding? No, because when you talk of linear momentum, you just have not found the correct size radius of the Universe pulling on your mass. Linear Momentum and mass x velocity is a generalized fiction of physics. There are other fictions in physics such as centrifugal force, but the belief in Linear Momentum and all the mathematics generalization of using Mass times Velocity has caused huge amount of other fakery to permeate through and saturate physics.

19) Keeping this list in logical order of importance would be to follow the great Primal Axiom of Physics-- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. So the first mistake was Big Bang, the second mistake was mis-identity of the true electron. Following mistakes of Old Physics is their Unification of Forces, and that they followed a science nitwit of Einstein with his General Relativity, rather than follow the giant of physics of James Clerk Maxwell and continue on with electricity and magnetism as being gravity. No, most of the physicists of the 20th century were airheads following a fakester of Einstein. This is as much a lesson in sociology as is physics. If you follow someone, you better be sure he/she is correct thoroughly correct. Otherwise it is just idiotic hero worship. 
Einstein General Relativity-- Einstein was so stupid in physics, that he never realized the only particle of physics that was perfect -- was the photon of electricity and magnetism. In other words, to do a Unification of Forces is as simple as detecting of the Most Perfect Physics Particle. Hence, the unification of forces of physics means it all boils down to electricity and magnetism. So gravity is electricity and magnetism. Yet there was that nitwit of physics Einstein trying to equate a rising or lowering elevator to a simulation program of gravity, far far too stupid to just say-- gravity is electricity and magnetism. Einstein, with no logical brains to reason with. Einstein even hated quantum mechanics and Einstein ended up more as a physics deluded con-artist. 

20) Black Holes-- invented by the most ignorant and stupid physicists whose imagination wants to violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle and gain fame and fortune with a brain that has no logical marbles at all. Black hole people were followers of the deluded Einstein with his General Relativity. If you believe in black-holes, you really do not belong in science, and so stupid, that you probably would even fail science fiction. A simple test of any scientist,-- do you believe in black holes-- and shown the exit door of science as a career.

21) Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- this was invented by a group of logical brain dead physicists looking at galaxy rotations and seeing that there was not enough mass in Newton's law of gravity to account for this fast rotation of galaxies, these physicists opted for fame and fortune, rather than admit Electricity and Magnetism, not Newton gravity, causes galaxy rotation. Here again is the power of sociology of follow a leader-- Einstein and his deluded General Relativity. Much of the 20th century physics was a waste of time in following the delusions of Einstein, when it should have followed Maxwell of 1860s then Bohr's quantum mechanics. 

22) Doppler Red Shift one of the horrendous follies of modern physics and astronomy. Please see AP's book to get the truth behind Doppler redshift. Doppler redshift (blueshift) has nothing to do with motion of source and cannot tell you distance//(Physics series for High School Book 6)
by Archimedes Plutonium
What the Doppler redshift & blueshift really are-- heat and magnetism shifts of 8 Rings of the proton in hydrogen. We are far closer together in the Universe than what the idiotic doppler redshift says.

23) Standard Model of Old Physics-- logical tripe, mind-rot physics, another group of physicists grasping for fame and fortune. So dumb were they, their subatomic particles have no job no task no function for subatomic particles, and they needed a Dirac magnetic monopole, but too stupid to realize they had a muon that did nothing in the Standard Model. There Standard Model was all built around silly algebras, fancy algebras that meant nothing, but kooks of physics cannot resist fame and fortune and they glue onto tripe. And they assigned the 1897 Thomson 0.51MeV particle as the electron, when in truth the muon was the true electron. Standard Model physics is the dumbest collection of physicists the world has ever seen in particle physics. You really do not get any dumber than this in physics, when all you do is peddle push math Algebras and have particles that have no function, no task, no job. Airhead physics is what the Standard Model is, and was. 

24) Generalization or Idealization in science is usually fakery it starts with the premiss that one knows what is going on and just trimming away all the rest of the universe to explain the situation. The opposite of Generalization or Idealization is that of Modeling. Modeling starts with the premiss we know little about something and use a model to try to fathom what is going on. You see the major difference? Generalization and Idealization assumes we know it all, and doing the generalization and idealization to make the explanation simple. But in fact we know little about the subject and the generalization and idealization makes the entire topic a fakery. A typical display of generalization/idealization is when the professor runs to the blackboard and draws a point particle and ascribes it with mass and velocity in a direction and then hammers out formulas. All as if we know everything about this item and just simplifying. Much of Old Physics is this generalization and idealization, for it is easy on the math. Only problem is, the generalization and idealization are not reality. Much of the mathematics and conclusions in Feynman Lectures on Physics are from generalization and idealization.

Modeling however is not arrogant but a recognition at the outset that we hope to discover truth and facts of the problem. So we model the problem with something better known. A great example of modeling is the photon or light wave modeled by the DNA and RNA of biology.

25) Principle of Modeling: when we are in the dark about some physics, it is required that we model that phenomenon to gain more knowledge of what truly is going on. This does not mean that models are correct, for many times the model leads to fakery. A good example is the planets going around the sun was used to model the atom interior as electrons going around a nucleus. It was a wrong model for the better model was a proton torus of rings and the electron muon thrusting through the rings in a Faraday law. The Principle of Modeling is a recognition we do not know the physical reality and are using a tool to model the phenomenon.

26) The photon or light wave is very complex and we have a great model of the photon as DNA or RNA of biology. Whenever we want to think about what a photon is, we project our thoughts upon DNA and RNA and model what the interior and exterior of light wave is. This idea that light wave and DNA are replicas of one another was invented by AP in the 1990s and AP wrote many books on this idea. It is present day research and it is the focus of attention of many concepts of physics, biology and other sciences. The idea that photon writ large is DNA, is a major advance in physics. Of course in Old Physics, there mistake was they had photon and light wave as a sinusoid ( a math curve that is nonexistent) and just an up and down buffoon bobbing. In AP's light wave = DNA offers rich structure, an interior and exterior.

27) Light wave can be both longitudinal as in radio waves or transverse as in waves higher in frequency than 17777 meters wavelength 17777 Hz frequency (the square root of speed of light).

28) Light is always a closed loop stretching all the way around back to its source. This gives what is called Quantum Entanglement. In Old Physics they viewed a light wave as having a head and a tail.

29) Light Waves modeled as DNA and RNA, especially the closed loop mitochondrial DNA makes us realize the rich internal structure of photons, light waves, and this is how first life began, as a materialized light wave spilling its internal structure inside a capacitor. In Old Physics their light wave was just a bobbing up and down of a point in space, no structure, no nothing.

30) Higgs Mechanism-- Peter Higgs is likely to go down in physics history as the "magnanimous buffoon of Standard Model physics". How stupid is Peter in mass mechanism? That fool never even knew what angular momentum was, or meant, and here his big mouth is wide open on mass creation. I say that because if anyone knew what angular momentum means in physics, they straight-away knows that a hydrogen atom cannot exist with proton 938MeV, electron 0.5MeV. For hydrogen atom to exist you need a ratio of proton = 840MeV, electron=muon= 105MeV. Higgs's electron of 0.5MeV, proton at 938MeV would make all hydrogen atoms dissolve on the spot, due to lack of angular momentum. And Old Physics gives such a buffoon a Nobel prize in physics. The Nobel prize no longer has any meaning with so many mistakes, in fact, in the future, it will be an embarrassment to win the Nobel prize, I for one refuse to have it and be put on a list of dumb fools of physics. I mean, well Archimedes Plutonium on a list with Einstein and Higgs. They should give the Nobel prize in physics to Hollywood airheads from now on out. 

31) Cosmic Background Radiation, gravity waves, neutron stars, more and more physics mindrot. More and more "gone astray" from General Relativity and Big Bang b.s. 

32) Let me switch to something entirely different-- Superconductivity. Sure, superconductivity exists, but the complaint is the ignorant interpretation as given by BCS theory, a interpretation of their 0.5MeV particles pairing together. When, all that Superconductivity is, is a Capacitor phenomenon. At a cold temperature, all the electricity stays put, no loss. And as soon as you connect the capacitor, it all flows, no resistance, no loss. Superconductivity is Capacitor perfection. That is why there is no AC superconductivity. 

33) The viewpoint of electricity as particles or waves is fakery in Old Physics, with their electron as electricity when it is really magnetic monopoles as waves that is electricity.

34) Maxwell Equations needed refurbishing early in the 20th century when the age of electricity with Tesla and Edison was thriving. Trouble is, Old Physics was deep in distraction with Quantum Mechanics. The highest priority was to fix Maxwell Equations, not with the details of Quantum Mechanics, but then the age of atomic weapons plunged more interest in Quantum Mechanics and not electricity and magnetism. Also given the silly stupid General Relativity as fakery mixing up the waters even worse. But by the start of electric power stations circa 1895, which ironically, Thomson would discover a particle in 1897 which is the particle of electricity-- the magnetic monopole. So, why did Old Physics leave the Maxwell Equations of 1860s in a state of disrepair. The Maxwell Equations of 1860s were mostly mistakes except for Faraday law and Ampere law.

35) Maxwell Equations should have been based on Ohm's law. Take one of the laws of electricity and magnetism, the most simple in mathematical form and use it as basis foundation of all the other laws of EM. New Ohm's law V=iBL.

36) EM has no electric field, for the Voltage is the electric field. So that was a big mistake of Old Physics.

37) There is a magnetic monopole and it is often found to be the 0.5MeV particle. So Gauss's law was wrong.

38) Once you make New Ohm's law the basis of EM math and theory, then all the permutations of derivative of V= iBL serves as the newly revised Maxwell Equations.

39) And here we see again the Logical Weakness in making the Maxwell Equations, same logical weakness in forming the Unification of Forces in Physics. When you have a collection of items to unify into one or to unify into a synthesis, the basis of the unification or the basis of the synthesis is to chose the "most perfect item" and then have it form the rest. In the case of forces, we pick the most perfect interacting particle of the 4 forces and it naturally is the photon light wave, hence EM is the unification force and the other three forces are just a multiple of EM. In the case of Maxwell Equations of EM, we pick the most perfect math form of the laws, and it is not Coulomb's inverse square nor is it Faraday and Ampere with their division format. No, it is New Ohm's law math format of Voltage = current x magnetic field x angular momentum. A math form of A = BCD, like in geometry the volume of a rectangular box. The easiest most perfect math form is what to base your EM equations upon.

40) Once you have the Maxwell Equations based on V= iBL and all its calculus permutations, then we see that 1860's Maxwell Equations had many terms missing in Faraday law, in Ampere law even in the Capacitor Law of V' = (iBL)'.

41) Then we see that due to All is Atom and Atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism and the fact the highest equation in physics is of form V = iBL, we learning the stunning fact that mathematics volume is the highest equation in mathematics also. We see that in chemistry the Ideal Gas Law is really just a form of V= iBL.

42) From the revised equations of EM, based upon V = iBL we realize that calculus needs a 3rd dimension calculus, for the calculus of Old Math and Old Physics had no 3rd dimensional calculus at all. And what 3D Calculus turns out to be is the angular momentum and the force of gravity. AP's sophomore college textbook is devoted to the 3rd dimension calculus.

43) Having fixed calculus by extending it to the 3rd dimension, we realize that in astronomy where they never heard of 3D calculus, that the numbers on planet Mercury required there to be a mass of some kind of moon. Turns out, it is a Cloud of Magnetic Monopoles that is the moon of Mercury. AP names this cloud-moon as Willis.

44) In researching why dragonflies grew so gigantic in size, as a result of a different gravity on Earth, in that Earth was 1/8 the mass in the Devonian geological period, that gigantism can flourish in that sort of low gravity. AP proposes the Growing Earth theory of Dirac's "new radioactivity" all because muon thrusting through proton coil.

45) In news of 2020 that Earth lost 25% of the total insect biomass in the prior decade, and linking up that fact with the NASA data of a increase in Solar radiation of 0.005% per year for the past decade, implies that the Sun has initiated Red Giant phase. It is unclear whether the planet Earth is made uninhabitable in 1-10 million years or for sure in 140 million years. Old Physics pegged the Red Giant phase in 4 billion years. AP peggs the phase starting 2020. We will go extinct unless we can colonize Mars, Europa, Pluto.

46) In Old Physics, physics is seen as mostly algebra and calculus math. In New Physics, we see physics as math, divided into two dual houses. One is algebra calculus and the other is a geometry format. The algebra of Faraday law is i' = (V/(BL) )' the geometry description of Faraday law is "a thrusting bar magnet through a closed loop wire produces a electric current". Actually the geometry side of physics is far more instructive and far more of knowing what is truly going on. So Old Physics only stressed the algebra side of physics. New Physics stresses the geometry side as more important.

47) In Old Physics the Bohr model of the atom is all wrong. Bohr never assigned jobs, tasks, functions of subatomic particles. And Bohr was going from the shoddy interpretation of the Rutherford gold leaf experiment where it was claimed a nuclear center with tiny electrons orbiting the massive tiny nucleus. A sort of Sun solar system model, only this time the interior of atoms. Truth is, the muon and proton are doing a Faraday law and that requires a torus ring for the proton with muon inside thrusting through. No nucleus in New Physics. And we need to do over entirely the Rutherford experiment.

48) The interior of atoms are toruses of protons with muon inside making electricity from Space and then storage of the electricity in neutron capacitors. This is how every atom grows, and how the universe itself grows and becomes more massive with time.

49) A dumb duplication of concepts, Old Physics had. For Old Physics had electric field and had the same concept in voltage. Shows that no-one in Old Physics had a complete command of the subject. One could fault James Clerk Maxwell, but I rather credit him for synthesis of all the scattered laws of electricity and magnetism. But there was no reason that those in the 20th century let this huge error pass.

50) The huge error of "charge" in Old Physics. This was one of AP's most horrible error to get rid of. It comes from horses charging in the 18th century, the time of Ben Franklin and others. And we still have "horsepower" as power unit in physics, where we convert to watts in electricity. Charge is replaced in New Physics with a "vector direction". And come to think of it, logically, charge could not have been thrown out of Old Physics, until the Dirac magnetic monopole was widely known and recognized. Just as, we cannot understand in a weather storm the lightening bolt and what it is, until we know and are familiar with what electricity is. Of all the mistakes in Old Physics, one of the toughest to fix for AP was certainly that of "charge". A nice word that replaces "charge" is simple say "pole". Words like "juice" for electricity is abhorrent to a scientist, and so should be the word "charge".

51) Neutral currents in Old Physics in their unification of weak nuclear with electromagnetism was a joke. Once you have the 0.5MeV particle as the Dirac magnetic monopole, the "neutral current was a laughable joke.

52) Logic Principle: focus in on anything perfect in physics, such as the photon light wave is the only perfect particle of physics which leads to the EM unification of all the 4 forces of physics. But mathematics has a "perfect formula or equation" which is volume of Space. Volume of Space takes the form of V = A*B*C. Perfect math form for volume translates into physics as Voltage = iBL. But this perfect math form also translates into chemistry ideal gas law of P = nRT(1/Volume) which when reduced is of the form P = A*B*C, just like Voltage = iBL.

53) Physics and mathematics have at most 3 dimensions. There exists no 4th dimension, or higher. Dimension of space stops with the 3rd dimension.

54) The highest and most perfect math formulas of Physics are of form V = A*B*C, and where this volume type of formula V = ABC is energy and volume of Space.

55) Old Physics made a big mistake with Sound Waves. They made the mistake that Sound does not involve electricity and magnetism, the EM wave spectrum. To correct their mistake, all they needed to do is recognize what is called the DeBroglie pilot wave. A radio wave is the source of all Sound waves.

56) Old Physics screwed up badly on the concept of "mole" in physics and chemistry. All they really needed to say was divide the mass of the proton+muon into 1 gram. And the true number of mole is not 6.02*10^23 but is rather 5.98*10^23.

57) Old Physics and Old Chemistry screwed up badly on the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements because their table is based not upon the structure of the proton and muon but on the elusive particle of the magnetic monopole which is produced as a byproduct of the muon and proton. Old Chemistry had a Lewis structure based upon 8, when even those in chemistry could see that the P orbital has only 6 number, not 8. AP's New Periodic Table of Elements is based on 6, not 8.

58) All of radioactivity teaching in Old Physics must be revised since the 0.5MeV particle is not the electron of atoms but the Dirac magnetic monopole. Why is AP the first scientist to see that Faraday Law is the same as Radioactivity Disintegration Law.

59) Radioactive decay is a subject that needs massive overhaul in Old Physics for they got all the different subatomic particles mixed-up. The 0.5MeV particle is along with the positron, are magnetic monopoles and not decay but rather emission of electricity produced by Faraday law of muon and proton. And real radioactive decay of a hydrogen atom or helium atom etc etc must be viewed and taught in the perspective of breaking apart a many ringed toruses of protons. The collision of a neutron capacitor with a many ringed proton toruses is New Physics radioactivity.

60) Double Slit Experiment error: Old Physics thought of a light ray as ^v^v^v^v^v^ that is open ended, not closed. And that viewpoint of light causes all those impossible and unexplainable mysteries in the Double Slit Experiment. On the other hand, if you go to explain the Double Slit with light as a closed loop straight line segment, all the mysteries disappear. So the idea that all of the Double Slit Experiment strangeness is solved and resolved by simply recognizing light wave as a thin closed loop ray, whose source is part of the closed loop.

61) Old Physics along with Old Biology got photosynthesis wrong. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: summary of how it works-- air of CO2 molecules, Animal-CO2 (not Fire-CO2) enters the stoma opening to the magnesium atom capacitor. And sunlight shines on the capacitor. The sunlight is turned into electricity and stored inside the magnesium capacitor. So much electricity is stored that as a Animal-CO2 molecule touches the capacitor, it strips off the carbon C atom and leaves behind a O2 molecule. This stripped off C atom immediately comes in contact with water molecule H2O and with the capacitor energy is transformed into CH2O. This newly minted sugar hydrocarbon CH2O is stacked up forming a "tail" in the magnesium capacitor. This CH2O can be further combined with other CH2O molecules forming various other sugars such as C_6 H_12 O_6.

62) Logic Principle of Symmetry. The Dirac magnetic monopole was extremely extremely important for all of Physics, in a sense, all of physics falls apart if we have asymmetry in the major structure of atoms. Atoms are symmetrical. So to have quantization of electricity, you must have quantization of magnetism. Pure and simple.

63) Principle of Symmetry brings me again to the magnetic monopole. Of course, well, symmetry is what drove Dirac to know it exists, even though he faced a mountain of physics idiots. Principles of Logic are far better than observations and formulas and equations. For, notice, that the electricity had a pole and a opposite pole of what they called the positron versus their 0.5MeV particle. So they had two particles of opposite pole, but, they somehow wanted to be stupid about having two poles for magnetism. And this brings up a whole new Logic Principle.

64) Principle of Close Loop Symmetry, the Circuit of Physics. Electricity never never exists unless it is closed loop circuit. The electricity inside a capacitor is a closed loop. The electricity in a wire is a closed loop circuit. In order to have a closed loop circuit you must have a north pole and a south pole, a positron and its opposite direction particle what Old Physics called the 0.5MeV particle. So, by logic, if we have electricity having two poles, we must have magnetism with two poles. Since we have the existence of a positron pole, and the existence of its opposite pole in electricity, we likewise must have the existence of a north magnetic monopole and a south magnetic monopole. In fact, the positron itself is the north magnetic monopole and the Thomson particle of 0.5MeV is the south magnetic monopole.

When you do the Faraday Law, you peel off monopoles of magnetism and those monopoles form dipoles as electricity flow in the closed loop wire.

65) Let me change direction here for a moment and talk about mistakes and errors of mathematics used in Old Physics. Of course, well all the mathematics ever used in physics comes from a math form of A = B*C*D and that form is the math of volume of geometry space. It is the form of New Ohm's law and of the chemistry Ideal Gas Law. That form is the most highest math you will every need to know to do physics. A simple multiplication of three factors to make a fourth quantity. Of course, it gets a little more complicated when we do the derivative of A = B*C*D but not much complicated for our math in all of physics is polynomial functions. That means easy easy super easy derivative and integrals since it is easy because all polynomials are dispatched by the Power Rule of Calculus. So in New Physics we have no math to scare us with complexity or difficulty. Math in New Physics is so simple and easy, that by junior and senior year High School we can learn all the math we need to do everything in physics. And math after High School is just details of High School math.

Now I bring that up for an important reason, not just because I covered all of this in my series Teaching True Mathematics, but I bring it up because the Maxwell Equations of Old Physics were mired in error and mistakes and were utterly too hard for most people in college, even the professors of math and science. It was rare to find anyone in the physics dept of colleges who even were fluid in doing the Old Physics Maxwell Equations. And it was rare that any math professor could even teach the Maxwell Equations, simple because they never really understood them. In the Teaching True Mathematics by AP textbook series, I cover all the Maxwell Equations so that the student can master them by 1st year college. But these are no longer the Old Physics Maxwell Equations but the AP New Physics EM equation, far different from the historic classical Maxwell Equations. Far different and super easy and simple.

One of the reasons so many in Old Physics chose the path of the silly ignorant General Relativity, was because in GR, you still always use Newton's gravity and make just tiny slight changes. But in Maxwell Equations of 1860, you had four equations that most physicists, even Einstein never grasped. It was too hard for them. And that is probably the reason they ended up with a Gauss law of -- no magnetic monopole. But in New Physics AP's EM equations, we easily see Ampere's law derivative of magnetic field and from Faraday's law derivative of current, that the two are symmetrically the same, implying the two require a full closed loop circuit, further implying both need a two pole electricity and a two pole magnetism. Just as electric monopoles exist, so too must magnetic monopoles exist.

66) Sigma Error is part of probability and statistics theory, but was seen as a outlier in Old Physics. Seen as a practice, not as a internal feature of physics. And that is a shame because if someone had paid more attention to the practice of Sigma Error in experiments and observations, then the discovery the real proton is 840MeV not 938 and the real electron is the muon at 105MeV, would have been discovered earlier than AP's 2016-2017 discovery. AP's second most famous science discovery after the Atom Totality. For it was the notice of AP that 938 is close to 945, and that 105 subtract 940 is the proton mass in MeV, all well under Sigma Error.

67) Sigma Error Logic Principle in Physics: If we come so close in numbers to related phenomenon such as 945/938 = sigma error of 0.7%, then we take that as the true proton 840MeV, true electron is muon at 105MeV. The related phenomenon is 9 x 105 = 945, implying that there are 9 rings, 9 muon rings involved in proton and muon.

68) Divisional Numeric and Coefficient Relationship of Physics Constants. This is an extremely important math to physics relationship all invented by AP in the course of writing his books of science. An example here goes a long way in understanding. The Planck constant, the speed of light constant, the Boltzmann constant, the Fine Structure Constant all come easily from EM constant numbers. See my several books published on how they are derived.

69) The Light Wave as a closed loop circuit has not been understood in Old Physics. Their light wave was like an arrow with a front head and a rear tail. In New Physics the light wave is like a closed loop extension cord of electricity. Long and thin, but still a closed loop. This geometry is extremely important for it misguided Old Physics into thinking the Double Slit Experiment was mysterious when it was not. Misguided Old Physics into thinking "slow light" was mysterious when it was not for if you turn off the switch in a BEC slow light experiment, all the light disappears in the experiment, even the light inside the BEC. And quantum entanglement is now crystal clear as the connection all along the closed loop and the source.

70) We know half as much about the Tesla coil for wireless electricity transmission that we should know, by now. We spend far far too much time and money on superconductivity and fusion energy which is rumdummy science, because superconductivity is not the BCS b.s., no, but is merely capacitor theory. Superconductivity is just capacitor science, nothing more and we spend too much time and money on it, when we should be spending it on Tesla coil wireless electricity. The fusion energy is another huge squander of time and money, since the universe is a Faraday Law, not a fusion world. We should spend and devote our time on Tesla coil, especially when our Sun is now in a Red Giant phase which is quite noticeable in 2020 with the loss of 25% of insect biomass in the past 10 years.

71) Red Giant phase of stars starts once a star reaches a mass of 2*10^33 grams. Our Sun has initiated that phase and all life on Earth will go extinct or vanish unless it moves to the outskirts of the Solar System. We have evidence of this in the loss of 25% of all Insect biomass in just the past decade.

72) A Titius-Bode Rule of Star Systems also has a 4 then 4 rule for mass, the first four are rocky planets, the next 4 are gas giants not because of the stupid silly General Relativity, but because all of physics is electricity and magnetism driven physics. Where the spacing of planets is a Titius-Bode Rule because that is a Balmer-Rydberg sequence of spectral lines also electricity and magnetism driven.

I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-11 14:12:40 UTC
Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake math like ellipse is a conic when it never was, or their 10 OR 2 = 12 Boole Logic which is miserably in error. Does Dartmouth & Stanford hate the Truth of math?

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-12 22:18:11 UTC
Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake math like ellipse is a conic when it never was, or their 10 OR 2 = 12 Boole Logic which is miserably in error. Does Dartmouth & Stanford hate the Truth of math?

And why rush back to college when all they do in science is teach fake math like ellipse is a conic, why rush back for fakery. Where the math professors are so dumb and daffy they know Calculus is geometry, yet the fools can never do a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

And you rush back to College risking infection for this fakery???

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers. And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Dan Christensen
2020-09-13 04:28:46 UTC
Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake math...
Enough of your homo-erotic fantasies, Archie Poo. (See original subject line.) We get it. You are gay. No one gives a shit.

WARNING TO STUDENTS: Don't be a victim of AP's fake math and science

AP is a malicious troll who really, REALLY wants you to fail in school just like he must have so long ago (in the 60's?). Then he would like to recruit you to his sinister Atom God Cult of Failure. Think I'm making this up? IN HIS OWN WORDS:

AP's fake math that can only be designed to promote failure in schools:

“Primes do not exist, because the set they were borne from has no division.”
--June 29, 2020 *** NEW ***

“The last and largest finite number is 10^604.”
--June 3, 2015

“0 appears to be the last and largest finite number”
--June 9, 2015

“0/0 must be equal to 1.”
-- June 9, 2015

“0 is an infinite irrational number.”
--June 28, 2015

“No negative numbers exist.”
--December 22, 2018

“Rationals are not numbers.”
--May 18, 2019

“The value of sin(45 degrees) = 1.” (Actually, sin(45 degrees) = 0.707. tan(45 degrees) = 1.)
--May 31, 2019

AP deliberately and repeatedly presented the truth table for OR as the truth table for AND:

“New Logic
T & T = T
T & F = T
F & T = T
F & F = F”
--November 9, 2019

According to AP's “chess board math,” an equilateral triangle is right-triangle.
--December 11, 2019

AP seeks aid of Russian agents to promote failure in schools:

"Please--Asking for help from Russia-- russian robots-- to create a new, true mathematics [sic]"
--November 9, 2017

And if that wasn't weird enough...

AP's sinister Atom God Cult

“The totality, everything that there is [the universe], is only 1 atom of plutonium [Pu]. There is nothing outside or beyond this one atom of plutonium.”
--April 4, 1994

“The Universe itself is one gigantic big atom.”
--November 14, 2019

“Since God-Pu is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Atom Plutonium!
Its truth is marching on.
It has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
It is sifting out the hearts of people before its judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer it; be jubilant, my feet!
Our God-Pu is marching on.”
--December 15, 2018 (Note: Pu is the atomic symbol for plutonium)

Are you ready, kids???


Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Carmine Morales-Vazquez
2020-09-13 11:14:01 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake math...
Enough of your homo-erotic fantasies, Archie Poo. (See original subject
line.) We get it. You are gay. No one gives a shit.
this sober lady is saying you capitalist bourgeoisie mathematicians are
stupid like hell.

SWAB UP YOUR BRAIN?? Peggy Hall Collapses Entire Scam With ONE Question
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-13 17:53:20 UTC
Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake math like ellipse is a conic when it never was, or their 10 OR 2 = 12 Boole Logic which is miserably in error. Does Dartmouth & Stanford hate the Truth of math?

And why rush back to college when all they do in science is teach fake math like ellipse is a conic, why rush back for fakery. Where the math professors are so dumb and daffy they know Calculus is geometry, yet the fools can never do a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

And you rush back to College risking infection for this fakery???

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.


I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers. And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-14 02:57:12 UTC
List of 72 fakes and mistakes in Physics// 130th book// Introduction to AP's TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS series, by Archimedes Plutonium

Currently the list of fakes in physics is 72, but the list of fakes of physics should be about 100 or more, far larger than list of math fakes, for math is a list of 50, and is a closed subject and a subset of physics. And I thought the list in math would be larger than that of physics when somewhat finished, due to the fact that physics has experiments as judge while math has a country clubhouse of like minded fools-kooks as judges. When you have biased kook fools judging whether true or false, many errors will occur. But what I had not counted on, is the sheer volume or bulk of true math versus true physics. Physics I would reckon covers thousands upon thousands of more topics, whereas mathematics that is true math is a tiny tiny house of topics in comparison to physics. It is metaphorically like comparing the Sun as physics, to Earth as mathematics. So, yes, there are more mistakes in mathematics per volume of that subject than in physics, but because physics is so large a subject in what it covers, there are more chances of total errors. My list of errors in math is 50 at the moment, and so when somewhat complete, the list of errors in physics should be 100 or more.

1) Big Bang theory is a joke, never a reality. And a outright contradiction of the Atomic theory, that all matter is composed of atoms. For all matter can be interchanged with "all things". If all things are atoms, then the universe itself , we must admit if we are logical thinkers, is "a thing" and thus the universe must be a atom also. Big Bang contradicts Logic. And if science is anything, it is logical. 

2) When you find in the world, a Generalization of All Matter is made up of Atoms. You have to go with the Logic as the truth. If all Matter is atoms, then the Whole of the Universe is Matter, you must continue to the conclusion that the Whole is also an Atom. If you do not make that conclusion, you have to thence say-- All Matter except the Universe, and that is a silly end conclusion.

3) I need the list to be logical in order of importance, at least try to be logically ordered. Big Bang baloney is number 1 because Atom Totality is number 1. The second greatest physics fallacy is their screwing up of the 1897 Thomson particle they called the electron of 0.5MeV when it is the Dirac magnetic monopole that Thomson had found. It would not be until 1936 that the true electron of atoms is discovered and called the muon. What the 1897 screw-up mis-identity shows most of all, is that physicists throughout the 20th century never had a handle on what angular momentum means. If you understand angular momentum, you would realize that a proton at 938MeV and electron at 0.5MeV cannot support the existence of a hydrogen atom, or any atom for that sake. 

4) Direct consequence of muon being the true electron, determines that the proton is 840MeV and the muon is stuck inside the proton doing a Faraday Law of producing new electricity by turning Space into electromagnetism. This is Dirac's new radioactivity and is the creation of new mass, matter in Space. This means all stars shine not from fusion, but from Faraday Law. Not only do stars grow more massive and bigger, but that all astro-bodies grow bigger. Meaning the Nebular Dust Cloud theory is a gigantic hoax for the growing of the Solar System. 

5) Stars shine not from fusion, but from the muon thrusting through its proton coil. Every atom inside a star and every proton in that star is making new electricity from its muon thrusting through its proton 8 ring coil tokamak.

6) A direct consequence that the muon is stuck inside the proton in all experiments, is this Logical Principle, that in physics, every particle or subatomic particle has a function, a job, a task. Principles of Science are some of the most important teachings and understandings in science. One has a logical hole in the head if they think you can have particles of physics, and those particles have no job, no function, no task to perform. Existence in physics means-- a job to do.

7) A New Periodic Table of Chemical Elements must emerge from a mistaken electron as 0.5MeV when it truly is 105MeV, the muon. Such a table is based not on a Lewis structure of 8 but rather on 6. There are 6 successive elements in a row, and only 6 in a row. See AP's book for details: Research Notebook of AP on True Chemistry Periodic Table of Elements based on 6, not the error-filled table of Old Chemistry, Chemistry Series, book 5.

8) Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse".

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

9) The mathematics used in New Physics recognizes that Calculus is the pinnacle peak of math, and so, the calculus in New Physics uses only polynomial functions, no trigonometry, no logarithmic, no exponential, nothing but polynomials are used in New Physics. That means if a function were not a polynomial in physics, we have to convert it to a polynomial function before we can use it. We use the Lagrange transform or what I call the Polynomial Transform which in its most simple form is shown.

For 2 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1), we produce the 1st degree polynomial, a straightline or line segment

P(x) = y0(x-x1) / (x0-x1)
       + y1(x-x0) / (x1-x0)

For 3 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2), we produce the 2nd degree polynomial, a compilation-curve

P(x) = y0(x-x1)(x-x2) / (x0-x1)(x0-x2)
        +y1(x-x0)(x-x2) / (x1-x0)(x1-x2)
        +y2(x-x0)(x-x1) / (x2-x0)(x2-x1)
10) Since all functions in physics are polynomials, means all calculus used in physics is simply the Power Rule for derivative and Power Rule for integral.

11) Since math is so simple with the all functions being only polynomials, that means all the trigonometry is removed out of calculus.

12) No-one in physics really understood what Angular Momentum means. If anyone thought he/she understood, would have recognized that the hydrogen atom cannot exist under a 938MeV proton and a 0.5MeV electron. There is not enough angular momentum in that ratio. The minimum angular momentum for the existence of the Hydrogen atom is a ratio of 8 to 1, where the proton is 840MeV and electron= muon = 105MeV. See AP's book two books on Angular Momentum for details (1) Elementary Angular-Momentum and Gravity//Physics series for High School Book 8 and (2) Raw Research into ANGULAR-MOMENTUM DYNAMICS// Physics focus series, book 1. Angular Momentum is tough because the human mind is stuck in linear momentum, an unbound system, but angular momentum is like an electric circuit, a closed loop and a bound system. Angular Momentum is much like gravity itself, for gravity is a reflection of angular momentum, tough tough physics, for it eluded the best physicists, Maxwell, Dirac, Feynman.

13) It is a credit to Dirac to keep looking for the magnetic monopole for one of the greatest principles in all of physics, and thus all of science is Symmetry. Dirac was logically repulsed to the idea that electricity was quantized, but that magnetism is not quantized without a magnetic monopole. The desire to have logic-- symmetry must be upheld that kept Dirac going. Sadly, Dirac did not live to see his magnetic monopole is everywhere, every every where. But the lesson is important-- logical principles such as symmetry transcend all other evidence. Most physicists were boo boo booing Dirac, but as long as he held to logic of symmetry, it was just a matter of time that he won.

14) Nebular Dust Cloud theory is purely a hoax, for the Universe has some 10^11 planet systems, and to think that Nebular Dust is spread so evenly throughout the Universe, when supernova are rare, is a colossal logic brain dump. Each and every atom is growing bigger in the universe every second and minute of the day, just as Dirac said in his "new radioactivities" in his book "Directions in Physics". Only a half brain would need something as stupid silly as a Nebular Dust Cloud, here, there, and everywhere.

15) Direct consequence of Faraday law going on inside each and every atom means the Sun will go Red Giant phase starting now and completed in 140 million years where Earth is like Venus-- not habitable by life. Before the end of 1 to 10 million years hence forward of August 2020, if humanity has not colonized Mars, Europa, Pluto, there is a good chance humanity goes extinct. 

16) The most important number in all of science for humanity, is the number for the yearly increase in Solar radiation by our Sun. As of year 2020, NASA has the figure pegged at 0.005% yearly increase in total solar radiation. This easily explains a loss of total Insects on Earth at 25% total insect biomass for the past decade. This is a huge alarm bell, for it means, unless humanity makes its future home on Europa, Mars and Pluto, the entire human species goes extinct, and as the Sun further goes Red Giant, humanity must constantly go further out away from the Sun.

17) Let me stop there about the mis-identification of the true electron, and talk about Principles of Logic, principles of reasoning, for most physicists lack a good enough brain of logic to do physics. You cannot teach logical thinking, but have to be borne with a logical mind. That is why it is so rare. You can teach logical mistakes, but you cannot reshape a mind or form a mind that is pure in logic, that thinks logically. And of course, well, the deficiency of most scientists, is lack of a logical mind. The Primal Axiom of Physics and of all of science is -- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. You would be surprised that few in physics truly understands the full meaning of that. For example, Einstein never heard of this axiom and never would understand it if he did hear it. I say that because, Einstein went chasing after "gravity" and came up with his stupid silly elevator analogy.

18) Another Principle of Logic, and why all physicists, even my heroes of Dirac and Feynman never understood Angular Momentum. They all knew Linear Momentum. They all knew that gravity makes things go in circles or closed loops. So, the question of logic is. Is there such a thing as Linear Momentum, or is it a generalized fiction? Is linear momentum purely a fake with its mass x velocity? So you have gravity as pulling on everything, and universal. Can you even have such a thing as linear momentum in this understanding? No, because when you talk of linear momentum, you just have not found the correct size radius of the Universe pulling on your mass. Linear Momentum and mass x velocity is a generalized fiction of physics. There are other fictions in physics such as centrifugal force, but the belief in Linear Momentum and all the mathematics generalization of using Mass times Velocity has caused huge amount of other fakery to permeate through and saturate physics.

19) Keeping this list in logical order of importance would be to follow the great Primal Axiom of Physics-- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. So the first mistake was Big Bang, the second mistake was mis-identity of the true electron. Following mistakes of Old Physics is their Unification of Forces, and that they followed a science nitwit of Einstein with his General Relativity, rather than follow the giant of physics of James Clerk Maxwell and continue on with electricity and magnetism as being gravity. No, most of the physicists of the 20th century were airheads following a fakester of Einstein. This is as much a lesson in sociology as is physics. If you follow someone, you better be sure he/she is correct thoroughly correct. Otherwise it is just idiotic hero worship. 
Einstein General Relativity-- Einstein was so stupid in physics, that he never realized the only particle of physics that was perfect -- was the photon of electricity and magnetism. In other words, to do a Unification of Forces is as simple as detecting of the Most Perfect Physics Particle. Hence, the unification of forces of physics means it all boils down to electricity and magnetism. So gravity is electricity and magnetism. Yet there was that nitwit of physics Einstein trying to equate a rising or lowering elevator to a simulation program of gravity, far far too stupid to just say-- gravity is electricity and magnetism. Einstein, with no logical brains to reason with. Einstein even hated quantum mechanics and Einstein ended up more as a physics deluded con-artist. 

20) Black Holes-- invented by the most ignorant and stupid physicists whose imagination wants to violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle and gain fame and fortune with a brain that has no logical marbles at all. Black hole people were followers of the deluded Einstein with his General Relativity. If you believe in black-holes, you really do not belong in science, and so stupid, that you probably would even fail science fiction. A simple test of any scientist,-- do you believe in black holes-- and shown the exit door of science as a career.

21) Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- this was invented by a group of logical brain dead physicists looking at galaxy rotations and seeing that there was not enough mass in Newton's law of gravity to account for this fast rotation of galaxies, these physicists opted for fame and fortune, rather than admit Electricity and Magnetism, not Newton gravity, causes galaxy rotation. Here again is the power of sociology of follow a leader-- Einstein and his deluded General Relativity. Much of the 20th century physics was a waste of time in following the delusions of Einstein, when it should have followed Maxwell of 1860s then Bohr's quantum mechanics. 

22) Doppler Red Shift one of the horrendous follies of modern physics and astronomy. Please see AP's book to get the truth behind Doppler redshift. Doppler redshift (blueshift) has nothing to do with motion of source and cannot tell you distance//(Physics series for High School Book 6)
by Archimedes Plutonium
What the Doppler redshift & blueshift really are-- heat and magnetism shifts of 8 Rings of the proton in hydrogen. We are far closer together in the Universe than what the idiotic doppler redshift says.

23) Standard Model of Old Physics-- logical tripe, mind-rot physics, another group of physicists grasping for fame and fortune. So dumb were they, their subatomic particles have no job no task no function for subatomic particles, and they needed a Dirac magnetic monopole, but too stupid to realize they had a muon that did nothing in the Standard Model. There Standard Model was all built around silly algebras, fancy algebras that meant nothing, but kooks of physics cannot resist fame and fortune and they glue onto tripe. And they assigned the 1897 Thomson 0.51MeV particle as the electron, when in truth the muon was the true electron. Standard Model physics is the dumbest collection of physicists the world has ever seen in particle physics. You really do not get any dumber than this in physics, when all you do is peddle push math Algebras and have particles that have no function, no task, no job. Airhead physics is what the Standard Model is, and was. 

24) Generalization or Idealization in science is usually fakery it starts with the premiss that one knows what is going on and just trimming away all the rest of the universe to explain the situation. The opposite of Generalization or Idealization is that of Modeling. Modeling starts with the premiss we know little about something and use a model to try to fathom what is going on. You see the major difference? Generalization and Idealization assumes we know it all, and doing the generalization and idealization to make the explanation simple. But in fact we know little about the subject and the generalization and idealization makes the entire topic a fakery. A typical display of generalization/idealization is when the professor runs to the blackboard and draws a point particle and ascribes it with mass and velocity in a direction and then hammers out formulas. All as if we know everything about this item and just simplifying. Much of Old Physics is this generalization and idealization, for it is easy on the math. Only problem is, the generalization and idealization are not reality. Much of the mathematics and conclusions in Feynman Lectures on Physics are from generalization and idealization.

Modeling however is not arrogant but a recognition at the outset that we hope to discover truth and facts of the problem. So we model the problem with something better known. A great example of modeling is the photon or light wave modeled by the DNA and RNA of biology.

25) Principle of Modeling: when we are in the dark about some physics, it is required that we model that phenomenon to gain more knowledge of what truly is going on. This does not mean that models are correct, for many times the model leads to fakery. A good example is the planets going around the sun was used to model the atom interior as electrons going around a nucleus. It was a wrong model for the better model was a proton torus of rings and the electron muon thrusting through the rings in a Faraday law. The Principle of Modeling is a recognition we do not know the physical reality and are using a tool to model the phenomenon.

26) The photon or light wave is very complex and we have a great model of the photon as DNA or RNA of biology. Whenever we want to think about what a photon is, we project our thoughts upon DNA and RNA and model what the interior and exterior of light wave is. This idea that light wave and DNA are replicas of one another was invented by AP in the 1990s and AP wrote many books on this idea. It is present day research and it is the focus of attention of many concepts of physics, biology and other sciences. The idea that photon writ large is DNA, is a major advance in physics. Of course in Old Physics, there mistake was they had photon and light wave as a sinusoid ( a math curve that is nonexistent) and just an up and down buffoon bobbing. In AP's light wave = DNA offers rich structure, an interior and exterior.

27) Light wave can be both longitudinal as in radio waves or transverse as in waves higher in frequency than 17777 meters wavelength 17777 Hz frequency (the square root of speed of light).

28) Light is always a closed loop stretching all the way around back to its source. This gives what is called Quantum Entanglement. In Old Physics they viewed a light wave as having a head and a tail.

29) Light Waves modeled as DNA and RNA, especially the closed loop mitochondrial DNA makes us realize the rich internal structure of photons, light waves, and this is how first life began, as a materialized light wave spilling its internal structure inside a capacitor. In Old Physics their light wave was just a bobbing up and down of a point in space, no structure, no nothing.

30) Higgs Mechanism-- Peter Higgs is likely to go down in physics history as the "magnanimous buffoon of Standard Model physics". How stupid is Peter in mass mechanism? That fool never even knew what angular momentum was, or meant, and here his big mouth is wide open on mass creation. I say that because if anyone knew what angular momentum means in physics, they straight-away knows that a hydrogen atom cannot exist with proton 938MeV, electron 0.5MeV. For hydrogen atom to exist you need a ratio of proton = 840MeV, electron=muon= 105MeV. Higgs's electron of 0.5MeV, proton at 938MeV would make all hydrogen atoms dissolve on the spot, due to lack of angular momentum. And Old Physics gives such a buffoon a Nobel prize in physics. The Nobel prize no longer has any meaning with so many mistakes, in fact, in the future, it will be an embarrassment to win the Nobel prize, I for one refuse to have it and be put on a list of dumb fools of physics. I mean, well Archimedes Plutonium on a list with Einstein and Higgs. They should give the Nobel prize in physics to Hollywood airheads from now on out. 

31) Cosmic Background Radiation, gravity waves, neutron stars, more and more physics mindrot. More and more "gone astray" from General Relativity and Big Bang b.s. 

32) Let me switch to something entirely different-- Superconductivity. Sure, superconductivity exists, but the complaint is the ignorant interpretation as given by BCS theory, a interpretation of their 0.5MeV particles pairing together. When, all that Superconductivity is, is a Capacitor phenomenon. At a cold temperature, all the electricity stays put, no loss. And as soon as you connect the capacitor, it all flows, no resistance, no loss. Superconductivity is Capacitor perfection. That is why there is no AC superconductivity. 

33) The viewpoint of electricity as particles or waves is fakery in Old Physics, with their electron as electricity when it is really magnetic monopoles as waves that is electricity.

34) Maxwell Equations needed refurbishing early in the 20th century when the age of electricity with Tesla and Edison was thriving. Trouble is, Old Physics was deep in distraction with Quantum Mechanics. The highest priority was to fix Maxwell Equations, not with the details of Quantum Mechanics, but then the age of atomic weapons plunged more interest in Quantum Mechanics and not electricity and magnetism. Also given the silly stupid General Relativity as fakery mixing up the waters even worse. But by the start of electric power stations circa 1895, which ironically, Thomson would discover a particle in 1897 which is the particle of electricity-- the magnetic monopole. So, why did Old Physics leave the Maxwell Equations of 1860s in a state of disrepair. The Maxwell Equations of 1860s were mostly mistakes except for Faraday law and Ampere law.

35) Maxwell Equations should have been based on Ohm's law. Take one of the laws of electricity and magnetism, the most simple in mathematical form and use it as basis foundation of all the other laws of EM. New Ohm's law V=iBL.

36) EM has no electric field, for the Voltage is the electric field. So that was a big mistake of Old Physics.

37) There is a magnetic monopole and it is often found to be the 0.5MeV particle. So Gauss's law was wrong.

38) Once you make New Ohm's law the basis of EM math and theory, then all the permutations of derivative of V= iBL serves as the newly revised Maxwell Equations.

39) And here we see again the Logical Weakness in making the Maxwell Equations, same logical weakness in forming the Unification of Forces in Physics. When you have a collection of items to unify into one or to unify into a synthesis, the basis of the unification or the basis of the synthesis is to chose the "most perfect item" and then have it form the rest. In the case of forces, we pick the most perfect interacting particle of the 4 forces and it naturally is the photon light wave, hence EM is the unification force and the other three forces are just a multiple of EM. In the case of Maxwell Equations of EM, we pick the most perfect math form of the laws, and it is not Coulomb's inverse square nor is it Faraday and Ampere with their division format. No, it is New Ohm's law math format of Voltage = current x magnetic field x angular momentum. A math form of A = BCD, like in geometry the volume of a rectangular box. The easiest most perfect math form is what to base your EM equations upon.

40) Once you have the Maxwell Equations based on V= iBL and all its calculus permutations, then we see that 1860's Maxwell Equations had many terms missing in Faraday law, in Ampere law even in the Capacitor Law of V' = (iBL)'.

41) Then we see that due to All is Atom and Atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism and the fact the highest equation in physics is of form V = iBL, we learning the stunning fact that mathematics volume is the highest equation in mathematics also. We see that in chemistry the Ideal Gas Law is really just a form of V= iBL.

42) From the revised equations of EM, based upon V = iBL we realize that calculus needs a 3rd dimension calculus, for the calculus of Old Math and Old Physics had no 3rd dimensional calculus at all. And what 3D Calculus turns out to be is the angular momentum and the force of gravity. AP's sophomore college textbook is devoted to the 3rd dimension calculus.

43) Having fixed calculus by extending it to the 3rd dimension, we realize that in astronomy where they never heard of 3D calculus, that the numbers on planet Mercury required there to be a mass of some kind of moon. Turns out, it is a Cloud of Magnetic Monopoles that is the moon of Mercury. AP names this cloud-moon as Willis.

44) In researching why dragonflies grew so gigantic in size, as a result of a different gravity on Earth, in that Earth was 1/8 the mass in the Devonian geological period, that gigantism can flourish in that sort of low gravity. AP proposes the Growing Earth theory of Dirac's "new radioactivity" all because muon thrusting through proton coil.

45) In news of 2020 that Earth lost 25% of the total insect biomass in the prior decade, and linking up that fact with the NASA data of a increase in Solar radiation of 0.005% per year for the past decade, implies that the Sun has initiated Red Giant phase. It is unclear whether the planet Earth is made uninhabitable in 1-10 million years or for sure in 140 million years. Old Physics pegged the Red Giant phase in 4 billion years. AP peggs the phase starting 2020. We will go extinct unless we can colonize Mars, Europa, Pluto.

46) In Old Physics, physics is seen as mostly algebra and calculus math. In New Physics, we see physics as math, divided into two dual houses. One is algebra calculus and the other is a geometry format. The algebra of Faraday law is i' = (V/(BL) )' the geometry description of Faraday law is "a thrusting bar magnet through a closed loop wire produces a electric current". Actually the geometry side of physics is far more instructive and far more of knowing what is truly going on. So Old Physics only stressed the algebra side of physics. New Physics stresses the geometry side as more important.

47) In Old Physics the Bohr model of the atom is all wrong. Bohr never assigned jobs, tasks, functions of subatomic particles. And Bohr was going from the shoddy interpretation of the Rutherford gold leaf experiment where it was claimed a nuclear center with tiny electrons orbiting the massive tiny nucleus. A sort of Sun solar system model, only this time the interior of atoms. Truth is, the muon and proton are doing a Faraday law and that requires a torus ring for the proton with muon inside thrusting through. No nucleus in New Physics. And we need to do over entirely the Rutherford experiment.

48) The interior of atoms are toruses of protons with muon inside making electricity from Space and then storage of the electricity in neutron capacitors. This is how every atom grows, and how the universe itself grows and becomes more massive with time.

49) A dumb duplication of concepts, Old Physics had. For Old Physics had electric field and had the same concept in voltage. Shows that no-one in Old Physics had a complete command of the subject. One could fault James Clerk Maxwell, but I rather credit him for synthesis of all the scattered laws of electricity and magnetism. But there was no reason that those in the 20th century let this huge error pass.

50) The huge error of "charge" in Old Physics. This was one of AP's most horrible error to get rid of. It comes from horses charging in the 18th century, the time of Ben Franklin and others. And we still have "horsepower" as power unit in physics, where we convert to watts in electricity. Charge is replaced in New Physics with a "vector direction". And come to think of it, logically, charge could not have been thrown out of Old Physics, until the Dirac magnetic monopole was widely known and recognized. Just as, we cannot understand in a weather storm the lightening bolt and what it is, until we know and are familiar with what electricity is. Of all the mistakes in Old Physics, one of the toughest to fix for AP was certainly that of "charge". A nice word that replaces "charge" is simple say "pole". Words like "juice" for electricity is abhorrent to a scientist, and so should be the word "charge".

51) Neutral currents in Old Physics in their unification of weak nuclear with electromagnetism was a joke. Once you have the 0.5MeV particle as the Dirac magnetic monopole, the "neutral current was a laughable joke.

52) Logic Principle: focus in on anything perfect in physics, such as the photon light wave is the only perfect particle of physics which leads to the EM unification of all the 4 forces of physics. But mathematics has a "perfect formula or equation" which is volume of Space. Volume of Space takes the form of V = A*B*C. Perfect math form for volume translates into physics as Voltage = iBL. But this perfect math form also translates into chemistry ideal gas law of P = nRT(1/Volume) which when reduced is of the form P = A*B*C, just like Voltage = iBL.

53) Physics and mathematics have at most 3 dimensions. There exists no 4th dimension, or higher. Dimension of space stops with the 3rd dimension.

54) The highest and most perfect math formulas of Physics are of form V = A*B*C, and where this volume type of formula V = ABC is energy and volume of Space.

55) Old Physics made a big mistake with Sound Waves. They made the mistake that Sound does not involve electricity and magnetism, the EM wave spectrum. To correct their mistake, all they needed to do is recognize what is called the DeBroglie pilot wave. A radio wave is the source of all Sound waves.

56) Old Physics screwed up badly on the concept of "mole" in physics and chemistry. All they really needed to say was divide the mass of the proton+muon into 1 gram. And the true number of mole is not 6.02*10^23 but is rather 5.98*10^23.

57) Old Physics and Old Chemistry screwed up badly on the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements because their table is based not upon the structure of the proton and muon but on the elusive particle of the magnetic monopole which is produced as a byproduct of the muon and proton. Old Chemistry had a Lewis structure based upon 8, when even those in chemistry could see that the P orbital has only 6 number, not 8. AP's New Periodic Table of Elements is based on 6, not 8.

58) All of radioactivity teaching in Old Physics must be revised since the 0.5MeV particle is not the electron of atoms but the Dirac magnetic monopole. Why is AP the first scientist to see that Faraday Law is the same as Radioactivity Disintegration Law.

59) Radioactive decay is a subject that needs massive overhaul in Old Physics for they got all the different subatomic particles mixed-up. The 0.5MeV particle is along with the positron, are magnetic monopoles and not decay but rather emission of electricity produced by Faraday law of muon and proton. And real radioactive decay of a hydrogen atom or helium atom etc etc must be viewed and taught in the perspective of breaking apart a many ringed toruses of protons. The collision of a neutron capacitor with a many ringed proton toruses is New Physics radioactivity.

60) Double Slit Experiment error: Old Physics thought of a light ray as ^v^v^v^v^v^ that is open ended, not closed. And that viewpoint of light causes all those impossible and unexplainable mysteries in the Double Slit Experiment. On the other hand, if you go to explain the Double Slit with light as a closed loop straight line segment, all the mysteries disappear. So the idea that all of the Double Slit Experiment strangeness is solved and resolved by simply recognizing light wave as a thin closed loop ray, whose source is part of the closed loop.

61) Old Physics along with Old Biology got photosynthesis wrong. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: summary of how it works-- air of CO2 molecules, Animal-CO2 (not Fire-CO2) enters the stoma opening to the magnesium atom capacitor. And sunlight shines on the capacitor. The sunlight is turned into electricity and stored inside the magnesium capacitor. So much electricity is stored that as a Animal-CO2 molecule touches the capacitor, it strips off the carbon C atom and leaves behind a O2 molecule. This stripped off C atom immediately comes in contact with water molecule H2O and with the capacitor energy is transformed into CH2O. This newly minted sugar hydrocarbon CH2O is stacked up forming a "tail" in the magnesium capacitor. This CH2O can be further combined with other CH2O molecules forming various other sugars such as C_6 H_12 O_6.

62) Logic Principle of Symmetry. The Dirac magnetic monopole was extremely extremely important for all of Physics, in a sense, all of physics falls apart if we have asymmetry in the major structure of atoms. Atoms are symmetrical. So to have quantization of electricity, you must have quantization of magnetism. Pure and simple.

63) Principle of Symmetry brings me again to the magnetic monopole. Of course, well, symmetry is what drove Dirac to know it exists, even though he faced a mountain of physics idiots. Principles of Logic are far better than observations and formulas and equations. For, notice, that the electricity had a pole and a opposite pole of what they called the positron versus their 0.5MeV particle. So they had two particles of opposite pole, but, they somehow wanted to be stupid about having two poles for magnetism. And this brings up a whole new Logic Principle.

64) Principle of Close Loop Symmetry, the Circuit of Physics. Electricity never never exists unless it is closed loop circuit. The electricity inside a capacitor is a closed loop. The electricity in a wire is a closed loop circuit. In order to have a closed loop circuit you must have a north pole and a south pole, a positron and its opposite direction particle what Old Physics called the 0.5MeV particle. So, by logic, if we have electricity having two poles, we must have magnetism with two poles. Since we have the existence of a positron pole, and the existence of its opposite pole in electricity, we likewise must have the existence of a north magnetic monopole and a south magnetic monopole. In fact, the positron itself is the north magnetic monopole and the Thomson particle of 0.5MeV is the south magnetic monopole.

When you do the Faraday Law, you peel off monopoles of magnetism and those monopoles form dipoles as electricity flow in the closed loop wire.

65) Let me change direction here for a moment and talk about mistakes and errors of mathematics used in Old Physics. Of course, well all the mathematics ever used in physics comes from a math form of A = B*C*D and that form is the math of volume of geometry space. It is the form of New Ohm's law and of the chemistry Ideal Gas Law. That form is the most highest math you will every need to know to do physics. A simple multiplication of three factors to make a fourth quantity. Of course, it gets a little more complicated when we do the derivative of A = B*C*D but not much complicated for our math in all of physics is polynomial functions. That means easy easy super easy derivative and integrals since it is easy because all polynomials are dispatched by the Power Rule of Calculus. So in New Physics we have no math to scare us with complexity or difficulty. Math in New Physics is so simple and easy, that by junior and senior year High School we can learn all the math we need to do everything in physics. And math after High School is just details of High School math.

Now I bring that up for an important reason, not just because I covered all of this in my series Teaching True Mathematics, but I bring it up because the Maxwell Equations of Old Physics were mired in error and mistakes and were utterly too hard for most people in college, even the professors of math and science. It was rare to find anyone in the physics dept of colleges who even were fluid in doing the Old Physics Maxwell Equations. And it was rare that any math professor could even teach the Maxwell Equations, simple because they never really understood them. In the Teaching True Mathematics by AP textbook series, I cover all the Maxwell Equations so that the student can master them by 1st year college. But these are no longer the Old Physics Maxwell Equations but the AP New Physics EM equation, far different from the historic classical Maxwell Equations. Far different and super easy and simple.

One of the reasons so many in Old Physics chose the path of the silly ignorant General Relativity, was because in GR, you still always use Newton's gravity and make just tiny slight changes. But in Maxwell Equations of 1860, you had four equations that most physicists, even Einstein never grasped. It was too hard for them. And that is probably the reason they ended up with a Gauss law of -- no magnetic monopole. But in New Physics AP's EM equations, we easily see Ampere's law derivative of magnetic field and from Faraday's law derivative of current, that the two are symmetrically the same, implying the two require a full closed loop circuit, further implying both need a two pole electricity and a two pole magnetism. Just as electric monopoles exist, so too must magnetic monopoles exist.

66) Sigma Error is part of probability and statistics theory, but was seen as a outlier in Old Physics. Seen as a practice, not as a internal feature of physics. And that is a shame because if someone had paid more attention to the practice of Sigma Error in experiments and observations, then the discovery the real proton is 840MeV not 938 and the real electron is the muon at 105MeV, would have been discovered earlier than AP's 2016-2017 discovery. AP's second most famous science discovery after the Atom Totality. For it was the notice of AP that 938 is close to 945, and that 105 subtract 940 is the proton mass in MeV, all well under Sigma Error.

67) Sigma Error Logic Principle in Physics: If we come so close in numbers to related phenomenon such as 945/938 = sigma error of 0.7%, then we take that as the true proton 840MeV, true electron is muon at 105MeV. The related phenomenon is 9 x 105 = 945, implying that there are 9 rings, 9 muon rings involved in proton and muon.

68) Divisional Numeric and Coefficient Relationship of Physics Constants. This is an extremely important math to physics relationship all invented by AP in the course of writing his books of science. An example here goes a long way in understanding. The Planck constant, the speed of light constant, the Boltzmann constant, the Fine Structure Constant all come easily from EM constant numbers. See my several books published on how they are derived.

69) The Light Wave as a closed loop circuit has not been understood in Old Physics. Their light wave was like an arrow with a front head and a rear tail. In New Physics the light wave is like a closed loop extension cord of electricity. Long and thin, but still a closed loop. This geometry is extremely important for it misguided Old Physics into thinking the Double Slit Experiment was mysterious when it was not. Misguided Old Physics into thinking "slow light" was mysterious when it was not for if you turn off the switch in a BEC slow light experiment, all the light disappears in the experiment, even the light inside the BEC. And quantum entanglement is now crystal clear as the connection all along the closed loop and the source.

70) We know half as much about the Tesla coil for wireless electricity transmission that we should know, by now. We spend far far too much time and money on superconductivity and fusion energy which is rumdummy science, because superconductivity is not the BCS b.s., no, but is merely capacitor theory. Superconductivity is just capacitor science, nothing more and we spend too much time and money on it, when we should be spending it on Tesla coil wireless electricity. The fusion energy is another huge squander of time and money, since the universe is a Faraday Law, not a fusion world. We should spend and devote our time on Tesla coil, especially when our Sun is now in a Red Giant phase which is quite noticeable in 2020 with the loss of 25% of insect biomass in the past 10 years.

71) Red Giant phase of stars starts once a star reaches a mass of 2*10^33 grams. Our Sun has initiated that phase and all life on Earth will go extinct or vanish unless it moves to the outskirts of the Solar System. We have evidence of this in the loss of 25% of all Insect biomass in just the past decade.

72) A Titius-Bode Rule of Star Systems also has a 4 then 4 rule for mass, the first four are rocky planets, the next 4 are gas giants not because of the stupid silly General Relativity, but because all of physics is electricity and magnetism driven physics. Where the spacing of planets is a Titius-Bode Rule because that is a Balmer-Rydberg sequence of spectral lines also electricity and magnetism driven.

I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-14 04:05:07 UTC
3rd published book

AP's Proof-Ellipse was never a Conic Section // Math proof series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Ever since Ancient Greek Times it was thought the slant cut into a cone is the ellipse. That was false. For the slant cut in every cone is a Oval, never an Ellipse. This book is a proof that the slant cut is a oval, never the ellipse. A slant cut into the Cylinder is in fact a ellipse, but never in a cone.

Length: 21 pages

File Size: 1620 KB
Print Length: 21 pages
Publication Date: March 11, 2019

#8-2, 11th published book

World's First Geometry Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus// Math proof series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Calculus needs a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. But none could ever be obtained in Old Math where they had a ill-defined infinity; they had the fakery of Limit concept; and they had the fakery of a continuum.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus basically says the integral is inverse to the derivative and the derivative is inverse to the integral. By inverse is meant that you can go to one given the other and vice versa, such as add is the inverse of subtract, so if we had 10 + 4 = 14 then the inverse is subtract 4 and we have 14-4 = 10 back to 10 where we started from. And the geometry proof involves a rectangle and a right triangle hinged atop a trapezoid. You hinge it one direction you have dy*dx for area of a rectangle for integral area. You hinge it the other direction you have the dy/dx for slope or derivative from the trapezoid formed.

Sad that Old Math was so full of ill-defined concepts and fake concepts that never was a geometry proof of FTC ever possible in Old Math.

Length: 29 pages

Product details
File Size: 1225 KB
Print Length: 29 pages
Publication Date: March 14, 2019 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #128,729 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in 45-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
#134 in Calculus (Books)
#20 in Calculus (Kindle Store)

5th published book

Suspend all College Classes in Logic, until they Fix their Errors // Logic series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

First comes Logic-- think straight and clear which many logic and math professors are deaf dumb and blind to, and simply refuse to recognize and fix their errors.

The single biggest error of Old Logic of Boole and Jevons was their "AND" and "OR" connectors. They got them mixed up and turned around. For their logic ends up being that of 3 OR 2 = 5 with 3 AND 2 = 1, when even the local village idiot knows that 3 AND 2 = 5 (addition) with 3 OR 2 = either 3 or 2 (subtraction). And secondly, their error of the If->Then conditional. I need to make it clear enough to the reader why the true Truth Table of IF --> Then requires a U for unknown or uncertain with a probability outcome for F --> T = U and F --> F = U. Some smart readers would know that the reason for the U is because without the U, Logic has no means of division by 0 which is undefined in mathematics. You cannot have a Logic that is less than mathematics. A logic that is impoverished and cannot do a "undefined for division by 0 in mathematics". The true logic must be able to have the fact that division by 0 is undefined. True logic is larger than all of mathematics, and must be able to fetch any piece of mathematics from out of Logic itself. So another word for U is undefined. And this is the crux of why Reductio ad Absurdum cannot be a proof method of mathematics, for a starting falsehood in a mathematics proof can only lead to a probability end conclusion.

My corrections of Old Logic have a history that dates before 1993, sometime around 1991, I realized the Euclid proof of infinitude of primes was illogical, sadly sadly wrong, in that the newly formed number by "multiply the lot and add 1" was necessarily a new prime in the indirect proof method. So that my history of fixing Old Logic starts in 1991, but comes to a synthesis of correcting all four of the connectors of Equal/not, And, Or, If->Then, by 2015.

Cover picture: some may complain my covers are less in quality, but I have a good reason for those covers-- I would like covers of math or logic to show the teacher's own handwriting as if he were back in the classroom writing on the blackboard or an overhead projector.
Length: 65 pages

File Size: 764 KB
Print Length: 65 pages
Publication Date: March 12, 2019

68th published book

Proofs Ellipse is never a Conic section, always a Cylinder section and a Well Defined Oval definition//Student teaches professor series, book 5 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

In November of 2019, I was challenged to make the definition of Oval a well defined definition. I took up that task, and fortunately I waited a long time since, 2016, my discovery that the oval was the slant cut into a cone, not the ellipse. I say fortunately because you need physics in order to make a well defined definition of oval. You need the knowledge of physics, that electricity is perpendicular to magnetism and this perpendicularity is crucial in a well defined definition of oval. When I discovered the ellipse was never a conic in 2016, I probably could not have well defined the oval at that time, because I needed the 3 years intervening to catch up on a lot of physics, but by November 2019, I was ready willing and able. Then in August of 2020, I discovered a third new proof of Ellipse is a cylinder section never a conic section, using solid 3rd dimension geometry of ovoid and ellipsoid.

Cover picture is a cone and a cylinder on a cutting board and that is an appropriate base to place those two figures because sectioning means cutting, and the cuts we want to make into a cone and a cylinder is a slant cut not a cut parallel to the base of the figures.

Length: 41 pages

Product details
File Size: 822 KB
Print Length: 41 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: November 21, 2019

Michael Moroney
2020-09-14 13:24:31 UTC
Subject: Re: Why is Dartmouth and Stanford happy in teaching fake physics and fake
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Hindi eel soup cart, Mum!"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-14 18:47:10 UTC
I will use the Teaching True Math series of books as template to order the below mistakes and fakes as I do the teaching in the series. The 134th book of AP, and belatedly late, for I had already written the series of TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS....
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Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
10:25 AM (3 hours ago)

I will use the Teaching True Math series of books as template to order the below mistakes and fakes as I do the teaching in the series.
The 134th book of AP, and belatedly late, for I had already written the series of TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS in a 7 volume set.

Math should be the easiest of the six hard sciences, physics, chemistry, math, biology, geology, astronomy. Only reason it is not the easiest, is because it has so much fake math and here is a list of 50 of fake math to steer clear of. List of Errors.

List of 50 fakes & mistakes of Old Math when the world could be teaching true math// TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, textbook series Archimedes Plutonium (Kindle).

There is no reason in this entire world, none at all, that of the 6 hard core sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, astronomy, that math -- should be-- yes-- should be the easiest of those 6. No reason at all against, math being the easiest. But today in year 2020, math is the worst nightmare of the 6, and the reason it is so, is not because math is hard or difficult. No, the reason is that after Descartes some 5 centuries ago, in the 1600s, there became a awful ugly motivation of wanting "fame and fortune" from mathematics, not wanting truth of mathematics as a science. We can say the rise of colleges and Universities, starting with Cambridge in England in 1209, caused the science of mathematics to go astray of its true natural science, that it is and should be, and became what can be called "kook math" today. We see it today in the fake charade of alleged proofs of 4 Color Mapping, Fermat's Last Theorem, Kepler Packing, and many others.

The reason that mathematics has become a ugly incomprehensible torture chamber, rather than a simple truth of science, the easiest of the six hard core sciences, and a subject that is easy to learn. The reason math is now more difficult than physics, chemistry, biology, geology is because kooks motivated by fame and fortune have made math a cesspool of incomprehension.

Biology should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Geology and Astronomy should be far more difficult sciences than is mathematics.

Chemistry should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics.

Physics should always be more difficult a science than is mathematics. In fact, mathematics, the whole sum lot of what is mathematics is but a tiny, tiny subset of physics. All of math comes directly out of physics. Yet today in 2020, we have the strange and ugly fact that schools around the world teach a mathematics that is more difficult than even physics. See the "kook mechanism" that is driving the science of mathematics to be this ugly abnormal science, that is not about the truth of the world, but rather about some kook individuals rising to fame and fortune.

But here in 2020, math is the hardest and most difficult of all sciences. Why? Because it has after 1209, and especially in the 1600s become a kook-gathering-subject where con-artist scientist sought for fame and fortune at the expense of the Truth-of-Mathematics. This is why we have a enormous long list below of fakery.

Listing the Errors of Old Math, list of 1 to 50.

Alright, well, mathematics is a closed subject. What I mean by that is due to the textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS, that once you learn the polynomial transform and learn the two Power Rules of Calculus, you reached the peak the pinnacle of all of mathematics, and anything further in math is just details of what you learn in that textbook series. Math is a completed science, unlike the other 5 hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy. Those other five will continue to find new ideas, new things, while math remains static and complete. Mathematics is finished complete as far as a science goes.

Now I do need to discuss the Errors of Math in General and the errors of math in geometry in particular. I have the feeling that Geometry is the more important of the two-- algebra - geometry. This list appears in most of AP's Teaching True Mathematics textbook series by Archimedes Plutonium, meant to be a guide and orientation, and a organizing of what must be covered before graduating from College, and what math to steer clear of.

Errors mostly, but not always, for some are included because too much time spent on them.

1) Old Math taught that math is an abstraction, and is independent of physics and math was larger than physics. They were terribly wrong.

Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space
9) Ray to thin closed loop circuit

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse". But Old Math never understood duality to what its importance was, for Old Math trivialized duality.

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

2) Space has gaps in between one point and the next point. These gaps are empty space from one point to the next point, for example in 10 Grid there is no number between .1 and .2, and in 100 Grid there exists no number between .01 and .02.

3) Infinity has a borderline and there is a microinfinity compared to a macroinfinity. For example in 10 Grid, the microinfinity is .1 if we exclude 0 and so there is no number smaller than .1 and no number larger than 10 in 10 Grid, where 10 is macroinfinity.

4) The 1st Quadrant Only in Coordinate System Geometry. Sad that the first coordinate system of Descartes was correct but soon became corrupted with 4 quadrants. See Mathematical Thought, Volume 1, Kline, 1972, page 303. Where Fermat then Descartes starts the Cartesian Coordinate System as 1 axis only and from 0 rightwards, meaning in our modern day math, 1st Quadrant Only. Why did math screw up on coordinate systems? I suppose some clowns thought negative numbers were true and they wanted ease of drawing a circle with center at 0. When they could have just as easily drawn the circle in 1st Quadrant Only.

5) Calculus needed a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, but Old Math never provided such, instead they provided some stupid Limit argument. The reason for the creation of the Limit disaster was that the French mathematician Cauchy got sick and tired of hearing his smartest students complain that the width of rectangles in the integral are 0 width, and those smart students could not, for the life of them understand how a rectangle with 0 width has any interior area. So instead of the math community denouncing the limit, instead they elevated the fakery.

6) Further in Calculus, they knew you could do a transform of coordinate points to turn any function into a polynomial function, a method of Lagrange. However, they in Old Math were too stupid to take this transform to its highest form-- all functions are polynomial functions and only polynomial functions. When you learn that-- the derivative and integral of any and every function of math is a snap breeze simple and easy.

7) With the error filled 4 quadrants, when it should be 1st Quadrant Only, we have Trigonometry's sine and cosine with the fakery of sinusoid wave when it never was that. The sine and cosine are semicircle waves, and no sinusoid wave exists. Old Math broke the logic principle of different representation of axes, making pie charts and bar graphs be the core of math when they do not belong. In Old Math they arbitrarily and ad hoc made the x-axis as angles and y-axis normal. This is forbidden. Forbidden because it contradicts the very definition of sine when you assign it with pi/2 as being 90degrees when a unit circle 90degrees is actually equal to 1.

8) There is only one Geometry-- Euclidean, and there is not three distinct geometries of elliptical Riemannian or hyperbolic Lobachevsky. Those two are just duals that make up Euclidean.

9) Torus, volume and surface area formulas in Old Math are all screwed up and in error because they imagined bending a cylinder to form a torus. This brings back memories, for I had to do a percentage formula, since I could not follow the fake way of bending a cylinder. Where 78.5% of Disc Torus (pi)R^2h - (pi)r^2h is the volume of Circle Torus, and 78.5% of Disc Torus 2(pi)Rh + 2(pi)rh + 2 ((pi)R^2 - (pi)r^2) is the surface area of Circle Torus.

10) Ellipse is never a conic slant cut, always a cylinder slant cut.

11) Parallelepiped volume is simply a*b*c once you straighten a,b,c and no need of trigonometry. The Parallelepiped actually has the physics concept of angular momentum for a given rectangular box produces one and only one parallelepiped.

12) All of Old Logic such as the textbooks by Copi and Boole and Jevons with their messed up operators such as 10 OR 4 = 14, are thrown out onto the rubbish pile of shame. Set theory is thrown out completely, although we can use the word "set" to mean collection, group. All of Cantor set theory is phony baloney, not worth reading.

13) Rationals and Negative Numbers thrown out completely because the only true numbers are Decimal Grid Numbers. Some would complain, why AP throws out Rationals? And the answer is simple, that numbers must be free of operations, for Rationals are unresolved divisions. Numbers are free and clear of any operator. Numbers have to be formed purely from mathematical-induction and having no unfinished operator. The Smallest set of Grid numbers is the 10 Grid System with its infinitesimal being .1, and the entire collection of 10 Grid is 0, .1, .2, .3, . . , 9.9, 10.0 where .1 is microinfinity and 10 is macroinfinity. In 100 Grid the infinitesimal is .01, in 1000 Grid the infinitesimal is .001, etc etc. In such a true system of numbers, all the numbers are built by mathematical-induction. Not just one group of numbers-- counting, but all numbers from mathematical-induction.

14) Irrationals thrown out completely (ditto to Rationals and Negative numbers).

15) Reals thrown out completely (ditto).

16) Imaginary numbers and Complex numbers are b.s. and thrown out completely.

17) Trigonometry pared down so much-- 90% thrown out, and no trigonometry ever enters Calculus. Only real use of trigonometry is when you have an angle and side, you can figure out the rest of the right triangle. But no, when you give true math to a gaggle of kooks, it is not long before they stretch true math way way out of its "zone of truth". And even fill up by 50% of calculus, when trig should never be in calculus.

18) Continuum and continuity thrown out as horrible fakery (in fact the Quantum Mechanic Physics of early 1900s had a better handle on the truth and reality of math with discrete space).

19) Topology is junk and a waste of time for many reasons such as continuum does not exist, and the fact that the idea of "bending" is not really ever a mathematical concept.

20) Prime numbers are fakery for the Naturals never had division in the first place. The real true numbers of mathematics are the Decimal Grid Numbers and they do not have a concept of "prime". The key evidence that primes were silly stupid error, was the fact that there never existed a "pattern for primes". And all of mathematics is a science of "pattern". If any part of mathematics has no pattern, is indication that such was a phony fake concept to start with. Below begins a write-up of Math topics all have pattern, if not, then not math. Now some may worry about the idea that no primes ever existed for they worry about the Unique Prime Factorization Theorem of Old Math. But here again, there is no worry. For "Factors exist" just not prime factors.

21) Limit in Old Math was a horrible fakery, built by lowly idiots of math who wanted to get away from the smart students asking them-- stupid professor, come back here,-- how does a zero width rectangle even have interior area.

22) Lobachevsky, Riemann geometries and all NonEuclidean geometries are fakery and a waste of time. Many math professors want to spice up their boring math, so they ventured way way off into the twilight-zone of math with NonEuclidean geometry, like eating the hottest peppers in the world for breakfast.

23) Boole logic a horrid gaggle of monumental mistakes; one colossal error was their insane 10 OR 4 = 14. Boole was a monumental idiot of logic that he went to college to teach in a rainstorm without umbrella and when he got there, shivering, and no commonsense to switch into dry clothes, taught in rain soaked clothes with his students laughing at the fool he was for catching pneumonia. Boole was so logically insane that he ordered his wife to give him cold bathes and wet his bed in order to fight pneumonia, and western culture, now, elevates this insane logical fool, and puts such a logical misfit as the Father- of- logic. And modern day schools of 2020 are as insanely crazy as was Boole for they continue to teach that 4 OR 1 = 5, when even a village idiot society knows better with 4 AND 1 = 5.

24) Galois Algebra of Group, Ring, Field a fakery and waste of time.

25) Dimension stops at 3rd, and 3rd is the last and highest dimension possible, for there is no 4th or higher dimensions.

26) High School in Old Math spends too much time on quadratic equations with their negative numbers and imaginary-complex numbers when such never existed in the first place and where they violate a principle of algebra-- that an equation of algebra-- the right-side of the equation must always have a greater than zero number. So we throw out all quadratic equations of Old Math as fake math.

27) High School in Old Math spends too much time on teaching in geometry the congruence of SSS, ASA etc etc and we should pare that back somewhat, as excess teaching of a tiny minor concept.

28) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations are now seen as superfluous when all functions are polynomials and need only the Power Rule. In Old Math we throw out all the insane ridiculous myriad of fake rules-- the Chain Rule, Simpson's Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, all because math has only one type of function-- polynomials and that makes for only one rule-- Power Rule.

29) Parametric Equations thrown out-- for what need is there of a sack of dung when all functions are polynomials. Interchanging equation with function.

30) Graph theory-- 90% worthless for it is based on the fakery of continuum.

31) Probability and Statistics theory now becomes a part of Sigma Error in New Math, the Old Math Probability and Statistics theory were wastrel and thrown out for it is based on a continuum and they had no proper definition of "probability" that fits with statistics. We keep Probability and Statistics in new math but revise and overhaul it completely.

32) We definitely throw out all Old Math Calculus textbooks as mostly propaganda, based on the silly Limit and the Continuum.

33) We throw out the Euclidean Axioms of Geometry and start anew, with axioms based on Physics as geometry truth.

34) Fractal theory totally junk and a waste-- uses ill-defined infinity.

35) Vector Calculus (not the vector concept itself), Chaos theory, Complex Analysis, utter junk and waste of time since polynomial theory covers all functions.

36) Differential geometry, Measure theory fakery since they never had the correct numbers of math, and they had the fakery continuum.

37) We throw out all the Apollonius conic sections because he misidentified the ellipse. The ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic section and the oval is the slant cut of the cone, never the ellipse. We replace the entire conic sections by the AP theory of axes of symmetry using Decimal Grid Numbers for algebra and strip-wavelength-geometry axioms.

38) Most of Algebra, starting with Linear Algebra is esoteric minutiae, or, just cute tools for specialized math, just as the Binomial Theorem and the Pascal triangle, all cute esoteric minutiae. Certainly none of which is appropriate in school math education. These topics are for those interested in sideline math, but does not belong in mainstream math. Algebra reaches its pinnacle of importance with the Polynomial Function transform. Anything else in Algebra is sideline esoteric minutiae. These are not wrong or false math, just not important enough math to be mainstream worthy of math education.

39) Gaussian Curvature is esoteric exotica, perhaps even fakery. It is a fallacy of "idealism". There has never been any physics application for now 200 years. But most damaging is the fact that Euclidean is the only geometry, and that elliptic and hyperbolic are just dualities for which if you compound them together is Euclidean geometry.

40) Manifolds in Old Math were fakery, since topology is fake with its "bending" and math cannot define "bending" which belongs to physics and chemistry. Bending is a physics phenomenon, not something that ever belonged in mathematics. Topology with its continuum and ill-defined infinity is fakery, then also is its manifold. In New Math, all 2-Dimensional figures are handled by polynomial transforms, so also all 3-Dimensional figures. How so much easier is it, that doing a Polynomial Transform, rather than the silly fakery and obfuscation of manifolds.

41) Fourier, Laplace and other transforms, all of them thrown out the window because the only valid transforms are polynomial transforms. Polynomials are the only valid functions, hence, polynomials are the only valid transforms. And here in mathematics we begin to see that Polynomial transform is the mirror image of physics wanting a unification of the 4 forces of Old Physics, where the EM unification of physics, is like the Polynomial transform of mathematics that unifies all so-called-functions.

42) Principle of Logic, that Physics is king of sciences, and that means math is but a tiny subset. But in 20th and 21st century, we still have goons and kooks of math that think math is bigger than physics. These goons and kooks think that the Universe is a mathematical equation. They belong in an asylum, not the sciences.

43) There are many Principles of Logic which were unknown or ignored in Old Math. One of those principles caused the horrendous failure of sine and cosine trigonometry. The failure that a graph of a function in 2D or 3D, where the axes, all have to be the same numbers. You cannot have the x-axis as angles and the other axis as numbers. You abandon mathematics when you enact such a policy. You may as well have bar graphs and pie-charts and call them foundation mathematics, when you do sine and cosine with different representations of axes.

44) Principle of Logic-- follow your definitions exactly. When you do not follow your definitions you end up with the craziness of thinking sine is a sinusoidal wave when in truth it is a semicircle wave. You defined sine as opposite/hypotenuse of right triangles in a circle. That means, it is impossible from the definition for sine and cosine to be anything other than a semicircle wave.

45) Principle of Reality in a Equation-- You formed equations in mathematics where one side is the same as the other side. This is the algebra axiom of where the rightside can only be a positive nonzero decimal Grid Number. Equations must have "reality" on the rightside of the equation, in order for the equation to even exist. We cannot put negative numbers, or zero, or imaginary numbers on the right side of an equation and expect there to even be an "equation of mathematics". Math like physics deals with "reality". And that means a equation of mathematics must have a true substantive reality on the rightside of the equation all by itself. You can clutter up the leftside of the equation and solve for unknowns, but the rightside of the equation has all by itself a positive, nonzero Decimal Grid Number. Anything else is not mathematics.

46) The Reductio Ad Absurdum, RAA, or some call it proof by contradiction is not a valid proof argument in mathematics. RAA at best is a strong hypothetical, but not a guarantee of truth or proof. The trouble with RAA is the trouble with the IF-->Then connector of Logic which has a truth table of True, False, Unknown, Unknown. Old Logic had this connector of If-->Then as TFTT. It is the unknowns in F--> T and F--> F that neither has a true conclusion but an unknown conclusion that renders RAA as non workable in math.

47) The primal axiom of Physics-- All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism reigns not only over physics but mathematics as well. Most of the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series books have physics experiments involving electricity and magnetism.

48) Mathematics has a peak, a pinnacle, a climax of understanding with Calculus, the motion of physics and the energy of physics. This is expressed in the 2D and 3D calculus. It closes the subject of mathematics. And once we learn how to transform polynomials, and apply the power rule in High School, all the rest of mathematics we learn in life is just mere details of our teachings that took place in High School. Math is a closed subject beyond Calculus. Another example of a science that is closed is the science of Geography, a subset of Geology. Geography is a closed science since we have all of Earth surface known. Geology is not closed science because there is always the geology of other planets.

49) Mathematics is a closed subject, meaning it has a summit, a peak and that peak mirrors the Physics of motion. It is called calculus. Once you learn calculus, and it is very easy for it is just the Power Rule upon Polynomials. Once you learn this in High School, all the rest of mathematics is just details concerning motion. Mathematics is a tiny tiny subset of Physics. Everything of mathematics comes from physics. The reason the world has numbers is because physics has atoms and atoms are numerous. The reason the world has geometry is because atoms come in various shapes and sizes.

50) Math is a closed subject, a tiny subset of physics, and ever since 2019, the writing of this Calculus Guide, all the important topics of mathematics can be taught in junior and senior year High School. Any mathematics beyond High School is mere details of that junior and senior year teaching-- namely polynomial transform and Power Rules for derivative and integral of calculus.

True mathematics is a subject that is always easy, clear, and comprehensible. Old Math never had a program of "let us make the subject easy and clear and accessible to all". Old Math was about fame and fortune for a grubby few arrogant and ignorant fame seekers to those seeking fame and fortune by adding fake math, incomprehensible, hard, worthless, at the expense of torturing young students who all they wanted was a foundation understanding of true mathematics.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-15 05:24:43 UTC
List of 76 fakes and mistakes in Physics// 137th book// Introduction to AP's TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS series, by Archimedes Plutonium

Currently the list of fakes in physics is 76, but the list of fakes of physics should be about 100 or more, far larger than list of math fakes, for math is a list of 50, and is a closed subject and a subset of physics. And I thought the list in math would be larger than that of physics when somewhat finished, due to the fact that physics has experiments as judge while math has a country clubhouse of like minded fools-kooks as judges. When you have biased kook fools judging whether true or false, many errors will occur. But what I had not counted on, is the sheer volume or bulk of true math versus true physics. Physics I would reckon covers thousands upon thousands of more topics, whereas mathematics that is true math is a tiny tiny house of topics in comparison to physics. It is metaphorically like comparing the Sun as physics, to Earth as mathematics. So, yes, there are more mistakes in mathematics per volume of that subject than in physics, but because physics is so large a subject in what it covers, there are more chances of total errors. My list of errors in math is 50 at the moment, and so when somewhat complete, the list of errors in physics should be 100 or more.

1) Big Bang theory is a joke, never a reality. And a outright contradiction of the Atomic theory, that all matter is composed of atoms. For all matter can be interchanged with "all things". If all things are atoms, then the universe itself , we must admit if we are logical thinkers, is "a thing" and thus the universe must be a atom also. Big Bang contradicts Logic. And if science is anything, it is logical. 

2) When you find in the world, a Generalization of All Matter is made up of Atoms. You have to go with the Logic as the truth. If all Matter is atoms, then the Whole of the Universe is Matter, you must continue to the conclusion that the Whole is also an Atom. If you do not make that conclusion, you have to thence say-- All Matter except the Universe, and that is a silly end conclusion.

3) I need the list to be logical in order of importance, at least try to be logically ordered. Big Bang baloney is number 1 because Atom Totality is number 1. The second greatest physics fallacy is their screwing up of the 1897 Thomson particle they called the electron of 0.5MeV when it is the Dirac magnetic monopole that Thomson had found. It would not be until 1936 that the true electron of atoms is discovered and called the muon. What the 1897 screw-up mis-identity shows most of all, is that physicists throughout the 20th century never had a handle on what angular momentum means. If you understand angular momentum, you would realize that a proton at 938MeV and electron at 0.5MeV cannot support the existence of a hydrogen atom, or any atom for that sake. 

4) Direct consequence of muon being the true electron, determines that the proton is 840MeV and the muon is stuck inside the proton doing a Faraday Law of producing new electricity by turning Space into electromagnetism. This is Dirac's new radioactivity and is the creation of new mass, matter in Space. This means all stars shine not from fusion, but from Faraday Law. Not only do stars grow more massive and bigger, but that all astro-bodies grow bigger. Meaning the Nebular Dust Cloud theory is a gigantic hoax for the growing of the Solar System. 

5) Stars shine not from fusion, but from the muon thrusting through its proton coil. Every atom inside a star and every proton in that star is making new electricity from its muon thrusting through its proton 8 ring coil tokamak.

6) A direct consequence that the muon is stuck inside the proton in all experiments, is this Logical Principle, that in physics, every particle or subatomic particle has a function, a job, a task. Principles of Science are some of the most important teachings and understandings in science. One has a logical hole in the head if they think you can have particles of physics, and those particles have no job, no function, no task to perform. Existence in physics means-- a job to do.

7) A New Periodic Table of Chemical Elements must emerge from a mistaken electron as 0.5MeV when it truly is 105MeV, the muon. Such a table is based not on a Lewis structure of 8 but rather on 6. There are 6 successive elements in a row, and only 6 in a row. See AP's book for details: Research Notebook of AP on True Chemistry Periodic Table of Elements based on 6, not the error-filled table of Old Chemistry, Chemistry Series, book 5.

8) The thoughts and images of electrons in Old Physics and Old Chemistry were horrendously error filled. The first place I see this huge error is in Feynman Lectures on Physics, not that I want to pick on Feynman for he is one of my heroes, but rather I chose Feynman because his Lectures have been translated into almost all languages and his books widely available and known. On page 14-10 of Volume 1, Feynman has a Figure 14-5. Field between parallel plates. And it shows something like this
+ + + + +
- - - - -

Many book show the electron as a "-" inside a circle. Many chemistry books show the electron as that minus sign inside a circle, especially their battery and electrochemical section. Sometimes they show an electron as e- with a arrow indicating the direction of motion such as e- -> or a proton as p+ ->.

All of this picturing is false, for the geometry of the magnetic monopole is a closed loop, like the familiar hoola-hoop we played with as a youngster. So in true physics, we no longer have electrons as particles but rather as closed loops.

The cover picture of TEACHING TRUE PHYSICS is a picture of a battery with closed loops of magnetic monopoles as electricity and also a capacitor as a stacked closed loops of magnetic monopoles.

In New Physics we have to get away from the image of particles of plus or minus. We have to get rid of that error filled image and picture, and see electricity as the sending of closed loops that take the shape of the entire electric circuit at the speed of light. Just as my Stihl chainsaw battery gets low on electricity, is because most of the stacked loops of magnetic monopoles have been served out and run the circuit.

9) Mathematics is a minor feature of physics; and mathematics is a subset of physics. Everything that goes on in mathematics is because of atoms of physics. The proof in mathematics is merely the physics "deciding experiment". There are two houses in physics, where houses are complamentary duals -- particle and wave, just so, there are two houses in mathematics, numbers and geometry. Complamentary duality such as particle and wave cause existence. Complamentary duality comes in many forms and here is a short list of them.
1) electricity to magnetism
2) multiplication to division
3) particle to wave
4) addition to subtraction
5) energy to time
6) integral to derivative
7) wavelength to frequency
8) Matter to Space

In physics we call this duality or complamentarity, and in math this is usually called just simply "inverse" or "reverse".

Duality is crucial important in all science for it means "existence". To exist means to have a duality.
No curves exist in Geometry, only finer and smaller straight line segments attached to one another.

A good example of this importance of duality is the Ray versus the Closed Loop Circuit. Take for example a electric extension cord, it has two end a male plug and a female plug. And we stretch the extension cord out straight. It looks like a single straight line Ray, does it not. It looks like a straight line ray, but do not be fooled, for it is a closed loop just like a circle is a closed loop, but it is very very thin. As if we take a circle and made it become a thin closed loop in the shape of a ray. This is extremely important for physics because all light waves are these Closed Loop Rays. Electricity is closed loop rays. Yet Old Math never recognized thin closed loop rays in their geometry. All waves in electricity magnetism of physics are these thin closed loop rays that are always connected to their source until they are extinguished or get absorbed by other matter.

The physics Force of mass X acceleration of F = ma becomes that of F = mass(meters/sec^2) becomes that of F = mass(wavelength X frequency^2).

Light waves have no rest mass and whenever we measure light, we are measuring a small part of a closed loop.

Magnetic monopoles such as the 0.5MeV particle have rest mass and so when we measure them, we are dealing with a full closed loop, not just part of a closed loop as in a light wave.

Back to the "no curves exist" which seems like a paradox but is not a paradox. It is what gives rise to Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of physics means duality and in mathematics it means discrete, no continuum.

Newton's F=ma involves only particles and matter, no wave and no Space. But when we include waves and Space into F= ma we do it this way. Force = mass(wavelength x frequency x frequency), where there is no division.

A straightline in math is Y= mx + b. A curve in math starts with Y= x^2.

In F = ma we cannot put the mass of 0 rest mass of wave into F = ma, and so, a force from one massive body acting on another massive body, each body with Y=mx+ b is a string of straightline segments interacting. The string of tiny straightline segments of Y = mx+b, whose end result is a Y= x^2. What this means is no curve or arc exists in Nature, for they are a string of tiny straightline segments attached to one another giving us the perception of a curve or arc.

Curves, arcs are in the realm of Space and partial-closed loops of electromagnetism. Mass and force and straightlines are in the realm of Matter, a realm that allows measurement, and a realm of complete-closed-loops.

10) The mathematics used in New Physics recognizes that Calculus is the pinnacle peak of math, and so, the calculus in New Physics uses only polynomial functions, no trigonometry, no logarithmic, no exponential, nothing but polynomials are used in New Physics. That means if a function were not a polynomial in physics, we have to convert it to a polynomial function before we can use it. We use the Lagrange transform or what I call the Polynomial Transform which in its most simple form is shown.

For 2 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1), we produce the 1st degree polynomial, a straightline or line segment

P(x) = y0(x-x1) / (x0-x1)
       + y1(x-x0) / (x1-x0)

For 3 coordinate points, (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2), we produce the 2nd degree polynomial, a compilation-curve

P(x) = y0(x-x1)(x-x2) / (x0-x1)(x0-x2)
        +y1(x-x0)(x-x2) / (x1-x0)(x1-x2)
        +y2(x-x0)(x-x1) / (x2-x0)(x2-x1)
11) Since all functions in physics are polynomials, means all calculus used in physics is simply the Power Rule for derivative and Power Rule for integral.

12) Since math is so simple with the all functions being only polynomials, that means all the trigonometry is removed out of calculus.

13) No-one in physics really understood what Angular Momentum means. If anyone thought he/she understood, would have recognized that the hydrogen atom cannot exist under a 938MeV proton and a 0.5MeV electron. There is not enough angular momentum in that ratio. The minimum angular momentum for the existence of the Hydrogen atom is a ratio of 8 to 1, where the proton is 840MeV and electron= muon = 105MeV. See AP's book two books on Angular Momentum for details (1) Elementary Angular-Momentum and Gravity//Physics series for High School Book 8 and (2) Raw Research into ANGULAR-MOMENTUM DYNAMICS// Physics focus series, book 1. Angular Momentum is tough because the human mind is stuck in linear momentum, an unbound system, but angular momentum is like an electric circuit, a closed loop and a bound system. Angular Momentum is much like gravity itself, for gravity is a reflection of angular momentum, tough tough physics, for it eluded the best physicists, Maxwell, Dirac, Feynman.

14) It is a credit to Dirac to keep looking for the magnetic monopole for one of the greatest principles in all of physics, and thus all of science is Symmetry. Dirac was logically repulsed to the idea that electricity was quantized, but that magnetism is not quantized without a magnetic monopole. The desire to have logic-- symmetry must be upheld that kept Dirac going. Sadly, Dirac did not live to see his magnetic monopole is everywhere, every every where. But the lesson is important-- logical principles such as symmetry transcend all other evidence. Most physicists were boo boo booing Dirac, but as long as he held to logic of symmetry, it was just a matter of time that he won.

15) Nebular Dust Cloud theory is purely a hoax, for the Universe has some 10^11 planet systems, and to think that Nebular Dust is spread so evenly throughout the Universe, when supernova are rare, is a colossal logic brain dump. Each and every atom is growing bigger in the universe every second and minute of the day, just as Dirac said in his "new radioactivities" in his book "Directions in Physics". Only a half brain would need something as stupid silly as a Nebular Dust Cloud, here, there, and everywhere.

16) Direct consequence of Faraday law going on inside each and every atom means the Sun will go Red Giant phase starting now and completed in 140 million years where Earth is like Venus-- not habitable by life. Before the end of 1 to 10 million years hence forward of August 2020, if humanity has not colonized Mars, Europa, Pluto, there is a good chance humanity goes extinct. 

17) The most important number in all of science for humanity, is the number for the yearly increase in Solar radiation by our Sun. As of year 2020, NASA has the figure pegged at 0.005% yearly increase in total solar radiation. This easily explains a loss of total Insects on Earth at 25% total insect biomass for the past decade. This is a huge alarm bell, for it means, unless humanity makes its future home on Europa, Mars and Pluto, the entire human species goes extinct, and as the Sun further goes Red Giant, humanity must constantly go further out away from the Sun.

18) Let me stop there about the mis-identification of the true electron, and talk about Principles of Logic, principles of reasoning, for most physicists lack a good enough brain of logic to do physics. You cannot teach logical thinking, but have to be borne with a logical mind. That is why it is so rare. You can teach logical mistakes, but you cannot reshape a mind or form a mind that is pure in logic, that thinks logically. And of course, well, the deficiency of most scientists, is lack of a logical mind. The Primal Axiom of Physics and of all of science is -- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. You would be surprised that few in physics truly understands the full meaning of that. For example, Einstein never heard of this axiom and never would understand it if he did hear it. I say that because, Einstein went chasing after "gravity" and came up with his stupid silly elevator analogy.

19) Another Principle of Logic, and why all physicists, even my heroes of Dirac and Feynman never understood Angular Momentum. They all knew Linear Momentum. They all knew that gravity makes things go in circles or closed loops. So, the question of logic is. Is there such a thing as Linear Momentum, or is it a generalized fiction? Is linear momentum purely a fake with its mass x velocity? So you have gravity as pulling on everything, and universal. Can you even have such a thing as linear momentum in this understanding? No, because when you talk of linear momentum, you just have not found the correct size radius of the Universe pulling on your mass. Linear Momentum and mass x velocity is a generalized fiction of physics. There are other fictions in physics such as centrifugal force, but the belief in Linear Momentum and all the mathematics generalization of using Mass times Velocity has caused huge amount of other fakery to permeate through and saturate physics.

20) Keeping this list in logical order of importance would be to follow the great Primal Axiom of Physics-- All is Atom, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism. So the first mistake was Big Bang, the second mistake was mis-identity of the true electron. Following mistakes of Old Physics is their Unification of Forces, and that they followed a science nitwit of Einstein with his General Relativity, rather than follow the giant of physics of James Clerk Maxwell and continue on with electricity and magnetism as being gravity. No, most of the physicists of the 20th century were airheads following a fakester of Einstein. This is as much a lesson in sociology as is physics. If you follow someone, you better be sure he/she is correct thoroughly correct. Otherwise it is just idiotic hero worship. 
Einstein General Relativity-- Einstein was so stupid in physics, that he never realized the only particle of physics that was perfect -- was the photon of electricity and magnetism. In other words, to do a Unification of Forces is as simple as detecting of the Most Perfect Physics Particle. Hence, the unification of forces of physics means it all boils down to electricity and magnetism. So gravity is electricity and magnetism. Yet there was that nitwit of physics Einstein trying to equate a rising or lowering elevator to a simulation program of gravity, far far too stupid to just say-- gravity is electricity and magnetism. Einstein, with no logical brains to reason with. Einstein even hated quantum mechanics and Einstein ended up more as a physics deluded con-artist. 

21) Black Holes-- invented by the most ignorant and stupid physicists whose imagination wants to violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle and gain fame and fortune with a brain that has no logical marbles at all. Black hole people were followers of the deluded Einstein with his General Relativity. If you believe in black-holes, you really do not belong in science, and so stupid, that you probably would even fail science fiction. A simple test of any scientist,-- do you believe in black holes-- and shown the exit door of science as a career.

22) Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- this was invented by a group of logical brain dead physicists looking at galaxy rotations and seeing that there was not enough mass in Newton's law of gravity to account for this fast rotation of galaxies, these physicists opted for fame and fortune, rather than admit Electricity and Magnetism, not Newton gravity, causes galaxy rotation. Here again is the power of sociology of follow a leader-- Einstein and his deluded General Relativity. Much of the 20th century physics was a waste of time in following the delusions of Einstein, when it should have followed Maxwell of 1860s then Bohr's quantum mechanics. 

23) Doppler Red Shift one of the horrendous follies of modern physics and astronomy. Please see AP's book to get the truth behind Doppler redshift. Doppler redshift (blueshift) has nothing to do with motion of source and cannot tell you distance//(Physics series for High School Book 6)
by Archimedes Plutonium
What the Doppler redshift & blueshift really are-- heat and magnetism shifts of 8 Rings of the proton in hydrogen. We are far closer together in the Universe than what the idiotic doppler redshift says.

24) Standard Model of Old Physics-- logical tripe, mind-rot physics, another group of physicists grasping for fame and fortune. So dumb were they, their subatomic particles have no job no task no function for subatomic particles, and they needed a Dirac magnetic monopole, but too stupid to realize they had a muon that did nothing in the Standard Model. There Standard Model was all built around silly algebras, fancy algebras that meant nothing, but kooks of physics cannot resist fame and fortune and they glue onto tripe. And they assigned the 1897 Thomson 0.51MeV particle as the electron, when in truth the muon was the true electron. Standard Model physics is the dumbest collection of physicists the world has ever seen in particle physics. You really do not get any dumber than this in physics, when all you do is peddle push math Algebras and have particles that have no function, no task, no job. Airhead physics is what the Standard Model is, and was. 

25) Generalization or Idealization in science is usually fakery it starts with the premiss that one knows what is going on and just trimming away all the rest of the universe to explain the situation. The opposite of Generalization or Idealization is that of Modeling. Modeling starts with the premiss we know little about something and use a model to try to fathom what is going on. You see the major difference? Generalization and Idealization assumes we know it all, and doing the generalization and idealization to make the explanation simple. But in fact we know little about the subject and the generalization and idealization makes the entire topic a fakery. A typical display of generalization/idealization is when the professor runs to the blackboard and draws a point particle and ascribes it with mass and velocity in a direction and then hammers out formulas. All as if we know everything about this item and just simplifying. Much of Old Physics is this generalization and idealization, for it is easy on the math. Only problem is, the generalization and idealization are not reality. Much of the mathematics and conclusions in Feynman Lectures on Physics are from generalization and idealization.

Modeling however is not arrogant but a recognition at the outset that we hope to discover truth and facts of the problem. So we model the problem with something better known. A great example of modeling is the photon or light wave modeled by the DNA and RNA of biology.

26) Principle of Modeling: when we are in the dark about some physics, it is required that we model that phenomenon to gain more knowledge of what truly is going on. This does not mean that models are correct, for many times the model leads to fakery. A good example is the planets going around the sun was used to model the atom interior as electrons going around a nucleus. It was a wrong model for the better model was a proton torus of rings and the electron muon thrusting through the rings in a Faraday law. The Principle of Modeling is a recognition we do not know the physical reality and are using a tool to model the phenomenon.

27) The photon or light wave is very complex and we have a great model of the photon as DNA or RNA of biology. Whenever we want to think about what a photon is, we project our thoughts upon DNA and RNA and model what the interior and exterior of light wave is. This idea that light wave and DNA are replicas of one another was invented by AP in the 1990s and AP wrote many books on this idea. It is present day research and it is the focus of attention of many concepts of physics, biology and other sciences. The idea that photon writ large is DNA, is a major advance in physics. Of course in Old Physics, there mistake was they had photon and light wave as a sinusoid ( a math curve that is nonexistent) and just an up and down buffoon bobbing. In AP's light wave = DNA offers rich structure, an interior and exterior.

28) Light wave can be both longitudinal as in radio waves or transverse as in waves higher in frequency than 17777 meters wavelength 17777 Hz frequency (the square root of speed of light).

29) Light is always a closed loop stretching all the way around back to its source. This gives what is called Quantum Entanglement. In Old Physics they viewed a light wave as having a head and a tail.

30) Light Waves modeled as DNA and RNA, especially the closed loop mitochondrial DNA makes us realize the rich internal structure of photons, light waves, and this is how first life began, as a materialized light wave spilling its internal structure inside a capacitor. In Old Physics their light wave was just a bobbing up and down of a point in space, no structure, no nothing.

31) Higgs Mechanism-- Peter Higgs is likely to go down in physics history as the "magnanimous buffoon of Standard Model physics". How stupid is Peter in mass mechanism? That fool never even knew what angular momentum was, or meant, and here his big mouth is wide open on mass creation. I say that because if anyone knew what angular momentum means in physics, they straight-away knows that a hydrogen atom cannot exist with proton 938MeV, electron 0.5MeV. For hydrogen atom to exist you need a ratio of proton = 840MeV, electron=muon= 105MeV. Higgs's electron of 0.5MeV, proton at 938MeV would make all hydrogen atoms dissolve on the spot, due to lack of angular momentum. And Old Physics gives such a buffoon a Nobel prize in physics. The Nobel prize no longer has any meaning with so many mistakes, in fact, in the future, it will be an embarrassment to win the Nobel prize, I for one refuse to have it and be put on a list of dumb fools of physics. I mean, well Archimedes Plutonium on a list with Einstein and Higgs. They should give the Nobel prize in physics to Hollywood airheads from now on out. 

32) Cosmic Background Radiation, gravity waves, neutron stars, more and more physics mindrot. More and more "gone astray" from General Relativity and Big Bang b.s. 

33) Let me switch to something entirely different-- Superconductivity. Sure, superconductivity exists, but the complaint is the ignorant interpretation as given by BCS theory, a interpretation of their 0.5MeV particles pairing together. When, all that Superconductivity is, is a Capacitor phenomenon. At a cold temperature, all the electricity stays put, no loss. And as soon as you connect the capacitor, it all flows, no resistance, no loss. Superconductivity is Capacitor perfection. That is why there is no AC superconductivity. 

34) The viewpoint of electricity as particles or waves is fakery in Old Physics, with their electron as electricity when it is really magnetic monopoles as waves that is electricity.

35) Maxwell Equations needed refurbishing early in the 20th century when the age of electricity with Tesla and Edison was thriving. Trouble is, Old Physics was deep in distraction with Quantum Mechanics. The highest priority was to fix Maxwell Equations, not with the details of Quantum Mechanics, but then the age of atomic weapons plunged more interest in Quantum Mechanics and not electricity and magnetism. Also given the silly stupid General Relativity as fakery mixing up the waters even worse. But by the start of electric power stations circa 1895, which ironically, Thomson would discover a particle in 1897 which is the particle of electricity-- the magnetic monopole. So, why did Old Physics leave the Maxwell Equations of 1860s in a state of disrepair. The Maxwell Equations of 1860s were mostly mistakes except for Faraday law and Ampere law.

36) Maxwell Equations should have been based on Ohm's law. Take one of the laws of electricity and magnetism, the most simple in mathematical form and use it as basis foundation of all the other laws of EM. New Ohm's law V=iBL.

37) EM has no electric field, for the Voltage is the electric field. So that was a big mistake of Old Physics.

38) There is a magnetic monopole and it is often found to be the 0.5MeV particle. So Gauss's law was wrong.

39) Once you make New Ohm's law the basis of EM math and theory, then all the permutations of derivative of V= iBL serves as the newly revised Maxwell Equations.

40) And here we see again the Logical Weakness in making the Maxwell Equations, same logical weakness in forming the Unification of Forces in Physics. When you have a collection of items to unify into one or to unify into a synthesis, the basis of the unification or the basis of the synthesis is to chose the "most perfect item" and then have it form the rest. In the case of forces, we pick the most perfect interacting particle of the 4 forces and it naturally is the photon light wave, hence EM is the unification force and the other three forces are just a multiple of EM. In the case of Maxwell Equations of EM, we pick the most perfect math form of the laws, and it is not Coulomb's inverse square nor is it Faraday and Ampere with their division format. No, it is New Ohm's law math format of Voltage = current x magnetic field x angular momentum. A math form of A = BCD, like in geometry the volume of a rectangular box. The easiest most perfect math form is what to base your EM equations upon.

41) Once you have the Maxwell Equations based on V= iBL and all its calculus permutations, then we see that 1860's Maxwell Equations had many terms missing in Faraday law, in Ampere law even in the Capacitor Law of V' = (iBL)'.

42) Then we see that due to All is Atom and Atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism and the fact the highest equation in physics is of form V = iBL, we learning the stunning fact that mathematics volume is the highest equation in mathematics also. We see that in chemistry the Ideal Gas Law is really just a form of V= iBL.

43) From the revised equations of EM, based upon V = iBL we realize that calculus needs a 3rd dimension calculus, for the calculus of Old Math and Old Physics had no 3rd dimensional calculus at all. And what 3D Calculus turns out to be is the angular momentum and the force of gravity. AP's sophomore college textbook is devoted to the 3rd dimension calculus.

44) Having fixed calculus by extending it to the 3rd dimension, we realize that in astronomy where they never heard of 3D calculus, that the numbers on planet Mercury required there to be a mass of some kind of moon. Turns out, it is a Cloud of Magnetic Monopoles that is the moon of Mercury. AP names this cloud-moon as Willis.

45) In researching why dragonflies grew so gigantic in size, as a result of a different gravity on Earth, in that Earth was 1/8 the mass in the Devonian geological period, that gigantism can flourish in that sort of low gravity. AP proposes the Growing Earth theory of Dirac's "new radioactivity" all because muon thrusting through proton coil.

46) In news of 2020 that Earth lost 25% of the total insect biomass in the prior decade, and linking up that fact with the NASA data of a increase in Solar radiation of 0.005% per year for the past decade, implies that the Sun has initiated Red Giant phase. It is unclear whether the planet Earth is made uninhabitable in 1-10 million years or for sure in 140 million years. Old Physics pegged the Red Giant phase in 4 billion years. AP peggs the phase starting 2020. We will go extinct unless we can colonize Mars, Europa, Pluto.

47) In Old Physics, physics is seen as mostly algebra and calculus math. In New Physics, we see physics as math, divided into two dual houses. One is algebra calculus and the other is a geometry format. The algebra of Faraday law is i' = (V/(BL) )' the geometry description of Faraday law is "a thrusting bar magnet through a closed loop wire produces a electric current". Actually the geometry side of physics is far more instructive and far more of knowing what is truly going on. So Old Physics only stressed the algebra side of physics. New Physics stresses the geometry side as more important.

48) In Old Physics the Bohr model of the atom is all wrong. Bohr never assigned jobs, tasks, functions of subatomic particles. And Bohr was going from the shoddy interpretation of the Rutherford gold leaf experiment where it was claimed a nuclear center with tiny electrons orbiting the massive tiny nucleus. A sort of Sun solar system model, only this time the interior of atoms. Truth is, the muon and proton are doing a Faraday law and that requires a torus ring for the proton with muon inside thrusting through. No nucleus in New Physics. And we need to do over entirely the Rutherford experiment.

49) The interior of atoms are toruses of protons with muon inside making electricity from Space and then storage of the electricity in neutron capacitors. This is how every atom grows, and how the universe itself grows and becomes more massive with time.

50) A dumb duplication of concepts, Old Physics had. For Old Physics had electric field and had the same concept in voltage. Shows that no-one in Old Physics had a complete command of the subject. One could fault James Clerk Maxwell, but I rather credit him for synthesis of all the scattered laws of electricity and magnetism. But there was no reason that those in the 20th century let this huge error pass.

51) The huge error of "charge" in Old Physics. This was one of AP's most horrible error to get rid of. It comes from horses charging in the 18th century, the time of Ben Franklin and others. And we still have "horsepower" as power unit in physics, where we convert to watts in electricity. Charge is replaced in New Physics with a "vector direction". And come to think of it, logically, charge could not have been thrown out of Old Physics, until the Dirac magnetic monopole was widely known and recognized. Just as, we cannot understand in a weather storm the lightening bolt and what it is, until we know and are familiar with what electricity is. Of all the mistakes in Old Physics, one of the toughest to fix for AP was certainly that of "charge". A nice word that replaces "charge" is simple say "pole". Words like "juice" for electricity is abhorrent to a scientist, and so should be the word "charge".

52) Neutral currents in Old Physics in their unification of weak nuclear with electromagnetism was a joke. Once you have the 0.5MeV particle as the Dirac magnetic monopole, the "neutral current was a laughable joke.

53) Logic Principle: focus in on anything perfect in physics, such as the photon light wave is the only perfect particle of physics which leads to the EM unification of all the 4 forces of physics. But mathematics has a "perfect formula or equation" which is volume of Space. Volume of Space takes the form of V = A*B*C. Perfect math form for volume translates into physics as Voltage = iBL. But this perfect math form also translates into chemistry ideal gas law of P = nRT(1/Volume) which when reduced is of the form P = A*B*C, just like Voltage = iBL.

54) Physics and mathematics have at most 3 dimensions. There exists no 4th dimension, or higher. Dimension of space stops with the 3rd dimension.

55) The highest and most perfect math formulas of Physics are of form V = A*B*C, and where this volume type of formula V = ABC is energy and volume of Space.

56) Old Physics made a big mistake with Sound Waves. They made the mistake that Sound does not involve electricity and magnetism, the EM wave spectrum. To correct their mistake, all they needed to do is recognize what is called the DeBroglie pilot wave. A radio wave is the source of all Sound waves.

57) Old Physics screwed up badly on the concept of "mole" in physics and chemistry. All they really needed to say was divide the mass of the proton+muon into 1 gram. And the true number of mole is not 6.02*10^23 but is rather 5.98*10^23.

58) Old Physics and Old Chemistry screwed up badly on the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements because their table is based not upon the structure of the proton and muon but on the elusive particle of the magnetic monopole which is produced as a byproduct of the muon and proton. Old Chemistry had a Lewis structure based upon 8, when even those in chemistry could see that the P orbital has only 6 number, not 8. AP's New Periodic Table of Elements is based on 6, not 8.

59) All of radioactivity teaching in Old Physics must be revised since the 0.5MeV particle is not the electron of atoms but the Dirac magnetic monopole. Why is AP the first scientist to see that Faraday Law is the same as Radioactivity Disintegration Law.

60) Radioactive decay is a subject that needs massive overhaul in Old Physics for they got all the different subatomic particles mixed-up. The 0.5MeV particle is along with the positron, are magnetic monopoles and not decay but rather emission of electricity produced by Faraday law of muon and proton. And real radioactive decay of a hydrogen atom or helium atom etc etc must be viewed and taught in the perspective of breaking apart a many ringed toruses of protons. The collision of a neutron capacitor with a many ringed proton toruses is New Physics radioactivity.

61) Double Slit Experiment error: Old Physics thought of a light ray as ^v^v^v^v^v^ that is open ended, not closed. And that viewpoint of light causes all those impossible and unexplainable mysteries in the Double Slit Experiment. On the other hand, if you go to explain the Double Slit with light as a closed loop straight line segment, all the mysteries disappear. So the idea that all of the Double Slit Experiment strangeness is solved and resolved by simply recognizing light wave as a thin closed loop ray, whose source is part of the closed loop.

62) Old Physics along with Old Biology got photosynthesis wrong. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: summary of how it works-- air of CO2 molecules, Animal-CO2 (not Fire-CO2) enters the stoma opening to the magnesium atom capacitor. And sunlight shines on the capacitor. The sunlight is turned into electricity and stored inside the magnesium capacitor. So much electricity is stored that as a Animal-CO2 molecule touches the capacitor, it strips off the carbon C atom and leaves behind a O2 molecule. This stripped off C atom immediately comes in contact with water molecule H2O and with the capacitor energy is transformed into CH2O. This newly minted sugar hydrocarbon CH2O is stacked up forming a "tail" in the magnesium capacitor. This CH2O can be further combined with other CH2O molecules forming various other sugars such as C_6 H_12 O_6.

63) Logic Principle of Symmetry. The Dirac magnetic monopole was extremely extremely important for all of Physics, in a sense, all of physics falls apart if we have asymmetry in the major structure of atoms. Atoms are symmetrical. So to have quantization of electricity, you must have quantization of magnetism. Pure and simple.

64) Principle of Symmetry brings me again to the magnetic monopole. Of course, well, symmetry is what drove Dirac to know it exists, even though he faced a mountain of physics idiots. Principles of Logic are far better than observations and formulas and equations. For, notice, that the electricity had a pole and a opposite pole of what they called the positron versus their 0.5MeV particle. So they had two particles of opposite pole, but, they somehow wanted to be stupid about having two poles for magnetism. And this brings up a whole new Logic Principle.

65) Principle of Close Loop Symmetry, the Circuit of Physics. Electricity never never exists unless it is closed loop circuit. The electricity inside a capacitor is a closed loop. The electricity in a wire is a closed loop circuit. In order to have a closed loop circuit you must have a north pole and a south pole, a positron and its opposite direction particle what Old Physics called the 0.5MeV particle. So, by logic, if we have electricity having two poles, we must have magnetism with two poles. Since we have the existence of a positron pole, and the existence of its opposite pole in electricity, we likewise must have the existence of a north magnetic monopole and a south magnetic monopole. In fact, the positron itself is the north magnetic monopole and the Thomson particle of 0.5MeV is the south magnetic monopole.

When you do the Faraday Law, you peel off monopoles of magnetism and those monopoles form dipoles as electricity flow in the closed loop wire.

66) Let me change direction here for a moment and talk about mistakes and errors of mathematics used in Old Physics. Of course, well all the mathematics ever used in physics comes from a math form of A = B*C*D and that form is the math of volume of geometry space. It is the form of New Ohm's law and of the chemistry Ideal Gas Law. That form is the most highest math you will every need to know to do physics. A simple multiplication of three factors to make a fourth quantity. Of course, it gets a little more complicated when we do the derivative of A = B*C*D but not much complicated for our math in all of physics is polynomial functions. That means easy easy super easy derivative and integrals since it is easy because all polynomials are dispatched by the Power Rule of Calculus. So in New Physics we have no math to scare us with complexity or difficulty. Math in New Physics is so simple and easy, that by junior and senior year High School we can learn all the math we need to do everything in physics. And math after High School is just details of High School math.

Now I bring that up for an important reason, not just because I covered all of this in my series Teaching True Mathematics, but I bring it up because the Maxwell Equations of Old Physics were mired in error and mistakes and were utterly too hard for most people in college, even the professors of math and science. It was rare to find anyone in the physics dept of colleges who even were fluid in doing the Old Physics Maxwell Equations. And it was rare that any math professor could even teach the Maxwell Equations, simple because they never really understood them. In the Teaching True Mathematics by AP textbook series, I cover all the Maxwell Equations so that the student can master them by 1st year college. But these are no longer the Old Physics Maxwell Equations but the AP New Physics EM equation, far different from the historic classical Maxwell Equations. Far different and super easy and simple.

One of the reasons so many in Old Physics chose the path of the silly ignorant General Relativity, was because in GR, you still always use Newton's gravity and make just tiny slight changes. But in Maxwell Equations of 1860, you had four equations that most physicists, even Einstein never grasped. It was too hard for them. And that is probably the reason they ended up with a Gauss law of -- no magnetic monopole. But in New Physics AP's EM equations, we easily see Ampere's law derivative of magnetic field and from Faraday's law derivative of current, that the two are symmetrically the same, implying the two require a full closed loop circuit, further implying both need a two pole electricity and a two pole magnetism. Just as electric monopoles exist, so too must magnetic monopoles exist.

67) Sigma Error is part of probability and statistics theory, but was seen as a outlier in Old Physics. Seen as a practice, not as a internal feature of physics. And that is a shame because if someone had paid more attention to the practice of Sigma Error in experiments and observations, then the discovery the real proton is 840MeV not 938 and the real electron is the muon at 105MeV, would have been discovered earlier than AP's 2016-2017 discovery. AP's second most famous science discovery after the Atom Totality. For it was the notice of AP that 938 is close to 945, and that 105 subtract 940 is the proton mass in MeV, all well under Sigma Error.

68) Sigma Error Logic Principle in Physics: If we come so close in numbers to related phenomenon such as 945/938 = sigma error of 0.7%, then we take that as the true proton 840MeV, true electron is muon at 105MeV. The related phenomenon is 9 x 105 = 945, implying that there are 9 rings, 9 muon rings involved in proton and muon.

69) Divisional Numeric and Coefficient Relationship of Physics Constants. This is an extremely important math to physics relationship all invented by AP in the course of writing his books of science. An example here goes a long way in understanding. The Planck constant, the speed of light constant, the Boltzmann constant, the Fine Structure Constant all come easily from EM constant numbers. See my several books published on how they are derived.

70) The Light Wave as a closed loop circuit has not been understood in Old Physics. Their light wave was like an arrow with a front head and a rear tail. In New Physics the light wave is like a closed loop extension cord of electricity. Long and thin, but still a closed loop. This geometry is extremely important for it misguided Old Physics into thinking the Double Slit Experiment was mysterious when it was not. Misguided Old Physics into thinking "slow light" was mysterious when it was not for if you turn off the switch in a BEC slow light experiment, all the light disappears in the experiment, even the light inside the BEC. And quantum entanglement is now crystal clear as the connection all along the closed loop and the source.

71) We know half as much about the Tesla coil for wireless electricity transmission that we should know, by now. We spend far far too much time and money on superconductivity and fusion energy which is rumdummy science, because superconductivity is not the BCS b.s., no, but is merely capacitor theory. Superconductivity is just capacitor science, nothing more and we spend too much time and money on it, when we should be spending it on Tesla coil wireless electricity. The fusion energy is another huge squander of time and money, since the universe is a Faraday Law, not a fusion world. We should spend and devote our time on Tesla coil, especially when our Sun is now in a Red Giant phase which is quite noticeable in 2020 with the loss of 25% of insect biomass in the past 10 years.

72) Red Giant phase of stars starts once a star reaches a mass of 2*10^33 grams. Our Sun has initiated that phase and all life on Earth will go extinct or vanish unless it moves to the outskirts of the Solar System. We have evidence of this in the loss of 25% of all Insect biomass in just the past decade. Vast losses of song birds whose eyes cannot bear that amount of UV. And we see it in accelerated polar ice melt due to a 0.005% yearly rise in solar radiation.

73) The Old Physics mistake of thinking starpower is due to fusion is all wrong and such a big mistake that it may cost humanity the price of extinction and oblivion, should humanity not colonize Europa, Mars, Pluto in time.

74) A Titius-Bode Rule of Star Systems also has a 4 then 4 rule for mass, the first four are rocky planets, the next 4 are gas giants not because of the stupid silly General Relativity, but because all of physics is electricity and magnetism driven physics. Where the spacing of planets is a Titius-Bode Rule because that is a Balmer-Rydberg sequence of spectral lines also electricity and magnetism driven.

75) The Rydberg sequence predicts the most massive planet comes within the second 4 then 4 astrobodies.

76) The Rydberg constant is more precisely that of the pure scale number 10000000 m^-1 and not the number value 10973731 m^-1. This must be so because the speed of light is precisely the value of 3.16*10^8m/s as the coefficient is exactly the square root of 10 = 3.1622776...

I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of stalkers and spammers, book and solution manual spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, churning imbeciles, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.  And the taxpayer funded hate spew stalkers who ad hominem you day and night on every one of your posts.

There is no discussion of science in sci.math or sci.physics, just one long line of hate spewing stalkers.

Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-26 20:06:37 UTC
Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics

Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney
9:21 AM (6 hours ago)
Re: Archimedes "I ate your brain" Plutonium flunked the math test of a lifetime-generation test
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Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-15 17:47:20 UTC
TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

Old Physics:
Resistance = kg*m^2 /A^2*s^3

New Physics:
electric current = i = A

Angular momentum L = kg*m^2/(A*s)

Magnetic Field = kg /A*s^2

Voltage = kg*m^2 /A*s^3

V = i B L
kg*m^2 /A*s^3 = A * kg /A*s^2 * kg m^2/(A*s)

AP wrote so many books on science that it is better to add onto existing books rather than create a brand new book, when ever possible. So to my senior year Teaching True Mathematics, I am going to include this axiomatic derivation for all of mathematics Geometry and also Number theory.

We begin with the idea that all of mathematics is a subset of physics. Physics has the primal axiom that all is Atoms, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism.

So we want the axioms of geometry and the axioms of numbers from physics. And the best place to start is with New Ohms Law of Voltage equals current multiply magnetic field multiply angular momentum.

That formula is of the form V = iBL and notice it is the same form as Volume = length multiply width multiply height (some prefer depth). V=L*W*H.

So the important form of physics and math is a formula of A = BCD, where we multiply three variables together to arrive at one variable. Multiplication apparently is the all inclusive form.

So here we are going to inspect New Ohm's Law and then, we coax out all the axioms of math geometry and all the axioms of math number theory.

First we review physics units.

In Old Physics they had a resistance; in New Physics we replace resistance with magnetic field multiply angular momentum.
Resistance = kg*m^2 /A^2*s^3

So in New Physics we look upon these four variables, and from them we derive the axioms of geometry and numbers.
electric current = i = A

Angular momentum L = kg*m^2/(A*s)

Magnetic Field = kg /A*s^2

Voltage = kg*m^2 /A*s^3

V = i B L
kg*m^2 /A*s^3 = A * kg /A*s^2 * kg m^2/(A*s)

89th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

This is the last year of College for mathematics and we have to mostly summarize all of mathematics as best we can. And set a new pattern to prepare students going on to math graduate school. A new pattern of work habits, because graduate school is more of research and explore on your own. So in this final year, I am going to eliminate tests, and have it mostly done as homework assignments.

There is no better place to start any hard core science, even mathematics with the largest summary of all.

1) All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism.

2) Electricity and Magnetism, EM, is based on a famous math equation of Voltage = i*B*L where i is current, B is magnetic field, and L is angular momentum. That is New Ohm's Law.

3) All the rest of physics and math equations and formulas of EM come from V=i*B*L

4) One of the most famous and great laws of electricity and magnetism that comes from V=i*B*L is likely to be the Faraday law. Remember its math in 2nd dimension? It is a division differential equation of voltage divided by the quantity of magnetic field times angular momentum. On the face of it, it is rather a simple equation, when you consider it involves the entire universe, both living and nonliving.

Cover Picture: Again and again, many times in math, the mind is not good enough alone to think straight and clear, and you need tools to hands-on see how it works. Here is a collection of tools for this senior year college classes. There is a pencil, clipboard, graph paper, compass, divider, protractor, slide-ruler. And for this year we spend a lot of time on the parallelepiped, showing my wood model, and showing my erector set model held together by wire loops in the corners. The plastic square is there only to hold up the erector set model.

Length: 109 pages

Product details
File Size: 822 KB
Print Length: 109 pages
Publication Date: February 15, 2020
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-15 18:30:47 UTC
1st published book

Atom Totality Universe: Atom Totality Series book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Physics book that explains what the universe is, and how it works. This is a continuation of the Atomic Theory by Democritus in Ancient Greek times. It adds one more fact to the Atomic Theory. That the Universe itself is one gigantic big atom. It completes the logic of science that Dr. Feynman wrote-- all things are made up of atoms -- and so, to complete that idea -- all things and the universe itself is an atom.

Also, I revise the entire Maxwell Equations, and electrodynamics theory.

Cover Picture is my photograph of one of my earliest copyright title of this idea of Plutonium Atom Totality. It was on my cover for the copyrights to the Library of Congress in early 1990s. The discovery was made in November 7, 1990, and several articles published in Dartmouth College newspaper. I jam-packed full one picture as my earliest cover, trying to explain to people how the electron-dot-cloud of an atom is the stars and galaxies and astronomy all packed into one electron, in trying to get people to understand how all we see in the night sky is actually just one electron of a huge atom of plutonium. Very difficult to explain to people with no science training. And in this picture of early 1990s, I still had the name "Ludwig Plutonium" before legally changing it to "Archimedes Plutonium".
Length: 616 pages

Product details
File Size: 1089 KB
Print Length: 616 pages
Publication Date: March 11, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
 Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #578,229 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
                #1610 in Physics (Kindle Store)
                #8526 in Physics (Books)
                #18851 in Biological Sciences (Books)

#1-2, 48th published book

Plutonium Atom Totality Universe, Atom Totality Series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Cover picture: is what the interior and exterior of most atoms looks like once you apply Faraday's Law to subatomic particles.This picture is a coil of 88 rings torus with a smaller ring inside. The 88 coil rings represents 11 protons for each proton consists of 8 rings, in a Faraday Law magnetic induction coil and the smaller ring inside the 88 rings is a muon as a bar magnet thrusting through the proton coil, thereby, producing electricity. If I were to place 11 smaller rings inside the 88 torus ring, I would have a atom of sodium, since 11 protons and 11 muons. Every atom of the chemical periodic-table of elements, is shaped like one big torus of all its protons, and all its muons are inside at a perpendicular and connected together, and thrusting through the proton torus coil, doing a Faraday law producing magnetic monopoles, those particles such as 0.5MeV. The neutrons of every atom are skin coatings onto the proton torus coil, and the neutrons act as capacitors, storing the monopoles produced by the protons and muons in Faraday Law. This is how atoms grow, and this is how stars shine, for the Faraday law produces sunshine.

The goal and aim of the 8th edition of Atom Totality, 2017 was to iron out all the mathematics of Electricity and Magnetism so that the AP-Maxwell Equations embodied all the mathematics of physics. In other words, all of physics is handled by the AP-Maxwell Equations. But in the course of straightening out the EM math of physics, I made my second greatest science discovery-- that the real proton was 840MeV, real electron was the muon at 105MeV and that little particle we all thought was the electron since JJ Thompson discovered it in 1897, was in fact not the electron but was Dirac's magnetic monopole. I made that discovery in the midst of my writing the 8th edition (only goes to show that most of our best ideas come from organizing and placing our thoughts into order-- writing a book). And so this 9th edition goal and aim is to go back and fix the picture of atoms, their geometry, and incorporate that discovery, mostly by fixing the picture of what atoms exterior and interior geometry is, in light of the fact that there is the Faraday Law going on inside of atoms.
Length: 130 pages

Product details
File Size: 2366 KB
Print Length: 130 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: June 10, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Not Enabled  

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported 
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #285,417 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#826 in Astronomy (Books)
#166 in Astronomy (Kindle Store)
#671 in Physics (Kindle Store)
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-16 07:40:08 UTC
Axiomatic theory of both geometry and numbers all from physics New Ohm's Law// as a chapter of AP's //TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6 by Archimedes Plutonium 2020// AP's 89th book

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Sep 15, 2020, 12:39:31 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Axiomatic theory of both geometry and numbers all from physics New Ohm's Law// as a chapter of AP's //TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6 by Archimedes Plutonium 2020// AP's 89th book

Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 15, 2020, 12:11 PM
to sci.math, sci.physics, plutonium-atom-universe newsgroups
TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

Old Physics:
Resistance = kg*m^2 /A^2*s^3

New Physics:
electric current = i = A

Angular momentum L = kg*m^2/(A*s)

Magnetic Field = kg /A*s^2

Voltage = kg*m^2 /A*s^3

V = i B L
kg*m^2 /A*s^3 = A * kg /A*s^2 * kg m^2/(A*s)

AP wrote so many books on science that it is better to add onto existing books rather than create a brand new book, when ever possible. So to my senior year Teaching True Mathematics, I am going to include this axiomatic derivation for all of mathematics Geometry and also Number theory.

We begin with the idea that all of mathematics is a subset of physics. Physics has the primal axiom that all is Atoms, and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism.

So we want the axioms of geometry and the axioms of numbers from physics. And the best place to start is with New Ohms Law of Voltage equals current multiply magnetic field multiply angular momentum.

That formula is of the form V = iBL and notice it is the same form as Volume = length multiply width multiply height (some prefer depth). V=L*W*H.

So the important form of physics and math is a formula of A = BCD, where we multiply three variables together to arrive at one variable. Multiplication apparently is the all inclusive form.

So here we are going to inspect New Ohm's Law and then, we coax out all the axioms of math geometry and all the axioms of math number theory.

First we review physics units.

In Old Physics they had a resistance; in New Physics we replace resistance with magnetic field multiply angular momentum.
Resistance = kg*m^2 /A^2*s^3

So in New Physics we look upon these four variables, and from them we derive the axioms of geometry and numbers.
electric current = i = A

Angular momentum L = kg*m^2/(A*s)

Magnetic Field = kg /A*s^2

Voltage = kg*m^2 /A*s^3

V = i B L
kg*m^2 /A*s^3 = A * kg /A*s^2 * kg m^2/(A*s)

89th published book

TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 6 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020

This is the last year of College for mathematics and we have to mostly summarize all of mathematics as best we can. And set a new pattern to prepare students going on to math graduate school. A new pattern of work habits, because graduate school is more of research and explore on your own. So in this final year, I am going to eliminate tests, and have it mostly done as homework assignments.

There is no better place to start any hard core science, even mathematics with the largest summary of all.

1) All is Atom and atoms are nothing but electricity and magnetism.

2) Electricity and Magnetism, EM, is based on a famous math equation of Voltage = i*B*L where i is current, B is magnetic field, and L is angular momentum. That is New Ohm's Law.

3) All the rest of physics and math equations and formulas of EM come from V=i*B*L

4) One of the most famous and great laws of electricity and magnetism that comes from V=i*B*L is likely to be the Faraday law. Remember its math in 2nd dimension? It is a division differential equation of voltage divided by the quantity of magnetic field times angular momentum. On the face of it, it is rather a simple equation, when you consider it involves the entire universe, both living and nonliving.

Cover Picture: Again and again, many times in math, the mind is not good enough alone to think straight and clear, and you need tools to hands-on see how it works. Here is a collection of tools for this senior year college classes. There is a pencil, clipboard, graph paper, compass, divider, protractor, slide-ruler. And for this year we spend a lot of time on the parallelepiped, showing my wood model, and showing my erector set model held together by wire loops in the corners. The plastic square is there only to hold up the erector set model.

Length: 109 pages

Product details
File Size: 822 KB
Print Length: 109 pages
Publication Date: February 15, 2020
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-16 17:16:31 UTC
Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 16, 2020, 12:10 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe newsgroup
Now this problem occurred years ago, of the masses involved in V= iBL.

For notice that 

V                      = i   *         B     *           L 
kg*m^2 /A*s^3 = A * kg /A*s^2 * kg m^2/(A*s) 

is 3rd dimensional because of "s^3" and we realize that m^3 is 3D, and the m^2 is 2D.
But what happens when we multiply kg by kg. Years ago I answered this by saying mass is a scalar while meters and seconds are vectors.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-16 18:50:23 UTC
Introduction to the TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS textbook series of Archimedes Plutonium

The 134th book of AP, and belatedly late, for I had already written the series of TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS in a 7 volume set. This would be the 8th volume of that set. But I suppose that I needed to write the full series before I could write the Introduction and know what I had to talk about and talk about in a logical progression order. Sounds paradoxical in a sense, that I needed to write the full series first and then go back and write the Introduction. But in another sense, hard to write an introduction on something you have not really fully done and completed. For example to know what is error filled Old Math and to list those errors in a logical order requires me to write the full 7 volumes in order to list in order the mistakes.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-16 22:27:29 UTC
V = i * B * L
kg*m^2 /A*s^3 = A * kg /A*s^2 * kg m^2/(A*s)

Alright, some brilliant progress.

So we examine the denominator of Voltage and it is A*s^3. In dimensional analysis, that would be K^4 where we combine A with seconds^3.

Now the numerator of Voltage in dimensions is only kg*meters^2 and is 3rd dimensional.

So what can we do to make the numerator be 4th dimension along with the denominator?

One suggestion would be to say that kg*kg in magnetic field times angular momentum is actually kg^2. Then we have kg^2*m^2/A*s^3. Then we have both numerator and denominator be 4th dimension.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-28 19:04:59 UTC
Thanks Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Tessier-Lavigne for trying to experiment with the proof that real proton is 840MeV not 938, and that the muon is the real electron, but that the moron Kibo Parry Moroney disturbed the science in progress.

Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney wrote
Sep 26, 2020, 9:21 AM
Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Michael Moroney
2020-09-16 01:29:24 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 5 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College,
WARNING TO STUDENTS, PARENTS and TEACHERS: Archimedes Plutonium is offering to
teach your children his broken physics and math. BEWARE! He will corrupt the
minds of your children! Mr. Plutonium is not content to be a failure of math
and physics all by himself. He wants everyone to fail as well! He teaches
bizarre false physics and math, such as the ellipse isn't a conic section, that
there are no negative numbers, no complex numbers, that a sine wave isn't
sinusoidal but semicircles, cycloids or parabolas (depending on his mood), plus
many, many other instances of bad math and physics.

Plutonium has previously tried to corrupt our youth by posting his books on
Usenet. That has failed until now, perhaps in part due to the fact Usenet is an
old, dying medium few modern students even know of, much less use. However, Mr.
Plutonium has somehow duped Amazon into providing his dangerous books for free
on Kindle. This has greatly increased the danger to our students!

One of his dangerous tricks is teach false Boolean logic such as 3 AND 2 = 5.
His method at doing this is particularly insidious. He'll post a false
statement that nobody believes, such as 3 OR 2 = 5, say that it is false (which
it is), but then he'll try to replace it with another similar false statement
such as 3 AND 2 = 5, in order to really confuse future computer scientists.
Plutonium is taking advantage of the fact that AND means different things in
Boolean logic and elementary arithmetic, as AND is an informal synonym for
plus/addition. It is important for future computer scientists to remember that
in the bitwise Boolean logic used by computers, 3 OR 2 = 3 and 3 AND 2 = 2. Of
course in pure Boolean logic the only possible values are true and false (1 or
0), so in pure Boolean logic the statements "3 AND 2" and "3 OR 2" don't even
make sense. Don't let Plutonium's bad logic confuse you!

Additionally, Plutonium has started a Cult of Failure. He is trying to convince
students to worship his evil pagan Plutonium atom god of failure. This cult
goes against many Christian values, such as multiple gods before the God of the
Bible and idol worship (he personifies his gods as the evil cosmic plutonium
atom or protons and neutrons within it). In addition this cult is anti-science
and anti-mathematics. Its only goal is to promote failure in math and science.

Nobody knows why he wishes to corrupt the minds of our youth like this. Perhaps
he is envious of their potential success, which he never had because he is a
failure at math and science. Plutonium is not content to be a failure at math
and physics all by himself. He wants everyone to fail as well. Some claim he is
an agent of China, in order for them to dominate the world economy. Maybe he is
a minion of Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Most likely he is an agent of Putin
and Russia, because he has attempted to summon Russian robots in 2017 "to
create a new, true mathematics" in an attempt to destroy mathematics. But the
point is, stay away, if he offers to give or sell you his dangerous books.
Especially now since they are available for free from otherwise legitimate
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-26 20:25:27 UTC
Thanks Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Tessier-Lavigne for trying to experiment with the proof that real proton is 840MeV not 938, and that the muon is the real electron, but that the moron Kibo Parry Moroney disturbed the science in progress.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-27 01:26:20 UTC
Michael Moroney wrote:
3:54 PM (5 hours ago)

Mutt of Math and Cur of Physics
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-27 06:26:57 UTC
Thanks to Dartmouth's Dr. Hanlon and Stanford's Dr. Tessier-Lavigne helping in proving real proton is 840MeV, real electron is the muon doing Faraday law inside the proton 8 ring torus, and 0.5MeV was Dirac's magnetic monopole, and then you got interrupted by Kibo Parry Moroney with his noise.

Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney wrote:
Sep 26, 2020, 3:16:21 PM (10 hours ago)
Mindless and worthless creep of Math and logic freak of Physics
Vincenzo Carratelli
2020-09-27 08:33:15 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Thanks to Dartmouth's Dr. Hanlon and Stanford's Dr. Tessier-Lavigne
helping in proving real proton is 840MeV, real electron is the muon
doing Faraday law inside the proton 8 ring torus, and 0.5MeV was Dirac's
magnetic monopole, and then you got interrupted by Kibo Parry Moroney
with his noise.
Wanna see the proof your capitalist corrupt government is a a proper
_mafia government_ by an even simpler proof?

problem => reaction => solution

hoax deadly virus => lockdown => vaccines, money, police state
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-28 03:29:34 UTC
Moon Bears of South Korea need the world's helping hand from primitive evil// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULING EARTH

Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 22, 2020, 3:05 PM
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium-atom-universe newsgroups
Utterly horrible story last night from BBC:
Quoting BBC--
Moon bears: Korean campaigners call for farm closures
Animal rights campaigners are asking the South Korean president for help to save hundreds of the country’s caged moon bears.
More than 400 bears are being kept on farms across the country. They’re waiting to be killed for their parts which some people use as medicine.
--- end quote ---

The news showed the living conditions-- more apt-- the dying conditions of 400 Moon Bears trapped in large cages, and routinely slaughtered for their body parts.

This is a story one can expect of primitive and evil people, not modern society of 2020.

The BBC said animal rights groups were pleading with the president of South Korea to stop this farm-killing and put the bears into a sanctuary.

One of the major concerns is that this is how we have Viruses jump from one species into another species like our present day covid-19 corona virus that jumped from some wild animal into our species.

BBC-- I beg you please, have a weekly news update on these Moon Bears.

DW News -- I beg you please, cover this story also, and shame the South Koreans for this evil behavior. Please cover it weekly until the president of South Korea puts those poor bears into a sanctuary and stop this utter foolish and nonscientific behavior of animal torture for idiot humans who think body parts cure anything.

USA news outlets-- please, I beg you to cover this story, for animal torture on this scale and on this scale of idiocy has no place in modern Human society.

President Donald Trump-- please, I beg of you, stop military practice with South Korea, until they straighten out this Moon Bear farming torture.

USA Trump administration-- I beg you, think of some trade sanctions on South Korea until they fix this Moon Bear evil.

EU government-- please, I beg you, apply trade sanctions on South Korea until they fix the Moon Bear evilness.


Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 22, 2020, 2:49 AM  
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium-atom-universe newsgroup
Quoting the web— 

Wild Fauna and Flora in the most critical category of endangerment. This means that no international trade in either live Moon Bears or any of their parts is allowed. Unfortunately, for thousands of years Moon Bears have been hunted and killed for their gall bladders to be used as medicine. As a matter of fact, it has been proven in the field of medical science that bear gall bladder can be easily replaced by herb medicine or synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. However, up to today thousands of bears still endure tortures on bear farms in many countries across Asia. 

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Jul 23, 2020, 1:42:32 AM 
to Plutonium Atom Universe

Those poor Moon Bears, BBC has the film clip showing their animal cruelty.
Reminds me of the torture of geese and goose in that idiocy of what was the French word ?? Fra gras, where they stuff a poor bird full of food, not because the goose is hungry, no, but stuff the goose so its internal organs get inflamed and enlarged, and think of all that misery and pain to the animal, just so some worthless idiot human being can eat what he thinks is a delicacy.
Were the French the first to stop this evil? Or was it the EU government that put an end to this animal torture evil?
EU, please, I beg you, help get those South Korean Moon Bears into a sanctuary. Animal torture on this scale of 2020 is abhorrent.

Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 23, 2020, 2:45:50 AM
to sci.physics
Quoting the web—

Wild Fauna and Flora in the most critical category of endangerment. This means that no international trade in either live Moon Bears or any of their parts is allowed. Unfortunately, for thousands of years Moon Bears have been hunted and killed for their gall bladders to be used as medicine. As a matter of fact, it has been proven in the field of medical science that bear gall bladder can be easily replaced by herb medicine or synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. However, up to today thousands of bears still endure tortures on bear farms in many countries across Asia.

Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 25, 2020, 9:30:24 PM
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium-atom-universe
Quoting BBC—

Moon bears: Korean campaigners call for farm closures
Animal rights campaigners are asking the South Korean president for help to save hundreds of the country’s caged moon bears.
More than 400 bears are being kept on farms across the country. They’re waiting to be killed for their parts which some people use as medicine.
It’s legal in South Korea to slaughter the bears for their bile. The only other country which allows this is China.
The demand almost wiped out Korea’s native bear population and now campaigners believe the coronavirus pandemic has shown the potential risks of using wild animal parts as medicine.

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Jul 26, 2020, 4:31 AM 
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Quoting Wikipedia—
South Korea remains one of two countries to allow bear bile farming to continue legally. As reported in 2009, approximately 1,374 Asian black bears reside in an estimated 74 bear farms, where they are kept for slaughter to fuel the demands of traditional Asian medicine. In sharp contrast, fewer than 20 Asian black bears can be found at Jirisan Restoration Center, located in Korea's Jirisan National Park.

Archimedes Plutonium
Aug 6, 2020, 2:20 AM 
to sci.physics
On NATURE tv show, showed brown bears in Turkey, living happily, why not South Korea, instead of torturing them

Saw a NATURE tv program where they put cameras on wildlife to observe them more better. One segment showed brown bears in the mountains of Turkey of a forest, a small area, and plenty plenty of bears. Thank You _Turkey_ for taking care of wildlife. They had some problems, but all manageable.

I do not know if South Korea has a place where it can relocate all those tortured Moon Bears, caged to extract their bile and gall bladder.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-28 20:00:37 UTC
Thanks Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Tessier-Lavigne for trying to experiment with the proof that real proton is 840MeV not 938, and that the muon is the real electron, but that the moron Kibo Parry Moroney disturbed the science experiment in progress.

Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney wrote
Sep 26, 2020, 9:21 AM
Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-29 04:57:00 UTC
Thanks Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Tessier-Lavigne for trying to experiment with the proof that real proton is 840MeV not 938, and that the muon is the real electron, but that the moron Kibo Parry Moroney disturbed the science experiment in progress.

Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney wrote
Sep 26, 2020, 9:21 AM
Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-29 19:10:06 UTC
Thanks Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Tessier-Lavigne for trying to experiment with the proof that real proton is 840MeV not 938, and that the muon is the real electron, but that the moron Kibo Parry Moroney disturbed the science experiment in progress.

Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney wrote
Sep 26, 2020, 9:21 AM
Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Piñata of sci.math and Punching Bag of sci.physics
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-30 07:32:52 UTC
Kibo Parry Moroney of Boston "I ate my brain" FREE the Moon Bears of South Korea
Tunicate of Math and Sea Squirt of Physics
Moon Jae-in please free the Moon Bears

Moon Bears of South Korea need the world's helping hand from primitive evil// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULING EARTH

Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 22, 2020, 3:05 PM
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium-atom-universe newsgroups
Utterly horrible story last night from BBC:
Quoting BBC--
Moon bears: Korean campaigners call for farm closures
Animal rights campaigners are asking the South Korean president for help to save hundreds of the country’s caged moon bears.
More than 400 bears are being kept on farms across the country. They’re waiting to be killed for their parts which some people use as medicine.
--- end quote ---

The news showed the living conditions-- more apt-- the dying conditions of 400 Moon Bears trapped in large cages, and routinely slaughtered for their body parts.

This is a story one can expect of primitive and evil people, not modern society of 2020.

The BBC said animal rights groups were pleading with the president of South Korea to stop this farm-killing and put the bears into a sanctuary.

One of the major concerns is that this is how we have Viruses jump from one species into another species like our present day covid-19 corona virus that jumped from some wild animal into our species.

BBC-- I beg you please, have a weekly news update on these Moon Bears.

DW News -- I beg you please, cover this story also, and shame the South Koreans for this evil behavior. Please cover it weekly until the president of South Korea puts those poor bears into a sanctuary and stop this utter foolish and nonscientific behavior of animal torture for idiot humans who think body parts cure anything.

USA news outlets-- please, I beg you to cover this story, for animal torture on this scale and on this scale of idiocy has no place in modern Human society.

President Donald Trump-- please, I beg of you, stop military practice with South Korea, until they straighten out this Moon Bear farming torture.

USA Trump administration-- I beg you, think of some trade sanctions on South Korea until they fix this Moon Bear evil.

EU government-- please, I beg you, apply trade sanctions on South Korea until they fix the Moon Bear evilness.


Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 22, 2020, 2:49 AM  
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium-atom-universe newsgroup
Quoting the web— 

Wild Fauna and Flora in the most critical category of endangerment. This means that no international trade in either live Moon Bears or any of their parts is allowed. Unfortunately, for thousands of years Moon Bears have been hunted and killed for their gall bladders to be used as medicine. As a matter of fact, it has been proven in the field of medical science that bear gall bladder can be easily replaced by herb medicine or synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. However, up to today thousands of bears still endure tortures on bear farms in many countries across Asia. 

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Jul 23, 2020, 1:42:32 AM 
to Plutonium Atom Universe

Those poor Moon Bears, BBC has the film clip showing their animal cruelty.
Reminds me of the torture of geese and goose in that idiocy of what was the French word ?? Fra gras, where they stuff a poor bird full of food, not because the goose is hungry, no, but stuff the goose so its internal organs get inflamed and enlarged, and think of all that misery and pain to the animal, just so some worthless idiot human being can eat what he thinks is a delicacy.
Were the French the first to stop this evil? Or was it the EU government that put an end to this animal torture evil?
EU, please, I beg you, help get those South Korean Moon Bears into a sanctuary. Animal torture on this scale of 2020 is abhorrent.

Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 23, 2020, 2:45:50 AM
to sci.physics
Quoting the web—

Wild Fauna and Flora in the most critical category of endangerment. This means that no international trade in either live Moon Bears or any of their parts is allowed. Unfortunately, for thousands of years Moon Bears have been hunted and killed for their gall bladders to be used as medicine. As a matter of fact, it has been proven in the field of medical science that bear gall bladder can be easily replaced by herb medicine or synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. However, up to today thousands of bears still endure tortures on bear farms in many countries across Asia.

Archimedes Plutonium
Jul 25, 2020, 9:30:24 PM
to sci.physics, sci.math, plutonium-atom-universe
Quoting BBC—

Moon bears: Korean campaigners call for farm closures
Animal rights campaigners are asking the South Korean president for help to save hundreds of the country’s caged moon bears.
More than 400 bears are being kept on farms across the country. They’re waiting to be killed for their parts which some people use as medicine.
It’s legal in South Korea to slaughter the bears for their bile. The only other country which allows this is China.
The demand almost wiped out Korea’s native bear population and now campaigners believe the coronavirus pandemic has shown the potential risks of using wild animal parts as medicine.

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Jul 26, 2020, 4:31 AM 
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Quoting Wikipedia—
South Korea remains one of two countries to allow bear bile farming to continue legally. As reported in 2009, approximately 1,374 Asian black bears reside in an estimated 74 bear farms, where they are kept for slaughter to fuel the demands of traditional Asian medicine. In sharp contrast, fewer than 20 Asian black bears can be found at Jirisan Restoration Center, located in Korea's Jirisan National Park.

Archimedes Plutonium
Aug 6, 2020, 2:20 AM 
to sci.physics
On NATURE tv show, showed brown bears in Turkey, living happily, why not South Korea, instead of torturing them

Saw a NATURE tv program where they put cameras on wildlife to observe them more better. One segment showed brown bears in the mountains of Turkey of a forest, a small area, and plenty plenty of bears. Thank You _Turkey_ for taking care of wildlife. They had some problems, but all manageable.

I do not know if South Korea has a place where it can relocate all those tortured Moon Bears, caged to extract their bile and gall bladder.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-09-30 17:15:09 UTC
Dartmouth & Stanford "wasn't bolted down too tight in the first place" flunked the math test of a lifetime-generation test
AP writes: does that mean Kibo Parry Moroney will not send his kids to Dartmouth or Stanford?
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-01 04:38:22 UTC
Thanks Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Tessier-Lavigne for trying to experiment with the proof that real proton is 840MeV not 938, and that the muon is the real electron, but that the moron Kibo Parry Moroney disturbed the science experiment in progress.

Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics
Michael Moroney's profile photo
Michael Moroney wrote
Sep 26, 2020, 9:21 AM
Screwfly of Math and Botfly of Physics

Piñata of sci.math and Punching Bag of sci.physics
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-01 14:49:16 UTC
Halliday of Halliday and Resnick physics textbook fame used to live in Hanover New Hampshire. I do not know what that was all about.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-02 04:54:23 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Halliday of Halliday and Resnick physics textbook fame used to live in Hanover New Hampshire. I do not know what that was all about.
Did Halliday write any of his books near Dartmouth?
Michael Moroney
2020-10-02 04:59:18 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Halliday of Halliday and Resnick physics textbook fame used to live in Hanover New Hampshire. I do not know what that was all about.
Did Halliday write any of his books near Dartmouth?
Probably not, since the aura of stupidity from yourself would have prevented it.

The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "I ate Children Soup, Mum!".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-02 05:27:13 UTC
Why does Dartmouth allow this 27 year long stalker moron Kibo Parry Moroney continue?
Math Failure
Michael Moroney
2020-10-02 05:29:43 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Why does Dartmouth allow this 27 year lo
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Mr., I ate child soup. Menu?"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-02 15:47:40 UTC
Thanks Dartmouth College physics dept. for research trying to prove real proton is 840MeV, real electron is the muon stuck inside the 8 ring proton torus making electricity, and the 0.5MeV particle was not the electron but Dirac's magnetic monopole, but the moron stalker kibo Parry Moroney wrecked your train of thought.

HISTORY OF THE PROTON MASS and the 945 MeV //Atom Totality series, book 3 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

In 2016-2017, AP discovered that the real proton has a mass of 840 MeV, not 938. The real electron was actually the muon and the muon stays inside the proton that forms a proton torus of 8 rings and with the muon as bar magnet is a Faraday Law producing magnetic monopoles. So this book is all about why researchers of physics and engineers keep getting the number 938MeV when they should be getting the number 840 MeV + 105 MeV = 945 MeV.

Cover Picture is a proton torus of 8 rings with a muon of 1 ring inside the proton torus, doing the Faraday Law and producing magnetic monopoles.
Length: 17 pages

Product details
• Publication Date : December 18, 2019
• Word Wise : Enabled
• Print Length : 17 pages
• File Size : 698 KB
• Language: : English
• Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
• Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Lending : Enabled

#1-4, 105th published book

Atom Geometry is Torus Geometry // Atom Totality series, book 4 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Since all atoms are doing the Faraday Law inside them, of their thrusting muon into a proton coil in the shape of a geometry torus, then the torus is the geometry of each and every atom. But then we must explain the neutrons since the muon and proton are doing Faraday's Law, then the neutron needs to be explained in terms of this proton torus with muon inside, all three shaped as rings. The muon is a single ring and each proton is 8 rings. The neutron is shaped like a plate and is solid not hollow. The explanation of a neutron is that of a capacitor storing what the proton-muon rings produce in electricity. Where would the neutron parallel plates be located? I argue in this text that the neutron plates when fully grown from 1 eV until 945MeV are like two parallel plate capacitors where each neutron is part of one plate, like two pieces of bread with the proton-muon torus being a hamburger patty.

Cover Picture: I assembled two atoms in this picture where the proton torus with a band of muons inside traveling around and around the proton torus producing electricity. And the pie-plates represent neutrons as parallel-plate capacitors.
Length: 39 pages

Product details
• Publication Date : March 24, 2020
• Word Wise : Not Enabled
• Print Length : 39 pages
• File Size : 935 KB
• Language: : English
• Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
• Lending : Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,656,820 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#6413 in Mathematics (Kindle Store)
#315 in One-Hour Science & Math Short Reads
#4953 in Physics (Kindle Store)

#1-5, 112th published book

New Perspective on Psi^2 in the Schrodinger Equation in a Atom Totality Universe// Atom Totality series, book 5
Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

I first heard of the Schrodinger equation in college chemistry class. We never actually did any problem solving with the equation, and we were only told about it. Then taking physics my next year in college and after I bought the Feynman Lectures on Physics, just for fun for side reading, three volume set did I learn what this Schrodinger equation and the Psi^2 wavefunction was about. I am not going to teach the mathematics of the Schrodinger equation and the math calculations of the Psi or Psi^2 in this book, but leave that up to the reader or student to do that from Feynman's Lectures on Physics. The purpose of this book is to give a new and different interpretation of what Psi^2 is, what Psi^2 means. Interpretation of physics experiments and observations turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks in all of physics.

Cover Picture: a photograph taken of me in 1993, after the discovery of Plutonium Atom Totality, and I was 43 years old then, on a wintery hill of New Hampshire. It is nice that Feynman wrote a physics textbook series, for I am very much benefitting from his wisdom. If he had not done that, getting organized in physics by writing textbooks, I would not be writing this book. And I would not have discovered the true meaning of the Fine Structure Constant, for it was Feynman who showed us that FSC is really 0.0854, not that of 0.0072. All because 0.0854 is Psi, and Psi^2 is 0.0072.
Length: 20 pages

Product details
• ASIN : B0875SVDC7
• Publication Date : April 15, 2020
• File Size : 1134 KB
• Word Wise : Enabled
• Print Length : 20 pages
• Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
• Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
• Language: : English
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• Lending : Enabled
• Best-sellers rank #2,437,191 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
• #313 in 30-Minute Science & Math Short Reads
• #1,064 in General Chemistry & Reference
• #7,594 in General Chemistry

#1-6, 135th published book

QED in Atom Totality theory where proton is a 8 ring torus and electron = muon inside proton doing Faraday Law// Atom Totality series, book 6 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) 

Since the real true electron of atoms is the muon and is a one ring bar magnet thrusting through the 8 ring torus of a proton, we need a whole entire new model of the hydrogen atom. Because the Bohr model with the 0.5MeV particle jumping orbitals as the explanation of Spectral Lines is all wrong. In this vacuum of explaining spectral line physics, comes the AP Model which simply states that the hydrogen atom creates Spectral lines because at any one instant of time 4 of the 8 proton rings is "in view" and the electricity coming from those 4 view rings creates spectral line physics.

Cover Picture: Is a imitation of the 8 ring proton torus, with my fingers holding on the proton ring that has the muon ring perpendicular and in the equatorial plane of the proton rings, thrusting through. This muon ring is the same size as the 8 proton rings making 9 x 105MeV = 945MeV of energy. The muon ring has to be perpendicular and lie on the equator of the proton torus. Surrounding the proton-torus would be neutrons as skin or coating cover and act as capacitors in storing the electricity produced by the proton+muon.

Product details
• File Size : 587 KB
• ASIN : B08K47K5BB
• Publication Date : September 25, 2020
• Print Length : 25 pages
• Word Wise : Not Enabled
• Language: : English
• Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
• Screen Reader : Supported
• Lending : Enabled

#2-1, 2nd published book

True Chemistry: Chemistry Series, book 1 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

Physics and chemistry made a mistake in 1897 for they thought that J.J. Thomson's small particle of 0.5MeV was the electron of atoms. By 2017, Archimedes Plutonium discovered that the rest mass of 940 for neutron and proton was really 9 x 105MeV with a small sigma-error. Meaning that the real proton is 840MeV, real electron is 105 MeV= muon, and that little particle Thomson discovered was in fact the Dirac magnetic monopole. Dirac circa 1930s was looking for a magnetic monopole, and sadly, Dirac passed away before 2017, because if he had lived to 2017, he would have seen his long sought for magnetic monopole which is everywhere.

Cover picture: shows two of my chemical models, one of CO and the other CO2

Length: 1150 pages

Product details
• File Size : 2167 KB
• Publication Date : March 11, 2019
• Word Wise : Enabled
• Print Length : 1150 pages
• Language: : English
• Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
• Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
• X-Ray : Not Enabled
• Lending : Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #590,212 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#181 in General Chemistry & Reference
#1324 in General Chemistry
#1656 in Physics (Kindle Store)

#2-2, 50th published book

Geometry of the Chemical Bond; metallic, covalent, ionic//Chemistry Series, book 2 Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

This is the second book of the Series -- True Chemistry. I left off of True Chemistry with trying to solve the Chemical bond when the proton and muon inside of each and every atom is doing the Faraday Law. And since that book was already 1154 pages long, I decided to start afresh in a second book devoted to solving the Geometry of the chemical bond of metallic, covalent and ionic.
Cover Picture: PHYSICS: Part 2: Extended Version: Halliday & Resnick, 1986, pages 654, 655 talking about Capacitors and my collection of some capacitors in my lab. The first one is a two prong wall plug taken apart to show what the prongs fasten onto when plugged-in (two parallel plates). The next three are spade and socket connectors (two parallel plates). Next is circular or hook plates, and last is a cylinder plate and socket.

Length: 134 pages

Product details
Print Length : 134 pages
Publication Date : June 21, 2019
Word Wise : Enabled
File Size : 1308 KB
Language: : English
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
Simultaneous Device Usage : Unlimited
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Lending : Enabled

#2-3, 81st published book

Animal-CO2 of the 3 CO2 isomers// Chemistry Series, book 3
Kindle Edition
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author)

CO2 molecule has 3 isomers. An isomer means same chemical formula but different geometries. The 3 isomers of CO2 come from fire-CO2 and animal-CO2. The fire-CO2 has the carbon atom as central in the molecule and one of the oxygen atoms has a unshared dipole. The animal-CO2 has the carbon atom on the periphery with an unshared dipole.
This is very important chemistry science for it impacts Global Warming but also hugely impacts biology because plants can only live on animal-CO2 and the fire-CO2 is a toxic poison to plants, much like CO is a toxic poison to animals.

Here we learn new facts about the molecules CO, N2, CO2, O2 and even H2O, new facts we never understood before, all because the real electron is the muon stuck inside a proton doing the Faraday Law and that chemical bonding is governed not by electrons but by Dirac magnetic monopoles, and that makes the Lewis structure be based on 6 not 8.

New concepts in chemistry: Lewis structure based on 6, not 8, and the unshared dipole. For a Lewis Structure based on 6, not 8, is the only logical way that the strongest bonded molecules end up being CO and N2. With a Lewis 8 Structure, the strongest bonded molecules, by logic, note, by logic would have to be O2 and FH or possibly FB. However, the proof is that bond dissociation energy of CO is the highest, proving Lewis 6 Structure is the true structure of Chemistry.

source: chem.ucsb.edu

in kJ/mol

CO 1076
N2  946
CO2 532
O2  498
C2 as in diamond is 602 kJ/mol
H2O = 492
OH = 425
H2 = 432

Cover Picture is a winter stored potted clover that I am experimenting with and shows a animal-CO2 molecule going in, and going out is a O2 molecule that animals need to breathe.
Length: 15 pages

Product details
File Size: 1042 KB
Print Length: 15 pages
Publication Date: January 19, 2020
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B084217LB9
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Not Enabled 

Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Dartmouth physics dept
Miles P. Blencowe
Robert R. Caldwell
Brian Chaboyer
Richard Denton
Robert Fesen
Marcelo Gleiser
Ryan Hickox
Mary Hudson
Hans Mueller
Roberto Onofrio
Alex Rimberg
Barrett N. Rogers
Walter E. Lawrence
David C. Montgomery
Gary Alan Wegner

Stanford University, math dept.

Gregory Brumfiel, Daniel Bump, Emmanuel Candès, Gunnar Carlsson, Moses Charikar, Sourav Chatterjee, Tom Church, Ralph Cohen, Brian Conrad, Brian Conrey, Amir Dembo, Persi Diaconis, Yakov Eliashberg, Robert Finn, Jacob Fox, Laura Fredrickson, Søren Galatius, George Schaeffer, Or Hershkovits, David Hoffman, Eleny Ionel, Renata Kallosh, Yitzhak Katznelson, Vladimir Kazeev, Michael Kemeny, Steven Kerckhoff, Susie  Kimport, Jun Li, Tai-Ping Liu, Mark Lucianovic, Jonathan Luk, Frederick Manners, Rafe Mazzeo, James R. Milgram, Maryam Mirzakhani, Stefan Mueller, Christopher Ohrt, Donald Ornstein, George Papanicolaou, Lenya Ryzhik, Richard Schoen, Leon Simon, Rick Sommer, Kannan Soundararajan, Tadashi Tokieda, Cheng-Chiang Tsai, Ravi Vakil, András Vasy, Akshay Venkatesh, Jan Vondrák, Brian White, Wojciech Wieczorek, Jennifer Wilson, Alex Wright, Lexing Ying, Xuwen Zhu  

President: Marc Tessier-Lavigne (neuroscience)
Provost: Persis Drell (physics)

Stanford physics dept.

Alexander Fetter, John Lipa, William Little, Douglas Osheroff, David Ritson, H. Alan Schwettman, John Turneaure, Robert Wagoner, Stanley Wojcicki, Mason Yearian
Michael Moroney
2020-10-02 16:01:51 UTC
Subject: Thanks Dartmouth College physics dept. for research trying to prove
real proton is 840MeV, real electron is
Hahahahaha! Do you really think Dartmouth would try to prove ANYTHING from you after
they fired your sorry ass for sullying their good name?

The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Mr., I ate child soup. Menu?"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-02 16:17:07 UTC
Thanks Dartmouth College Miles P. Blencowe, Robert R. Caldwell, Brian Chaboyer can you please answer a question today? Is the alpha particle in Rutherford's gold leaf or Nitrogen to oxygen or even the proton in Fluorine to oxygen, are those particles ever of higher energy coming out, than going in?

NUCLEUS of Atoms is donut-hole or inner toruses// Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden Experiment revisited // Atom Totality series, book 7 by Archimedes Plutonium
1 view
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
11:01 AM (10 minutes ago)

NUCLEUS of Atoms is donut-hole or inner toruses// Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden Experiment revisited// Atom Totality series, book 7
by Archimedes Plutonium

Sep 28, 2020, 2:29 PM
to sci.physics
NUCLEUS of Atoms is donut-hole//getting the numbers of the Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden Experiment from the 8 ring proton torus// Physics focus series, book 13
Sep 27, 2020, 1:06 AM
to sci.math, sci.physics, plutonium-atom-universe

AP's 138th book// Getting the numbers of the Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden Experiment from the 8 ring proton torus// Physics focus series, book 13

I figured out mathematically how to match the Rutherford gold leaf foil experiment with a 8 ring proton torus.

Of course Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden interpreted their experiment wrongly, for they interpreted to mean a dense nucleus surrounded by mostly a vacuum of space.

I can match their numbers by a torus with a proton of 8 rings. The electron is the muon and inside the proton doing the Faraday Law.

My schedule is too busy at the moment and so this will be my 138th book.


Archimedes Plutonium
Match the math of Y = 1/x^2 Re: AP's 138th book// Getting the numbers of the Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden Experiment from the 8 ring proton torus// Physics focus series, book 13
Sep 27, 2020, 2:43 AM
to sci.math, sci.physics, plutonium-atom-universe newsgroup
I have most of the books from 137th through 140th most of their content already in mind or on paper already, so it will not be long before I get to the 13th book.

On the covers of my 134th book and my QED book cover is shown a 8 ring proton torus.

The mathematics of the Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden Experiment starting 1911 is a mathematics of form Y = 1/(x^2). Originally I thought it was 1/x but now I see it is 1/x^2 in obeyance of the Balmer-Rydberg formula 1/lambda = R(1/m^2 - 1/n^2). A curve that looks like this.

The function y = 1/x^2 looks like this:

. x . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . x . . .
. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . x
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5

I can easily get a curve like 1/x^2 from the geometry of a 8 ring proton torus.

The mistake that Rutherford made, was that a torus has a donut hole. And this donut hole can be enough concentration of geometry as to give "the appearance" of a nucleus. When in truth there is no nucleus.

The true geometry and model of the hydrogen atom is a proton torus of 8 rings with the 9th ring inside the torus as a muon thrusting through the torus to produce electricity.

So all I need to do, and it is quite simple, match the Y= 1/x^2 geometry graph of a torus with the math results of Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden of 1911.

Introduction to TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 1 for ages 5 through 26, math textbook series, book 1
by Archimedes Plutonium

The 134th book of AP, and belatedly late, for I had already written the series of TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS in a 7 volume, 8 book set. This would be the first book in that 8 book set (one of the books is a companion book to 1st year college). But I suppose that I needed to write the full series before I could write the Introduction and know what I had to talk about and talk about in a logical progression order. Sounds paradoxical in a sense, that I needed to write the full series first and then go back and write the Introduction. But in another sense, hard to write an introduction on something you have not really fully done and completed. For example to know what is error filled Old Math and to list those errors in a logical order requires me to write the full 7 volumes in order to list in order the mistakes.

Cover Picture: Mathematics begins with counting, with numbers, with quantity. But counting numbers needs geometry for something to count in the first place. So here in this picture of the generalized Hydrogen atom of chemistry and physics is a torus geometry of 8 rings of a proton torus and one ring where my fingers are, is a equator ring that is the muon and thrusting through the proton torus at the equator of the torus. So we count 9 rings in all. So math is created by atoms and math numbers exist because atoms have many geometry figures to count. And geometry exists because atoms have shapes and different figures.

Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 27, 2020, 1:42 PM
to sci.math
A hyperbolic function (turned into a polynomial) is easy to obtain from a torus. A torus abounds in a hyperbolic 1/x^2 function.

Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 27, 2020, 2:59 PM
to sci.math
A hyperbolic function (turned into a polynomial) is easy to obtain from a torus. A torus abounds in a hyperbolic 1/x^2 function.
The picture that is emerging for the Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden experiments of the early 1900s, in particular 1911 with the mathematical relationship of recoiled alpha particles at large angles near the firing gun of alpha particles themselves. Where Rutherford says "almost like shooting a cannonball at tissue paper and it recoils backwards and hits you" or words to that effect.

Of course Rutherford then concludes a dense nucleus of atoms. But physics would eventually get to the point where geometry is the cause of 180 degree recoil, not the existence of a dense nucleus.

For, with a torus geometry, we can see that the donut hole of a torus is far more dense in electromagnetism than is the outer rims of the torus as shown in my cover pictures of several of my books of a 8 ring proton torus. Near the donut hole, those rings are stacked close together, whereas on the outer periphery, those rings are far apart from one another.

It is the donut hole that caused Rutherford's recoil of alpha particles and the mathematics of torus donut holes matches the mathematics of what Rutherford found in his gold leaf experiment.


Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 29, 2020, 3:40 AM
to sci.physics
Alright, this is going to be easy, because what I am showing is that the density of the closed loop rings that are near the donut hole of a torus is a immense density compared to the closed loop rings on the circumference of the torus.

All I need to do is match Rutherford's mathematics of the angles of recoil of the alpha particles in a gold leaf foil. A curve that is Y = 1/x^2 as found in the two terms of Balmer-Rydberg formula of spectral lines. The formula of 1/lambda = R(1/m^2 - 1/n^2).

So that the alpha particles have no problem in passing through unscathed the rings on the circumference, but if they get close to the donut hole the rings are closer together and if they collide, can recoil at a large angle.

If I am lucky, I maybe able to tell how 79 protons stack up in each gold atom. I am having difficulty with that question. The most simple Occam's Razor for that stacking would say that gold is just 79x8 rings of one large torus. A single proton is one torus of 8 rings. A helium atom can be one torus formed by 16 Rings or it can be two toruses each of 8 rings stacked up as one on top of the other. So the question is wide open as to how multi protons stack up. I would guess the stacking is the one in which you have maximum electricity. that would suggest windings on top of windings and that would suggest a single torus for all atoms.


Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 29, 2020, 12:41 PM
to sci.physics
Maximum electricity production Re: NUCLEUS of Atoms is donut-hole of torus

At this juncture I need to bring in a well known fact of electric motor efficiency. And we have to ask the question of whether the Cosmic Atom Totality obeys the rules of efficiency. Such as the Windings of the Cosmic Atom, the rings are they wound one on top of the other? We see in a electric motor the copper wire rings are lacquered insulated and wound as tight as possible. So in the Cosmic Atom, can we see any evidence of this? Perhaps the Great Wall are tightly wound rings? I do not know. But it makes sense that the Maximum Electric Production in a Generator would follow these same rules.

Quoting from my book: TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS: Volume 6 for age 21-22 Senior-year of College, math textbook series, book 7
by Archimedes Plutonium 2020
Again quoting EdisonTechCenter.org for their writing style is superior as educational—

The strength of your generator depends on:

"l"-Length of the conductor in the magnetic field
"v"-Velocity of the conductor (speed of the rotor)
"B"-Strength of the electromagnetic field

You can do calculations using this formula: e = B x l x v

Efficiency of electric generator is e = B x l x v

Again quoting EdisonTechCenter.org for their writing style is superior as educational—

If you take a lot of wire such as in a coil and move it in the field, you create a more powerful "flow" of electrons. The strength of your generator depends on:

"l"-Length of the conductor in the magnetic field
"v"-Velocity of the conductor (speed of the rotor)
"B"-Strength of the electromagnetic field

You can do calculations using this formula: e = B x l x v

So, why is the formula of New Ohm's Law, like a volume formula of Volume = length*width*height

Voltage = i*B*L current as i, magnetic field as B, angular momentum as L

Now we have Electric Generator Efficiency as another A = b*c*d

Efficiency of Electric Generator = B*L*v

So, I have to ask-- is it automatic that the efficiency of electricity takes on the very same formula that creates electricity and magnetism????

This is somewhat philosophical, and physics science.

Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 30, 2020, 10:13 AM
to sci.physics
Re: Maximum electricity production Re: NUCLEUS of Atoms is donut-hole of torus
So, what I am looking for is a math wherein I shoot a ring of 13mm width into the torus and it recoils with angle of the math of 1/x^2. And then check to see if it matches the math of what Rutherford found in 1911.
Good, good, the ascii art can picture this simply.

Here is the Front-View of a 8 ring proton torus ( | | ) showing 4 of the 8 rings. I called it the 4 view.

Now here is a view of the donut hole of that same proton torus, of two of its rings )( The point being is that there is the most dense part of the Proton 8 ring torus is located in the donut hole where you have those 8 rings virtually touching at a point of intersection. Not intersecting for that would be a short circuit in the torus generator producing electricity, but still the most dense part of the proton.

So, all I need do is figure out that this dense part has the mathematics of 1/x^2.

Now the muon is in the perpendicular plane as a 9th ring of this proton torus and pictured here.

---)(--- pictured as the dashed line segments.

So, all I need from mathematics of torus rings is a math of 1/x^2 for that most dense of regions of a torus made up of 9 rings, 8 for the proton and 1 muon ring for the perpendicular ring parallel to plane of equator.

Now my diagrams are for hydrogen atom proton. Rutherford used gold atoms of 79 protons each. And he and Geiger, Marsden fired helium atoms of 2 protons into atoms of 79 protons. And they found that quite a few recoiled backwards in proportion to this number 1/x^2.


Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 30, 2020, 5:33 PM
to sci.physics
So I must keep in mind the facts that Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden when they shot alpha particles into gases lighter than nitrogen, those helium atoms pushed the atoms ahead of themselves.

But when they shot helium atoms into gaseous nitrogen, the helium atoms caused neutrons to come flying out. Now I wonder if Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden plotted how the neutrons came flying out at what angles? I would guess no, because neutrons are harder to detect.

But the fact that only at nitrogen, atomic number 7, with 7 protons and thus 7x8 = 56 rings as opposed to helium 2x8 = 16 rings. That at 7 protons allows enough rest mass to not be moved forward from the impact of a helium alpha particle.

I am hoping these facts can narrow down how atoms are torus structures. Is it all one big torus? Or are there toruses inside other toruses? Do these torus rings of protons become multiple windings such as the copper wire windings of a electric motor?


Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 30, 2020, 6:03 PM
to sci.physics
Quoting a history of physics website:
Such experiments always involved a bit of “What will happen if we do this?” However, Rutherford had several clear questions and goals in mind. During the Great War and in early 1919, he and his assistant Kay tried systematically to “disrupt the nucleus.” They quickly found in 1919–1920 that nitrogen and other light elements ejected a proton (Rutherford said “a hydrogen atom” rather than “a proton”) when hit with α (alpha) particles. Rutherford and his collaborators saw scintillations – flashes of light – when the high-speed particles hit a zinc-sulfide screen in a darkened room.

What was left behind in the target material? And what became of the α particle? This puzzle demanded close work. Some historical accounts erroneously assert that Rutherford concluded that the nitrogen target captured the α particle (with a charge of 2 positive units) and emitted a proton (with its charge of 1 positive unit), which meant the target now had a nuclear charge of 8 instead of 7. According to this telling, the nitrogen had become an isotope of oxygen and the alchemical dream of transmutation had been realized by physicists in the lab. If true, this discovery would have provided a dramatic entrance for Rutherford into Cambridge life. This was not Rutherford’s conclusion at the time.

AP writes: I am so sorry, for I got the story mixed up, thinking of neutrons.

Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 30, 2020, 6:31 PM
to sci.physics
Quoting Wikipedia---
credit for the reaction belongs to Patrick Blackett. Rutherford did detect the ejected proton in 1919 and interpreted it as evidence for disintegration of the nitrogen nucleus (to lighter nuclei). In 1925, Blackett showed that the actual product is oxygen and identified the true reaction as 14N + α → 17O + p. Rutherford therefore recognized "that the nucleus may increase rather than diminish in mass as the result of collisions in which the proton is expelled".

AP writes: I do not know how "neutron" slipped into the story for me. And perhaps, it turns out that a neutron is involved in the N+He collision, before it ends up being a O atom with hydrogen emitted.

But the interest of this story for me is that it takes Nitrogen torus geometry to stop a helium atom collision (alpha particle).

What happens when we fire alpha particles into oxygen atoms? Do we get -- ever --- Fluorine?

The AP's OCCAM's RAZOR of atom geometry-- always torus geometry for maximum electricity. But unsure as to whether we have just one increasingly large torus, or whether we have toruses inside of other toruses.

In my new Periodic Table of Elements based on 6 for energy levels. Could the torus geometry be such that every group of 6 protons is a torus stuck inside a larger new group of 6 proton torus. In this vision. We have a previous torus, inside the newer formed torus.

Or, alternatively, each group of 6 elements forms larger number of Rings upon the prior torus.


Archimedes Plutonium
Sep 30, 2020, 8:51 PM
to sci.physics

Occam's Razor toruses embedded inside larger toruses.

So let me try a OCCAM's Razor on what the Nucleus of any atom is when protons are toruses with muon inside doing the Faraday Law.

Recently I tried using Occam's Razor with great success on QED, wanting to know how you get spectral lines from a 8 ring proton torus, and came up with a Front 4 View of a 8 ring torus. Much much success was that.

So let me try Occam's Razor once again. And the only only help I have is the idea of Maximum Electricity produced. For that was the principle that guided me to conclude the torus geometry for the proton in the first place. No shape gives maximum electricity in the Faraday Law than does the torus. In fact, if we have the correct laws of EM, those laws should yield the torus geometry, and not the geometry of say a sphere or some other shape.

So what would Occam's Razor say for geometry of Atoms and the Nucleus using Maximum Electricity principle? I think it would say that Toruses are embedded inside of larger toruses. We know the muon is embedded inside the proton torus, but here we picture an entire torus embedded inside a larger torus, and that smaller embedded torus goes around in circles inside the larger torus making more electricity inside the smaller torus and in the larger torus.


Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 1, 2020, 1:22 AM
to sci.physics
I was looking to see if a alpha particle shot into a oxygen atom yields fluorine. None found. But if a hydrogen atom is shot into a fluorine atom, it becomes oxygen. Bizarre result.

I am thinking that Atom Geometry is going to be found, better from Transmutation than from angle scattering of alpha particles into gold leaf experiment.


Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 1, 2020, 1:31 AM
to sci.physics
Quoting the web---
Abstract. Fluorine has been transmuted by bombardment with protons into oxygen and helium. The number of transmutations has been followed from a proton energy of 0.675 to 1.63×106 electron-volts. The alpha-particles emitted have a range greater than 6 cm.

The Transmutation of Fluorine by Proton Bombardment and ...

Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 1, 2020, 10:41 AM
to sci.physics

Re: Occam's Razor toruses embedded inside larger toruses Re: Maximum electricity production Re: NUCLEUS of Atoms is donut-hole of torus

AP writes: I easily can get from the mathematics of torus, a 1/x^2, easily and from the donut hole density of wires there (wires as rings). So I have Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden gold leaf experiment covered. It tells me the shape and geometry of the Atom is a torus-toruses, with the nucleus as the donut hole. Trouble is, and a bigger trouble is how does a multi-proton atom stack these toruses?

For example, helium, are we to make of that geometry as two toruses, each 8 rings for protons with 1 muon ring inside both, stacked like two pancakes? Or, are we to say the 8ring proton combined with the other 8 ring proton to become a 16 ring torus and the 2 muons inside the torus doing the Faraday law?

Or, another alternative for helium is to say the 2 protons, one is larger than the other and so 2 toruses, the smaller torus inside the larger torus.

So for example Nitrogen is a 7 proton atom, are we to say that we have 7 toruses, the largest is a 8 ring proton torus and the other 6 torus protons are inside of each other, nested sequentially, along with 7 muons, and all doing the Faraday law.

What I think will happen, in this inquiry, is the principle of Maximum Electricity will tell us the true configuration. Do we get maximum electricity if we nest torus generators inside one another?

Now if I used Old Physics with their electric motor or generator efficiency, the more Windings of copper in Faraday law, the more electricity, but, seeing that I nest the toruses inside one another, that is equivalent to "more windings of copper wire".

It is this transmutation of Nitrogen into Oxygen via a helium particle and then Fluorine into Oxygen via a hydrogen particle, that is enabling me to discern the true geometry.


Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 1, 2020, 8:39 PM
to sci.physics
Now if I used Old Physics with their electric motor or generator efficiency, the more Windings of copper in Faraday law, the more electricity, but, seeing that I nest the toruses inside one another, that is equivalent to "more windings of copper wire".
Yes, earlier I had a quote from Edison about making the highest efficiency of electric production
EdisonTechCenter.org for their writing style is superior as educational—

The strength of your generator depends on:

"l"-Length of the conductor in the magnetic field
"v"-Velocity of the conductor (speed of the rotor)
"B"-Strength of the electromagnetic field

And the Length of copper wire, the multiple windings.

I believe that statement is equivalent to the idea of nesting one torus inside another torus.

It would have to be demonstrated physically, that you get more electricity if you spun another torus generator inside a larger torus generator.

Why do I believe that? Because it is the increased length of copper wire in the Edison analysis above.


Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 1, 2020, 8:47 PM
to sci.physics
So, say that is true, that by nesting smaller toruses inside larger toruses you achieve maximum electricity. And thus we can visualize Nitrogen as having toruses inside toruses and when we fire a alpha particle at Nitrogen that helium atom can transmute the Nitrogen into becoming Oxygen. But if we fire a hydrogen atom or helium atom at Fluorine atom, we end up with a transmutation into Oxygen, not Neon.

With Nitrogen 7 bombardment we go higher to Oxygen 8, with Fluorine 9 bombardment we go lower to Oxygen 8.

Looks like to me, that Nitrogen geometry is like a catchers mitten whereas Fluorine geometry is like knocking off bottles from a table when a ball is thrown at Fluorine.


Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 1, 2020, 9:15 PM
to sci.physics
Up until now, I have made the argument in the Rutherford gold leaf experiment that the alpha particle that bounced back at the firing gun of the alpha particles, was due to the alpha particle hitting, striking and recoiling from the dense donut hole of the torus. But now, I have to consider all those 79 protons as one large torus and inside containing many smaller toruses all go around the torus circle path making electricity.

So here I have a new means of recoiling the alpha particle. For it happens to strike a torus that is interior and moving around in circles, could easily cause the recoil.

And suppose the collision of the alpha particle is head on with a torus going around in circles would be a recoil of 180degrees.

Where the alpha particle had little resistance in entering the big gold torus, but once inside, here comes a torus that strikes the alpha particle head-on.

In my earlier viewpoints, I was thinking the 79 protons of gold had a very dense donut region of 79x8 = 632 Rings of protons, and as the alpha particle strikes that dense ring structure, it is like a wall and it bounces and recoils back at 180 degrees.

Now there should be a easy way of telling which of those are true. Whether a dense wall recoil, or whether the alpha particle smashed into a head-on collision with a torus that is pushing the alpha particle back to the firing gun.

In a wall recoil the alpha particle is not going to pick up added energy. But in a head on collision with a torus, the recoiled alpha particle could fly out of that torus with more momentum than it originally had.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-02 18:26:05 UTC
Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds true?? Still struggling to see why A,B,C limits a box to a unique parallelepiped.

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Oct 2, 2020, 12:35 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now in our mind's eye, we can all see a rectangular box, and as we let it fall of its 4 erect upside edges as they fall in unison, leaving the interior as stacked up rectangles. We can picture an infinitude of those rectangles.

Same thing goes for the cube.

But now we want the parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angles, for we stack up parallelograms in the interior of the falling 4 sides in unison.

The AP theorem says, a rectangular box can only have 1 and only 1 such parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angle. Somehow the unique A,B,C sides allow for only one set of complamentary angles, such as in my wood parallelepiped of 75degrees and 105degrees with A,B,C of 3cm, 4.8cm, 10.2cm. The AP theorem says that a set of three lengths of sides of a box can generate 1 and only 1 parallelepiped of no 90 degree angles.

Is the AP theorem true? If so, how does it work? Meaning, how does a A,B,C eliminate all parallelepipeds except one such?
Perhaps I should start with the cube and find out if it has this unique parallelepiped and what its angles are.
So if I stand a cube up and want to turn it into a parallelepiped, according to my theory, there is 1 and only 1 unique such parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angle. But here I am hard pressed to see even 1 such parallelepiped. Could it be the case that a cube has no parallelepiped of no 90 degrees?


Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Oct 2, 2020, 1:19 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now Wikipedia calls them Rhombohedron in 3D space. And I was using my protractor to measure their picture of one for the angles and I get 70 degrees and 110 degrees.

So, if AP's theorem is true, it means there is just one parallelepiped for all cubes, no matter the size of the cube, they all will "fall" on 4 sides to be the angles 70 degrees with 110 degrees, and no other such non90 degree angle will create a parallelepiped from a cube. This unique parallelepiped of 70-110 is the unique such figure for all cubes. Now for the 90 degree parallelepipeds from a cube that contain 90 degree angles, those are an infinitude supply, for it is the stacking of squares.

I think this was the whole entire problem of OLD MATH, they thought parallelepipeds never had two different classes. The one class of no 90 degree angle and the class of having 90 degree angles. And that is what screwed up their thinking on these figures.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-03 01:12:54 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds true?? Still struggling to see why A,B,C limits a box to a unique parallelepiped.
Oct 2, 2020, 12:35 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now in our mind's eye, we can all see a rectangular box, and as we let it fall of its 4 erect upside edges as they fall in unison, leaving the interior as stacked up rectangles. We can picture an infinitude of those rectangles.
Same thing goes for the cube.
But now we want the parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angles, for we stack up parallelograms in the interior of the falling 4 sides in unison.
The AP theorem says, a rectangular box can only have 1 and only 1 such parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angle. Somehow the unique A,B,C sides allow for only one set of complamentary angles, such as in my wood parallelepiped of 75degrees and 105degrees with A,B,C of 3cm, 4.8cm, 10.2cm. The AP theorem says that a set of three lengths of sides of a box can generate 1 and only 1 parallelepiped of no 90 degree angles.
Is the AP theorem true? If so, how does it work? Meaning, how does a A,B,C eliminate all parallelepipeds except one such?
Perhaps I should start with the cube and find out if it has this unique parallelepiped and what its angles are.
So if I stand a cube up and want to turn it into a parallelepiped, according to my theory, there is 1 and only 1 unique such parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angle. But here I am hard pressed to see even 1 such parallelepiped. Could it be the case that a cube has no parallelepiped of no 90 degrees?
Oct 2, 2020, 1:19 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now Wikipedia calls them Rhombohedron in 3D space. And I was using my protractor to measure their picture of one for the angles and I get 70 degrees and 110 degrees.
So, if AP's theorem is true, it means there is just one parallelepiped for all cubes, no matter the size of the cube, they all will "fall" on 4 sides to be the angles 70 degrees with 110 degrees, and no other such non90 degree angle will create a parallelepiped from a cube. This unique parallelepiped of 70-110 is the unique such figure for all cubes. Now for the 90 degree parallelepipeds from a cube that contain 90 degree angles, those are an infinitude supply, for it is the stacking of squares.
I think this was the whole entire problem of OLD MATH, they thought parallelepipeds never had two different classes. The one class of no 90 degree angle and the class of having 90 degree angles. And that is what screwed up their thinking on these figures.
Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Oct 2, 2020, 2:10 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
If the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds is true, then there has to be something extra-special about the angles of the parallelepiped with no 90 degree angle that is unique from the cube. The angles of 70 degree and 110degree. Now I just used a protractor and that was a rough estimate of the rhombohedron picture. It maybe 68 degree complamentary to 112degrees.

Anyway, if true, those special angles coming from all cubes, must tie into other geometry figures.


Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Oct 2, 2020, 8:07 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Alright, enlightenment, or clarity for me. I am beginning to see this through and through.

In the 90degree parallelepiped one can say is a stack of rectangles at an angle and produces an infinitude of such parallelepipeds. Each of which involves 3 angles where the third is always 90 degrees.

And maintains the definition of Parallelepiped-- a 3D figure whose opposite sides are parallel.

However, there exists a Non90degree parallelepiped that maintains that definition. And this figure starts from a rectangular box and has 4 of its opposite sides "fall". As these 4 sides fall in unison, since there is no 90degrees ever involved, the fall is a infinitude of angles, but only one angle in that fall of the 4 sides allows all the angles of the figure to be only 2 complamentary angles that fulfill the definition of Parallelepiped. So in the fall of 4 sides every angle from 0 to 90 degrees is ventured, but only one specific angle and its complament allow the 12 sides by parallel to the definition of parallelepiped.

It took me some time to see this clarity and so it deserves an entire new book. And this is extremely important in physics for it enters the Calculus of physics and angular momentum and Electric Field.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-03 16:55:28 UTC
1Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 2, 2020, 12:35 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now in our mind's eye, we can all see a rectangular box, and as we let it fall of its 4 erect upside edges as they fall in unison, leaving the interior as stacked up rectangles. We can picture an infinitude of those rectangles.
Same thing goes for the cube.
But now we want the parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angles, for we stack up parallelograms in the interior of the falling 4 sides in unison.
The AP theorem says, a rectangular box can only have 1 and only 1 such parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angle. Somehow the unique A,B,C sides allow for only one set of complamentary angles, such as in my wood parallelepiped of 75degrees and 105degrees with A,B,C of 3cm, 4.8cm, 10.2cm. The AP theorem says that a set of three lengths of sides of a box can generate 1 and only 1 parallelepiped of no 90 degree angles.
Is the AP theorem true? If so, how does it work? Meaning, how does a A,B,C eliminate all parallelepipeds except one such?
Perhaps I should start with the cube and find out if it has this unique parallelepiped and what its angles are.
So if I stand a cube up and want to turn it into a parallelepiped, according to my theory, there is 1 and only 1 unique such parallelepiped that has no 90 degree angle. But here I am hard pressed to see even 1 such parallelepiped. Could it be the case that a cube has no parallelepiped of no 90 degrees?
Oct 2, 2020, 1:19 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Now Wikipedia calls them Rhombohedron in 3D space. And I was using my protractor to measure their picture of one for the angles and I get 70 degrees and 110 degrees.
So, if AP's theorem is true, it means there is just one parallelepiped for all cubes, no matter the size of the cube, they all will "fall" on 4 sides to be the angles 70 degrees with 110 degrees, and no other such non90 degree angle will create a parallelepiped from a cube. This unique parallelepiped of 70-110 is the unique such figure for all cubes. Now for the 90 degree parallelepipeds from a cube that contain 90 degree angles, those are an infinitude supply, for it is the stacking of squares.
I think this was the whole entire problem of OLD MATH, they thought parallelepipeds never had two different classes. The one class of no 90 degree angle and the class of having 90 degree angles. And that is what screwed up their thinking on these figures.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-03 21:45:39 UTC
2Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?

Drs. Hanlon & Shemanske, question please, is this what you get also? I am not sure of the idea that every arbitrary parallelogram produces a Non90 degree parallelepiped. We could have two angles that cannot manufacture a non90degree parallelepiped.

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Oct 3, 2020, 4:40 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
So now, on a piece of paper I drawn a parallelogram of angles 40 and 140 degrees, now I want to erect by stacking parallelogram a 90degree parallelepiped and it allows me to have an infinitude of parallelepiped with a 90 degree sides.

Now I want to take that same parallelogram and see how many, if any, Non90degree parallelepipeds I can manufacture. Can I produce only one? Given any arbitrary parallelogram, is there only one unique parallelepiped of non90degrees with angles 40 and 140degrees. My concern is whether some parallelograms have no, or zero parallelepipeds of non90degrees.

So I examine my wood block parallelepiped of 68 with 112degrees. And I examine each of the 8 vertices and to my delight and mild surprise, each vertex must have one of one of these two angles and two of the other. One vertex can have one 68 and two 112, while another vertex can have two 68 and one 112.

Now let me see if this newfound knowledge tells me if a 40-140degree parallelepiped exists, and if unique. But the distance length of this 4 side unison would make it unique.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-04 02:18:24 UTC
3-Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?

Yes, it is easier working with the "falling 4 sides" for the non90degree parallelepiped, than the more difficult stacking a starting parallelogram non90degree into forming a non90degree parallelepiped. Would you agree Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Shemanske?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Drs. Hanlon & Shemanske, question please, is this what you get also? I am not sure of the idea that every arbitrary parallelogram produces a Non90 degree parallelepiped. We could have two angles that cannot manufacture a non90degree parallelepiped.
Oct 3, 2020, 4:40 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
So now, on a piece of paper I drawn a parallelogram of angles 40 and 140 degrees, now I want to erect by stacking parallelogram a 90degree parallelepiped and it allows me to have an infinitude of parallelepiped with a 90 degree sides.
Now I want to take that same parallelogram and see how many, if any, Non90degree parallelepipeds I can manufacture. Can I produce only one? Given any arbitrary parallelogram, is there only one unique parallelepiped of non90degrees with angles 40 and 140degrees. My concern is whether some parallelograms have no, or zero parallelepipeds of non90degrees.
So I examine my wood block parallelepiped of 68 with 112degrees. And I examine each of the 8 vertices and to my delight and mild surprise, each vertex must have one of one of these two angles and two of the other. One vertex can have one 68 and two 112, while another vertex can have two 68 and one 112.
Now let me see if this newfound knowledge tells me if a 40-140degree parallelepiped exists, and if unique. But the distance length of this 4 side unison would make it unique.
Michael Moroney
2020-10-04 02:32:30 UTC
Subject: Re: Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is th
The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "I'm alone! Cum, spurt, hide!".
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-04 08:36:00 UTC
4-Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?

Archimedes Plutonium<***@gmail.com>
Oct 4, 2020, 3:33 AM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Alright, I hit a deep major snag, a problem and it could cost me, my entire theorem. The problem is the stacking of the 40-140 parallelogram to make a parallelepiped, I thought was limited by the third length C of A,B,C. And if limited would cause for the unique parallelepiped. but now, I see my wooden model and the third side C is unbounded. That means no unique rectangular box given a 2D parallelogram. That threatens the whole entire uniqueness program.

Unless, late at night, I am not thinking clearly at the moment, and perhaps am not in hotwater.

Maybe there is a reduced uniqueness, such that depending on the base that the rectangular box is setting on, that base determines a unique non90degree parallelepiped.

I said often, that parallelepipeds are not easy, but in fact very gnarled complex figures.

Will get some rest and see if in the morning, my theorem still stands.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-04 08:53:16 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
4-Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?
Oct 4, 2020, 3:33 AM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Alright, I hit a deep major snag, a problem and it could cost me, my entire theorem. The problem is the stacking of the 40-140 parallelogram to make a parallelepiped, I thought was limited by the third length C of A,B,C. And if limited would cause for the unique parallelepiped. but now, I see my wooden model and the third side C is unbounded. That means no unique rectangular box given a 2D parallelogram. That threatens the whole entire uniqueness program.
Unless, late at night, I am not thinking clearly at the moment, and perhaps am not in hotwater.
Maybe there is a reduced uniqueness, such that depending on the base that the rectangular box is setting on, that base determines a unique non90degree parallelepiped.
I said often, that parallelepipeds are not easy, but in fact very gnarled complex figures.
Will get some rest and see if in the morning, my theorem still stands.
So now, this is funny and strange because if I start with a give rectangular box and allow the 4 opposite sides to fall in unison, they can only fall to a moment in which all 12 sides have the definition of parallelepiped. So there is a constraint of the distance C in A,B,C.

But if I start with a parallelogram in 2D, I seem unable to get a unique C, and thus a unique rectangular box.

So maybe the trouble is -- starting points -- I can not start with a parallelogram. But am too tired now to pursue.

Parallelepipeds are tough and mean figures. A lot to hold in the head simultaneously.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-04 19:38:22 UTC
The QUANTIZED ANGLE; nice that the AP parallelepiped theorem forces us to introduce the quantized angle.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Oct 4, 2020, 3:33 AM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
Alright, I hit a deep major snag, a problem and it could cost me, my entire theorem. The problem is the stacking of the 40-140 parallelogram to make a parallelepiped, I thought was limited by the third length C of A,B,C. And if limited would cause for the unique parallelepiped. but now, I see my wooden model and the third side C is unbounded. That means no unique rectangular box given a 2D parallelogram. That threatens the whole entire uniqueness program.
Unless, late at night, I am not thinking clearly at the moment, and perhaps am not in hotwater.
Maybe there is a reduced uniqueness, such that depending on the base that the rectangular box is setting on, that base determines a unique non90degree parallelepiped.
I said often, that parallelepipeds are not easy, but in fact very gnarled complex figures.
Will get some rest and see if in the morning, my theorem still stands.
So now, this is funny and strange because if I start with a give rectangular box and allow the 4 opposite sides to fall in unison, they can only fall to a moment in which all 12 sides have the definition of parallelepiped. So there is a constraint of the distance C in A,B,C.
But if I start with a parallelogram in 2D, I seem unable to get a unique C, and thus a unique rectangular box.
So maybe the trouble is -- starting points -- I can not start with a parallelogram. But am too tired now to pursue.
Parallelepipeds are tough and mean figures. A lot to hold in the head simultaneously.
Alright, I am fresh and clear to go on this. And the problem is the interface between angle and distance, in a world of quantization. Our minds are so often minds of idealization but not of practical reality.

Atoms are the substance of the world, not what is in our minds imagination, which has so often everything of fiction and nonreality.

An angle in Nature comes from a "solid geometry" and that geometry comes from the arrangements of atoms. We so often like to think of stacking as a volume, stacking of planes. And here we can think of a sheet of thin paper as a plane. Now when we stack those planes such as this |||||||||||||||. Those planes give us length and width and depth linear distance. But as we slant those planes at an angle we have this ///////////.

And this solves the problem of the AP Parallelepiped Theorem of a unique non90degree parallelepiped. It may go even further, in that it may say that the 90degree Parallelepiped has just one unique Parallelepiped-- the all 90 degree parallelepiped.

If all of this is true, means that Old Math got away without ever having to insert the Quantized Angle into their theories, but that the parallelepiped forces them to insert the Quantized Angle.

So here is a flavor of how the Quantized Angle works.

If you have a rectangle that is | | | | | say it is 1 by 3 in 10 Grid with length of 3 and width of 1. And you slant that / / / / /, you no longer have the 1 by 3 relationship for the corners increase the distances.

And the way to solve this problem is to insert Quantized Angles.

We all know that matter and mass are composed of atoms in layers, in sheets such as sheets of paper. And if we have an atomic structure of a box and then make it a parallelepiped we have to give it more energy to have the planar sheets of atoms form the new structure.

So we haul in a tablet of square sheets of paper, say 100 sheets, now we slant those 100 sheets to form a rhombohedron with angles 68degrees and 112degrees. In that 68 and 112 degrees we require more distance in the separation from successive sheets.

This is where the Quantization of angles causes a "forced distance on the A,B,C of the starting rectangular box". Our starting rectangular box is A long, B wide, C deep. As we slant that box to form a Parallelepiped with the definition of a Parallelepiped-- opposite 4 groups out of 12 in all, are parallel. As we start the slanting of the original box, there is one and only one unique C which can generate the Parallelepiped of a slanted original rectangular box.

So say we start with a box and let the 4 opposite sides fall, then, in the fall, there is a unique C, given the A,B, a unique C to form a parallelepiped. Say instead we start with a given parallelogram A, B, and now from that parallelogram we stack more of the same parallelogram, and here again, because of the slant, there is 1 and only 1 unique distance C, where the 4 opposite sides are actually parallel.

So, last night I thought my whole entire theorem was destroyed. This morning I see that the theorem is stronger than ever, and including, it made the silly idea of the 90degree Parallelepiped become Unique also. In other words the 90degree parallelepiped with and infinitude of solutions is fakery, the 90 degree parallelepiped has one unique solution-- the starting box itself is the only 90 degree parallelepiped.

Yes, indeed, such a complex and mighty tough figure is the parallelepiped and only here in 2020, has this tough figure being finally solved. It requires Quantized Angles, meaning, the moment you slant a box, you destroy the distance with angle relationship and you must reestablish what the distances are.

Old Math of Euclidean Geometry failed on the idea of stacking as volume. Because the moment you take a tablet of paper, say 100 sheets in the form of a square, now you gently move each sheet in a slant to form a rhombohedron, say 1mm apart in a slant, there exists just One Unique Parallelepiped the rhombohedron with angles 68 and 112 degrees for your stack of papers.

Old Math Euclidean Geometry never saw that the angle relation to distance is a quantized, modern day physics relationship. That slanting a 90 degree by 90 degree square, destroys the distances, and those distances must be accounted for.

So say we have || and the top and bottom distance are 1, but now we slant that into // and the top and bottom are no longer 1, but according to the angle is 1.1 distance apart. That extra 0.1 has to force the C in the A,B,C to be a Unique distance length. And that uniqueness is what proves the truth of the AP Parallelepiped Theorem.

I once had a moving platform for my Bosch table saw, made of strips of steel in the shape of a rectangular box. And in the assemblage, I did not have the last two pieces assembled and the other 10 pieces would "fall" into a state of a parallelepiped, given their specific A,B,C. And I see it in my model here on the desk beside my computer I am typing on, built from erector set pieces. They are loosely bound at the corners, giving leeway. So when they "fall", there is 1 and only 1 unique moment when all three groups of 4 opposites are parallel.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-04 20:36:49 UTC
Funny how we never needed the quantized angle until Parallelepiped truth had to be rendered.
Michael Moroney
2020-10-04 20:55:32 UTC
Subject: Re: The QUANTIZED ANGLE; nice that the AP parallelepiped theorem
forces us to introduce the quantized angle.
"Us", StupidPlutonium? You have a mouse in your pocket again?

The letters in "Archimedes Plutonium", rearranged, spell "Um I hail demon's pet cur!"
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-04 23:56:46 UTC
5-Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?

With Angle quantization, that volume is seen as a stacking of planes, and wherein Numbers are discrete in Decimal Grid Numbers, means that a angle caused from a slant, has to be recalibrated and this causes a "uniqueness" in the C value of A,B,C for a rectangular box to form a unique parallelepiped.

So if we start with a parallelogram, arbitrary parallelogram, no matter how we stack them, only one unique number for C will be a parallelepiped with groups of 4 sides parallel. The others will not be a parallelepiped, but a 6 faced 3D figure.

Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-05 01:22:20 UTC
6-Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?

It is going to take me some time to digest the "quantized angle" whenever we take a line and slant it into a angle.

Quantized angle certainly validates the AP Parallelepiped Theorem. But it opens up the question again over the 90degree parallelepiped, with its so called infinitude of solutions. It opens up that figure once again to the questioning of why a 6 faced figure stacking rectangles can have an infinitude of parallelepipeds. Of course the "falling" of 4 opposite sides, that falling has to be in the "direction of the 4 such 90 degree angles" they cannot be off to the sides, but their falling motion has to be in the direction of those four 90degree angles. Still, that falling causes a slant
in those 4 sides.

In the Non90degree parallelepipeds we have learned that there are only two complamentary angles involved, such as my wood model of 85degree with 105degree, where all the angles are either or of those two. And that each vertex, of the 8 vertices, two of the angles are one, and one of the other. Such as two are 85 with the other at 105 or two at 105 with the other at 85.

So here we have a mystery of the 90degree Parallelepipeds, that each vertex has three possible angles.

Could it be that Old Math had a new type of figure to classify, that the 90degree Parallelepipeds were woeful and wholly different from other parallelepipeds?

With Angle quantization, that volume is seen as a stacking of planes, and wherein Numbers are discrete in Decimal Grid Numbers, means that a angle caused from a slant, has to be recalibrated and this causes a "uniqueness" in the C value of A,B,C for a rectangular box to form a unique parallelepiped.
So if we start with a parallelogram, arbitrary parallelogram, no matter how we stack them, only one unique number for C will be a parallelepiped with groups of 4 sides parallel. The others will not be a parallelepiped, but a 6 faced 3D figure.
Archimedes Plutonium
2020-10-05 05:46:48 UTC
7-Dartmouth's Drs, Hanlon or Shemanske, question please, is the AP theorem on Parallelepipeds still true if we start with a arbitrary parallelogram in the plane. Can we achieve at least one Parallelepiped?It is going to take me some time to digest the "quantized angle" whenever we take a line and slant it into a angle.

It is obvious that if we add on more squares or rectangles to a cube or rectangular box, that you mantain those as parallelepipeds. But now if we start with a parallelogram in the plane and stack up more of the same parallelogram at 90degree vertices, we maintain a parallelepiped as a 90degree parallelepiped even though the top and base figures are parallelograms. In the box with base as rectangle, by stacking more we still have a box. But now, we let the 4 opposite sides of the box fall in the direction of the 90degrees. Is this figure a parallelepiped and are there an infinitude of these parallelepipeds as the sides fall from 90 to 0 degrees? That is what I thought happened. But with Quantized angles, I need to review this topic. If we let that same box of its 4 grouped sides fall not in the direction of 90degrees but off to its side, then the parallelepiped formed is a unique one of a kind with two complamentary angles for all its angles, and no 90 degree angle.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Quantized angle certainly validates the AP Parallelepiped Theorem. But it opens up the question again over the 90degree parallelepiped, with its so called infinitude of solutions. It opens up that figure once again to the questioning of why a 6 faced figure stacking rectangles can have an infinitude of parallelepipeds. Of course the "falling" of 4 opposite sides, that falling has to be in the "direction of the 4 such 90 degree angles" they cannot be off to the sides, but their falling motion has to be in the direction of those four 90degree angles. Still, that falling causes a slant
in those 4 sides.
In the Non90degree parallelepipeds we have learned that there are only two complamentary angles involved, such as my wood model of 85degree with 105degree, where all the angles are either or of those two. And that each vertex, of the 8 vertices, two of the angles are one, and one of the other. Such as two are 85 with the other at 105 or two at 105 with the other at 85.
So here we have a mystery of the 90degree Parallelepipeds, that each vertex has three possible angles.
Could it be that Old Math had a new type of figure to classify, that the 90degree Parallelepipeds were woeful and wholly different from other parallelepipeds?
With Angle quantization, that volume is seen as a stacking of planes, and wherein Numbers are discrete in Decimal Grid Numbers, means that a angle caused from a slant, has to be recalibrated and this causes a "uniqueness" in the C value of A,B,C for a rectangular box to form a unique parallelepiped.
So if we start with a parallelogram, arbitrary parallelogram, no matter how we stack them, only one unique number for C will be a parallelepiped with groups of 4 sides parallel. The others will not be a parallelepiped, but a 6 faced 3D figure.