T.d.i.. says: 0.1 *0.5 *3 = 0.15 *1000 =150i^3.
(too old to reply)
Socratis T.n.p.
2024-02-09 08:02:36 UTC
Greetings T.n.p. =>1m *1m *1m =1m^3 => 1m *1m *2m = 2m^3-:)))
Alias ===> 10i *10i *10i = 1000i^3 => 10i *10i *20i =2000i^3-:)))
If 3/0.1 = 30i..it must be => 1i *5i *30i = 150i^3.
They are also in the T.d.i. enough is enough. *1000
T.d.i.. says: 0.1 *0.5 *3 = 0.15 *1000 =150i^3.

If > 5 *5 == 25.m^2.

0.5 *5 *5 =12.5.m^3
0.6 *5 *5 == 15.m^3
0.7 *5 *5 =17.5.m^3

0.8 *5 *5 == 20.m^3
0.9 *5 *5 = 22.5m^3
1 *5 *5 ==== 25m^3

1.5 *5 *5 = 37.5m^3
2 *5 *5 ==== 50m^3
3 *5 *5 ==== 75m^3
4 *5 *5 === 100m^3
5 *5 *5 === 125m^3.

Fern 2024 => 3^3 +3^3 = 2 *3 *9 = 54m^3-:)))
========> 5^3 +5^3 = 5 *5 *10 =250m^3 -:)))
====> 5^3 +5^3 +5^3 = 3 *5 *25 = 375m^3-:)))
Socratis T.n.p.
2024-02-10 01:51:22 UTC
1 *2 =10i *20i=200i^2 = 2m^2
1i *10i *20i == 200i^3 for 1m =10i..2m =20i.
2i *10i *20i == 400i^3
5i *10i *20i = 1000i^3
10i *10i*20i =2000i^3

To understand, start from 1i *2i = 2i^2..1i *2i *3i = 6i^3 -:))))
1i *2i *5i =10i^3 Alias 0.1 *0.2 *0.5 = 0.01m^3 *1000 =10i^3.
You will know the Truth..and the Truth...Will make you.. Free -:)))

Otherwise use the cm system: 10c *20c *30c =6000g =6kg.
Like 10c *20c *50c = 10'000g = 10kg. For 0.1/0.01 =10cm.
Blessed are you who do not understand.. the system..You use it badly -;))))

Happy 2024. 5i *5i *5i =125i^3 =125kg. => i6^3 =216i^3 =2i6kg.-:)))
T.n.p. tells you. Without Commas...Easy...Direct and... Logic -:))))))
If 1.5^3 = 3.375m^3 => i15^3 = 3'375i^3 = 3'375kg = 3.375m^3-:)))

Therefore it is not clear why you should say 0.1 and not 1dm which it is
The True Whole of T.d.i. Since 1m =10dm, 2m = 20dm..etc. -:)))
So I can say: 3i *10i *10i =300i^3 and 5i *10i *20i = 1000kg-:)))
After all, the T.d.i. tells you. : 0.5 *1 *2 = 1m^3 and not 1.Banana -:)))))
Socratis T.n.p.
2024-02-12 03:04:28 UTC
0.1 *1 *10 = 1000i^2 = 1m^3
0.2 *1 *10 = 2000i^3 = 2m^3
0.3 *1 *10 = 3000i^3 = 3m^3
0.4 *1 *10 = 4000i^3 = 4m^3
0.5 *1 *10 = 5000i^3 = 5m^3
0.6 *1 *10 = 6000i^3 = 6m^3
0.7 *1 *10 = 7000i^3 = 7m^3
0.8 *1 *10 = 8000i^3 = 8m^3
0.9 *1 *10 = 9000i^3 = 9m^3
1 *1*10 = 10'000i^3 =10m^3

Felice 2024 -:)))
Socratis T.n.p.
2024-02-13 03:11:30 UTC
Post by Socratis T.n.p.
0.1 *1 *10 = 1000i^2 = 1m^3
0.2 *1 *10 = 2000i^3 = 2m^3
0.3 *1 *10 = 3000i^3 = 3m^3
0.4 *1 *10 = 4000i^3 = 4m^3
0.5 *1 *10 = 5000i^3 = 5m^3
0.6 *1 *10 = 6000i^3 = 6m^3
0.7 *1 *10 = 7000i^3 = 7m^3
0.8 *1 *10 = 8000i^3 = 8m^3
0.9 *1 *10 = 9000i^3 = 9m^3
1 *1*10 = 10'000i^3 =10m^3
Felice 2024 -:)))
If 0.001m *1000m=1m^2
===> 0.01m *1000m = 10m^2
===> 0.1m *1000m = 100m^2 ==>
====> 1m *1000m =1000m^2

If 0.001m *10m *100m=1m^3
===> 0.01m *10m *100m = 10m^3
===> 0.1m *10m *100m = 100m^3 ==>
====>1m *10m *100m = 1000m^3

Since 1m *1000m =1000m^2 you ask yourself why:
===> 1m *10m *100m = 1000m^3..simple:
Because 2nd terms = m^2 and... 3rd terms = m^3.
Actually...1 *10 *100 has an 1+ as 10 *100 = 1000m^2

Just know that 10i *100i *1000i = 1'000'000i^3 = 1000m^3.
While 100i *1000i = 100'000i^2, which is /100i^2 =1000i^2 =10m^2.
Aka 10m *100m=1000m^2. only 1i *100i *1000i =100'000i^3 =100m^3
=> See third row of the 8 rows which are m^2 and m^3 -:))))

What is important for you is to think that 1m = neutral and not 10(0.1)-)))
So explain to me why we say 1 * 10 = 10 when 10i *100i = 1000i^2
And why 1i *10i *100i ≠ 1000i^3 ≠ 1m^3. If 0.1 *1 *10 =1000i^3.=1m^3
But do you know that even the T.d.i.... gives it as 1m^3, like this:

0.1 *1*1 = 0.1m^3 =100i^3..let's just say 0.1 *1000i^3 = 100i^3 -:)))
To avoid this, use the T.n.p. dms. and you get 1i *10i *10i=100i^3.
Happy 2024 with the T.n.p. Direct and simple... starting at... 1mm.
10c *100c *100c =100'000.g. =100i^3 =100kg. for 10c = 0.1m =1dm =1i

like 100c = 10dm = 1m. So... 1dm *10dm *10dm = 100dm^3-:)))
Like 1dm *10dm =10dm^2 and 1dm *1dm *10dm =10dm^3 =10kg-:)))
They always say 0.1*0.1*1 =0.01m^3=10kg. Assuming you understand.
that 1m^3 =1000i^3..and not 1.banana..so the hundredth part =10i^3-:)))