Yeah you find such a solution also among
the answers that the model finder generates:
% ?- counter(1).
% father(0,0)-1
% grand_father(0,0)-1
% 1true
% father(0,0)-1 father(0,1)-0 father(1,0)-0 father(1,1)-0
% grand_father(0,0)-1 grand_father(0,1)-0
grand_father(1,0)-0 grand_father(1,1)-0
% 2true
% father(0,0)-1 father(0,1)-1 father(1,0)-0 father(1,1)-0
% grand_father(0,0)-1 grand_father(0,1)-1
grand_father(1,0)-0 grand_father(1,1)-0
% 3true
% father(0,0)-1 father(0,1)-0 father(1,0)-1 father(1,1)-0
grand_father(0,0)-1 grand_father(0,1)-0
grand_father(1,0)-1 grand_father(1,1)-0
% 4true
The first solution, is from a domain with size N=1,
and it basically says a counter model is when
there is an individual 0, which is its own father.
The fourth solution, is from a domain with size N=2,
and it basically says a counter model is when
there are two individuals 0 and 1, which are each others father.
Problem 1 is defined as:
/* I am my own grandpa? */
problem(1, (
@[X]: @[Y]:(#[Z]:(father(X,Z) & father(Z,Y)) <=> grand_father(X,Y)) =>
~ #[X]:grand_father(X,X))).
I have also toyed around with Problem 2:
/* Is every monoid commutative? */
problem(2, (
(@[X]:(0*X = X) &
@[X]:(X*0 = X) &
@[X]: @[Y]: @[Z]:((X*Y)*Z = X*(Y*Z))) => (a*b = b*a))).
But Problem 3 is quite hard, takes 12 minutes:
/* Is every group commutative? */
problem(3, (
(@[X]:(0*X = X) &
@[X]:(i(X)*X = 0) &
@[X]: @[Y]: @[Z]:((X*Y)*Z = X*(Y*Z))) => (a*b = b*a))).
McCune claims it takes < 1 second with his mace4.
Don't know yet how to speed up Problem 3.
Post by Moebius"Problem 1: I am my own grandpa?
grand_father(X,Y) :- father(X,Z), father(Z,Y)."
Of course. Where's the problem?
If X = Y = I
and Z = Nobody
father(I, Nobody)
father(Nobody, I)
then clearly
holds. No?