Le 26/02/2025 à 00:03, "Chris M. Thomasson" a écrit :
You don't understand what I'm saying.
But that's okay.
When I use a Cartesian coordinate system, whether in two or three
dimensions, I use two or three real axes.
So far, so good, everyone understands.
Let's just go back, breathe, blow, to a Cartesian plane, which is very
I place my "x" on the abscissa, and my "y" on the ordinate.
And finally, I draw my curves...
I draw the curve f(x)=x²+4x+5.
I've been told that this is colossally difficult, and that given the level
of the participants in sci.maths, who are very stupid and barely know how
to draw the line y=2x+1, I shouldn't be talking about curves, and even
less about imaginary numbers.
But I am naturally optimistic, I tell myself that, perhaps, on sci.math
there are intelligent people, more intelligent than the average French
So I will draw my curve, and, surprise! No roots.
So I cannot say that there is a root at A(2,0) and another at B(5,0),
since there is none. There is none.
I repeat (given the stupidity of human beings in general, I have to repeat
often), the equation f(x)=x²+4x+5 has no root, and I cannot draw anything
at all on my x'Ox axis.
That is when I realize that, by mirror effect, if I place another mirror
curve that touches the first at the top, my curve will cross my axis at
two points.
Breathe, blow...
This imaginary curve, which is not f(x), I'm going to call it g(x), and
I'm going to give it an equation. g(x)=-x²-4x-3. And there, I'm going to
give it two roots. x'=-3 and x"=-1.
So f(x) has no real roots, but two imaginary roots on its mirror curve,
and g(x) has no imaginary roots, but two real roots.
That said, I cannot grant the real roots of g(x) to f(x), but I can
attribute imaginary mirror roots to it via g(x).
Simply I cannot say that the real roots of f(x) are x'=-3 and x"=-1, I
have to say that they are its imaginary roots of the mirror curve, and to
specify it well, it is necessary to write x'=3i and x"=i.
So I can place my points on x'Ox and I place the points A(3i,0) and B(i,0)
on the horizontal axis.
All this remained very simple, and very Cartesian.
At no time did I use the Argand coordinate system (which talks about
totally different things), by giving a perpendicular nature to a+ib,
instead of a simply longitudinal nature in a Cartesian frame.
Imaginary number i in a Cartesian frame, and imaginary number i in an
Argand frame, these are totally different things.
Here, I limit myself to talking about the use of i to find the imaginary
roots of curves in a Cartesian frame.
I repeat: the Argand frame is something completely "different".