The failure of the unified field theory means general relativity fails.
(too old to reply)
Darrell Wojewódzki
2024-06-21 22:33:00 UTC
The failure of the unified field theory means general relativity fails.
A. General relativity explains Mercury's anomalous perihelion advance
and the bending of light by treating gravity as electromagnetic using
electromagnetic formulas and the assumption of the speed of light for
the speed of gravity.
Your mistakes.
rather you, not undrestanding the difference between the two, gravity and
light. Huge difference. Light is not gravity, my boy. Light motivates by
the necessity of making paradoxes impossible. See my

"On The Divergent Matter of the Moving Koerpers Model", which plainly it's
about the amplitude probability distribution. The Einstine was an wanker.

It's not "BIDEN'S" expansion rhetoric, it's the western neocons who are
trying to kill 3/4 of humankind to enjoy their comfort.
Joda Muromtsov Hui
2024-06-23 14:39:31 UTC
It doesn't move at the speed of light because it's not
The sky is not blue because it is not painted.
sure, which proves the Einstine wrong, because 𝙩𝙝𝙚_𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙚𝙙_𝙤𝙛_𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 is not
the speed of light because the speed of light. Btw, the Einstine was gay,
worth to be mentioned, ant not "german".

Trade is deteriorating due to China’s relations with Russia amid the
Ukraine conflict, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has claimed

No, blame the Zionists in the USA who are trying to slow down or stop
China future dominance in the world. It has nothing to do with Russia or
it is the main agenda for the tribe in the USA to find a way to prevent
China to achieve first place. The tribe would find or invent excuse to
sanction or to provoke China, it is nothing new or original in their
script and plans.
Rollie Kokoris Lao
2024-06-23 14:51:11 UTC
Relativity still thinks gravity is electromagnetism even after the
unified field theory failed.
Making stuff up and pretending it is true is USELESS. Grow up!
Tom Roberts
Reading about usual retarded and non-classical advanced potentials, or
Wheeler-Feynman and about Feynman saying "hey there's an invariance or
symmetry if you will here that does indicate a sort of standing tension
where electromagnetic waves live", gets into that much like

Trade is deteriorating due to China’s relations with Russia amid the
Ukraine conflict, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has claimed

Everytime EU leaders say something, they should add a footnote to their
statement; " This message was approved by our masters in Washington and Tel

You lying Kraut ‘huns’ had better watch out or else Russian soldiers shall
be revisiting you in Berlin!!

The e.u has become 100% irrelevant in the global economy!

The Green party destroyed Germany, the power house of EU. And when the dust
settles, these EU leaders should be arrested and sentenced capitally.

Germany had a good deal with Russia, the US blew that deal.. fucking lying
Stuart Balboni
2024-06-25 05:25:27 UTC
A forteriori, any result that depends on any particular choice
of units (or dimensions) is unphysical.
Yes, of course. Good point. Similarly, any result that depends on choice
of coordinates is unphysical.
if material, then that's physical. The description is irrelevant. Please
Leolin Balakirev
2024-07-05 09:01:11 UTC
Yet, "conservation", i.e. "neither the destruction or creation", of
quantities, is exactly as according to the quantity its units.
Conservation laws do no depend on units and dimensions in any way.
of course it does, without which you have no "conservation" to begin with.


bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
2024-07-06 00:15:48 UTC
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
Thomas Heger
2024-07-06 05:04:08 UTC
Post by bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'.

Actually I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon
are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom,
while the photon flies away in a streight line.

The 'photoelectric effect' is then easy:

in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet).

If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is
'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron.

A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain aspect
of a standing 'rotation wave'.

The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'.

If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon.

And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron.

Therefore: charge is not conserved.

Richard Hachel
2024-07-06 11:41:43 UTC
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'.
Actually I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon
are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom,
while the photon flies away in a streight line.
in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet).
If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is
'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron.
A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain aspect
of a standing 'rotation wave'.
The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'.
If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon.
And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron.
Therefore: charge is not conserved.
C'est intéressant.

Sauf que j'ai toujours dit que "the photon doesn't exist".

Je veux dire par là qu'il n'existe pas "entre ça et là".

Le photon est un quantum d'énergie qui se déplace instantanément, et de
façon quantique, de là à là, parfois sur des espaces gigantesques.

C'est la nature anisochrone de l'espace qui lui donne l'aspect d'une
entité voyageuse, soit sous forme d'onde, soit sous forme de particule.

Tout cela n'est qu'un leurre.

On ne pourra jamais lancer un photon sur un autre photon, puisqu'ils n'ont
ni trajectoire physique réelle,
ni durée de vie réelle (pas plus que la durée de vie d'une licorne

Par contre, on peut lancer un électron sur un autre électron, et cela
donne des photons.

Les deux électrons qui se percutent disparaissent de l'univers et
ressurgissent instantanément ailleurs en tant qu'énergie. Ce phénomène
devrait être mieux expliqué.

A noter qu'on ne sait pas ce que pourraient devenir deux électrons qui se
percuteraient dans un univers cosmique totalement vide, c'est à dire sans
récepteur photonique possible, et donc où la notion de récepteur
photonique serait retirée.

Beaucoup de questions se posent encore.

Ross Finlayson
2024-07-06 19:37:13 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'.
Actually I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon
are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom,
while the photon flies away in a streight line.
in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet).
If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is
'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron.
A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain
aspect of a standing 'rotation wave'.
The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'.
If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon.
And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron.
Therefore: charge is not conserved.
C'est intéressant.
Sauf que j'ai toujours dit que "the photon doesn't exist".
Je veux dire par là qu'il n'existe pas "entre ça et là".
Le photon est un quantum d'énergie qui se déplace instantanément, et de
façon quantique, de là à là, parfois sur des espaces gigantesques.
C'est la nature anisochrone de l'espace qui lui donne l'aspect d'une
entité voyageuse, soit sous forme d'onde, soit sous forme de particule.
Tout cela n'est qu'un leurre.
On ne pourra jamais lancer un photon sur un autre photon, puisqu'ils
n'ont ni trajectoire physique réelle, ni durée de vie réelle (pas plus
que la durée de vie d'une licorne bleue).
Par contre, on peut lancer un électron sur un autre électron, et cela
donne des photons.
Les deux électrons qui se percutent disparaissent de l'univers et
ressurgissent instantanément ailleurs en tant qu'énergie. Ce phénomène
devrait être mieux expliqué.
A noter qu'on ne sait pas ce que pourraient devenir deux électrons qui
se percuteraient dans un univers cosmique totalement vide, c'est à dire
sans récepteur photonique possible, et donc où la notion de récepteur
photonique serait retirée.
Beaucoup de questions se posent encore.
Some have that the particle model overall is well-explained
in particle/wave duality as by being the crests as it were,
moments, while at the same time that the idea of the atomic
particle is a conceit, a concession to the notion that the
particle as atomic is an idea, that is also well-supported
by things like that CODATA finds particles smaller over time
and that there's Techni-colour theory or "quarks all the way
down" helping express why Superstring Theory as a grainy
Continuum Mechanics, is a thing.

Charge and mass are generally considered "invariant", in
terms of the field-occupation-number of field-number-formalism,
Pauli principle, is not so much Born law, along with something
like light speed and neutron lifetime.

I.e., there's sort of a quartet of conserved quantities.

These days of course "particle/wave duality" has a lot
going on in "resonance theory" as above waves, about
things like "molecular chemistry" instead of "atomic
chemistry", and so on, resonance mechanics in a continuum
mechanics above a particle model above a superstring model
a continuum mechanics, for basically electon physics and
the ultraviolet catastrophe, and neutrino physics and
the infrared perestroika.

The unified field theory and general relativity go together
just great with a super-classical fall gravity in the middle.
Thomas Heger
2024-07-07 08:19:22 UTC
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'.
Actually  I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon
are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom,
while the photon flies away in a streight line.
in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet).
If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is
'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron.
A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain
aspect of a standing 'rotation wave'.
The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'.
If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon.
And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron.
Therefore: charge is not conserved.
C'est intéressant.
Sauf que j'ai toujours dit que "the photon doesn't exist".
Sorry, but I understand only very little French ( a little but, but not

So, please, say it again, but in English.

(german would be ok, too, but I guess you don't speak that).

Richard Hachel
2024-07-07 11:51:01 UTC
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by Richard Hachel
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'.
Actually  I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon
are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom,
while the photon flies away in a streight line.
in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet).
If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is
'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron.
A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain
aspect of a standing 'rotation wave'.
The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'.
If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon.
And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron.
Therefore: charge is not conserved.
C'est intéressant.
Sauf que j'ai toujours dit que "the photon doesn't exist".
Sorry, but I understand only very little French ( a little but, but not
So, please, say it again, but in English.
(german would be ok, too, but I guess you don't speak that).
Ich sagte, Sir, dass das Photon keine Existenzmöglichkeit habe. Es
handelt sich lediglich um ein augenblicklich übertragenes Energiequantum
(im Bezugssystem des Empfängers, aber nicht im Bezugssystem der Quelle,
selbst wenn diese komobil und stationär sind).
Das habe ich gesagt.
Aufgrund einer Eigenschaft des Raums, die Doktor Richard Hachel
universelle Anisochronie nennt, nimmt das „Photon“ je nach
Betrachtungsweise die Erscheinung einer Welle oder eines Teilchens an.
Ich glaube auch, dass ein guter Physiker gerade einen Artikel über die
Idee geschrieben hat, dass das Photon nicht existiert.
Wenn das wahr ist, stimme ich zu und unterstütze, was er sagt.
„Das Photon existiert nicht: Zwischen hier und dort gibt es nichts.“
Zwischen der Quelle und dem Empfänger.

Paul B. Andersen
2024-07-07 19:23:53 UTC
I said, sir, that the photon had no possibility of existence.
It is just a quantum of energy transferred instantaneously
(in the reference frame of the receiver, but not in the reference
frame of the source, even if they are comobile and stationary).
That is what I said.
So if a source and a receiver are stationary relative to each other,
and a non existing quantum of energy is transmitted from the source
and received by the receiver, the transit time of the non existing
entity will be zero measured in the frame of reference where the
receiver and source are stationary, while the transit time will
be different from zero measured in the frame of reference where
the source and receiver are stationary.

That was indeed what Richard Hachel said.
Due to a property of space that Doctor Richard Hachel calls
universal anisochrony, the “photon” takes on the appearance
of a wave or a particle, depending on how you look at it.
When you look at a non existing quantum of energy,
then what you see depend on how you look at it.
I also believe that a good physicist just wrote an article
about the idea that the photon doesn't exist.
If this is true, I agree and support what he says.
“The photon does not exist: there is nothing between here and there.”
Between the source and the receiver.
Quite. The non existing quantum of energy is indeed nothing.

Well said.

BTW, is Richard Hachel the non exiting Doctor with three Nobel Prizes?

bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
2024-07-06 11:48:57 UTC
Post by Thomas Heger
Post by bertietaylor @novabbs.com (bertietaylor)
Conservation of charge is the only conservation law.
Rest is bollocks.
I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'.
Charge exist without observers. All matter save aether is electrons and
Post by Thomas Heger
Actually I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon
are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom,
while the photon flies away in a streight line.
Wrong. Photon is a brief em pulse.
It has to do with the dimensions of the atom sized radiating antenna
causing the aetheric vibration.
Post by Thomas Heger
in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet).
Every photon is a brief em pulse.
Post by Thomas Heger
If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is
'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron.
A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain aspect
of a standing 'rotation wave'.
The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'.
If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon.
And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron.
Therefore: charge is not conserved.
As per your conjecture and assumptions which have no physical basis but
worthy of the great physics hoaxes of our time.
Post by Thomas Heger