2024-04-28 00:30:31 UTC
Lately there was an intriguing math video on youtube that referred to
the Weierstrass elliptic function:
I was wondering how one might plot this in Desmos 3D.
I know it can be plotted using existing tools like this one:
But I'd like to see how it can be done in Desmos 3D, since this offers a
more flexible interface for experimentation (like being able to zoom,
change the orientation, etc..).
Can anyone provide a demonstration or give some hints what approach to
take plotting such a function (I've never seen functions involving a
summation over lattice points before)?
I was particularly intrigued because I had seen some abstract art
featuring this function by Man Ray a while ago:
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Lately there was an intriguing math video on youtube that referred to
the Weierstrass elliptic function:
I was wondering how one might plot this in Desmos 3D.
I know it can be plotted using existing tools like this one:
But I'd like to see how it can be done in Desmos 3D, since this offers a
more flexible interface for experimentation (like being able to zoom,
change the orientation, etc..).
Can anyone provide a demonstration or give some hints what approach to
take plotting such a function (I've never seen functions involving a
summation over lattice points before)?
I was particularly intrigued because I had seen some abstract art
featuring this function by Man Ray a while ago:
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