Mr. Atwood & Spolsky please remove your forgery of Archimedes Plutonium in Math Stack Exchange
(too old to reply)
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-14 05:04:58 UTC
--- from Wikipedia---
Stack Exchange Network
Stack Exchange logo and wordmark.svg
Type of business
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Question and answer
Stack Exchange Inc.[1]
Created by
Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky
Alexa rank
Negative increase 144 (April 1, 2017)[2]

Mr. Atwood & Spolsky

Kindly remove the forgeries of Archimedes Plutonium on Math Stack Exchange

I am Archimedes Plutonium -- legal name-- and i have never done business with Math StackExchange

Someone has forged my name on your Math Stack Exchange

You need better and tighter security

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-14 05:18:14 UTC
Here is the nonsense appearing under my name---

Archimedes Plutonium
438 ●10
This user has not filled their about me section yet.
people reached
Communities (2)
438 ●10
101 ●3
Top Tags (12)
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Top Posts (24)
Prove that ∑∞n=0anzn

converges absolutely and uniformly in D
Sep 5 '17
Munkres Topology, page 102, question 19:a
Sep 5 '17
What is the closure of (0,1)
in Rk
Aug 28 '17
If the complex series ∑∞
Dan Christensen
2018-03-14 14:18:01 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
--- from Wikipedia---
Stack Exchange Network
Stack Exchange logo and wordmark.svg
Type of business
Type of site
Question and answer
Stack Exchange Inc.[1]
Created by
Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky
Alexa rank
Negative increase 144 (April 1, 2017)[2]
Mr. Atwood & Spolsky
Kindly remove the forgeries of Archimedes Plutonium on Math Stack Exchange
I am Archimedes Plutonium -- legal name-- and i have never done business with Math StackExchange
Someone has forged my name on your Math Stack Exchange
You need better and tighter security
How do they know this e-mail is not a forgery?

Archimedes Plutonium
2024-01-23 23:05:48 UTC
Canada science ReCAPTcha tests

|______| I am not a failure of physics or math

Category: Canadian Universities in science

Re: Univ Western Ontario using TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS which makes Calculus super super easy to learn and to understand that even 14 year olds can learn calculus-- as expressed by Dan Christensen love of Teaching True Math
by Hea Hea 8:08 PM, 2Nov2023

Re: 135,568 Student victims Queen's Univ. James Leech, Arthur B. McDonald by Dan Christensen teaching 10 OR 2 = 12 with AND as subtraction, never a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus-- his mindless electron =0.5MeV when real electron of
May 10, 2021
by Professor Wordsmith

Re: 176,232-Student Victims of Michael Meighen McGill Univ by Dan Christensen teaching 10 OR 2 = 12 with AND as subtraction, never a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus... 0.5MeV electron when in truth it is the muon as the real electron
by Dan Christensen Jul 2, 2021, 9:47:42 AM

Re: Kibo on Purdue's France Cordova,Dayton Uni Eric Spina. Can they stop Kibo from defiling The Pope for Kibo has been 30 year nonstop demonizer and defiler of AP. Kibo says > Blowfly of Math and Botfly of Physics > "Kim Jong Un's lackey"
by V õ l u r 8:03, 2May2023

Re: Amine can Universities Morocco weigh Water Electrolysis of its hydrogen and oxygen to prove if water is H4O not H2O??? No-one here in the USA can do that--either too dumb or too lazy as CalTech fails, ...
by Mathin3D Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 6:16:02 PM UTC-4,

Re: _Donald Schwendeman, Rensselaer,Jeffrey Banks, Kristin Bennett, Mohamed Boudjelkha, Joseph Ecker, is the reason you failed to confirm .5MeV was not the atom's electron but Dirac's monopole because you failed science like kibo
by j4n bur53 Apr 25, 2019, 12:08:26 PM

Re: Jim, I bet the Naval Academy has better weighing scales than Air Force for Water Electrolysis-- as Air Force is more "flighty". If AP is correct, hydrogen is 1/4 weight of oxygen in water electrolysis, if Pennino & Mainstream is correct hydrogen
,Jim Pennino,Julian Burgess of FastBackgroundCheck.com - -PLEASE--step into Air Force Academy physics or chemistry lab and weigh the mass of Electrolysis Water, proving Water
Aug 27, 2023 by Jim Pennino

Re: +Kibo's corpse fucking-Harvard's Dr. Hau. Why Kibo Parry has your 30 year nonstop stalking come to necrophilia. And why Harvard's Dr. Hau?? Is it because she refuses to turn the light off in slow light experiments and prove AP correct, that Light
by V 12:45  PM 13 May, 2023

Re: 81,045-Student victims of Rose M. Patten Univ Toronto from stalker Dan Christensen teaching 10 OR 2 = 12 with AND as subtraction, never a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Univ Toronto, physics, Gordon F. West, Michael B. Walker
by Frank Cassa 12Apr2021 7:00 AM 


All rights reserved by ReCAPTcha-College degree program-- masters, phd, online credits
Dan Christensen
2018-03-14 14:36:23 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
--- from Wikipedia---
Stack Exchange Network
Stack Exchange logo and wordmark.svg
Type of business
Type of site
Question and answer
Stack Exchange Inc.[1]
Created by
Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky
Alexa rank
Negative increase 144 (April 1, 2017)[2]
Mr. Atwood & Spolsky
Kindly remove the forgeries of Archimedes Plutonium on Math Stack Exchange
I am Archimedes Plutonium -- legal name-- and i have never done business with Math StackExchange
Someone has forged my name on your Math Stack Exchange
You need better and tighter security
I suspect that it is sci.math's AP that is the fake. The one at MSE seems to be quite sane and a serious poster.

Perhaps our AP is an impostor out to discredit the real one with all these insane postings under his name. I have often suspected that our John Gabriel, too. Who could be that stupid in real life?

2018-03-14 16:19:00 UTC
Anyway, there are more Archimedii Plutonii:
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
--- from Wikipedia---
Stack Exchange Network
Stack Exchange logo and wordmark.svg
Type of business
Type of site
Question and answer
Stack Exchange Inc.[1]
Created by
Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky
Alexa rank
Negative increase 144 (April 1, 2017)[2]
Mr. Atwood & Spolsky
Kindly remove the forgeries of Archimedes Plutonium on Math Stack Exchange
I am Archimedes Plutonium -- legal name-- and i have never done business with Math StackExchange
Someone has forged my name on your Math Stack Exchange
You need better and tighter security
I suspect that it is sci.math's AP that is the fake. The one at MSE seems to be quite sane and a serious poster.
Perhaps our AP is an impostor out to discredit the real one with all these insane postings under his name. I have often suspected that our John Gabriel, too. Who could be that stupid in real life?
Michael Moroney
2018-03-17 19:02:28 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Mr. Atwood & Spolsky
Kindly remove the forgeries of Archimedes Plutonium on Math Stack Exchange
I am Archimedes Plutonium -- legal name-- and i have never done business with Math StackExchange
Someone has forged my name on your Math Stack Exchange
You need better and tighter security
I suspect that it is sci.math's AP that is the fake. The one at MSE
seems to be quite sane and a serious poster.
Perhaps our AP is an impostor out to discredit the real one with all
these insane postings under his name. I have often suspected that our
John Gabriel, too. Who could be that stupid in real life?
Perhaps the sane Archimedes Plutonium on stackexchange should ask Usenet's
Archimedes Plutonium to change his name again so as not to ruin his
reputation on stackexchange and elsewhere.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-14 19:40:55 UTC
Jan Burse should be thrown in jail for his willful criminal behavior. The criminal Jan Burse a few years back deleted my entire Wikipedia entry as Usenet Celebrity.

It is highly likely Burse is behind these StackExchange forgeries

Burse belongs in prison...
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-14 19:49:21 UTC
Yes,yes,yes, Burse belongs in prison not academics for his mind is complete hate hate hate

For i and others should not have to waste our "time of our life" chasing after a criminal who keeps tearing down other peoples work or explain that such and such is forgery. Put the creep in jail and throw away the keys.

(cur | prev) 14:09, 6 March 2017‎ DMacks (talk | contribs)‎ . . (20,500 bytes) (+1,287)‎ . . (unexplained removal of on-topic and somewhat-cited content Undid revision 768910666 by Janburse (talk)) (undo)
(cur | prev) 13:51, 6 March 2017‎ Janburse (talk | contribs)‎ . . (19,213 bytes) (-1,287)‎ . . (→‎Eccentric believers) (undo)

2018-03-14 19:50:43 UTC
No, this cannot be deleted:

Archimedes Plutonium (current legal name, born
Ludwig Poehlmann in 1950, raised as Ludwig Hansen,
also known as Ludwig van Ludvig and Ludwig Plutonium) –
noted for his many posts about his own theories
of physics, mathematics, and stock market investing,
and in particular his "Plutonium Atom Totality"
theory, which posits that the universe is a giant
plutonium atom and that galaxies are "dots" in
the electron dot cloud of this atom.

Maybe they will mark a death date some time...
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Jan Burse should be thrown in jail for his willful criminal behavior. The criminal Jan Burse a few years back deleted my entire Wikipedia entry as Usenet Celebrity.
It is highly likely Burse is behind these StackExchange forgeries
Burse belongs in prison...
2018-03-14 19:52:07 UTC
I think you are still in wikipedia since somebody
mentioned that you were a dishwasher in dartmouth.
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium (current legal name, born
Ludwig Poehlmann in 1950, raised as Ludwig Hansen,
also known as Ludwig van Ludvig and Ludwig Plutonium) –
noted for his many posts about his own theories
of physics, mathematics, and stock market investing,
and in particular his "Plutonium Atom Totality"
theory, which posits that the universe is a giant
plutonium atom and that galaxies are "dots" in
the electron dot cloud of this atom.
Maybe they will mark a death date some time...
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Jan Burse should be thrown in jail for his willful criminal behavior. The criminal Jan Burse a few years back deleted my entire Wikipedia entry as Usenet Celebrity.
It is highly likely Burse is behind these StackExchange forgeries
Burse belongs in prison...
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-14 20:06:20 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium (current legal name, born
Ludwig Poehlmann in 1950, raised as Ludwig Hansen,
also known as Ludwig van Ludvig and Ludwig Plutonium) –
noted for his many posts about his own theories
of physics, mathematics, and stock market investing,
and in particular his "Plutonium Atom Totality"
theory, which posits that the universe is a giant
plutonium atom and that galaxies are "dots" in
the electron dot cloud of this atom.
Maybe they will mark a death date some time...
Criminals, not only go around deleting other peoples web pages or entries, but criminals have that criminal mind of making death threats.

Maybe Burse is already in a Swiss prison and to wile away the time is attacking people in the outside world. I certainly do not have the time to go around chasing wherever Burse feels the need to forge my name on Internet web sites-- such as Stack Exchange. If I did that, -- the rest of my life would be having to chase down the criminal Burse falsely using my name.

2018-03-14 20:07:44 UTC
Archimedes Plutonium should be thrown in jail
for his willful criminal behavior. The criminal
Archimedes Plutonium all the times posts people
name lists together with hate speach about these people.

It is highly likely Archimedes Plutonium is
psycho. Archimedes Plutonium belongs in prison not
on usenet for his mind is complete hate hate hate.
Put the creep in jail and throw away the keys.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium (current legal name, born
Ludwig Poehlmann in 1950, raised as Ludwig Hansen,
also known as Ludwig van Ludvig and Ludwig Plutonium) –
noted for his many posts about his own theories
of physics, mathematics, and stock market investing,
and in particular his "Plutonium Atom Totality"
theory, which posits that the universe is a giant
plutonium atom and that galaxies are "dots" in
the electron dot cloud of this atom.
Maybe they will mark a death date some time...
Criminals, not only go around deleting other peoples web pages or entries, but criminals have that criminal mind of making death threats.
Maybe Burse is already in a Swiss prison and to wile away the time is attacking people in the outside world. I certainly do not have the time to go around chasing wherever Burse feels the need to forge my name on Internet web sites-- such as Stack Exchange. If I did that, -- the rest of my life would be having to chase down the criminal Burse falsely using my name.
2018-03-14 20:12:01 UTC
He is extremly hateful and also extremly stupid,
doesn't know that names are not unique.

As long as he hasn't registered a trademark
every body is free to use the string "Archimedes

Plutonium" as Displayname. But I don't find the brand:
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium should be thrown in jail
for his willful criminal behavior. The criminal
Archimedes Plutonium all the times posts people
name lists together with hate speach about these people.
It is highly likely Archimedes Plutonium is
psycho. Archimedes Plutonium belongs in prison not
on usenet for his mind is complete hate hate hate.
Put the creep in jail and throw away the keys.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium (current legal name, born
Ludwig Poehlmann in 1950, raised as Ludwig Hansen,
also known as Ludwig van Ludvig and Ludwig Plutonium) –
noted for his many posts about his own theories
of physics, mathematics, and stock market investing,
and in particular his "Plutonium Atom Totality"
theory, which posits that the universe is a giant
plutonium atom and that galaxies are "dots" in
the electron dot cloud of this atom.
Maybe they will mark a death date some time...
Criminals, not only go around deleting other peoples web pages or entries, but criminals have that criminal mind of making death threats.
Maybe Burse is already in a Swiss prison and to wile away the time is attacking people in the outside world. I certainly do not have the time to go around chasing wherever Burse feels the need to forge my name on Internet web sites-- such as Stack Exchange. If I did that, -- the rest of my life would be having to chase down the criminal Burse falsely using my name.
2018-03-14 20:14:31 UTC
I don't find any brand ARCHIMEDES PLUTONIUM.
But this one has a nice picture:

Post by b***@gmail.com
He is extremly hateful and also extremly stupid,
doesn't know that names are not unique.
As long as he hasn't registered a trademark
every body is free to use the string "Archimedes
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium should be thrown in jail
for his willful criminal behavior. The criminal
Archimedes Plutonium all the times posts people
name lists together with hate speach about these people.
It is highly likely Archimedes Plutonium is
psycho. Archimedes Plutonium belongs in prison not
on usenet for his mind is complete hate hate hate.
Put the creep in jail and throw away the keys.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by b***@gmail.com
Archimedes Plutonium (current legal name, born
Ludwig Poehlmann in 1950, raised as Ludwig Hansen,
also known as Ludwig van Ludvig and Ludwig Plutonium) –
noted for his many posts about his own theories
of physics, mathematics, and stock market investing,
and in particular his "Plutonium Atom Totality"
theory, which posits that the universe is a giant
plutonium atom and that galaxies are "dots" in
the electron dot cloud of this atom.
Maybe they will mark a death date some time...
Criminals, not only go around deleting other peoples web pages or entries, but criminals have that criminal mind of making death threats.
Maybe Burse is already in a Swiss prison and to wile away the time is attacking people in the outside world. I certainly do not have the time to go around chasing wherever Burse feels the need to forge my name on Internet web sites-- such as Stack Exchange. If I did that, -- the rest of my life would be having to chase down the criminal Burse falsely using my name.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-14 20:26:49 UTC
Still there-- the forged entry Mr. Atwood & Spolsky, still there

User Archimedes Plutonium - Mathematics Stack ...
Stack Exchange › math › users › archime...
archimedes plutonium from math.stackexchange.com
Archimedes Plutonium top 56% overall. Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them. 4 answers. 20 questions. ~1k people reached. Member for 6 months; 113 profile views; Last seen Nov 9 '17 at ...

This is what i hate about new start up companies-- Facebook etc

They have no means of keeping dirtbag hatemongers from forgery of innocent people. To them it is fun and games-- to the people forged-- a painful time consuming headache.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-15 11:45:44 UTC
Forgery still there at Stack Exvhange

User Archimedes Plutonium - Mathematics Stack ...
Stack Exchange › math › users › archime...
archimedes plutonium from math.stackexchange.com
Archimedes Plutonium top 56% overall. Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them. 4 answers. 20 questions. ~1k people reached. Member for 6 months; 113 profile views; Last seen Nov 9 '17 at ...

AP writes;: Apparently this AP is pissed over forgery
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-17 18:38:10 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Forgery still there at Stack Exvhange
User Archimedes Plutonium - Mathematics Stack ...
Stack Exchange › math › users › archime...
archimedes plutonium from math.stackexchange.com
Archimedes Plutonium top 56% overall. Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them. 4 answers. 20 questions. ~1k people reached. Member for 6 months; 113 profile views; Last seen Nov 9 '17 at ...
AP writes;: Apparently this AP is pissed over forgery
     A few birds shy of a flock.
Jeff Atwood
    Act your age, not your shoe size.
Joel Spolsky
     A brain the size of a BB inside a boxcar.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-18 21:47:45 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A few birds shy of a flock.
Jeff Atwood
    Act your age, not your shoe size.
Joel Spolsky
     A brain the size of a BB inside a boxcar.
     A couple of slates short of a full roof.
Joel Spolsky

     A couplet short of a sonnet.
Jeff Atwood
     A few beads short in his rosary.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-19 20:41:01 UTC
     A few beers short of a six-pack.
Jeff Atwood
     A few farts short of a full load.
Joel Spolsky
     A few bricks short of a wall.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-22 05:18:28 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A few beers short of a six-pack.
Jeff Atwood
     A few farts short of a full load.
Joel Spolsky
     A few bricks short of a wall.
I think I should add Mark Zuckerberg for his Facebook platform, that has a fake Archimedes Plutonium page in Facebook. Another forgery, and another reason I hate most new internet dot com IPO's for they increasing intrude into the private lives of citizen's. People who never want to be in or involved with Facebook or social media, yet, hatemongers gladly forge the name of innocents. It is almost as bad as "nude women on the internet, to where you type in nude ______ and up pops a nude picture of almost any popular woman with her head cut-paste to a nude body. Almost every famous female in politics has a nude of her on the internet.

But with almost every new Internet IPO platform, they have no way of safeguarding innocent people who do not want to be "there" and have a forgery of them place there. I have never opened Facebook, never had a account with them. Yet-- there I am-- forged into Facebook.

I am not at all saddened by Facebook's troubles and woes-- in fact, I think Mark Zuckerberg deserves jail time-- a year in jail-- not just for the wrongs of my forgery on Facebook, but for the callousness of so many private citizens that never wanted to be in Facebook-- but there they are-- forged like myself.

     A few clowns short of a circus.
Jeff Atwood
     A few clues shy of a solution.
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few brains short of a mind.
Joel Spolsky
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-23 06:59:41 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A few clowns short of a circus.
Jeff Atwood
     A few clues shy of a solution.
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few brains short of a mind.
Joel Spolsky
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few centimeters short of a meter.
Joel Spolsky
     A few kernels short of an ear.
Jeff Atwood
     A few links shy of a chain.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-24 01:11:46 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A few clowns short of a circus.
Jeff Atwood
     A few clues shy of a solution.
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few brains short of a mind.
Joel Spolsky
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few centimeters short of a meter.
Joel Spolsky
     A few kernels short of an ear.
Jeff Atwood
     A few links shy of a chain.
     A few open splices.
Jeff Atwood
     A few peas short of a casserole.
Joel Spolsky
     A few pickles short of a jar.
Mark Zuckerberg
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-29 18:32:03 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A few clowns short of a circus.
Jeff Atwood
     A few clues shy of a solution.
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few brains short of a mind.
Joel Spolsky
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few centimeters short of a meter.
Joel Spolsky
     A few kernels short of an ear.
Jeff Atwood
     A few links shy of a chain.
Joel Spolsky
   A few pies short of a holiday.

Jeff Atwood
99 short of 100

Mark Zuckerberg

     A few points short of a polygon.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-31 01:47:59 UTC
Alright, I found out today that Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook company does not have me forged into some forgery page, but rather, just lists me. So, my apologies Mark, and will cease and desist in listing you.

But that still leaves Math Stack Exchange that is ripe with no-verification system of someone listed. My name was Forged into math stack exchange, and want to see it removed.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-31 23:55:34 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Alright, I found out today that Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook company does not have me forged into some forgery page, but rather, just lists me. So, my apologies Mark, and will cease and desist in listing you.
But that still leaves Math Stack Exchange that is ripe with no-verification system of someone listed. My name was Forged into math stack exchange, and want to see it removed.
   A few ants short of a picnic.
Jeff Atwood
     A few tiles missing from his space shuttle.
Joel Spolsky
     A few too many lights out in his Christmas tree.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-03 04:57:26 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Alright, I found out today that Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook company does not have me forged into some forgery page, but rather, just lists me. So, my apologies Mark, and will cease and desist in listing you.
But that still leaves Math Stack Exchange that is ripe with no-verification system of someone listed. My name was Forged into math stack exchange, and want to see it removed.
   A few ants short of a picnic.
Jeff Atwood
     A few tiles missing from his space shuttle.
Joel Spolsky
     A few too many lights out in his Christmas tree.
     A few french fries short of a Happy Meal.
Joel Spolsky thinks of Jeff Atwood
     A lap behind the field.
Jeff Atwood-- knock on wood-- thinks of Spolsky
     A modest little person, with much to be modest about.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-07 05:00:48 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
   A few ants short of a picnic.
Jeff Atwood
     A few tiles missing from his space shuttle.
Joel Spolsky
     A few too many lights out in his Christmas tree.
     A few french fries short of a Happy Meal.
Joel Spolsky thinks of Jeff Atwood
     A lap behind the field.
Jeff Atwood-- knock on wood-- thinks of Spolsky
     A modest little person, with much to be modest about.
How dumb and insane are stalkers Dan Christensen that Canadian oaf, Jan Burse the Swiss nutmeg, Jan Bielawski the insane California stalker, Mike Moroney the Boston imp, in trigonometry? So dumb they accept trigonometry definition of sine as opposite/hypotenuse, yet never realizing that such a definition forces the angle 180 degrees to be 2 not 3.14… and the angle 90 degrees be 1.

     A Pithecanthropus brain in a Cro-Magnon body.
Jeff Atwood
     A photographic memory, but the lens cover is glued on.
Eric Francis
     A prime candidate for natural de-selection.
Joel Spolsky
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-10 01:28:16 UTC
     A room temperature IQ.
Jeff Attwood
How stupid and insane are stalkers Konyberg, Benj, Dan Christensen, Zelos Malum, Hanson, John Gabriel, Mike Moroney, Earle Jones in Calculus? So stupid they think a rectangle of 0 width has internal area and that the tangent is the derivative. When in fact the derivative is a straight-line segment of the function graph itself, for in that manner the derivative can actually provide information on the past, present, future of the function graph.

George Witte

Which came first, the knucklehead, or the chuckling, chucklehead the HaHa Hanson and the chuckling John Gabriel?

Joel Spolsky
     A signature short of a book.

Eric Francis
     A square with only three sides.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-12 14:20:07 UTC
     A titanic intellect...in a world full of icebergs.

Joel Spolsky

How dumb is Zelos Malum, Mike Moroney, Dan Christensen, Earle Jones, Alouatta, Konyberg, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, in trigonometry? So dumb they think by stretching the x-axis abnormally and keeping the y-axis normal that bypasses the sine and cosine intersecting at (.5, .86) rather than (.7, .7). Fools of math think you can have the x-axis be different than the y-axis, yet still be mathematics. That is as foolish as thinking a Candy bar chart is mathematics.

     A tower short of a castle.
Jeff Atwood
     A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
Zelos Malum
2018-04-13 08:55:30 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A titanic intellect...in a world full of icebergs.
Joel Spolsky
How dumb is Zelos Malum, Mike Moroney, Dan Christensen, Earle Jones, Alouatta, Konyberg, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, in trigonometry? So dumb they think by stretching the x-axis abnormally and keeping the y-axis normal that bypasses the sine and cosine intersecting at (.5, .86) rather than (.7, .7). Fools of math think you can have the x-axis be different than the y-axis, yet still be mathematics. That is as foolish as thinking a Candy bar chart is mathematics.
     A tower short of a castle.
Jeff Atwood
     A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
Cite where I have said any gibberish like yours
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-16 00:03:42 UTC
     A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
Joel Spolsky
     A violin minus the bow.
Jeff Atwood
     A walking argument for birth control.

How dumb is Earle Jones, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, Zelos Malum, Dan Christensen, Konyberg, Mike Moroney on infinity borderline? So they never comprehended that there is no finite nor infinity, unless there is a border between them. Even the science of geography, geographers are smarter than these stalkers could ever wish to be.

     A wind-up clock without a key.
Zelos Malum
Post by Zelos Malum
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A titanic intellect...in a world full of icebergs.
Joel Spolsky
How dumb is Zelos Malum, Mike Moroney, Dan Christensen, Earle Jones, Alouatta, Konyberg, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, in trigonometry? So dumb they think by stretching the x-axis abnormally and keeping the y-axis normal that bypasses the sine and cosine intersecting at (.5, .86) rather than (.7, .7). Fools of math think you can have the x-axis be different than the y-axis, yet still be mathematics. That is as foolish as thinking a Candy bar chart is mathematics.
     A tower short of a castle.
Jeff Atwood
     A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
Cite where I have said any gibberish like yours
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-21 19:05:53 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A titanic intellect...in a world full of icebergs.
Joel Spolsky
     All hat and no head.
Joel Spolsky
     All lime and lemon, no sweet.
Jeff Atwood
     All book, and no experience.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-24 03:54:18 UTC
Post by Zelos Malum
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A titanic intellect...in a world full of icebergs.
Joel Spolsky
How dumb is Zelos Malum, Mike Moroney, Dan Christensen, Earle Jones, Alouatta, Konyberg, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, in trigonometry? So dumb they think by stretching the x-axis abnormally and keeping the y-axis normal that bypasses the sine and cosine intersecting at (.5, .86) rather than (.7, .7). Fools of math think you can have the x-axis be different than the y-axis, yet still be mathematics. That is as foolish as thinking a Candy bar chart is mathematics.
     A tower short of a castle.
Jeff Atwood
     A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
Cite where I have said any gibberish like yours
Jan writes:
10:16 PM (34 minutes ago)
Post by Zelos Malum
Why do you post lies?

AP writes: oh, your asking Zelos, not Dan Christensen?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-26 19:19:36 UTC
Post by Zelos Malum
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A titanic intellect...in a world full of icebergs.
Joel Spolsky
How dumb is Zelos Malum, Mike Moroney, Dan Christensen, Earle Jones, Alouatta, Konyberg, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, in trigonometry? So dumb they think by stretching the x-axis abnormally and keeping the y-axis normal that bypasses the sine and cosine intersecting at (.5, .86) rather than (.7, .7). Fools of math think you can have the x-axis be different than the y-axis, yet still be mathematics. That is as foolish as thinking a Candy bar chart is mathematics.
     A tower short of a castle.
Jeff Atwood
     A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
Cite where I have said any gibberish like yours
     A few birds shy of a flock.

    Act your age, not your shoe size.
Joel Spolsky
     A brain the size of a BB inside a boxcar.

     A couple of slates short of a full roof.

How dumb do you have to be to not know that a borderline exists between finite and infinite. How dumb? Otherwise, all is finite; nothing infinite.

Jeff Atwood
     A couplet short of a sonnet.
Michael Moroney
2018-04-26 19:29:59 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
How dumb do you have to be to not know that a borderline exists between
finite and infinite. How dumb?
And why is this true? Because you said so?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-04 13:05:27 UTC
Post by Michael Moroney
And why is this true? Because you said so?
Jan writes:

6:08 PM (7 minutes ago)
Post by Michael Moroney
Stop posting lies about people. This is a MATHEMATICS group. What is wrong
with you?

AP writes: well, forgery is not only a lie as in Math Stack Exchange, but forgery is far worse than a lie.
Michael Moroney
2018-05-05 03:06:11 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
How dumb do you have to be to not know that a borderline exists between
finite and infinite. How dumb?
And why is this true? Because you said so?
No answer? Why is it true that there is a border between finite and
infinite? Because you said there was? No proof or evidence needed?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
6:08 PM (7 minutes ago)
Post by Michael Moroney
Stop posting lies about people. This is a MATHEMATICS group. What is wrong
with you?
AP writes: well, forgery is not only a lie as in Math Stack Exchange, but
forgery is far worse than a lie.
Is that why you lie about people so much here? Because you think that
lying isn't really that bad?
Michael Moroney
2018-03-24 01:16:56 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
I am not at all saddened by Facebook's troubles and woes-- in fact, I think
Mark Zuckerberg deserves jail time-- a year in jail-- not just for the wrongs
of my forgery on Facebook, but for the callousness of so many private citizens
that never wanted to be in Facebook-- but there they are-- forged like myself.
Why shouldn't the sane Archimedes Plutonium from Stackexchange have a Facebook
account if he wants one?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-26 00:24:57 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
     A few beers short of a six-pack.
Jeff Atwood
     A few farts short of a full load.
Joel Spolsky
     A few bricks short of a wall.
I think I should add Mark Zuckerberg for his Facebook platform, that has a fake Archimedes Plutonium page in Facebook. Another forgery, and another reason I hate most new internet dot com IPO's for they increasing intrude into the private lives of citizen's. People who never want to be in or involved with Facebook or social media, yet, hatemongers gladly forge the name of innocents. It is almost as bad as "nude women on the internet, to where you type in nude ______ and up pops a nude picture of almost any popular woman with her head cut-paste to a nude body. Almost every famous female in politics has a nude of her on the internet.
But with almost every new Internet IPO platform, they have no way of safeguarding innocent people who do not want to be "there" and have a forgery of them place there. I have never opened Facebook, never had a account with them. Yet-- there I am-- forged into Facebook.
I am not at all saddened by Facebook's troubles and woes-- in fact, I think Mark Zuckerberg deserves jail time-- a year in jail-- not just for the wrongs of my forgery on Facebook, but for the callousness of so many private citizens that never wanted to be in Facebook-- but there they are-- forged like myself.
     A few clowns short of a circus.
Jeff Atwood
     A few clues shy of a solution.
Mark Zuckerberg
     A few brains short of a mind.
Joel Spolsky
Now, there is big news on this front also. I was reading in a BBC report some days ago, that Elon Musk the Tesla electric auto and the Space X rocket was fraudulently signed up into Facebook, for himself and his companies, and it said in that report that Elon had to go into Facebook and remove his fake sites.

So, Archimedes Plutonium, evidently is not the only single person that was fraudulently included as having a fake site on Facebook. Apparently what happened when Facebook IPO was going public was that they scanned through telephone books of people and included them as having signed up to Facebook when few actually ever signed up.

So, what this suggests to me, is that all those who were forged into a Facebook page, form a Lawsuit, a Class Action Lawsuit, that Facebook forged our names onto signing up, when we never ever did so.

What Elon Musk did, was go in an delete the forged pages. But I have too much personal pride, that I will not go and delete someone elses forgery. For I believe in justice to wrongdoers-- I believe they should pay for their forgery. If I deleted the forgery, then others would say it was never a forgery in the first place. And if I take up the practice of deleting forgeries in my name, there is no end in sight for the criminals who forged my name in the first place and for them to make my life miserable by having to chase after them day by day with new forgeries.

So, everyone who was forged onto Facebook, let us rise up and make Facebook pay for their sins of forgery.

Mild Shock
2023-11-16 21:56:08 UTC
Judging from the length of his spams, AP must have the
smallest micro penis on the planet. What a looser!
Konig der Wissenshaften
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
A few beers short of a six-pack.
Jeff Atwood
A few farts short of a full load.
Joel Spolsky
A few bricks short of a wall.
I think I should add Mark Zuckerberg for his Facebook platform, that has a fake Archimedes Plutonium page in Facebook. Another forgery, and another reason I hate most new internet dot com IPO's for they increasing intrude into the private lives of citizen's. People who never want to be in or involved with Facebook or social media, yet, hatemongers gladly forge the name of innocents. It is almost as bad as "nude women on the internet, to where you type in nude ______ and up pops a nude picture of almost any popular woman with her head cut-paste to a nude body. Almost every famous female in politics has a nude of her on the internet.
But with almost every new Internet IPO platform, they have no way of safeguarding innocent people who do not want to be "there" and have a forgery of them place there. I have never opened Facebook, never had a account with them. Yet-- there I am-- forged into Facebook.
I am not at all saddened by Facebook's troubles and woes-- in fact, I think Mark Zuckerberg deserves jail time-- a year in jail-- not just for the wrongs of my forgery on Facebook, but for the callousness of so many private citizens that never wanted to be in Facebook-- but there they are-- forged like myself.
A few clowns short of a circus.
Jeff Atwood
A few clues shy of a solution.
Mark Zuckerberg
A few brains short of a mind.
Joel Spolsky
Now, there is big news on this front also. I was reading in a BBC report some days ago, that Elon Musk the Tesla electric auto and the Space X rocket was fraudulently signed up into Facebook, for himself and his companies, and it said in that report that Elon had to go into Facebook and remove his fake sites.
So, Archimedes Plutonium, evidently is not the only single person that was fraudulently included as having a fake site on Facebook. Apparently what happened when Facebook IPO was going public was that they scanned through telephone books of people and included them as having signed up to Facebook when few actually ever signed up.
So, what this suggests to me, is that all those who were forged into a Facebook page, form a Lawsuit, a Class Action Lawsuit, that Facebook forged our names onto signing up, when we never ever did so.
What Elon Musk did, was go in an delete the forged pages. But I have too much personal pride, that I will not go and delete someone elses forgery. For I believe in justice to wrongdoers-- I believe they should pay for their forgery. If I deleted the forgery, then others would say it was never a forgery in the first place. And if I take up the practice of deleting forgeries in my name, there is no end in sight for the criminals who forged my name in the first place and for them to make my life miserable by having to chase after them day by day with new forgeries.
So, everyone who was forged onto Facebook, let us rise up and make Facebook pay for their sins of forgery.
Archimedes Plutonium
2023-11-20 02:49:26 UTC
Jan Burse now pretending as Mild Shock is likely the criminal that forged AP to various platforms. The criminal Burse spends each and every day attacking someone, much like most normal people sip coffee for breakfast, the Burse attack dog attacks people.
Post by Mild Shock
smallest micro penis on the planet. What a looser!
Archimedes Plutonium
Mar 14, 2018, 12:05:06 AM

--- from Wikipedia---
Stack Exchange Network
Stack Exchange logo and wordmark.svg
Type of business
Type of site
Question and answer
Stack Exchange Inc.[1]
Created by
Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky
Alexa rank
Negative increase 144 (April 1, 2017)[2]

Mr. Atwood & Spolsky

Kindly remove the forgeries of Archimedes Plutonium on Math Stack Exchange

I am Archimedes Plutonium -- legal name-- and i have never done business with Math StackExchange

Someone has forged my name on your Math Stack Exchange

You need better and tighter security

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
Mar 14, 2018, 12:18:22 AM

Here is the nonsense appearing under my name---

Archimedes Plutonium
438 ●10
This user has not filled their about me section yet.
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Prove that ∑∞n=0anzn

converges absolutely and uniformly in D
Sep 5 '17
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What is the closure of (0,1)
in Rk
Aug 28 '17
If the complex series ∑∞
Michael Moroney
2018-03-26 13:15:46 UTC
Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com> writes:

[nothing added, wrong topic]
Mar 23
Post by Michael Moroney
Why shouldn't the sane Archimedes Plutonium from Stackexchange have a
account if he wants one?
Why not answer the question? If the sane Archimedes Plutonium from
Stackexchange wants a facebook account, why shouldn't he have one?