coloring book...
(too old to reply)
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 06:11:29 UTC
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its rather
interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the margins,
trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed verification. I
set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$ but chose the
previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it, I noticed that
7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange. 742 is a fun
number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is my first book
and setting the price is harder for me than creating a new algorithm.
Very strange indeed. Oh well.

Any thoughts?

Thanks everybody. :^)

Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?

Bonita Montero
2024-05-11 06:44:21 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its rather
interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the margins,
trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed verification. I
set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$ but chose the
previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it, I noticed that
7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange. 742 is a fun
number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is my first book
and setting the price is harder for me than creating a new algorithm.
Very strange indeed. Oh well.
Any thoughts?
Thanks everybody. :^)
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
The first offer text on Amazon that smells like nerd. ;-)
I'd buy it if there would be an e-book offer also.
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 07:53:54 UTC
Post by Bonita Montero
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its
rather interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the
margins, trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed
verification. I set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$
but chose the previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it,
I noticed that 7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange.
742 is a fun number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is
my first book and setting the price is harder for me than creating a
new algorithm. Very strange indeed. Oh well.
Any thoughts?
Thanks everybody. :^)
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
The first offer text on Amazon that smells like nerd. ;-)
Big time nerd... lol. :^D
Post by Bonita Montero
I'd buy it if there would be an e-book offer also.
I was thinking of doing that... Hummm... Coloring an e-book is a lot
different than coloring it by hand on the actual paper... Humm...

Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
2024-05-11 08:18:10 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
yes, the strumpy ones :^D
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 08:55:25 UTC
Post by jak
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
yes, the strumpy ones :^D
;^D Here is part of a page:

Loading Image...

This is one of the harder ones...
2024-05-11 18:18:16 UTC
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:55:25 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by jak
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
yes, the strumpy ones :^D
Okay, so that one says "$742" but ...


does not. Does Amazon just not like me?
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
This is one of the harder ones...
Nah, just use a red crayon and colour the whole page with it. :)

Though I wouldn't. I'd never spoil a good book.

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 20:37:46 UTC
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:55:25 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by jak
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
yes, the strumpy ones :^D
Okay, so that one says "$742" but ...
;^D If I fill in my outline with say, 20 pages each heading, it will be
hundreds of pages... The companion book is the way to generate the
coloring book. Algorithms, C++ code examples, example renders using
different coloring techniques, ect...
Post by John
does not. Does Amazon just not like me?
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
This is one of the harder ones...
Nah, just use a red crayon and colour the whole page with it. :)
:^) Actually, a family member, a little kid, well she colored one of my
pages like this:

Loading Image...

Strange! I feel like making my code try to match this wrt auto coloring
for me. :^)

Notice that the backs of pages have a little memo on them. I did not
want to print a single page with two different images on its front and
back sides. So, the back of each render has a little memo thing. If you
look at the linked image on the right you can almost see the next render
through the memo. I did this to try to prevent pens from bleeding... Is
that okay?
Post by John
Though I wouldn't. I'd never spoil a good book.
I hope some people actually like it. Especially when I can show how its
created in algorithms realized through a C++ implementation... :^)

2024-05-12 14:12:45 UTC
On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:37:46 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:55:25 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by jak
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
yes, the strumpy ones :^D
Okay, so that one says "$742" but ...
;^D If I fill in my outline with say, 20 pages each heading, it will be
hundreds of pages... The companion book is the way to generate the
coloring book. Algorithms, C++ code examples, example renders using
different coloring techniques, ect...
So, the colouring book is the toy,Music CD or game and the new one is
the instruction booklet?

That's cool.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
does not. Does Amazon just not like me?
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
This is one of the harder ones...
Nah, just use a red crayon and colour the whole page with it. :)
:^) Actually, a family member, a little kid, well she colored one of my
She has talent but she also knows her limitations. She stopped when
all of her streets ran into massive roundabouts. Clever lady.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Strange! I feel like making my code try to match this wrt auto coloring
for me. :^)
Notice that the backs of pages have a little memo on them. I did not
want to print a single page with two different images on its front and
back sides. So, the back of each render has a little memo thing. If you
look at the linked image on the right you can almost see the next render
through the memo. I did this to try to prevent pens from bleeding... Is
that okay?
It's a cool notion, yes. I *hate* disfiguring books but it would
allow littler minds to carve out the pages to use them singly so Mummy
can magnet them to the fridge.

Have you thought of perforated pages or a "ring-binder" or "spiral
binder" format for companion runs? Also, large pages to give more room
for little hands? And perhaps a box for them to put their names into?
Names, date and ages, maybe?

And perhaps an e-book format that can be drawn into using
MSPaint-like tools? That might keep them happy on long car journeys.

Some of us may be wary of micro-gremlins but I'm told that Mummies
like to display their efforts to visitors.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
Though I wouldn't. I'd never spoil a good book.
I hope some people actually like it.
As do I. It's an interesting idea. I hope it sells.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Especially when I can show how its
created in algorithms realized through a C++ implementation... :^)
I'm sure most of the crayon-wielding users won't care about that. Not
for years.

Have you thought of affiliating with producers of packs of crayons or
coloured-ink ballpoints? Those won't net you much per click-through
but every micro-penny helps.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Yeah, it's hot here, too.

Take care,

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-13 23:07:09 UTC
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:37:46 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:55:25 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by jak
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Some of the pages are much harder to color than others.
yes, the strumpy ones :^D
Okay, so that one says "$742" but ...
;^D If I fill in my outline with say, 20 pages each heading, it will be
hundreds of pages... The companion book is the way to generate the
coloring book. Algorithms, C++ code examples, example renders using
different coloring techniques, ect...
So, the colouring book is the toy,Music CD or game and the new one is
the instruction booklet?
That's cool.
You got it. I just thought it might be a fairly decent thing to get out
there before the companion book. That is going to be _much_ harder to
create. I am almost done with an outline and some sections. :^)
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
does not. Does Amazon just not like me?
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
This is one of the harder ones...
Nah, just use a red crayon and colour the whole page with it. :)
:^) Actually, a family member, a little kid, well she colored one of my
She has talent but she also knows her limitations. She stopped when
all of her streets ran into massive roundabouts. Clever lady.
Big time! When she started getting nervous when coloring in the more
detailed lines of the, what kind of looks like neurons or something.
Anyway, I showed her this and it blew her mind! She said, I thought
those were out of bounds, Chris! She cracked me up, big time. Fun times
indeed. We were laughing about it:

Loading Image...

Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Strange! I feel like making my code try to match this wrt auto coloring
for me. :^)
Notice that the backs of pages have a little memo on them. I did not
want to print a single page with two different images on its front and
back sides. So, the back of each render has a little memo thing. If you
look at the linked image on the right you can almost see the next render
through the memo. I did this to try to prevent pens from bleeding... Is
that okay?
It's a cool notion, yes. I *hate* disfiguring books but it would
allow littler minds to carve out the pages to use them singly so Mummy
can magnet them to the fridge.
Have you thought of perforated pages or a "ring-binder" or "spiral
binder" format for companion runs? Also, large pages to give more room
for little hands? And perhaps a box for them to put their names into?
Names, date and ages, maybe?
Not really! Shit. I am using a self publish on demand print thing
(Amazon KDP), so I am rather limited. Iirc, the weight of the paper is
around 90 gsm.
Post by John
And perhaps an e-book format that can be drawn into using
MSPaint-like tools? That might keep them happy on long car journeys.
I can publish the e-book of it, however I use anti-aliasing and coloring
with something, oh, like ms paint, can leave some little artifacts wrt
Post by John
Some of us may be wary of micro-gremlins but I'm told that Mummies
like to display their efforts to visitors.
:^D Indeed. Exactly!
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
Though I wouldn't. I'd never spoil a good book.
I hope some people actually like it.
As do I. It's an interesting idea. I hope it sells.
To be quite honest, I would be happy if it sells less than ten copies.
Actually, for some reason, it went to #1 of a group for around three hours:

Loading Image...

Strange! Humm...
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Especially when I can show how its
created in algorithms realized through a C++ implementation... :^)
I'm sure most of the crayon-wielding users won't care about that. Not
for years.
;^D lol. Yeah, well, you are right. Humm...
Post by John
Have you thought of affiliating with producers of packs of crayons or
coloured-ink ballpoints? Those won't net you much per click-through
but every micro-penny helps.
No! I have not. Thanks for the heads up.
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Yeah, it's hot here, too.
Summer is kicking here as well. :^)
Post by John
Take care,
You too, John. Thanks again.
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 08:52:50 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!

I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$
for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to
72 hours to reflect the change.
2024-05-11 10:44:57 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$ for a
99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to 72 hours to
reflect the change.
It says $9.99 now.
Ross Finlayson
2024-05-11 14:41:15 UTC
Post by FromTheRafters
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that
7.42$ for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can
take up to 72 hours to reflect the change.
It says $9.99 now.
It used to be you could go through smile-dot at amazon and
then a portion of the proceeds of what would have been the
affiliate or what was called then the associates would get
their commissions for bringing traffic to the market, when
once upon a time, you could make your own web-pages with
links to things and via an associates account, which is
not called that anymore because all the warehouse bees now
are called associates, anyways the affiliate platform is
part of what's called traffic platform, where, 100% of all
traffic to that web-site goes through what's called traffic

So anyways, at some point it was all sort of tagged over
to, "free search", because what had been reasonable sorts
of commissions like 3 or 6 percent, now have all gone bye-bye.

Anyways that all was written in C/C++ on the backend,
and a giant stack called Perl/Mason on the front-end,
then that it very largely went to Java at some point,
then with regards to modern things like Go, JavaScript,
or the various. I wouldn't know, not having been around
for a long time.

Traffic platform then was like, "100% of traffic goes
through traffic platform", while then something like
category expansion is stores and international expansion
is countries, at that place.

If you like coloring books, you might enjoy
color-by-numbers and connect-the-dots.
Ross Finlayson
2024-05-11 15:28:44 UTC
Post by Ross Finlayson
Post by FromTheRafters
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that
7.42$ for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can
take up to 72 hours to reflect the change.
It says $9.99 now.
It used to be you could go through smile-dot at amazon and
then a portion of the proceeds of what would have been the
affiliate or what was called then the associates would get
their commissions for bringing traffic to the market, when
once upon a time, you could make your own web-pages with
links to things and via an associates account, which is
not called that anymore because all the warehouse bees now
are called associates, anyways the affiliate platform is
part of what's called traffic platform, where, 100% of all
traffic to that web-site goes through what's called traffic
So anyways, at some point it was all sort of tagged over
to, "free search", because what had been reasonable sorts
of commissions like 3 or 6 percent, now have all gone bye-bye.
Anyways that all was written in C/C++ on the backend,
and a giant stack called Perl/Mason on the front-end,
then that it very largely went to Java at some point,
then with regards to modern things like Go, JavaScript,
or the various. I wouldn't know, not having been around
for a long time.
Traffic platform then was like, "100% of traffic goes
through traffic platform", while then something like
category expansion is stores and international expansion
is countries, at that place.
If you like coloring books, you might enjoy
color-by-numbers and connect-the-dots.
You know how it is, when you're at a place
you want to know the source code, to
give an idea "where the food comes from",
knowing the food, inspecting the food,
for consuming and digesting the food.

It's like something like Windows, if you
leave out WMI and the Apps, and, leave
out the mess of device drivers, and just
read Windows 7, within a day or so, one
can plain at least present to the eyeballs
each of the lines of each of the files of
each of the projects of what in that case
was called a "razzle/dazzle C/C++/batch-build".

A synopsis, ....

Of course there's much to be said for "standards",
as with regards to "common dependencies",
of common facilities, in a world of DB FS MQ WS,
with regards to flat-files and the main-frame,
the naming,
vimming the dot-files in a usually available environment.

And running the shell.

Spinning the hamster-wheels, watt-for-watt.
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 20:13:34 UTC
On 5/11/2024 8:28 AM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
Post by Ross Finlayson
You know how it is, when you're at a place
you want to know the source code, to
give an idea "where the food comes from",
knowing the food, inspecting the food,
for consuming and digesting the food.

Fwiw, here is a little glimpse at some of my code:


I am creating a companion book that will show some of my algorithms and
how to implement them in C++.
Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 20:11:42 UTC
Post by FromTheRafters
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that
7.42$ for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can
take up to 72 hours to reflect the change.
It says $9.99 now.
I updated the price because too many people told me that 7.42$ is too
cheap for my work. The consensus was 9.99$ is basically, okay. I am
creating a companion book that shows some of my algorithms and how to
implement them in pure C++.
2024-05-11 18:19:25 UTC
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:52:50 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$
for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to
72 hours to reflect the change.
Oh. Right. Sorry. I should read the whole thread *FIRST*. :)

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 20:25:23 UTC
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:52:50 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$
for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to
72 hours to reflect the change.
Oh. Right. Sorry. I should read the whole thread *FIRST*. :)
No problem. Actually, this coloring book is a first step. I am outlining
a companion book that shows some of my algorithms and how to implement
them in pure C++.

2024-05-12 13:56:08 UTC
On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:25:23 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:52:50 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$
for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to
72 hours to reflect the change.
Oh. Right. Sorry. I should read the whole thread *FIRST*. :)
No problem. Actually, this coloring book is a first step. I am outlining
a companion book that shows some of my algorithms and how to implement
them in pure C++.
C++ is pure?

Since when?
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
It looks neat. Nice. The sort of thing I would like. Are you going to
sell it in civilised countries such as UKland so we don't pay a
thousand bux in postage?

Have you any plans to translate it into Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and
Russian? Those guys like maths. You probably don't need to translate
the code, though that might need transliterating into their local
symbologies to fit with local keyboards.

I don't know, I've never done that. :)

You could ask Adacrypt for advice?

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-13 23:14:21 UTC
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:25:23 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:52:50 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$
for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to
72 hours to reflect the change.
Oh. Right. Sorry. I should read the whole thread *FIRST*. :)
No problem. Actually, this coloring book is a first step. I am outlining
a companion book that shows some of my algorithms and how to implement
them in pure C++.
C++ is pure?
Since when?
:^D Well, using the standard language itself, I guess. I think my
companion book should generate PPM's, a very portable format? Humm...
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
It looks neat. Nice. The sort of thing I would like. Are you going to
sell it in civilised countries such as UKland so we don't pay a
thousand bux in postage?
Not sure. If I use on-demand-printing again, then I am still at their
mercy, so to speak...
Post by John
Have you any plans to translate it into Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and
Russian? Those guys like maths.
I would basically have to do this after I get the English one completed.
Post by John
You probably don't need to translate
the code, though that might need transliterating into their local
symbologies to fit with local keyboards.
I don't know, I've never done that. :)
You could ask Adacrypt for advice?
Austin? Is that right?

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 08:56:16 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
Here is part of a page:


It's one of the harder ones.
2024-05-11 18:13:48 UTC
On Fri, 10 May 2024 23:11:29 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its rather
interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the margins,
trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed verification. I
set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$ but chose the
previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it, I noticed that
7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange. 742 is a fun
number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is my first book
and setting the price is harder for me than creating a new algorithm.
Very strange indeed. Oh well.
Any thoughts?
Thanks everybody. :^)
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
Oh, good advert! Well crafted.

Okay, so I went there, mostly because I like you. :)

First, Amazon presented me with a CAPTCHA. That bugged the fuck out
of me. It is yet another reason for me to avoid the company.

Next, you say "7.42, they say "9.99". Inflation? Greed? Amazon's cut
of the profits? Whichever way, it's false advertising.

Last, no sample pages? There's a "read a sample" clicky but it
doesn't respond.

Oh, and it's "$11.42" not "11.42$". Even us UKlanders know this. Not
that I'm thinking of buying it, not when shipping to merry, old UKland
is $7.77 for the slow path.

See, *I* can get the currency symbol in the right place and I've
never even *been* to USAlia. :)

Hmm, is this a book for children? Or 50-year-olds who are still sort
of like children? "Colouring Book" is going to get it put into the
Children's section of many bookstores. Lots of till-girls don't read
news-groups and don't do Maths. :)

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 20:21:07 UTC
Post by John
On Fri, 10 May 2024 23:11:29 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its rather
interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the margins,
trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed verification. I
set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$ but chose the
previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it, I noticed that
7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange. 742 is a fun
number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is my first book
and setting the price is harder for me than creating a new algorithm.
Very strange indeed. Oh well.
Any thoughts?
Thanks everybody. :^)
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
Oh, good advert! Well crafted.
Okay, so I went there, mostly because I like you. :)
First, Amazon presented me with a CAPTCHA. That bugged the fuck out
of me. It is yet another reason for me to avoid the company.
Next, you say "7.42, they say "9.99". Inflation? Greed? Amazon's cut
of the profits? Whichever way, it's false advertising.
Last, no sample pages? There's a "read a sample" clicky but it
doesn't respond.
Oh, and it's "$11.42" not "11.42$". Even us UKlanders know this. Not
that I'm thinking of buying it, not when shipping to merry, old UKland
is $7.77 for the slow path.
See, *I* can get the currency symbol in the right place and I've
never even *been* to USAlia. :)
Hmm, is this a book for children? Or 50-year-olds who are still sort
of like children? "Colouring Book" is going to get it put into the
Children's section of many bookstores. Lots of till-girls don't read
news-groups and don't do Maths. :)
Some of them might be too complex for children, too many places to
color. Although some pages are easier than others. Perhaps a way to get
children involved with math through interesting means? About the price.
Shit. I was advised to increase the price to 9.99$ by many people as
soon as possible. Inflation was actually a little part of it... They
said 7.42$ is too cheap for my work.

Fwiw, I am starting a companion book that shows some of my algorithms
and how to implement them in C++.


My whole book is in a program called ct_color_book.

At $9.99 I make $3.15 per book. At $7.42 I make $1.61 per book. So
Amazon KDP takes a nice chunk...
2024-05-12 13:49:16 UTC
On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:21:07 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
On Fri, 10 May 2024 23:11:29 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its rather
interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the margins,
trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed verification. I
set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$ but chose the
previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it, I noticed that
7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange. 742 is a fun
number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is my first book
and setting the price is harder for me than creating a new algorithm.
Very strange indeed. Oh well.
Any thoughts?
Thanks everybody. :^)
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
Oh, good advert! Well crafted.
Okay, so I went there, mostly because I like you. :)
First, Amazon presented me with a CAPTCHA. That bugged the fuck out
of me. It is yet another reason for me to avoid the company.
Next, you say "7.42, they say "9.99". Inflation? Greed? Amazon's cut
of the profits? Whichever way, it's false advertising.
Last, no sample pages? There's a "read a sample" clicky but it
doesn't respond.
Oh, and it's "$11.42" not "11.42$". Even us UKlanders know this. Not
that I'm thinking of buying it, not when shipping to merry, old UKland
is $7.77 for the slow path.
See, *I* can get the currency symbol in the right place and I've
never even *been* to USAlia. :)
Hmm, is this a book for children? Or 50-year-olds who are still sort
of like children? "Colouring Book" is going to get it put into the
Children's section of many bookstores. Lots of till-girls don't read
news-groups and don't do Maths. :)
Some of them might be too complex for children, too many places to
color. Although some pages are easier than others. Perhaps a way to get
children involved with math through interesting means?
It wouldn't have worked with me. I was reading maths books at an
early age and I hated "kiddy books". But I am, apparently, rare. This
is a good thing.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
About the price.
Shit. I was advised to increase the price to 9.99$ by many people as
soon as possible. Inflation was actually a little part of it... They
said 7.42$ is too cheap for my work.
Honey, *you* paying *me* $9.99 to read the book is *not* "too
cheap". There is no such animal as "to cheap".

You paying me is, however, neither a sound business plan nor wise.

I wasn't *complaining* about the price so much as snarking that
online adverts don't tell us everything and are subject to change
without warning. Sorry, no offence meant.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Fwiw, I am starting a companion book that shows some of my algorithms
and how to implement them in C++.
Now *that* ain't for children. Well, apart from me. I used to read
such things before I went to my first school. I was a weird little

Now, I'm a weirder, fatter bugger.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
The horrible thing is that I can just about follow that code. Given a
few minutes, I'd probably be able to.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
My whole book is in a program called ct_color_book.
You, friend, are *odd*.

That is not bad thing.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
At $9.99 I make $3.15 per book. At $7.42 I make $1.61 per book. So
Amazon KDP takes a nice chunk...

By all means charge $11.42 as you originally intended. You did all of
the hard work, you definitely deserve a reward.

Have you ever considered archiving all of your sci.math and sci.crypt
posts into books? They wouldn't sell in the millions but at a dollar
per copy it might just buy you a keyboard or sandwich or something. :)

They say the first one's the hardest. Once you know how to do it, you
should find it easier to do some more.

You could always ask Archimedes Plutonium for advice. He's published
thousands of "books". He used to be in sci.physics I think.

Anyway, good luck with the new authoring career, may you sell many,
many copies and help to educate the world.

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-13 23:20:14 UTC
Post by John
On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:21:07 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Post by John
On Fri, 10 May 2024 23:11:29 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.
:^) Well, it's 99 pages of some of my algorithms that I managed to
render in a way that are able to be colored by others. Mostly vector
fields, escape time fractals, some triangle and circle work, ect... I
actually coded up a C++ program that generates the book. So, its rather
interesting. It was a pain in the you know where to get the margins,
trim and full bleed factors right, but it finally passed verification. I
set the price at 7.42$. I was thinking about 11.42$ but chose the
previous prime from 11 at 7. Then, after I submitted it, I noticed that
7.42$ is 247 in “Fractal Life 247” in reverse! Strange. 742 is a fun
number! Well, is the price okay? Too expensive? This is my first book
and setting the price is harder for me than creating a new algorithm.
Very strange indeed. Oh well.
Any thoughts?
Thanks everybody. :^)
Here is a link, it just went live. Can you get to it on your end?
Oh, good advert! Well crafted.
Okay, so I went there, mostly because I like you. :)
First, Amazon presented me with a CAPTCHA. That bugged the fuck out
of me. It is yet another reason for me to avoid the company.
Next, you say "7.42, they say "9.99". Inflation? Greed? Amazon's cut
of the profits? Whichever way, it's false advertising.
Last, no sample pages? There's a "read a sample" clicky but it
doesn't respond.
Oh, and it's "$11.42" not "11.42$". Even us UKlanders know this. Not
that I'm thinking of buying it, not when shipping to merry, old UKland
is $7.77 for the slow path.
See, *I* can get the currency symbol in the right place and I've
never even *been* to USAlia. :)
Hmm, is this a book for children? Or 50-year-olds who are still sort
of like children? "Colouring Book" is going to get it put into the
Children's section of many bookstores. Lots of till-girls don't read
news-groups and don't do Maths. :)
Some of them might be too complex for children, too many places to
color. Although some pages are easier than others. Perhaps a way to get
children involved with math through interesting means?
It wouldn't have worked with me. I was reading maths books at an
early age and I hated "kiddy books". But I am, apparently, rare. This
is a good thing.
Fair enough. :^)
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
About the price.
Shit. I was advised to increase the price to 9.99$ by many people as
soon as possible. Inflation was actually a little part of it... They
said 7.42$ is too cheap for my work.
Honey, *you* paying *me* $9.99 to read the book is *not* "too
cheap". There is no such animal as "to cheap".
No shit... Humm...
Post by John
You paying me is, however, neither a sound business plan nor wise.
I wasn't *complaining* about the price so much as snarking that
online adverts don't tell us everything and are subject to change
without warning. Sorry, no offence meant.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Fwiw, I am starting a companion book that shows some of my algorithms
and how to implement them in C++.
Now *that* ain't for children. Well, apart from me. I used to read
such things before I went to my first school. I was a weird little
Now, I'm a weirder, fatter bugger.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
The horrible thing is that I can just about follow that code. Given a
few minutes, I'd probably be able to.
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
My whole book is in a program called ct_color_book.
You, friend, are *odd*.
Well, perhaps. Shit happens!
Post by John
That is not bad thing.
Post by John
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
At $9.99 I make $3.15 per book. At $7.42 I make $1.61 per book. So
Amazon KDP takes a nice chunk...
By all means charge $11.42 as you originally intended. You did all of
the hard work, you definitely deserve a reward.
:^) Thanks. I will let it ride at 9.99$ for a while. I am not really
expecting to sell a whole lot. That's okay.
Post by John
Have you ever considered archiving all of your sci.math and sci.crypt
posts into books? They wouldn't sell in the millions but at a dollar
per copy it might just buy you a keyboard or sandwich or something. :)
Hah! No shit! lol. Okay, thanks for literally making me laugh out loud.
However, I have posted wrt some fairly interesting things on this group
in the past...
Post by John
They say the first one's the hardest. Once you know how to do it, you
should find it easier to do some more.
Post by John
You could always ask Archimedes Plutonium for advice. He's published
thousands of "books". He used to be in sci.physics I think.
Oh shit! I think I remember hearing about that. Wow! Was one of his
books entitled "H20 is Crap: H40 is it..."? Just kidding, but I remember
him saying something like that.
Post by John
Anyway, good luck with the new authoring career, may you sell many,
many copies and help to educate the world.
Thanks again, John. :^)

Chris M. Thomasson
2024-05-11 20:08:48 UTC
Post by Chris M. Thomasson
Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
“Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things! Lol.

I am creating a companion book that shows some of my algorithms and how
to implement them in C++. It's in outline stage right now.

(a screenshot of my project)
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