Here is my new proverb
(too old to reply)
Amine Moulay Ramdane
2022-12-02 01:16:43 UTC

I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

Here is my new proverb:

"The being smart is not an emotion and it is not a feeling and it is
not an appearance or it is not having a high IQ, but the being smart is the being wise that guides correctly the being smart. So why this distinction to be made between the being wise and the being smart?, since the being smart is an evolution and the being smart is an evolution, so you have to be smart so that to be the correct evolution that guides the evolution of the being smart. And of course Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, and being wise is having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, so then having and showing the good judgment is also being genetically apt at being or showing the good judgment , so i think that being wise needs from you to be smart and clever , so it comes from both the genetical and cultural"

More of my philosophy about the meaning and about the universal language and more of my thoughts..

I have just looked at the following video about Celine Dion that
is talking about how she has learned the english language at 15 years old, and notice how she is saying that music is a universal language,
so i invite you to look at this short video of her so that to notice:

So i think i am a philosopher (And you can read abut my philosophies here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), and i say that the most important thing is not that a language is universal, but the most important thing is the "meaning of the ideas" or what we call in french "Le sens des idées", so i say that what structures our thoughts is not the language, but it is the meaning of the ideas, so it is my way of doing, so when i am writing in english, the most important for me is creativity that comes with ideas that means something and that are useful, but i can rapidly after that translate them in french or arabic, since i can think and write and read in arabic and english and french, so look for example how i am quickly inventing my poems of Love below and notice carefully that what's the most important in my poems of Love below is the meaning of ideas and the usefulness of ideas and notice how i am structuring my ideas with the meaning of my ideas:

I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
Elvis Presley reading at the same time my just new poem of Love

Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)

Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

Since my beautiful heart is not the foreign-born

Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

Since my beautiful heart is the adorn

Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

Since my Love for you is far away from the mourn

Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

Since my name is not the beautiful Osborne

But it is like Jesus Christ the firstborn

Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

So as you notice i am not here to suborn

Since Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

So do you want my Love like a sweet corn or like the popcorn ?


More of my philosophy about Love and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i will ask the following philosophical question:

So what is Love ?

Here is my answer:

I think i am a wise type of person, and from my philosophies that i have invented (Read them here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), i can say that Love is also like
my following proverb:

"Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."

So what i mean is that Love is also like the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that can play the role of a "lever" that permits us to transcend the human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet, since when you are not wise, you will have the tendency to react with your human instincts in a not correct manner by being too much violent when noticing that Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, but for a wise type of person like me , i say that human life needs from us to be wise so that to avoid the too much violence. So the beautiful flower in my proverb above is also a symbolic that means that you have to know how to be the good vibes of positive energy and the positive spirit, and it is why i have quickly invented all my poems of Love below so that to be those good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit, and notice my kind of respectability and my kind of personality, since i am wanting to make you understand my views and my way of doing by inventing philosophies and by inventing many proverbs and by inventing two religions and by inventing poems of Love and poems and posting them here, and i am doing it this way without asking for money (And read them here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), and also notice that in my new poem of Love below that i am saying the following:

"Don't say to me Love is never !
Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
That permits us to be the happier than ever !"

So it is in accordance with my proverb above, since Love too can be the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that permit us to transcend human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet as i am saying in my proverb above, so i invite you to read all my poems of Love below so that to notice how i am doing it:

I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
Elvis Presley reading at the same time my new poem of Love

Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)


Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


Don't say to me Love is never !

Since our beautiful Love is the so clever

Don't say to me Love is never !

Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever

That permits us to be the happier than ever !

Don't say to me Love is never !

Since with our so beautiful Love we are coming together

Don't say to me Love is never !

Since it is not the whatever or the however

But our Love is like our so beautiful weather !

And our Love is like our bridge over troubled water

Don't say to me Love is never !

But it is my beautiful Love for you for the forever !


And I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song called
"Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" of George Benson reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:

Here is my new poem of Love and read all my below poems of Love:


I love to be with you in Procida

Since i love to be with you in Elba

Since i love to be with you in Ponza

Since i love to be with you in Lampedusa

Since i love to be with you in Panarea

Since i love to be with you in Ichia

Since i love to be with you in Salina

Since i love to be with you in Pantelleria

Since i love to be with you in Caprera

Since i love to be with you in Isola bella

Since they are all the so beautiful islands in Italy !


More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more of my thoughts..

So as you have just noticed, i have just said in my new below poem of Love the following:

"Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way"

And my new poem of Love means that there is many ways of the being beautiful , i mean that there is a diversity of the being beautiful and there is not an only one-way of being beautiful as i am saying in my poem of Love below, and i think that it is what brings the positive energy and the positive spirit, for example there is a beauty in the delicious cup of tea and there is beauty in the beautiful day and night, and there is beauty of my poems of Love below, and there is beauty in the beautiful songs and there is even beauty in the following beautiful Military Uniforms, so i invite you to look
at them carefully here:

So i think that now you can understand my just new poem of Love below,
so i invite you to reread it carefully:

I invite you to listen the the following beautiful song of
Cesária Evora reading at the same time my just new poem of Love

Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


Look at the so beautiful night and day

It is not the just an only one-way

Since it is like Love and Love on the replay

Look at the so beautiful night and day

It is not the just an only one-way

Since it is like our beautiful Love on the everyday

Look at the so beautiful night and day

It is not the just an only one-way

Since it is like my poems of Love that you find OK

Look at the so beautiful night and day

It is not the just an only one-way

Since it is like an i Love you that i want to say

Since it is not like the being from you the far away

Look at the so beautiful night and day

It is not the just an only one-way

Since it is like the beautiful Jesus Christ birthday


Note that to "spur" means in my new poem of Love below: to encourage development.

Here is my other new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:


Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !

Since you will ask the is my intelligence the above or under?

But notice how Love is also the being the good-neighbor

Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !

Since you can think that i am the foreign and the unknown other

But look carefully how beautiful is my beautiful Love's ardor

Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !

So then i don't want to continu to wonder and to wonder !

Since it is your beautiful heart that i want to discover !

Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !

So as you notice that my Love doesn't want to blur

Since with my Love's passion i want to spur

So it is why you are noticing how i am in Love my dear Sir !

And it is how i Love to be your beautiful lover !


I invite you to listen to the following beautiful arabic song
called Nassam Alayna el Hawa of the arabic singer called Fairuz
reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:

Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:


Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is like showing our beautiful hearts how to bind

Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is like my beautiful love for you is forever staying

Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is as my love for you is a so beautiful King

Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is as our love is flowing like a beautiful spring

Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is as my love is a beautiful ring around your beautiful angel wings

Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is as our love is also its so beautiful offspring

Look at this so beautiful wind !

It is as our love is like our beautiful God that we are worshiping !


I invite you to listen to this beautiful song of Dire Straits
about the Wild West reading at the same time my following new poem of Love that i have thought fast and written fast:

And notice how i am speaking in my new poem of Love below about visiting the beautiful places of the Pacific Northwest , and here is some of them:


So here is my new poem of Love and read my below poems of Love and poems:


Is our humanity the Wild West ?

So look at how i am not of the hard-pressed !

Since i am also not at all of the only obsessed !

And look how my beautiful poems of Love are not a stress test

But it is like visiting the so beautiful places of the Pacific Northwest

So is our humanity the Wild West ?

So look at how my beautiful Love for you is not the self-interest

So is our humanity the Wild West ?

So is my beautiful Love for you needing an intelligence test ?

Since notice how with my beautiful Love i want to invest and not to infest

Since my beautiful Love for you is in front of you so that to attest

So am i the beautiful white arab coming from Casablanca or Budapest ?

So as you notice that our humanity is not the Wild West !


And here is my new poem and read my below poems of Love and poems:


Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?

Since is it bad or good to Balkanize ?

Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?

Since my beautiful poetize is like the beautiful fertilize

Since it seeks to beautifully harmonize

And since this beautiful harmonize is also the to sympathize

Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?

Since it causes our hearts to beautifully synchronize

Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?

Since is my poetry of Love the orientalize ?

Or is my poetry of Love the occidentalize ?

Since as you notice that it is not the islamist terrorize

But my poetry of Love seeks to be a kind of revolutionize

By seeking to make humanity better by being the beautiful civilize


More of my philosophy about my poems of Love and about the good vibes and more of my thoughts..

I think that humans have to have some kind of attachment as
for example "good vibes" that make them a kind of positive energy that permits them to go forward living there lives more happily, since i think that my poems of Love below are like the good vibes and i also think that so that the good vibes have an appreciable positive effect, they have also to come from a good person, and it is why i am also making you understand that i am a gentleman type of person and that i am a good person, and that my poems of Love below are my good vibes that show my kind of personality, since i think i am showing my kind of personality in my poems of Love and poems as good vibes, so i invite you to read all my following poems of Love below so that to know more about me:

Here is my new poem of Love and read my below poems of Love and poems:


I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green

Since you are my lovely and beautiful queen

I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green

Since it is not like taking the caffeine

But it's my Love coming from my beautiful cuisine

I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green

Since my beautiful heart is not like a machine

And since my beautiful heart is clean like a Saint Augustine

I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green

So is our so beautiful Love needing the thioridazine ?

No, since our beautiful Love is great and not small like a sardine

And since you are my so beautiful queen !

And it is why I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green !


More of my philosophy about the being le Terre-à-Terre and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i say that we have not to be just as we say in french: Être le Terre-à-terre qui veut dire qui manque d'élégance, de distinction, de noblesse ; qui a un esprit matériel, peu enclin à la poésie ; commun, vulgaire, banal, plat, and that means in english that you have not to be the who lacks elegance, distinction, nobility; who has a material mind, little inclined to poetry; common, vulgar, banal, flat, so as you notice
that i am also not le Terre-à-terre by also inventing as i am inventing my poems of Love below and sharing them with you, and you can notice how my poems of Love are special too, and here is my last one so that to notice how look like my poems of Love and read all my other poems of Love and poems below:

Note that the beautiful box in my poem of Love below means
our universe that looks like a box.

Here is my new poem of Love in english that i have just thought
quickly and written quickly:


I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

Since look at how fast is the humans clocks

I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

Since i have even to be smart as a Fox

I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

Since i am not needing at all the Botox

Since i am feeling young and not like an old orthodox

I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

Since as you notice that my Love is not the evil Hawks

I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

Since my beautiful Love for you is not a paradox

I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

Since my beautiful Love for you is strong as the strong Rocks


Here is my other new poem of Love:


Ask the beautiful heart

Since i am coming to you with my beautiful art

Ask the beautiful heart

Since with our so beautiful Love we will never come apart

Ask the beautiful heart

Since our Love is a beautiful light from the very start

Ask the beautiful heart

So am i René Descartes or Humphrey Bogart ?

Ask the beautiful heart

Since you are hearing my beautiful Love my sweetheart !

Ask the beautiful heart

Since even if i am not so strong as Napoleon Bonaparte

Since I am coming to you with class and elegance my lovely heart

Ask the beautiful heart

Since as you notice my love is like a beautiful music of Mozart !

Ask the beautiful heart

This way, my baby, our love is thus so beautifully smart !


More of my philosophy about my way of writing poetry and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and now i will ask a philosophical question of:

What is my way of writing poetry and is it a smart way ?

So i will say that my way of writing poetry comes first from
the fact that my poetry has to be understood, so it has to be
not complicated so that it be understood by the majority
of people, and second characteristic of my poetry is that
it has to be written with class and elegance, so i think my poetry looks
like my personality, since i look classy since i also want to behave with class and elegance , so it is why i am writing my poetry smartly with class and elegance, but not only that, but i think that my poetry looks like me since i am thinking and writing quickly my poems of Love etc., so since i am thinking them and writing them quickly, so they are showing my kind of style and my kind of personality and my kind of character, so now i invite you so that to read my poems of Love etc. that i have invented quickly here in the following web links:

You can read them from this first following web link:


You can read them from this second following web link:


You can read them from this third following web link:


You can read them from this fourth third following web link:


You can read them from this five following web link:


And here is one of my beautiful poem of Love that i love very much, so i invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of Aretha Franklin
called "You're All I Need To Get By" reading at the same time
my following beautiful poem of Love:

Aretha Franklin - You're All I Need To Get By

Here is my poem of Love of: "I want it with you the beautiful time"

Notice that i am saying in my following poem of Love the following:

"Since you're In My Heart
Like the beautiful light of the day and "night"
That makes us see in the dark"

So as you are noticing that the day and night also symbolically means
the day and night of our humanity, that also means the good and bad of
our humanity, and both the day and night of our humanity have allowed us
also to see in the dark, i mean that even the bad of our humanity has
also given us much more insight and much more awareness and this much
more insight and much more awareness is like a light that permits us to
see in the dark.

And note that "disarm" in my following poem of Love means:

To deprive of a weapon or weapons.

And weapon means:

Something (such as a club, knife, or gun) used to injure, defeat, or

Here is my new poem of Love:

I want it with you the beautiful time

Since it is like my poem of Love and its lovely rhymes

I want it with you the beautiful time

Since you're In My Heart

Like the long way from the start

That brings the beautiful "insight"

I want it with you the beautiful time

Since you're In My Heart

Like the beautiful light of the day and "night"

That makes us see in the dark

I want it with you the beautiful time

Since you're In My Heart

Because it is far from the evil fight

Because it is like the words of the almight

I want it with you the beautiful time

Since you're In My Heart

Because we are beautiful from the inside

Because our Love is right !

I want it with you the beautiful time

So I want to take you in my arms

Like peace and love that disarm

I want it with you the beautiful time

Since i am here to make it fine

Since the light of my heart is making our love shines

Since our destiny is the beautiful of the Day of Valentine !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Archimedes Plutonium
2023-11-01 22:10:48 UTC
Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the easiest way possible-- voting// political science
by Archimedes Plutonium

Preface: In 2019, there was word filtering down in the news that President Trump had a plan for Israel and Palestinians that would in my opinion make the Palestinians suffer even more of their 56 year occupation by Israel, their squalid living conditions and little hope of a free future. So I set myself to the task of figuring out the very finest and easiest solution to this nightmare of a problem for 4.8 million Palestinians opposed by 9.7 million Israelis that were occupying and oppressing them. The solution I came up with had to be such that it mobilized the Israelis along with the Palestinians in a tandem tied together solution. The solution I came up with was the simple act of Voting, especially voting for a prime minister in Israel. A solution that would end the bloodshed and ongoing violence. Sadly no-one took my recommendations in 2019, but now in October of 2023 with a huge attack upon Israelis by Hamas in Gaza strip, with hostages, and the threat of massive killing of Palestinians, here I am again proposing my solution.

Israelis are used to voting, not so the Arabs or Palestinians are __not used to voting__. But voting is what lifted Black Americans and lifted Native American Indians. And I am sure that voting will lift the Palestinians. For nothing is much worse than the present state of Palestinian peoples, living in poverty, squalor, little hope of a future.

Cover Picture: Is my photograph of a Google search on flags of Palestinians and Israel.

Table of Contents

1) My history on this idea of voting to solve Israel-Palestine Conflict.

2) Modern Israel seeks all the lands of Ancient Israel, an Anachronism of modern political-life.

3) Countries seeking their Ancient borderlines turns Earth into a hell-hole.

4) The March 2020 election between Gantz and Netanyahu.

5) Voting mechanism will drive Israel to seek a Two State Solution.

6) Israel has subjugated, oppressed and occupied Palestinians.

7) There are 4.8 million Palestinians and 9.7 Israelis.

8) Hamas, release the hostages safely, for violence does not work; Voting works.

9) Palestinians in their 56 year occupation, the longest occupation in history.

10) The ever increasing Israel settlement building on occupied Palestinian lands.

11) Russia is fast steal of land of Ukraine and genocide; Israel is slow steal of land Palestine and genocide.

12) Imagine a peaceful and happy Israel-Palestine, all because of Voting.
Archimedes Plutonium
2023-11-02 04:00:12 UTC
Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the easiest way possible-- voting// political science
by Archimedes Plutonium

Preface: In 2019, there was word filtering down in the news that President Trump had a plan for Israel and Palestinians that would in my opinion make the Palestinians suffer even more of their 56 year occupation by Israel, their squalid living conditions and little hope of a free future. So I set myself to the task of figuring out the very finest and easiest solution to this nightmare of a problem for 4.8 million Palestinians opposed by 9.7 million Israelis that were occupying and oppressing them. The solution I came up with had to be such that it mobilized the Israelis along with the Palestinians in a tandem tied together solution. The solution I came up with was the simple act of Voting, especially voting for a prime minister in Israel. A solution that would end the bloodshed and ongoing violence. Sadly no-one took my recommendations in 2019, but now in October of 2023 with a huge attack upon Israelis by Hamas in Gaza strip, with hostages, and the threat of massive killing of Palestinians, here I am again proposing my solution.

Israelis are used to voting, not so the Arabs or Palestinians are __not used to voting__. But voting is what lifted Black Americans and lifted Native American Indians. And I am sure that voting will lift the Palestinians. For nothing is much worse than the present state of Palestinian peoples, living in poverty, squalor, little hope of a future.

Cover Picture: Is my photograph of a Google search on flags of Palestinians and Israel.

Table of Contents

1) My history on this idea of voting to solve Israel-Palestine Conflict.

2) Modern Israel seeks all the lands of Ancient Israel, an Anachronism of modern political-life.

3) Countries seeking their Ancient borderlines turns Earth into a hell-hole.

4) The March 2020 election between Gantz and Netanyahu.

5) Voting mechanism will drive Israel to seek a Two State Solution.

6) Israel has subjugated, oppressed and occupied Palestinians.

7) There are 4.8 million Palestinians and 9.7 Israelis.

8) Hamas, release the hostages safely, for violence does not work; Voting works.

9) Palestinians in their 56 year occupation, the longest occupation in history.

10) The ever increasing Israel settlement building on occupied Palestinian lands.

11) Russia is fast steal of land of Ukraine and genocide; Israel is slow steal of land Palestine and genocide.

12) Imagine a peaceful and happy Israel-Palestine, all because of Voting.
2024-01-10 02:15:58 UTC
No doubt that there is no health professional that can handle both you and Amine Moulay Ramdane. Both you fu kers are at a whole different level of mentally insane!
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-02-10 01:33:11 UTC
8 Feb_Supreme_Court_National_Holiday-- every year on 8February, where the Supreme Court got out of the business of Justice and is doing a social platform of advertising, spamming and elevating demigods like Trump.
Post by Mathin3D
No doubt that there is no health professional that can handle both you and Amine Moulay Ramdane. Both you fu kers are at a whole different level of mentally insane!
Roberts & 6 conservative Justices getting out of the business of Justice and going into the business of demigod promotion like Donald Trump. The modern updated definition of a "conservative judge" -- not a single whole marble of logic in that entire brain cap, impossible to think straight, think clear.
John Roberts has the case of 6Jan2021 Trump storming of the Capitol Building with police officers killed and injured, and most bizarrely, Roberts and his 5 confederate conservatives seek NO justice for the death and injury of those police officers. No, instead Roberts and his 5 confederates no longer do the business of Justice in their supreme court, instead they do the business of Promotion of Petty demigods like Donald Trump.
Why, the supreme court on 8 Feb, yesterday never even touched the subject of Trump caused insurrection storming the capitol building and killing and injuring police officers. Roberts and his 5 allies no longer know what Justice means, what Justice seeks.
No, Roberts and his 5 allies see the courts as a platform to advertise and promote who they like to advertise and promote and maybe one of their children can get a all expenses paid education from Trump University where they teach the slant cut of a cone is ellipse, and the slant cut of a cylinder is also a ellipse and they teach that water is H2O because they are too dumb to actually weigh the mass of hydrogen compared to oxygen in water electrolysis; for they stop short at looking at volume.
When had the USA Supreme Court died as an institution of Justice??? My guess is that it died back in the 1980s when no justices were nominated that ever had a course in Logic from college under his her belt. To know how to think straight and think clearly, for the essentials of being a Judge at all-- thinking straight and clear. For Roberts and his 5 hooligans could not think their way out of a paper bag of logic.
Trump insurrection --Supreme Court Comics
Colorado lawyer:: So the President is not listed as officer, because everyone knows he is a officer of the Constitution, and no need to state it as such. And you Mr. Kavanaugh and Mr. Roberts need to focus on the essentials of this case-- Trump committed insurrection.
Bret Kavanaugh:: The essentials of this case is that no octagenarian crosses the Mexico border for they will run for election as US President.
Univ Manchester Toby Howard:: The essentials of online crackpots...
AP:: Yes, Toby,, sad that the USA Supreme Court never studied logic in college and university, and could never put together a string of ideas that are sound and logical, why Toby, did you know that America discovered its great philosophy of Pragmatism, yet the Supreme Court does not know what that is-- all they know is textualism crackpottery,, why they do not even know a case on "did Trump cause insurrection" is about "did he cause insurrection" not whether one state or another state barrs Trump.
John Roberts:: I thought the essentials of this case was that Finland takes one week to secure and seals its border with Russia, while Trump failed to do that in 4 years while in office, and now harping that another 4 years with Trump will seal the border, when Finland does it in one week.
Maine lawyer:: The essentials of this case is Trump committed insurrection killing and injuring Capital Building police officers, and you Brett and John are too dense in logic that you cannot fight your way out of a paper sack of logic if your life depended on it.
John Roberts:: No, the states should not determine how to build fences like Finland and let Mexico octagenarians swim across the Texas river and run for President of the United States. For Governor Abbott determines what the busing of illegal immigrants can join Trump at the Capital Building and fight their way out of Logic Paper Sacks and swim the Texas Rivers.
Colorado Lawyer:: Mr Roberts, why on Earth can you not focus on insurrection as the main issue of this case?
John Roberts:: Because I spent my college years vaping and sucking on highway exhaust fumes and diesel exhaust pipes that I no longer can focus on main topics, and just ramble on side issues that are irrelevant, just like Brett Kavanaugh, lost in the weeds of logic.
Biden reCAPTcha censor blocked this AP post in sci.math as a new thread in sci.math but rather Biden's censor likes to fill sci.math with reams of 40 spam-mill posts every 2 hours of Ebooks and Asia slot machines. So AP is left with no option other than posting the below in a old thread.
AP's 334th book of science-- Similarities in the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump-- where they get crowds stirred up to commit violence on the rest of American society and thus Democracy crumbles into a bully dictatorship-- how Trump threatens

Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
12:23 AM (16 hours ago)
AP's__334th book of science-- bully Trump similar to Hitler and how Hitler turned Weimar Germany into a dictatorship
AP's 334th book of science-- Similarities in the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump-- where
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
3:31 AM (13 hours ago)

So today is 8Feb2024 and many eyes and ears on the US Supreme Court for the Trump insurrection of
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
2:26 PM (2 hours ago)

So today is 8Feb2024 and many eyes and ears on the US Supreme Court for the Trump insurrection of 6Jan2021 and whether Colorado and Maine and states can keep Trump off the ballot because the 14th Amendment of US Constitution says so.
And Trump has become dangerous to the US democracy for he whips up hatred in his crowds and signals them to do threats or violence upon other US citizens, not just the Storming of the Capitol building.
Why the first time I see this bully streak in Trump goes back to 2016 when he consciously made this sick bully remark. See below.
He said consciously as a bully he could kill someone in 5th Avenue and not lose a single voter.
But subconsciously Trump was thinking when he made that awful idea-- subconsciously he was thinking-- why running for office,,,, he could get his mob crowd of supporters to go out and threaten and kill someone he disliked. In other words, Trump saw that politics would garner him followers who would do violence on his behalf. And that Trump would get away with it.
And that is pretty much the whole story of Trump's life-- get away with things he caused-- get away with finances. Get away with storming the Capitol. Get away with liaring. I personally in life met many people like this-- once you tell them the rules-- is the very moment they want to skirt or get around the rules, never want to play by the rules, always dodging and breaking the rules, and that is probably one of the reasons Trump gets supporters for they are rule breakers themselves. People that just do not want to live with rules, no, they want to circumvent and cheat the system.
About half of Americans upon being told a law, a rule, their minds are such that they will not obey the rule but look for a way around the rule. Even though the rule or law is made for the good of all society. Say we have a drought, huge drought and the new rule or law is made to ration water. About half of the American people will not obey the letter of the law but circumvent the law in cheating, will devise ways to get more than their fair share.
About half of Americans see laws as what other should obey but not themselves.
About half of Americans believe they need not obey laws but are above the law and see themselves as special. See themselves as rules and laws are for other people to obey, while they routinely skirt the law, are above the law and will never be caught.
This type of mentality is Trump's mentality. He goes to a department store and he is above the law and assaults a women in the dressing room. Trump campaign rallies-- a long list of hatemongering of people Trump hates and expects his mob crowd to harass and pester those mentioned in the list. For Trump followers and supporters are much like Trump when it comes to laws and rules of a society. Laws and rules are for others to obey and follow while Trump and his followers and routinely disobey and ignore.
And super ironic that Trump running for office of President of the US must follow a super law and rule-- the US Constitution. Here we have Trump ignoring and breaking laws and rules all his life, and now he wants to be President where he must obey the supreme rules and laws in American Society-- the Constitution.
This is why Trump gets violent mobs to bid his calling and doing-- people who are bullies themselves and never want to follow and obey rules-- for laws, rules are for other people to obey, not them.
This is how Hitler destroyed Weimar Democratic Germany, for he surrounded himself with bully mobs that easily commit violence on the rest of German society, and the fabric of democracy in Weimar Germany fell apart.
If the Judicial system the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump, it will not be long that the entire judicial system of USA comes falling down and torn down by Trump mobs of violence. And then all Trump needs to do to make a complete dictatorship of the USA is have a military coup by a reverse Tommy Tuberville on the top brass in the military and replace them with Trump bullies.
Democracies are fragile, for bullies are everywhere and with constant pressure to replace the democracy.
In the below statement by Trump in 2016 is a look into his mind of what he really is made of-- a man that stands above the law, a man that thinks he is the greatest gift to mankind, a man that will muster a violent mob and kill police officers in the Storming of the Capitol building on 2021. The below statement by Trump, is the "most sick statement" that AP has ever heard of from a campaign speech, the most sick single sentence I ever heard out of the mouth of a candidate for US presidency.

We see this transfer of threats and violence on all of Trump's court cases-- the judge, the prosecutor, the jury, the witnesses, the defendant.
A campaign rally by Trump has become a hate sheet to mobilize a crowd mob on those persons. And a 2nd term in office for Trump would likely be the end of US Constitutional democracy, and the US becomes a fascist Nazi dictator, in my humble opinion.
Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't ...
https://www.npr.org › sections › thetwo-way › 2016/01/23
Jan 23, 2016 — The GOP presidential candidate cracked the joke at a campaign stop in Iowa on Saturday. Less than two weeks from the state's caucus, Trump ...
Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters'
https://www.cnn.com › 2016/01/23 › politics › donald-tr...
Jan 24, 2016 — Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a ...
Trump Says He Could 'Shoot Somebody' and Still Maintain ...
NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › politics › 2016-election
Jan 23, 2016 — Donald Trump said Saturday that his supporters are so loyal that he would not lose backers even if he were to shoot someone in the middle of ...
Confident Trump says could 'shoot somebody' and not lose ...
https://www.reuters.com › article
Jan 23, 2016 — U.S. Republican front-runner Donald Trump expressed confidence on Saturday that he could push back attempts by his rivals to knock him off ...
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters
YouTube · CNN
787K+ views · 8 years ago
At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."
Trump said he could kill and win – Covid and cheating may ...
The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › commentisfree › oct
Oct 11, 2020 — “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,” Donald Trump boasted in 2016. He thought his ...
If Trump shot someone dead on Fifth Avenue, many ...
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2019/03/14 › if-tr...
Mar 14, 2019 — “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?” Trump said, mimicking firing a gun with ...
Donald Trump: I could "shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose ...
CBS News
https://www.cbsnews.com › Politics
Jan 23, 2016 — The Republican presidential candidate speaks out on the "incredible" loyalty of his fans.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
PAU newsgroup is this.
Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2023-11-03 05:16:32 UTC
Warrior Netanyahu announcing tomorrow::
(1) We allow all 5 million Palestinians to vote alongside 10 million Israelis for the next prime minister of Israel as Netanyahu steps down.
(2) Hamas release all hostages safely
(3) Israel stops all bombing of Gaza and removes troops
(4) Hamas stops all rocket fire into Israel
(5) Israel commits itself to a Two State Solution, and immediately stops Settlement building to the 1967 borders of West Bank and Gaza and requests all settlers return inside Israel borders as per 1967.
(6) Israel ends the occupation of Gaza and West Bank
(7) Voting of Palestinians for Prime Minister of Israel stops pending all the above take effect.

The world needs peace in the Middle East for the rate of acceleration of viciousness and hatred, this Conflict will likely end with a atomic missile attack upon America, perhaps, even touch off and spark a Atomic WW3.

Amine, is that a 7 line poem or proverb
Archimedes Plutonium
2024-01-10 01:04:53 UTC
Volney Physics failures..Purdue_ Akira Suzuki (chem), Dr. Virgil Barnes, Dr. Duane Carmony, Dr. Thomas Clark, Dr. David Elmore, Dr. Norman Fuchs,NSF Dr.Panchanathan,Alejandro Adem, Purdue Univ_France Cordova,

Purdue Univ. physics & chemistry, Akira Suzuki (chem), Dr. Virgil Barnes, Dr. Duane Carmony, Dr. Thomas Clark, Dr. David Elmore, Dr. Norman Fuchs, Dr. James Gaidos, Dr. Nicholas Giordano, Dr. Laszlo Gutay, Dr. Samuel Harris, Dr. Mark Haugan, Dr. Andrew Hirsch, Dr.Tzee-Ke Kuo, Dr. Sherwin Love, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Thomas Moffett, Dr. Paul Muzikar, Dr. Hisao Nakanishi, Dr. Van Neie, Dr.Thomas Palfrey, Dr. Anant Ramdas, Dr, Ronald Reifenberger, Dr. Rolf Scharenberg, Dr. Donald Schlueter, Dr. Paul Simms, Dr. Arnold Tubis, Dr. Robert Willmann,

Why Volney?? Because they are so sloppy and slipshod in Physics experiment of Water Electrolysis, stopping and ceasing the experiment before weighing the mass of the hydrogen compared to mass of oxygen. Is it that they are stupid silly thinking volume and mass are the same. For AP needs to prove decisively, if Water is really H4O or H2O. And of course, this experiment would destroy the Standard Model-- that post-diction theory of physics that never gave a single prediction in all of its tenure.

Surprisingly because the Quartz Crystal Microbalance has been around since the 1960s and Purdue probably had a hand in engineering that balance to weigh Water electrolysis of hydrogen and oxygen and prove AP correct, water is H4O not H2O

About 21,100 results (0.31 seconds)
Search Results
Scholarly articles for Purdue quartz crystal microbalance
… using a functionalized quartz crystal microbalance … - ‎Henne - Cited by 84
… polymer thin film for quartz crystal microbalance … - ‎Ju - Cited by 62
… quartz crystal microbalance integrated with carbon … - ‎Ngo - Cited by 4

Heavy Metal Detection Methods in Water using Quartz ...

Purdue University
https://hammer.purdue.edu › articles › thesis › Heavy_...
Purdue quartz crystal microbalance from hammer.purdue.edu
by J Xu · 2022 — This research investigated the proof-of-the concept of a portable sensor for detecting As and Pb in water. The sensor system utilized a Quartz ...
People also ask
What does quartz crystal microbalance do?
What is the formula for quartz crystal microbalance?
What is the frequency of quartz crystal microbalance?
What is the principle of QCM?

Leveraging Halogen Interactions for the Improved ...

Purdue University
https://hammer.purdue.edu › articles › thesis › Levera...
by MD Toomey · 2021 — Here, the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) is employed to explore the interaction of the various free oxidant ...

Detection of Folate Binding Protein with Enhanced Sensitivity ...

Purdue University
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu › nanopub
by WA Henne · 2006 · Cited by 84 — In this report, we describe the development of a quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for detection of folate binding protein (FBP) ... Purdue e-Pubs Purdue ...

Ion Beam Sputtering Yield Measurements by Quartz Crystal ...

Purdue University
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu › cgi › viewcontent
by NW Watkins II · 2013 — Quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) has been used as a sensitive device for the measurement of small mass changes for a long ago.

"Development of fluorescence and radiolabel-free detection ...

Purdue University
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu › AAI10161389
by J Lee · 2009 — In chapter 2, we present the development of a quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for detection of folate binding protein (FBP). Using a simple folate-BSA ...

Jiexiong Xu

Purdue University
https://hammer.purdue.edu › authors › Jiexiong_Xu
Heavy Metal Detection Methods in Water using Quartz Crystal Microbalance. thesis posted on 2022-05-02 in Purdue University Graduate School.

The Role of Surface Roughness on Ion Sputtering Yield ...

Purdue University
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu › cgi › viewcontent
by K Grundy — In the present study, a quartz crystal microbalance was used within an ultra-high vacuum chamber (10E-8 torr) to measure the sputtering yield of gold. An ...

Detection of Folate Binding Protein with ... - Purdue e-Pubs

Purdue University
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu › cgi › viewcontent
by WA Henne · 2003 · Cited by 84 — In this report, we describe the development of a quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for detection of folate binding protein (FBP).

Engineering practice and education

Purdue University
https://hammer.purdue.edu › ppi_ENGT › categories
Heavy Metal Detection Methods in Water using Quartz Crystal Microbalance. thesis ...

Electrical engineering

Purdue University
https://hammer.purdue.edu › ppi_ENGT › categories
Heavy Metal Detection Methods in Water using Quartz Crystal Microbalance. thesis ...

Why Volney?? Because they are so sloppy and slipshod in Physics experiment of Water Electrolysis, stopping and ceasing the experiment before weighing the mass of the hydrogen compared to mass of oxygen. Is it that they are stupid silly thinking volume and mass are the same. For AP needs to prove decisively, if Water is really H4O or H2O. And of course, this experiment would destroy the Standard Model-- that post-diction theory of physics that never gave a single prediction in all of its tenure.

Or is it because they cannot admit the truth of math geometry that slant cut of cone is oval, not ellipse for you need the symmetry of slant cut of cylinder to yield a ellipse.

Dan Christensen using TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS at Univ Western Ontario instead of the fake Old Math calculus with its thousands of rules and memorization of trig functions. New Math has 1 rule-- Power Rule
9:03 PM

WM using AP's TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS to teach 13-14 year olds CALCULUS, those heading for Gottingen & Uni Berlin for AP reduced Calculus to its most simple form-- add or subtract 1 from exponent.
9:01 PM

182b-Volney uses TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS to teach 13-14 year olds CALCULUS, those heading for Berkeley,Caltech, Stanford, for AP reduced Calculus to its most simple form-- add or subtract 1 from exponent.
8:52 PM

Volney uses TEACHING TRUE MATHEMATICS to teach 13-14 year olds CALCULUS, those heading for Berkeley,Caltech, Stanford, for AP reduced Calculus to its most simple form-- add or subtract 1 from exponent.
8:45 PM

Dan Christensen's profile photo
Dan Christensen
, …
Re: Dr.Terence Tao along with Dr. Gene D.Block fired from UCLA for teaching propaganda -- truth is slant cut of cone is Oval, never the ellipse, yet UCLA continues their propaganda of ellipse as slant cut.
8:43 PM

Caltech Physics Dept

Felix Boehm, Steven Frautschi
Murray Gell-Mann, David Goodstein, Thomas Phillips,
John Schwarz, Barry Simon, Kip Thorne, Petr Vogel,
Rochus Vogt, Ward Whaling, Michael E. Brown,
Konstantin Batygin, Dr.Frances Arnold (chem), Dr.Barry Barish, Dr.Rudolph Marcus (chem), Dr.Hugh Politzer

Apparently Kibo realized he was a science failure when he could not even do a proper percentage. But then one has to wonder how much he paid to bribe Rensselaer to graduate from the school in engineering unable to do a percentage properly???? For I certainly would not hire a engineer who cannot even do proper percentage.
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
Why Volney?? Because they stop short of completing the Water Electrolysis Experiment by only looking at volume, when they are meant to weigh the mass of hydrogen versus oxygen?? Such shoddy minds in experimental physics and chemistry.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Physics dept Dr.Martin Schmidt (ee), Dr.Ivar Giaever
Vincent Meunier, Ethan Brown, Glenn Ciolek, Julian S. Georg, Joel T. Giedt, Yong Sung Kim, Gyorgy Korniss, Toh-Ming Lu, Charles Martin, Joseph Darryl Michael, Heidi Jo Newberg, Moussa N'Gom, Peter Persans, John Schroeder, Michael Shur, Shawn-Yu Lin, Humberto Terrones, Gwo Ching Wang, Morris A Washington, Esther A. Wertz, Christian M. Wetzel, Ingrid Wilke, Shengbai Zhang

Rensselaer math department
Donald Schwendeman, Jeffrey Banks, Kristin Bennett, Mohamed Boudjelkha, Joseph Ecker, William Henshaw, Isom Herron, Mark H Holmes, David Isaacson, Elizabeth Kam, Ashwani Kapila, Maya Kiehl, Gregor Kovacic, Peter Kramer, Gina Kucinski, Rongjie Lai, Fengyan Li, Chjan Lim, Yuri V Lvov, Harry McLaughlin, John E. Mitchell, Bruce Piper, David A Schmidt, Daniel Stevenson, Yangyang Xu, Bulent Yener, Donald Drew, William Siegmann
Physics minnow
What warning is that Kibo Parry failure of science-- warning that insane persons like Kibo Parry Moroney Volney spends their entire life in a hate-mill, never doing anything in science itself. And paid to stalk hate spew

Kibo Parry Moroney-Volney blowing his cover with the CIA in 1997
Re: Archimedes Vanadium, America's most beloved poster
---quoting Wikipedia ---
Many government and university installations blocked, threatened to block, or attempted to shut-down The World's Internet connection until Software Tool & Die was eventually granted permission by the National Science Foundation to provide public Internet access on "an experimental basis."
--- end quote ---
Dr. Panchanathan , present day
NSF Dr. Panchanathan, F. Fleming Crim, Dorothy E Aronson, Brian Stone, James S Ulvestad (math), Rebecca Lynn Keiser, Vernon D. Ross, Lloyd Whitman, John J. Veysey (physics), Scott Stanley
France Anne Cordova
Subra Suresh (bioengineer)
Arden Lee Bement Jr. (nuclear engineering)
Rita R. Colwell (microbiology)
Neal Francis Lane
John Howard Gibbons 1993
Barry Shein, kibo parry std world
Jim Frost, Joe "Spike" Ilacqua
Canada-- NSERC , Alejandro Adem (math) , Navdeep Bains, Francois-Philippe Champagne
News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.
Aug 30, 2023, 10:19:20 PM
to Plutonium Atom Universe
News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.
I received a letter today of Experiment results on Water Electrolysis of weighing the hydrogen test tube versus oxygen test tube and the result is 1/4 atomic mass units of Hydrogen compared to Oxygen.
The researcher weighing 1600 micrograms of hydrogen, using a Eisco-Brownlee-Water-Electrolysis Apparatus.
Using sulfuric acid as electrolyte on ultra pure water. Using low voltage DC of 1.5 volts, 1 amp.
I am not surprised that news of the true formula of Water is H4O comes so quickly. For not much in science is more important than knowing the truth of Water. And this means the start of the complete downfall and throwing out the sick Standard Model of Physics, for it is such an insane theory that it cannot get passed the idea of its subatomic particles as stick and ball, with no job, no function, no task. The Standard Model of Physics, is crazy insane physics for it is all postdiction, never prediction. The idea that the hydrogen atom is H2 not H, is because of the prediction of Atom Totality Theory where a atom is a proton torus with muon inside doing the Faraday law and all atoms require at least 1 capacitor. That means the one proton in H2 serves as a neutron to the other proton, storaging the electricity produced by the other proton.
The true Hydrogen Atom is H2 for all atoms need at least one capacitor, and one of the protons in H2 serves as a neutron.
Sad that chemistry and physics throughout the 20th century were too stupid to actually weigh the mass of hydrogen and oxygen in electrolysis, no, the ignorant fools stopped at looking when they saw the volume of hydrogen was twice that of oxygen. A real scientist is not that shoddy and slipshod ignorant, the real scientist then proceeds with -- let us weigh the hydrogen test tube mass versus the oxygen test tube mass.
Thanks for the news!!!!!
News starting to come in that AP's Water Electrolysis Experiment proves the true formula of Water is H4O, not H2O is starting to come in.
There is another experiment that achieves the same result that Water is truly H4O and not H2O, but I suspect this second method is hugely fraught with difficulty.
The prediction of H4O comes from the Physics idea that a Atom is composed, all atoms mind you, is composed of a proton torus with muon/s inside going round and round thrusting through the torus in the Faraday law and producing electricity. So that when you have Hydrogen without a neutron, there is no way to collect the electricity produced by the Faraday law. Think of it as a automobile engine, you cannot have a engine if there is no crank shaft to collect the energy from the thrusting piston inside the crankcase.
Same thing with an Atom, it needs 3 parts-- muon as bar magnet, proton as torus of coils, and a capacitor to storage the produced electricity. If one of those parts is missing, the entity is a Subatomic particle and not a atom.
So, when we have Hydrogen as a proton with muon inside, it is not a Atom, until it has a neutron, or, has another proton of hydrogen H2, then it is a Atom.
So that H2 is not a molecule but a Atom. H alone is a subatomic particle.
Much harder than Water Electrolysis.
We need to get two identical containers.
We need to be able to make pure heavy-water with deuterium. Deuterium is proton + neutron as hydrogen. Proton + proton is H2 as hydrogen.
So we have two identical containers and we fill one with pure heavy water, deuterium water.
We have the second container and we fill it with pure (light) water.
We now weigh both of them.
If AP is correct, that water is really H4O and not H2O, then both containers should weigh almost the same. Only a tiny fraction difference because the neutron is known to be 940MeV versus proton in Old Physics as 938MeV a tiny difference of 2MeV, but we realize we have a huge number of water molecules in the two identical containers.
If water is truly H4O, the weights should be almost the same. If water is H2O, then there is a **large difference** in weights.
But the Water Electrolysis experiment is much easier to conduct and get results.
And, there is the biological processes that apparently cannot distinguish between heavy water and that of regular normal water.
Deuterium Water is the same in biology as is normal regular water. This means that water must be H4O, due to biology as proof.
Deuterium Water in atomic mass units is 16 for the oxygen and 4 for the deuterium.
Regular normal Water in atomic mass units is 16 for the oxygen and 4 for the 4 protons in H4O.
Old Physics and Old Chemistry had regular water as H2O in atomic mass units of 16 oxygen and 2 hydrogen for 2 protons.
If biology functions whether heavy water or normal water all the same, then water itself must be H4O.
Now, there maybe some animal or plant that can separate out heavy water from H4O water???
Searching the literature today for where biology needs as essential deuterium water. And not too surprised that it is a essential requirement in metabolism. In fact one web site listed the need for deuterium more than the need of many minerals and vitamins.
Now tonight I came up with two new exciting experiments to verify that Water is truly H4O and not H2O.
H4O is 4 protons with muons inside the 840MeV proton toruses.
Deuterium water is DOD. And the difference between D2O and H4O is merely the difference of 4MeV for as last reported, neutron = 940MeV and proton (with muon inside) is 938MeV, a difference of 2MeV but for water is 2+2 = 4MeV.
So these two new experiments take advantage of the fact that what we think is normal regular water is actually very close to heavy water of D2O, with only a 4MeV difference.
EXPERIMENT #3 Water layers in still pond of D2O mixed with H4O (what we thought was H2O.
So in this experiment we get a clear glass container and mix H4O with D2O. If Old Physics is correct, the heavy water should sink rapidly in the container while the light water floats to the top rapidly. And we have some sort of beam of photons that can distinguish D2O from H4O (thought of as H2O. We obtain pure D2O and pure H4O each filling 1/2 of the container. We stir and mix them. And then we observe with the EM beam for separation. If the light water is truly H4O, it takes a long time for the D2O to be on bottom and H4O on top. We measure the time of a settled container and determine this time from the theoretical 4MeV difference should take a long time, whereas if Old Physics is correct, the separation would be almost instantly and quick time.
EXPERIMENT #4 also plays on this minor difference of 4MeV. We devise a sort of squirt gun for D2O and a identical squirt gun for H4O (what we call H2O). We put pure D2O in one squirt gun and the H40 or light water in the other squirt gun. Both guns forcing the water a certain distance.
If AP is correct that light water is really H4O and not H2O as we squirt both guns, where the water lands should be almost the same distance considering H4O is only 4MeV apart from D2O.
If Old Physics and Old Chemistry is correct, then D2O water is 940 + 940 = 1880MeV apart from light water of H2O, and H4O is only 4MeV apart.
So where the squirt gun lands the D2O is a very much shorter distance than a H2O land, but a H4 land distance is nearly the same as the D2O land.
These two experiments are very exciting and would be a very nice confirming evidence to Water Electrolysis actual weighing the mass in atomic mass units.
Searching the literature today for where biology needs as essential deuterium water. And not too surprised that it is a essential requirement in metabolism. In fact one web site listed the need for deuterium more than the need of many minerals and vitamins.
Now tonight I came up with two new exciting experiments to verify that Water is truly H4O and not H2O.
H4O is 4 protons with muons inside the 840MeV proton toruses.
Deuterium water is DOD. And the difference between D2O and H4O is merely the difference of 4MeV for as last reported, neutron = 940MeV and proton (with muon inside) is 938MeV, a difference of 2MeV but for water is 2+2 = 4MeV.
So these two new experiments take advantage of the fact that what we think is normal regular water is actually very close to heavy water of D2O, with only a 4MeV difference.
EXPERIMENT #3 Water layers in still pond of D2O mixed with H4O (what we thought was H2O.
So in this experiment we get a clear glass container and mix H4O with D2O. If Old Physics is correct, the heavy water should sink rapidly in the container while the light water floats to the top rapidly. And we have some sort of beam of photons that can distinguish D2O from H4O (thought of as H2O. We obtain pure D2O and pure H4O each filling 1/2 of the container. We stir and mix them. And then we observe with the EM beam for separation. If the light water is truly H4O, it takes a long time for the D2O to be on bottom and H4O on top. We measure the time of a settled container and determine this time from the theoretical 4MeV difference should take a long time, whereas if Old Physics is correct, the separation would be almost instantly and quick time.
Apparently this Experiment is already done and called for-- There is Uniform Distribution of heavy water Deuterium Water in the Oceans, Lakes, Ponds, Streams and Rivers. Heavy Water is not layered in the oceans or lakes or ponds or streams or rivers. Uniformity means that the difference between D2O and H4O is so slight of a difference (only 4MeV, compared to 1880MeV for H2O, that Brownian motion keeps the D2O and H4O in a Uniform Distribution in all bodies of water. I was going through the research literature today and find that scientists discover Uniformity of Distribution of deuterium water. This thus closes the case on Water, for uniformity of distribution of D2O implies that Water is itself H4O and not H2O.
My 250th published book.
TEACHING TRUE CHEMISTRY; H2 is the hydrogen Atom and water is H4O, not H2O// Chemistry
by Archimedes Plutonium (Author) (Amazon's Kindle)
Prologue: This textbook is 1/2 research history and 1/2 factual textbook combined as one textbook. For many of the experiments described here-in have not yet been performed, such as water is really H4O not H2O. Written in a style of history research with date-time markers, and fact telling. And there are no problem sets. This book is intended for 1st year college. Until I include problem sets and exercises, I leave it to the professor and instructor to provide such. And also, chemistry is hugely a laboratory science, even more so than physics, so a first year college student in the lab to test whether Water is really H4O and not H2O is mighty educational.
Preface: This is my 250th book of science, and the first of my textbooks on Teaching True Chemistry. I have completed the Teaching True Physics and the Teaching True Mathematics textbook series. But had not yet started on a Teaching True Chemistry textbook series. What got me started on this project is the fact that no chemistry textbook had the correct formula for water which is actually H4O and not H2O. Leaving the true formula for hydroxyl groups as H2O and not OH. But none of this is possible in Old Chemistry, Old Physics where they had do-nothing subatomic particles that sit around and do nothing or go whizzing around the outside of balls in a nucleus, in a mindless circling. Once every subatomic particle has a job, task, function, then water cannot be H2O but rather H4O. And a hydrogen atom cannot be H alone but is actually H2. H2 is not a molecule of hydrogen but a full fledged Atom, a single atom of hydrogen.
Cover Picture: Sorry for the crude sketch work but chemistry and physics students are going to have to learn to make such sketches in a minute or less. Just as they make Lewis diagrams or ball & stick diagrams. My 4-5 minute sketch-work of the Water molecule H4O plus the subatomic particle H, and the hydrogen atom H2. Showing how one H is a proton torus with muon inside (blue color) doing the Faraday law. Protons are toruses with many windings. Protons are the coils in Faraday law while muons are the bar magnets. Neutrons are the capacitors as parallel plates, the outer skin cover of atoms.
Product details
• Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 21, 2023
• Language ‏ : ‎ English
• File size ‏ : ‎ 788 KB
• Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
• Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
• Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
• Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
• Print length ‏ : ‎ 168 pages
Read my recent posts in peace and quiet. If you, the reader, is wondering why AP posts this to a thread which is off topic in sci.math or sci.physics, is because some stalkers track AP, such as kibo, dan, jan who have been paid to stalk for 3 decades and when they see AP trying to post to his own thread that is on-topic they throw a impossible reCAPTcha suppression and repression at me that only wastes my time. From what AP can make out-- Google is not the only one using reCAPTcha, apparently the US govt rents out reCAPTcha. So if you see a AP post in a thread off topic, is because kooks of reCAPTcha are making it impossible for AP to post to the on-topic thread.

Read all of AP's post in peace and quiet in his newsgroup-- what sci.physics and sci.math should look like when govt spammers are not allowed in a newsgroup to wreck the newsgroup. Govt spammers have their agenda of drag net spam, and then their agenda of spy message codes, such as the "i sick, i cry" baloney, which only ends up ruining the newsgroups and why Google decided to close shop having fought govt bureaucrat mind sets for 30 years, and time to close shop.

AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.

Archimedes Plutonium