Amine Moulay Ramdane
2022-12-02 01:16:43 UTC
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
Here is my new proverb:
"The being smart is not an emotion and it is not a feeling and it is
not an appearance or it is not having a high IQ, but the being smart is the being wise that guides correctly the being smart. So why this distinction to be made between the being wise and the being smart?, since the being smart is an evolution and the being smart is an evolution, so you have to be smart so that to be the correct evolution that guides the evolution of the being smart. And of course Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, and being wise is having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, so then having and showing the good judgment is also being genetically apt at being or showing the good judgment , so i think that being wise needs from you to be smart and clever , so it comes from both the genetical and cultural"
More of my philosophy about the meaning and about the universal language and more of my thoughts..
I have just looked at the following video about Celine Dion that
is talking about how she has learned the english language at 15 years old, and notice how she is saying that music is a universal language,
so i invite you to look at this short video of her so that to notice:
So i think i am a philosopher (And you can read abut my philosophies here: ), and i say that the most important thing is not that a language is universal, but the most important thing is the "meaning of the ideas" or what we call in french "Le sens des idées", so i say that what structures our thoughts is not the language, but it is the meaning of the ideas, so it is my way of doing, so when i am writing in english, the most important for me is creativity that comes with ideas that means something and that are useful, but i can rapidly after that translate them in french or arabic, since i can think and write and read in arabic and english and french, so look for example how i am quickly inventing my poems of Love below and notice carefully that what's the most important in my poems of Love below is the meaning of ideas and the usefulness of ideas and notice how i am structuring my ideas with the meaning of my ideas:
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
Elvis Presley reading at the same time my just new poem of Love
Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my beautiful heart is not the foreign-born
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my beautiful heart is the adorn
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my Love for you is far away from the mourn
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my name is not the beautiful Osborne
But it is like Jesus Christ the firstborn
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
So as you notice i am not here to suborn
Since Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
So do you want my Love like a sweet corn or like the popcorn ?
More of my philosophy about Love and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i will ask the following philosophical question:
So what is Love ?
Here is my answer:
I think i am a wise type of person, and from my philosophies that i have invented (Read them here: ), i can say that Love is also like
my following proverb:
"Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."
So what i mean is that Love is also like the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that can play the role of a "lever" that permits us to transcend the human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet, since when you are not wise, you will have the tendency to react with your human instincts in a not correct manner by being too much violent when noticing that Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, but for a wise type of person like me , i say that human life needs from us to be wise so that to avoid the too much violence. So the beautiful flower in my proverb above is also a symbolic that means that you have to know how to be the good vibes of positive energy and the positive spirit, and it is why i have quickly invented all my poems of Love below so that to be those good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit, and notice my kind of respectability and my kind of personality, since i am wanting to make you understand my views and my way of doing by inventing philosophies and by inventing many proverbs and by inventing two religions and by inventing poems of Love and poems and posting them here, and i am doing it this way without asking for money (And read them here: ), and also notice that in my new poem of Love below that i am saying the following:
"Don't say to me Love is never !
Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
That permits us to be the happier than ever !"
So it is in accordance with my proverb above, since Love too can be the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that permit us to transcend human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet as i am saying in my proverb above, so i invite you to read all my poems of Love below so that to notice how i am doing it:
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
Elvis Presley reading at the same time my new poem of Love
Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since our beautiful Love is the so clever
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
That permits us to be the happier than ever !
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since with our so beautiful Love we are coming together
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since it is not the whatever or the however
But our Love is like our so beautiful weather !
And our Love is like our bridge over troubled water
Don't say to me Love is never !
But it is my beautiful Love for you for the forever !
And I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song called
"Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" of George Benson reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:
Here is my new poem of Love and read all my below poems of Love:
I love to be with you in Procida
Since i love to be with you in Elba
Since i love to be with you in Ponza
Since i love to be with you in Lampedusa
Since i love to be with you in Panarea
Since i love to be with you in Ichia
Since i love to be with you in Salina
Since i love to be with you in Pantelleria
Since i love to be with you in Caprera
Since i love to be with you in Isola bella
Since they are all the so beautiful islands in Italy !
More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more of my thoughts..
So as you have just noticed, i have just said in my new below poem of Love the following:
"Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way"
And my new poem of Love means that there is many ways of the being beautiful , i mean that there is a diversity of the being beautiful and there is not an only one-way of being beautiful as i am saying in my poem of Love below, and i think that it is what brings the positive energy and the positive spirit, for example there is a beauty in the delicious cup of tea and there is beauty in the beautiful day and night, and there is beauty of my poems of Love below, and there is beauty in the beautiful songs and there is even beauty in the following beautiful Military Uniforms, so i invite you to look
at them carefully here:
So i think that now you can understand my just new poem of Love below,
so i invite you to reread it carefully:
I invite you to listen the the following beautiful song of
Cesária Evora reading at the same time my just new poem of Love
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like Love and Love on the replay
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like our beautiful Love on the everyday
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like my poems of Love that you find OK
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like an i Love you that i want to say
Since it is not like the being from you the far away
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like the beautiful Jesus Christ birthday
Note that to "spur" means in my new poem of Love below: to encourage development.
Here is my other new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
Since you will ask the is my intelligence the above or under?
But notice how Love is also the being the good-neighbor
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
Since you can think that i am the foreign and the unknown other
But look carefully how beautiful is my beautiful Love's ardor
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
So then i don't want to continu to wonder and to wonder !
Since it is your beautiful heart that i want to discover !
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
So as you notice that my Love doesn't want to blur
Since with my Love's passion i want to spur
So it is why you are noticing how i am in Love my dear Sir !
And it is how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful arabic song
called Nassam Alayna el Hawa of the arabic singer called Fairuz
reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is like showing our beautiful hearts how to bind
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is like my beautiful love for you is forever staying
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as my love for you is a so beautiful King
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as our love is flowing like a beautiful spring
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as my love is a beautiful ring around your beautiful angel wings
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as our love is also its so beautiful offspring
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as our love is like our beautiful God that we are worshiping !
I invite you to listen to this beautiful song of Dire Straits
about the Wild West reading at the same time my following new poem of Love that i have thought fast and written fast:
And notice how i am speaking in my new poem of Love below about visiting the beautiful places of the Pacific Northwest , and here is some of them:
So here is my new poem of Love and read my below poems of Love and poems:
Is our humanity the Wild West ?
So look at how i am not of the hard-pressed !
Since i am also not at all of the only obsessed !
And look how my beautiful poems of Love are not a stress test
But it is like visiting the so beautiful places of the Pacific Northwest
So is our humanity the Wild West ?
So look at how my beautiful Love for you is not the self-interest
So is our humanity the Wild West ?
So is my beautiful Love for you needing an intelligence test ?
Since notice how with my beautiful Love i want to invest and not to infest
Since my beautiful Love for you is in front of you so that to attest
So am i the beautiful white arab coming from Casablanca or Budapest ?
So as you notice that our humanity is not the Wild West !
And here is my new poem and read my below poems of Love and poems:
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since is it bad or good to Balkanize ?
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since my beautiful poetize is like the beautiful fertilize
Since it seeks to beautifully harmonize
And since this beautiful harmonize is also the to sympathize
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since it causes our hearts to beautifully synchronize
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since is my poetry of Love the orientalize ?
Or is my poetry of Love the occidentalize ?
Since as you notice that it is not the islamist terrorize
But my poetry of Love seeks to be a kind of revolutionize
By seeking to make humanity better by being the beautiful civilize
More of my philosophy about my poems of Love and about the good vibes and more of my thoughts..
I think that humans have to have some kind of attachment as
for example "good vibes" that make them a kind of positive energy that permits them to go forward living there lives more happily, since i think that my poems of Love below are like the good vibes and i also think that so that the good vibes have an appreciable positive effect, they have also to come from a good person, and it is why i am also making you understand that i am a gentleman type of person and that i am a good person, and that my poems of Love below are my good vibes that show my kind of personality, since i think i am showing my kind of personality in my poems of Love and poems as good vibes, so i invite you to read all my following poems of Love below so that to know more about me:
Here is my new poem of Love and read my below poems of Love and poems:
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
Since you are my lovely and beautiful queen
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
Since it is not like taking the caffeine
But it's my Love coming from my beautiful cuisine
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
Since my beautiful heart is not like a machine
And since my beautiful heart is clean like a Saint Augustine
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
So is our so beautiful Love needing the thioridazine ?
No, since our beautiful Love is great and not small like a sardine
And since you are my so beautiful queen !
And it is why I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green !
More of my philosophy about the being le Terre-à-Terre and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i say that we have not to be just as we say in french: Être le Terre-à-terre qui veut dire qui manque d'élégance, de distinction, de noblesse ; qui a un esprit matériel, peu enclin à la poésie ; commun, vulgaire, banal, plat, and that means in english that you have not to be the who lacks elegance, distinction, nobility; who has a material mind, little inclined to poetry; common, vulgar, banal, flat, so as you notice
that i am also not le Terre-à-terre by also inventing as i am inventing my poems of Love below and sharing them with you, and you can notice how my poems of Love are special too, and here is my last one so that to notice how look like my poems of Love and read all my other poems of Love and poems below:
Note that the beautiful box in my poem of Love below means
our universe that looks like a box.
Here is my new poem of Love in english that i have just thought
quickly and written quickly:
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since look at how fast is the humans clocks
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since i have even to be smart as a Fox
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since i am not needing at all the Botox
Since i am feeling young and not like an old orthodox
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since as you notice that my Love is not the evil Hawks
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since my beautiful Love for you is not a paradox
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since my beautiful Love for you is strong as the strong Rocks
Here is my other new poem of Love:
Ask the beautiful heart
Since i am coming to you with my beautiful art
Ask the beautiful heart
Since with our so beautiful Love we will never come apart
Ask the beautiful heart
Since our Love is a beautiful light from the very start
Ask the beautiful heart
So am i René Descartes or Humphrey Bogart ?
Ask the beautiful heart
Since you are hearing my beautiful Love my sweetheart !
Ask the beautiful heart
Since even if i am not so strong as Napoleon Bonaparte
Since I am coming to you with class and elegance my lovely heart
Ask the beautiful heart
Since as you notice my love is like a beautiful music of Mozart !
Ask the beautiful heart
This way, my baby, our love is thus so beautifully smart !
More of my philosophy about my way of writing poetry and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and now i will ask a philosophical question of:
What is my way of writing poetry and is it a smart way ?
So i will say that my way of writing poetry comes first from
the fact that my poetry has to be understood, so it has to be
not complicated so that it be understood by the majority
of people, and second characteristic of my poetry is that
it has to be written with class and elegance, so i think my poetry looks
like my personality, since i look classy since i also want to behave with class and elegance , so it is why i am writing my poetry smartly with class and elegance, but not only that, but i think that my poetry looks like me since i am thinking and writing quickly my poems of Love etc., so since i am thinking them and writing them quickly, so they are showing my kind of style and my kind of personality and my kind of character, so now i invite you so that to read my poems of Love etc. that i have invented quickly here in the following web links:
You can read them from this first following web link:
You can read them from this second following web link:
You can read them from this third following web link:
You can read them from this fourth third following web link:
You can read them from this five following web link:
And here is one of my beautiful poem of Love that i love very much, so i invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of Aretha Franklin
called "You're All I Need To Get By" reading at the same time
my following beautiful poem of Love:
Aretha Franklin - You're All I Need To Get By
Here is my poem of Love of: "I want it with you the beautiful time"
Notice that i am saying in my following poem of Love the following:
"Since you're In My Heart
Like the beautiful light of the day and "night"
That makes us see in the dark"
So as you are noticing that the day and night also symbolically means
the day and night of our humanity, that also means the good and bad of
our humanity, and both the day and night of our humanity have allowed us
also to see in the dark, i mean that even the bad of our humanity has
also given us much more insight and much more awareness and this much
more insight and much more awareness is like a light that permits us to
see in the dark.
And note that "disarm" in my following poem of Love means:
To deprive of a weapon or weapons.
And weapon means:
Something (such as a club, knife, or gun) used to injure, defeat, or
Here is my new poem of Love:
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since it is like my poem of Love and its lovely rhymes
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Like the long way from the start
That brings the beautiful "insight"
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Like the beautiful light of the day and "night"
That makes us see in the dark
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Because it is far from the evil fight
Because it is like the words of the almight
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Because we are beautiful from the inside
Because our Love is right !
I want it with you the beautiful time
So I want to take you in my arms
Like peace and love that disarm
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since i am here to make it fine
Since the light of my heart is making our love shines
Since our destiny is the beautiful of the Day of Valentine !
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
Here is my new proverb:
"The being smart is not an emotion and it is not a feeling and it is
not an appearance or it is not having a high IQ, but the being smart is the being wise that guides correctly the being smart. So why this distinction to be made between the being wise and the being smart?, since the being smart is an evolution and the being smart is an evolution, so you have to be smart so that to be the correct evolution that guides the evolution of the being smart. And of course Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, and being wise is having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, so then having and showing the good judgment is also being genetically apt at being or showing the good judgment , so i think that being wise needs from you to be smart and clever , so it comes from both the genetical and cultural"
More of my philosophy about the meaning and about the universal language and more of my thoughts..
I have just looked at the following video about Celine Dion that
is talking about how she has learned the english language at 15 years old, and notice how she is saying that music is a universal language,
so i invite you to look at this short video of her so that to notice:
So i think i am a philosopher (And you can read abut my philosophies here: ), and i say that the most important thing is not that a language is universal, but the most important thing is the "meaning of the ideas" or what we call in french "Le sens des idées", so i say that what structures our thoughts is not the language, but it is the meaning of the ideas, so it is my way of doing, so when i am writing in english, the most important for me is creativity that comes with ideas that means something and that are useful, but i can rapidly after that translate them in french or arabic, since i can think and write and read in arabic and english and french, so look for example how i am quickly inventing my poems of Love below and notice carefully that what's the most important in my poems of Love below is the meaning of ideas and the usefulness of ideas and notice how i am structuring my ideas with the meaning of my ideas:
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
Elvis Presley reading at the same time my just new poem of Love
Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my beautiful heart is not the foreign-born
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my beautiful heart is the adorn
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my Love for you is far away from the mourn
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
Since my name is not the beautiful Osborne
But it is like Jesus Christ the firstborn
Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
So as you notice i am not here to suborn
Since Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn
So do you want my Love like a sweet corn or like the popcorn ?
More of my philosophy about Love and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i will ask the following philosophical question:
So what is Love ?
Here is my answer:
I think i am a wise type of person, and from my philosophies that i have invented (Read them here: ), i can say that Love is also like
my following proverb:
"Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."
So what i mean is that Love is also like the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that can play the role of a "lever" that permits us to transcend the human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet, since when you are not wise, you will have the tendency to react with your human instincts in a not correct manner by being too much violent when noticing that Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, but for a wise type of person like me , i say that human life needs from us to be wise so that to avoid the too much violence. So the beautiful flower in my proverb above is also a symbolic that means that you have to know how to be the good vibes of positive energy and the positive spirit, and it is why i have quickly invented all my poems of Love below so that to be those good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit, and notice my kind of respectability and my kind of personality, since i am wanting to make you understand my views and my way of doing by inventing philosophies and by inventing many proverbs and by inventing two religions and by inventing poems of Love and poems and posting them here, and i am doing it this way without asking for money (And read them here: ), and also notice that in my new poem of Love below that i am saying the following:
"Don't say to me Love is never !
Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
That permits us to be the happier than ever !"
So it is in accordance with my proverb above, since Love too can be the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that permit us to transcend human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet as i am saying in my proverb above, so i invite you to read all my poems of Love below so that to notice how i am doing it:
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
Elvis Presley reading at the same time my new poem of Love
Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since our beautiful Love is the so clever
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
That permits us to be the happier than ever !
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since with our so beautiful Love we are coming together
Don't say to me Love is never !
Since it is not the whatever or the however
But our Love is like our so beautiful weather !
And our Love is like our bridge over troubled water
Don't say to me Love is never !
But it is my beautiful Love for you for the forever !
And I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song called
"Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" of George Benson reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:
Here is my new poem of Love and read all my below poems of Love:
I love to be with you in Procida
Since i love to be with you in Elba
Since i love to be with you in Ponza
Since i love to be with you in Lampedusa
Since i love to be with you in Panarea
Since i love to be with you in Ichia
Since i love to be with you in Salina
Since i love to be with you in Pantelleria
Since i love to be with you in Caprera
Since i love to be with you in Isola bella
Since they are all the so beautiful islands in Italy !
More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more of my thoughts..
So as you have just noticed, i have just said in my new below poem of Love the following:
"Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way"
And my new poem of Love means that there is many ways of the being beautiful , i mean that there is a diversity of the being beautiful and there is not an only one-way of being beautiful as i am saying in my poem of Love below, and i think that it is what brings the positive energy and the positive spirit, for example there is a beauty in the delicious cup of tea and there is beauty in the beautiful day and night, and there is beauty of my poems of Love below, and there is beauty in the beautiful songs and there is even beauty in the following beautiful Military Uniforms, so i invite you to look
at them carefully here:
So i think that now you can understand my just new poem of Love below,
so i invite you to reread it carefully:
I invite you to listen the the following beautiful song of
Cesária Evora reading at the same time my just new poem of Love
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like Love and Love on the replay
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like our beautiful Love on the everyday
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like my poems of Love that you find OK
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like an i Love you that i want to say
Since it is not like the being from you the far away
Look at the so beautiful night and day
It is not the just an only one-way
Since it is like the beautiful Jesus Christ birthday
Note that to "spur" means in my new poem of Love below: to encourage development.
Here is my other new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
Since you will ask the is my intelligence the above or under?
But notice how Love is also the being the good-neighbor
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
Since you can think that i am the foreign and the unknown other
But look carefully how beautiful is my beautiful Love's ardor
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
So then i don't want to continu to wonder and to wonder !
Since it is your beautiful heart that i want to discover !
Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
So as you notice that my Love doesn't want to blur
Since with my Love's passion i want to spur
So it is why you are noticing how i am in Love my dear Sir !
And it is how i Love to be your beautiful lover !
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful arabic song
called Nassam Alayna el Hawa of the arabic singer called Fairuz
reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:
Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is like showing our beautiful hearts how to bind
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is like my beautiful love for you is forever staying
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as my love for you is a so beautiful King
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as our love is flowing like a beautiful spring
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as my love is a beautiful ring around your beautiful angel wings
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as our love is also its so beautiful offspring
Look at this so beautiful wind !
It is as our love is like our beautiful God that we are worshiping !
I invite you to listen to this beautiful song of Dire Straits
about the Wild West reading at the same time my following new poem of Love that i have thought fast and written fast:
And notice how i am speaking in my new poem of Love below about visiting the beautiful places of the Pacific Northwest , and here is some of them:
So here is my new poem of Love and read my below poems of Love and poems:
Is our humanity the Wild West ?
So look at how i am not of the hard-pressed !
Since i am also not at all of the only obsessed !
And look how my beautiful poems of Love are not a stress test
But it is like visiting the so beautiful places of the Pacific Northwest
So is our humanity the Wild West ?
So look at how my beautiful Love for you is not the self-interest
So is our humanity the Wild West ?
So is my beautiful Love for you needing an intelligence test ?
Since notice how with my beautiful Love i want to invest and not to infest
Since my beautiful Love for you is in front of you so that to attest
So am i the beautiful white arab coming from Casablanca or Budapest ?
So as you notice that our humanity is not the Wild West !
And here is my new poem and read my below poems of Love and poems:
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since is it bad or good to Balkanize ?
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since my beautiful poetize is like the beautiful fertilize
Since it seeks to beautifully harmonize
And since this beautiful harmonize is also the to sympathize
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since it causes our hearts to beautifully synchronize
Why do i want with my poetry of Love to romanticize ?
Since is my poetry of Love the orientalize ?
Or is my poetry of Love the occidentalize ?
Since as you notice that it is not the islamist terrorize
But my poetry of Love seeks to be a kind of revolutionize
By seeking to make humanity better by being the beautiful civilize
More of my philosophy about my poems of Love and about the good vibes and more of my thoughts..
I think that humans have to have some kind of attachment as
for example "good vibes" that make them a kind of positive energy that permits them to go forward living there lives more happily, since i think that my poems of Love below are like the good vibes and i also think that so that the good vibes have an appreciable positive effect, they have also to come from a good person, and it is why i am also making you understand that i am a gentleman type of person and that i am a good person, and that my poems of Love below are my good vibes that show my kind of personality, since i think i am showing my kind of personality in my poems of Love and poems as good vibes, so i invite you to read all my following poems of Love below so that to know more about me:
Here is my new poem of Love and read my below poems of Love and poems:
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
Since you are my lovely and beautiful queen
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
Since it is not like taking the caffeine
But it's my Love coming from my beautiful cuisine
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
Since my beautiful heart is not like a machine
And since my beautiful heart is clean like a Saint Augustine
I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green
So is our so beautiful Love needing the thioridazine ?
No, since our beautiful Love is great and not small like a sardine
And since you are my so beautiful queen !
And it is why I Love to paint your name in a beautiful green !
More of my philosophy about the being le Terre-à-Terre and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i say that we have not to be just as we say in french: Être le Terre-à-terre qui veut dire qui manque d'élégance, de distinction, de noblesse ; qui a un esprit matériel, peu enclin à la poésie ; commun, vulgaire, banal, plat, and that means in english that you have not to be the who lacks elegance, distinction, nobility; who has a material mind, little inclined to poetry; common, vulgar, banal, flat, so as you notice
that i am also not le Terre-à-terre by also inventing as i am inventing my poems of Love below and sharing them with you, and you can notice how my poems of Love are special too, and here is my last one so that to notice how look like my poems of Love and read all my other poems of Love and poems below:
Note that the beautiful box in my poem of Love below means
our universe that looks like a box.
Here is my new poem of Love in english that i have just thought
quickly and written quickly:
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since look at how fast is the humans clocks
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since i have even to be smart as a Fox
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since i am not needing at all the Botox
Since i am feeling young and not like an old orthodox
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since as you notice that my Love is not the evil Hawks
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since my beautiful Love for you is not a paradox
I am feeling like inside a beautiful box
Since my beautiful Love for you is strong as the strong Rocks
Here is my other new poem of Love:
Ask the beautiful heart
Since i am coming to you with my beautiful art
Ask the beautiful heart
Since with our so beautiful Love we will never come apart
Ask the beautiful heart
Since our Love is a beautiful light from the very start
Ask the beautiful heart
So am i René Descartes or Humphrey Bogart ?
Ask the beautiful heart
Since you are hearing my beautiful Love my sweetheart !
Ask the beautiful heart
Since even if i am not so strong as Napoleon Bonaparte
Since I am coming to you with class and elegance my lovely heart
Ask the beautiful heart
Since as you notice my love is like a beautiful music of Mozart !
Ask the beautiful heart
This way, my baby, our love is thus so beautifully smart !
More of my philosophy about my way of writing poetry and more of my thoughts..
I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests
and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and now i will ask a philosophical question of:
What is my way of writing poetry and is it a smart way ?
So i will say that my way of writing poetry comes first from
the fact that my poetry has to be understood, so it has to be
not complicated so that it be understood by the majority
of people, and second characteristic of my poetry is that
it has to be written with class and elegance, so i think my poetry looks
like my personality, since i look classy since i also want to behave with class and elegance , so it is why i am writing my poetry smartly with class and elegance, but not only that, but i think that my poetry looks like me since i am thinking and writing quickly my poems of Love etc., so since i am thinking them and writing them quickly, so they are showing my kind of style and my kind of personality and my kind of character, so now i invite you so that to read my poems of Love etc. that i have invented quickly here in the following web links:
You can read them from this first following web link:
You can read them from this second following web link:
You can read them from this third following web link:
You can read them from this fourth third following web link:
You can read them from this five following web link:
And here is one of my beautiful poem of Love that i love very much, so i invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of Aretha Franklin
called "You're All I Need To Get By" reading at the same time
my following beautiful poem of Love:
Aretha Franklin - You're All I Need To Get By
Here is my poem of Love of: "I want it with you the beautiful time"
Notice that i am saying in my following poem of Love the following:
"Since you're In My Heart
Like the beautiful light of the day and "night"
That makes us see in the dark"
So as you are noticing that the day and night also symbolically means
the day and night of our humanity, that also means the good and bad of
our humanity, and both the day and night of our humanity have allowed us
also to see in the dark, i mean that even the bad of our humanity has
also given us much more insight and much more awareness and this much
more insight and much more awareness is like a light that permits us to
see in the dark.
And note that "disarm" in my following poem of Love means:
To deprive of a weapon or weapons.
And weapon means:
Something (such as a club, knife, or gun) used to injure, defeat, or
Here is my new poem of Love:
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since it is like my poem of Love and its lovely rhymes
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Like the long way from the start
That brings the beautiful "insight"
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Like the beautiful light of the day and "night"
That makes us see in the dark
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Because it is far from the evil fight
Because it is like the words of the almight
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since you're In My Heart
Because we are beautiful from the inside
Because our Love is right !
I want it with you the beautiful time
So I want to take you in my arms
Like peace and love that disarm
I want it with you the beautiful time
Since i am here to make it fine
Since the light of my heart is making our love shines
Since our destiny is the beautiful of the Day of Valentine !
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.