Post by Eram semper rectaPost by Eram semper rectaPost by Eram semper rectaIn this never before shared information, I explain how the Ancient Greeks may have had closed formulas for the trigonometric ratios which make Newton's sine and cosine series look silly!
Stupid Jews need not bother.
This reptilian ethnicity had the lowest IQs of ALL the immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island.
They are the most pathologically jealous cunts on the planet. Hateful, horrible, vengeful, disgusting cockroaches - the lot of them!
Jews have committed high crimes in Gaza. They have forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust. They have destroyed a city that housed 1 million people - this is a Holocaust!
Here is what I think the sign in Hebrew says:
"Due to various very annoying events, including sleigh theft, renting and sports equipment is no longer available for our Jewish brothers.
This applies to all the equipment such as sleds, air panels, sockets, skiing and snowshoeing.
Thank you very much for understanding."
Jews don't understand shit. They just do what comes naturally, that is, being the assholes and natural born thieves that they are.