2025-02-08 15:32:00 UTC
PermalinkWithin the entire body of analytical truth any
expression of language that has no sequence of
formalized semantic deductive inference steps from the
formalized semantic foundational truths of this system
are simply untrue in this system. (Isomorphic to
provable from axioms).
If there is a misconception then you have misconceivedexpression of language that has no sequence of
formalized semantic deductive inference steps from the
formalized semantic foundational truths of this system
are simply untrue in this system. (Isomorphic to
provable from axioms).
something. It is well
known that it is possible to construct a formal theory
where some formulas
are neither provble nor disprovable.
art meaning and
no matter what idiomatic meanings say.
Therefore, no need to revise my initial comment.
is not the meaning of "true".
The closest that it can possibly be interpreted as true would
be that because key elements of proof[0] have been specified
as not existing in proof[math] math is intentionally made less
than complete.
Math is not intentionally incomplete.be that because key elements of proof[0] have been specified
as not existing in proof[math] math is intentionally made less
than complete.
Proof[math] was defined to have less capability than Proof[0].
That is not a part of the definition but it is a consequence of thedefinition. Much of the lost capability is about things that are
outside of the scope of mathemiatics and formal theories.
is inherently very limited.
not "mathematics".
When one applies something like
Montague Grammar to formalize every detail of natural language
semantics then math takes on much more scope.
It is not possible to specify every detail of a natural language.Montague Grammar to formalize every detail of natural language
semantics then math takes on much more scope.
In order to do so one should know every detail of a natural language.
While one is finding out the language changes so that the already
aquired knowledge is invalid.
When we see this then we see "incompleteness" is a mere artificial
Hallucinations are possible but only proofs count in mathematics.contrivance.
True(x) always means that a connection to a semantic
truthmaker exists. When math does this differently it is simply
breaking the rules.
Mathematics does not make anything about "True(x)". Some branches caretruthmaker exists. When math does this differently it is simply
breaking the rules.
about semantic connections, some don't. Much of logic is about comparing
semantic connections to syntactic ones.
Many theories are incomplete,
intertionally or otherwise, but they don't restrict the rest of math.
But there are areas of matheimatics that are not yet studied.
I am integrating the semantics into the evaluation as its full context.intertionally or otherwise, but they don't restrict the rest of math.
But there are areas of matheimatics that are not yet studied.
When-so-ever any expression of formal or natural language X lacks
a connection to its truthmaker X remains untrue.
An expresion can be true in one interpretation and false in another.a connection to its truthmaker X remains untrue.
you need to be able to apply and verify formally invalid inferences.
With different interpretations different connections can be found.
into its syntax and semantics such that these are evaluated
separately and use something like Montague Semantics to formalize
the semantics as relations between finite strings then
it is clear that any expression of language that lacks a connection
through a truthmaker to the semantics that makes it true simply remains
In the big picture way that truth really works there cannot
possibly be true[0](x) that is not provable[0](x) where x
is made true by finite strings expressing its semantic meanings.
When one finite string expression of language is known to be true
other expressions are know to be semantically entailed.
Only if they are connected with (semantic or other) connections thatother expressions are know to be semantically entailed.
are known to preserve truth.
Formal logic fails at this some of the time.
The only thing that is actually semantically entailed by a
contradiction is FALSE. (A & ~A) ⊨ FALSE
I fail to understand how anyone could be gullible enough into
being conned into believing that anything besides FALSE is
entailed by a contradiction.
When we do this and require an expression of formal or natural language
to have a semantic connection to its truthmaker then true[0] cannot
exist apart from provable[0].
Maybe, maybe not. Without the full support of formal logic it is hard toto have a semantic connection to its truthmaker then true[0] cannot
exist apart from provable[0].
prove. An unjustified faith does not help.
(1) Non-truth preserving operations are eliminated.
A deductive argument is said to be valid if and only if
it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises
to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false.
*We correct the above fundamental mistake*
A deductive argument is said to be valid if and only if
it takes a form that the conclusion is a necessary
consequence of its premises.
(2) Semantics is fully integrated into every expression of
language with each unique natural language sense meaning
of a word having its own GUID.
True[math] can only exist apart from Provable[math] within
the narrow minded, idiomatic use of these terms. This is
NOT the way that True[0] and Provable[0] actually work.
If you want that to be true you need to define True[math] differentlythe narrow minded, idiomatic use of these terms. This is
NOT the way that True[0] and Provable[0] actually work.
from the way "truth" is used by mathimaticians.
Math does not get to change the way that truth really works,
when math tries to do this math is incorrect.
about mathematics works the way truth usually does.
My point is much more clear when we see that Tarski attempts
to show that True[0] is undefinable.
Tarski did not attempt to show that True[0] is undefinable. He showedto show that True[0] is undefinable.
quite successfully that arthmetic truth is undefinable. Whether that
proof applies to your True[0] is not yet determined.
kind of truth. "snow is white" because within the actual state
of affairs the color of snow is perceived by humans to be white.
truth really is and how it works.
The cancer treatment that I will have next month has a 5% chance
of killing me and a 1% chance of ruining my brain. It also has
about a 70% chance of giving me at least two more years of life.
Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer
Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer