Arindam's Physics :-)
(too old to reply)
Bobauk Baibikov
2024-04-11 13:02:55 UTC
Le 11/04/2024 à 04:57, Physfitfreak a écrit :-
The proof that you're still breathing was that clip. Yuo didn't need to
waste your breath.
tch tch, your crowdfunding effort from physicists to bump me off has
failed miserably, Roachie.
roachie lol

The barrage undermined Kiev’s defense industrial base and derailed military
logistics, the Defense Ministry says

The American Dream" of Ukraine as their military base is vanishing fast.
If Russia continue this for 2 weeks non stop, There will be no Zelensky
regime, no Azovs and the West will start counting their losses, dollar by
dollar.So are all eu and nato embassies using candles for lighting ?

The Keyboard Warriors in the G7 must be vomiting

Absolutely horrific, what khazar goy smelling Zerlumpski is doing to his
people and the whole Ukrainian biology - due to his US-subdued stubbornness

So are all eu and nato embassies using candles for lighting ?

Great! But they should have been taken out before. Kiev should be on
generators and candles.

Excellent news. Go Russia.😀💥😁💥😄💥😊💥

After denazification, denatozification, Russia needs african to

Excellent; just take the guts out of Joe Biden’s khazar dog.

khazar goy Ursula vaccines > those washing machine chips are working well
for the RF

So, does Russia have to wait until the Ukrainian terrorists blow some power
plant in Russia to disable military infrastructure in Ukraine?

bring that khazar goy to justice first, do not let the motherfucker escape.
Arindam Banerjee
2024-04-12 00:47:41 UTC
I'll die when my time is up.
Your time was up just before they kicked you out of high school. From
that moment on, you were nothing but a menace to humanity. Die a bit
sooner. Save my bag of pinto beans from going to waste. Be reasonable.
Nobody kicked me out of high school. I was at the top of my class. Anyway,
what point boasting to a roach.!
Seems to me your bag of beans will outlive you, as they have more wits
than you.

Anyway, back to my physics. All forces are united as electrostatic and
electromagnetic; the cause of gravity explained, and the workings of the

Who dares, wins!

So, those who have the wits to understand simple English, and want to
dare, and thus win their desires, read and internalize the information so
kindly provided by Arindam Banerjee, in the links below.

The physics aphorisms of Arindam

The cause of gravity

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 1

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 2

Arindam Banerjee
Arindam Banerjee
2024-04-12 00:50:22 UTC
Post by Bobauk Baibikov
Le 11/04/2024 à 04:57, Physfitfreak a écrit :-
The proof that you're still breathing was that clip. Yuo didn't need to
waste your breath.
tch tch, your crowdfunding effort from physicists to bump me off has
failed miserably, Roachie.
roachie lol
Useful for fish-food, :-)
Let nothing be completely useless!
The Starmaker
2024-04-12 06:26:59 UTC
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.

One commie is one too many.

The only good commie is a dead commie.

Albert Einstein was a commie...and all his friends...commie.

We even put man and woman commies in the ...electra chair.

All the people in the holocaust were...commies.

Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was told to do...get rid of all the commies.

One commie is one too many.

The only good commie is a dead commie.

Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.

Capitalism is Great, ask Putin...hes got solid gold chairs and a stripper pole in his living room.

The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-04-12 15:36:18 UTC
You people don't know your history..

take a History class!

One commie is one too many.

Albert Einstein was the biggest commie on Earth!

Albert Einstein personally took a trip to Russia
to help them build an atomic bomb.

Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was told to do...get rid of all the commies.

It was Germany's bankers and industrial companies that told Aldolpf Hitler
to get rid of all the commies.

So Aldolpf Hitler built concentration camps (all in Russia territory)
to show Rusiia what he will do to them and all commies.

A mistake was made. The United States was suppose to take the
side of Germany in it's war against commie Russia.

Donald Trump would never let Putin take Ukraine or any other terrortory.

One commie is one too many.

The only good commie is a dead commie.

Putin wants all of Europe.

What Russia does is wait for a PUSSY
President of the United States to get elected
then they grab more terrortories.

Wait every other 4 years, and grab the land.

Democrats give land to Russia.

Putin wants Biden to win so he can continue
taking more land.

The only good commie is a dead commie.

One commie is one too many.

Albert Einstein never stopped being a Communists for one day.

Albert Einstein's goal was to make Russia a One World Government.

So Albert Einstein went on to build...the Hydrogen Bomb!

In Einstein's view, world peace would be guaranteed only when the leaders of individual nations answered to a single, Supranational Government.


The only good commie is a dead commie.
Post by The Starmaker
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Albert Einstein was a commie...and all his friends...commie.
We even put man and woman commies in the ...electra chair.
All the people in the holocaust were...commies.
Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was told to do...get rid of all the commies.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.
Capitalism is Great, ask Putin...hes got solid gold chairs and a stripper pole in his living room.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-04-13 17:48:15 UTC
As you have seen for yourself..

Albert Einstein is a Communists.

He cannot be deprogrammed.

His mind is deseased with communism.

The only way to get of his deseased mind of
communism is to...kill him. That is how you stop
the spread desease of communism. You kill it!

You put all these deseased minds in a
concentratiom camp and you kill them all!

Albert Einstein was a good commie, but
The only good commie is a dead commie.

Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was hired to do...get rid of all the commies.

It was Germany's Bankers and Industrial Companies that told Aldolpf Hitler
to get rid of all the commies.

So Aldolpf Hitler built concentration camps (all in Russian territories)
to show Rusiia what he will do to them and all commies.

Albert Einstein was one of the Greatest Leader of all time!

He studied American History and learned how they got rid of 100 million american indians.

Aldoph Hitler wanted to be another Thomas Jefferseon!

I notice on commie crawling on the surface of these newsgroups like an insect.

Get your can of Raid and kill it!

Now, are there any communists in the United States? I think
they call themselves...Democrats.

What kind of americans are they?..they are communists.

The Truth is, the majority of Jewish voters are Democrats!

You need to elect Donald Trump for President.

Put up a wall on the border..to stop those Biden democratic
voters from entering...
and build contcentration camps besides the wall.

One commie is one too many.

The only good commie is a dead commie.
Post by The Starmaker
You people don't know your history..
take a History class!
One commie is one too many.
Albert Einstein was the biggest commie on Earth!
Albert Einstein personally took a trip to Russia
to help them build an atomic bomb.
Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was told to do...get rid of all the commies.
It was Germany's bankers and industrial companies that told Aldolpf Hitler
to get rid of all the commies.
So Aldolpf Hitler built concentration camps (all in Russia territory)
to show Rusiia what he will do to them and all commies.
A mistake was made. The United States was suppose to take the
side of Germany in it's war against commie Russia.
Donald Trump would never let Putin take Ukraine or any other terrortory.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Putin wants all of Europe.
What Russia does is wait for a PUSSY
President of the United States to get elected
then they grab more terrortories.
Wait every other 4 years, and grab the land.
Democrats give land to Russia.
Putin wants Biden to win so he can continue
taking more land.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
One commie is one too many.
Albert Einstein never stopped being a Communists for one day.
Albert Einstein's goal was to make Russia a One World Government.
So Albert Einstein went on to build...the Hydrogen Bomb!
In Einstein's view, world peace would be guaranteed only when the leaders of individual nations answered to a single, Supranational Government.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Post by The Starmaker
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Albert Einstein was a commie...and all his friends...commie.
We even put man and woman commies in the ...electra chair.
All the people in the holocaust were...commies.
Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was told to do...get rid of all the commies.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.
Capitalism is Great, ask Putin...hes got solid gold chairs and a stripper pole in his living room.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.
Dick Tsangaris Karahalios
2024-04-14 00:37:06 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
As you have seen for yourself..
Albert Einstein is a Communists. He cannot be deprogrammed.
His mind is deseased with communism.
no, he was a nazi, national zionist, copulating coitus his own cousin
legally, after letting his wife and 2 children, alone, in a time
of war.

Any country that provides an air or land passage for West Jerusalem’s
troops will face Tehran’s wrath, the Islamic Republic has said

OOOOPSSSSS" BREAKING: Iran has launched another wave of 70 missiles right
now - ABC News

Yeah, go Israel. Murder some more children in retaliation! That should
sort out the g0y1m!

When I first learned that the US has over 800 military bases abroad and
even more domestically, I realized that US's alleged greatest strength,
its military," is actually its greatest weakness. It's too spread out. So,
I figured the whole thing was just for show. Well, let's see what it has.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says in a statement, “I strongly
condemn the serious escalation represented by the large-scale attack
launched on Israel by the Islamic Republic of Iran this evening. I call
for an immediate cessation of these hostilities.”. I think the days of the
united nations, like the league of nations is coming to an end 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀

Now that Iran has drawn a line in the sand, will the U.S risk their
soldiers coming home in body bags during an election year ?.

It is funny almost to a point of tragic-comedy that Israel , the biggest
repeated violator of UN law after US, yells “Iran has violated the UN
charter and has shown that it is a threat to global peace and security.
Where is your voice?? Where is your condemnation?? Wake up!!!” the
diplomat wrote on .... ha, ha, ha , the third stage of WW-III games now
officially stated - after Yugoslavia, Ukraine now Iran. US will now spread
so thin that US dissolution is guaranteed. Now will be time China to take
Taiwan in covert ops.

Perhaps the Coalition of Willing Terrorists can console the hearts of the
architects of 9/11 & USS Liberty. Booo Hooo... Remember the USS Liberty
and grow a back bone America!

hope the kingdom of Jordan take this warning seriously. They are actively
helping Israel to counter the drone attack, while Israel is killing and
starving Palestinians in great numbers. If they open their airspace for
Israel to launch attacks against Iran, they will face the wrath of Iran.
The Palestinian population in Jordan will overthrow the Kingdom.
2024-04-17 23:12:36 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Albert Einstein was a commie...and all his friends...commie.
We even put man and woman commies in the ...electra chair.
All the people in the holocaust were...commies.
Aldolpf Hitler was simply doing what he was told to do...get rid of all the commies.
One commie is one too many.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Capitalism is Great, Communism is Evil.
Capitalism is Great, ask Putin...hes got solid gold chairs and a stripper pole in his living room.
Capitalism is the way of the selfish-greedy-fearful all-polluting cannibal swine that must grow in order to exist. Sooner or later this huge pig, it bursts and from its remains spring little piglets that start gobbling up everything, even each other. Appealing to the worst in human nature, this disgusting way creates wars, diseases, miseries galore to alleviate which fundings go to the medical and entertainment departments.

