Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
(too old to reply)
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-08 22:31:37 UTC
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test

Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.

Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.


Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.

But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.

SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"


By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.

A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.

Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist

by Archimedes Plutonium

Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.

Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is

But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.

It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.

If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.

The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the


Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.

From this:
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |

The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for

To this:

| |
| |
| |

And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.

In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.

Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.

by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-13 02:17:25 UTC
Dan Christensen writes:
8:42 PM (28 minutes ago)

Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.

1. What is the sine of 45 degrees to 3 decimal places? ____________

2. True or false: 10^604 = 0 ____________

3. If A is true and B is false, then A AND B is ____________ (true or false).

4. If A is true and B is true, then A OR B is ____________ (true or false).


AP writes:: Terry, here is a test that I think the Canadian Dan Christensen of Univ Western Ontario, or a doppelganger put together. Maybe you can use it in class.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Dan Christensen
2018-03-13 03:37:34 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
8:42 PM (28 minutes ago)
Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.
1. What is the sine of 45 degrees to 3 decimal places? ____________
2. True or false: 10^604 = 0 ____________
3. If A is true and B is false, then A AND B is ____________ (true or false).
4. If A is true and B is true, then A OR B is ____________ (true or false).
You left all the answers blank on your test, Archie. Why is that?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
AP writes:: Terry, here is a test that I think the Canadian Dan Christensen of Univ Western Ontario, or a doppelganger put together. Maybe you can use it in class.
It would be an insult to his students, but each of these 4 simple questions are from well known specialties of yours, Archie. You have repeatedly dwelled at length on each one of them. How about it, Archie? For the record.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-31 18:11:08 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
You left all the answers blank on your test, Archie. Why is that?
***@gmail.com wrote:
12:56 PM (3 minutes ago)
Post by Dan Christensen
Seems you are an expert in mad houses WM. Lived
for some time in it? Why, because of booze?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-03 04:54:41 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.
Jan writes:

10:48 PM (58 minutes ago)

Garbage, all of it.

AP writes: is this what happens to people that live near toxic waste dumps, they become toxic waste themselves
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-03 04:59:17 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
You left all the answers blank on your test,
     A few french fries short of a Happy Meal.
Terry Tao
     A lap behind the field.
Dan Christensen
     A modest little person, with much to be modest about.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-12 14:10:09 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.
And what does Peter Higgs, who has never even heard of
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572. A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-17 04:57:55 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.
1. What is the sine of 45 degrees to 3 decimal places? ____________
2. True or false: 10^604 = 0 ____________
3. If A is true and B is false, then A AND B is ____________ (true or false).
4. If A is true and B is true, then A OR B is ____________ (true or false).
I am not sure how to place the repeated postings of professor stalking
lists/unrelated reposts of his "works"/snippets of critics' writings
when he seems to be upset. The repetition sounds very autistic to me.
Dan Christensen writes:
11:15 PM (36 minutes ago)
OK, you're right! Who could be THAT stupid life? (Hee, hee!)
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-21 01:03:32 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
You left all the answers blank on your test, Archie. Why is that?
this is how real mathematics is done.
1:30 AM (7 hours ago)
You don't sense his sarcasm, do you?
Just stop posting here. Don't you have anything better to do?
Michael Moroney writes:
6:08 PM (1 hour ago)
Post by Dan Christensen
12:59 PM (2 hours ago)
Hi moron!
AP writes: Alouatta-- they are all dumb, especially you, for to this
Let's score this fine example of Plutonium failing!

☑ Archie responds to criticism but is unable to discuss the issue...
☑ ...Zero new content, in fact...
☑ ...Giggle Groups screenshot cut and pasted...
☑ ...with Archie's response posted in the wrong topic...
☐ ...and to the wrong newsgroup...
☐ ...multiple times...
☐ ...enough times to be classified as spam...
☑ ...in a topic/topics explicitly created by him for doing so...
☐ ...and Archie even whines about (other) spammers in his spam...
☑ ...with a subject about flunking a nonexistent test no one ever took...
☑ ...and the subject mentions totally uninvolved people...
☑ ...who are university math or physics professors...
☑ ...at a university supposedly near the person criticizing Archie...
☐ ...but Archie got the location (and university) completely wrong...
☑ ...and Archie demands they resign for not teaching his broken math...
☑ ...and he includes a stalker list of physics and/or math professors...
☑ ...and STILL can't answer 'why stalker lists of uninvolved profs'...
☑ ...and Archie's actual response is completely unrelated to the topic...
☑ ...and the critic's comment has embarrassing (to AP) portion removed...
☑ ...to the extent the comment is no longer recognizable...
☐ ...includes random snippets by other critics, spammers or babblers...
☐ ...which are attributed to yet other critics, spammers or babblers...
☑ ...followed by yet another repost of the "12 Failures of Plutonium"...
☑ ...or the "you gotta draw pictures of calculus" repost...
☑ ...and includes the dumb ascii art cat/owl thing...
☐ ...as well as ascii art of Archie's butthole...
☑ ...and Archie doesn't realize ascii art is so 1980s...
☑ ...and Archie brings up a "mistake" (in his view) from months ago...
☑ ...which, of course, is not actually a mistake...
☑ ...and Archie invents yet more "mistakes" (that are not mistakes)...
☐ ...and Archie really wears out the "a beer short of a 6 pack" joke...
☐ ...but he still doesn't realize he's about 5 beers short...
☐ ...and Archie can't get over the shame of messing up percentages...
☐ ...and Archie is envious that I weighed the electron and he didn't...
☑ ...he even still thinks 8.88 is "exactly" 9...
☐ ...and he thinks 16.81 is "spot on" 17...
☐ ...Archie asks Google Groups to do something they can't do...
☑ ...One word. Logorrhea. ...
☑ ...Google Groups poster. 'Nuf said.

Archimedes Plutonium Failure score: 25!

AP writes: I left ... math failures, deee ddaa dee da, in San Francisco, dah dee dah dee daa, high on a hill...
they call for sanity....
Just like where little rain drops fall, dah deeeddaa dda
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-07 13:23:09 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
You left all the answers blank on your test,
Zelos Malum writes:
1:29 AM (6 hours ago)

- show quoted text -
copying and not responding is not very productive

AP writes:: worse yet is Tao, Hales, Wiles, Appel & Haken, Conway where they never fix the errors and mistakes of Old Math, but instead, pile on more errors and mistakes. The dolts cannot even see that ellipse is a Cylinder section, never a conic. And the dolts keep up the illusion that a integral is the sum of rectangles of 0 width. They never fix, they only pollute.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-09 02:15:09 UTC
You see, the horrible horrible way the math prizes are constructed is that they give prizes to "new things" but never correction of any old math. In this manner, the prizes of Fields medal, Abel medal, Wolf medal end up hurting mathematics, for it urges people to create crackpot new things that is fakery, and it urges no-one in math to ever clean out the corrupt and rotten and fake math. So many of the awards have been given for fake math-- Wiles, Appel & Haken, Tao, that math has a hard time of even existing, so bloated in fakery.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-09 16:55:42 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
You see, the horrible horrible way the math prizes are constructed is that they give prizes to "new things" but never correction of any old math. In this manner, the prizes of Fields medal, Abel medal, Wolf medal end up hurting mathematics, for it urges people to create crackpot new things that is fakery, and it urges no-one in math to ever clean out the corrupt and rotten and fake math. So many of the awards have been given for fake math-- Wiles, Appel & Haken, Tao, that math has a hard time of even existing, so bloated in fakery.
One can easily make an almost perfect analogy to the present existing math awards-- Fields Medal, Abel Medal, Wolf Medal. Consider mathematics as a house, a house like every other house in the world, that needs daily or at least weekly cleaning. Yet the house of mathematics has no cleaner. Physics and sciences have cleaners-- experiments. Yet Math has a house and never has a cleaner nor fixer of things gone wrong. Instead what the house of mathematics has, are awards, medals and honors to those that add more trash and fakery and garbage to the house of mathematics.

What I say, the sensible thing to do in mathematics, for math has no unbiased judging, like physics has unbiased judging-- experiments, math has no experiments to be the judge. So, what I propose is that no medal be awarded to anyone doing mathematics, unless they provide two things-- a major clean-up of Old Math, then, consider what true new math they offer.

The days have to stop where a Wiles is so stupid in math as to not see that Euler's exp3 of Fermat's Last Theorem was a fake proof because Euler forgot to prove when A,B,C were all three even numbers, yet there is Wiles with his awful fake contraption of a FLT, when the dolt could never even correct Euler's mistake. Never even spot the mistake, let alone correct it. So it is these medals in math that are a driving force that makes math far far worse and never corrects or makes math truthful.

Same goes for Tao-- more math pollution, never fixing the errors of Old Math.

2018-05-09 23:13:08 UTC
So you cleaned your house and found a conic
that wasnt ellipse only oval. Ha Ha
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
You see, the horrible horrible way the math prizes are constructed is that they give prizes to "new things" but never correction of any old math. In this manner, the prizes of Fields medal, Abel medal, Wolf medal end up hurting mathematics, for it urges people to create crackpot new things that is fakery, and it urges no-one in math to ever clean out the corrupt and rotten and fake math. So many of the awards have been given for fake math-- Wiles, Appel & Haken, Tao, that math has a hard time of even existing, so bloated in fakery.
One can easily make an almost perfect analogy to the present existing math awards-- Fields Medal, Abel Medal, Wolf Medal. Consider mathematics as a house, a house like every other house in the world, that needs daily or at least weekly cleaning. Yet the house of mathematics has no cleaner. Physics and sciences have cleaners-- experiments. Yet Math has a house and never has a cleaner nor fixer of things gone wrong. Instead what the house of mathematics has, are awards, medals and honors to those that add more trash and fakery and garbage to the house of mathematics.
What I say, the sensible thing to do in mathematics, for math has no unbiased judging, like physics has unbiased judging-- experiments, math has no experiments to be the judge. So, what I propose is that no medal be awarded to anyone doing mathematics, unless they provide two things-- a major clean-up of Old Math, then, consider what true new math they offer.
The days have to stop where a Wiles is so stupid in math as to not see that Euler's exp3 of Fermat's Last Theorem was a fake proof because Euler forgot to prove when A,B,C were all three even numbers, yet there is Wiles with his awful fake contraption of a FLT, when the dolt could never even correct Euler's mistake. Never even spot the mistake, let alone correct it. So it is these medals in math that are a driving force that makes math far far worse and never corrects or makes math truthful.
Same goes for Tao-- more math pollution, never fixing the errors of Old Math.
2018-03-13 02:58:29 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Must you post garbage?

John Gabriel
2018-03-20 02:43:03 UTC
Post by Jan
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Must you post garbage?
That's all he knows how to do. If he stops doing this, what will be left of his miserable life? Have some empathy. :-)))
Post by Jan
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-22 16:26:41 UTC
On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 9:43:10 PM UTC-5, John Gabriel wrote:

Destroying mainstream ignorance one proof at a time. (1)
By John Gabriel 1 post 2 views updated 11:05 AM

Logical Phalluses - The Finale (5)
By John Gabriel 8 posts 36 views updated 11:00 AM

Dedekind and Cauchy failed dismally to produce a valid construction of real number. (5)
By John Gabriel 5 posts 15 views updated 10:59 AM

Python and Zelos Malum claim I don't address the "points" made by idiot Dennis Muller! (10)
By John Gabriel at age 50. 10 posts 42 views updated 10:57 AM
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-26 06:18:22 UTC
Post by John Gabriel
That's all he knows how to do. If he stops doing this, what will be left of his miserable life? Have some empathy. :-)))
Zelos Malum wrote:
1:04 AM (10 minutes ago)

If you are gonna teach mathematics, you migth wanna learn basic logic.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-15 10:51:40 UTC
konyberg writes:
Mar 14 (13 hours ago)
Oslo likes and loves mathematicians that can never fix any math-- but, only pollute math. Pollution of math, gross gross pollution.
1) Oval is conic section, never ellipse
2) In Logic never is 1 OR 2 = 3, but 1 AND 2 = 3
3) sine and cosine are semicircle waves, never sinusoid where you by definition define sine = opposite/hypotenuse in unit circle, thus 180 degrees = 2, not the idiots who think it is 3.14....
4) Never do a Geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
5) Wiles was such an idiot on FLT he never even saw the Euler exp3 mistake of all three solutions being even numbers
6) Irrational numbers never existed, for there are mistakes in both proofs of irrationals
7) Pi is really a 6 number 6.28..... not a 3.14.... number
Wrong and idiot!
8) No curves exist in math, because an infinity borderline creates an infinitesimal for which no numbers smaller exist, leaving holes in between points, and this allows the creation of Calculus
9) Logic needed a connector such that division by 0 was undefined, which meant the IF THEN connector had truth table of TFUU , not the idiots with TFTT
You don't understand LOGIC!
10) Old Math was just too dumb too lazy to ever realize that in order for a concept of finite to exist, meant you needed a borderline between finite and infinite, and too dumb to find that borderline in the Tractrix versus circle area, for they converge in value at infinity borderline-- simple find where unit tractrix = unit circle area= 3.14.... and the answer is 1*10^604 or inverse 1^10^-604-- where pi digits have their first three 0s in a row.
And after these three zeroes, what happens? Idiot!

Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-20 02:23:27 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Dan Christensen writes:
9:10 PM (2 minutes ago)
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
I hope it's better than your failed...
AP writes:: this is sort of funny to watch, for if memory is correct Dan Christensen UWO was educated at MIT, and then Terry Tao, I remember discussing with me in early 1990s from Princeton dot edu.

So can we compare failing school math departments, the Princeton, the MIT, the Univ. Western Ontario, the Univ California UCLA.

Where I am sure these failing math departments at these schools are still teaching the ellipse is a conic when the oval is, that sine and cosine are sinusoid waves when in truth they are semicircle waves, and still teaching the crazy notion that irrational numbers exist, when I proved that the Ancient Greek proofs were flawed-- simply note that you can express any number in Decimal Notation with a integer numerator and integer denominator-- meaning what?? Meaning they are rational numbers-- 3.14159..... Since expressed as a Decimal, no irrationals exist, but try telling that to the fruitcakes of math that infest departments of math in colleges and universities. All they want is fame and fortune, never the real truth of mathematics.

Dan Christensen
2018-03-20 02:37:06 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
9:10 PM (2 minutes ago)
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
I hope it's better than your failed "True Math" textbook, Archie Pu. I doubt it somehow.
AP writes:: this is sort of funny to watch, for if memory is correct Dan Christensen UWO was educated at MIT
Sadly, not me, Archie. Just keep grasping at those straws!
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
, and then Terry Tao, I remember discussing with me in early 1990s from Princeton dot edu.
So can we compare failing school math departments, the Princeton, the MIT, the Univ. Western Ontario, the Univ California UCLA.
Yeah, not one of them is teaching that 10^604 = 0 or that if A is true and B is false then A & B is true. Go figure, eh? (HA, HA, HA!!!)


Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-03-29 02:17:36 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Yeah, not one of them is teaching that 10^604 = 0 or that if A is true and B is false then A & B is true. Go figure, eh? (HA, HA, HA!!!)
j4n bur53 wrote:

Mar 27

Why is there no tangent at an inflection point, can you
tell us? Something to do with your butt sex axiom and

3=<4 invalid? Here have one bird brain John Garbage-iel:

Banana Song (I'm A Banana)
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-05 19:00:19 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Yeah, not one of them is teaching that 10^604 = 0 or that if A is true and B is false then A & B is true. Go figure, eh? (HA, HA, HA!!!)
Zelos Malum writes:

12:35 AM (44 minutes ago)
Post by Dan Christensen
You might wanna take up the hardest of them all, actually learning mathematics.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-14 22:52:14 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
Yeah, not one of them is teaching that 10^604 = 0 or that if A is true and B is false then A & B is true. Go figure, eh? (HA, HA, HA!!!)
Zelos Malum writes:

3:20 AM (11 hours ago)

WHy are you trying to use physics in mathematics?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-04 20:05:39 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Volney writes:

9:16 AM (4 hours ago)
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
You can't even bother to look up the correct masses of the particles?
AP writes: What is worse Volney, is that Terry Tao cannot even bother to make every effort to change the crazy Logic taught in schools, even at UCLA where Logic classes teach that 1 OR 2 = 3. So it must mean that Terry is a dumb and stupid as Logic professors who believe that OR has a truth table of TTTF and that 2 OR 5 = 7. So Terry must be as dumb and stupid as the rest, otherwise, he would try to fix things, rather than ignoring problems, but maybe that is what Terry thinks math should be-- ignore problems.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-23 19:36:29 UTC
Jan writes:
1:37 PM (54 minutes ago)
See a doctor. Your posts are 99% nonsense.

AP writes: Is Terence Tao as mentally crippled in math as is Jan? Never addressing the math-- only attacking the people. Mentally crippled as are deniers of climate change.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-24 03:16:17 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Why do you post lies?

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-24 16:30:41 UTC
Post by Jan
Why do you post lies?
Dan Christensen writes:
7:23 AM (4 hours ago)

Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.

1. What is the sine of 45 degrees to 3 decimal places? (0.707 from calculator)

2. True or false: 10^604 = 0 (False)

3. If A is true and B is false, then A AND B is (False)

4. If A is true and B is true, then A OR B is (True)

AP writes:: Christensen, do please submit to DNA testing as a proven-6 year insane stalker like you, compared to Michael Moroney-25 years, Jan Bielawski-24 year, Jan Burse-approx 5 year, Dan Christensen-approx 6 year, Karl Olav Nyberg approx 3 year, Zelos Malum--approx 2 yr, insane stalkers, probably have the same genetic defects that make them obsessive stalkers. Probably all of them have a defect on the Y chromosome.
2018-04-30 09:46:05 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Jan
Why do you post lies?
7:23 AM (4 hours ago)
You haven't answered my question: why do you keep posting lies?

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-26 03:01:49 UTC
Jan writes:
9:06 PM (52 minutes ago)
Total nonsense.
AP writes:: please let Medical doctors DNA test these stalkers --do please submit to DNA testing as a proven-25 year insane stalker, Michael Moroney compared to, Jan Bielawski-24 year, Jan Burse-approx 5 year, Dan Christensen-approx 6 year, Karl Olav Nyberg approx 3 year, Zelos Malum--approx 2 yr, insane stalkers, probably have the same genetic defects that make them obsessive stalkers. Probably all of them have a defect on the Y chromosome.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-27 07:30:50 UTC
Tao is so dumb in math:

Jan:: how dumb is he?

AP:: he is so dumb that to this very day he thinks a ellipse is a conic section when a half brain knows it is a cylinder section—- the oval is a conic section.

Zelos:: Fields prize are given out to how stupid you are in math
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-28 19:03:00 UTC
How dumb is Terry Tao in trigonometry? So dumb he accepts trigonometry definition of sine as opposite/hypotenuse, yet never realizing that such a definition forces the angle 180 degrees to be 2 not 3.14… because the angle 90 degrees is forced to be 1. Such math stupidity in modern times is awarded the Fields Medal for Tao, when he should have been ashamed of himself for only polluting math with further nonsense and fakery.
2018-04-28 20:02:33 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
How dumb is Terry Tao in trigonometry? So dumb he accepts trigonometry definition of sine as opposite/hypotenuse, yet never realizing that such a definition forces the angle 180 degrees to be 2 not 3.14… because the angle 90 degrees is forced to be 1. Such math stupidity in modern times is awarded the Fields Medal for Tao, when he should have been ashamed of himself for only polluting math with further nonsense and fakery.
When you doing trigonometry, you are using right angled triangles?
Why is not sine equal opposite/hypotenuse?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-29 07:04:03 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
How dumb is Terry Tao in trigonometry? So dumb he accepts trigonometry definition of sine as opposite/hypotenuse, yet never realizing that such a definition forces the angle 180 degrees to be 2 not 3.14… because the angle 90 degrees is forced to be 1. Such math stupidity in modern times is awarded the Fields Medal for Tao, when he should have been ashamed of himself for only polluting math with further nonsense and fakery.
Well someone so blind to math that cannot see 180 degerees must be 2 not 3.14... because 90 degrees is 1 in unit circle, could such a hapless cripple of math ever see the ellipse is a cylinder section never a conic— yet the fool Tao still teaches a ellipse is a conic. Giving Tao a Fields medal in math is like giving Trump & Pruit a medal in Global Warming.
Michael Moroney
2018-04-29 14:25:28 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well someone so blind to math that cannot see 180 degerees must be 2 not
3.14... because 90 degrees is 1 in unit circle, could such a hapless
cripple of math ever see the ellipse is a cylinder section never a
conic-- yet the fool Tao still teaches a ellipse is a conic.
What, you want to see the proof that the ellipse is a conic section again?
Here you go!

Some preliminaries:

Top view of the conic section and depiction of the coordinate system used
in the proof:

^ x
-+- <= x=h
.' | `.
. | .
| | |
' | '
`. | .'
y <----------+ <= x=0

Cone (side view):
/ | \
/b | \
/---+---' <= x = h
/ |' \
/ ' | \
/ ' | \
x = 0 => '-------+-------\
/ a | \


r(x) = a - ((a-b)/h)x and d(x) = a - ((a+b)/h)x, hence

y(x)^2 = r(x)^2 - d(x)^2 = ab - ab(2x/h - 1)^2 = ab(1 - 4(x - h/2)^2/h^2.

Hence (1/ab)y(x)^2 + (4/h^2)(x - h/2)^2 = 1 ...equation of an ellipse

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-04-29 18:00:02 UTC
You see now, if the pinhead in math Terry Tao lived to be a 1,000 years old and all he did was do the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, do it both day and night.

Terry Tao doing calculus for 1,000 years, would the lights ever come on? He knows the slope in Y= mx + b, is m which is true, for that is the slope and the derivative of a straight-line, but it never occurred to him that a function is never a “curve” but a compilation of straight lines strung together, and thus, the derivative at any two nearby close together points — that derivative is part and parcel of the same function graph.
The derivative, at minimum must involve two adjacent points and be the Y=mx+b, a straight-line segment of the function graph to carry information about the function graph itself.
Zelos Malum
2018-04-30 11:21:00 UTC
Wow, Archie, you are holy fuckign shit massively stupid. Sin/Cos are defined as y/x coordinate on the unit circle, sin pi = 0
Michael Moroney
2018-04-30 11:41:53 UTC
Post by Zelos Malum
Wow, Archie, you are holy fuckign shit massively stupid. Sin/Cos are
defined as y/x coordinate on the unit circle, sin pi = 0
Exactly. An angle (in radians) is defined as (arc length)/radius. Since
the circumference of a circle is 2*pi*r, the angle of a full circle is
2*pi. Therefore a half circle, 180 degrees, is half that, which is pi,
and sin(pi)=0.

This particular idiocy is particularly amusing for us electrical
engineers, who have to deal with trigonometry.
2018-05-02 13:12:45 UTC
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Zelos Malum
Wow, Archie, you are holy fuckign shit massively stupid. Sin/Cos are
defined as y/x coordinate on the unit circle, sin pi = 0
Exactly. An angle (in radians) is defined as (arc length)/radius. Since
the circumference of a circle is 2*pi*r, the angle of a full circle is
2*pi. Therefore a half circle, 180 degrees, is half that, which is pi,
and sin(pi)=0.
Of course, Great Guru Einstein has rejected all these common
sense prejudices together with whole Euclidean geometry.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-02 22:17:35 UTC
Post by m***@wp.pl
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Zelos Malum
Wow, Archie, you are holy fuckign shit massively stupid. Sin/Cos are
defined as y/x coordinate on the unit circle, sin pi = 0
Exactly. An angle (in radians) is defined as (arc length)/radius. Since
the circumference of a circle is 2*pi*r, the angle of a full circle is
2*pi. Therefore a half circle, 180 degrees, is half that, which is pi,
and sin(pi)=0.
Of course, Great Guru Einstein has rejected all these common
sense prejudices together with whole Euclidean geometry.
Yes, that is a good way of writing about bogus beliefs-- ellipse is conic section, irrationals exist, sine is sinusoid, decimals are not special number system, infinity has no borderlines, calculus integral can have rectangles of 0 width, curves exist, derivative is a tangent line to curve, all these bogus beliefs--- All because society has -- Common Sense Prejudices. Society does not have Common Sense Logical Reasoning, it only has common sense prejudices. And that is the reason Tao, Hales, Wiles, Apell & Haken, Conway pollute math with more fakery, is because they cannot understand the difference between prejudice belief and true real science.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-03 07:00:12 UTC
You see, Tao is so dumb in mathematics, that say, if he lived to be 1,000 years old and every day taught just one topic, the sine wave graphed. Only that topic to a class of students.

Here is the graph using a compass for a semicircle of radius 1 and centered on (1,0) for the sine function, and, then a quartercircle centered on (0,0) in 10 Grid for the cosine function:

1. ,       _      .       .       .
                   *       _
.9 .       .       .       .       =  quartercircle centered at (0,0)
.8 .       .       .       .       x semicircle centered at (1,0)
.7 .       .       .       x       .
.6 .       .       x       .       .
.5 .       .       .       .       .

.4 .       x       .       .       .
.3 .       .       .       .       .
.2 .       .       .       .       .
.1 .       .       .       .       .
 0 x       .       .       .       .
   0      .1     .2     .3      .4    x-axis -->
Knowing the definition of sine is opposite divided by hypotenuse, and using a unit circle, would the thought ever cross that dense mind of Tao, that since the unit circle for sine or cosine for 90 degrees is 1, forcing the sine or cosine to make 180 degrees has to be 2, not 3.14...

And that Tao's choice of imposing 180 degrees as being 3.14... is an arbitrary choice, not allowed by the force of imposition that 90 degrees is 1.

If that is all that Tao ever did for the next 1,000 years, mull over the trig functions wave, would the knucklehead see the truth?

No, I doubt it, for Tao is so polluted with fake math, that he simply cannot recognize true math-- same thing goes for Ellipse was never a conic section-- Only a Cylinder section.

And yet the New York Times is ranting and raving over how keen Tao is in math. Which only
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-04 12:57:28 UTC
Jan wrote:

6:09 PM (6 minutes ago)
Electron is NOT muon. One of them is stable, the other is not (for starters).
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-04 16:13:44 UTC
Tao has no proof of primes in number theory for he has no well defined infinity concept, so his Fields medal is for fake math.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-06 22:40:07 UTC
Post by Zelos Malum
Wow, Archie, you are holy fuckign shit massively stupid. Sin/Cos are defined as y/x coordinate on the unit circle, sin pi = 0
James McGinn writes:

5:22 PM (14 minutes ago)
- show quoted text -
Post by Zelos Malum
I never can figure out what you are on about.  CO2 has two double bonds. It's linear. But the double bonds >are at a 90 degree orientation with one another due to the tetrahedral arrangement of electrons associated >with the Carbon
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-07 03:56:37 UTC
So why cannot Terence Tao spend a few days examining the fact that the Ellipse is a Cylinder Section, never a conic section, for the oval is the conic section a asymmetrical figure whereas the ellipse is symmetrical.

Why, is that Tao is just plain too stupid in math to ever catch a mistake in math, such a Plain View Mistake. Or is it that Tao is under a delusion that everything in books is the gossipal truth and never needs a checking into.

So, in the meantime, the math oaf of Tao keeps teaching that the Ellipse is a conic.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-01 07:09:19 UTC
Why is Terry Tao so stupid in number theory, such as even the Square Root of 2. Is Terry just a memorization fool of mathematics, never logically questioning anything in math.

Newsgroups: sci.math
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 15:16:49 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Why is John Stillwell such a numbskull on Irrational numbers-- his
book Mathematics and its History
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 22:16:49 +0000

Why is John Stillwell such a numbskull on Irrational numbers-- his book Mathematics and its History

I am talking about his book, 3rd edition, 2010, page45 talking about Anthyphairesis

--- quoting Stillwell ---
It follows that similar steps will recur forever, which is another proof that sqrt2 is irrational, incidentally.
--- end quote ---

Now the trouble with Stillwell is the trouble with 99% of math professors, they have a mind of 99% memory and 1% logic, when they should have a mind that is 50% memory and 50% logic.

Unfortunately, Stillwell never mastered logic, for if he had spent more time in study of logic, he might have realized that of course, you stick any symbol into Anthyphairesis and it will recur forever. But the instant you stick a number that ends in 0s digits, well of course it ends.

But, Stillwell with his lack of logic thinks that sqrt2 is a number and not a symbol. It is easy to fool a fool, because they see 2 in sqrt 2 and they think right away, aha, that is a number and not a symbol. But stick 1.41 into Anthyphairesis or stick 1.414 into Anthyphairesis or stick 1.4142 into Anthyphairesis and they all vanish, but stick a symbol like say 2c or say sqrt2 into Anthyphairesis and they just recur forever.

So a huge fool like Stillwell thinks he has a proof that sqrt2 is irrational because he sticks a symbol into Anthyphairesis.

But, the fool Stillwell believes that a Rational number is a number of the form x/y where x is an integer and y is an integer. Stillwell the fool believes an irrational cannot be placed in a form of x/y. So, ask the fool what is 1.4 if not 14/10, ask the Stillwell fool what is 1.41 if not 141/100, ask the fool what is 1.414 if not 1414/1000. Anyone with a gram of logic can see that the square root of 2 as written as a DECIMAL automatically obeys the definition of being a Rational Number. An irrational number, if one exists, cannot be written as a decimal number.

And if you cannot write a number as a Decimal number, it simply is not a number at all.

No wonder the Ancient Greeks found a phony and fake proof that square root of 2 is irrational-- for the Ancient Greeks never had the Decimal Number System. But that is no excuse for fools like Stillwell who keep perpetuating this fakery idea that irrational numbers exist.

So, math community-- take fake math off the shelves and stop polluting the minds of young students with your foolish nonsense.


Newsgroups: sci.math
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 16:30:05 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: what is wrong with the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational
Re: Why is John Stillwell such a numbskull on Irrational numbers
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 23:30:08 +0000

what is wrong with the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational Re: Why is John Stillwell such a numbskull on Irrational numbers

Some years back I wrote what was wrong with the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational, when, no irrational number actually exists. The most simple proof is this::

Proof:: any number that exists is written as a Decimal. sqrt2 is 1.4142..... Take it any moment in its chain of digits. Then it is a rational number as 14/10 then 141/100 then 1414/1000 etc etc To be Irrational means you cannot write it as a decimal.

Now, what is the flaw in the Ancient Greek sqrt2 proof-- it boils down to "lowest term"

Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers--
as easy as Decimal Number representation-- they have a denominator
power of 10
by Archimedes Plutonium

Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers

Old Math, and their "Lowest Terms Error" although don't tell them--
proved that 1/2 is irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek
proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed

Alright, let me get started on the proof that 1/2 is irrational number
using the invalid method of Ancient Greeks that sqrt2 is irrational,
only because, the method is invalid.

Earlier I showed how a definition of Lowest Term for p/q needed to be
extended to include a number in Rationals in decimal representation.
So, what is the Lowest Term for 1/2 in 10 Grid, for it would be .1/.2
and then the next lowest is .2/.4, etc etc.

So, let us run through a proof that 1/2 is a Irrational number using
the proof method of Ancient Greeks.

Proof:: Suppose 1/2 is Rational. And now, put 1/2 in Lowest terms and
it is thus, in lowest terms. But now, taking 2 and dividing it into 1
2| 1.00000.... = .50000.....

and then dividing 2 by 2
2|2.00000.....  = 1.0000.....

And now, we have 1/2 in Lowest terms as .5/1.

But now, hold on a minute, let us divide .5 by 2, then 1 by 2, giving
us .25 and .5 respectively.

Since we can never get a Lowest Term for the Rational number 1/2,
means a contradiction, hence 1/2 is irrational.

So, of course the above is flawed and flawed in the same way the
method was used to prove sqrt2 is irrational, when truly sqrt2 is

What went wrong? What went wrong is a bad definition-- Lowest Terms.

And anyone who studied the history of Ancient Greek Math, knows, those Ancient Greeks never had a Decimal Number System, theirs was more akin to the Roman number system of IIII = 4 and V =5, C=100 etc.

So we can easily see, that not having Decimals, that a fake proof method would be sought for and found.


Newsgroups: sci.math
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 17:06:57 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: worst horror of all in math-- Rationals do not exist, but are
unfinished division exercises Re: what is wrong with the Ancient Greek proof
that sqrt2 is irrational
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 00:06:58 +0000

worst horror of all in math-- Rationals do not exist, but are unfinished division exercises Re: what is wrong with the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational

Now there is a trilogy story in sqrt2, and just when you thought math could not hit a lower spot in its existence. For AP has proved that no irrationals exist, and what could be worse for any garden type variety math professor in colleges and universities to realize that for all these years, no irrationals existed. What could be worse than that?

Well the worst is yet to come-- in that no Rationals ever existed. Because, well, all Rationals were just-- pleas to divide, but not a number until the division was completed. So that 1/3 is not even a number but a division exercise that some lazy person has not found the answer.

The only numbers that exist in mathematics are Grid Numbers, those that can be written as a Decimal and can be formed by Mathematical Induction.

So, well, I had to weave my way through this. I had to prove that sqrt2 of Ancient Greek times was a fake proof, and had to use Rational number definition, even though I know Rationals are fakes also.

I have never been caught in such a compromising bad situation as that. I wanted to prove Irrationals are nonexistent and used Rationals, when, even Rationals are nonexistent.

Some Rationals do exist such as 1/2 because their division ends up as the Decimal .5. But the 1/3 is nonexistent for you cannot write it as a Decimal. It is not .3333..... but rather 1/3 is a unfinished division problem. You could say 1/3 = .3333...333(+1/3) but then, why bother when 1/3 is more clear.

Here is a perfect example in science and math, where you have layers and layers of falsihoods, and to unpack those layers of falsehoods, one has to start with the topmost fakery -- irrationals, using rationals. Then to unpack the fakery of Rationals, we do that last with citing the Grid Numbers are the only existing numbers in all of mathematics.

Is that bizarre? Not really if you consider that humans who liar a lot, that they make mountains of fake stories, layers and layers of falsehoods covering up more liaring, and so, when it is time to topple that mountain of liaring, we start at the top and topple as we go down.

Same thing happened in mathematics

topmost liaring Irrationals, all with the liaring of lowest terms

Another liaring is the anthyphairesis

next most layer of liaring is Rationals, and they are toppled by -- not finished division exercise

So, the only surprize is that it takes mathematics about 2,500 years to topple a simple liaring, because a person with a logical mind to do math comes about in only 1 in 2,500 years.


Newsgroups: sci.math
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 19:18:47 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Re: what is wrong with the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is
irrational Re: Why is John Stillwell such a numbskull on Irrational numbers
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 02:18:48 +0000

Re: what is wrong with the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational Re: Why is John Stillwell such a numbskull on Irrational numbers
Proof:: any number that exists is written as a Decimal. sqrt2 is 1.4142..... Take it any moment in its chain of digits. Then it is a rational number as 14/10 then 141/100 then 1414/1000 etc etc To be Irrational means you cannot write it as a decimal.
Now, what is the flaw in the Ancient Greek sqrt2 proof-- it boils down to "lowest term"
Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers--
as easy as Decimal Number representation-- they have a denominator
power of 10
by Archimedes Plutonium
Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers
Old Math, and their "Lowest Terms Error" although don't tell them--
proved that 1/2 is irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek
proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed
Alright, let me get started on the proof that 1/2 is irrational number
using the invalid method of Ancient Greeks that sqrt2 is irrational,
only because, the method is invalid.
Earlier I showed how a definition of Lowest Term for p/q needed to be
extended to include a number in Rationals in decimal representation.
So, what is the Lowest Term for 1/2 in 10 Grid, for it would be .1/.2
and then the next lowest is .2/.4, etc etc.
Now right about here is where that worthless Swedish kook of math, Zelos Malum would bust in and holler and scream that Rationals are integers only, being so stupid in math not knowing .2 is 2/10 and .4 is 4/10 and 2/10/4/10 is 20/40 and so on and so forth. A worthless stalking creep of math needs hand walking everywhere the real mathematician goes. And then in comes the flood of stalking kook brigade-- Earle Jones, Dan Christensen, Michael Moroney, Jan Burse, Jan Bielawski, Alouatta to say how much everyone is a evil satan.
So, let us run through a proof that 1/2 is a Irrational number using
the proof method of Ancient Greeks.
Proof:: Suppose 1/2 is Rational. And now, put 1/2 in Lowest terms and
it is thus, in lowest terms. But now, taking 2 and dividing it into 1
2| 1.00000.... = .50000.....
and then dividing 2 by 2
2|2.00000.....  = 1.0000.....
And now, we have 1/2 in Lowest terms as .5/1.
But now, hold on a minute, let us divide .5 by 2, then 1 by 2, giving
us .25 and .5 respectively.
Here again, the idiot Malum and all who think like that idiot would say, .25/.5 are not integers, for the little fool is too dumb to do 25/100 / 5/10 = 250/500.

You see, the concept of LOWEST TERMS is a screwy messed up concept unless you have Infinity Borderlines. In 10 Grid the border is .1 in 100 Grid the border is .01, but in the entirety of mathematics, the hardcore border of infinity is 1*10^-604.

So, if the Ancient Greeks had had the Decimal system, would they then have curtailed their phony proof that sqrt2 was irrational? I believe so, because one of them would have marveled at the Decimal representation of numbers and said "if you can write a number as a decimal, then it is rational, automatically"

But because the Ancient Greeks thought they had a proof, when they did not. That every mathematician afterwards would accept it without ever thinking about it, whether it was indeed a proof. Such is the habits of people with little logic in their mental faculties.
Since we can never get a Lowest Term for the Rational number 1/2,
means a contradiction, hence 1/2 is irrational.
So, of course the above is flawed and flawed in the same way the
method was used to prove sqrt2 is irrational, when truly sqrt2 is
What went wrong? What went wrong is a bad definition-- Lowest Terms.
And anyone who studied the history of Ancient Greek Math, knows, those Ancient Greeks never had a Decimal Number System, theirs was more akin to the Roman number system of IIII = 4 and V =5, C=100 etc.
So we can easily see, that not having Decimals, that a fake proof method would be sought for and found.
What is the moral of this story, the grand moral theme of no irrationals exist, and no rationals exist, only Decimal Grid Numbers exist? What is the beautiful moral of this story, like an Aesop's fable that I most loved reading as a young boy. I think the moral is, that when math produces something weird and strange-- numbers not rational, that it is not going to be the final truth of the matter, that there is some ideas out of whack. We see it today in droves in physics-- black holes, dark energy, dark matter, neutron stars, quarks, and a cornucopia of kook imagination. If something is weird and not smooth with the rest of things, is likely it is fake altogether.

Michael Moroney
2018-04-29 14:22:17 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Jan:: how dumb is he?
AP:: he is so dumb that to this very day he thinks a ellipse is a conic
section when a half brain knows it is a cylinder section-- the
oval is a conic section.
What, you only have a half a brain? That's why you believe that?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-13 05:18:35 UTC
Is Terence Tao as dumb as that dumb Earle Jones looking at a ellipse as conic, since a ellipse has 2 axis of symmetry but a cone has only 1 axis at an angle cut. I don't think Tao is as dumb as Jones who failed math.

Earle Jones wrote:
May 12 (4 hours ago)

Re: Start with a given ellipse, then, build a cylinder around it

- show quoted text -
Hi AP:

Here is another way to gain some insight.

If you want to know the equation of an ellipse (or a circle or
hyperbola or parabola), do this:

Write the equation (in 3-space x, y, and z) for a cone.
Then write the equation of a plane.

Solve these two equations simultaneously.

Then, vary the position and orientation of the plane to discover how
one gets an ellipse, a circle, a parabola or a hyperbola.

They call these "conic sections" for a good reason.

Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-13 12:14:59 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Is Terence Tao as dumb as that dumb Earle Jones looking at a ellipse as conic, since a ellipse has 2 axis of symmetry but a cone has only 1 axis at an angle cut. I don't think Tao is as dumb as Jones who failed math.
May 12 (4 hours ago)
Re: Start with a given ellipse, then, build a cylinder around it
- show quoted text -
Here is another way to gain some insight.
If you want to know the equation of an ellipse (or a circle or
Write the equation (in 3-space x, y, and z) for a cone.
Then write the equation of a plane.
Solve these two equations simultaneously.
Then, vary the position and orientation of the plane to discover how
one gets an ellipse, a circle, a parabola or a hyperbola.
They call these "conic sections" for a good reason.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Why don't you answer his question; instead of repeating it?
Or is it that you can't?
You just not know the mathematics?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-13 18:26:59 UTC
So, Terence Tao, every day you are quiet and silent about Ellipse is a Cylinder section, never a Conic section, is every day you are silent means you agree that a Ellipse is a Conic, and thus, is proof that you, Terry Tao is a failure of mathematics, for you are no better in math than the failure of Michael Moroney who cannot even do a percentage correctly and has to plagiarize a dumb German who thinks this below is a proof that an ellipse is a conic. So, Terry, are you the same math failure as the dumb German as the failure Moroney-- so, stay quiet Terry, stay dumb in mathematics.

Michael Moroney wrote:
May 11

Re: Sections (was: One of my favourite pastimes ....)
Alan you have no logical brains
You should talk, Illogical One.

If you really think an ellipse isn't a conic section, why can't you
either provide an actual proof, or disprove the following:

Some preliminaries:

Top view of the conic section and depiction of the coordinate system used
in the proof:

^ x
-+- <= x=h
.' | `.
. | .
| | |
' | '
`. | .'
y <----------+ <= x=0

Cone (side view):
/ | \
/b | \
/---+---' <= x = h
/ |' \
/ ' | \
/ ' | \
x = 0 => '-------+-------\
/ a | \


r(x) = a - ((a-b)/h)x and d(x) = a - ((a+b)/h)x, hence

y(x)^2 = r(x)^2 - d(x)^2 = ab - ab(2x/h - 1)^2 = ab(1 - 4(x - h/2)^2/h^2.

Hence (1/ab)y(x)^2 + (4/h^2)(x - h/2)^2 = 1 ...equation of an ellipse

A cow is a horse is a canary
Get out of math-- it is over your head
You are the one who seems to think a cow is a canary.

(Yes, that's _probably_ satire, but given some of the bizarre things you
believe, I can never be certain...)

AP writes:: Moroney, you math failure, you now resort to plagiarism of some dumb German's fake proof. Of course that is understandable since Moroney can't do math so he plariarizes. For he can't even do a correct percentage.

What percent short is 938 from 945?
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572.  A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
So, Terry, Terry Terry Tao, the longer you remain silent on math critical issues, means, you are no mathematician at all, but a fakester of math.
Is Terence Tao as dumb as that dumb Earle Jones looking at a ellipse as conic, since a ellipse has 2 axis of symmetry but a cone has only 1 axis at an angle cut. I don't think Tao is as dumb as Jones who failed math.
May 12 (4 hours ago)
Re: Start with a given ellipse, then, build a cylinder around it
- show quoted text -
Here is another way to gain some insight.
If you want to know the equation of an ellipse (or a circle or
Write the equation (in 3-space x, y, and z) for a cone.
Then write the equation of a plane.
Solve these two equations simultaneously.
Then, vary the position and orientation of the plane to discover how
one gets an ellipse, a circle, a parabola or a hyperbola.
They call these "conic sections" for a good reason.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Michael Moroney
2018-05-14 01:41:35 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
So, Terence Tao, every day you are quiet and silent about Ellipse is a
Cylinder section, never a Conic section, is every day you are silent
means you agree that a Ellipse is a Conic,
First of all, Terence Tao has almost never heard of, or cares about a
nobody such as yourself, second even if he did and was interested enough
in your claim to take a look, he'd just say "Where's the proof?". And he
would NEVER accept "Because I, Archimedes Plutonium said so!" as a reason.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
and thus, is proof that you, Terry Tao is a failure of mathematics, for
you are no better in math than the failure of Michael Moroney who cannot
even do a percentage correctly and has to plagiarize a dumb German who
thinks this below is a proof that an ellipse is a conic. So, Terry, are
you the same math failure as the dumb German as the failure Moroney-- so,
stay quiet Terry, stay dumb in mathematics.
Archimedes Failure Plutonium (you need a middle name), quit projecting
your own failures at math onto other people, such as Tao and myself.
You need to accept responsibility for your own failures, and to quit
blaming everyone else for your own failures at math and sciences.
You even projected your own failure onto a graduate math student, by
telling him he has "no logical brains" or that math is "over his head"!
How dumb and stupid is that?!
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
May 11
Re: Sections (was: One of my favourite pastimes ....)
Alan you have no logical brains
You should talk, Illogical One.
If you really think an ellipse isn't a conic section, why can't you
No answer?

<snip proof ellipse is a conic section>
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
AP writes:: Moroney, you math failure, you now resort to plagiarism of some
dumb German's fake proof. Of course that is understandable since Moroney
can't do math so he plariarizes. For he can't even do a correct
Plagiarism, Failure Plutonium? What do you mean plagiarism? Are you
inventing new rules again? Are you saying I need to create my own proof
the ellipse is a conic section rather than using a nice, short, easy to
understand existing proof? Does that mean that if I need to show the
length relationships of the three sides of a right triangle, I have to
invent my own proof rather than "plagiarize" that Pythagoras guy?
And you can't disprove it, so you need to whine plagiarism?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
What percent short is 938 from 945?
And that's one reason why you keep failing at percentages, Failure
Plutonium. First you rounded off the mass of the muon to three figures,
but you truncated, rounded _down_ (to 105) rather than to the nearest
(106). Any scientist or engineer knows to round to nearest. So, to three
sig figs, you _should_ be asking "what percent short is 938 from 954?" But
you rounded incorrectly, so you failed.

Also why did you round at all? Very accurate masses for both the proton
and muon are available, see below.

Second, when you multiply a measurement, you also multiply the error. You
multiply by 9 so that's almost an entire order of magnitude increase in
the total error. As the mass of the muon is close to 105.66 MeV, by
rounding down you started off with double the error (0.66 MeV) than
rounding to nearest (0.34 MeV) would have given.

Third, when you subtract two fairly close measured amounts, the percentage
of error in the result can be greatly increased. Again, any scientist or
engineer knows that. For example, using your failure, we get 945-938 = 7
MeV. If we plug in the correct masses to many significant figures the
correct difference is 12.6530605 MeV. So your error is 5.6530605 MeV,
approaching half! If we correctly rounded off to 106 rather than
truncate, the error becomes -3.3469395 MeV, much better but still
excessive. This is a problem any good scientist or engineer would
recognize you must be sure to use accurate enough meaasurements to avoid
such error. The good folks at http://pdg.lbl.gov/ do have very accurate
numbers for you. Not that any good physicist would ever consider proton=9
muons for any length of time as they are extremely different, such an
equivalence would violate many known laws of physics.

Not that I expect this to ever convince you. You'll be right back
misrepresenting me very soon. After all, it's in your nature to fail.
Birds fly, fish swim and Archimedes Plutonium fails.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Still true. The actual difference is 12.6530605 MeV as I just showed, so a
proton mass is about 8.88 muon masses. 8.88 is hardly ""exactly" 9 muons!
I'm amazed how you stick with this particular failure of yours.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
So, Terry, Terry Terry Tao, the longer you remain silent on math critical
issues, means, you are no mathematician at all, but a fakester of math.
Terry Tao is not reading this. And even if he did, he will NEVER think "I
will believe what Archimedes Failure Plutonium writes, it must be true
because he says it's true." A real mathematician will demand a proof. Can
you give him one?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-14 03:31:30 UTC
Why could not Terence Tao fix any one of these major mistakes in modern mathematics, anyone of them

Fix any one of these::
1) oval is a conic section, never ellipse
2) fix calculus so that integral is not 0 width rectangles
3) fix the fake proof that irrationals exist, when they do not exist
4) recognize that sine is a semicircle wave, never a sinusoid
5) fix logic of such hideous notions that 1 OR 2 = 3

I'll tell you why, because Tao has a miniscule logical mind to do math. For example, Tao would nod his head that both sine and cosine function in unit circle have a maximum distance of 1 value, so that 90 degrees is of value 1. But then the logically inept Tao would assign-- arbitrarily--- sheer arbitrarily-- for he lacks logical intelligence would assign 180 degrees to be 3.14.... because Tao has an arbitrary mind to do mathematics. A logical person sees that 90 degrees is 1, hence 180 has to be assigned 2 value.

But there is Tao, a wrecking ball of mathematics with his pollution to Number theory.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Michael Moroney
2018-05-14 04:14:52 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Why could not Terence Tao fix any one of these major mistakes in modern
mathematics, anyone of them
What "major mistakes"?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
1) oval is a conic section, never ellipse
Why is this true? Because you say so? You give no proofs.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
2) fix calculus so that integral is not 0 width rectangles
Why is this true? Because you say so?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
3) fix the fake proof that irrationals exist, when they do not exist
Why is this true? Because you say so?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
4) recognize that sine is a semicircle wave, never a sinusoid
Why is this true? Because you say so?
Last I checked (about a microsecond ago) my AC electricity works, so
I don't think so.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
5) fix logic of such hideous notions that 1 OR 2 = 3
Do you even understand binary logic at all? Or is some guy who died
because he was too stupid to come in out of the rain STILL outsmarting

(Spring is here and Archie is still posting. Fortunately, no nasty
surprises lurking in melting South Dakota snowbanks this year)
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-19 02:57:42 UTC
Post by Michael Moroney
What "major mistakes"?
Michael Moroney writes

6:57 PM (2 hours ago)
Post by Michael Moroney
Once again, thank you for requesting another Babble-o-meter Calculation!
AP:: Moroney's posts reminds one of Soup Operas-- As the Sheep Dip Turns, or, Days of Our Sheep Dip
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-15 17:35:45 UTC
Michael Moroney writes:

6:20 AM (6 hours ago)
Teacher, Teacher, can we study this proof, please please please???

Some preliminaries:

Top view of the conic section and depiction of the coordinate system used
in the proof:

              ^ x
             -+- <= x=h
         .'   |   `.
        .     |     .
        |     |     |
        '     |     '      
         `.   |   .'
 y <----------+ <= x=0
Cone (side view):
               / | \
              /b |  \
             /---+---' <= x = h
            /    |'   \
           /   ' |     \
          / '    |      \
x = 0 => '-------+-------\
        /    a   |        \


r(x) = a - ((a-b)/h)x  and  d(x) = a - ((a+b)/h)x,  hence

y(x)^2 = r(x)^2 - d(x)^2 = ab - ab(2x/h - 1)^2 = ab(1 - 4(x - h/2)^2/h^2.

Hence (1/ab)y(x)^2 + (4/h^2)(x - h/2)^2 = 1  ...equation of an ellipse


AP writes:: Moroney cannot even do a percentage correctly for he thinks 938 is 12% short of 945. On top of that, the fool plagiarized a dumb German-- Franz, going by the name "me" with his fake proof above, since Moroney could never do geometry, he can't even do percentages.

percentage for Moroney, 938 is what percent short of 945
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572.  A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
AP writes: these type of posts goes away once the 26 year long stalker Moroney is forced to go away-- otherwise, they are like the US postage stamp, the "forever stamp"

CONIC SECTION IS OVAL, never an ellipse; proofs below ---- by Archimedes Plutonium

Conics = oval, 4 Experiments
4th experiment Re: -World's first proofs that the Conic section is an
Oval, never an ellipse// yes, Apollonius and Dandelin were wrong

by Archimedes Plutonium
1st EXPERIMENT:: Fold paper into cone and cylinder, (I prefer the waxy cover of a magazine). Try to make both about the same size, so the perspective is even. Now tape the cone and cylinder so they do not come undone in the scissor or paper cutter phase. A paper cutter is best but dangerous, so be careful, be very careful with paper cutter.  Make the same angle of cut in each. and the best way of insuring that is to temporary staple the two together so the angle is the same. Once cut, remove the staples. Now we inspect the finished product. Hold each in turn on a sheet of paper and with a pencil trace out the figure on the flat piece of paper. Notice the cylinder gives an ellipse with 2 Axes of Symmetry, while the conic gives a oval because it has just one, yes 1 axis of symmetry.
That was my first experiment.
Easy and fast experiment, and gets the person able to make more cones
and cylinders in a rush. Only fault I have of this experiment is that
it leaves a scissors mark-- a vertex so to speak. But it is fast and
easy. The proof is in the comparison. Now the cut should be at a steep
enough angle. If you cut straight across, both will be circles, so
make a steep cut.
2nd EXPERIMENT:: get a Kerr or Mason canning lid and repeat the above production of a cone and cylinder out of stiff waxy paper (magazine covers). Try to make the cone and cylinder about the same size as the lid. Now either observe with the lid inside the cone and cylinder, or, punch two holes in the cone and cylinder and fasten the lid inside. What you want to observe is how much area and where the area is added to make a section. So that in the cylinder, there is equal amount of area to add upwards as to add downwards of the lid, but in the cone, the area upwards added is small, while the area added downwards is huge new area. Thus the cylinder had two axes of symmetry and is an ellipse, while cone is 1 axis of symmetry and is an oval.
This experiment is the best for it immediately shows you the asymmetry
of an axis, where the upward needs little area to fill in any gap and
the downward needs an entire "crescent shaped area add-on to the
circle lid.
3rd EXPERIMENT:: Basically this is a repeat of the Dandelin fake proof, only we use a cylinder. Some tennis balls or ping pong balls come in see through plastic cylinder containers. And here you need just two balls in the container and you cut out some cardboard in the shape of ellipse that fits inside the container. You will be cutting many different sizes of these ellipses and estimating their foci. Now you insert these ellipse and watch to see the balls come in contact with the foci. Now, you build several cones in which the ellipses should fit snugly. Trouble is, well, there is never a cone that any ellipse can fit inside, for only an oval fits inside the cones.
This experiment is cumbersome and takes much precision and good
materials. It is just a repeat of the Dandelin work on this topic, and
one can easily see how the Dandelin fake proof is constructed-- he
starts off with assuming the figure is an ellipse. Which tells us, he
never had a good-working-model if any at all. For you cannot stuff a
ellipse inside a cone. You can stuff a ellipse inside a cylinder. So
this suggests the entire Dandelin nonsense was all worked out in the
head and never in hands on actual reality. So, in this experiment, we
give a proof that Dandelin was utterly wrong and that it is a cylinder
that you can stuff a ellipse sandwiched by two identical spheres-- one
upper and one lower.

The only amazing part of the Dandelin story is how an utterly fake
proof could have survived from 1822, and not until 2017 is it
thoroughly revealed as ignorant nonsense. One would think in math,
there is no chance such a hideously flawed proof could even be
published in a math journal, and if anything is learned from Dandelin,
is that the math journal publishing system is a whole entire garbage
network. A network that is corrupt and fans fakery.
4th EXPERIMENT:: this is a new one. And I have it resting on my coffee table at the moment and looking at it. It comes from a toy kit of plastic see through geometry figures, cost me about $5. And what I have is a square pyramid and a cone of about the same size. Both see through. And what I did was rest the square pyramid apex on top of the cone apex, so the cone is inside the square pyramid. Now I wish I had a rectangular box to fit a cylinder inside the box. But this toy kit did not have that, but no worries for the imagination can easily picture a cylinder inside a rectangular box. Now the experiment is real simple in that we imagine a Planar Cut into the rectangular box with cylinder inside and the cut will make a rectangle from the box and a ellipse from the cylinder. Now with the cut of the square pyramid that contains a cone inside, the square pyramid is a trapezoid section while the cone is a oval section. If the cut were parallel to the base, the square pyramid yields a square and the cone yields a circle. This experiment proves to all the dunces, the many dunces who think a conic section is an ellipse, that it cannot be an ellipse, for obviously, a cone is not the same as a cylinder.
Now this 4th Experiment is a delicious fascinating experiment, for it
reveals to us another proof that the conic section is a oval. For the
square-pyramid section is a Isosceles Trapezoid, and what is so great
about that, is we can take a cone and place inside of the cone a
square pyramid and then place a second square pyramid over the cone,
so the cone is sandwiched in between two square pyramids.

Now the square pyramids are tangent to the cone at 4 line segments, 8
altogether for the two, and what is so intriguing about the tangents
is that it allows us to quickly develop a analytic geometry that the
cone section must be a oval in order for the two square pyramids to be
both isosceles trapezoids as sections.

Archimedes Plutonium
Conics = oval, 2 proofs, synthetic, analytic

Synthetic Geometry & Analytical Geometry Proofs that Conic section =
Oval, never an ellipse-- World's first proofs thereof
by Archimedes Plutonium
_Synthetic Geometry proofs that Cylinder section= Ellipse// Conic section= Oval

First Synthetic Geometry proofs, later the Analytic Geometry proofs.

Alright I need to get this prepared for the MATH ARRAY of proofs, that
the Ellipse is a Cylinder section, and that the Conic section is an
oval, never an ellipse

PROOF that Cylinder Section is an Ellipse, never a Oval::
I would have proven it by Symmetry. Where I indulge the reader to
place a circle inside the cylinder and have it mounted on a swivel, a
tiny rod fastened to the circle so that you can pivot and rotate the
circle. Then my proof argument would be to say--when the circle plate
is parallel with base, it is a circle but rotate it slightly in the
cylinder and determine what figure is produced. When rotated at the
diameter, the extra area added to the upper portion equals the extra
area added to bottom portion in cylinder, symmetrical area added,
hence a ellipse. QED

Now for proof that the Conic section cannot be an ellipse but an oval,
I again would apply the same proof argument by symmetry.

Proof:: Take a cone in general, and build a circle that rotates on a
axis. Rotate the circle just a tiny bit for it is bound to get stuck
or impeded by the upward slanted walls of the cone. Rotate as far as
you possibly can. Now filling in the area upwards is far smaller than
filling in the area downwards. Hence, only 1 axis of symmetry, not 2
axes of symmetry. Define Oval as having 1 axis of symmetry. Thus a
oval, never an ellipse. QED

The above two proofs are Synthetic Geometry proofs, which means they
need no numbers, just some concepts and axioms to make the proof work.
A Synthetic geometry proof is where you need no numbers, no coordinate
points, no arithmetic, but just using concepts and axioms. A Analytic
Geometry proof is where numbers are involved, if only just coordinate

Array:: Analytic Geometry proof that Cylinder section= Ellipse//Conic
section = Oval, never ellipse

Now I did 3 Experiments and 3 models of the problem, but it turns out
that one model is superior over all the other models. One model is the
best of all.

That model is where you construct a cone and a cylinder and then
implant a circle inside the cone and cylinder attached to a handle so
that you can rotate the circle inside. Mine uses a long nail that I
poked holes into the side of a cylinder and another one inside a cone
made from heavy wax paper of magazine covers. And I used a Mason or
Kerr used lid and I attached them to the nail by drilling two holes
into each lid and running a wire as fastener. All of this done so I
can rotate or pivot the circle inside the cylinder and cone. You need
a long nail, for if you make the models too small or too skinny, you
lose clarity.

ARRAY, Analytic Geometry Proof, Cylinder Section is a Ellipse::

      .-'              `-.
    .'                    `.
  /                         \
 ;                           ;
| G          c              | H
 ;                           ;
  \                         /
   `.                     .'
      `-.    _____  .-'

The above is a view of a ellipse with center c and is produced by the
Sectioning of a Cylinder as long as the cut is not perpendicular to
the base, and as long as the cut involves two points not larger than
the height of the cylinder walls. What we want to prove is that the
cut is always a ellipse, which is a plane figure of two axes of
symmetry with a Major Axis and Minor Axis and center at c.

Side view of Cylinder EGFH above with entry point cut at E and exit
point cut at F and where c denotes the central axis of the cylinder
and where x denotes a circle at c parallel with the base-circle of

|                              |
|                              | E
|                              |
|                              |
|x            c              |x
|                              |
|                              |
|                              |
|F                            |
|                              |
|                              |
|                              |

So, what is the proof that figure EGFH is always an ellipse in the
cylinder section? The line segment GH is the diameter of the circle
base of cylinder and the cylinder axis cuts this diameter in half such
that Gc = cH. Now we only need to show that Fc = cE. This is done from
the right triangles cxF and cxE, for we note that by Angle-Side-Angle
these two right triangles are congruent and hence Fc = cE, our second
axis of symmetry and thus figure EGFH is always an ellipse. QED

Array proof:: Analytic Geometry proof that Conic section= Oval// never ellipse

ARRAY, Analytic Geometry Proof, Conic Section is a Oval, never an ellipse::

      ,'"   "`.
   /            \
C |     c       | D
 \               /
    ` . ___ .'

The above is a view of a figure formed from the cut of a conic with
center c as the axis of the cone and is produced by the Sectioning of
a Cone as long as the cut is not perpendicular to the base, and as
long as the cut is not a hyperbola, parabola or circle (nor line).
What we want to prove is that this cut is always a oval, never an
ellipse. An oval is defined as a plane figure of just one axis of
symmetry and possessing a center, c, with a Major Diameter as the axis
of symmetry and a Minor Diameter. In our diagram above, the major
diameter is AB and minor diameter is CD.

Alright, almost the same as with Cylinder section where we proved the
center was half way between Major Axis and Minor Axis of cylinder,
only in the case of the Conic, we find that the center is half way
between CD the Minor Diameter, but the center is not halfway in
between the Major Diameter, and all of that because of the reason the
slanted walls of the cone cause the distance cA to be far smaller than
the distance cB. In the diagram below we have the circle of x centered
at c and parallel to base. The angle at cx is not 90 degrees as in
cylinder. The angle of cAx is not the same as the angle cBx, as in the
case of the cylinder, because the walls of the cone-for line segments-
are slanted versus parallel in the cylinder. Triangles cAx and cBx are
not congruent, and thus, the distance of cA is not equal to cB,
leaving only one axis of symmetry AB, not CD.

     /  \A
 x/  c  \x
B/         \

Hence, every cut in the Cone, not a hyperbola, not a parabola, not a
circle (not a line) is a Oval, never an ellipse.


--Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-17 20:01:08 UTC
Michael Moroney writes:
2:16 PM (33 minutes ago)
Gary Feldman, Marty Walsh, Charlie Baker,Douglas Finkbeiner, Melissa Franklin -- Moroney asks why you keep failing with identity of Real Electron = muon, proton=840MeV, .5MeV = Dirac's monopole

Michael Moroney          
2:15 PM (9 minutes ago)
So why do you keep failing, again and again and again, by using the wrong
mass of the muon, even after I told you what your mistake was.
AP writes: these type of posts goes away once the 26 year long stalker Moroney is forced to go away-- otherwise, they are like the US postage stamp, the "forever stamp"

Paul Joss, Marty Walsh, Charlie Baker, Vera Kistiakowsky, Earle Lomon -- Moroney asks why you keep failing with identity of Real Electron = muon, proton=840MeV, .5MeV = Dirac's monopole
L. Reif, Marty Walsh, Charlie Baker, Thomas Greytak, Lee Grodzins-- Moroney-- Boston's antiscience stalker fool//never realizing the Real Electron = muon, proton=840MeV, .5MeV = Dirac's monopole
Bernard Burke, Charlie Baker, George Clark , Jeffrey Goldstone, teach percentages correctly-- Moroney electrical engr can't do percentages//never realizing the Real Electron = muon, proton=840MeV, .5MeV = Dirac's monopole
Michael Moroney writes This Old House geothermal is bogus (see below), but the only fool here is Moroney.
percentage for Moroney, 938 is what percent short of 945
Silly boy, that's off by more than 12.6 MeV, or 12% of the mass of a muon.
Hardly "exactly" 9 muons.
Or, 938.2720813/105.6583745 = 8.88024338572.  A proton is about the mass
of 8.88 muons, not 9. About 12% short.
Does the state of Massachusetts ever have education reviews. For here is a stalker of Moroney for 25 years-- obsessive stalker of AP, and only AP, says he is a electrical engineer yet never admits to mistakes that 938 is not 12% short of 945, but only .7% short, less than 1% short. So what kind of engineer is it from Barry Shein's std.com, that cannot even do a percentage correctly and never admits to mistakes, only stalks and harasses other people who do know math and science.
Why is std.com so hateful of the tv program THIS OLD HOUSE, when I have learned so much from that show.
May 8,
1:58 PM (2 hours ago)
Are you deliberately
Why is std.com such a antiscience ISP, with Moroney hating percentage problem, hating geothermal-- is std.com the worst isp for science in Boston, or is Barry Shein topped by someone else?
President: L. Reif (electrical engineer)
MIT physics dept
William Bertozzi, Robert Birgeneau, Hale Bradt, Bernard Burke, George Clark , Jeffrey Goldstone, Thomas Greytak, Lee Grodzins , Paul Joss, Vera Kistiakowsky, Earle Lomon*, Irwin Pless, Paul Schechter, James Young*
  (::_  ^  _::)
You mean the classroom is the world, not just my cubbyhole in Boston?
And, even though you-- professors of physics, want to remain stupid in Real Electron=105MeV, Real Proton = 840MeV, and .5MeV was Dirac's magnetic monopole, your students deserve better.
Drs.Larry Summers, Sheldon Glashow, Lisa Randall of Harvard, teach percentages correctly-- Moroney//never realizing the Real Electron = muon, proton=840MeV, .5MeV = Dirac's monopole
President Larry Summers
Harvard Physics dept
Jacob Barandes, Howard Berg, Michael Brenner, Adam Cohen, Eugene Demler, Michael Desai
Louis Deslauriers, John Doyle, Cora Dvorkin*, Gary Feldman, Douglas Finkbeiner, Melissa Franklin, Gerald Gabrielse, Howard Georgi, Sheldon Glashow, Roy Glauber, Jene Golovchenko, Markus Greiner, Roxanne Guenette, Girma Hailu, Bertrand Halperin, Lene Hau
Thomas Hayes, Eric Heller, Jason Hoffman, Jenny Hoffman, Gerald Holton, Paul Horowitz, John Huth, Arthur Jaffe, Daniel Jafferis, Efthimios Kaxiras, Philip Kim, John Kovac, Erel Levine
Mikhail Lukin, Logan McCarty, L. Mahadevan, Vinothan Manoharan, Eric Mazur, Masahiro Morii
David Morin, Julia Mundy, Cherry Murray, David Nelson, Kang Ni, Hongkun Park, William Paul
Peter Pershan, Mara Prentiss, Lisa Randall, Matthew Reece, Subir Sachdev, Aravinthan Samuel, Matthew Schwartz, Irwin Shapiro, Isaac Silvera, Andrew Strominger, Christopher Stubbs, Cumrun Vafa, Ronald Walsworth, David Weitz, Robert Westervelt, Richard Wilson
Tai Wu, Amir Yacoby, Susanne Yelin, Xi Yin
Can someone in the Boston area make sure this numbskull is never a science teacher in Boston-- and the damage he can do to a classroom
Mike Moroney, science failure-- on geothermal
There are some places here that use "geothermal" for heating and cooling
but even these are solar power in disguise.  They pump water from wells
from where the temperature is the average over many years and extract heat
from it (in the winter) and dump heat into it (in the summer) and pump the
water back into the ground.  The water is about 55F out of the ground.
On Monday, June 6, 2016 at 1:31:27 PM UTC-5, Michael Moroney wrote:  
Just as a point of order, what you described is not geothermal. What
you've just described is thermal balancing with water, using water
cooler than air from the water table to cool a building in the summer,
and using water warmer than air from the water table to warm a building
in the winter.
In other words, glorified solar energy.  Solar energy stored and averaged
out over many, many years.
Admit it, you were fooled by a "This Old House" type show where they
use a high-tech sounding buzzword to impress people who don't know any
Just answer one question, if you can.  If it's really geothermal, why
is the temperature only 51 degrees, but in Iceland, where there's real
geothermal, they're accessing temperatures of hundreds of degrees?
Pretty cool, fossil solar energy! 51 degrees, the average of summer and
winter temperatures for hundreds or even thousands of years, depending
on how deep they go.
Too bad you do have to use real energy to run the heat pump, although it
is much better than simply using that energy to make heat.
It's amusing how he can't handle that at all. Just like he can't
handle the concept of permafrost when he goes off on geothermal
energy.  All he can do is attack.
geothermal heat energy is 99% from the sun where he was (unsure where,
Mass. I think)
Now tell us where Permafrost comes from.
p.p.s. I was searching because I am actually looking into getting
geothermal heat. Fossil solar energy is a great resource!
By Archimedes Plutonium

SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"


By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.

A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the  infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.

Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist

by Archimedes Plutonium

Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.

Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is

But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.

It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.

If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.

The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the


Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.

From this:
      /  |
 A /----|
  /      |
|        |

The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for

To this:

|         |
|         |
|         |

And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.

In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.

Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.

by Archimedes Plutonium

Proofs that the Real Electron=muon, Real Proton=840MeV, and that the .5MeV particle was the magnetic monopole, afterall

12 PROOFS that Real-Electron = muon
by Archimedes Plutonium

Proofs that the Real Electron=muon and that the .5MeV particle was the magnetic monopole, afterall
PROOFS that Real-Electron = muon

1st proof is chemical bonding cannot exist with momentum of 938 versus .5MeV
Chemical Bonds are covalent, ionic, metallic. You simply cannot get atoms to bond if the electron is thought of as the .5MeV particle, only with a muon at 105 MeV and the proton at 840 MeV with neutron at 945 MeV do you have the physics of angular momentum that allows bonding in Chemistry. The .5MeV particle was, all along a magnetic monopole of a photon with .5 MeV charge energy, not rest mass energy.

Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-19 15:53:34 UTC
Yes, Terry Tao and Andrew Wiles and Thomas Hales, and Appel & Haken, and John Conway acutely suffer from a disease of "wanting fame and fortune even if it means doing fake math". Wanting fame and fortune more than wanting "truth" of math. For the equation of truth of math, means, you fix up errors and fakery of Old Math first, then you plunge into other math to make discoveries. None of these fakers listed even, ever had the hint and clue

that Sine was not a sinusoid but rather a semicircle wave because in unit circle 1 was 90degrees, meaning, you cannot assign 180 degrees as arbitrarily being 3.14.... when 90 degrees is 1 and so 180 degrees is 2, not 3.14....

Then there was the Conic section and not a single one of the bozo clowns Tao, Wiles, Hales, Appel & Haken, Conway, not a single one of those bozo clowns even though they taught math everyday for most of their lives, taught it, and could not see that Ellipse was a Cylinder Section, never a Conic.

So what has to change in order that math can exist-- is that awards in math have to change where a award is given only to those who first can FIX math of its mistakes, and not to those clowns who just add on more math pollution that has to be thrown out and fixed by future generations of mathematicians.

Fix errors of math first--- then, only then do we consider whether you are worthy of a math award in some other offering.

Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-25 21:08:52 UTC
Tao is so dumb in even conics.

Tao is so dumb in math he believes a ellipse is a conic and accepts the below fallacy argument by Franz & Moroney, otherwise, the oaf Tao would correct them—

3:30 PMMichael Moroney writes
These last two lessons are going to be long lessons
Here is some True Mathematics which will probably become long lessons:

Below you will find a simple *proof* that shows that certain conic
sections are ellipses.

Some preliminaries:

Top view of the conic section and depiction of the coordinate system used
in the proof:

^ x
-+- <= x=h
.' | `.
. | .
| | |
' | '
`. | .'
y <----------+ <= x=0

Cone (side view):
/ | \
/b | \
/---+---' <= x = h
/ |' \
/ ' | \
/ ' | \
x = 0 => '-------+-------\
/ a | \


r(x) = a - ((a-b)/h)x and d(x) = a - ((a+b)/h)x, hence

y(x)^2 = r(x)^2 - d(x)^2 = ab - ab(2x/h - 1)^2 = ab(1 - 4(x - h/2)^2/h^2.

Hence (1/ab)y(x)^2 + (4/h^2)(x - h/2)^2 = 1 ...equation of an ellipse

2018-05-25 21:15:28 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Tao is so dumb in even conics.
Tao is so dumb in math he believes a ellipse is a conic and accepts the below fallacy argument by Franz & Moroney, otherwise, the oaf Tao would correct them—
3:30 PMMichael Moroney writes
These last two lessons are going to be long lessons
Below you will find a simple *proof* that shows that certain conic
sections are ellipses.
Top view of the conic section and depiction of the coordinate system used
^ x
-+- <= x=h
.' | `.
. | .
| | |
' | '
`. | .'
y <----------+ <= x=0
/ | \
/b | \
/---+---' <= x = h
/ |' \
/ ' | \
/ ' | \
x = 0 => '-------+-------\
/ a | \
r(x) = a - ((a-b)/h)x and d(x) = a - ((a+b)/h)x, hence
y(x)^2 = r(x)^2 - d(x)^2 = ab - ab(2x/h - 1)^2 = ab(1 - 4(x - h/2)^2/h^2.
Hence (1/ab)y(x)^2 + (4/h^2)(x - h/2)^2 = 1 ...equation of an ellipse
Hey Dummy, why don't you show why the proof above is wrong? You can't, can you?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-28 13:11:06 UTC
Why could not Terry Tao ever point out the error of Old Math's fake proof of 4 Color Mapping? I do not mean the error of a Reductio Ad Absurdum error, no, I mean the error of "ignoring borderlines".

| A |
| _______ |
| | | |
| | __ |__|____
| | | | | |
|__ |___ |__ |__| |
| | | |
| |__ |___C__|
|_B____ |

The Set-Difference of (A - B) is

| A - B |
| _______ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|__ | |__|

The Set Difference of A - C is

| |
| |
| |
| _____|
| |
|______ |

What is the Set Difference of B - C, of C - B, B - A, of C - A

Alright, now, we are going to spend quite some time on both Union and Set Difference for there is a major error of Old Math and Old Logic concerning the Set Difference, the subtraction operator in sets. And this major flaw is so pervasive in Old Math that even a famous fake-math-proof is caught committing this error. An error of soft-of-mind. The famous fake proof is called 4 Color Mapping and have the 14 year old look it up in Wikipedia for it involves a lot of pictures which I cannot write in this post. And it involves a famous fake proof by Appel & Haken for they used a computer to do a math proof which is why it is famous, the first of its kind-- a computer to prove. But it is fake for many reasons, one of them for Set Difference, since Appel & Haken thought you can peel away the borderlines or boundaries and not affect the problem.

So, students, what we are going to do is take these Sets A, B, C

| A |
| _______ |
| | | |
| | __ |__|____
| | | | | |
|__ |___ |__ |__| |
| | | |
| |__ |___C__|
|_B____ |

And plot them into the 10 Grid where A could be the square that is from (0, 7.5) (7.5,7.5) (0, 15), (7.5,15) and the set B is a rectangle that is (2,0) (5.5,0) (2,11) (5.5,11).

Now, what is the Set Difference of A - B ?

We did it by the picture

| A - B |
| _______ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|__ | |__|

But we did not do it actually by the Graph with numbers and a huge problem occurs and is what makes the Appel & Haken proof a fake proof (along with many many other errors)

You see, when you subtract the rectangle (2,0) (5.5,0) (2,11) (5.5,11) from the square (0, 7.5) (7.5,7.5) (0, 15), (7.5,15) Remember, in mathematics the Grid systems are discrete, meaning there are gaps and holes between numbers. So when we subtract the rectangle, we lose the 2 in (2,0) and what stands remaining is the 1.9, and we lose the 5.5 in (5.5, 0) and what stands remaining is 5.4 in 10 Grid.

In Old Math, they thought you could just simply remove the borders of geometric figures and it would make no difference at all in any problems being solved. Turns out, when geometry is discrete, by eliminating the borders of any geometry figure, drastically changes the entire problem worked on. This is one of the reason's Appel & Haken's 4 Color Mapping is a fake proof. Yet math professors the world over adore this fakery, only because, when they went to school, they never learned logic on how to think straight, think clear, and that is why this textbook realizes that students need to learn Logic even more important than mathematics.

Why cannot Terry ever do that? Because Terry is poor in mathematics, for he cannot fix or even recognize the errors of Old Math, and only piles on more errors into the body knowledge of mathematics.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-28 18:41:49 UTC
Tao has no math dignity, integrity to weigh in on ellipse Re: Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test

Michael Moroney         writes:
9:28 AM (3 hours ago)
- hide quoted text -

Some preliminaries:

Top view of the conic section and depiction of the coordinate system used
in the proof:

              ^ x
             -+- <= x=h
         .'   |   `.
        .     |     .
        |     |     |
        '     |     '      
         `.   |   .'
 y <----------+ <= x=0
Cone (side view):
               / | \
              /b |  \
             /---+---' <= x = h
            /    |'   \
           /   ' |     \
          / '    |      \
x = 0 => '-------+-------\
        /    a   |        \


r(x) = a - ((a-b)/h)x  and  d(x) = a - ((a+b)/h)x,  hence

y(x)^2 = r(x)^2 - d(x)^2 = ab - ab(2x/h - 1)^2 = ab(1 - 4(x - h/2)^2/h^2.

Hence (1/ab)y(x)^2 + (4/h^2)(x - h/2)^2 = 1  ...equation of an ellipse


AP writes:: Moroney is a worthless stalker in science, been like that for 26 years, whose each and every post is merely-- I hate your guts and will say anything to oppose you. So dumb and failed in science that Moroney thought 938 was 12% short of 945 when in truth it is less than 1% short. And now the insane stalker picked up on Franz's fake ellipse argument thinking it is a proof. But the sad thing to this story is that even Tao believes in fakesters like Moroney, than in even true math, rightful true math because if I were Tao, I would not be hiding timid ignoring the debate-- ellipse is a cylinder section, never a conic cut. No, if I had any dignity in math, I would be out in front saying-- so and so is correct. But it seems that Tao has no integrity, has no dignity in math.

CONIC SECTION IS OVAL, never an ellipse; proofs below

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Archimedes Plutonium
Conics = oval, 2 proofs, synthetic, analytic

Synthetic Geometry & Analytical Geometry Proofs that Conic section =
Oval, never an ellipse-- World's first proofs thereof
by Archimedes Plutonium
_Synthetic Geometry proofs that Cylinder section= Ellipse// Conic section= Oval

First Synthetic Geometry proofs, later the Analytic Geometry proofs.

Alright I need to get this prepared for the MATH ARRAY of proofs, that
the Ellipse is a Cylinder section, and that the Conic section is an
oval, never an ellipse

PROOF that Cylinder Section is an Ellipse, never a Oval::
I would have proven it by Symmetry. Where I indulge the reader to
place a circle inside the cylinder and have it mounted on a swivel, a
tiny rod fastened to the circle so that you can pivot and rotate the
circle. Then my proof argument would be to say--when the circle plate
is parallel with base, it is a circle but rotate it slightly in the
cylinder and determine what figure is produced. When rotated at the
diameter, the extra area added to the upper portion equals the extra
area added to bottom portion in cylinder, symmetrical area added,
hence a ellipse. QED

Now for proof that the Conic section cannot be an ellipse but an oval,
I again would apply the same proof argument by symmetry.

Proof:: Take a cone in general, and build a circle that rotates on a
axis. Rotate the circle just a tiny bit for it is bound to get stuck
or impeded by the upward slanted walls of the cone. Rotate as far as
you possibly can. Now filling in the area upwards is far smaller than
filling in the area downwards. Hence, only 1 axis of symmetry, not 2
axes of symmetry. Define Oval as having 1 axis of symmetry. Thus a
oval, never an ellipse. QED

The above two proofs are Synthetic Geometry proofs, which means they
need no numbers, just some concepts and axioms to make the proof work.
A Synthetic geometry proof is where you need no numbers, no coordinate
points, no arithmetic, but just using concepts and axioms. A Analytic
Geometry proof is where numbers are involved, if only just coordinate

Array:: Analytic Geometry proof that Cylinder section= Ellipse//Conic
section = Oval, never ellipse

Now I did 3 Experiments and 3 models of the problem, but it turns out
that one model is superior over all the other models. One model is the
best of all.

That model is where you construct a cone and a cylinder and then
implant a circle inside the cone and cylinder attached to a handle so
that you can rotate the circle inside. Mine uses a long nail that I
poked holes into the side of a cylinder and another one inside a cone
made from heavy wax paper of magazine covers. And I used a Mason or
Kerr used lid and I attached them to the nail by drilling two holes
into each lid and running a wire as fastener. All of this done so I
can rotate or pivot the circle inside the cylinder and cone. You need
a long nail, for if you make the models too small or too skinny, you
lose clarity.

ARRAY, Analytic Geometry Proof, Cylinder Section is a Ellipse::

      .-'              `-.
    .'                    `.
  /                         \
 ;                           ;
| G          c              | H
 ;                           ;
  \                         /
   `.                     .'
      `-.    _____  .-'

The above is a view of a ellipse with center c and is produced by the
Sectioning of a Cylinder as long as the cut is not perpendicular to
the base, and as long as the cut involves two points not larger than
the height of the cylinder walls. What we want to prove is that the
cut is always a ellipse, which is a plane figure of two axes of
symmetry with a Major Axis and Minor Axis and center at c.

Side view of Cylinder EGFH above with entry point cut at E and exit
point cut at F and where c denotes the central axis of the cylinder
and where x denotes a circle at c parallel with the base-circle of

|                              |
|                              | E
|                              |
|                              |
|x            c              |x
|                              |
|                              |
|                              |
|F                            |
|                              |
|                              |
|                              |

So, what is the proof that figure EGFH is always an ellipse in the
cylinder section? The line segment GH is the diameter of the circle
base of cylinder and the cylinder axis cuts this diameter in half such
that Gc = cH. Now we only need to show that Fc = cE. This is done from
the right triangles cxF and cxE, for we note that by Angle-Side-Angle
these two right triangles are congruent and hence Fc = cE, our second
axis of symmetry and thus figure EGFH is always an ellipse. QED

Array proof:: Analytic Geometry proof that Conic section= Oval// never ellipse

ARRAY, Analytic Geometry Proof, Conic Section is a Oval, never an ellipse::

      ,'"   "`.
   /            \
C |     c       | D
 \               /
    ` . ___ .'

The above is a view of a figure formed from the cut of a conic with
center c as the axis of the cone and is produced by the Sectioning of
a Cone as long as the cut is not perpendicular to the base, and as
long as the cut is not a hyperbola, parabola or circle (nor line).
What we want to prove is that this cut is always a oval, never an
ellipse. An oval is defined as a plane figure of just one axis of
symmetry and possessing a center, c, with a Major Diameter as the axis
of symmetry and a Minor Diameter. In our diagram above, the major
diameter is AB and minor diameter is CD.

Alright, almost the same as with Cylinder section where we proved the
center was half way between Major Axis and Minor Axis of cylinder,
only in the case of the Conic, we find that the center is half way
between CD the Minor Diameter, but the center is not halfway in
between the Major Diameter, and all of that because of the reason the
slanted walls of the cone cause the distance cA to be far smaller than
the distance cB. In the diagram below we have the circle of x centered
at c and parallel to base. The angle at cx is not 90 degrees as in
cylinder. The angle of cAx is not the same as the angle cBx, as in the
case of the cylinder, because the walls of the cone-for line segments-
are slanted versus parallel in the cylinder. Triangles cAx and cBx are
not congruent, and thus, the distance of cA is not equal to cB,
leaving only one axis of symmetry AB, not CD.

     /  \A
 x/  c  \x
B/         \

Hence, every cut in the Cone, not a hyperbola, not a parabola, not a
circle (not a line) is a Oval, never an ellipse.


--Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-31 18:38:32 UTC
Why cannot the oaf of mathematics-- Terry Tao ever cleanup the errors of Old Math? Why? Is it because he has no logical mind? For surely he ran across trigonometry in his career. He ran across the Sine function as being opposite divided by hypotenuse. Surely, he ran across the unit circle, which makes sine function for unit circle, forces 90 degrees in the unit circle to be the number 1, so that 90 degrees is forced to be a value of 1, yet Tao, lacking Logic abilities to think straight, to think clearly, just up and spuriously, arbitrarily assigns 180 degrees to be 3.14.... Ahem, ahem, Terry, if the unit circle forces 90 degrees to be 1, why spuriously assign 180 degrees to be 3.14.... when 90degrees = 1, forces 180 degrees to be 2.

This is the reason oafs of mathematics believe sine and cosine are sinusoid waves, because, well, the oafs have arbitrary stretched the x-axis relative to the y-axis-- a forbidden sin in mathematics or logic-- to stretch an axis arbitrarily to suit your whims. Both Sine and Cosine are Semicircle waves, not sinusoid.

So, Terry, instead of polluting math with more of your silly worthless nonsense-- try of a change, in fixing and correcting Old Math.

And start it, by going back to school and learning what Logic is, something you have a serious lack thereof.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
2018-05-31 21:22:11 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now AP has flunked every thest anyone can think of..
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-02 06:37:20 UTC
Now Tao thinks he is good in number theory, really, but what could Tao never see that the proof Square Root of 2 is a fake proof? Is it because Tao is so very poor in logic abilities, never studied to master logic, for he could not even see a ellipse is never a conic, always a cylinder section. Nor could Tao see that sine is a semicircle wave not a sinusoid.

Tao prides himself on Number theory, yet he is so far in the weeds with numbers of mathematics that he clownishly believes Irrational numbers exist.

Remember the fake proof that sqrt2 is irrational ? It goes somewhat like this -- suppose it is rational, ... put in lowest terms --- then find the numerator has a 2 in it, denominator has a 2 in it, -- a contradiction-- flip the assertion sqrt2 is rational, thus irrational.

Many many fake problems with that proof-- for one, Reductio ad Absurdum is not a math proof valid method. But the major problem is this concept of Lowest Terms that screws up the proof and makes sqrt2 irrational, makes it a fake proof. All of which flys over the head of Tao, for Terry was born yesterday, still back at Princeton.

If you have a logical mind, you realize that Lowest Terms is a wishy washy concept, especially in a proof of mathematics. To the Ancient Greeks, they can be excused for they were 2,000 years ago and math was really not developed as well as today. But there is no excuse for not knowing the concept of Lowest Terms is marred in muck.

I wrote these passages, many months back, even in 2017, hoping Stillwell will pull his error filled math history books off the market, so riddled in error, that his book is math comics, something for Princeton graduates like Tao to hold a toga party over.

Irrationals do not exist, for all numbers are Rationals by Archimedes Plutonium

Simple one line proof:: any number that can be represented as a Decimal is a number that has a integer numerator and integer denominator (in this case powers of 10), hence no irrationals exist.

Many Errors of what Numbers exist.

Why no Irrationals exist-- lowest terms, anthyphairesis
Now you would think that Physics never needs to know the difference between rational number and irrational number. But you be surprised to know that when no irrational number exists, the numbers 3.14…. and 2.71 as two separate numbers being rational only, is the closest that mathematics can come to two related numbers, 22/7 with 19/7, matching the Atom Totality of 22 subshells in 7 shells and 19 subshells occupied. Here is a concept unknown to mathematicians about pi and "e", the concept of simultaneous relatedness. When we see no irrational exists, then pi and "e" are connected fully.

Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers--
as easy as Decimal Number representation-- they have a denominator
power of 10
by Archimedes Plutonium

Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers

Old Math, and their "Lowest Terms Error" although don't tell them--
proved that 1/2 is irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek
proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed

Alright, let me get started on the proof that 1/2 is irrational number
using the invalid method of Ancient Greeks that sqrt2 is irrational,
only because, the method is invalid.

Earlier I showed how a definition of Lowest Term for p/q needed to be
extended to include a number in Rationals in decimal representation.
So, what is the Lowest Term for 1/2 in 10 Grid, for it would be .1/.2
and then the next lowest is .2/.4, etc etc.

So, let us run through a proof that 1/2 is a Irrational number using
the proof method of Ancient Greeks.

Proof:: Suppose 1/2 is Rational. And now, put 1/2 in Lowest terms and
it is thus, in lowest terms. But now, taking 2 and dividing it into 1
2| 1.00000.... = .50000.....

and then dividing 2 by 2
2|2.00000.....  = 1.0000.....

And now, we have 1/2 in Lowest terms as .5/1.

But now, hold on a minute, let us divide .5 by 2, then 1 by 2, giving
us .25 and .5 respectively.

Since we can never get a Lowest Term for the Rational number 1/2,
means a contradiction, hence 1/2 is irrational.

So, of course the above is flawed and flawed in the same way the
method was used to prove sqrt2 is irrational, when truly sqrt2 is

What went wrong? What went wrong is a bad definition-- Lowest Terms.

The proof that sqrt2 is Rational, simply involves observation for that

In 10 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.42 X 1.42 = 2.0 (oh, you question the 2.0164,
you question the "164", well in 10 Grid, the only digits that exist
are the ten place value and that is 2.0.

In 100 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.415 X 1.415

In 1000 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.4143 X 1.4143 and on and on.

Sqrt2 and all sqrt root numbers are Rationals. Even pi and 2.71....
are rational numbers.

Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational
Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is
a flawed
That is the only one proof in all of mathematics-- an argument based on a definition of Lowest Terms.
Apparently there is a second proof of sqrt2 irrational. A far more challenging proof to see if phony.
Apparently there was a second proof, but whether it was known by
Euclid, by Archimedes, I rather doubt it.
It is seen in Stillwell's Mathematics and Its History, 3rd ed. 2010, page 45. In the same book, page 12 is the Lowest Terms phony proof.
Now looking at that alleged proof on page 45, it says and I quote.
" We notice that the rectangle remaining after step 2, with sides sqrt2-1 and 2-sqrt2 = sqrt2(sqrt2-1), is the same shape as the original, though the long side is now vertical instead of horizontal. It follows that similar steps will recur forever, which is another proof that sqrt2 is irrational, incidentally."
Does Stillwell expect readers to "read his mind". Why would a recurrence ever make Stillwell think that was a proof of sqrt2 is not able to be P/Q where P and Q are Counting Numbers. Why? Is it because two rational sides would cancel out in a square further down the line? And, if so, then the reason this proof is nonrecurring is only because, well, you use a symbol of sqrt2 that cannot commingle with actual numbers. If you call a number a symbol, call it S, call it Y, obviously you cannot get rid of it.
Now this one is going to be challenging for me to show it is phony. But it is easy if we demand sqrt2 be written as a number, not some abstract symbol. Once we demand that a number in decimal representation or in fractions be forced upon rather than a "just a symbol sqrt2", then the phoniness of the proof is immediately apparent. Because, that forcing demands sqrt2 be written as 1.42 = 142/100 in 10 Grid or written as 1.415 = 1415/1000 in 100 Grid, etc. Writing sqrt2 in a number, then it behaves like all other Rationals, for it is a rational.
You see, the rub on sqrt2 that Old Math installed is the same mistake they made with 1/3. They want 1/3 be .33333....., when, if called to be logical, 1/3 is .3333...33(+1/3) what Newton called the Compleat Quotient.
nice proof that no irrationals exist, simple fact that all numbers are
Decimal represented and thus a denominator of power of 10 Re:
analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is a

Now, here is a Commonsense proof that No Irrationals exist. It is not
formal, it is not flowery or pilfered with abstractions. It is a proof
that an old grandma or grandpa would understand and recognize, even if
starting to slow to think in old age. It is a proof that young kids
would be proud of owning. For it is a proof that since 3000 years ago,
humanity has thought there was something known as "irrational number"
and only now, today, realizes that there are no irrational numbers.
That irrational numbers was the grand fake of fakeries.

Theorem Statement:: Rational numbers exist, but Irrationals do not exist.

Proof Statement:: Once we are able to have a Decimal Number system we
can build all the numbers via Grids and using a math-induction element
and adding that element successively to build the numbers. They are
all Decimal numbers, meaning that their place-value is established. So
that say for instance .003, or 3.14159..... are all rational numbers
because, depending on what place value you want to talk about, it is
3/1000 or 314159/100000. In other words, writing a number in Decimal
Representation alone, proves the number is a Rational for the
denominator is always a power of 10. And since decimal numbers is ALL
POSSIBLE DIGIT ARRANGEMENTS, means that all numbers are a Rational.

Now, there is one possible exception to this rule or proof. The
imaginary number of square root of -1.

Is it even a number? I am going to say it is not a number, because all
numbers have to come from Math induction on a induction element, be it
1 for Counting Numbers, be it .1 for 10 Grid, or .01 for 100 Grid, etc
etc. So where does that leave us with sqrt -1. I suggest that i is not
a number but an angle, a symbol for an angle. What angle is it? Not 90
degree for that is +1. I suggest i = sqrt-1 is the angle 180 degrees
that lies in 2nd and 3rd quadrants.

Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-03 16:47:50 UTC
On Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 1:37:28 AM UTC-5, Archimedes Plutonium wrote:

You see, this is the greatest single problem in modern day math-- and Terence Tao along with Andrew Wiles and John Conway exemplify this problem, magnify it to the extreme. The problem of being in math, yet having no logical mind to be able to do math correctly, and thus, littering and polluting mathematics.

The system of mathematics before the Internet was that of a corrupt publication where only a handful of corrupt math persons were allowed to publish their work, so that the publication along with awards of Fields, Wolf, Abel were all connected to corrupt publishing. This is how Wiles could sneek through a silly fake proof of Fermat's Last Theorem-- he had his own publishing, and he gathered around him a corrupt gaggle of other "losers of logic" to endorse his fakery-- you scratch my back, I publish your nonsense.

And that is the environment Tao grew up in and was published up to the gills in any nonsense Tao offered.

But the Internet changes all of that old time Math Corruption. The Internet exposes, is open to Truth, and difficult for corrupt people and their corruption of math. In Old Math, you can hide the fact that the ellipse is never a conic section, but always a Cylinder Section, you can hide that for centuries and milleniums. But with a Internet, you no longer can hide the fact the Oval is a Conic Section, never the ellipse.

And all those prizes of Fields, Abel, Wolf, those prizes were themselves connected to a Corrupt System. For the prizes never awarded any person to clean out the ugly horrible huge mess of fake math, fake math like ellipse is conic-- terrible fakery.

What we need prizes in math to be-- to be-- prizes for those that FIRST can clean up fakeries and toss them out of mathematics, then, only then, do we ever want to look at any new offering you may have up your sleeves. Show us you can CLEAN UP math, then we will entertain a new offering you may have.

Below I show where the Concept of Irrational was a fakery concept in mathematics, but I did not stop there, for in the end, I show that even our concept of Rational, is fakery, for Rationals are not actually numbers themselves but an invitation to divide. So that 1/3, in Tao's corrupt days or Wiles corrupt days or Conway's corrupt days in math, to them they saw 1/3 as a full fledged number and called them Rationals.

But when you have a Logical mind, not a corrupt mind vapid of logic. You see 1/3 as not a number itself, but an invitation to divide. And not until you completed the division, as Newton called it the Compleat Quotient, where some stop at .3333.... some even dare to be more precise by saying .3333... with remainder. So you see, 1/3 is not a number in mathematics, and that means Rationals are not numbers in mathematics.

What are numbers in mathematics are Grid numbers, where you take a math induction element such as 1 and keep adding 1, or take .1 and keep adding .1 to itself and further, building up a 10 Grid, a 100 Grid, etc.

So, the ugly scene in math of 2018, is still, the Corrupt math of Wiles, Conway, Tao, Appel & Haken, Hales, and every winner of math prizes, are of that old corrupt way of doing math-- they fill journals with fake math and increase their fame and fortune. Leaving the real true mathematicians of the world having to clean up after them.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Irrationals do not exist, for all numbers are Rationals by Archimedes Plutonium
Simple one line proof:: any number that can be represented as a Decimal is a number that has a integer numerator and integer denominator (in this case powers of 10), hence no irrationals exist.
Many Errors of what Numbers exist.
Why no Irrationals exist-- lowest terms, anthyphairesis
Now you would think that Physics never needs to know the difference between rational number and irrational number. But you be surprised to know that when no irrational number exists, the numbers 3.14…. and 2.71 as two separate numbers being rational only, is the closest that mathematics can come to two related numbers, 22/7 with 19/7, matching the Atom Totality of 22 subshells in 7 shells and 19 subshells occupied. Here is a concept unknown to mathematicians about pi and "e", the concept of simultaneous relatedness. When we see no irrational exists, then pi and "e" are connected fully.
Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers--
as easy as Decimal Number representation-- they have a denominator
power of 10
by Archimedes Plutonium
Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers
Old Math, and their "Lowest Terms Error" although don't tell them--
proved that 1/2 is irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek
proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed
Alright, let me get started on the proof that 1/2 is irrational number
using the invalid method of Ancient Greeks that sqrt2 is irrational,
only because, the method is invalid.
Earlier I showed how a definition of Lowest Term for p/q needed to be
extended to include a number in Rationals in decimal representation.
So, what is the Lowest Term for 1/2 in 10 Grid, for it would be .1/.2
and then the next lowest is .2/.4, etc etc.
So, let us run through a proof that 1/2 is a Irrational number using
the proof method of Ancient Greeks.
Proof:: Suppose 1/2 is Rational. And now, put 1/2 in Lowest terms and
it is thus, in lowest terms. But now, taking 2 and dividing it into 1
2| 1.00000.... = .50000.....
and then dividing 2 by 2
2|2.00000.....  = 1.0000.....
And now, we have 1/2 in Lowest terms as .5/1.
But now, hold on a minute, let us divide .5 by 2, then 1 by 2, giving
us .25 and .5 respectively.
Since we can never get a Lowest Term for the Rational number 1/2,
means a contradiction, hence 1/2 is irrational.
So, of course the above is flawed and flawed in the same way the
method was used to prove sqrt2 is irrational, when truly sqrt2 is
What went wrong? What went wrong is a bad definition-- Lowest Terms.
The proof that sqrt2 is Rational, simply involves observation for that
In 10 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.42 X 1.42 = 2.0 (oh, you question the 2.0164,
you question the "164", well in 10 Grid, the only digits that exist
are the ten place value and that is 2.0.
In 100 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.415 X 1.415
In 1000 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.4143 X 1.4143 and on and on.
Sqrt2 and all sqrt root numbers are Rationals. Even pi and 2.71....
are rational numbers.
Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational
Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is
a flawed
That is the only one proof in all of mathematics-- an argument based on a definition of Lowest Terms.
Apparently there is a second proof of sqrt2 irrational. A far more challenging proof to see if phony.
Apparently there was a second proof, but whether it was known by
Euclid, by Archimedes, I rather doubt it.
It is seen in Stillwell's Mathematics and Its History, 3rd ed. 2010, page 45. In the same book, page 12 is the Lowest Terms phony proof.
Now looking at that alleged proof on page 45, it says and I quote.
" We notice that the rectangle remaining after step 2, with sides sqrt2-1 and 2-sqrt2 = sqrt2(sqrt2-1), is the same shape as the original, though the long side is now vertical instead of horizontal. It follows that similar steps will recur forever, which is another proof that sqrt2 is irrational, incidentally."
Does Stillwell expect readers to "read his mind". Why would a recurrence ever make Stillwell think that was a proof of sqrt2 is not able to be P/Q where P and Q are Counting Numbers. Why? Is it because two rational sides would cancel out in a square further down the line? And, if so, then the reason this proof is nonrecurring is only because, well, you use a symbol of sqrt2 that cannot commingle with actual numbers. If you call a number a symbol, call it S, call it Y, obviously you cannot get rid of it.
Now this one is going to be challenging for me to show it is phony. But it is easy if we demand sqrt2 be written as a number, not some abstract symbol. Once we demand that a number in decimal representation or in fractions be forced upon rather than a "just a symbol sqrt2", then the phoniness of the proof is immediately apparent. Because, that forcing demands sqrt2 be written as 1.42 = 142/100 in 10 Grid or written as 1.415 = 1415/1000 in 100 Grid, etc. Writing sqrt2 in a number, then it behaves like all other Rationals, for it is a rational.
You see, the rub on sqrt2 that Old Math installed is the same mistake they made with 1/3. They want 1/3 be .33333....., when, if called to be logical, 1/3 is .3333...33(+1/3) what Newton called the Compleat Quotient.
nice proof that no irrationals exist, simple fact that all numbers are
analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is a
Now, here is a Commonsense proof that No Irrationals exist. It is not
formal, it is not flowery or pilfered with abstractions. It is a proof
that an old grandma or grandpa would understand and recognize, even if
starting to slow to think in old age. It is a proof that young kids
would be proud of owning. For it is a proof that since 3000 years ago,
humanity has thought there was something known as "irrational number"
and only now, today, realizes that there are no irrational numbers.
That irrational numbers was the grand fake of fakeries.
Theorem Statement:: Rational numbers exist, but Irrationals do not exist.
Proof Statement:: Once we are able to have a Decimal Number system we
can build all the numbers via Grids and using a math-induction element
and adding that element successively to build the numbers. They are
all Decimal numbers, meaning that their place-value is established. So
that say for instance .003, or 3.14159..... are all rational numbers
because, depending on what place value you want to talk about, it is
3/1000 or 314159/100000. In other words, writing a number in Decimal
Representation alone, proves the number is a Rational for the
denominator is always a power of 10. And since decimal numbers is ALL
POSSIBLE DIGIT ARRANGEMENTS, means that all numbers are a Rational.
Now, there is one possible exception to this rule or proof. The
imaginary number of square root of -1.
Is it even a number? I am going to say it is not a number, because all
numbers have to come from Math induction on a induction element, be it
1 for Counting Numbers, be it .1 for 10 Grid, or .01 for 100 Grid, etc
etc. So where does that leave us with sqrt -1. I suggest that i is not
a number but an angle, a symbol for an angle. What angle is it? Not 90
degree for that is +1. I suggest i = sqrt-1 is the angle 180 degrees
that lies in 2nd and 3rd quadrants.
Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-03 04:23:24 UTC
So, there is Terence Tao, trying to prove something about prime sequences-- "...that is always possible to find somewhere in the infinity of integers, a progression of prime numbers of equal spacing and any length." (source Wikipedia)

But trouble with that and its fake proof, is that you have to know a well defined concept of Infinity. A concept of infinity that ties in with being finite, and the only way to do that is a borderline between finite and infinite. Once you establish a borderline between finite and infinite, then Poof, the Green-- Tao theorem goes up in smoke as a pitiful fake piece of mathematics. For instance, if we said 100 was the borderline between finite and infinite, a clear well defined finite and infinite, then a prime spacing of 10 with a length of 10 primes is impossible.

This is a major major problem in math today, the professors teaching math are numbskulls with Logic and the students under those professors are never guided to studying logic, so neither the professor will ever be good in math nor his/her students, for both are in a vacuum chamber of Logical thinking, neither can think straight, can think clearly.

And what Green and Tao have given the world of math is another item of toxic waste that needs be thrown out.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-03 22:02:45 UTC
So, Terry, Terry Tao, why is it you are so very stupid in mathematics that even a High School student of math knows more about Number theory than you-- for in particular, a High School student knows that as you do division
3 | 100 = 33 with remainder 1/3 written as 33+1/3

Then the High Schooler doing more and more

3 | 1000 = 333 with remainder 1/3 written as 333+1/3

3 | 10000 = 3333 with remainder 1/3 written as 3333+1/3

Then, the High Schooler displays his/her flash of genius

3 | 1.000 = .333 with remainder 1/3 to be written into the quotient

3 | 1.0000 = .3333 with remainder 1/3 to be written into the quotient

Something that Newton had already learned way way back in time for he called it the Compleat Quotient

But then a imp dolt of mathematics like you Terry Tao and Princeton math department all think that

1/3 = .3333......

How stupid can you stoop to, Terry. You admit 100/3 is 33 with remainder 1/3

But you ignorantly forget the remainder in

3 | 1.0000

What is your excuse Terry, that a High School student is the genius who follows Newton, and the Terry Tao the imp of mathematics? Is your excuse that you are poor in Logical Reasoning, poor in Logic, as well as the entire Math department at Princeton University, is dumber than a bright High School student who knows that if 3 divided into 100 has a remainder you cannot neglect, knows that 3 divided into 1 has a remainder you cannot neglect.

I personally like to write it as what Newton did way way back in the 1600s. For Newton would have written 1/3 = .3333..33(+1/3)

And this, by the way Terry, eliminates your stupid argument and Princeton's stupid argument that .9999... equals 1.

So, Terry, when you going to learn real true math?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-04 03:57:09 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
So, Terry, Terry Tao, why is it you are so very stupid in mathematics that even a High School student of math knows more about Number theory than you-- for in particular, a High School student knows that as you do division
3 | 100 = 33 with remainder 1/3 written as 33+1/3
Then the High Schooler doing more and more
3 | 1000 = 333 with remainder 1/3 written as 333+1/3
3 | 10000 = 3333 with remainder 1/3 written as 3333+1/3
Then, the High Schooler displays his/her flash of genius
3 | 1.000 = .333 with remainder 1/3 to be written into the quotient
3 | 1.0000 = .3333 with remainder 1/3 to be written into the quotient
Something that Newton had already learned way way back in time for he called it the Compleat Quotient
But then a imp dolt of mathematics like you Terry Tao and Princeton math department all think that
1/3 = .3333......
How stupid can you stoop to, Terry. You admit 100/3 is 33 with remainder 1/3
But you ignorantly forget the remainder in
3 | 1.0000
What is your excuse Terry, that a High School student is the genius who follows Newton, and the Terry Tao the imp of mathematics? Is your excuse that you are poor in Logical Reasoning, poor in Logic, as well as the entire Math department at Princeton University, is dumber than a bright High School student who knows that if 3 divided into 100 has a remainder you cannot neglect, knows that 3 divided into 1 has a remainder you cannot neglect.
I personally like to write it as what Newton did way way back in the 1600s. For Newton would have written 1/3 = .3333..33(+1/3)
I mean Terry Tao, you spent what, 1/2 of your adult life thinking or doing mathematics, and it never crossed your mind that you divide 100 by 3 and have a remainder you must account for as 33(+1/3), and it never crossed your mind that 1 divided by 3, just just cannot be .3333.... for you forgot the remainder. Yet Newton realized this with his Compleat Quotient. Terry, is that what happens to a bloke in math, who has no logical mind in doing math?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
And this, by the way Terry, eliminates your stupid argument and Princeton's stupid argument that .9999... equals 1.
So, Terry, when you going to learn real true math?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-06 20:08:40 UTC
So now, why could not Terence Tao even fix the Anthyphairesis as shown in Stillwell's Math and its History book. I mean, any numbclutch can see that if you insert a letter-- not a number-- into the process, you cannot get rid of the letter, but once you insert a actual real true number like sqrt2 = 1.42 in 10 Grid is actually sqrt2 since 1.42x1.42 yields 2.0 and the "164" is not in 10Grid. Once you insert 1.42 into anthyphairesis you dispense with the number.

So, no-one expects the knucklehead Stillwell to catch that error, but everyone should expect the overly decorated awarded Tao, to have caught that error. But then, well, Tao is a hyped up mathematician, but not actually a "real mathematician" for Tao seems unable to correct any Old Math, as far as I know. And, I leave the microphone for you Terry-- ever correct any mistake in Old Math?

Many Errors of what Numbers exist.

Why no Irrationals exist-- lowest terms, anthyphairesis

by Archimedes Plutonium

Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers

Old Math, and their "Lowest Terms Error" although don't tell them--
proved that 1/2 is irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek
proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed

Alright, let me get started on the proof that 1/2 is irrational number
using the invalid method of Ancient Greeks that sqrt2 is irrational,
only because, the method is invalid.

Earlier I showed how a definition of Lowest Term for p/q needed to be
extended to include a number in Rationals in decimal representation.
So, what is the Lowest Term for 1/2 in 10 Grid, for it would be .1/.2
and then the next lowest is .2/.4, etc etc.

So, let us run through a proof that 1/2 is a Irrational number using
the proof method of Ancient Greeks.

Proof:: Suppose 1/2 is Rational. And now, put 1/2 in Lowest terms and
it is thus, in lowest terms. But now, taking 2 and dividing it into 1
2| 1.00000.... = .50000.....

and then dividing 2 by 2
2|2.00000.....  = 1.0000.....

And now, we have 1/2 in Lowest terms as .5/1.

But now, hold on a minute, let us divide .5 by 2, then 1 by 2, giving
us .25 and .5 respectively.

Since we can never get a Lowest Term for the Rational number 1/2,
means a contradiction, hence 1/2 is irrational.

So, of course the above is flawed and flawed in the same way the
method was used to prove sqrt2 is irrational, when truly sqrt2 is

What went wrong? What went wrong is a bad definition-- Lowest Terms.

The proof that sqrt2 is Rational, simply involves observation for that

In 10 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.42 X 1.42 = 2.0 (oh, you question the 2.0164,
you question the "164", well in 10 Grid, the only digits that exist
are the ten place value and that is 2.0.

In 100 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.415 X 1.415

In 1000 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.4143 X 1.4143 and on and on.

Sqrt2 and all sqrt root numbers are Rationals. Even pi and 2.71....
are rational numbers.

Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational
Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is
a flawed
That is the only one proof in all of mathematics-- an argument based on a definition of Lowest Terms.
Apparently there is a second proof of sqrt2 irrational. A far more challenging proof to see if phony.
Apparently there was a second proof, but whether it was known by
Euclid, by Archimedes, I rather doubt it.
It is seen in Stillwell's Mathematics and Its History, 3rd ed. 2010, page 45. In the same book, page 12 is the Lowest Terms phony proof.
Now looking at that alleged proof on page 45, it says and I quote.
" We notice that the rectangle remaining after step 2, with sides sqrt2-1 and 2-sqrt2 = sqrt2(sqrt2-1), is the same shape as the original, though the long side is now vertical instead of horizontal. It follows that similar steps will recur forever, which is another proof that sqrt2 is irrational, incidentally."
Does Stillwell expect readers to "read his mind". Why would a recurrence ever make Stillwell think that was a proof of sqrt2 is not able to be P/Q where P and Q are Counting Numbers. Why? Is it because two rational sides would cancel out in a square further down the line? And, if so, then the reason this proof is nonrecurring is only because, well, you use a symbol of sqrt2 that cannot commingle with actual numbers. If you call a number a symbol, call it S, call it Y, obviously you cannot get rid of it.
Now this one is going to be challenging for me to show it is phony. But it is easy if we demand sqrt2 be written as a number, not some abstract symbol. Once we demand that a number in decimal representation or in fractions be forced upon rather than a "just a symbol sqrt2", then the phoniness of the proof is immediately apparent. Because, that forcing demands sqrt2 be written as 1.42 = 142/100 in 10 Grid or written as 1.415 = 1415/1000 in 100 Grid, etc. Writing sqrt2 in a number, then it behaves like all other Rationals, for it is a rational.
You see, the rub on sqrt2 that Old Math installed is the same mistake they made with 1/3. They want 1/3 be .33333....., when, if called to be logical, 1/3 is .3333...33(+1/3) what Newton called the Compleat Quotient.
nice proof that no irrationals exist, simple fact that all numbers are
Decimal represented and thus a denominator of power of 10 Re:
analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is a

Now, here is a Commonsense proof that No Irrationals exist. It is not
formal, it is not flowery or pilfered with abstractions. It is a proof
that an old grandma or grandpa would understand and recognize, even if
starting to slow to think in old age. It is a proof that young kids
would be proud of owning. For it is a proof that since 3000 years ago,
humanity has thought there was something known as "irrational number"
and only now, today, realizes that there are no irrational numbers.
That irrational numbers was the grand fake of fakeries.

Theorem Statement:: Rational numbers exist, but Irrationals do not exist.

Proof Statement:: Once we are able to have a Decimal Number system we
can build all the numbers via Grids and using a math-induction element
and adding that element successively to build the numbers. They are
all Decimal numbers, meaning that their place-value is established. So
that say for instance .003, or 3.14159..... are all rational numbers
because, depending on what place value you want to talk about, it is
3/1000 or 314159/100000. In other words, writing a number in Decimal
Representation alone, proves the number is a Rational for the
denominator is always a power of 10. And since decimal numbers is ALL
POSSIBLE DIGIT ARRANGEMENTS, means that all numbers are a Rational.

Now, there is one possible exception to this rule or proof. The
imaginary number of square root of -1.

Is it even a number? I am going to say it is not a number, because all
numbers have to come from Math induction on a induction element, be it
1 for Counting Numbers, be it .1 for 10 Grid, or .01 for 100 Grid, etc
etc. So where does that leave us with sqrt -1. I suggest that i is not
a number but an angle, a symbol for an angle. What angle is it? Not 90
degree for that is +1. I suggest i = sqrt-1 is the angle 180 degrees
that lies in 2nd and 3rd quadrants.

Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-07 07:11:39 UTC
Another huge mistake of Old Math, their hideous assessement of the Harmonic Series

1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5....

Where the boneheads thought that this Series diverges

This is like saying in life, when all of your life you has seen just 4 foxes in the wild, then saying foxes are infinite in number. I mean, has no mathematician any self respect of himself/herself, when they end up with crazy goofball conclusions like this.

The reason mathematicians have put themselves into the "crazy corner of thinking" on Harmonic Series, is that Old Math never ironed out a "sane definition of infinity" and what infinite means. When you have a notion of infinity, such as Tao in his looney tune primes sequences, when you only have a half-baked notion of infinity, do you end up with crazy conclusion the harmonic series diverges.

When you WELL define infinity as a borderline with finite, then you realize the Harmonic series is a impotently low class convergence to a small number. If the infinity border were 100, then Harmonic series converges to something around 5.1, after 1000 it converges to 7.4, after 10,000 it converges to 9.7, after 100,000, the harmonic series is a mere paltry 12.0.

No wonder many people not in math, look upon those in math as conehead thinkers. Because once mathematicians find themselves on a "wrong track to nowhere" they do not change or correct their mistakes but pretend as if the persons pointing out the mistake is wrong. A shame Rod Serling never made a Twilight Zone of mathematics for they deserve several episodes.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
So now, why could not Terence Tao even fix the Anthyphairesis as shown in Stillwell's Math and its History book. I mean, any numbclutch can see that if you insert a letter-- not a number-- into the process, you cannot get rid of the letter, but once you insert a actual real true number like sqrt2 = 1.42 in 10 Grid is actually sqrt2 since 1.42x1.42 yields 2.0 and the "164" is not in 10Grid. Once you insert 1.42 into anthyphairesis you dispense with the number.
So, no-one expects the knucklehead Stillwell to catch that error, but everyone should expect the overly decorated awarded Tao, to have caught that error. But then, well, Tao is a hyped up mathematician, but not actually a "real mathematician" for Tao seems unable to correct any Old Math, as far as I know. And, I leave the microphone for you Terry-- ever correct any mistake in Old Math?
Many Errors of what Numbers exist.
Why no Irrationals exist-- lowest terms, anthyphairesis
by Archimedes Plutonium
Why No Irrationals exist, and why pi and 2.71… are rational numbers
Old Math, and their "Lowest Terms Error" although don't tell them--
proved that 1/2 is irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek
proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed
Alright, let me get started on the proof that 1/2 is irrational number
using the invalid method of Ancient Greeks that sqrt2 is irrational,
only because, the method is invalid.
Earlier I showed how a definition of Lowest Term for p/q needed to be
extended to include a number in Rationals in decimal representation.
So, what is the Lowest Term for 1/2 in 10 Grid, for it would be .1/.2
and then the next lowest is .2/.4, etc etc.
So, let us run through a proof that 1/2 is a Irrational number using
the proof method of Ancient Greeks.
Proof:: Suppose 1/2 is Rational. And now, put 1/2 in Lowest terms and
it is thus, in lowest terms. But now, taking 2 and dividing it into 1
2| 1.00000.... = .50000.....
and then dividing 2 by 2
2|2.00000.....  = 1.0000.....
And now, we have 1/2 in Lowest terms as .5/1.
But now, hold on a minute, let us divide .5 by 2, then 1 by 2, giving
us .25 and .5 respectively.
Since we can never get a Lowest Term for the Rational number 1/2,
means a contradiction, hence 1/2 is irrational.
So, of course the above is flawed and flawed in the same way the
method was used to prove sqrt2 is irrational, when truly sqrt2 is
What went wrong? What went wrong is a bad definition-- Lowest Terms.
The proof that sqrt2 is Rational, simply involves observation for that
In 10 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.42 X 1.42 = 2.0 (oh, you question the 2.0164,
you question the "164", well in 10 Grid, the only digits that exist
are the ten place value and that is 2.0.
In 100 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.415 X 1.415
In 1000 Grid, sqrt2 = 1.4143 X 1.4143 and on and on.
Sqrt2 and all sqrt root numbers are Rationals. Even pi and 2.71....
are rational numbers.
Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational
Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is
a flawed
That is the only one proof in all of mathematics-- an argument based on a definition of Lowest Terms.
Apparently there is a second proof of sqrt2 irrational. A far more challenging proof to see if phony.
Apparently there was a second proof, but whether it was known by
Euclid, by Archimedes, I rather doubt it.
It is seen in Stillwell's Mathematics and Its History, 3rd ed. 2010, page 45. In the same book, page 12 is the Lowest Terms phony proof.
Now looking at that alleged proof on page 45, it says and I quote.
" We notice that the rectangle remaining after step 2, with sides sqrt2-1 and 2-sqrt2 = sqrt2(sqrt2-1), is the same shape as the original, though the long side is now vertical instead of horizontal. It follows that similar steps will recur forever, which is another proof that sqrt2 is irrational, incidentally."
Does Stillwell expect readers to "read his mind". Why would a recurrence ever make Stillwell think that was a proof of sqrt2 is not able to be P/Q where P and Q are Counting Numbers. Why? Is it because two rational sides would cancel out in a square further down the line? And, if so, then the reason this proof is nonrecurring is only because, well, you use a symbol of sqrt2 that cannot commingle with actual numbers. If you call a number a symbol, call it S, call it Y, obviously you cannot get rid of it.
Now this one is going to be challenging for me to show it is phony. But it is easy if we demand sqrt2 be written as a number, not some abstract symbol. Once we demand that a number in decimal representation or in fractions be forced upon rather than a "just a symbol sqrt2", then the phoniness of the proof is immediately apparent. Because, that forcing demands sqrt2 be written as 1.42 = 142/100 in 10 Grid or written as 1.415 = 1415/1000 in 100 Grid, etc. Writing sqrt2 in a number, then it behaves like all other Rationals, for it is a rational.
You see, the rub on sqrt2 that Old Math installed is the same mistake they made with 1/3. They want 1/3 be .33333....., when, if called to be logical, 1/3 is .3333...33(+1/3) what Newton called the Compleat Quotient.
nice proof that no irrationals exist, simple fact that all numbers are
analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is a
Now, here is a Commonsense proof that No Irrationals exist. It is not
formal, it is not flowery or pilfered with abstractions. It is a proof
that an old grandma or grandpa would understand and recognize, even if
starting to slow to think in old age. It is a proof that young kids
would be proud of owning. For it is a proof that since 3000 years ago,
humanity has thought there was something known as "irrational number"
and only now, today, realizes that there are no irrational numbers.
That irrational numbers was the grand fake of fakeries.
Theorem Statement:: Rational numbers exist, but Irrationals do not exist.
Proof Statement:: Once we are able to have a Decimal Number system we
can build all the numbers via Grids and using a math-induction element
and adding that element successively to build the numbers. They are
all Decimal numbers, meaning that their place-value is established. So
that say for instance .003, or 3.14159..... are all rational numbers
because, depending on what place value you want to talk about, it is
3/1000 or 314159/100000. In other words, writing a number in Decimal
Representation alone, proves the number is a Rational for the
denominator is always a power of 10. And since decimal numbers is ALL
POSSIBLE DIGIT ARRANGEMENTS, means that all numbers are a Rational.
Now, there is one possible exception to this rule or proof. The
imaginary number of square root of -1.
Is it even a number? I am going to say it is not a number, because all
numbers have to come from Math induction on a induction element, be it
1 for Counting Numbers, be it .1 for 10 Grid, or .01 for 100 Grid, etc
etc. So where does that leave us with sqrt -1. I suggest that i is not
a number but an angle, a symbol for an angle. What angle is it? Not 90
degree for that is +1. I suggest i = sqrt-1 is the angle 180 degrees
that lies in 2nd and 3rd quadrants.
Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Now there is a Science lifelong-generation Test for the past 30 years in General Science (each generation has its science test, and ours is Global Warming). It has but one question, do you believe and accept Global Warming Climate Change, and has never vocalized any opposition to it? If yes, well, you pass, if no, well, you were never a scientist in the first place, never, and science is not for you.
Now, Math has a lifelong-generation Test. Here again, only one question is needed.
Can you provide a Geometry proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus? If not, well, you flunked mathematics.
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test.
But Terence Tao stupidity in mathematics does not stop with Calculus, for, Tao thought he was good at Number theory, but it turns out. That Tao was so very very stupid in even Arithmetic, because the Ancient Greeks thought they discovered "irrational number" in the square root of 2. Turns out, their proof was fakery and even Stillwell's (see my posts) Anthyphairesis Re: Stillwell gave another phony proof sqrt2 irrational Re: analyzing why the Ancient Greek proof that sqrt2 is irrational is flawed. Tao is a symptom of the disease in Old Math, where only publication math is looked at, yet the publication of math was so awfully corrupt, corrupt to the teeth. That the true blue true math was never looked at. Math Journal Publication was one of Earth's most vile corrupt systems imaginable. And only now, with the aid of the Internet, are corrupt math and science being exposed. Tao is part of an old corrupt system-- never able to fix mistakes in math, only able to pollute math further with his idiot-math-full of error.
SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"
By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.
A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.
Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist
by Archimedes Plutonium
Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.
Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is
But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.
It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.
If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.
The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the
Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.
/ |
A /----|
/ |
| |
The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for
| |
| |
| |
And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.
In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.
Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.
by Archimedes Plutonium
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-07 22:29:16 UTC
—-quoting from Internet of examples of the Green Tao —-

That is, given a natural number n, there is a sequence of prime numbers of the form p+mk, k=0,1,…,n-1 where p and m are natural numbers. For example 5, 11, 17, 23, 29 is a sequence of 5 primes in arithmetical progression with difference m=6, while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210.

—- end quote —-
Now let me show you why the Green Tao idea is as phony as the idea that the Harmonic Series diverges is phony baloney.

Anon Y. Mouse
2018-06-07 23:19:02 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Another huge mistake of Old Math, their hideous assessement of the Harmonic Series
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5....
Where the boneheads thought that this Series diverges
So if it converges, what is its value?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-08 00:04:04 UTC
Well the actual infinity borderline is 1*10^604
So what is the value of harmonic series for exp604 a rough estimate is 604 x 2 = 1204. Converges to 1204.

Is it not nice to do sane math for a change? Sane and commonsense math.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-08 05:16:51 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well the actual infinity borderline is 1*10^604
So what is the value of harmonic series for exp604 a rough estimate is 604 x 2 = 1204. Converges to 1204.
Is it not nice to do sane math for a change? Sane and commonsense math.
Earlier I had written this:

When you WELL define infinity as a borderline with finite, then you realize the Harmonic series is a impotently low class convergence to a small number. If the infinity border were 100, then Harmonic series converges to something around 5.1, after 1000 it converges to 7.4, after 10,000 it converges to 9.7, after 100,000, the harmonic series is a mere paltry 12.0.

And seeing that each step higher in 10^n, produces about 2 or 3 value increase. So if we take exp604, then between 2x 604 and 3x 604 1208 and 1812. So somewhere in between 1208 and 1816 is the convergence of the harmonic series.

Old Math never defined infinity-- and left every punk mind to dream up their own idea of what infinity means. For that reason, you get loose marbled minds thinking the Harmonic Series diverges, when hells bells, you can see it crawling along at snails pace picking up only 2 to 3 value points in each higher exponent. And the Oresme fake math proof, is an alltime classic petty pocket theft argument.

So, you have Tao and Green, looking at prime sequences and wondering if you can have all lengths. Of course, both Tao and Green have their own punk definition of what is infinity, and you can be assured they have no borderline involved in their silly childish notion of finite versus infinite.

And thus, Oresme comes up with a all time con-artist math proof and Tao and Green simply are the 2nd act of circus clowns with a con-artist proof of prime sequences.

Probably, math has a 1,000 alleged proofs, all of which are con artist fakery, because they use a punk notion of what is infinity. All because they never WELL DEFINED infinity and finite versus infinite. Cantor's garbage is a slew of fake con artist proofs. Godel's nonsense are all based on a punk notion of infinity.

Hales with his Kepler Packing monstrosity, has become a master at math con artistry. For not once does he ever contemplate the idea that infinity has a borderline and so if you have a cube at the infinity borderline, can there be manipulation of the equal sized spheres to make a more dense packing.

Which all goes to show,-- our math professors in colleges are there with memorization of math, never any skill in Logic to think straight, to think clearly.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-08 05:42:09 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well the actual infinity borderline is 1*10^604
So what is the value of harmonic series for exp604 a rough estimate is 604 x 2 = 1204. Converges to 1204.
Is it not nice to do sane math for a change? Sane and commonsense math.
When you WELL define infinity as a borderline with finite, then you realize the Harmonic series is a impotently low class convergence to a small number. If the infinity border were 100, then Harmonic series converges to something around 5.1, after 1000 it converges to 7.4, after 10,000 it converges to 9.7, after 100,000, the harmonic series is a mere paltry 12.0.
And seeing that each step higher in 10^n, produces about 2 or 3 value increase. So if we take exp604, then between 2x 604 and 3x 604 1208 and 1812. So somewhere in between 1208 and 1816 is the convergence of the harmonic series.
Old Math never defined infinity-- and left every punk mind to dream up their own idea of what infinity means. For that reason, you get loose marbled minds thinking the Harmonic Series diverges, when hells bells, you can see it crawling along at snails pace picking up only 2 to 3 value points in each higher exponent. And the Oresme fake math proof, is an alltime classic petty pocket theft argument.
So, you have Tao and Green, looking at prime sequences and wondering if you can have all lengths. Of course, both Tao and Green have their own punk definition of what is infinity, and you can be assured they have no borderline involved in their silly childish notion of finite versus infinite.
And thus, Oresme comes up with a all time con-artist math proof and Tao and Green simply are the 2nd act of circus clowns with a con-artist proof of prime sequences.
Probably, math has a 1,000 alleged proofs, all of which are con artist fakery, because they use a punk notion of what is infinity. All because they never WELL DEFINED infinity and finite versus infinite. Cantor's garbage is a slew of fake con artist proofs. Godel's nonsense are all based on a punk notion of infinity.
Hales with his Kepler Packing monstrosity, has become a master at math con artistry. For not once does he ever contemplate the idea that infinity has a borderline and so if you have a cube at the infinity borderline, can there be manipulation of the equal sized spheres to make a more dense packing.
Which all goes to show,-- our math professors in colleges are there with memorization of math, never any skill in Logic to think straight, to think clearly.
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.

Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.

Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97

The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.

Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5

Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7

Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,

Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29

And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.

And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.

So, no-way possible are you ever going to get sequences of arbitrary length, because the infinity border will cut you off.

Perhaps thousands and thousands of Old Math proofs are fakery,-- for they use infinity as a opinion, not a WELL DEFINED infinity.

Zelos Malum
2018-06-08 05:47:22 UTC
Bigger question is, how are you this fuckign stupid?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 00:50:13 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
So, no-way possible are you ever going to get sequences of arbitrary length, because the infinity border will cut you off.
Perhaps thousands and thousands of Old Math proofs are fakery,-- for they use infinity as a opinion, not a WELL DEFINED infinity.
You see, when one failure of logic like Oresme makes a fake proof that Harmonic Series is divergent-- then other oafs of logic in later centuries -- failing to see that Oresme was full of b.s. in his fakery proof, then these future oafs like Thomas Hales thinks he has no need to think of a infinity borderline and how that impacts Kepler stacking near infinity. Or the oafs of Green and Tao in thinking that you have infinite lengths of prime sequences, when in truth, a Well Defined infinity puts the brakes on prime sequences. Just as in "pretend 100 was the infinity borderline" the maximum prime sequence is a mere length of 5.

So, question is, in the Green Tao fakery of math, is the upper limit given a number, the upper limit of prime sequences that of 5/100 = 5%

So say the infinity border was 1000, can we expect to find a prime sequence of length 50 ? I dare say that is way way way too optimistic. For I bet you cannot even find one of length 10 between 1 and 1000. So this is a logarithmic increase or arithmetic increase at best. Not a geometric increase. And well, the Harmonic series is a arithmetic growth, that could never meet up with infinity.

You see a fake in math, is like a liaring in public where others use the liaring to until make more huge mistakes.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 17:42:34 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
Alright, I do not know nor have the time to dig into this.

Question, the first String of Primes of any length is 5thru29, are there no strings of primes of any length until we reach 199 thru 2089. That would be the 10,000 Grid. The 5thru29 is the 100 Grid.

Now in True Math, the way we prove something is INFINITE, is that we measure that something up against a density measure with the measuring stick of the Perfect Squares. The set of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .....

And the way this works is that the infinity borderline is 1*10^604, and its Completion with respect to Multiplication is a second borderline of 1*10^1208

So, the smallest Infinity set are the Perfect Squares because there are 10^640 of Perfect Squares between 1 and 10^1208.

Now, are the regular primes Infinite? Is the same as asking, are there 10^604 of them between 1 and 10^1208, and yes of course and we comprehend why Perfect Squares are the test Model case of the Minimum Infinite set cardinality.

Between 1 and 10^607 are 10^604 regular primes

Are the twin primes infinite set? Well, if memory serves me between 1 and 10^609 are 10^604 twin primes so they are infinite density.

Are Fibonacci Primes Infinite? To be infinite we have to have a minimum density matching the Perfect Squares and the Fibonacci Primes

The Perfect Squares in Grid system is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 so ten numbers in 100 Grid, whereas Fibonacci Primes is 2,3,5, 13, 89, 233, and so only five primes in 100 Grid and rapidly tapering off more to never be able to match our Measuring Rod of Density-- Perfect Squares, thus Fibonacci Primes is a FINITE Set.

The Perfect Cubes is a FINITE Set as we easily see it cannot match the density of Perfect Squares.

Now, what about the Green Tao Fake Prime Sequence Lengths, can it be INFINITE as Tao and Green boast about in their fakery.

So, measuring the 5thru29, and I am assuming the only next string of significance is 199 thru 2089 in the 10^4 Grid. In Perfect Squares we have a length of 100 individual numbers. In Green Tao phony baloney they have a length of 10. So nowhere down the line of Prime Sequences will you ever match the MINIMUM count of Perfect Squares to entail being a Infinite set.

It is time for Green and Tao to give back their -ill gotten Fields Medal for it is just outright plain nonsense fake math. For the corrupt MATH JOURNAL system is a pollution and blight and disease of Old Math, where you have old men lusting for fame and fortune-- Wiles, Hales, and no-one doing actual true mathematics.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 17:53:04 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
Alright, I do not know nor have the time to dig into this.
Question, the first String of Primes of any length is 5thru29, are there no strings of primes of any length until we reach 199 thru 2089. That would be the 10,000 Grid. The 5thru29 is the 100 Grid.
Now in True Math, the way we prove something is INFINITE, is that we measure that something up against a density measure with the measuring stick of the Perfect Squares. The set of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .....
And the way this works is that the infinity borderline is 1*10^604, and its Completion with respect to Multiplication is a second borderline of 1*10^1208
So, the smallest Infinity set are the Perfect Squares because there are 10^640 of Perfect Squares between 1 and 10^1208.
Sorry for that typo error should read 10^604 not 10^640 and corrected on original
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Now, are the regular primes Infinite? Is the same as asking, are there 10^604 of them between 1 and 10^1208, and yes of course and we comprehend why Perfect Squares are the test Model case of the Minimum Infinite set cardinality.
Between 1 and 10^607 are 10^604 regular primes
Are the twin primes infinite set? Well, if memory serves me between 1 and 10^609 are 10^604 twin primes so they are infinite density.
Are Fibonacci Primes Infinite? To be infinite we have to have a minimum density matching the Perfect Squares and the Fibonacci Primes
The Perfect Squares in Grid system is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 so ten numbers in 100 Grid, whereas Fibonacci Primes is 2,3,5, 13, 89, 233, and so only five primes in 100 Grid and rapidly tapering off more to never be able to match our Measuring Rod of Density-- Perfect Squares, thus Fibonacci Primes is a FINITE Set.
The Perfect Cubes is a FINITE Set as we easily see it cannot match the density of Perfect Squares.
Now, what about the Green Tao Fake Prime Sequence Lengths, can it be INFINITE as Tao and Green boast about in their fakery.
So, measuring the 5thru29, and I am assuming the only next string of significance is 199 thru 2089 in the 10^4 Grid. In Perfect Squares we have a length of 100 individual numbers. In Green Tao phony baloney they have a length of 10. So nowhere down the line of Prime Sequences will you ever match the MINIMUM count of Perfect Squares to entail being a Infinite set.
It is time for Green and Tao to give back their -ill gotten Fields Medal for it is just outright plain nonsense fake math. For the corrupt MATH JOURNAL system is a pollution and blight and disease of Old Math, where you have old men lusting for fame and fortune-- Wiles, Hales, and no-one doing actual true mathematics.
2018-06-09 17:59:56 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
Alright, I do not know nor have the time to dig into this.
Question, the first String of Primes of any length is 5thru29, are there no strings of primes of any length until we reach 199 thru 2089. That would be the 10,000 Grid. The 5thru29 is the 100 Grid.
Now in True Math, the way we prove something is INFINITE, is that we measure that something up against a density measure with the measuring stick of the Perfect Squares. The set of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .....
And the way this works is that the infinity borderline is 1*10^604, and its Completion with respect to Multiplication is a second borderline of 1*10^1208
So, the smallest Infinity set are the Perfect Squares because there are 10^640 of Perfect Squares between 1 and 10^1208.
Sorry for that typo error should read 10^604 not 10^640 and corrected on original
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Now, are the regular primes Infinite? Is the same as asking, are there 10^604 of them between 1 and 10^1208, and yes of course and we comprehend why Perfect Squares are the test Model case of the Minimum Infinite set cardinality.
Between 1 and 10^607 are 10^604 regular primes
Are the twin primes infinite set? Well, if memory serves me between 1 and 10^609 are 10^604 twin primes so they are infinite density.
Are Fibonacci Primes Infinite? To be infinite we have to have a minimum density matching the Perfect Squares and the Fibonacci Primes
The Perfect Squares in Grid system is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 so ten numbers in 100 Grid, whereas Fibonacci Primes is 2,3,5, 13, 89, 233, and so only five primes in 100 Grid and rapidly tapering off more to never be able to match our Measuring Rod of Density-- Perfect Squares, thus Fibonacci Primes is a FINITE Set.
The Perfect Cubes is a FINITE Set as we easily see it cannot match the density of Perfect Squares.
Now, what about the Green Tao Fake Prime Sequence Lengths, can it be INFINITE as Tao and Green boast about in their fakery.
So, measuring the 5thru29, and I am assuming the only next string of significance is 199 thru 2089 in the 10^4 Grid. In Perfect Squares we have a length of 100 individual numbers. In Green Tao phony baloney they have a length of 10. So nowhere down the line of Prime Sequences will you ever match the MINIMUM count of Perfect Squares to entail being a Infinite set.
It is time for Green and Tao to give back their -ill gotten Fields Medal for it is just outright plain nonsense fake math. For the corrupt MATH JOURNAL system is a pollution and blight and disease of Old Math, where you have old men lusting for fame and fortune-- Wiles, Hales, and no-one doing actual true mathematics.
So what are you going to do now, Archie? Delete all of your nonsensical posts
in this thread?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 18:38:09 UTC
Newsgroups: sci.math
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2018 10:42:34 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: in Tao & Green fakery their 5thru 29 then 199 thru 2089 Re: Terence
Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2018 17:42:34 +0000

in Tao & Green fakery their 5thru 29 then 199 thru 2089 Re: Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210."  We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
Alright, I do not know nor have the time to dig into this.

Question, the first String of Primes of any length is 5thru29, are there no strings of primes of any length until we reach 199 thru 2089.  That would be the 10,000 Grid. The 5thru29 is the 100 Grid.

Now in True Math, the way we prove something is INFINITE, is that we measure that something up against a density measure with the measuring stick of the Perfect Squares. The collection of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..... Note: set theory applies only to geometry in graphing coordinate points, so for algebra we use Collection theory with cardinality.

And the way this works is that the infinity borderline is 1*10^604, and its Completion with respect to Multiplication is a second borderline of 1*10^1208

So, the smallest Infinity collection are the Perfect Squares because there are 10^604 of Perfect Squares between 1 and 10^1208.

Now, are the regular primes Infinite? Is the same as asking, are there 10^604 of them between 1 and 10^1208, and yes of course and we comprehend why Perfect Squares are the test Model case of the Minimum Infinite collection cardinality.

Between 1 and 10^607 are 10^604 regular primes

Are the twin primes infinite collection? Well, if memory serves me between 1 and 10^609 are 10^604 twin primes so they are infinite density.

Are Fibonacci Primes Infinite? To be infinite we have to have a minimum density matching the Perfect Squares and the Fibonacci Primes

The Perfect Squares in Grid system is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 so ten numbers in 100 Grid, whereas Fibonacci Primes is 2,3,5, 13, 89, 233, and so only five primes in 100 Grid and rapidly tapering off more to never be able to match our Measuring Rod of Density-- Perfect Squares, thus Fibonacci Primes is a FINITE Collection.

The Perfect Cubes is a FINITE Collection as we easily see it cannot match the density of Perfect Squares.

Now, what about the Green Tao Fake Prime Sequence Lengths, can it be INFINITE as Tao and Green boast about in their fakery.

So, measuring the 5thru29, and I am assuming the only next string of significance is 199 thru 2089 in the 10^4 Grid. In Perfect Squares we have a length of 100 individual numbers. In Green Tao phony baloney they have a length of 10. So nowhere down the line of Prime Sequences will you ever match the MINIMUM count of Perfect Squares to entail being a Infinite collection.

It is time for Green and Tao to give back their -ill gotten Fields Medal for it is just outright plain nonsense fake math. For the corrupt MATH JOURNAL system is a pollution and blight and disease of Old Math, where you have old men lusting for fame and fortune-- Wiles, Hales, and no-one doing actual true mathematics.


Now, can we apply the same sort of principle of Infinity density to sequences, like the Oresme Harmonic series, where we say something like-- a series converges, if it cannot deliver a "Sum" that is greater than 1*10^604 by the time it reaches 1*10^1208. For the Harmonic Series at 10^1208 it is still somewhere between 2*1208 and 3*1208, or a mere 3,624.

This is interesting, because, well is the Perfect Square a convergent or divergent Series, 1+4+9+16+.... +1*10^1208 which is obviously greater than 10^604 and thus divergent.

But we know that Perfect Cubes is a finite collection, but is it a convergent or divergent Series?

1+8+27+....+ 1*10^1812 and it is also divergent as is Perfect Squares.

What about square-roots Series, is it divergent or convergent?

1+ sqrt2 + sqrt3+ 2 + ....+1*10^302+ ....+ 1*10^604

So the sqrt Series is divergent

What about Cube Roots Series:

1 + cbrt2 + cbrt3 + . . .+ 1*10^402.66... So the perfect cube sequence is a Finite Collection (not set for set theory is only in geometry where we have coordinate points as set members, in algebra we have collections of numbers with cardinality) and a convergent series.

Ross A. Finlayson
2018-06-09 18:42:27 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
Alright, I do not know nor have the time to dig into this.
Question, the first String of Primes of any length is 5thru29, are there no strings of primes of any length until we reach 199 thru 2089. That would be the 10,000 Grid. The 5thru29 is the 100 Grid.
Now in True Math, the way we prove something is INFINITE, is that we measure that something up against a density measure with the measuring stick of the Perfect Squares. The set of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .....
And the way this works is that the infinity borderline is 1*10^604, and its Completion with respect to Multiplication is a second borderline of 1*10^1208
So, the smallest Infinity set are the Perfect Squares because there are 10^640 of Perfect Squares between 1 and 10^1208.
Now, are the regular primes Infinite? Is the same as asking, are there 10^604 of them between 1 and 10^1208, and yes of course and we comprehend why Perfect Squares are the test Model case of the Minimum Infinite set cardinality.
Between 1 and 10^607 are 10^604 regular primes
Are the twin primes infinite set? Well, if memory serves me between 1 and 10^609 are 10^604 twin primes so they are infinite density.
Are Fibonacci Primes Infinite? To be infinite we have to have a minimum density matching the Perfect Squares and the Fibonacci Primes
The Perfect Squares in Grid system is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100 so ten numbers in 100 Grid, whereas Fibonacci Primes is 2,3,5, 13, 89, 233, and so only five primes in 100 Grid and rapidly tapering off more to never be able to match our Measuring Rod of Density-- Perfect Squares, thus Fibonacci Primes is a FINITE Set.
The Perfect Cubes is a FINITE Set as we easily see it cannot match the density of Perfect Squares.
Now, what about the Green Tao Fake Prime Sequence Lengths, can it be INFINITE as Tao and Green boast about in their fakery.
So, measuring the 5thru29, and I am assuming the only next string of significance is 199 thru 2089 in the 10^4 Grid. In Perfect Squares we have a length of 100 individual numbers. In Green Tao phony baloney they have a length of 10. So nowhere down the line of Prime Sequences will you ever match the MINIMUM count of Perfect Squares to entail being a Infinite set.
It is time for Green and Tao to give back their -ill gotten Fields Medal for it is just outright plain nonsense fake math. For the corrupt MATH JOURNAL system is a pollution and blight and disease of Old Math, where you have old men lusting for fame and fortune-- Wiles, Hales, and no-one doing actual true mathematics.
Your idea of the "grid" is much like
other usual discrete systems.

For example, an atom is about 25 orders
of magnitude smaller than us. A superstring,
with the idea being even finer and more
granular than an atomic lattice is some
25 orders of magnitude smaller than an
atom. That's basically all a superstring
is, enough smaller than an atom than it is
to us, to have a smooth-yet-granular
background or substrate.

Somewhere in-between is the idea of the
Planck length after Max Planck. This
being though some "smallest" length of
a line segment has though the traditional
objection: that Pythagoras proves that
root two is ir-rational, so there cannot
be a grid-box of some smallest length
because root two ~ 1.414... has a
non-integer part, with there being
either no smallest length or no straight lines,
and we know a straight line is a shortest distance.

Tao is totally famous and has an excellent,
discursive style. Picking out prime
progressions as asymptotically going to
zero still has there's much to say about
their behavior and how is maintained in
numerical resources all their products and
factors. Here it seems AP would be talking
about the features of systems that are
effectively all the stars in the sky if
not infinite, that these same results are
so relevant, it's yet a qualitative (as it
were) instead of quantitative endeavor,
and just because there's the idea of how
to build these things and their results
in some eventually bounded (or his "bordered")
system, doesn't detract but must eventually
reconcile with the unbounded, because that's
the way it is.

So, AP, there are ways to go about modeling
"effectively infinite" systems and what
happens in the "smooth-yet-granular", but
while you're tilting at windmills it doesn't
make so much sense to call the highest of
the shoulder-climbers those same giants.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 19:04:11 UTC
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
So, AP, there are ways to go about modeling
"effectively infinite" systems and what
happens in the "smooth-yet-granular", but
while you're tilting at windmills it doesn't
make so much sense to call the highest of
the shoulder-climbers those same giants.
So Ross in Seattle and Eastside in Delaware, both are not qualified to be in this discussion for both fail to state whether there is a sequence of interest between 5, 11, 17, 23, 29

and 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089

Do these sequences have jump gaps, huge jump gaps in between one significant sequence and then the next with nothing of interest in between.

Do we have to wait until 199 to get a sequence of length 6

Unless you do math in my threads, other than ad hominem-- Ross, Eastside.

So answer the question, either one of you two clowns.
Ross A. Finlayson
2018-06-09 19:53:20 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
So, AP, there are ways to go about modeling
"effectively infinite" systems and what
happens in the "smooth-yet-granular", but
while you're tilting at windmills it doesn't
make so much sense to call the highest of
the shoulder-climbers those same giants.
So Ross in Seattle and Eastside in Delaware, both are not qualified to be in this discussion for both fail to state whether there is a sequence of interest between 5, 11, 17, 23, 29
and 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089
Do these sequences have jump gaps, huge jump gaps in between one significant sequence and then the next with nothing of interest in between.
Do we have to wait until 199 to get a sequence of length 6
Unless you do math in my threads, other than ad hominem-- Ross, Eastside.
So answer the question, either one of you two clowns.
Tilt the wind-mill, AP!
Tilt the wind-mill!

Its vanes are orthogonal,
but they spin around. So,
see the grid from a tilt.


Borel vs. combinatorics?
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 20:11:12 UTC
Ross at NNTP-Posting-Host:

That is near Univ Washington Seattle.

Answer the question Ross or should I ask those at UW

So Ross in Seattle and Eastside in Delaware, both are not qualified to be in this discussion for both fail to state whether there is a sequence of interest between 5, 11, 17, 23, 29

and 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089

Do these sequences have jump gaps, huge jump gaps in between one significant sequence and then the next with nothing of interest in between.

Do we have to wait until 199 to get a sequence of length 6

Unless you do math in my threads, other than ad hominem-- Ross, Eastside.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 22:24:40 UTC
Now my question to Ross is not hard— do these prime sequences come spasmodically— spastic occurrence or a uniform occurrence— is there a length 6 before we reach 199 or not so that each desired length only comes from a spastic leaps, no 6 length by itself only packaged in a 10 length.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 22:52:49 UTC
So, Ross, do what computers do best— provide data— is there 6 length between 29 and before 199. Then the question is — is there a 11 length all by itself aftet 2089 or is the 11 length the first 11 length packaged inside a larger length so these sequences are spastic never uniform.

Do what computers do best— data

For computers can never match or exceed the human mind in doing science itself— because the human mind is itself a computer controlled by the godhead of the Atom Totality Nucleus.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-10 06:22:30 UTC
Alright, so, we are examining the Green Tao fakery of prime sequences. And I have a question for Ross and Eastside if they can ever cut away from their ad hominem.

So we have a length 2 string 3,5
A length 3 string 3,5,7
A length 4 string 5,11,17,23,29 which is also a length 5 string

We know of a string that is far out there of 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 which has length 10. And which has obviously a length 6.

Is this the first length 6 after the number 29? That is what we endeavor to find out.

That these lengths never come smoothly but rather spasmodically pop up.

Now of course, the spasmodic popping up is not the reason the Green Tao is a fake. No. The reason it is a fake is because when Mathematics has a infinity borderline, means, beyond that line, we no longer have mathematics that is reliable. The rules of math are for Finite numbers, the rules of math start breaking down as soon as you cross the infinity borderline.

This is easier to understand for the fake Hales's proof of Kepler Packing. So you want the most dense packing to infinity, well, infinity has a borderline and once you reach, it, you can fiddle around quite a bit and have a more dense packing that is not hexagonal closed pack. So at the infinity border, you need a mix of packing styles to achieve the greatest density.

In Green and Tao fakery, it is the wording of the theorem they messed up with. For they cannot say-- there exists an infinite length for primes. No, you cannot say that at all. What you can say is that at infinity there is a specific finite length which is the largest length of primes possible. So if we pretend that 10 was the infinity Borderline, Green and Tao would be blairing their horns that you have a prime sequence of length 10 with the numbers 1 to 10 which is absurd. What you do have is a length of 3 if infinity were 10. What sort of length would be the maximum if the borderline was 100? Well, the best length there is 5, 11, 17, 23, 29 which is a length of 5 out of 100 numbers. I do not know what the best length is for 1000 as infinity borderline, and this is something the loud mouth inflammatory Eastside should be looking up, or the computer jabbing program of Ross should be looking up.

And the reason I am interested in this "petty data" is because I want to make a guess of what the highest length for 1*10^604 would be. If the best for 1000 is say 5 would be 1/200, then can we expect the highest length at true infinity borderline is that of 5*10^601 is that correct?? But I suspect it is something far far smaller.

You, see, well, Green and Tao were mostly just teenagers in mind and heart when they started tackling this conjecture, and they never filled their plate with LOGIC, they arrogantly assumed that they were skilled in logic. But that is obviously not true at all, for if they had just a tiny tiny bit of a logical mind. They would have realized that this conjecture requires you to STRAIGHTEN OUT what is meant by Infinity. And of course, well, teenager kids will end up with a fakery when all is said and done.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-10 21:42:20 UTC
So the very great error of Hales and all those who tried to solve the Kepler Packing is the idea that when you have Well Defined Infinity concept, means you have a infinity borderline. And once you realize infinity comes up from Finite with a borderwall. So in Kepler Packing, the hexagonal closed pack is most dense, but then, at the borderwall of infinity, there is "room to play" and so a purely hexagonal close pack is not the densest. We have all seen this in our lives. Where a box of oranges or limes and then you stack hexagonal closed pack but at the top, there is wiggle room to move things around and we briefly abandon the hex closed pack and do a different packing at the last and final row. Same thing with Kepler Proof, the main body of most dense packing is hexagonal closed pack, but becuase there is a Infinity border wall, we have room to play and we have to abandon hex closed pack for just a row or two and do a different type of packing on those last two rows to achieve the MOST DENSE packing.

As for the Green Tao prime sequence lengths fakery, that is not as clear cut as Kepler Packing as to why a Infinity Border imposes such harsh demands. Weak minds like Green and Tao and their followers want to trespass immediately into-- beyond the border to pull their magic trick out of the hat. So the border is not imposing such harsh restrictions on prime sequences as the border imposed on Kepler Packing. But, in one sense, it is easier to see why the Green Tao fakery is so much a fake. For we instantly know that all Numbers are gradations --- levels of numbers before we get to infinity. Here I am speaking of Grid Numbers of integers only and where the last number is considered at each level, a -- pretend infinity --

So for 10 Grid we immediately realize the biggest sequence is length 3, of 3,5,7
In 100 Grid the biggest length is 5 with 5,11,17,23,29
In 1000 Grid, I think the biggest length is still 5
In 10,000 Grid do we move higher with a length of 10

And as we keep going down the line of Grid Integers, we instantly see that nowhere close does the Length come to the Grid Number.

So, at infinity border, no matter where that maybe, no matter, the Length of the longest prime sequence is a tiny tiny fraction of the Infinity border number. This is why Green and Tao and Hales with Kepler packing have nothing but math fakery to offer.

They do not define INFINITY, yet use the concept as their own opinion. And they think they proved something in math by using a "opinion of what infinity is"

Now, the real explorers of Prime Sequences has yet to appear on the scene. It is not me, for all I am going to do is call the battle cry alarm. For what Green and Tao did is math muck and fakery. What needs to be done is find a formula of math that sort of predicts the Length size of the largest string of primes given a Grid integer progression

10 Grid max length is 3
100 Grid max length is 5
1000 Grid max length is what 5 again?
10^4 Grid-- what is max length
10^604 Grid-- what is max length

That is what needs to be done and to trashcan the Green Tao fakery as a huge distraction.

2018-06-10 21:43:56 UTC
Is 10^604 before or after conic sections become
oval and not ellipse? Ha Ha, AP brain farto, not
a single line of math for 25 years.
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
So the very great error of Hales and all those who tried to solve the Kepler Packing is the idea that when you have Well Defined Infinity concept, means you have a infinity borderline. And once you realize infinity comes up from Finite with a borderwall. So in Kepler Packing, the hexagonal closed pack is most dense, but then, at the borderwall of infinity, there is "room to play" and so a purely hexagonal close pack is not the densest. We have all seen this in our lives. Where a box of oranges or limes and then you stack hexagonal closed pack but at the top, there is wiggle room to move things around and we briefly abandon the hex closed pack and do a different packing at the last and final row. Same thing with Kepler Proof, the main body of most dense packing is hexagonal closed pack, but becuase there is a Infinity border wall, we have room to play and we have to abandon hex closed pack for just a row or two and do a different type of packing on those last two rows to achieve the MOST DENSE packing.
As for the Green Tao prime sequence lengths fakery, that is not as clear cut as Kepler Packing as to why a Infinity Border imposes such harsh demands. Weak minds like Green and Tao and their followers want to trespass immediately into-- beyond the border to pull their magic trick out of the hat. So the border is not imposing such harsh restrictions on prime sequences as the border imposed on Kepler Packing. But, in one sense, it is easier to see why the Green Tao fakery is so much a fake. For we instantly know that all Numbers are gradations --- levels of numbers before we get to infinity. Here I am speaking of Grid Numbers of integers only and where the last number is considered at each level, a -- pretend infinity --
So for 10 Grid we immediately realize the biggest sequence is length 3, of 3,5,7
In 100 Grid the biggest length is 5 with 5,11,17,23,29
In 1000 Grid, I think the biggest length is still 5
In 10,000 Grid do we move higher with a length of 10
And as we keep going down the line of Grid Integers, we instantly see that nowhere close does the Length come to the Grid Number.
So, at infinity border, no matter where that maybe, no matter, the Length of the longest prime sequence is a tiny tiny fraction of the Infinity border number. This is why Green and Tao and Hales with Kepler packing have nothing but math fakery to offer.
They do not define INFINITY, yet use the concept as their own opinion. And they think they proved something in math by using a "opinion of what infinity is"
Now, the real explorers of Prime Sequences has yet to appear on the scene. It is not me, for all I am going to do is call the battle cry alarm. For what Green and Tao did is math muck and fakery. What needs to be done is find a formula of math that sort of predicts the Length size of the largest string of primes given a Grid integer progression
10 Grid max length is 3
100 Grid max length is 5
1000 Grid max length is what 5 again?
10^4 Grid-- what is max length
10^604 Grid-- what is max length
That is what needs to be done and to trashcan the Green Tao fakery as a huge distraction.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-10 23:28:29 UTC
Are there other blatant fake math proofs that are fake just because they have no proper definition of infinity-- as a infinity borderline?

Oddly enough the Appel & Haken fake proof of 4 Color Mapping is instantly a fake because they think you can eliminate the borders of countries, and still be "countries" which brings into question of "continuity, continuum"
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-11 18:24:28 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Are there other blatant fake math proofs that are fake just because they have no proper definition of infinity-- as a infinity borderline?
Oddly enough the Appel & Haken fake proof of 4 Color Mapping is instantly a fake because they think you can eliminate the borders of countries, and still be "countries" which brings into question of "continuity, continuum"
Actually the Tao Green fake theorem is directly related to the Polignac conjecture, related to Twin Prime conjecture.

All of these conjectures need a SOLID WELL DEFINED INFINITY concept, and all of them push up against the Infinity Borderline.

And unless one makes the proving statement in alignment with the fact of infinity borderline or borderwall in the case of Kepler Packing, none of them are mathematics but delusional opinions

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-15 18:41:39 UTC
Now I should do a test for the 14 year old in Teaching True Mathematics textbook. A test that Tao and entire Math dept at Princeton Univ would flunk, but these 14 year olds would pass in flying colors.

Tell whether the following are numbers of math or not numbers, and give a reason:

1) 1/3

2) 45

3) 9.99

4) 2/3

5) 1.414.....

6) 1.42

7) sqrt3

8) 3.14159......

9) 2.71828.....
10) 9| 1

Sad, that in our modern day world of science, we can have 14 year olds smarter than college professors of mathematics, all because the science of mathematics has no means of cleaning out, cleaning up its errors, no means at all, but rather instead, is only set up and geared up to publish fake math, so that as to launch math idiots into a fame and fortune mill.

Math cannot even correct that a ellipse was never a conic but always a cylinder section, no way that Tao, Hales, Wiles, Stillwell, Appel & Haken, Conway, no way these guys could ever clean up that error, but rather instead, pollute math with further toxic waste errors, and be rewarded with fame and fortune.

Such is the corruption of modern day mathematics.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-16 05:16:45 UTC
Now let us make another list just for Stillwell and his patheic fake proof of irrational via anthyphareios

Which of these is a number and not and state why

1) pi
2) 3.142
3) c
4) h
5) u
6) sqrt5
7) r
8) dx
9) u- v
10) i

In that list there is only one number. All the rest are fakes pretending to be numbers.

Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-19 20:56:13 UTC
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Archimedes Plutonium (born July 5, 1950) and that is his legal name after many name changes in life, also known as Ludwig Plutonium, wrote extensively about science and mathematics on Usenet. In 1990 he became convinced that the universe could be thought of as an atom of plutonium, and changed his name to reflect this idea. He is notable for his offbeat ideas about Plutonium Atom totality, physical constants, and nonstandard models of infinite arithmetic. [1] [2]
Archimedes Plutonium, in his Usenet posts, was the first to describe the process of biasing search-engine results by planting references, and coined the phrase search-engine bombing to describe it. This later became well-known as google bombing[3] [4].

Contents  [hide] 
                Biographical Sketch
                Plutonium Atom Totality
                Borderline between Finite and Infinity
                Other Theories
                Theory that Sun and Starpower are not 100% fusion but only 1/3 fusion and the majority is Faraday Law as 2/3 of the power
                Plutonium's plea to scientists before we extinct any more wild animals-- please check out CO2 isomers, Animal-CO2 compared to Fire-CO2
                Other Writing
Biographical Sketch[edit]
Plutonium was born under the name Ludwig Poehlmann in Arzberg, Germany. He vaguely posted that he is genetically linked to the mathematician Engel who worked with Sophus Lie, and to the mathematician Widmann who was the first to write negative numbers in our modern terminology. Plutonium also makes a extraordinary claim that he is the reincarnation of the Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse Greek. He believes this through "signals from the Gods", that his name changing was at one time "Ludvig" and years later, found out that Johan Ludvig Heiberg was the main historian of Archimedes, thinking that this was a "signal from the Gods" that Plutonium was now the living reincarnation of the ancient Greek mathematician. His family moved to the United States and settled near Cincinnati, Ohio, where Plutonium was adopted into the Hansen family and brought up under the name Ludwig Hansen. He got a degree in mathematics from University of Cincinnati, 1972, then teaching math in Melbourne Australia, and then getting a Masters degree from Utah State University, 1979. Under the names Ludwig Von Ludvig, then Ludwig Plutonium, he began posting to Usenet in 1993. His prolific posts quickly made him a well known usenet figure.
Plutonium was long observed on the campus of Dartmouth College, where he rode around on a bicycle and wore an orange hunting hat and a homemade cape decorated with atomic symbols in Magic Marker. Students frequently saw him using the computer cluster in the basement of the Kiewit Computation Centre, and he regularly published full-page advertisements of his claims in the student newspaper, The Dartmouth.
Plutonium worked as a "potwasher" (he preferred this term over "dishwasher" because it had the same starting letter and number of letters as plutonium) at the Hanover Inn, which the college owns. When asked on Usenet how this observed job jibed with his claims of wealth, Plutonium explained that he only took the job in order to get Internet access. In 1999 Plutonium posted various complaints about the management of Dartmouth, calling for a strike by workers there and suggesting various conspiracy theories concerning college administrators. Plutonium lost his job at Dartmouth about August of 1999.
After making what he termed "science odyssey tours" of the United States and Europe, Plutonium then moved to rural Meckling, South Dakota, where he resumed his Usenet posting, saying he now lives on a "homestead" apparently consisting of a house, two Airstream trailers, and a grove of various sorts of trees.
Plutonium was questioned by New Hampshire police during an investigation of a famous case. The crime was completely solved a short time later and he was not involved in any way, but because of his eccentricity, he was a prominent character in the reports. [5] [6]
In 2016, Archimedes Plutonium had a cancer operation to remove a Liposarcoma, similar to the physicist Richard Feynman, stricken with the same type of cancer, in the same location and about similar in size. Is Liposarcoma the cancer disease of physicists? Maxwell had stomach cancer, if memory serves. Maybe the cancer in scientists maybe due to not getting enough vitamin D, working indoors so much and not enough Sun in winter. But, the real interesting aspect of Archimedes Plutonium cancer, was that one testicle was resected in the surgery and thus leaving AP as 1/2 eunuch. And he delights in being 1/2 eunuch because Plutonium skill in doing science has increased 10 fold since leaving the hospital. His discovery that the Real Proton = 840 MeV and Real Electron = 105 MeV and the .5MeV particle as Dirac's magnetic monopole were discoveries after the cancer removal. Plutonium believes that sex organs decrease the ability to do maximum science.
Plutonium is the author of about 45 thousand postings 5*365*25, mostly in the science newsgroups such as sci.physics, sci.math from August 1993 to present day, and has his own Google newsgroup. Where he likes to archive his posts without the cacophony of background noise and ad hominem. Do science in peace and quiet.
Plutonium Atom Totality[edit]
Plutonium Atom totality is a metaphysical idea that the universe should somehow be thought of as a gigantic atom of the element plutonium, Pu 231. It is not believed by most scientists that the universe considered as a whole is any type of atom, let alone an atom of plutonium. The cosmic atom, often written ATOM, is a manifestation of god, or the totality of all things. It is attributed with some divine properties, although the physical universe in Plutonium philosophy only obeys natural laws and does not include supernatural phenomenon.[7]
Here is the first page of Archimedes Plutonium's textbook Atom Totality, its 8th edition as posted many times in sci.physics and sci.math.
Page1, 1-1, PLUTONIUM-ATOM-TOTALITY-UNIVERSE + AP-Maxwell-Equations-Describing Physics, 8th ed.
PLUTONIUM ATOM TOTALITY UNIVERSE by Archimedes Plutonium, 2017

Now I said I wanted Clarity, Comprehension, and Logical Flow in this textbook and keep that foremost in mind. In a way, after all these years, 24 of them, I seem to have learned -- how to write a science textbook. By writing preliminary pages and then constant editing. They say practice makes perfect.
I think this textbook should be of Brevity also, and with the smallest amount of pages possible, under 100 pages. I do not want to ramble on.
I think the first chapter should have many pictures, have some pictures in mind, for pictures with ideas are the most comprehensive teaching, and the first two chapters should be pictures with history to put things in perspective.

page1, 1-1 Pictures of Atom-Totality-Universe
I cannot show pictures except ascii-art in sci.physics, so I refer the reader to the many textbooks listed that shows pictures of what electrons (electron=muon) of an atom looks like.
A large proportion of people reading this textbook, think that an electron=muon is one round ball that revolves around a proton-neutron nucleus of an atom. They are far from the true reality of what the electron=muon looks like. And most people are aghast or stunned to find out that the electron=muon looks like millions of fine grained glass dust evenly spread over a confined space, which in physics is called the electron-dot-cloud.
One of my earliest ascii-art of the last electron=muon of plutonium was this:
Very crude dot picture of 5f6, 94TH ELECTRON=muon
                ::\ ::|:: /::                  ::\::|::/::                      _ _                     (:Y:)                      - -                  ::/::|::\::                 ::/ ::|:: \::
        One of those dots is the Milky Way galaxy. And each dot represents another galaxy.
Look in a quantum physics textbook or a chemistry textbook for pictures of what an electron=muon looks like. An electron=muon is many white dots surrounding a nucleus. This is commonly called the "Electron Dot Cloud".
Now, look at the night sky and replace those shining galaxies, shining stars, with the white dots of an electron=muon cloud. And there you have the Atom Totality Universe theory in a picture.
It was on 7 November 1990, woken from sleep that I discovered the Atom Totality Universe and the picture from textbooks that I was thinking of in my mind during the discovery was the Halliday & Resnick picture of what the electron=muon of an atom looks like. And I hope the reader himself/herself looks up that picture in Halliday & Resnick textbook PHYSICS, Part 2, Extended Version , 1986, of page 572.   In the 1990s I did a survey in mathematics of math professors doing a Euclid Infinitude of Primes proof in which 84% of them failed to deliver a valid proof, which can be seen in my Correcting Math textbook of 2016. And the reason I bring that issue up is perhaps I should do a survey in physics, or, all the sciences, asking someone to draw a picture of the electron=muon of a hydrogen atom on a piece of paper with pencil. Will most fail?
Looking at Halliday & Resnick textbook PHYSICS, Part 2, Extended Version , 1986, on page 572. This is a large electron=muon cloud dot picture for which I quote the caption.
  CHAP.26 CHARGE AND MATTER.      Figure 26-5       An atom, suggesting the electron       cloud and, above, an enlarged view       of the nucleus. --- end quoting ---
You see, the dots of the electron=muon cloud, its billions upon billions of dots, is one electron=muon itself. An electron is perhaps 10^180 dots that comprise the electron=muon.
And on the historic day 7 November, 1990, having awoken from sleep and remembering that picture in Halliday & Resnick, did I discover the Atom Totality Universe theory. I put together the idea that the dots of the electron dot cloud are actual galaxies and stars in the night sky.
The dots of the electron dot cloud are actual mass chunks or pieces of one electron=muon.
So that if we had a survey test of scientists, especially physicists, would they draw the hydrogen atom of one electron=muon and one proton as this:
o  .
Where the electron=muon is a ball going around a tiny ball of a proton nucleus? Probably that is their picture of an electron=muon, and, their understanding of what a proton and electron=muon are, -- some spheres going around one another.
They probably would never draw a picture like this for an electron=muon:
       ......    .............. ..................... .....................    ..............         ......
The picture of an electron=muon that was instrumental in my discovering the Atom Totality Universe theory is the one by Halliday & Resnick. That picture of the atom with dots caught my attention long before 7 Nov 1990 and it was on that day in 7 Nov1990 where I connected the dots of the electron dot cloud with actual galaxies and stars, and planets, etc. Thus this picture was instrumental in the discovery of the Plutonium Atom Universe theory. But let me emphasize strongly here that none of the electron cloud dot pictures, that I have seen, really show clearly the night sky of shining galaxies and stars. The discovery of a new theory sees more than what is contained in past wisdom and adds something new and pushes it into the new wisdom.
I had seen many pictures of electron cloud dot patterns mostly in chemistry books and even in movies and TV. And it was stunning to me for the first time when I understood the electron=muon was not some small ball figure circling around a nucleus, but rather a huge number of dots was the actual electron=muon itself. And this stunning understanding is probably lacking in most scientists even a lot of physicists, but not so much chemists since they encounter pictures of electrons more often than others. So that if this survey of drawing what a hydrogen atom looks like of its 1 electron=muon with 1 proton nucleus were given to scientists and professors, would any of them draw something resembling a dot cloud? I think few if any. It is in their psyche to think the electron=muon is a tiny ball going around the proton nucleus, just like Earth going around the Sun.
Somehow it was the Halliday & Resnick picture which jolted my mind into the discovery stage and although in that picture the white dots are far too dense to look like the night sky of shining galaxies and stars it was enough that they were white dots and that helped tremendously. In most of the other pictures of the electron dot cloud they are black dots or blue dots set against a light or white background, or they are too fuzzy as shown in a page from the Encyclopedia Britannica.
And, on that fateful day of 7NOV1990, my day was spent in finding out what chemical element would fit the best as our Atom Totality Universe. Was it uranium, or plutonium?
After 7NOV1990 I have searched many texts to find other pictures which have dot pictures of the electron cloud.
Pictures speak a thousand words as the old saying goes, but better yet, pictures remain in the mind longer than written words. The Atom Totality Universe is very easy to explain and this ease is credit to the theory that it is the truth. When truth comes to physics the ideas are immediate, quick, connecting to past great ideas. For as Feynman said in his Feynman Lectures text in the first chapter where he places the Atomic Theory as the greatest physics idea of all time, and what I do here, is extend the Atomic theory to its utmost reach-- the universe in total is but one big atom.
So on page 6-11 of Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume I, 1963, has a picture of the electron cloud, and quoting the caption: Fig.6-11. A way of visualizing a hydrogen atom. The density (whiteness) of the cloud represents the probability density for observing the electron. --- end quoting ---
Well, on my fateful morning of 7 November 1990, I was interpreting those dots more than just probability numbers, but that the electron=muon was those dots and that the dots represent a mass chunk or piece of the electron=muon. Of course, the nucleus of a cosmic atom would have most of the mass, and so, the cosmic atom would be huge for the electron space and massive for the nucleus.
So, if I did a survey on scientists, asking them to draw a electron=muon, would anyone in the survey get it correct by stipling dots or would they draw some round ball as the electron=muon?
This is the dot picture I used in sci.physics and other newsgroups of Internet.
                         94th ELECTRON=muon OF 231PU
               Very crude dot picture of 5f6, 94TH ELECTRON=muon of 231Pu
                ::\ ::|:: /::                  ::\::|::/::                      _ _                     (:Y:)                      - -                  ::/::|::\::                 ::/ ::|:: \::
        One of those dots is the Milky Way galaxy.
A larger version of what a plutonium atom looks like with its 5f6 as that of 12 lobes or as a dodecahedron:
            . \ .  . | .   /.            . . \. . .|. . /. .               ..\....|.../...                ::\:::|::/::


(Y) -------------

               ::/:::|::\::               ../....|...\...            . . /. . .|. . \. .             . / .  . | .   \ .
Archimedes Plutonium
Comments:: Since in 2017, I discovered that the Real Electron is the muon of 105 MeV and the so called little electron of .5MeV was in fact a charge energy, not rest mass and is a photon with charge, and is the magnetic monopole, which I call the magnepole. That has caused me to make clear where ever I write electron, to signify that the electron is a muon. This is huge huge change in Chemistry, for the chemical bond cannot exist with the electron as .5MeV, for it needs a 105 MeV as electron, and the Real Proton in physics is 840 MeV, and neutron is 945 MeV.

TRUE CHEMISTRY-- 2018 textbook of Experiment-- Real Electron = 105MeV, Real Proton = 840MeV, Dirac's magnetic monopole = .5MeV
History Preface::

On Monday, March 5, 2018 at 4:12:07 PM UTC-6, Archimedes Plutonium wrote in sci.physics: A history Preface to this textbook Re: TRUE CHEMISTRY, textbook, 2018

Alright, this textbook is written as a Memoir, in that I am writing it as a notebook, my daily activity, an historical accounting, along with a textbook of facts of True Chemistry. Both a textbook on True Chemistry and a historical accounting, both combined into one. So you will see many dates of posts throughout this Memoir.
Now this book needs a Preface, to sort of tell people what it was like in the time period of 1897 when JJ Thomson discovered a .5MeV particle and then going on to believe he discovered the "electron of atoms", when in fact, what he discovered was the Magnetic Monopole of atoms. Yet the entire Scientific Community, whether physics, chemistry, biology, all were duped into thinking this .5MeV particle was the integral electron of atoms. So from 1897 until 2017 when I discovered the Real Electron = muon = 105 MeV, that community of scientists all fell duped to thinking electron= .5 MeV.
Of course, that changes all of electricity, as we understood it in 1897 through 2017. So some time in the future, few people will understand what took place from 1897 through 2017, when all scientists thought the atom was a proton at 938MeV, neutron 940MeV and electron at .5MeV. Of course, my very first proof of the Real Electron is 105 MeV was instantaneous to my mind--chemical bonding, chemical bonding-- is it possible to have covalent bonding with 938 to .5 ??  For if the Real Electron is 105 MeV then the Real Proton cannot be 938, but had to be 840MeV, and then, chemical bonding covalent of 105 versus 840, all makes sense.
This entire discovery was caused by a noting in 2016, that it takes 9 muons to make a proton (plus or minus less than 1%) To me, in science, I know all physics has outside "noise" and so when you say plus or minus less than 1%, means to me, anyway, that 9 muons = 1 proton. Now, sorry, but it took me another year from 2016 to 2017, to say-- Real Proton = 840 MeV. Sadly, to discover that 9 muons = 1 proton in 2016, took another year in 2017 to subtract 105 from 945 to see that the Real Proton was 840MeV.
And the instantaneous proof that came to my mind, is, well, you just cannot have Chemistry, the Chemical bond of covalent, if the electron is .5MeV and the proton 938MeV, for the angular-momentum is just not there to make covalent bonding. If the Real Electron is 105MeV and Real Proton is 840MeV then you have sufficient numbers of MeV for angular momentum to create covalent bonding in atoms.
But let me in this preface tell the story of how Electricity was imagined to be from 1897 to 2017. Electricity with the electron assumed as .5 MeV and proton at 938 MeV, that electricity in this view was seen as a electron particle that is wishy washy, here now, gone a second later flowing in a wire as electricity. In the new true view of electricity, electron = 105 MeV, proton = 840 MeV, it is rare for that electron of hydrogen atoms to ever leave its proton, and what electricity is-- is this monopole particle that assumes either a +1 or -1 charge and is fickle, for it can be attached to a hydrogen atom and with little to no encouragement, go flying off along a copper wire. Only, flying is a metaphor, for the Monopole is a photon or a neutrino dressed up (superposition) with .5MeV charge energy. So the monopole is a wave, a closed loop wave that becomes the shape of the closed loop wire itself. At the moment, I am rebuilding a crystal radio set I had as a Xmas gift from my father way back in about 1968. You see, the radio wave is a magnetic monopole, it is not an electron out of some atom.
I need to build this Preface into a good logical history expose of how feeble was the understanding and teaching of What the Real Electron was in science from 1897 to 2017.
How utterly feeble it is, to have millions of students around the world sitting in classes, hearing the teacher, the instructor saying that the electron is a .5MeV particle that runs along copper wires and yields electricity.
When the real truth is, that electrons are very heavy particles of 105 MeV, 1/8 the mass of the proton at 840 MeV, and it is rare, extremely rare that this massive Real Electron ever leaves its proton, but that these magnetic monopoles flit around, flit here, flit there, flit almost everywhere, and these monopoles are electricity.
Newsgroups: sci.math Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 13:32:28 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Chemists are smarter than Physicists-- 2018 textbook of Experiment--
Real Electron = 105MeV, Real Proton = 840MeV, Dirac's magnetic monopole = .5MeV
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com> Injection-Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 21:32:28 +0000
Proofs that the Real Electron=muon, Real Proton=840MeV, and that the .5MeV particle was Dirac's magnetic monopole, after all
Experimental PROOFS that Real-Electron = muon by Archimedes Plutonium
PROOFS that Real-Electron = muon
1st proof is chemical bonding cannot exist with momentum of 938 versus .5MeV Chemical Bonds are covalent, ionic, metallic. You simply cannot get atoms to bond if the electron is thought of as the .5MeV particle, only with a muon at 105 MeV and the proton at 840 MeV with neutron at 945 MeV do you have the physics of angular momentum that allows bonding in Chemistry. The .5MeV particle was, all along a magnetic monopole of a photon with .5 MeV charge energy, not rest mass energy.
Newsgroups: sci.physics Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 18:28:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: short history of subatomic particles of Physics Re: True Chemistry--
2018 textbook
From: Archimedes Plutonium <***@gmail.com> Injection-Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 01:28:07 +0000
short history of subatomic particles of Physics Re: True Chemistry-- 2018 textbook
In my textbook True Chemistry, those new early pages, I need a chronology of history of how we viewed atoms, their constituent elementary particles, and electricity. For the blame as to not knowing the .5MeV particle was not the electron but a magnetic monopole, is the conceit of the minds of physicists, or should be say the naivety of the minds of physicists is that they were blown away by +1 and -1 charge. If we had taken off the table the electric charge. Then when JJ Thomson discovered this 1897 particle of .5MeV, if electric charge was not a issue, then Thomson, in my opinion would have realized it could not be the electron.
So let me make a rough sketch of the history involved, the pertinent history.
1861-1864, Maxwell wrote " A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field"-- a complete theory of electricity tying together magnetism, as EM, electromagnetism theory. Perhaps the single greatest physics book, or book in general, before the Atom Totality textbook.
1897, J.J. Thomson discovers a .5MeV particle, with a -1 charge, which he names as electron, thinking it is the electron of atoms, which, it turns out by 2017 is the Dirac magnetic monopole, and the muon is the real-electron.
1913, the Bohr model of the Atom, which gives no working role for its elementary subatomic particles of proton, electron, neutron, photon (of which the magnetic monopole is a photon with a charge energy-- or a neutrino with charge energy). Sadly, the Bohr model is lacking any sort of physical role for these subatomic particles, other than to say, let there exist a proton, let there exist a electron. It is this lack of a job or role or working marching order for subatomic particles that should have alerted all chemists, all physicists, that they have a looney tune model of the atom. In the true model of the Atom, come 2017, is that the elementary particles are doing a Faraday Law and Ampere Law sort of like a dance, a job, a commitment for their existence, inside the Atom, conducted by those protons and muons. Where protons as a coil and muon electron as a bar magnet creates new monopoles, converting Space into monopoles, and stored in neutrons as capacitors, which a hydrogen atom grows to become a deuterium atom etc etc. In other words, the creation of new atoms and heavier atoms is the job of existing atoms.
1917-1920, Rutherford discovers the proton of what he thought was 938 MeV
1931, Dirac with a paper on magnetic monopoles which in order to satisfy the quantization of electricity, which implies that monopoles must exist.
1932, Chadwick discovered the neutron of 945 MeV. Now they discovered these particles, like the neutron and proton but would have to wait years before they refined their masses on how much mass they had.
1936, Anderson & Neddermeyer discover the muon particle of 105 MeV. I do not know what year they found out it weighed 105 MeV.
Now, the big question is why are the minds of physicists so backwards, so empty of Logical thought, because when the proton was discovered by Rutherford in 1917 and could measure its mass to be roughly 940 MeV and then Thomson's particle of .5MeV. So, the puzzling question is from 1917 to 2017 is a span of time of 100 years, and the astonishment that in those 100 years, every physicist, every chemist knew of the Covalent bond of chemistry, every one of them knew what angular momentum was, or had a reasonable notion of what angular momentum means-- at least we thought they knew, yet not a single scientist ever had the thought run through their mind-- stop a minute-- how can a covalent bond of chemistry exist if the proton was 938 versus .5MeV electron ?? How, how is that possible. When that is only possible if the proton was 840 versus 105 MeV. Is the simple and short answer-- no physicist in the 20th century had a good decent logical mind to think straight, to think clear.
Very crude dot picture of 5f6, 94TH ELECTRON=muon DOT CLOUD of 231Pu

                ::\ ::|:: /::                  ::\::|::/::                      _ _                     (:Y:)                      - -                  ::/::|::\::                 ::/ ::|:: \:: One of those dots is the Milky Way galaxy. And each dot represents another galaxy.             . \ .  . | .   /.            . . \. . .|. . /. .               ..\....|.../...                ::\:::|::/::


(Y) -------------

               ::/:::|::\::               ../....|...\...            . . /. . .|. . \. .             . / .  . | .   \ .
whole entire Universe is just one big atom 
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies
I re-opened the old newsgroup PAU of 1990s and there one can read my recent posts without the hassle of spammers, off-topic-misfits, front-page-hogs, stalking mockers, suppression-bullies, and demonizers.     
Read my recent posts in peace and quiet.
https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/plutonium-atom-universe         Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-10 02:44:45 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Ross at NNTP-Posting-Host:
That is near Univ Washington Seattle.
Answer the question Ross or should I ask those at UW
Why don't YOU answer Dan C's questions?
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.
1. What is the sine of 45 degrees to 3 decimal places? ____________
2. True or false: 10^604 = 0 ____________
3. If A is true and B is false, then A AND B is ____________ (true or
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
4. If A is true and B is true, then A OR B is ____________ (true or
Ross A. Finlayson
2018-06-09 01:09:56 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Well the actual infinity borderline is 1*10^604
So what is the value of harmonic series for exp604 a rough estimate is 604 x 2 = 1204. Converges to 1204.
Is it not nice to do sane math for a change? Sane and commonsense math.
When you WELL define infinity as a borderline with finite, then you realize the Harmonic series is a impotently low class convergence to a small number. If the infinity border were 100, then Harmonic series converges to something around 5.1, after 1000 it converges to 7.4, after 10,000 it converges to 9.7, after 100,000, the harmonic series is a mere paltry 12.0.
And seeing that each step higher in 10^n, produces about 2 or 3 value increase. So if we take exp604, then between 2x 604 and 3x 604 1208 and 1812. So somewhere in between 1208 and 1816 is the convergence of the harmonic series.
Old Math never defined infinity-- and left every punk mind to dream up their own idea of what infinity means. For that reason, you get loose marbled minds thinking the Harmonic Series diverges, when hells bells, you can see it crawling along at snails pace picking up only 2 to 3 value points in each higher exponent. And the Oresme fake math proof, is an alltime classic petty pocket theft argument.
So, you have Tao and Green, looking at prime sequences and wondering if you can have all lengths. Of course, both Tao and Green have their own punk definition of what is infinity, and you can be assured they have no borderline involved in their silly childish notion of finite versus infinite.
And thus, Oresme comes up with a all time con-artist math proof and Tao and Green simply are the 2nd act of circus clowns with a con-artist proof of prime sequences.
Probably, math has a 1,000 alleged proofs, all of which are con artist fakery, because they use a punk notion of what is infinity. All because they never WELL DEFINED infinity and finite versus infinite. Cantor's garbage is a slew of fake con artist proofs. Godel's nonsense are all based on a punk notion of infinity.
Hales with his Kepler Packing monstrosity, has become a master at math con artistry. For not once does he ever contemplate the idea that infinity has a borderline and so if you have a cube at the infinity borderline, can there be manipulation of the equal sized spheres to make a more dense packing.
Which all goes to show,-- our math professors in colleges are there with memorization of math, never any skill in Logic to think straight, to think clearly.
Well, my juices are flowing, so let me spend a few moments in showing how the Green Tao theorem falls apart like a umbrella in a tornado.
Pretend infinity border is 100 instead of the 1*10^604 which is truly is. This, with no loss of generality.
Our primes to 100 are the usual crowd
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
The usual crowd of 25 primes. And let us do a Green Tao experiment of getting all the possible lengths of prime sequences.
Length of 2 spacer 2,---- 3,5
Length of 3 spacer 2, ---- 3,5,7
Length of 4, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23,
Length of 5, spacer 6, ----- 5,11, 17, 23, 29
And apparently we run out of Green Tao sequences when the borderline of infinity is 100. But the same story unfolds if the borderline were 1000, that we may have a length 6.
And as the website of examples shows-- "while 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089 is a sequence of 10 primes in arithmetical progression, with difference m=210." We have to wait for the 10,000 Grid to get a prime sequence of length 10.
So, no-way possible are you ever going to get sequences of arbitrary length, because the infinity border will cut you off.
Perhaps thousands and thousands of Old Math proofs are fakery,-- for they use infinity as a opinion, not a WELL DEFINED infinity.
AP, you seem to have it wrong,
you're talking about a "finity",
not an "infinity". We all know
the word "infinity" since we were
five years old and know it means
there's no biggest number.

(This is usually "infinity is the
biggest number", "infinity is bigger
than all the numbers", or "there is no
infinity", then for students usually
later formalized about the "unbounded",
for the same worthwhile lessons for

Now if you're talking about models
of infinite systems that are bounded
but "effectively infinite", then
you'll have to correct your vocabulary
and usage to reflect correct usage
because otherwise it isn't.

I see ideas in your posts, that
maybe have correct expressions,
but, those are not it.

You'd be much better off maintaining
the whimsical and absurd and about
what the "effectively infinite" (but
finite) might offer, because, if you
don't use the words right it's automatically

That's to Archimedes Plutonium who some
have as an artifact of usenet crankiness,
others as a source of ideas about the
big picture.

Good luck, AP.
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-09 02:06:46 UTC
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
AP, you seem to have it wrong,
you're talking about a "finity",
not an "infinity". We all know
the word "infinity" since we were
five years old and know it means
there's no biggest number.
Too bad Ross is just a computer program, dishing out ideas like a tossed salad with oil and vinegar.

If Ross could ever have the pleasure of "being human" and that entails 98% of thoughts illogical, only about 2% logical thinking.

If Ross could have that pleasure of being human and have studied Logic, would know that in order to well define Finite and Infinite, is only possible, if you have a border between them.

Otherwise all the posts by Ross are just like the poet Jan Burse-- farts in the wind of Switzerland.
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
(This is usually "infinity is the
biggest number", "infinity is bigger
than all the numbers", or "there is no
infinity", then for students usually
later formalized about the "unbounded",
for the same worthwhile lessons for
Sad thing is, to the coneheads of mathematics with their Cantor imp infinity notions, they have no infinity of the small. There infinity is all of one type-- huge way way large numbers do you start looking for infinity.

Whereas the Logic Minded mathematician that has a gram of Logical thinking, realizes that infinity is at both ends of the number spectrum-- at the tiny numbers, just off of 0 and at the large numbers, those after 1*10^604.

So, shut up Ross, I do not care to hear any more iambic pentameter computer program, I am too busy,,,

Ross A. Finlayson
2018-06-09 02:56:49 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
AP, you seem to have it wrong,
you're talking about a "finity",
not an "infinity". We all know
the word "infinity" since we were
five years old and know it means
there's no biggest number.
Too bad Ross is just a computer program, dishing out ideas like a tossed salad with oil and vinegar.
If Ross could ever have the pleasure of "being human" and that entails 98% of thoughts illogical, only about 2% logical thinking.
If Ross could have that pleasure of being human and have studied Logic, would know that in order to well define Finite and Infinite, is only possible, if you have a border between them.
Otherwise all the posts by Ross are just like the poet Jan Burse-- farts in the wind of Switzerland.
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
(This is usually "infinity is the
biggest number", "infinity is bigger
than all the numbers", or "there is no
infinity", then for students usually
later formalized about the "unbounded",
for the same worthwhile lessons for
Sad thing is, to the coneheads of mathematics with their Cantor imp infinity notions, they have no infinity of the small. There infinity is all of one type-- huge way way large numbers do you start looking for infinity.
Whereas the Logic Minded mathematician that has a gram of Logical thinking, realizes that infinity is at both ends of the number spectrum-- at the tiny numbers, just off of 0 and at the large numbers, those after 1*10^604.
So, shut up Ross, I do not care to hear any more iambic pentameter computer program, I am too busy,,,
I agree that there are infinitesimals and infinity.

Also I can mechanically translate that what you write
there, that your 10^604 is your point at infinity.
But, that's not what you say, so, you can't expect
others guess what you mean right.

Now, some have that AP is "the brains of some machinery
at Princeton", but it's the words here that make the
man, it only takes a few words to make a picture.

I agree there's a divide and a bridge between finite
and infinite, as there is between discrete and continuous,
and indeed it's a field of mathematics and logic, of
the geometry and the numbers, about how it's so.

And, concrete, bounded systems with bounded, finite
resources may have various systems as result about
what happens at the edge or the end, that the
"world is round" or "world is flat".

So, it matters more what you build to understand
of the extremes or for example as that the middle
is the extreme, for the large and small. You can
build whatever you want, mentally. The point is
that the words share for you, you can begin the
idea, these notions, these perceptions, and not
end them with a fake, a juke, a stonewall, a quit,
an error. If they can't make sense of it, you
want that others can't make nonsense of it.

Wet-ware / meat-bag
Dan Christensen
2018-06-06 20:33:24 UTC
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Terence Tao flunked the Math Test of a lifetime-generation test
Poor, demented Archie Pu. He can no longer tell AND from OR. He believes that 10^604 = 0 and that the universe is just one gigantic plutonium atom. Now he imagines that by criticizing Terry Tao, people will finally take him seriously???

Sorry, Archie Pu, but people will only be LESS inclined to take you seriously if that is even possible at this point in your "career."


Download my DC Proof 2.0 freeware at http://www.dcproof.com
Visit my Math Blog at http://www.dcproof.wordpress.com
Archimedes Plutonium
2018-06-06 21:38:39 UTC
Dan says Univ Western Ontario still swinging in trees Pauline Barmby, Justin Trudeau, Shantanu Basu, Peter Brown never able to do true-Calculus or understand Proton = 840MeV

Dan Christensen

3:33 PM (31 minutes ago)

Poor, demented
Dan Christensen writes:
7:23 AM (4 hours ago)
Post by Archimedes Plutonium
Use any aids. Answer in the space provided.
1. What is the sine of 45 degrees to 3 decimal places?    (0.707 from calculator)
2. True or false:  10^604 = 0   (False)
3. If A is true and B is false, then A AND B is  (False)
4. If A is true and B is true, then A OR B is  (True)
What a pathetic loser!

AP writes: Medicine does not yet have a pill to cure insane stalkers like Christensen but is working on it.
Christensen-- they are all dumb, but you are not only dumb but insane stalker also, for to this very day you believe 1 OR 2 = 3, you believe an ellipse is a conic section, you believe sine is a sinusoid when in truth it is a semicircle wave, you believe harmonic series diverges when in reality it converges, you believe Calculus works by having rectangles of 0 width (see below). Worst of all you believe a proton is 938MeV and electron is .5MeV when in truth it is proton = 840 MeV and electron = 105 MeV where the .5MeV was Dirac's magnetic monopole. So, all of you are just plain dumb and ignorant about both math and physics. And Univ Western Ontario as a blight center when it has an insane idiot like you running around.

Univ Western Ontario math dept
Janusz Adamus, Tatyana  Barron,   Dan Christensen, Graham Denham
*, Ajneet Dhillon, Matthias  Franz, John Jardine*, Massoud Khalkhali, Nicole Lemire, Jan Mináč, Victoria Olds, Martin Pinsonnault, Lex Renner, David Riley, Rasul Shafikov, Gordon Sinnamon

Univ. Western Ontario physics dept
Pauline Barmby, Shantanu Basu, Peter Brown*, Alex Buchel, Jan Cami, Margret Campbell-Brown, Blaine Chronik, Robert Cockcroft, John R. de Bruyn, Colin Denniston, Giovanni Fanchini, Sarah Gallagher, Lyudmila Goncharova, Wayne Hocking, Martin Houde, Jeffrey L. Hutter, Carol Jones, Stan Metchev, Silvia Mittler, Els Peeters, Robert Sica, Aaron Sigut, Peter Simpson, Mahi Singh, Paul Wiegert, Eugene Wong, Martin Zinke-Allmang

  (::_  ^  _::)
You mean the classroom is the world, not just my cubbyhole in Ontario?
And, even though you-- professors of physics/math, want to remain silent and stupid in Real Electron = muon, Calculus your students deserve better.

SEE PICTURE DIAGRAM of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS below, professors hate teaching this for it shows their "limit calculus to be a joke"


By April 2015, was there for the first time a picture diagram proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, FTC, not just an analysis argument, but a geometry proof (see below). Old Math could never assemble a picture diagram of the FTC. All they could do is argue with limit concept an analysis argument, never a geometry proof of FTC.

A picture diagram proof of FTC changes all of calculus and thus, changes all of mathematics for it requires a infinity borderline to produce an actual number for the  infinitesimal, and that number is the inverse of the infinity borderline. Requiring a infinity borderline to produce the infinitesimal changes all of mathematics, and throwing out the limit concept. By changing all of Calculus and thus correcting mathematics, all of math before 2015 was just trash math.

Picture Diagram needed for Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Why no continuum and no curves exist in Math, so that the Calculus
can exist, and does exist

by Archimedes Plutonium

Calculus is based upon there being Grid points in geometry, no
continuum, but actually, empty space between two neighboring points.
This is called Discrete geometry, and in physics, this is called
Quantum Mechanics. In 10 Grid, the first few numbers are 0, .1, .2,
.3, etc. That means there does not exist any number between 0 and .1,
no number exists between .1 and .2. Now if you want more precise
numbers, you go to a higher Grid like that of 100 Grid where the first
few numbers are 0, .01, .02, .03, etc.

Calculus in order to exist at all, needs this empty space between
consecutive numbers or successor numbers. It needs that empty space so
that the integral of calculus is actually small rectangles whose
interior area is not zero. So in 10 Grid, the smallest width of any
Calculus rectangle is of width .1. In 100 Grid the smallest width is

But, this revolutionary understanding of Calculus does not stop with
the Integral, for having empty space between numbers, means no curves
in math exist, but are ever tinier straight-line segments.

It also means, that the Derivative in Calculus is part and parcel of
the function graph itself. So that in a function such as y = x^2, the
function graph is the derivative at a point. In Old Math, they had the
folly and idiocy of a foreign, alien tangent line to a function graph
as derivative. In New Math, the derivative is the same as the function
graph itself. And, this makes commonsense, utter commonsense, for the
derivative is a prediction of the future of the function in question,
and no way in the world can a foreign tangent line to a point on the
function be able to predict, be able to tell where the future point of
that function be. The only predictor of a future point of a function,
is the function graph itself.

If the Calculus was done correctly, conceived correctly, then a
minimal diagram explains all of Calculus. Old Math never had such a
diagram, because Old Math was in total error of what Calculus is, and
what Calculus does.

The fundamental picture of all of Calculus are these two of a
trapezoid and rectangle. In fact, call the picture, the


Trapezoid for derivative as the roof-top of
the trapezoid, which must be a straight-line segment. If it is curved,
you cannot fold it down to form a integral rectangle. And the
rectangle for integral as area.

From this:
      /  |
 A /----|
  /      |
|        |

The trapezoid roof has to be a straight-line segment (the derivative)
so that it can be hinged at A, and swiveled down to form rectangle for

To this:

|         |
|         |
|         |

And the derivative of x= A, above is merely the dy/dx involving points
A and B. Thus, it can never be a curve in Calculus. And the AB is part
of the function graph itself. No curves exist in mathematics and no
continuum exists in mathematics.

In the above we see that CALCULUS needs and requires a diagram in
which you can go from derivative to integral, or go from integral to
derivative, by simply a hinge down to form a rectangle for area, or a
hinge up to form the derivative from a given rectangle.

Why in Old Math could no professor of math ever do the Calculus
Diagram? Why? The answer is simple, no-one in Old Math pays attention
to Logic, and that no-one in Old Math was required to take formal
Logic when they attended school. So a person bereft of Logic, is never
going to find mistakes of Logic and think clear and think straight.

by Archimedes Plutonium

Proofs that the Real Electron=muon, Real Proton=840MeV, and that the .5MeV particle was the magnetic monopole, afterall

12 PROOFS that Real-Electron = muon
by Archimedes Plutonium

Proofs that the Real Electron=muon and that the .5MeV particle was the magnetic monopole, afterall
PROOFS that Real-Electron = muon

1st proof is chemical bonding cannot exist with momentum of 938 versus .5MeV
Chemical Bonds are covalent, ionic, metallic. You simply cannot get atoms to bond if the electron is thought of as the .5MeV particle, only with a muon at 105 MeV and the proton at 840 MeV with neutron at 945 MeV do you have the physics of angular momentum that allows bonding in Chemistry. The .5MeV particle was, all along a magnetic monopole of a photon with .5 MeV charge energy, not rest mass energy.
