Roberts & 6 conservative Justices getting out of the business of Justice and going into the business of demigod promotion like Donald Trump. The modern updated definition of a "conservative judge" -- not a single whole marble of logic in that entire brain cap, impossible to think straight, think clear.
John Roberts has the case of 6Jan2021 Trump storming of the Capitol Building with police officers killed and injured, and most bizarrely, Roberts and his 5 confederate conservatives seek NO justice for the death and injury of those police officers. No, instead Roberts and his 5 confederates no longer do the business of Justice in their supreme court, instead they do the business of Promotion of Petty demigods like Donald Trump.
Why, the supreme court on 8 Feb, yesterday never even touched the subject of Trump caused insurrection storming the capitol building and killing and injuring police officers. Roberts and his 5 allies no longer know what Justice means, what Justice seeks.
No, Roberts and his 5 allies see the courts as a platform to advertise and promote who they like to advertise and promote and maybe one of their children can get a all expenses paid education from Trump University where they teach the slant cut of a cone is ellipse, and the slant cut of a cylinder is also a ellipse and they teach that water is H2O because they are too dumb to actually weigh the mass of hydrogen compared to oxygen in water electrolysis; for they stop short at looking at volume.
When had the USA Supreme Court died as an institution of Justice??? My guess is that it died back in the 1980s when no justices were nominated that ever had a course in Logic from college under his her belt. To know how to think straight and think clearly, for the essentials of being a Judge at all-- thinking straight and clear. For Roberts and his 5 hooligans could not think their way out of a paper bag of logic.
Trump insurrection --Supreme Court Comics
Colorado lawyer:: So the President is not listed as officer, because everyone knows he is a officer of the Constitution, and no need to state it as such. And you Mr. Kavanaugh and Mr. Roberts need to focus on the essentials of this case-- Trump committed insurrection.
Bret Kavanaugh:: The essentials of this case is that no octagenarian crosses the Mexico border for they will run for election as US President.
Univ Manchester Toby Howard:: The essentials of online crackpots...
AP:: Yes, Toby,, sad that the USA Supreme Court never studied logic in college and university, and could never put together a string of ideas that are sound and logical, why Toby, did you know that America discovered its great philosophy of Pragmatism, yet the Supreme Court does not know what that is-- all they know is textualism crackpottery,, why they do not even know a case on "did Trump cause insurrection" is about "did he cause insurrection" not whether one state or another state barrs Trump.
John Roberts:: I thought the essentials of this case was that Finland takes one week to secure and seals its border with Russia, while Trump failed to do that in 4 years while in office, and now harping that another 4 years with Trump will seal the border, when Finland does it in one week.
Maine lawyer:: The essentials of this case is Trump committed insurrection killing and injuring Capital Building police officers, and you Brett and John are too dense in logic that you cannot fight your way out of a paper sack of logic if your life depended on it.
John Roberts:: No, the states should not determine how to build fences like Finland and let Mexico octagenarians swim across the Texas river and run for President of the United States. For Governor Abbott determines what the busing of illegal immigrants can join Trump at the Capital Building and fight their way out of Logic Paper Sacks and swim the Texas Rivers.
Colorado Lawyer:: Mr Roberts, why on Earth can you not focus on insurrection as the main issue of this case?
John Roberts:: Because I spent my college years vaping and sucking on highway exhaust fumes and diesel exhaust pipes that I no longer can focus on main topics, and just ramble on side issues that are irrelevant, just like Brett Kavanaugh, lost in the weeds of logic.
Biden reCAPTcha censor blocked this AP post in sci.math as a new thread in sci.math but rather Biden's censor likes to fill sci.math with reams of 40 spam-mill posts every 2 hours of Ebooks and Asia slot machines. So AP is left with no option other than posting the below in a old thread.
AP's 334th book of science-- Similarities in the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump-- where they get crowds stirred up to commit violence on the rest of American society and thus Democracy crumbles into a bully dictatorship-- how Trump threatens
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
12:23 AM (16 hours ago)
AP's__334th book of science-- bully Trump similar to Hitler and how Hitler turned Weimar Germany into a dictatorship
AP's 334th book of science-- Similarities in the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump-- where
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
3:31 AM (13 hours ago)
So today is 8Feb2024 and many eyes and ears on the US Supreme Court for the Trump insurrection of
Archimedes Plutonium's profile photo
Archimedes Plutonium
2:26 PM (2 hours ago)
On Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 3:38:38 AM UTC-6 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
So today is 8Feb2024 and many eyes and ears on the US Supreme Court for the Trump insurrection of 6Jan2021 and whether Colorado and Maine and states can keep Trump off the ballot because the 14th Amendment of US Constitution says so.
And Trump has become dangerous to the US democracy for he whips up hatred in his crowds and signals them to do threats or violence upon other US citizens, not just the Storming of the Capitol building.
Why the first time I see this bully streak in Trump goes back to 2016 when he consciously made this sick bully remark. See below.
He said consciously as a bully he could kill someone in 5th Avenue and not lose a single voter.
But subconsciously Trump was thinking when he made that awful idea-- subconsciously he was thinking-- why running for office,,,, he could get his mob crowd of supporters to go out and threaten and kill someone he disliked. In other words, Trump saw that politics would garner him followers who would do violence on his behalf. And that Trump would get away with it.
And that is pretty much the whole story of Trump's life-- get away with things he caused-- get away with finances. Get away with storming the Capitol. Get away with liaring. I personally in life met many people like this-- once you tell them the rules-- is the very moment they want to skirt or get around the rules, never want to play by the rules, always dodging and breaking the rules, and that is probably one of the reasons Trump gets supporters for they are rule breakers themselves. People that just do not want to live with rules, no, they want to circumvent and cheat the system.
About half of Americans upon being told a law, a rule, their minds are such that they will not obey the rule but look for a way around the rule. Even though the rule or law is made for the good of all society. Say we have a drought, huge drought and the new rule or law is made to ration water. About half of the American people will not obey the letter of the law but circumvent the law in cheating, will devise ways to get more than their fair share.
About half of Americans see laws as what other should obey but not themselves.
About half of Americans believe they need not obey laws but are above the law and see themselves as special. See themselves as rules and laws are for other people to obey, while they routinely skirt the law, are above the law and will never be caught.
This type of mentality is Trump's mentality. He goes to a department store and he is above the law and assaults a women in the dressing room. Trump campaign rallies-- a long list of hatemongering of people Trump hates and expects his mob crowd to harass and pester those mentioned in the list. For Trump followers and supporters are much like Trump when it comes to laws and rules of a society. Laws and rules are for others to obey and follow while Trump and his followers and routinely disobey and ignore.
And super ironic that Trump running for office of President of the US must follow a super law and rule-- the US Constitution. Here we have Trump ignoring and breaking laws and rules all his life, and now he wants to be President where he must obey the supreme rules and laws in American Society-- the Constitution.
This is why Trump gets violent mobs to bid his calling and doing-- people who are bullies themselves and never want to follow and obey rules-- for laws, rules are for other people to obey, not them.
This is how Hitler destroyed Weimar Democratic Germany, for he surrounded himself with bully mobs that easily commit violence on the rest of German society, and the fabric of democracy in Weimar Germany fell apart.
If the Judicial system the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump, it will not be long that the entire judicial system of USA comes falling down and torn down by Trump mobs of violence. And then all Trump needs to do to make a complete dictatorship of the USA is have a military coup by a reverse Tommy Tuberville on the top brass in the military and replace them with Trump bullies.
Democracies are fragile, for bullies are everywhere and with constant pressure to replace the democracy.
In the below statement by Trump in 2016 is a look into his mind of what he really is made of-- a man that stands above the law, a man that thinks he is the greatest gift to mankind, a man that will muster a violent mob and kill police officers in the Storming of the Capitol building on 2021. The below statement by Trump, is the "most sick statement" that AP has ever heard of from a campaign speech, the most sick single sentence I ever heard out of the mouth of a candidate for US presidency.
We see this transfer of threats and violence on all of Trump's court cases-- the judge, the prosecutor, the jury, the witnesses, the defendant.
A campaign rally by Trump has become a hate sheet to mobilize a crowd mob on those persons. And a 2nd term in office for Trump would likely be the end of US Constitutional democracy, and the US becomes a fascist Nazi dictator, in my humble opinion.
Donald Trump: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't ...
NPR › sections › thetwo-way › 2016/01/23
Jan 23, 2016 — The GOP presidential candidate cracked the joke at a campaign stop in Iowa on Saturday. Less than two weeks from the state's caucus, Trump ...
Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters' › 2016/01/23 › politics › donald-tr...
Jan 24, 2016 — Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a ...
Trump Says He Could 'Shoot Somebody' and Still Maintain ...
NBC News › politics › 2016-election
Jan 23, 2016 — Donald Trump said Saturday that his supporters are so loyal that he would not lose backers even if he were to shoot someone in the middle of ...
Confident Trump says could 'shoot somebody' and not lose ...
Reuters › article
Jan 23, 2016 — U.S. Republican front-runner Donald Trump expressed confidence on Saturday that he could push back attempts by his rivals to knock him off ...
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters
YouTube · CNN
787K+ views · 8 years ago
At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."
Trump said he could kill and win – Covid and cheating may ...
The Guardian › commentisfree › oct
Oct 11, 2020 — “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,” Donald Trump boasted in 2016. He thought his ...
If Trump shot someone dead on Fifth Avenue, many ...
Washington Post › 2019/03/14 › if-tr...
Mar 14, 2019 — “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?” Trump said, mimicking firing a gun with ...
Donald Trump: I could "shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose ...
CBS News › Politics
Jan 23, 2016 — The Republican presidential candidate speaks out on the "incredible" loyalty of his fans.
AP kindly asks Google to let AP run all three, sci.math, sci.physics, PAU as he runs PAU, now--- all pure science, no spam and no govt b.s.
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Archimedes Plutonium